Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract a query string parameter without triggering http parameters
        /// processing by the servlet container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">the request</param>
        /// <param name="name">the parameter to get the value.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// the parameter value, or <code>NULL</code> if the parameter is not
        /// defined.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">thrown if there was an error parsing the query string.
        ///     </exception>
        public static string GetParameter(HttpServletRequest request, string name)
            IList <NameValuePair> list = URLEncodedUtils.Parse(request.GetQueryString(), Utf8Charset

            if (list != null)
                foreach (NameValuePair nv in list)
                    if (name.Equals(nv.GetName()))
Exemplo n.º 2
        private string GetUserName(HttpServletRequest request)
            IList <NameValuePair> list = URLEncodedUtils.Parse(request.GetQueryString(), Utf8Charset

            if (list != null)
                foreach (NameValuePair nv in list)
                    if (PseudoAuthenticator.UserName.Equals(nv.GetName()))
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static string GetDoAs(HttpServletRequest request)
            IList <NameValuePair> list = URLEncodedUtils.Parse(request.GetQueryString(), Utf8Charset

            if (list != null)
                foreach (NameValuePair nv in list)
                    if (Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(DelegationTokenAuthenticatedURL.DoAs, nv.GetName
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        protected override void DoGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
                string   userApprovedParamS = req.GetParameter(ProxyUriUtils.ProxyApprovalParam);
                bool     userWasWarned      = false;
                bool     userApproved       = Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf(userApprovedParamS);
                bool     securityEnabled    = IsSecurityEnabled();
                string   remoteUser         = req.GetRemoteUser();
                string   pathInfo           = req.GetPathInfo();
                string[] parts = pathInfo.Split("/", 3);
                if (parts.Length < 2)
                    Log.Warn("{} gave an invalid proxy path {}", remoteUser, pathInfo);
                    NotFound(resp, "Your path appears to be formatted incorrectly.");
                //parts[0] is empty because path info always starts with a /
                string        appId = parts[1];
                string        rest  = parts.Length > 2 ? parts[2] : string.Empty;
                ApplicationId id    = Apps.ToAppID(appId);
                if (id == null)
                    Log.Warn("{} attempting to access {} that is invalid", remoteUser, appId);
                    NotFound(resp, appId + " appears to be formatted incorrectly.");
                if (securityEnabled)
                    string   cookieName = GetCheckCookieName(id);
                    Cookie[] cookies    = req.GetCookies();
                    if (cookies != null)
                        foreach (Cookie c in cookies)
                            if (cookieName.Equals(c.GetName()))
                                userWasWarned = true;
                                userApproved  = userApproved || Sharpen.Extensions.ValueOf(c.GetValue());
                bool checkUser = securityEnabled && (!userWasWarned || !userApproved);
                AppReportFetcher.FetchedAppReport fetchedAppReport = null;
                ApplicationReport applicationReport = null;
                    fetchedAppReport = GetApplicationReport(id);
                    if (fetchedAppReport != null)
                        if (fetchedAppReport.GetAppReportSource() != AppReportFetcher.AppReportSource.Rm &&
                            fetchedAppReport.GetAppReportSource() != AppReportFetcher.AppReportSource.Ahs)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Application report not " + "fetched from RM or history server."
                        applicationReport = fetchedAppReport.GetApplicationReport();
                catch (ApplicationNotFoundException)
                    applicationReport = null;
                if (applicationReport == null)
                    Log.Warn("{} attempting to access {} that was not found", remoteUser, id);
                    URI toFetch = ProxyUriUtils.GetUriFromTrackingPlugins(id, this.trackingUriPlugins
                    if (toFetch != null)
                        ProxyUtils.SendRedirect(req, resp, toFetch.ToString());
                    NotFound(resp, "Application " + appId + " could not be found " + "in RM or history server"
                string original = applicationReport.GetOriginalTrackingUrl();
                URI    trackingUri;
                if (original == null || original.Equals("N/A") || original.Equals(string.Empty))
                    if (fetchedAppReport.GetAppReportSource() == AppReportFetcher.AppReportSource.Rm)
                        // fallback to ResourceManager's app page if no tracking URI provided
                        // and Application Report was fetched from RM
                        Log.Debug("Original tracking url is '{}'. Redirecting to RM app page", original ==
                                  null ? "NULL" : original);
                        ProxyUtils.SendRedirect(req, resp, StringHelper.Pjoin(rmAppPageUrlBase, id.ToString
                        if (fetchedAppReport.GetAppReportSource() == AppReportFetcher.AppReportSource.Ahs)
                            // fallback to Application History Server app page if the application
                            // report was fetched from AHS
                            Log.Debug("Original tracking url is '{}'. Redirecting to AHS app page", original
                                      == null ? "NULL" : original);
                            ProxyUtils.SendRedirect(req, resp, StringHelper.Pjoin(ahsAppPageUrlBase, id.ToString
                    if (ProxyUriUtils.GetSchemeFromUrl(original).IsEmpty())
                        trackingUri = ProxyUriUtils.GetUriFromAMUrl(WebAppUtils.GetHttpSchemePrefix(conf)
                                                                    , original);
                        trackingUri = new URI(original);
                string runningUser = applicationReport.GetUser();
                if (checkUser && !runningUser.Equals(remoteUser))
                    Log.Info("Asking {} if they want to connect to the " + "app master GUI of {} owned by {}"
                             , remoteUser, appId, runningUser);
                    WarnUserPage(resp, ProxyUriUtils.GetPathAndQuery(id, rest, req.GetQueryString(),
                                                                     true), runningUser, id);
                // Append the user-provided path and query parameter to the original
                // tracking url.
                IList <NameValuePair> queryPairs = URLEncodedUtils.Parse(req.GetQueryString(), null
                UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.FromUri(trackingUri);
                foreach (NameValuePair pair in queryPairs)
                    builder.QueryParam(pair.GetName(), pair.GetValue());
                URI toFetch_1 = builder.Path(rest).Build();
                Log.Info("{} is accessing unchecked {}" + " which is the app master GUI of {} owned by {}"
                         , remoteUser, toFetch_1, appId, runningUser);
                switch (applicationReport.GetYarnApplicationState())
                case YarnApplicationState.Killed:
                case YarnApplicationState.Finished:
                case YarnApplicationState.Failed:
                    ProxyUtils.SendRedirect(req, resp, toFetch_1.ToString());

                // fall out of the switch
                Cookie c_1 = null;
                if (userWasWarned && userApproved)
                    c_1 = MakeCheckCookie(id, true);
                ProxyLink(req, resp, toFetch_1, c_1, GetProxyHost());
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IOException(e);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new
 /// <see cref="UrlEncodedFormEntity">UrlEncodedFormEntity</see>
 /// with the list
 /// of parameters in the specified encoding.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameters">iterable collection of name/value pairs</param>
 /// <param name="charset">encoding the name/value pairs be encoded with</param>
 /// <since>4.2</since>
 public UrlEncodedFormEntity(IEnumerable <NameValuePair> parameters, Encoding charset
                             ) : base(URLEncodedUtils.Format(parameters, charset != null ? charset : HTTP.DefContentCharset
                                                             ), ContentType.Create(URLEncodedUtils.ContentType, charset))
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new
 /// <see cref="UrlEncodedFormEntity">UrlEncodedFormEntity</see>
 /// with the list
 /// of parameters in the specified encoding.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameters">list of name/value pairs</param>
 /// <param name="charset">encoding the name/value pairs be encoded with</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.UnsupportedEncodingException">if the encoding isn't supported
 ///     </exception>
 public UrlEncodedFormEntity(IList <NameValuePair> parameters, string charset) : base
         (URLEncodedUtils.Format(parameters, charset != null ? charset : HTTP.DefContentCharset
                                 .Name()), ContentType.Create(URLEncodedUtils.ContentType, charset))