Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SetPropertiesForClass(RuntimeArgumentCollection args, object toSetPropertiesOf)
            if (toSetPropertiesOf == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(ProcessTask.Path + " instance has not been created yet! Call SetProperties after the factory has created the instance.");

            if (UsefulStuff.IsAssignableToGenericType(toSetPropertiesOf.GetType(), typeof(IPipelineRequirement <>)))
                throw new Exception("ProcessTask '" + ProcessTask.Name + "' was was an instance of Class '" + ProcessTask.Path + "' which declared an IPipelineRequirement<>.  RuntimeTask classes are not the same as IDataFlowComponents, IDataFlowComponents can make IPipelineRequirement requests but RuntimeTasks cannot");

            if (UsefulStuff.IsAssignableToGenericType(toSetPropertiesOf.GetType(), typeof(IPipelineOptionalRequirement <>)))
                throw new Exception("ProcessTask '" + ProcessTask.Name + "' was was an instance of Class '" + ProcessTask.Path + "' which declared an IPipelineOptionalRequirement<>.  RuntimeTask classes are not the same as IDataFlowComponents, IDataFlowComponents can make IPipelineRequirement requests but RuntimeTasks cannot");

            //get all possible properties that we could set
            foreach (var propertyInfo in toSetPropertiesOf.GetType().GetProperties())
                //see if any demand initialization
                DemandsInitializationAttribute initialization = (DemandsInitializationAttribute)System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(propertyInfo).FirstOrDefault(a => a is DemandsInitializationAttribute);

                //this one does
                if (initialization != null)
                        //get the approrpriate value from arguments
                        var value = args.GetCustomArgumentValue(propertyInfo.Name);

                        //use reflection to set the value
                        propertyInfo.SetValue(toSetPropertiesOf, value, null);
                    catch (NotSupportedException e)
                        throw new Exception("Class " + toSetPropertiesOf.GetType().Name + " has a property " + propertyInfo.Name +
                                            " but is of unexpected type " + propertyInfo.GetType(), e);
                    catch (KeyNotFoundException e)
                        if (initialization.Mandatory)
                            throw new ArgumentException(
                                      "Class " + toSetPropertiesOf.GetType().Name + " has a Mandatory property '" + propertyInfo.Name +
                                      "' marked with DemandsInitialization but no corresponding argument was provided in ArgumentCollection", e);