Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GetReferences()
            var code = @"module A;
int foo();
enum enumFoo = foo();
void main(){

            using (var vd = new VDServerDisposable(code))
                var instance = vd.Initialize();
                instance.GetReferences(vd.FirstModuleFile, null, 5, 0, null, false);

                string answer;
                int    remainingAttempts = 200;
                    Thread.Sleep(200 - remainingAttempts);
                    instance.GetReferencesResult(out answer);
                } while (answer == "__pending__" && remainingAttempts-- > 0);

                var references         = answer.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var expectedReferences = new[]
                    "2,4,2,7:" + vd.FirstModuleFile + "|int foo();",
                    "3,15,3,18:" + vd.FirstModuleFile + "|enum enumFoo = foo();",
                    "5,0,5,3:" + vd.FirstModuleFile + "|foo();"
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedReferences, references);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GetDefinition()
            var code_A = @"module test0;
void foo();";
            var code_B = @"module test1; import test0;
void main() {

            using (var vd = new VDServerDisposable(code_A, code_B))
                var instance = vd.Initialize();
                instance.GetDefinition(vd.ModuleFileNames[1], 3, 0, 3, 1);

                string targetFilename;
                int    startLine, startIndex, endLine, endIndex;
                int    remainingAttempts = 200;
                    Thread.Sleep(200 - remainingAttempts);
                    instance.GetDefinitionResult(out startLine, out startIndex,
                                                 out endLine, out endIndex, out targetFilename);
                } while (targetFilename == "__pending__" && remainingAttempts-- > 0);

                Assert.That(targetFilename, Is.EqualTo("EXTERN:" + vd.FirstModuleFile));
                Assert.That(startLine, Is.EqualTo(2));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GetParseErrors()
            var code = @"module test0;
void foo() {

            using (var vd = new VDServerDisposable(code))
                var instance = vd.Initialize();
                instance.GetParseErrors(vd.FirstModuleFile, out var errors);
                Assert.That(errors, Is.EqualTo(@"4,0,4,1:<Identifier> expected, } found!
4,0,4,1:; expected, } found!
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void GetSemanticExpansions()
            var code = @"module test;
void foo() {
	A!`asdf` a;

class A(string mixinCode) {
	mixin(`int ` ~ mixinCode ~ `;`);
	int bar();
	string c = mixinCode;

            using (var vd = new VDServerDisposable(code))
                var instance = vd.Initialize(CompileFlags(VDServerEditorFlags.EnableMixinAnalysis));
                instance.GetSemanticExpansions(vd.FirstModuleFile, String.Empty, 4, 2, null);

                string answer;
                int    remainingAttempts = 200;
                    Thread.Sleep(200 - remainingAttempts);
                    instance.GetSemanticExpansionsResult(out answer);
                } while (answer == "__pending__" && remainingAttempts-- > 0);

                var receivedExpansions = answer.Split(new [] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var expectedExpansions = new[]
                    "asdf:VAR:int test.A.asdf",
                    "bar:MTHD:int test.A.bar()",
                    "c:VAR:string test.A.c",
                    "init:SPRP:static A!mixinCode init\aA type's or variable's static initializer expression",
                    "sizeof:SPRP:static uint sizeof\aSize of a type or variable in bytes",
                    "alignof:SPRP:uint alignof\aVariable alignment",
                    "mangleof:SPRP:static string mangleof\a"
                    + "String representing the ‘mangled’ representation of the type",
                    "stringof:SPRP:static string stringof\aString representing the source representation of the type",
                    "classinfo:SPRP:object.TypeInfo_Class classinfo\aInformation about the dynamic type of the class"
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedExpansions, receivedExpansions);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void GetTip()
            var code = @"module test;
void maintip() {}";

            using (var vd = new VDServerDisposable(code))
                var instance = vd.Initialize();
                instance.GetTip(vd.FirstModuleFile, 2, 7, 2, 7, 0);

                string answer;
                int    remainingAttempts = 200;
                    Thread.Sleep(200 - remainingAttempts);
                    instance.GetTipResult(out var startLine, out var startIndex,
                                          out var endLine, out var endIndex, out answer);
                } while (answer == "__pending__" && remainingAttempts-- > 0);

                Assert.That(answer, Is.EqualTo("void test.maintip()"));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void GetIdentifierTypes()
            using (var vd = new VDServerDisposable(@"module A;"))
                var instance = vd.Initialize();
                instance.UpdateModule(vd.FirstModuleFile, @"module A;
void foo();
void bar(){
	struct NestedStruct{}
class MyClass{}
struct SomeStruct{}
MyClass a;", 2);

                instance.GetIdentifierTypes(vd.FirstModuleFile, 0, -1, 1);
                string answer;
                int    remainingAttempts = 200;
                    Thread.Sleep(200 - remainingAttempts);
                    instance.GetIdentifierTypesResult(out answer);
                } while (answer == "__pending__" && remainingAttempts-- > 0);

                var identifierTypes    = answer.Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var expectedReferences = new[]
                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedReferences, identifierTypes);