Exemplo n.º 1
 private static BaseInvokableCall GetObjectCall(UnityEngine.Object target, MethodInfo method, ArgumentCache arguments)
     System.Type type = typeof(UnityEngine.Object);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments.unityObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName))
         System.Type type1 = System.Type.GetType(arguments.unityObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName, false);
         if (type1 != null)
             type = type1;
             type = typeof(UnityEngine.Object);
     System.Type type2 = typeof(CachedInvokableCall<>);
     System.Type[] typeArguments = new System.Type[] { type };
     System.Type[] types = new System.Type[] { typeof(UnityEngine.Object), typeof(MethodInfo), type };
     ConstructorInfo constructor = type2.MakeGenericType(typeArguments).GetConstructor(types);
     UnityEngine.Object unityObjectArgument = arguments.unityObjectArgument;
     if ((unityObjectArgument != null) && !type.IsAssignableFrom(unityObjectArgument.GetType()))
         unityObjectArgument = null;
     object[] parameters = new object[] { target, method, unityObjectArgument };
     return (constructor.Invoke(parameters) as BaseInvokableCall);
        static internal int checkDelegate(IntPtr l,int p,out UnityEngine.Display.DisplaysUpdatedDelegate ua) {
            int op = extractFunction(l,p);
			if(LuaDLL.lua_isnil(l,p)) {
				return op;
            else if (LuaDLL.lua_isuserdata(l, p)==1)
                ua = (UnityEngine.Display.DisplaysUpdatedDelegate)checkObj(l, p);
                return op;
            LuaDelegate ld;
            checkType(l, -1, out ld);
                ua = (UnityEngine.Display.DisplaysUpdatedDelegate)ld.d;
                return op;
			l = LuaState.get(l).L;
            ua = () =>
                int error = pushTry(l);

				ld.pcall(0, error);
				LuaDLL.lua_settop(l, error-1);
			return op;
        static internal int checkDelegate(IntPtr l,int p,out UnityEngine.Application.AdvertisingIdentifierCallback ua) {
            int op = extractFunction(l,p);
			if(LuaDLL.lua_isnil(l,p)) {
				return op;
            else if (LuaDLL.lua_isuserdata(l, p)==1)
                ua = (UnityEngine.Application.AdvertisingIdentifierCallback)checkObj(l, p);
                return op;
            LuaDelegate ld;
            checkType(l, -1, out ld);
                ua = (UnityEngine.Application.AdvertisingIdentifierCallback)ld.d;
                return op;
			l = LuaState.get(l).L;
            ua = (string a1,bool a2,string a3) =>
                int error = pushTry(l);

				ld.pcall(3, error);
				LuaDLL.lua_settop(l, error-1);
			return op;
Exemplo n.º 4
	public static void RecordObject( UnityEngine.Object obj, string name ) {
#if UNITY_3_5 || UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2
		Undo.RegisterUndo(obj, name);
		Undo.RecordObject(obj, name);
 public Entity ReplaceRect(UnityEngine.Rect newRect) {
     var componentPool = GetComponentPool(ComponentIds.Rect);
     var component = (RectComponent)(componentPool.Count > 0 ? componentPool.Pop() : new RectComponent());
     component.rect = newRect;
     ReplaceComponent(ComponentIds.Rect, component);
     return this;
 public Entity ReplaceVector4(UnityEngine.Vector4 newVector4)
     var component = CreateComponent<Vector4Component>(VisualDebuggingComponentIds.Vector4);
     component.vector4 = newVector4;
     ReplaceComponent(VisualDebuggingComponentIds.Vector4, component);
     return this;
 public Entity ReplaceVector2(UnityEngine.Vector2 newVector2)
     var component = CreateComponent<Vector2Component>(VisualDebuggingComponentIds.Vector2);
     component.vector2 = newVector2;
     ReplaceComponent(VisualDebuggingComponentIds.Vector2, component);
     return this;
 public Entity ReplacePosition(UnityEngine.Vector2 newPos)
     var component = CreateComponent<PositionComponent>(ComponentIds.Position);
     component.pos = newPos;
     ReplaceComponent(ComponentIds.Position, component);
     return this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies all registered achievements that an event has occurred.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">An entity related to the event.</param>
 /// <param name="eventType">A unique string identifying the event.</param>
 public override void OnNotify(UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour entity, string eventType)
     foreach (Achievement a in achievements)
         a.OnNotify(entity, eventType);
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor from UnityEngine.Vector4
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">UnityEngine.Vector4 from</param>
 public Vector4(UnityEngine.Vector4 v)
     this.x = v.x;
     this.y = v.y;
     this.z = v.z;
     this.w = v.w;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static void Assert(bool condition, string message, UnityEngine.Object context)
     if (!condition)
         logger.Log(LogType.Assert, message, context);
 public Entity AddRect(UnityEngine.Rect newRect)
     var componentPool = GetComponentPool(ComponentIds.Rect);
     var component = (RectComponent)(componentPool.Count > 0 ? componentPool.Pop() : new RectComponent());
     component.rect = newRect;
     return AddComponent(ComponentIds.Rect, component);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static void Assert(bool condition, UnityEngine.Object context)
     if (!condition)
         logger.Log(LogType.Assert, "Assertion failed", context);
Exemplo n.º 14
 private static GameObject CalculatePreviewGameObject(UnityEngine.Animator selectedAnimator, Motion motion, ModelImporterAnimationType animationType)
     AnimationClip firstAnimationClipFromMotion = GetFirstAnimationClipFromMotion(motion);
     GameObject preview = AvatarPreviewSelection.GetPreview(animationType);
     if (IsValidPreviewGameObject(preview, ModelImporterAnimationType.None))
         return preview;
     if ((selectedAnimator != null) && IsValidPreviewGameObject(selectedAnimator.gameObject, animationType))
         return selectedAnimator.gameObject;
     preview = FindBestFittingRenderableGameObjectFromModelAsset(firstAnimationClipFromMotion, animationType);
     if (preview != null)
         return preview;
     if (animationType == ModelImporterAnimationType.Human)
         return GetHumanoidFallback();
     if (animationType == ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic)
         return GetGenericAnimationFallback();
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void HandleTranslateRequest(UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
            if (mCurrentShape == null)

                        //Move current shape
                        mTetrisGrid.HandleTranslateRequest (mCurrentShape, movementVector);

                        //Check for end game condition
                        if (mTetrisGrid.GetRowBlockCount (0) > 0) {
                                NotifyObservers (ClassicTetrisStateUpdate.GameEnded);

                        //Check if a shape was placed. If so, check for full rows, spawn new shape
                        if (mTetrisGrid.WasShapeAddedToScene) {
                                //Delete full rows
                                foreach (int row in mTetrisGrid.GetFullRows ()) {
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Row " + row + " is full. Deleting now..." + ++mDebugId);
                                        NotifyObservers (ClassicTetrisStateUpdate.RowDeleted);
                                        mTetrisGrid.DeleteRow (row);

                                mCurrentShape = mPreviewShape;
                                mCurrentShape.TranslateToInitialPosition ();
                                mPreviewShape = mFactory.SpawnRandomizedTetrisShape (mRulesetOption);
                                NotifyObservers (ClassicTetrisStateUpdate.GeneratedNewShape);
        internal static int checkDelegate(IntPtr l,int p,out UnityEngine.RectTransform.ReapplyDrivenProperties ua)
            int op = extractFunction(l,p);
            if(LuaDLL.lua_isnil(l,p)) {
                return op;
            else if (LuaDLL.lua_isuserdata(l, p)==1)
                ua = (UnityEngine.RectTransform.ReapplyDrivenProperties)checkObj(l, p);
                return op;
            LuaDelegate ld;
            checkType(l, -1, out ld);
                ua = (UnityEngine.RectTransform.ReapplyDrivenProperties)ld.d;
                return op;

            l = LuaState.get(l).L;
            ua = (UnityEngine.RectTransform a1) =>
                int error = pushTry(l);

                ld.pcall(1, error);
                LuaDLL.lua_settop(l, error-1);
            return op;
Exemplo n.º 17
    void OnCollisionEnter(UnityEngine.Collision hit)
        hitobject = hit.gameObject.tag;
        if(hitobject == "Wall")
            Debug.Log ("hit cube");
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("CurrentScore", CountdownTime.GearCogCount);
            if (CountdownTime.GearCogCount > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighScore"))
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("HighScore", CountdownTime.GearCogCount);
            Instantiate(explosionPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);
            //hit.transform.Translate = new Vector3(-880.03, 37.497, 2175.14);
            //hit.transform.parent.position = new Vector3(-860, 37, 2124);
            //hit.transform.parent.rotation = new Quaternion (0,0,0,0);
            //transform.parent.position = new Vector3(-860, 37, 2124);
            //transform.parent.rotation = new Quaternion (0,0,0,0);

            //hit.transform.parent.rotation = cubePos.transform.rotation;
            //hit.transform.parent.position = cubePos.transform.position;//new Vector3(-3084, -22, -1220);
            //hit.transform.parent.rotation = cubePos.transform.localRotation;

            //hit.transform.localRotation = initialRotation;
            //hit.transform.localPosition = initialPos;
            Fzero.current_speed = 0;

Exemplo n.º 18
 void GUI()
     if (GUI.Button(UnityEngine.Rect(10, 10, 100, 100), "ROLL"))
         GameManager.isDiceRoll = true;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void LogFormat(LogType logType, UnityEngine.Object context, string format, params object[] args)
     Debug.logger.logHandler.LogFormat(logType, context, format, args);
     if (UILogView.sInstance != null) {
         UILogView.sInstance.AddLog (string.Format (format, args));
Exemplo n.º 20
    //Name:     matchResponse
    //Description:  Called once server has returned a list of available matches then displays them in the lobbies viewport
    //Parameters: UnityEngine.Networking.Match.ListmatchResponse matches
    //Returns:    NA
    public void matchResponse(UnityEngine.Networking.Match.ListMatchResponse matches)
        toggleWaitScreen (false, "");
        if (matches.matches == null)
        descriptions = matches.matches.ToArray ();

        //Remove any children currently present
        for (int i = 0; i < viewPort.transform.childCount; i++)
          Destroy (viewPort.transform.GetChild (i).gameObject);

        //Populate new list with the match options.
        for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.Length; i++) {
          GameObject content = GameObject.Instantiate (matchContent);
          content.transform.SetParent (viewPort.transform);
          RectTransform rect = content.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
          rect.offsetMin = new Vector2 (0, -67 - 67 * i);
          rect.offsetMax = new Vector2 (1, -67 * i);
          content.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1, 1, 1);

          content.GetComponent<MatchContent> ().setText (descriptions [i]);

          content.GetComponent<Button> ().onClick.AddListener (delegate {
        SelectedMatch = content.GetComponent<MatchContent> ().getDesctription ();

        } //End for(int i = 0; i < descriptions.Length; i ++)
Exemplo n.º 21
    protected static void OnLoadSpriteCollectionAsset(UnityEngine.Object obj, params object[] args)
        string resPath = args[0] as string;

        Action<UnityEngine.Object> externalCallback = args[1] as Action<UnityEngine.Object>;

        GameObject colObj = obj as GameObject;
        colObj.transform.parent = DepContainer.transform;

        obj.name = resPath;
        tk2dSpriteCollectionData colData = colObj.GetComponent<tk2dSpriteCollectionData>();

        var colDep = colObj.GetComponent<KAssetDep>();

        if (!(colDep && colDep.GetType() == typeof (CTk2dSpriteCollectionDep))) // 依赖材质Material, 加载后是Material
            Log.Error("Wrong Collection DepType - {0}", resPath);

        colDep.AddFinishCallback((assetDep, _obj) =>
            Material _mat = _obj as Material;
            //_mat.renderQueue = 4000; // 2D Toolkit渲染顺序靠前!
            // 塞Material进去SpriteCollection
            colData.materials = new Material[] { _mat };
            colData.textures = new Texture[] { _mat.mainTexture };
            foreach (var def in colData.spriteDefinitions)
                def.material = _mat;

        static internal int checkDelegate(IntPtr l,int p,out UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction<UnityEngine.EventSystems.ICancelHandler> ua) {
            int op = extractFunction(l,p);
			if(LuaDLL.lua_isnil(l,p)) {
				return op;
            else if (LuaDLL.lua_isuserdata(l, p)==1)
                ua = (UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction<UnityEngine.EventSystems.ICancelHandler>)checkObj(l, p);
                return op;
            LuaDelegate ld;
            checkType(l, -1, out ld);
                ua = (UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction<UnityEngine.EventSystems.ICancelHandler>)ld.d;
                return op;
			l = LuaState.get(l).L;
            ua = (UnityEngine.EventSystems.ICancelHandler a1,UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData a2) =>
                int error = pushTry(l);

				ld.pcall(2, error);
				LuaDLL.lua_settop(l, error-1);
			return op;
 public static RMC.Common.UnityEngineReplacement.Bounds Convert(UnityEngine.Bounds uBounds)
     return new RMC.Common.UnityEngineReplacement.Bounds(
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static void DebugLog(string text, UnityEngine.Object context)
     if (debugLogActive)
         Debug.Log("[EFX] " + text, context);
 void OnCollisionEnter(UnityEngine.Collision hit)
     if (hit.gameObject.ToString() == "Cube (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
         if(PortScript != null && PortScript.ConnectionIsOpen())
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "thumb (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.thumbTip = 255;
                 //PortScript.thumbTip = 255;
                 print ("ThumbIn");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "index (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.indexTip = 255;
                 print ("IndexIn");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "middle (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.middleTip = 255;
                 print ("MiddleIn");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "ring (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.ringTip = 255;
                 print ("RingIn");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "pinky (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.pinkyTip = 255;
                 print ("PinkyIn");
 void OnCollisionExit(UnityEngine.Collision hit)
     if (hit.gameObject.ToString() == "Cube (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
         if(1==1)//if(PortScript != null && PortScript.ConnectionIsOpen())
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "thumb (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.thumbTip = 0;
                 print ("ThumbOut");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "index (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.indexTip = 0;
                 print ("IndexOut");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "middle (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.middleTip = 0;
                 print ("MiddleOut");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "ring (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.ringTip = 0;
                 print ("RingOut");
             if(this.transform.parent.gameObject.ToString() == "pinky (UnityEngine.GameObject)")
                 PortScript.pinkyTip = 0;
                 print ("PinkyOut");
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static void Log(string str, UnityEngine.Object obj)
     if (CanLog())
         UnityEngine.Debug.Log(str, obj);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void OnScroll(UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData evt)
     if (listView != null)
        // listView.OnScroll(evt);
Exemplo n.º 29
 // Returns the PrefabType and suppresses warnings
 // EditorUtility.GetPrefabType is deprecated as of Unity 3.5
 public static PrefabType GetPrefabType(UnityEngine.Object target)
     // Disable the obsolete method warning
     #pragma warning disable 618
     return EditorUtility.GetPrefabType(target);
     #pragma warning restore 618
 public Entity ReplaceAnimationCurve(UnityEngine.AnimationCurve newAnimationCurve)
     var component = CreateComponent<AnimationCurveComponent>(VisualDebuggingComponentIds.AnimationCurve);
     component.animationCurve = newAnimationCurve;
     ReplaceComponent(VisualDebuggingComponentIds.AnimationCurve, component);
     return this;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public static Texture2D CreatePreviewForAsset(UnityEngine.Object obj, UnityEngine.Object[] subAssets, string assetPath)
     if (obj == null)
         return null;
     System.Type type = CustomEditorAttributes.FindCustomEditorType(obj, false);
     if (type == null)
         return null;
     MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("RenderStaticPreview");
     if (method == null)
         Debug.LogError("Fail to find RenderStaticPreview base method");
         return null;
     if (method.DeclaringType == typeof(Editor))
         return null;
     Editor editor = Editor.CreateEditor(obj);
     if (editor == null)
         return null;
     Texture2D textured = editor.RenderStaticPreview(assetPath, subAssets, 0x80, 0x80);
     return textured;
Exemplo n.º 32
        // -------------------------------------------------- //
        //                   PUBLIC METHODS                   //
        // -------------------------------------------------- //

        /// <summary>
        /// Safely destroy an Object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object to destroy.</param>
        public static void Destroy(UnityEngine.Object obj)
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
Exemplo n.º 33
    public static T GetNextNonRepeatingRandom()
        var nonrepeaters = _cache
        // Not familar with unity.. but this should make
        // sense what I am doing
        var next = nonrepeaters.ElementAt(UnityEngine.Random(0, nonrepeaters.Count() - 1));

        // this fast, Stack will know it's count so no GetEnumerator()
        // and _cache List is the same (Count() will call List.Count)
        if (_memory.Count > _cache.Count() / 2)
Exemplo n.º 34
    private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        if (switchPos == SWITCH_POSITION_E.DISABLED)

        // Keep the press haptic tracking the hand's Y position.
        if (other.name == "HandTrackedBlock")
            Debug.Log("Running on stay");
            Block.transform.position = new UnityEngine.Vector3(
Exemplo n.º 35
        protected override void Apply()
            if (!toAlpha.HasValue &&
                !toRed.HasValue &&
                !toGreen.HasValue &&
                if (targetGraphic)
                    To(targetGraphic !.color);
                else if (targetSprite)
                    To(targetSprite !.color);
                else if (meshRenderer)
                    To(meshRenderer !.material.color);
                else if (canvasGroup)
                    To(new UnityEngine.Color(1f, 1f, 1f, canvasGroup !.alpha));
            if (!fromAlpha.HasValue &&
                !fromRed.HasValue &&
                !fromGreen.HasValue &&
                if (targetGraphic)
                    From(targetGraphic !.color);
                else if (targetSprite)
                    From(targetSprite !.color);
                else if (meshRenderer)
                    From(meshRenderer !.material.color);
                else if (canvasGroup)
                    From(new UnityEngine.Color(1f, 1f, 1f, canvasGroup !.alpha));

            var color = UnityEngine.Color.white;

            if (targetGraphic)
                color = targetGraphic !.color;
            if (targetSprite)
                color = targetSprite !.color;
            if (meshRenderer)
                color = meshRenderer !.material.color;
            if (canvasGroup)
                color = new UnityEngine.Color(1f, 1f, 1f, canvasGroup !.alpha);

            if (fromAlpha.HasValue && toAlpha.HasValue)
                color.a = function.Invoke(fromAlpha.Value, toAlpha.Value, NormalizdElapsedTime);
            if (fromRed.HasValue && toRed.HasValue)
                color.r = function.Invoke(fromRed.Value, toRed.Value, NormalizdElapsedTime);
            if (fromGreen.HasValue && toGreen.HasValue)
                color.g = function.Invoke(fromGreen.Value, toGreen.Value, NormalizdElapsedTime);
            if (fromBlue.HasValue && toBlue.HasValue)
                color.b = function.Invoke(fromBlue.Value, toBlue.Value, NormalizdElapsedTime);

            if (targetGraphic)
                targetGraphic !.color = color;
            else if (targetSprite)
                targetSprite !.color = color;
            else if (meshRenderer)
                meshRenderer !.material.color = color;
            else if (canvasGroup)
                canvasGroup !.alpha = color.a;
 public Class1()
     var c = new UnityEngine.Color(0.3f, 0.4f, 0.6f, 0.7f { caret });
 public Class1()
     var c = new UnityEngine.Color32(30, 40, 50, 60 { caret });