Exemplo n.º 1
        private BoundExpression ConvertCaseExpression(TypeSymbol switchGoverningType, CSharpSyntaxNode node, BoundExpression caseExpression, Binder sectionBinder, ref ConstantValue constantValueOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool isGotoCaseExpr = false)
            BoundExpression convertedCaseExpression;

            if (!isGotoCaseExpr)
                // NOTE: This will allow user-defined conversions, even though they're not allowed here.  This is acceptable
                // because the result of a user-defined conversion does not have a ConstantValue and we'll report a diagnostic
                // to that effect below (same error code as Dev10).
                convertedCaseExpression = sectionBinder.GenerateConversionForAssignment(switchGoverningType, caseExpression, diagnostics);
                // SPEC VIOLATION for Dev10 COMPATIBILITY:

                // Dev10 compiler violates the SPEC comment below:
                //      "if the constant-expression is not implicitly convertible (§6.1) to
                //      the governing type of the nearest enclosing switch statement,
                //      a compile-time error occurs"

                // If there is no implicit conversion from gotoCaseExpression to switchGoverningType,
                // but there exists an explicit conversion, Dev10 compiler generates a warning "WRN_GotoCaseShouldConvert"
                // instead of an error. See test "CS0469_NoImplicitConversionWarning".

                // CONSIDER: Should we introduce a breaking change and violate Dev10 compatibility and follow the spec?

                HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                Conversion conversion = sectionBinder.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(caseExpression, switchGoverningType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics);
                if (!conversion.IsValid)
                    GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, node, conversion, caseExpression, switchGoverningType);
                else if (!conversion.IsImplicit)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_GotoCaseShouldConvert, node.Location, switchGoverningType);

                convertedCaseExpression = sectionBinder.CreateConversion(caseExpression, conversion, switchGoverningType, diagnostics);

            if (switchGoverningType.IsNullableType() &&
                convertedCaseExpression.Kind == BoundKind.Conversion
                // Null is a special case here because we want to compare null to the Nullable<T> itself, not to the underlying type.
                && (convertedCaseExpression.ConstantValue == null || !convertedCaseExpression.ConstantValue.IsNull))
                var operand = ((BoundConversion)convertedCaseExpression).Operand;

                // We are not intested in the diagnostic that get created here
                var diagnosticBag = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
                constantValueOpt = sectionBinder.CreateConversion(operand, switchGoverningType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), diagnosticBag).ConstantValue;
                constantValueOpt = convertedCaseExpression.ConstantValue;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void UnwrapCollectionExpressionIfNullable(ref BoundExpression collectionExpr, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            TypeSymbol collectionExprType = collectionExpr.Type;

            // If collectionExprType is a nullable type, then use the underlying type and take the value (i.e. .Value) of collectionExpr.
            // This behavior is not spec'd, but it's what Dev10 does.
            if ((object)collectionExprType != null && collectionExprType.IsNullableType())
                CSharpSyntaxNode exprSyntax = collectionExpr.Syntax;

                MethodSymbol nullableValueGetter = (MethodSymbol)GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_get_Value, diagnostics, exprSyntax);
                if ((object)nullableValueGetter != null)
                    nullableValueGetter = nullableValueGetter.AsMember((NamedTypeSymbol)collectionExprType);

                    // Synthesized call, because we don't want to modify the type in the SemanticModel.
                    collectionExpr = BoundCall.Synthesized(
                        syntax: exprSyntax,
                        receiverOpt: collectionExpr,
                        method: nullableValueGetter);
                    collectionExpr = new BoundBadExpression(
                        ImmutableArray <Symbol> .Empty,
                        ImmutableArray.Create <BoundNode>(collectionExpr),
                        WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    };                               // Don't affect the type in the SemanticModel.
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal BoundExpression ConvertPatternExpression(TypeSymbol inputType, CSharpSyntaxNode node, BoundExpression expression, ref ConstantValue constantValue, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            // NOTE: This will allow user-defined conversions, even though they're not allowed here.  This is acceptable
            // because the result of a user-defined conversion does not have a ConstantValue and we'll report a diagnostic
            // to that effect later.
            BoundExpression convertedExpression = GenerateConversionForAssignment(inputType, expression, diagnostics);

            if (convertedExpression.Kind == BoundKind.Conversion)
                var conversion = (BoundConversion)convertedExpression;
                var operand    = conversion.Operand;
                if (inputType.IsNullableType() && (convertedExpression.ConstantValue == null || !convertedExpression.ConstantValue.IsNull))
                    // Null is a special case here because we want to compare null to the Nullable<T> itself, not to the underlying type.
                    var discardedDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); // We are not intested in the diagnostic that get created here
                    convertedExpression = CreateConversion(operand, inputType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), discardedDiagnostics);
                else if ((conversion.ConversionKind == ConversionKind.Boxing || conversion.ConversionKind == ConversionKind.ImplicitReference) &&
                         operand.ConstantValue != null && convertedExpression.ConstantValue == null)
                    // A boxed constant (or string converted to object) is a special case because we prefer
                    // to compare to the pre-converted value by casting the input value to the type of the constant
                    // (that is, unboxing or downcasting it) and then testing the resulting value using primitives.
                    // That is much more efficient than calling object.Equals(x, y), and we can share the downcasted
                    // input value among many constant tests.
                    convertedExpression = operand;

            constantValue = convertedExpression.ConstantValue;
        private BoundExpression GetConvertedLeftForNullCoalescingOperator(BoundExpression rewrittenLeft, Conversion leftConversion, TypeSymbol rewrittenResultType)
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenLeft != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)rewrittenLeft.Type != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)rewrittenResultType != null);

            TypeSymbol rewrittenLeftType = rewrittenLeft.Type;

            Debug.Assert(rewrittenLeftType.IsNullableType() || !rewrittenLeftType.IsValueType);

            // Native compiler violates the specification for the case where result type is right operand type and left operand is nullable.
            // For this case, we need to insert an extra explicit nullable conversion from the left operand to its underlying nullable type
            // before performing the leftConversion.
            // See comments in Binder.BindNullCoalescingOperator referring to GetConvertedLeftForNullCoalescingOperator for more details.

            if (!TypeSymbol.Equals(rewrittenLeftType, rewrittenResultType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) && rewrittenLeftType.IsNullableType())
                TypeSymbol   strippedLeftType  = rewrittenLeftType.GetNullableUnderlyingType();
                MethodSymbol getValueOrDefault = UnsafeGetNullableMethod(rewrittenLeft.Syntax, rewrittenLeftType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault);
                rewrittenLeft = BoundCall.Synthesized(rewrittenLeft.Syntax, rewrittenLeft, getValueOrDefault);
                if (TypeSymbol.Equals(strippedLeftType, rewrittenResultType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2))

            return(MakeConversionNode(rewrittenLeft.Syntax, rewrittenLeft, leftConversion, rewrittenResultType, @checked: false));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static bool HasImplicitEnumerationConversion(BoundExpression source, TypeSymbol destination)
            Debug.Assert((object)source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)destination != null);

            // SPEC: An implicit enumeration conversion permits the decimal-integer-literal 0 to be converted to any enum-type
            // SPEC: and to any nullable-type whose underlying type is an enum-type.
            // For historical reasons we actually allow a conversion from any *numeric constant
            // zero* to be converted to any enum type, not just the literal integer zero.

            bool validType = destination.IsEnumType() ||
                             destination.IsNullableType() && destination.GetNullableUnderlyingType().IsEnumType();

            if (!validType)

            var sourceConstantValue = source.ConstantValue;

            return(sourceConstantValue != null &&
                   IsNumericType(source.Type.GetSpecialTypeSafe()) &&
Exemplo n.º 6
        private BoundExpression ConvertToNullable(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol targetNullableType, BoundExpression underlyingValue)
            Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(targetNullableType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), underlyingValue.Type, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions));

            if (!TryGetNullableMethod(syntax, targetNullableType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor, out MethodSymbol nullableCtor))
                return(BadExpression(syntax, targetNullableType, underlyingValue));

            return(new BoundObjectCreationExpression(syntax, nullableCtor, underlyingValue));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the type is a valid switch expression type.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool IsValidSwitchGoverningType(this TypeSymbol type, bool isTargetTypeOfUserDefinedOp = false)
            // SPEC:    The governing type of a switch statement is established by the switch expression.
            // SPEC:    1) If the type of the switch expression is sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint,
            // SPEC:       long, ulong, bool, char, string, or an enum-type, or if it is the nullable type
            // SPEC:       corresponding to one of these types, then that is the governing type of the switch statement.
            // SPEC:    2) Otherwise, exactly one user-defined implicit conversion (§6.4) must exist from the
            // SPEC:       type of the switch expression to one of the following possible governing types:
            // SPEC:       sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, string, or, a nullable type
            // SPEC:       corresponding to one of those types

            Debug.Assert((object)type != null);
            if (type.IsNullableType())
                type = type.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

            // User-defined implicit conversion with target type as Enum type is not valid.
            if (!isTargetTypeOfUserDefinedOp && type.IsEnumType())
                type = type.GetEnumUnderlyingType();

            switch (type.SpecialType)
            case SpecialType.System_SByte:
            case SpecialType.System_Byte:
            case SpecialType.System_Int16:
            case SpecialType.System_UInt16:
            case SpecialType.System_Int32:
            case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
            case SpecialType.System_Int64:
            case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
            case SpecialType.System_Char:
            case SpecialType.System_String:

            case SpecialType.System_Boolean:
                // User-defined implicit conversion with target type as bool type is not valid.

Exemplo n.º 8
        private BoundExpression GetLiftedUnaryOperatorConsequence(UnaryOperatorKind kind, SyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol method, TypeSymbol type, BoundExpression nonNullOperand)
            MethodSymbol ctor = UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor);

            // OP(temp.GetValueOrDefault())
            BoundExpression unliftedOp = MakeUnaryOperator(
                oldNode: null,
                kind: kind.Unlifted(),
                syntax: syntax,
                method: method,
                loweredOperand: nonNullOperand,
                type: type.GetNullableUnderlyingType());

            // new R?(OP(temp.GetValueOrDefault()))
            BoundExpression consequence = new BoundObjectCreationExpression(

        // IL gen can generate more compact code for certain conditional accesses
        // by utilizing stack dup/pop instructions
        internal BoundExpression RewriteConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node, bool used)
            var loweredReceiver = this.VisitExpression(node.Receiver);
            var receiverType    = loweredReceiver.Type;

            // Check trivial case
            if (loweredReceiver.IsDefaultValue() && receiverType.IsReferenceType)

            ConditionalAccessLoweringKind loweringKind;

            // trivial cases are directly supported in IL gen
            loweringKind = ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.LoweredConditionalAccess;

            var previousConditionalAccessTarget = _currentConditionalAccessTarget;
            var currentConditionalAccessID      = ++_currentConditionalAccessID;

            LocalSymbol temp = null;

            switch (loweringKind)
            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.LoweredConditionalAccess:
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = new BoundConditionalReceiver(


            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.Ternary:
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = loweredReceiver;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.TernaryCaptureReceiverByVal:
                temp = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(receiverType);
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = _factory.Local(temp);

                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(loweringKind);

            BoundExpression loweredAccessExpression;

            if (used)
                loweredAccessExpression = this.VisitExpression(node.AccessExpression);
                loweredAccessExpression = this.VisitUnusedExpression(node.AccessExpression);
                if (loweredAccessExpression == null)

            Debug.Assert(loweredAccessExpression != null);
            _currentConditionalAccessTarget = previousConditionalAccessTarget;

            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);

            TypeSymbol nodeType             = node.Type;
            TypeSymbol accessExpressionType = loweredAccessExpression.Type;

            if (accessExpressionType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void)
                type = nodeType = accessExpressionType;

            if (!TypeSymbol.Equals(accessExpressionType, nodeType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) && nodeType.IsNullableType())
                Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(accessExpressionType, nodeType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
                loweredAccessExpression = _factory.New((NamedTypeSymbol)nodeType, loweredAccessExpression);
                Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(accessExpressionType, nodeType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) ||
                             (nodeType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void && !used));

            BoundExpression result;
            var             objectType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object);

            switch (loweringKind)
            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.LoweredConditionalAccess:
                result = new BoundLoweredConditionalAccess(
                    receiverType.IsNullableType() ?
                    UnsafeGetNullableMethod(node.Syntax, loweredReceiver.Type, SpecialMember.core_Option_T_get_has_value) :


            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.TernaryCaptureReceiverByVal:
                // capture the receiver into a temp
                loweredReceiver = _factory.MakeSequence(
                    _factory.AssignmentExpression(_factory.Local(temp), loweredReceiver),

                goto case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.Ternary;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.Ternary:
                // (object)r != null ? access : default(T)
                var condition = _factory.ObjectNotEqual(
                    _factory.Convert(objectType, loweredReceiver),

                var consequence = loweredAccessExpression;

                result = RewriteConditionalOperator(node.Syntax,
                                                    isRef: false);

                if (temp != null)
                    result = _factory.MakeSequence(temp, result);

                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(loweringKind);

Exemplo n.º 10
        internal static ConstantValue GetIsOperatorConstantResult(TypeSymbol operandType, TypeSymbol targetType, ConversionKind conversionKind, ConstantValue operandConstantValue)
            Debug.Assert((object)targetType != null);

            // SPEC:    The result of the operation depends on D and T as follows:
            // SPEC:    1)	If T is a reference type, the result is true if D and T are the same type, if D is a reference type and
            // SPEC:        an implicit reference conversion from D to T exists, or if D is a value type and a boxing conversion from D to T exists.
            // SPEC:    2)	If T is a nullable type, the result is true if D is the underlying type of T.
            // SPEC:    3)	If T is a non-nullable value type, the result is true if D and T are the same type.
            // SPEC:    4)	Otherwise, the result is false.

            // NOTE:    The language specification talks about the runtime evaluation of the is operation.
            // NOTE:    However, we are interested in computing the compile time constant value for the expression.
            // NOTE:    Even though BoundIsOperator and BoundAsOperator will always have no ConstantValue
            // NOTE:    (they are non-constant expressions according to Section 7.19 of the specification),
            // NOTE:    we want to perform constant analysis of is/as expressions during binding to generate warnings (always true/false/null)
            // NOTE:    and during rewriting for optimized codegen.
            // NOTE: 
            // NOTE:    Because the heuristic presented here is used to change codegen, it must be conservative. It is acceptable
            // NOTE:    for us to fail to report a warning in cases where humans could logically deduce that the operator will
            // NOTE:    always return false. It is not acceptable to inaccurately warn that the operator will always return false
            // NOTE:    if there are cases where it might succeed.

            // To begin our heuristic: if the operand is literal null then we automatically return that the
            // result is false. You might think that we can simply check to see if the conversion is 
            // ConversionKind.NullConversion, but "null is T" for a type parameter T is actually classified
            // as an implicit reference conversion if T is constrained to reference types. Rather
            // than deal with all those special cases we can simply bail out here.

            if (operandConstantValue == ConstantValue.Null)
                return ConstantValue.False;

            Debug.Assert((object)operandType != null);

            switch (conversionKind)
                case ConversionKind.NoConversion:
                    // Oddly enough, "x is T" can be true even if there is no conversion from x to T! 
                    // Scenario 1: Type parameter compared to System.Enum.
                    // bool M1<X>(X x) where X : struct { return x is Enum; }
                    // There is no conversion from X to Enum, not even an explicit conversion. But
                    // nevertheless, X could be constructed as an enumerated type.
                    // However, we can sometimes know that the result will be false.
                    // Scenario 2: Constrained type parameter compared to reference type.
                    // bool M2<X>(X x) where X : struct { return x is string; }
                    // We know that X, constrained to struct, will never be string.
                    // Scenario 3: Value type compared to type parameter.
                    // bool M3<T>(int x) { return x is T; }
                    // There is no conversion from int to T, but T could nevertheless be int.
                    // Scenario 4: Constructed type compared to open type
                    // bool M4<T>(C<int> x) { return x is C<T>; } 
                    // There is no conversion from C<int> to C<T>, but nevertheless, T might be int.
                    // Scenario 5: Open type compared to constructed type:
                    // bool M5<X>(C<X> x) { return x is C<int>);
                    // Again, X could be int.
                    // We could then go on to get more complicated. For example, 
                    // bool M6<X>(C<X> x) where X : struct { return x is C<string>; }
                    // We know that C<X> is never convertible to C<string> no matter what
                    // X is. Or:
                    // bool M7<T>(Dictionary<int, int> x) { return x is List<T>; }
                    // We know that no matter what T is, the conversion will never succeed.
                    // As noted above, we must be conservative. We follow the lead of the native compiler,
                    // which uses the following algorithm:
                    // * If neither type is open and there is no conversion then the result is always false:

                    if (!operandType.ContainsTypeParameter() && !targetType.ContainsTypeParameter())
                        return ConstantValue.False;

                    // * Otherwise, at least one of them is of an open type. If the operand is of value type 
                    //   and the target is a class type other than System.Enum, then we are in scenario 2, 
                    //   not scenario 1, and can correctly deduce that the result is false.

                    if (operandType.IsValueType && targetType.IsClassType() && targetType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Enum)
                        return ConstantValue.False;

                    // * Otherwise, we give up. Though there are other situations in which we can deduce that
                    //   the result will always be false, such as scenarios 6 and 7, but we do not attempt
                    //   to deduce this.

                    // CONSIDER: we could use TypeUnification.CanUnify to do additional compile-time checking.

                    return null;

                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitEnumeration:
                // case ConversionKind.ExplicitEnumeration: // Handled separately below.
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitConstant:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitUserDefined:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitUserDefined:
                case ConversionKind.IntPtr:

                    // Consider all the cases where we know that "x is T" must be false just from
                    // the conversion classification.
                    // If we have "x is T" and the conversion from x to T is numeric or enum then the result must be false.
                    // If we have "null is T" then obviously that must be false.
                    // If we have "1 is long" then that must be false. (If we have "1 is int" then it is an identity conversion,
                    // not an implicit constant conversion.
                    // User-defined and IntPtr conversions are always false for "is".

                    return ConstantValue.False;

                case ConversionKind.ExplicitEnumeration:
                    // Enum-to-enum conversions should be treated the same as unsuccessful struct-to-struct
                    // conversions (i.e. make allowances for type unification, etc)
                    if (operandType.IsEnumType() && targetType.IsEnumType())
                        goto case ConversionKind.NoConversion;

                    return ConstantValue.False;

                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable:

                    // An explicit nullable conversion is a conversion of one of the following forms:
                    // 1) X? --> Y?, where X --> Y is an explicit conversion.  (If X --> Y is an implicit
                    //    conversion then X? --> Y? is an implicit nullable conversion.) In this case we
                    //    know that "X? is Y?" must be false because either X? is null, or we have an
                    //    explicit conversion from struct type X to struct type Y, and so X is never of type Y.)
                    // 2) X --> Y?, where again, X --> Y is an explicit conversion. By the same reasoning
                    //    as in case 1, this must be false.

                    if (targetType.IsNullableType())
                        return ConstantValue.False;


                    // 3) X? --> X. In this case, this is just a different way of writing "x != null".
                    //    We do not know what the result will be.
                    //    CONSIDER: If we know statically that the operand is going to be null or non-null
                    //    CONSIDER: then we could give a better result here.

                    if (Conversions.HasIdentityConversion(operandType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), targetType))
                        return null;

                    // 4) X? --> Y where the conversion X --> Y is an implicit or explicit value type conversion.
                    //    "X? is Y" again must be false.

                    return ConstantValue.False;

                case ConversionKind.ImplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.Unboxing:
                    // In these three cases, the expression type must be a reference type. Therefore,
                    // the result cannot be determined. The expression could be null, resulting 
                    // in false, or it could be a non-null reference to the appropriate type,
                    // resulting in true.
                    return null;

                case ConversionKind.Identity:
                    // The result of "x is T" can be statically determined to be true if x is an expression 
                    // of non-nullable value type T. If x is of reference or nullable value type then
                    // we cannot know, because again, the expression value could be null or it could be good. 
                    // If it is of pointer type then we have already given an error.
                    return (operandType.IsValueType && !operandType.IsNullableType()) ? ConstantValue.True : null;

                case ConversionKind.Boxing:

                    // A boxing conversion might be a conversion:
                    // * From a non-nullable value type to a reference type
                    // * From a nullable value type to a reference type
                    // * From a type parameter that *could* be a value type under construction
                    //   to a reference type
                    // In the first case we know that the conversion will always succeed and that the
                    // operand is never null, and therefore "is" will always result in true. 
                    // In the second two cases we do not know; either the nullable value type could be
                    // null, or the type parameter could be constructed with a reference type, and it
                    // could be null.

                    return operandType.IsValueType && !operandType.IsNullableType() ? ConstantValue.True : null;

                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable:
                    // We have "x is T" in one of the following situations:
                    // 1) x is of type X and T is X?.  The value is always true.
                    // 2) x is of type X and T is Y? where X is convertible to Y via an implicit numeric conversion. Eg, 
                    //    x is of type int and T is decimal?.  The value is always false.
                    // 3) x is of type X? and T is Y? where X is convertible to Y via an implicit numeric conversion.
                    //    The value is always false.

                    return (operandType == targetType.GetNullableUnderlyingType()) ? ConstantValue.True : ConstantValue.False;

                case ConversionKind.ImplicitDynamic:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitDynamic:
                case ConversionKind.PointerToInteger:
                case ConversionKind.PointerToPointer:
                case ConversionKind.PointerToVoid:
                case ConversionKind.IntegerToPointer:
                case ConversionKind.NullToPointer:
                case ConversionKind.AnonymousFunction:
                case ConversionKind.NullLiteral:
                case ConversionKind.MethodGroup:
                    // We've either replaced Dynamic with Object, or already bailed out with an error.
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(conversionKind);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private bool CheckValidPatternType(
            CSharpSyntaxNode typeSyntax,
            BoundExpression operand,
            TypeSymbol operandType,
            TypeSymbol patternType,
            bool patternTypeWasInSource,
            bool isVar,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (operandType?.IsErrorType() == true || patternType?.IsErrorType() == true)
                return false;
            else if (patternType.IsNullableType() && !isVar && patternTypeWasInSource)
                // It is an error to use pattern-matching with a nullable type, because you'll never get null. Use the underlying type.
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternNullableType, typeSyntax, patternType, patternType.GetNullableUnderlyingType());
                return true;
            else if (patternType.IsStatic)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_VarDeclIsStaticClass, typeSyntax, patternType);
                return true;
            else if (operand != null && operandType == (object)null && !operand.HasAnyErrors)
                // It is an error to use pattern-matching with a null, method group, or lambda
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadIsPatternExpression, operand.Syntax);
                return true;
            else if (!isVar)
                HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                Conversion conversion =
                    operand != null
                    ? this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(operand, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast: true)
                    : this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromType(operandType, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast: true);
                diagnostics.Add(typeSyntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
                switch (conversion.Kind)
                    case ConversionKind.Boxing:
                    case ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable:
                    case ConversionKind.ExplicitReference:
                    case ConversionKind.Identity:
                    case ConversionKind.ImplicitReference:
                    case ConversionKind.Unboxing:
                    case ConversionKind.NullLiteral:
                    case ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable:
                        // these are the conversions allowed by a pattern match
                    //case ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric:  // we do not perform numeric conversions of the operand
                    //case ConversionKind.ImplicitConstant:
                    //case ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric:
                        Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternWrongType, typeSyntax, operandType, patternType);
                        return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
            private static int TypeToIndex(TypeSymbol type)
                switch (type.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
                case SpecialType.System_Object: return(0);

                case SpecialType.System_String: return(1);

                case SpecialType.System_Boolean: return(2);

                case SpecialType.System_Char: return(3);

                case SpecialType.System_SByte: return(4);

                case SpecialType.System_Int16: return(5);

                case SpecialType.System_Int32: return(6);

                case SpecialType.System_Int64: return(7);

                case SpecialType.System_Byte: return(8);

                case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return(9);

                case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return(10);

                case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return(11);

                case SpecialType.System_Single: return(12);

                case SpecialType.System_Double: return(13);

                case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return(14);

                case SpecialType.None:
                    if ((object)type != null && type.IsNullableType())
                        TypeSymbol underlyingType = type.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

                        switch (underlyingType.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
                        case SpecialType.System_Boolean: return(15);

                        case SpecialType.System_Char: return(16);

                        case SpecialType.System_SByte: return(17);

                        case SpecialType.System_Int16: return(18);

                        case SpecialType.System_Int32: return(19);

                        case SpecialType.System_Int64: return(20);

                        case SpecialType.System_Byte: return(21);

                        case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return(22);

                        case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return(23);

                        case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return(24);

                        case SpecialType.System_Single: return(25);

                        case SpecialType.System_Double: return(26);

                        case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return(27);

                    // fall through
                    goto default;

Exemplo n.º 13
        // in simple cases could be left unlowered.
        // IL gen can generate more compact code for unlowered conditional accesses
        // by utilizing stack dup/pop instructions
        internal BoundExpression RewriteConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node, bool used, BoundExpression rewrittenWhenNull = null)

            var loweredReceiver = this.VisitExpression(node.Receiver);
            var receiverType    = loweredReceiver.Type;

            //TODO: if AccessExpression does not contain awaits, the node could be left unlowered (saves a temp),
            //      but there seem to be no way of knowing that without walking AccessExpression.
            //      For now we will just check that we are in an async method, but it would be nice
            //      to have something more precise.
            var isAsync = _factory.CurrentMethod.IsAsync;

            ConditionalAccessLoweringKind loweringKind;
            // CONSIDER: If we knew that loweredReceiver is not a captured local
            //       we could pass "false" for localsMayBeAssignedOrCaptured
            //       otherwise not capturing receiver into a temp
            //       could introduce additional races into the code if receiver is captured
            //       into a closure and is modified between null check of the receiver
            //       and the actual access.
            //       Nullable is special since we are not going to read any part of it twice
            //       we will read "HasValue" and then, conditionally will read "ValueOrDefault"
            //       that is no different than just reading both values unconditionally.
            //       As a result in the case of nullable, not reading captured local through a temp
            //       does not introduce any additional races so it is irrelevant whether
            //       the local is captured or not.
            var localsMayBeAssignedOrCaptured = !receiverType.IsNullableType();
            var needTemp = IntroducingReadCanBeObservable(loweredReceiver, localsMayBeAssignedOrCaptured);

            if (!isAsync && !node.AccessExpression.Type.IsDynamic() && rewrittenWhenNull == null &&
                (receiverType.IsReferenceType || receiverType.IsTypeParameter() && needTemp))
                // trivial cases can be handled more efficiently in IL gen
                loweringKind = ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.None;
            else if (needTemp)
                if (receiverType.IsReferenceType || receiverType.IsNullableType())
                    loweringKind = ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.CaptureReceiverByVal;
                    loweringKind = isAsync ?
                                   ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.DuplicateCode :
                // locals do not need to be captured
                loweringKind = ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.NoCapture;

            var             previousConditionalAccesTarget = _currentConditionalAccessTarget;
            LocalSymbol     temp = null;
            BoundExpression unconditionalAccess = null;

            switch (loweringKind)
            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.None:
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = null;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.NoCapture:
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = loweredReceiver;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.DuplicateCode:
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = loweredReceiver;
                unconditionalAccess             = used ?
                                                  this.VisitExpression(node.AccessExpression) :

                goto case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.CaptureReceiverByVal;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.CaptureReceiverByVal:
                temp = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(receiverType);
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = _factory.Local(temp);

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.CaptureReceiverByRef:
                temp = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(receiverType, refKind: RefKind.Ref);
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = _factory.Local(temp);

                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(loweringKind);

            BoundExpression loweredAccessExpression = used ?
                                                      this.VisitExpression(node.AccessExpression) :

            _currentConditionalAccessTarget = previousConditionalAccesTarget;

            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);

            TypeSymbol nodeType             = node.Type;
            TypeSymbol accessExpressionType = loweredAccessExpression.Type;

            if (accessExpressionType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void)
                type = nodeType = accessExpressionType;

            if (accessExpressionType != nodeType && nodeType.IsNullableType())
                Debug.Assert(accessExpressionType == nodeType.GetNullableUnderlyingType());
                loweredAccessExpression = _factory.New((NamedTypeSymbol)nodeType, loweredAccessExpression);

                if (unconditionalAccess != null)
                    unconditionalAccess = _factory.New((NamedTypeSymbol)nodeType, unconditionalAccess);
                Debug.Assert(accessExpressionType == nodeType ||
                             (nodeType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void && !used));

            BoundExpression result;
            var             objectType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object);

            rewrittenWhenNull = rewrittenWhenNull ?? _factory.Default(nodeType);

            switch (loweringKind)
            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.None:
                result = node.Update(loweredReceiver, loweredAccessExpression, type);

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.CaptureReceiverByVal:
                // capture the receiver into a temp
                loweredReceiver = _factory.Sequence(
                    _factory.AssignmentExpression(_factory.Local(temp), loweredReceiver),

                goto case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.NoCapture;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.NoCapture:
                // (object)r != null ? access : default(T)
                var condition = receiverType.IsNullableType() ?
                                MakeOptimizedHasValue(loweredReceiver.Syntax, loweredReceiver) :
                    _factory.Convert(objectType, loweredReceiver),

                var consequence = loweredAccessExpression;

                result = RewriteConditionalOperator(node.Syntax,

                if (temp != null)
                    result = _factory.Sequence(temp, result);

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.CaptureReceiverByRef:
                // {ref T r; T v;
                //    r = ref receiver;
                //    (isClass && { v = r; r = ref v; v == null } ) ?
                //                                          null;
                //                                          r.Foo()}

                var v = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(receiverType);

                BoundExpression captureRef = _factory.AssignmentExpression(_factory.Local(temp), loweredReceiver, refKind: RefKind.Ref);
                BoundExpression isNull     = _factory.LogicalAnd(
                    IsClass(receiverType, objectType),
                        _factory.AssignmentExpression(_factory.Local(v), _factory.Local(temp)),
                        _factory.AssignmentExpression(_factory.Local(temp), _factory.Local(v), RefKind.Ref),
                        _factory.ObjectEqual(_factory.Convert(objectType, _factory.Local(v)), _factory.Null(objectType)))

                result = RewriteConditionalOperator(node.Syntax,

                result = _factory.Sequence(
                    ImmutableArray.Create(temp, v),

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.DuplicateCode:

                // if we have a class, do regular conditional access via a val temp
                loweredReceiver = _factory.AssignmentExpression(_factory.Local(temp), loweredReceiver);
                BoundExpression ifClass = RewriteConditionalOperator(node.Syntax,
                                                                         _factory.Convert(objectType, loweredReceiver),

                if (temp != null)
                    ifClass = _factory.Sequence(temp, ifClass);

                // if we have a struct, then just access unconditionally
                BoundExpression ifStruct = unconditionalAccess;

                // (object)(default(T)) != null ? ifStruct: ifClass
                result = RewriteConditionalOperator(node.Syntax,
                                                    IsClass(receiverType, objectType),

                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;

Exemplo n.º 14
        private void AddUserDefinedConversionsToExplicitCandidateSet(
            BoundExpression sourceExpression,
            TypeSymbol source,
            TypeSymbol target,
            ArrayBuilder <UserDefinedConversionAnalysis> u,
            NamedTypeSymbol declaringType,
            string operatorName,
            ref HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            Debug.Assert(sourceExpression != null || (object)source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)target != null);
            Debug.Assert(u != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)declaringType != null);
            Debug.Assert(operatorName != null);

            // SPEC: Find the set of applicable user-defined and lifted conversion operators, U.
            // SPEC: The set consists of the user-defined and lifted implicit or explicit
            // SPEC: conversion operators declared by the classes and structs in D that convert
            // SPEC: from a type encompassing E or encompassed by S (if it exists) to a type
            // SPEC: encompassing or encompassed by T.

            // The spec here essentially says that we add an applicable "regular" conversion and
            // an applicable lifted conversion, if there is one, to the candidate set, and then
            // let them duke it out to determine which one is "best".
            // This is not at all what the native compiler does, and attempting to implement
            // the specification, or slight variations on it, produces too many backwards-compatibility
            // breaking changes.
            // The native compiler deviates from the specification in two major ways here.
            // First, it does not add *both* the regular and lifted forms to the candidate set.
            // Second, the way it characterizes a "lifted" form is very, very different from
            // how the specification characterizes a lifted form.
            // An operation, in this case, X-->Y, is properly said to be "lifted" to X?-->Y? via
            // the rule that X?-->Y? matches the behavior of X-->Y for non-null X, and converts
            // null X to null Y otherwise.
            // The native compiler, by contrast, takes the existing operator and "lifts" either
            // the operator's parameter type or the operator's return type to nullable. For
            // example, a conversion from X?-->Y would be "lifted" to X?-->Y? by making the
            // conversion from X? to Y, and then from Y to Y?.  No "lifting" semantics
            // are imposed; we do not check to see if the X? is null. This operator is not
            // actually "lifted" at all; rather, an implicit conversion is applied to the
            // output. **The native compiler considers the result type Y? of that standard implicit
            // conversion to be the result type of the "lifted" conversion**, rather than
            // properly considering Y to be the result type of the conversion for the purposes
            // of computing the best output type.
            // Moreover: the native compiler actually *does* implement nullable lifting semantics
            // in the case where the input type of the user-defined conversion is a non-nullable
            // value type and the output type is a nullable value type **or pointer type, or
            // reference type**. This is an enormous departure from the specification; the
            // native compiler will take a user-defined conversion from X-->Y? or X-->C and "lift"
            // it to a conversion from X?-->Y? or X?-->C that has nullable semantics.
            // This is quite confusing. In this code we will classify the conversion as either
            // "normal" or "lifted" on the basis of *whether or not special lifting semantics
            // are to be applied*. That is, whether or not a later rewriting pass is going to
            // need to insert a check to see if the source expression is null, and decide
            // whether or not to call the underlying unlifted conversion or produce a null
            // value without calling the unlifted conversion.
            // DELIBERATE SPEC VIOLATION: See the comment regarding bug 17021 in
            // UserDefinedImplicitConversions.cs.

            if ((object)source != null && source.IsInterfaceType() || target.IsInterfaceType())

            foreach (MethodSymbol op in declaringType.GetOperators(operatorName))
                // We might have a bad operator and be in an error recovery situation. Ignore it.
                if (op.ReturnsVoid || op.ParameterCount != 1 || op.ReturnType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Error)

                TypeSymbol convertsFrom   = op.GetParameterType(0);
                TypeSymbol convertsTo     = op.ReturnType;
                Conversion fromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(sourceExpression, source, convertsFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                Conversion toConversion   = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                // We accept candidates for which the parameter type encompasses the *underlying* source type.
                if (!fromConversion.Exists &&
                    (object)source != null &&
                    source.IsNullableType() &&
                    EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, source.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), convertsFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Exists)
                    fromConversion = ClassifyBuiltInConversion(source, convertsFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                // As in dev11 (and the revised spec), we also accept candidates for which the return type is encompassed by the *stripped* target type.
                if (!toConversion.Exists &&
                    (object)target != null &&
                    target.IsNullableType() &&
                    EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), ref useSiteDiagnostics).Exists)
                    toConversion = ClassifyBuiltInConversion(convertsTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                // In the corresponding implicit conversion code we can get away with first
                // checking to see if standard implicit conversions exist from the source type
                // to the parameter type, and from the return type to the target type. If not,
                // then we can check for a lifted operator.
                // That's not going to cut it in the explicit conversion code. Suppose we have
                // a conversion X-->Y and have source type X? and target type Y?. There *are*
                // standard explicit conversions from X?-->X and Y?-->Y, but we do not want
                // to bind this as an *unlifted* conversion from X? to Y?; we want such a thing
                // to be a *lifted* conversion from X? to Y?, that checks for null on the source
                // and decides to not call the underlying user-defined conversion if it is null.
                // We therefore cannot do what we do in the implicit conversions, where we check
                // to see if the unlifted conversion works, and if it does, then don't add the lifted
                // conversion at all. Rather, we have to see if what we're building here is a
                // lifted conversion or not.
                // Under what circumstances is this conversion a lifted conversion? (In the
                // "spec" sense of a lifted conversion; that is, that we check for null
                // and skip the user-defined conversion if necessary).
                // * The source type must be a nullable value type.
                // * The parameter type must be a non-nullable value type.
                // * The target type must be able to take on a null value.

                if (fromConversion.Exists && toConversion.Exists)
                    if ((object)source != null && source.IsNullableType() && convertsFrom.IsNonNullableValueType() && target.CanBeAssignedNull())
                        TypeSymbol nullableFrom         = MakeNullableType(convertsFrom);
                        TypeSymbol nullableTo           = convertsTo.IsNonNullableValueType() ? MakeNullableType(convertsTo) : convertsTo;
                        Conversion liftedFromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(sourceExpression, source, nullableFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                        Conversion liftedToConversion   = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, nullableTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                        u.Add(UserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Lifted(op, liftedFromConversion, liftedToConversion, nullableFrom, nullableTo));
                        // There is an additional spec violation in the native compiler. Suppose
                        // we have a conversion from X-->Y and are asked to do "Y? y = new X();"  Clearly
                        // the intention is to convert from X-->Y via the implicit conversion, and then
                        // stick a standard implicit conversion from Y-->Y? on the back end. **In this
                        // situation, the native compiler treats the conversion as though it were
                        // actually X-->Y? in source for the purposes of determining the best target
                        // type of a set of operators.
                        // Similarly, if we have a conversion from X-->Y and are asked to do
                        // an explicit conversion from X? to Y then we treat the conversion as
                        // though it really were X?-->Y for the purposes of determining the best
                        // source type of a set of operators.
                        // We perpetuate these fictions here.

                        if (target.IsNullableType() && convertsTo.IsNonNullableValueType())
                            convertsTo   = MakeNullableType(convertsTo);
                            toConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                        if ((object)source != null && source.IsNullableType() && convertsFrom.IsNonNullableValueType())
                            convertsFrom   = MakeNullableType(convertsFrom);
                            fromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsFrom, source, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                        u.Add(UserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Normal(op, fromConversion, toConversion, convertsFrom, convertsTo));
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Check that the pattern type is valid for the operand. Return true if an error was reported.
        /// </summary>
        private bool CheckValidPatternType(
            CSharpSyntaxNode typeSyntax,
            BoundExpression operand,
            TypeSymbol operandType,
            TypeSymbol patternType,
            bool patternTypeWasInSource,
            bool isVar,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert((object)operandType != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)patternType != null);

            // Because we do not support recursive patterns, we always have an operand
            Debug.Assert((object)operand != null);
            // Once we support recursive patterns that will be relaxed.

            if (operandType.IsErrorType() || patternType.IsErrorType())
            else if (patternType.IsNullableType() && !isVar && patternTypeWasInSource)
                // It is an error to use pattern-matching with a nullable type, because you'll never get null. Use the underlying type.
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternNullableType, typeSyntax, patternType, patternType.GetNullableUnderlyingType());
            else if (patternType.IsStatic)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_VarDeclIsStaticClass, typeSyntax, patternType);
            else if (!isVar)
                if (patternType.IsDynamic())
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternDynamicType, typeSyntax);

                HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                Conversion conversion =
                    operand != null
                    ? this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(operand, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast : true)
                    : this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromType(operandType, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast: true);

                diagnostics.Add(typeSyntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
                switch (conversion.Kind)
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitDynamic:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitDynamic:
                // Since the input was `dynamic`, which is equivalent to `object`, there must also
                // exist some unboxing, identity, or reference conversion as well, making the conversion legal.
                case ConversionKind.Boxing:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.Identity:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.Unboxing:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable:
                    // these are the conversions allowed by a pattern match

                case ConversionKind.DefaultOrNullLiteral:
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(conversion.Kind);

                //case ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric:  // we do not perform numeric conversions of the operand
                //case ConversionKind.ImplicitConstant:
                //case ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric:
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternWrongType, typeSyntax, operandType, patternType);

        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to generate a lowered conversion.
        /// </summary>
        private BoundExpression MakeConversion(
            BoundConversion oldNode,
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression rewrittenOperand,
            ConversionKind conversionKind,
            MethodSymbol symbolOpt,
            bool @checked,
            bool explicitCastInCode,
            bool isExtensionMethod,
            bool isArrayIndex,
            ConstantValue constantValueOpt,
            TypeSymbol rewrittenType)
            Debug.Assert(oldNode == null || oldNode.Syntax == syntax);
            Debug.Assert((object)rewrittenType != null);
            @checked = @checked &&
                (inExpressionLambda && (explicitCastInCode || DistinctSpecialTypes(rewrittenOperand.Type, rewrittenType)) ||
                NeedsChecked(rewrittenOperand.Type, rewrittenType));

            switch (conversionKind)
                case ConversionKind.Identity:

                    // Spec 6.1.1:
                    //   An identity conversion converts from any type to the same type. 
                    //   This conversion exists such that an entity that already has a required type can be said to be convertible to that type.
                    //   Because object and dynamic are considered equivalent there is an identity conversion between object and dynamic, 
                    //   and between constructed types that are the same when replacing all occurrences of dynamic with object.

                    // Why ignoreDynamic: false?
                    // Lowering phase treats object and dynamic as equivalent types. So we don't need to produce any conversion here,
                    // but we need to change the Type property on the resulting BoundExpression to match the rewrittenType.
                    // This is necessary so that subsequent lowering transformations see that the expression is dynamic.

                    if (inExpressionLambda || !rewrittenOperand.Type.Equals(rewrittenType, ignoreCustomModifiers: false, ignoreDynamic: false))

                    // 4.1.6 C# spec: To force a value of a floating point type to the exact precision of its type, an explicit cast can be used.
                    // If this is not an identity conversion of a float with unknown precision, strip away the identity conversion.
                    if (!(explicitCastInCode && IsFloatPointExpressionOfUnknownPrecision(rewrittenOperand)))
                        return rewrittenOperand;


                case ConversionKind.ExplicitUserDefined:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitUserDefined:
                    return RewriteUserDefinedConversion(
                        syntax: syntax,
                        rewrittenOperand: rewrittenOperand,
                        method: symbolOpt,
                        rewrittenType: rewrittenType,
                        conversionKind: conversionKind);

                case ConversionKind.IntPtr:
                    return RewriteIntPtrConversion(oldNode, syntax, rewrittenOperand, conversionKind, symbolOpt, @checked,
                        explicitCastInCode, isExtensionMethod, isArrayIndex, constantValueOpt, rewrittenType);

                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable:
                    return RewriteNullableConversion(
                        syntax: syntax,
                        rewrittenOperand: rewrittenOperand,
                        conversionKind: conversionKind,
                        @checked: @checked,
                        explicitCastInCode: explicitCastInCode,
                        rewrittenType: rewrittenType);

                case ConversionKind.Boxing:

                    if (!inExpressionLambda)
                        // We can perform some optimizations if we have a nullable value type
                        // as the operand and we know its nullability:

                        // * (object)new int?() is the same as (object)null
                        // * (object)new int?(123) is the same as (object)123

                        if (NullableNeverHasValue(rewrittenOperand))
                            return new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, rewrittenType);

                        BoundExpression nullableValue = NullableAlwaysHasValue(rewrittenOperand);
                        if (nullableValue != null)
                            // Recurse, eliminating the unnecessary ctor.
                            return MakeConversion(oldNode, syntax, nullableValue, conversionKind,
                                symbolOpt, @checked, explicitCastInCode, isExtensionMethod, isArrayIndex,
                                constantValueOpt, rewrittenType);

                case ConversionKind.NullLiteral:
                    if (!inExpressionLambda || !explicitCastInCode)
                        return new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, rewrittenType);


                case ConversionKind.ImplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitReference:
                    if (rewrittenOperand.IsDefaultValue() && (!inExpressionLambda || !explicitCastInCode))
                        return new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, rewrittenType);


                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric:
                    if (rewrittenOperand.IsDefaultValue() && (!inExpressionLambda || !explicitCastInCode))
                        return new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, rewrittenType);

                    if (rewrittenType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Decimal || rewrittenOperand.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Decimal)
                        return RewriteDecimalConversion(oldNode, syntax, rewrittenOperand, rewrittenOperand.Type, rewrittenType);

                case ConversionKind.ImplicitEnumeration:
                    // A conversion from constant zero to nullable is actually classified as an 
                    // implicit enumeration conversion, not an implicit nullable conversion. 
                    // Lower it to (E?)(E)0.
                    if (rewrittenType.IsNullableType())
                        var operand = MakeConversion(

                        return MakeConversion(

                    goto case ConversionKind.ExplicitEnumeration;

                case ConversionKind.ExplicitEnumeration:
                    if (!rewrittenType.IsNullableType() &&
                        rewrittenOperand.IsDefaultValue() &&
                        (!inExpressionLambda || !explicitCastInCode))
                        return new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, rewrittenType);

                    if (rewrittenType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Decimal)
                        var underlyingTypeFrom = rewrittenOperand.Type.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
                        rewrittenOperand = MakeConversion(rewrittenOperand, underlyingTypeFrom, false);
                        return RewriteDecimalConversion(oldNode, syntax, rewrittenOperand, underlyingTypeFrom, rewrittenType);
                    else if (rewrittenOperand.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Decimal)
                        // This is where we handle conversion from Decimal to Enum: e.g., E e = (E) d;
                        // where 'e' is of type Enum E and 'd' is of type Decimal.
                        // Conversion can be simply done by applying its underlying numeric type to RewriteDecimalConversion(). 

                        var underlyingTypeTo = rewrittenType.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
                        var rewrittenNode = RewriteDecimalConversion(oldNode, syntax, rewrittenOperand, rewrittenOperand.Type, underlyingTypeTo);

                        // However, the type of the rewritten node becomes underlying numeric type, not Enum type,
                        // which violates the overall constraint saying the type cannot be changed during rewriting (see LocalRewriter.cs).

                        // Instead of loosening this constraint, we return BoundConversion from underlying numeric type to Enum type,
                        // which will be eliminated during emitting (see EmitEnumConversion): e.g., E e = (E)(int) d;

                        return new BoundConversion(
                            isBaseConversion: false,
                            symbolOpt: symbolOpt,
                            @checked: false,
                            explicitCastInCode: explicitCastInCode,
                            isExtensionMethod: isExtensionMethod,
                            isArrayIndex: false,
                            constantValueOpt: constantValueOpt,
                            type: rewrittenType);


                case ConversionKind.ImplicitDynamic:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitDynamic:
                    Debug.Assert((object)symbolOpt == null);
                    Debug.Assert(constantValueOpt == null);
                    return dynamicFactory.MakeDynamicConversion(rewrittenOperand, explicitCastInCode || conversionKind == ConversionKind.ExplicitDynamic, isArrayIndex, @checked, rewrittenType).ToExpression();


            return oldNode != null ?
                    isBaseConversion: oldNode.IsBaseConversion,
                    symbolOpt: symbolOpt,
                    @checked: @checked,
                    explicitCastInCode: explicitCastInCode,
                    isExtensionMethod: isExtensionMethod,
                    isArrayIndex: isArrayIndex,
                    constantValueOpt: constantValueOpt,
                    type: rewrittenType) :
                new BoundConversion(
                    isBaseConversion: false,
                    symbolOpt: symbolOpt,
                    @checked: @checked,
                    explicitCastInCode: explicitCastInCode,
                    isExtensionMethod: isExtensionMethod,
                    isArrayIndex: isArrayIndex,
                    constantValueOpt: constantValueOpt,
                    type: rewrittenType);
            protected BoundExpression LowerEvaluation(BoundDagEvaluation evaluation)
                BoundExpression input = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(evaluation.Input);

                switch (evaluation)
                case BoundDagFieldEvaluation f:
                    FieldSymbol     field      = f.Field;
                    var             outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(f.Syntax, field.Type, f);
                    BoundExpression output     = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp);
                    BoundExpression access     = _localRewriter.MakeFieldAccess(f.Syntax, input, field, null, LookupResultKind.Viable, field.Type);
                    access.WasCompilerGenerated = true;
                    return(_factory.AssignmentExpression(output, access));

                case BoundDagPropertyEvaluation p:
                    PropertySymbol  property   = p.Property;
                    var             outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(p.Syntax, property.Type, p);
                    BoundExpression output     = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp);
                    return(_factory.AssignmentExpression(output, _localRewriter.MakePropertyAccess(_factory.Syntax, input, property, LookupResultKind.Viable, property.Type, isLeftOfAssignment: false)));

                case BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation d:
                    MethodSymbol method         = d.DeconstructMethod;
                    var          refKindBuilder = ArrayBuilder <RefKind> .GetInstance();

                    var argBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> .GetInstance();

                    BoundExpression receiver;
                    void addArg(RefKind refKind, BoundExpression expression)

                    Debug.Assert(method.Name == WellKnownMemberNames.DeconstructMethodName);
                    int extensionExtra;
                    if (method.IsStatic)
                        receiver = _factory.Type(method.ContainingType);
                        addArg(method.ParameterRefKinds[0], input);
                        extensionExtra = 1;
                        receiver       = input;
                        extensionExtra = 0;

                    for (int i = extensionExtra; i < method.ParameterCount; i++)
                        ParameterSymbol parameter = method.Parameters[i];
                        Debug.Assert(parameter.RefKind == RefKind.Out);
                        var outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(d.Syntax, parameter.Type, d, i - extensionExtra);
                        addArg(RefKind.Out, _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp));

                    return(_factory.Call(receiver, method, refKindBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), argBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree()));

                case BoundDagTypeEvaluation t:
                    TypeSymbol inputType = input.Type;
                    Debug.Assert(inputType is { });
                    if (inputType.IsDynamic())
                        // Avoid using dynamic conversions for pattern-matching.
                        inputType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object);
                        input     = _factory.Convert(inputType, input);

                    TypeSymbol      type       = t.Type;
                    var             outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(t.Syntax, type, t);
                    BoundExpression output     = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp);
                    CompoundUseSiteInfo <AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo = _localRewriter.GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo();
                    Conversion conversion = _factory.Compilation.Conversions.ClassifyBuiltInConversion(inputType, output.Type, isChecked: false, ref useSiteInfo);

                    _localRewriter._diagnostics.Add(t.Syntax, useSiteInfo);
                    BoundExpression evaluated;
                    if (conversion.Exists)
                        if (conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable &&
                            inputType.GetNullableUnderlyingType().Equals(output.Type, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions) &&
                            _localRewriter.TryGetNullableMethod(t.Syntax, inputType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault, out MethodSymbol getValueOrDefault))
                            // As a special case, since the null test has already been done we can use Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault
                            evaluated = _factory.Call(input, getValueOrDefault);
                            evaluated = _factory.Convert(type, input, conversion);
                        evaluated = _factory.As(input, type);

                    return(_factory.AssignmentExpression(output, evaluated));
Exemplo n.º 18
        private bool LowerBoundNullableInference(TypeSymbol source, TypeSymbol target, ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            Debug.Assert((object)source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)target != null);

            if (!source.IsNullableType() || !target.IsNullableType())
                return false;

            LowerBoundInference(source.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), target.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), ref useSiteDiagnostics);
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private bool LowerBoundNullableInference(TypeSymbol source, TypeSymbol target, ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            Debug.Assert((object)source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)target != null);

            // SPEC ISSUE: As noted above, the spec does not clearly call out how
            // SPEC ISSUE: to do type inference to a nullable target. I propose the
            // SPEC ISSUE: following:
            // SPEC ISSUE:
            // SPEC ISSUE: * Otherwise, if V is nullable type V1? and U is a 
            // SPEC ISSUE:   non-nullable struct type then an exact inference is made from U to V1.

            if (!target.IsNullableType() || !source.IsValueType || source.IsNullableType())
                return false;

            ExactInference(source, target.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), ref useSiteDiagnostics);
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private BoundExpression CreateTupleLiteralConversion(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, BoundTupleLiteral sourceTuple, Conversion conversion, bool isCast, TypeSymbol destination, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            // We have a successful tuple conversion; rather than producing a separate conversion node 
            // which is a conversion on top of a tuple literal, tuple conversion is an element-wise conversion of arguments.

            Debug.Assert(conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitTupleLiteral || conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable);
            Debug.Assert((conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable) == destination.IsNullableType());

            TypeSymbol destinationWithoutNullable = conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable ?
                                                                           destinationWithoutNullable = destination.GetNullableUnderlyingType() :

            NamedTypeSymbol targetType = (NamedTypeSymbol)destinationWithoutNullable;

            if (targetType.IsTupleType)
                var destTupleType = (TupleTypeSymbol)targetType;
                // do not lose the original element names in the literal if different from names in the target

                // Come back to this, what about locations? (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/11013)
                targetType = destTupleType.WithElementNames(sourceTuple.ArgumentNamesOpt);

            var arguments = sourceTuple.Arguments;
            var convertedArguments = ArrayBuilder<BoundExpression>.GetInstance(arguments.Length);

            ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> targetElementTypes = targetType.GetElementTypesOfTupleOrCompatible();
            Debug.Assert(targetElementTypes.Length == arguments.Length, "converting a tuple literal to incompatible type?");

            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                var argument = arguments[i];
                var destType = targetElementTypes[i];

                HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                Conversion elementConversion;
                if (isCast)
                    elementConversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionForCast(argument, destType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                    elementConversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(argument, destType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                diagnostics.Add(syntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
                convertedArguments.Add(CreateConversion(argument.Syntax, argument, elementConversion, isCast, destType, diagnostics));

            BoundExpression result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(

            // We need to preserve any conversion that changes the type (even identity conversions),
            // or that was explicitly written in code (so that GetSemanticInfo can find the syntax in the bound tree).
            if (!isCast && targetType == destination)
                return result;

            // if we have a nullable cast combined with a name/dynamic cast
            // name/dynamic cast must happen before converting to nullable
            if (conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable &&
                destinationWithoutNullable != targetType)
                Debug.Assert(destinationWithoutNullable.Equals(targetType, ignoreDynamic: true));

                result = new BoundConversion(
                    @checked: false,
                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                    type: destinationWithoutNullable)
                { WasCompilerGenerated = sourceTuple.WasCompilerGenerated };
            return new BoundConversion(
                @checked: false,
                explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                type: destination)
            { WasCompilerGenerated = sourceTuple.WasCompilerGenerated };
Exemplo n.º 21
        private bool CheckValidPatternType(
            CSharpSyntaxNode typeSyntax,
            BoundExpression operand,
            TypeSymbol operandType,
            TypeSymbol patternType,
            bool patternTypeWasInSource,
            bool isVar,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert((object)operandType != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)patternType != null);
            if (operandType.IsErrorType() || patternType.IsErrorType())
            else if (patternType.IsNullableType() && !isVar && patternTypeWasInSource)
                // It is an error to use pattern-matching with a nullable type, because you'll never get null. Use the underlying type.
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternNullableType, typeSyntax, patternType, patternType.GetNullableUnderlyingType());
            else if (patternType.IsStatic)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_VarDeclIsStaticClass, typeSyntax, patternType);
            else if (!isVar)
                HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                Conversion conversion =
                    operand != null
                    ? this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(operand, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast : true)
                    : this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromType(operandType, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast: true);

                diagnostics.Add(typeSyntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
                switch (conversion.Kind)
                case ConversionKind.Boxing:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.Identity:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.Unboxing:
                case ConversionKind.NullLiteral:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable:
                    // these are the conversions allowed by a pattern match

                //case ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric:  // we do not perform numeric conversions of the operand
                //case ConversionKind.ImplicitConstant:
                //case ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric:
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternWrongType, typeSyntax, operandType, patternType);

Exemplo n.º 22
        private bool CheckValidPatternType(
            CSharpSyntaxNode typeSyntax,
            BoundExpression operand,
            TypeSymbol operandType,
            TypeSymbol patternType,
            bool patternTypeWasInSource,
            bool isVar,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            if (operandType?.IsErrorType() == true || patternType?.IsErrorType() == true)
            else if (patternType.IsNullableType() && !isVar && patternTypeWasInSource)
                // It is an error to use pattern-matching with a nullable type, because you'll never get null. Use the underlying type.
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternNullableType, typeSyntax, patternType, patternType.GetNullableUnderlyingType());
            else if (operand != null && operandType == (object)null && !operand.HasAnyErrors)
                // It is an error to use pattern-matching with a null, method group, or lambda
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadIsPatternExpression, operand.Syntax);
            else if (!isVar)
                HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                Conversion conversion =
                    operand != null
                    ? this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionForCast(operand, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics)
                    : this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionForCast(operandType, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                diagnostics.Add(typeSyntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
                switch (conversion.Kind)
                case ConversionKind.Boxing:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable:
                case ConversionKind.ExplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.Identity:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitReference:
                case ConversionKind.Unboxing:
                case ConversionKind.NullLiteral:
                case ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable:
                    // these are the conversions allowed by a pattern match

                //case ConversionKind.ExplicitNumeric:  // we do not perform numeric conversions of the operand
                //case ConversionKind.ImplicitConstant:
                //case ConversionKind.ImplicitNumeric:
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, typeSyntax, operandType, patternType);

        private TypeSymbol TypeOrUnderlyingType(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type.IsNullableType())
                return type.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

            return type;
        private BoundExpression MakeLiftedUserDefinedConversionConsequence(BoundCall call, TypeSymbol resultType)
            if (call.Method.ReturnType.IsNonNullableValueType())
                Debug.Assert(resultType.IsNullableType() && resultType.GetNullableUnderlyingType() == call.Method.ReturnType);
                MethodSymbol ctor = GetNullableMethod(call.Syntax, resultType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor);
                return new BoundObjectCreationExpression(call.Syntax, ctor, call);

            return call;
Exemplo n.º 25
        private BoundExpression GetLiftedUnaryOperatorConsequence(UnaryOperatorKind kind, CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, MethodSymbol method, TypeSymbol type, BoundExpression nonNullOperand)
            MethodSymbol ctor = GetNullableMethod(syntax, type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor);

            // OP(temp.GetValueOrDefault())
            BoundExpression unliftedOp = MakeUnaryOperator(
                oldNode: null,
                kind: kind.Unlifted(),
                syntax: syntax,
                method: method,
                loweredOperand: nonNullOperand,
                type: type.GetNullableUnderlyingType());

            // new R?(OP(temp.GetValueOrDefault()))
            BoundExpression consequence = new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
            return consequence;
            private static int? TypeToIndex(TypeSymbol type)
                switch (type.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
                    case SpecialType.System_Object: return 0;
                    case SpecialType.System_String: return 1;
                    case SpecialType.System_Boolean: return 2;
                    case SpecialType.System_Char: return 3;
                    case SpecialType.System_SByte: return 4;
                    case SpecialType.System_Int16: return 5;
                    case SpecialType.System_Int32: return 6;
                    case SpecialType.System_Int64: return 7;
                    case SpecialType.System_Byte: return 8;
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return 9;
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return 10;
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return 11;
                    case SpecialType.System_Single: return 12;
                    case SpecialType.System_Double: return 13;
                    case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return 14;

                    case SpecialType.None:
                        if (type != null && type.IsNullableType())
                            TypeSymbol underlyingType = type.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

                            switch (underlyingType.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
                                case SpecialType.System_Boolean: return 15;
                                case SpecialType.System_Char: return 16;
                                case SpecialType.System_SByte: return 17;
                                case SpecialType.System_Int16: return 18;
                                case SpecialType.System_Int32: return 19;
                                case SpecialType.System_Int64: return 20;
                                case SpecialType.System_Byte: return 21;
                                case SpecialType.System_UInt16: return 22;
                                case SpecialType.System_UInt32: return 23;
                                case SpecialType.System_UInt64: return 24;
                                case SpecialType.System_Single: return 25;
                                case SpecialType.System_Double: return 26;
                                case SpecialType.System_Decimal: return 27;

                        // fall through
                        goto default;

                    default: return null;
Exemplo n.º 27
        private BoundExpression CreateTupleLiteralConversion(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundTupleLiteral sourceTuple, Conversion conversion, bool isCast, TypeSymbol destination, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            // We have a successful tuple conversion; rather than producing a separate conversion node 
            // which is a conversion on top of a tuple literal, tuple conversion is an element-wise conversion of arguments.
            Debug.Assert((conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable) == destination.IsNullableType());

            var destinationWithoutNullable = destination;
            var conversionWithoutNullable = conversion;

            if (conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ImplicitNullable)
                destinationWithoutNullable = destination.GetNullableUnderlyingType();
                conversionWithoutNullable = conversion.UnderlyingConversions[0];


            NamedTypeSymbol targetType = (NamedTypeSymbol)destinationWithoutNullable;
            if (targetType.IsTupleType)
                var destTupleType = (TupleTypeSymbol)targetType;
                // do not lose the original element names in the literal if different from names in the target

                TupleTypeSymbol.ReportNamesMismatchesIfAny(targetType, sourceTuple, diagnostics);

                // Come back to this, what about locations? (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/11013)
                targetType = destTupleType.WithElementNames(sourceTuple.ArgumentNamesOpt);

            var arguments = sourceTuple.Arguments;
            var convertedArguments = ArrayBuilder<BoundExpression>.GetInstance(arguments.Length);

            ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> targetElementTypes = targetType.GetElementTypesOfTupleOrCompatible();
            Debug.Assert(targetElementTypes.Length == arguments.Length, "converting a tuple literal to incompatible type?");
            var underlyingConversions = conversionWithoutNullable.UnderlyingConversions;

            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                var argument = arguments[i];
                var destType = targetElementTypes[i];
                var elementConversion = underlyingConversions[i];

                convertedArguments.Add(CreateConversion(argument.Syntax, argument, elementConversion, isCast, destType, diagnostics));

            BoundExpression result = new BoundConvertedTupleLiteral(

            if (sourceTuple.Type != destination)
                // literal cast is applied to the literal 
                result = new BoundConversion(
                    @checked: false,
                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                    type: destination);

            // If we had a cast in the code, keep conversion in the tree.
            // even though the literal is already converted to the target type.
            if (isCast)
                result = new BoundConversion(
                    @checked: false,
                    explicitCastInCode: isCast,
                    constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable,
                    type: destination);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private BoundExpression GetDefaultParameterValue(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, ParameterSymbol parameter)
            TypeSymbol      parameterType        = parameter.Type;
            ConstantValue   defaultConstantValue = parameter.ExplicitDefaultConstantValue;
            BoundExpression defaultValue;

            SourceLocation callerSourceLocation;

            if (parameter.IsCallerLineNumber && ((callerSourceLocation = GetCallerLocation(syntax)) != null))
                int             line        = callerSourceLocation.SourceTree.GetDisplayLineNumber(callerSourceLocation.SourceSpan);
                BoundExpression lineLiteral = MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(line), compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32));

                if (parameterType.IsNullableType())
                    defaultValue = MakeConversion(lineLiteral, parameterType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), false);

                    // wrap it in a nullable ctor.
                    defaultValue = new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
                        GetNullableMethod(syntax, parameterType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor),
                    defaultValue = MakeConversion(lineLiteral, parameterType, false);
            else if (parameter.IsCallerFilePath && ((callerSourceLocation = GetCallerLocation(syntax)) != null))
                string          path = callerSourceLocation.SourceTree.GetDisplayPath(callerSourceLocation.SourceSpan, compilation.Options.SourceReferenceResolver);
                BoundExpression memberNameLiteral = MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(path), compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String));
                defaultValue = MakeConversion(memberNameLiteral, parameterType, false);
            else if (parameter.IsCallerMemberName && ((callerSourceLocation = GetCallerLocation(syntax)) != null))
                string memberName = this.factory.TopLevelMethod.GetMemberCallerName();

                BoundExpression memberNameLiteral = MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(memberName), compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String));
                defaultValue = MakeConversion(memberNameLiteral, parameterType, false);
            else if (defaultConstantValue == ConstantValue.NotAvailable)
                // There is no constant value given for the parameter in source/metadata.
                if (parameterType.IsDynamic() || parameterType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object)
                    // We have something like M([Optional] object x). We have special handling for such situations.
                    defaultValue = GetDefaultParameterSpecial(syntax, parameter);
                    // The argument to M([Optional] int x) becomes default(int)
                    defaultValue = new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, parameterType);
            else if (defaultConstantValue.IsNull && parameterType.IsValueType)
                // We have something like M(int? x = null) or M(S x = default(S)),
                // so replace the argument with default(int?).
                defaultValue = new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, parameterType);
            else if (parameterType.IsNullableType())
                // We have something like M(double? x = 1.23), so replace the argument
                // with new double?(1.23).

                TypeSymbol constantType = compilation.GetSpecialType(defaultConstantValue.SpecialType);
                defaultValue = MakeLiteral(syntax, defaultConstantValue, constantType);

                // The parameter's underlying type might not match the constant type. For example, we might have
                // a default value of 5 (an integer) but a parameter type of decimal?.

                defaultValue = MakeConversion(defaultValue, parameterType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), @checked: false, acceptFailingConversion: true);

                // Finally, wrap it in a nullable ctor.
                defaultValue = new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
                    GetNullableMethod(syntax, parameterType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor),
            else if (defaultConstantValue.IsNull || defaultConstantValue.IsBad)
                defaultValue = MakeLiteral(syntax, defaultConstantValue, parameterType);
                // We have something like M(double = 1.23), so replace the argument with 1.23.

                TypeSymbol constantType = compilation.GetSpecialType(defaultConstantValue.SpecialType);
                defaultValue = MakeLiteral(syntax, defaultConstantValue, constantType);
                // The parameter type might not match the constant type.
                defaultValue = MakeConversion(defaultValue, parameterType, @checked: false, acceptFailingConversion: true);

Exemplo n.º 29
 public static TypeSymbol StrippedType(this TypeSymbol type)
     return(type.IsNullableType() ? type.GetNullableUnderlyingType() : type);
Exemplo n.º 30
        private BoundExpression ConvertCaseExpression(TypeSymbol switchGoverningType, CSharpSyntaxNode node, BoundExpression caseExpression, Binder sectionBinder, ref ConstantValue constantValueOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool isGotoCaseExpr = false)
            BoundExpression convertedCaseExpression;
            if (!isGotoCaseExpr)
                // NOTE: This will allow user-defined conversions, even though they're not allowed here.  This is acceptable
                // because the result of a user-defined conversion does not have a ConstantValue and we'll report a diagnostic
                // to that effect below (same error code as Dev10).
                convertedCaseExpression = sectionBinder.GenerateConversionForAssignment(switchGoverningType, caseExpression, diagnostics);
                // SPEC VIOLATION for Dev10 COMPATIBILITY:

                // Dev10 compiler violates the SPEC comment below:
                //      "if the constant-expression is not implicitly convertible (§6.1) to 
                //      the governing type of the nearest enclosing switch statement, 
                //      a compile-time error occurs"

                // If there is no implicit conversion from gotoCaseExpression to switchGoverningType,
                // but there exists an explicit conversion, Dev10 compiler generates a warning "WRN_GotoCaseShouldConvert"
                // instead of an error. See test "CS0469_NoImplicitConversionWarning".

                // CONSIDER: Should we introduce a breaking change and violate Dev10 compatibility and follow the spec?

                HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                Conversion conversion = sectionBinder.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(caseExpression, switchGoverningType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics);
                if (!conversion.IsValid)
                    GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, node, conversion, caseExpression, switchGoverningType);
                else if (!conversion.IsImplicit)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_GotoCaseShouldConvert, node.Location, switchGoverningType);

                convertedCaseExpression = sectionBinder.CreateConversion(caseExpression, conversion, switchGoverningType, diagnostics);

            if (switchGoverningType.IsNullableType()
                && convertedCaseExpression.Kind == BoundKind.Conversion
                // Null is a special case here because we want to compare null to the Nullable<T> itself, not to the underlying type.
                && (convertedCaseExpression.ConstantValue == null || !convertedCaseExpression.ConstantValue.IsNull))
                var operand = ((BoundConversion)convertedCaseExpression).Operand;

                // We are not intested in the diagnostic that get created here
                var diagnosticBag = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();
                constantValueOpt = sectionBinder.CreateConversion(operand, switchGoverningType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), diagnosticBag).ConstantValue;
                constantValueOpt = convertedCaseExpression.ConstantValue;

            return convertedCaseExpression;
Exemplo n.º 31
        // in simple cases could be left unlowered.
        // IL gen can generate more compact code for unlowered conditional accesses
        // by utilizing stack dup/pop instructions
        public override BoundNode VisitConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node)
            BoundExpression loweredReceiver = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.Receiver);

            var receiverType = loweredReceiver.Type;

            //TODO: if AccessExpression does not contain awaits, the node could be left unlowered (saves a temp),
            //      but there seem to be no way of knowing that without walking AccessExpression.
            var needToLower = receiverType.IsNullableType() || this.inExpressionLambda || this.factory.CurrentMethod.IsAsync;

            var         previousConditionalAccesTarget = currentConditionalAccessTarget;
            LocalSymbol temp = null;

            if (needToLower)
                if (NeedsTemp(loweredReceiver, localsMayBeAssigned: false))
                    temp = factory.SynthesizedLocal(receiverType);
                    currentConditionalAccessTarget = factory.Local(temp);
                    loweredReceiver = factory.AssignmentExpression(factory.Local(temp), loweredReceiver);
                    currentConditionalAccessTarget = loweredReceiver;
                currentConditionalAccessTarget = null;

            BoundExpression loweredAccessExpression = (BoundExpression)this.Visit(node.AccessExpression);

            currentConditionalAccessTarget = previousConditionalAccesTarget;

            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);

            TypeSymbol nodeType             = node.Type;
            TypeSymbol accessExpressionType = loweredAccessExpression.Type;

            if (accessExpressionType != nodeType)
                Debug.Assert(nodeType.IsNullableType() && accessExpressionType == nodeType.GetNullableUnderlyingType());
                loweredAccessExpression = factory.New((NamedTypeSymbol)nodeType, loweredAccessExpression);

            BoundExpression result;

            if (!needToLower)
                result = node.Update(loweredReceiver, loweredAccessExpression, type);
                var condition = receiverType.IsReferenceType ?
                                factory.ObjectNotEqual(loweredReceiver, factory.Null(receiverType)) :
                                MakeOptimizedHasValue(loweredReceiver.Syntax, loweredReceiver);

                var consequence = loweredAccessExpression;
                var alternative = factory.Default(nodeType);

                result = RewriteConditionalOperator(node.Syntax,

                if (temp != null)
                    result = factory.Sequence(temp, result);

Exemplo n.º 32
        internal BoundExpression ConvertPatternExpression(TypeSymbol inputType, CSharpSyntaxNode node, BoundExpression expression, ref ConstantValue constantValue, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            // NOTE: This will allow user-defined conversions, even though they're not allowed here.  This is acceptable
            // because the result of a user-defined conversion does not have a ConstantValue and we'll report a diagnostic
            // to that effect later.
            BoundExpression convertedExpression = GenerateConversionForAssignment(inputType, expression, diagnostics);

            if (convertedExpression.Kind == BoundKind.Conversion)
                var conversion = (BoundConversion)convertedExpression;
                var operand = conversion.Operand;
                if (inputType.IsNullableType() && (convertedExpression.ConstantValue == null || !convertedExpression.ConstantValue.IsNull))
                    // Null is a special case here because we want to compare null to the Nullable<T> itself, not to the underlying type.
                    var discardedDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); // We are not intested in the diagnostic that get created here
                    convertedExpression = CreateConversion(operand, inputType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), discardedDiagnostics);
                else if ((conversion.ConversionKind == ConversionKind.Boxing || conversion.ConversionKind == ConversionKind.ImplicitReference)
                    && operand.ConstantValue != null && convertedExpression.ConstantValue == null)
                    // A boxed constant (or string converted to object) is a special case because we prefer
                    // to compare to the pre-converted value by casting the input value to the type of the constant
                    // (that is, unboxing or downcasting it) and then testing the resulting value using primitives.
                    // That is much more efficient than calling object.Equals(x, y), and we can share the downcasted
                    // input value among many constant tests.
                    convertedExpression = operand;

            constantValue = convertedExpression.ConstantValue;
            return convertedExpression;
Exemplo n.º 33
            /// <summary>
            /// Return the side-effect expression corresponding to an evaluation.
            /// </summary>
            protected BoundExpression LowerEvaluation(BoundDagEvaluation evaluation)
                BoundExpression input = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(evaluation.Input);

                switch (evaluation)
                case BoundDagFieldEvaluation f:
                    FieldSymbol     field      = f.Field;
                    var             outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(f.Syntax, field.Type.TypeSymbol, f, index: 0);
                    BoundExpression output     = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp);
                    BoundExpression access     = _localRewriter.MakeFieldAccess(f.Syntax, input, field, null, LookupResultKind.Viable, field.Type.TypeSymbol);
                    access.WasCompilerGenerated = true;
                    return(_factory.AssignmentExpression(output, access));

                case BoundDagPropertyEvaluation p:
                    PropertySymbol  property   = p.Property;
                    var             outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(p.Syntax, property.Type.TypeSymbol, p, index: 0);
                    BoundExpression output     = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp);
                    return(_factory.AssignmentExpression(output, _factory.Property(input, property)));

                case BoundDagDeconstructEvaluation d:
                    MethodSymbol method         = d.DeconstructMethod;
                    var          refKindBuilder = ArrayBuilder <RefKind> .GetInstance();

                    var argBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundExpression> .GetInstance();

                    BoundExpression receiver;
                    void addArg(RefKind refKind, BoundExpression expression)

                    Debug.Assert(method.Name == WellKnownMemberNames.DeconstructMethodName);
                    int extensionExtra;
                    if (method.IsStatic)
                        receiver = _factory.Type(method.ContainingType);
                        addArg(method.ParameterRefKinds[0], input);
                        extensionExtra = 1;
                        receiver       = input;
                        extensionExtra = 0;

                    for (int i = extensionExtra; i < method.ParameterCount; i++)
                        ParameterSymbol parameter = method.Parameters[i];
                        Debug.Assert(parameter.RefKind == RefKind.Out);
                        var outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(d.Syntax, parameter.Type.TypeSymbol, d, i - extensionExtra);
                        addArg(RefKind.Out, _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp));

                    return(_factory.Call(receiver, method, refKindBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), argBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree()));

                case BoundDagTypeEvaluation t:
                    TypeSymbol inputType = input.Type;
                    if (inputType.IsDynamic() || inputType.ContainsTypeParameter())
                        inputType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object);

                    TypeSymbol               type               = t.Type;
                    var                      outputTemp         = new BoundDagTemp(t.Syntax, type, t, index: 0);
                    BoundExpression          output             = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp);
                    HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                    Conversion               conversion         = _factory.Compilation.Conversions.ClassifyBuiltInConversion(inputType, output.Type, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                    _localRewriter._diagnostics.Add(t.Syntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
                    BoundExpression evaluated;
                    if (conversion.Exists)
                        if (conversion.Kind == ConversionKind.ExplicitNullable &&
                            inputType.GetNullableUnderlyingType().Equals(output.Type, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions) &&
                            _localRewriter.TryGetNullableMethod(t.Syntax, inputType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault, out MethodSymbol getValueOrDefault))
                            // As a special case, since the null test has already been done we can use Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault
                            evaluated = _factory.Call(input, getValueOrDefault);
                            evaluated = _factory.Convert(type, input, conversion);
                        evaluated = _factory.As(input, type);

                    return(_factory.AssignmentExpression(output, evaluated));

                case BoundDagIndexEvaluation e:
                    // This is an evaluation of an indexed property with a constant int value.
                    // The input type must be ITuple, and the property must be a property of ITuple.
                    Debug.Assert(e.Property.GetMethod.ParameterCount == 1);
                    Debug.Assert(e.Property.GetMethod.Parameters[0].Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int32);
                    TypeSymbol      type       = e.Property.GetMethod.ReturnType.TypeSymbol;
                    var             outputTemp = new BoundDagTemp(e.Syntax, type, e, index: 0);
                    BoundExpression output     = _tempAllocator.GetTemp(outputTemp);
                    return(_factory.AssignmentExpression(output, _factory.Call(input, e.Property.GetMethod, _factory.Literal(e.Index))));

                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(evaluation);
        private void AddUserDefinedConversionsToExplicitCandidateSet(
            BoundExpression sourceExpression,
            TypeSymbol source,
            TypeSymbol target,
            ArrayBuilder<UserDefinedConversionAnalysis> u,
            NamedTypeSymbol declaringType,
            string operatorName,
            ref HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics)
            Debug.Assert(sourceExpression != null || (object)source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)target != null);
            Debug.Assert(u != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)declaringType != null);
            Debug.Assert(operatorName != null);

            // SPEC: Find the set of applicable user-defined and lifted conversion operators, U.
            // SPEC: The set consists of the user-defined and lifted implicit or explicit 
            // SPEC: conversion operators declared by the classes and structs in D that convert 
            // SPEC: from a type encompassing E or encompassed by S (if it exists) to a type
            // SPEC: encompassing or encompassed by T. 

            // The spec here essentially says that we add an applicable "regular" conversion and 
            // an applicable lifted conversion, if there is one, to the candidate set, and then
            // let them duke it out to determine which one is "best".
            // This is not at all what the native compiler does, and attempting to implement
            // the specification, or slight variations on it, produces too many backwards-compatibility
            // breaking changes.
            // The native compiler deviates from the specification in two major ways here.
            // First, it does not add *both* the regular and lifted forms to the candidate set.
            // Second, the way it characterizes a "lifted" form is very, very different from
            // how the specification characterizes a lifted form. 
            // An operation, in this case, X-->Y, is properly said to be "lifted" to X?-->Y? via
            // the rule that X?-->Y? matches the behavior of X-->Y for non-null X, and converts
            // null X to null Y otherwise.
            // The native compiler, by contrast, takes the existing operator and "lifts" either
            // the operator's parameter type or the operator's return type to nullable. For
            // example, a conversion from X?-->Y would be "lifted" to X?-->Y? by making the
            // conversion from X? to Y, and then from Y to Y?.  No "lifting" semantics
            // are imposed; we do not check to see if the X? is null. This operator is not
            // actually "lifted" at all; rather, an implicit conversion is applied to the 
            // output. **The native compiler considers the result type Y? of that standard implicit
            // conversion to be the result type of the "lifted" conversion**, rather than
            // properly considering Y to be the result type of the conversion for the purposes 
            // of computing the best output type.
            // Moreover: the native compiler actually *does* implement nullable lifting semantics
            // in the case where the input type of the user-defined conversion is a non-nullable
            // value type and the output type is a nullable value type **or pointer type, or 
            // reference type**. This is an enormous departure from the specification; the
            // native compiler will take a user-defined conversion from X-->Y? or X-->C and "lift"
            // it to a conversion from X?-->Y? or X?-->C that has nullable semantics.
            // This is quite confusing. In this code we will classify the conversion as either
            // "normal" or "lifted" on the basis of *whether or not special lifting semantics
            // are to be applied*. That is, whether or not a later rewriting pass is going to
            // need to insert a check to see if the source expression is null, and decide
            // whether or not to call the underlying unlifted conversion or produce a null
            // value without calling the unlifted conversion.
            // DELIBERATE SPEC VIOLATION: See the comment regarding bug 17021 in 
            // UserDefinedImplicitConversions.cs.

            if ((object)source != null && source.IsInterfaceType() || target.IsInterfaceType())

            foreach (MethodSymbol op in declaringType.GetOperators(operatorName))
                // We might have a bad operator and be in an error recovery situation. Ignore it.
                if (op.ReturnsVoid || op.ParameterCount != 1 || op.ReturnType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Error)

                TypeSymbol convertsFrom = op.ParameterTypes[0];
                TypeSymbol convertsTo = op.ReturnType;
                Conversion fromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(sourceExpression, source, convertsFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                Conversion toConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                // We accept candidates for which the parameter type encompasses the *underlying* source type.
                if (!fromConversion.Exists &&
                    (object)source != null &&
                    source.IsNullableType() &&
                    EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, source.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), convertsFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics).Exists)
                    fromConversion = ClassifyConversion(source, convertsFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics, builtinOnly: true);

                // As in dev11 (and the revised spec), we also accept candidates for which the return type is encompassed by the *stripped* target type.
                if (!toConversion.Exists &&
                    (object)target != null &&
                    target.IsNullableType() &&
                    EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), ref useSiteDiagnostics).Exists)
                    toConversion = ClassifyConversion(convertsTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics, builtinOnly: true);

                // In the corresponding implicit conversion code we can get away with first 
                // checking to see if standard implicit conversions exist from the source type
                // to the parameter type, and from the return type to the target type. If not,
                // then we can check for a lifted operator.
                // That's not going to cut it in the explicit conversion code. Suppose we have
                // a conversion X-->Y and have source type X? and target type Y?. There *are*
                // standard explicit conversions from X?-->X and Y?-->Y, but we do not want
                // to bind this as an *unlifted* conversion from X? to Y?; we want such a thing
                // to be a *lifted* conversion from X? to Y?, that checks for null on the source
                // and decides to not call the underlying user-defined conversion if it is null.
                // We therefore cannot do what we do in the implicit conversions, where we check
                // to see if the unlifted conversion works, and if it does, then don't add the lifted
                // conversion at all. Rather, we have to see if what we're building here is a 
                // lifted conversion or not.
                // Under what circumstances is this conversion a lifted conversion? (In the 
                // "spec" sense of a lifted conversion; that is, that we check for null
                // and skip the user-defined conversion if necessary).
                // * The source type must be a nullable value type.
                // * The parameter type must be a non-nullable value type.
                // * The target type must be able to take on a null value.

                if (fromConversion.Exists && toConversion.Exists)
                    if ((object)source != null && source.IsNullableType() && convertsFrom.IsNonNullableValueType() && target.CanBeAssignedNull())
                        TypeSymbol nullableFrom = MakeNullableType(convertsFrom);
                        TypeSymbol nullableTo = convertsTo.IsNonNullableValueType() ? MakeNullableType(convertsTo) : convertsTo;
                        Conversion liftedFromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(sourceExpression, source, nullableFrom, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                        Conversion liftedToConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, nullableTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics);
                        u.Add(UserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Lifted(op, liftedFromConversion, liftedToConversion, nullableFrom, nullableTo));

                        // There is an additional spec violation in the native compiler. Suppose
                        // we have a conversion from X-->Y and are asked to do "Y? y = new X();"  Clearly
                        // the intention is to convert from X-->Y via the implicit conversion, and then
                        // stick a standard implicit conversion from Y-->Y? on the back end. **In this 
                        // situation, the native compiler treats the conversion as though it were
                        // actually X-->Y? in source for the purposes of determining the best target
                        // type of a set of operators.
                        // Similarly, if we have a conversion from X-->Y and are asked to do 
                        // an explicit conversion from X? to Y then we treat the conversion as
                        // though it really were X?-->Y for the purposes of determining the best
                        // source type of a set of operators.
                        // We perpetuate these fictions here.

                        if (target.IsNullableType() && convertsTo.IsNonNullableValueType())
                            convertsTo = MakeNullableType(convertsTo);
                            toConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsTo, target, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                        if ((object)source != null && source.IsNullableType() && convertsFrom.IsNonNullableValueType())
                            convertsFrom = MakeNullableType(convertsFrom);
                            fromConversion = EncompassingExplicitConversion(null, convertsFrom, source, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

                        u.Add(UserDefinedConversionAnalysis.Normal(op, fromConversion, toConversion, convertsFrom, convertsTo));
Exemplo n.º 35
        private static BinaryOperatorKind GetCorrespondingBinaryOperator(BoundIncrementOperator node)
            // We need to create expressions that have the semantics of incrementing or decrementing:
            // sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal and
            // any enum.  However, the binary addition operators we have at our disposal are just
            // int, uint, long, ulong, float, double and decimal.

            UnaryOperatorKind  unaryOperatorKind = node.OperatorKind;
            BinaryOperatorKind result;

            switch (unaryOperatorKind.OperandTypes())
            case UnaryOperatorKind.Int:
            case UnaryOperatorKind.SByte:
            case UnaryOperatorKind.Short:
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.Int;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.Byte:
            case UnaryOperatorKind.UShort:
            case UnaryOperatorKind.Char:
            case UnaryOperatorKind.UInt:
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.UInt;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.Long:
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.Long;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.ULong:
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.ULong;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.Float:
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.Float;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.Double:
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.Double;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.Decimal:     //Dev10 special cased this, but we'll let DecimalRewriter handle it
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.Decimal;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.Enum:
                TypeSymbol underlyingType = node.Type;
                if (underlyingType.IsNullableType())
                    underlyingType = underlyingType.GetNullableUnderlyingType();
                underlyingType = underlyingType.GetEnumUnderlyingType();

                // Operator overload resolution will not have chosen the enumerated type
                // unless the operand actually is of the enumerated type (or nullable enum type.)

                switch (underlyingType.SpecialType)
                case SpecialType.System_SByte:
                case SpecialType.System_Int16:
                case SpecialType.System_Int32:
                    result = BinaryOperatorKind.Int;

                case SpecialType.System_Byte:
                case SpecialType.System_UInt16:
                case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
                    result = BinaryOperatorKind.UInt;

                case SpecialType.System_Int64:
                    result = BinaryOperatorKind.Long;

                case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
                    result = BinaryOperatorKind.ULong;

                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(underlyingType.SpecialType);

            case UnaryOperatorKind.Pointer:
                result = BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndInt;

            case UnaryOperatorKind.UserDefined:
            case UnaryOperatorKind.Bool:
                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(unaryOperatorKind.OperandTypes());

            switch (result)
            case BinaryOperatorKind.UInt:
            case BinaryOperatorKind.Int:
            case BinaryOperatorKind.ULong:
            case BinaryOperatorKind.Long:
            case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndInt:
                result |= (BinaryOperatorKind)unaryOperatorKind.OverflowChecks();

            if (unaryOperatorKind.IsLifted())
                result |= BinaryOperatorKind.Lifted;

        // IL gen can generate more compact code for certain conditional accesses
        // by utilizing stack dup/pop instructions
        internal BoundExpression RewriteConditionalAccess(BoundConditionalAccess node, bool used)

            var loweredReceiver = this.VisitExpression(node.Receiver);
            var receiverType    = loweredReceiver.Type;

            // Check trivial case
            if (loweredReceiver.IsDefaultValue() && receiverType.IsReferenceType)

            ConditionalAccessLoweringKind loweringKind;
            // dynamic receivers are not directly supported in codegen and need to be lowered to a ternary
            var lowerToTernary = node.AccessExpression.Type.IsDynamic();

            if (!lowerToTernary)
                // trivial cases are directly supported in IL gen
                loweringKind = ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.LoweredConditionalAccess;
            else if (CanChangeValueBetweenReads(loweredReceiver))
                // NOTE: dynamic operations historically do not propagate mutations
                // to the receiver if that happens to be a value type
                // so we can capture receiver by value in dynamic case regardless of
                // the type of receiver
                // Nullable receivers are immutable so should be captured by value as well.
                loweringKind = ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.TernaryCaptureReceiverByVal;
                loweringKind = ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.Ternary;

            var previousConditionalAccessTarget = _currentConditionalAccessTarget;
            var currentConditionalAccessID      = ++_currentConditionalAccessID;

            LocalSymbol temp = null;

            switch (loweringKind)
            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.LoweredConditionalAccess:
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = new BoundConditionalReceiver(


            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.Ternary:
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = loweredReceiver;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.TernaryCaptureReceiverByVal:
                temp = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(receiverType);
                _currentConditionalAccessTarget = _factory.Local(temp);

                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(loweringKind);

            BoundExpression loweredAccessExpression;

            if (used)
                loweredAccessExpression = this.VisitExpression(node.AccessExpression);
                loweredAccessExpression = this.VisitUnusedExpression(node.AccessExpression);
                if (loweredAccessExpression == null)

            Debug.Assert(loweredAccessExpression != null);
            _currentConditionalAccessTarget = previousConditionalAccessTarget;

            TypeSymbol type = this.VisitType(node.Type);

            TypeSymbol nodeType             = node.Type;
            TypeSymbol accessExpressionType = loweredAccessExpression.Type;

            if (accessExpressionType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void)
                type = nodeType = accessExpressionType;

            if (!TypeSymbol.Equals(accessExpressionType, nodeType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) && nodeType.IsNullableType())
                Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(accessExpressionType, nodeType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
                loweredAccessExpression = _factory.New((NamedTypeSymbol)nodeType, loweredAccessExpression);
                Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(accessExpressionType, nodeType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) ||
                             (nodeType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void && !used));

            BoundExpression result;
            var             objectType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object);

            switch (loweringKind)
            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.LoweredConditionalAccess:
                result = new BoundLoweredConditionalAccess(
                    receiverType.IsNullableType() ?
                    UnsafeGetNullableMethod(node.Syntax, loweredReceiver.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_get_HasValue) :


            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.TernaryCaptureReceiverByVal:
                // capture the receiver into a temp
                loweredReceiver = _factory.MakeSequence(
                    _factory.AssignmentExpression(_factory.Local(temp), loweredReceiver),

                goto case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.Ternary;

            case ConditionalAccessLoweringKind.Ternary:
                // (object)r != null ? access : default(T)
                var condition = _factory.ObjectNotEqual(
                    _factory.Convert(objectType, loweredReceiver),

                var consequence = loweredAccessExpression;

                result = RewriteConditionalOperator(node.Syntax,
                                                    isRef: false);

                if (temp != null)
                    result = _factory.MakeSequence(temp, result);

                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(loweringKind);

Exemplo n.º 37
        internal static bool ReportDefaultParameterErrors(
            Binder binder,
            Symbol owner,
            ParameterSyntax parameterSyntax,
            SourceParameterSymbol parameter,
            BoundExpression defaultExpression,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            bool hasErrors = false;

            // SPEC VIOLATION: The spec says that the conversion from the initializer to the
            // parameter type is required to be either an identity or a nullable conversion, but
            // that is not right:
            // void M(short myShort = 10) {}
            // * not an identity or nullable conversion but should be legal
            // void M(object obj = (dynamic)null) {}
            // * an identity conversion, but should be illegal
            // void M(MyStruct? myStruct = default(MyStruct)) {}
            // * a nullable conversion, but must be illegal because we cannot generate metadata for it
            // Even if the expression is thoroughly illegal, we still want to bind it and
            // stick it in the parameter because we want to be able to analyze it for
            // IntelliSense purposes.

            TypeSymbol parameterType = parameter.Type;
            HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
            Conversion conversion = binder.Conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversionFromExpression(defaultExpression, parameterType, ref useSiteDiagnostics);

            diagnostics.Add(defaultExpression.Syntax, useSiteDiagnostics);

            SyntaxToken outKeyword;
            SyntaxToken refKeyword;
            SyntaxToken paramsKeyword;
            SyntaxToken thisKeyword;

            GetModifiers(parameterSyntax.Modifiers, out outKeyword, out refKeyword, out paramsKeyword, out thisKeyword);

            // CONSIDER: We are inconsistent here regarding where the error is reported; is it
            // CONSIDER: reported on the parameter name, or on the value of the initializer?
            // CONSIDER: Consider making this consistent.

            if (outKeyword.Kind() == SyntaxKind.OutKeyword)
                // error CS1741: A ref or out parameter cannot have a default value
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_RefOutDefaultValue, outKeyword.GetLocation());
                hasErrors = true;
            else if (refKeyword.Kind() == SyntaxKind.RefKeyword)
                // error CS1741: A ref or out parameter cannot have a default value
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_RefOutDefaultValue, refKeyword.GetLocation());
                hasErrors = true;
            else if (paramsKeyword.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ParamsKeyword)
                // error CS1751: Cannot specify a default value for a parameter array
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DefaultValueForParamsParameter, paramsKeyword.GetLocation());
                hasErrors = true;
            else if (thisKeyword.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword)
                // Only need to report CS1743 for the first parameter. The caller will
                // have reported CS1100 if 'this' appeared on another parameter.
                if (parameter.Ordinal == 0)
                    // error CS1743: Cannot specify a default value for the 'this' parameter
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DefaultValueForExtensionParameter, thisKeyword.GetLocation());
                    hasErrors = true;
            else if (!defaultExpression.HasAnyErrors && !IsValidDefaultValue(defaultExpression))
                // error CS1736: Default parameter value for '{0}' must be a compile-time constant
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_DefaultValueMustBeConstant, parameterSyntax.Default.Value.Location, parameterSyntax.Identifier.ValueText);
                hasErrors = true;
            else if (!conversion.Exists ||
                     conversion.IsUserDefined ||
                     conversion.IsIdentity && parameterType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object && defaultExpression.Type.IsDynamic())
                // If we had no implicit conversion, or a user-defined conversion, report an error.
                // Even though "object x = (dynamic)null" is a legal identity conversion, we do not allow it.
                // CONSIDER: We could. Doesn't hurt anything.

                // error CS1750: A value of type '{0}' cannot be used as a default parameter because there are no standard conversions to type '{1}'
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoConversionForDefaultParam, parameterSyntax.Identifier.GetLocation(),
                                defaultExpression.Type ?? defaultExpression.Display, parameterType);

                hasErrors = true;
            else if (conversion.IsReference &&
                     (parameterType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object || parameterType.Kind == SymbolKind.DynamicType) &&
                     (object)defaultExpression.Type != null &&
                     defaultExpression.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_String ||
                // We don't allow object x = "hello", object x = 123, dynamic x = "hello", etc.
                // error CS1763: '{0}' is of type '{1}'. A default parameter value of a reference type other than string can only be initialized with null
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NotNullRefDefaultParameter, parameterSyntax.Identifier.GetLocation(),
                                parameterSyntax.Identifier.ValueText, parameterType);

                hasErrors = true;
            else if (conversion.IsNullable && !defaultExpression.Type.IsNullableType() &&
                     !(parameterType.GetNullableUnderlyingType().IsEnumType() || parameterType.GetNullableUnderlyingType().IsIntrinsicType()))
                // We can do:
                // M(int? x = default(int))
                // M(int? x = default(int?))
                // M(MyEnum? e = default(enum))
                // M(MyEnum? e = default(enum?))
                // M(MyStruct? s = default(MyStruct?))
                // but we cannot do:
                // M(MyStruct? s = default(MyStruct))

                // error CS1770:
                // A value of type '{0}' cannot be used as default parameter for nullable parameter '{1}' because '{0}' is not a simple type
                diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoConversionForNubDefaultParam, parameterSyntax.Identifier.GetLocation(),
                                defaultExpression.Type, parameterSyntax.Identifier.ValueText);

                hasErrors = true;

            // Certain contexts allow default parameter values syntactically but they are ignored during
            // semantic analysis. They are:

            // 1. Explicitly implemented interface methods; since the method will always be called
            //    via the interface, the defaults declared on the implementation will not
            //    be seen at the call site.
            // UNDONE: 2. The "actual" side of a partial method; the default values are taken from the
            // UNDONE:    "declaring" side of the method.
            // UNDONE: 3. An indexer with only one formal parameter; it is illegal to omit every argument
            // UNDONE:    to an indexer.
            // 4. A user-defined operator; it is syntactically impossible to omit the argument.

            if (owner.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation() ||
                owner.IsPartialImplementation() ||
                // CS1066: The default value specified for parameter '{0}' will have no effect because it applies to a
                //         member that is used in contexts that do not allow optional arguments

Exemplo n.º 38
        // A "surprising" sign extension is:
        // * a conversion with no cast in source code that goes from a smaller
        //   signed type to a larger signed or unsigned type.
        // * an conversion (with or without a cast) from a smaller
        //   signed type to a larger unsigned type.

        private static ulong FindSurprisingSignExtensionBits(BoundExpression expr)
            if (expr.Kind != BoundKind.Conversion)

            BoundConversion conv = (BoundConversion)expr;
            TypeSymbol      from = conv.Operand.Type;
            TypeSymbol      to   = conv.Type;

            if ((object)from == null || (object)to == null)

            if (from.IsNullableType())
                from = from.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

            if (to.IsNullableType())
                to = to.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

            SpecialType fromSpecialType = from.SpecialType;
            SpecialType toSpecialType   = to.SpecialType;

            if (!fromSpecialType.IsIntegralType() || !toSpecialType.IsIntegralType())

            int fromSize = fromSpecialType.SizeInBytes();
            int toSize   = toSpecialType.SizeInBytes();

            if (fromSize == 0 || toSize == 0)

            // The operand might itself be a conversion, and might be contributing
            // surprising bits. We might have more, fewer or the same surprising bits
            // as the operand.

            ulong recursive = FindSurprisingSignExtensionBits(conv.Operand);

            if (fromSize == toSize)
                // No change.

            if (toSize < fromSize)
                // We are casting from a larger type to a smaller type, and are therefore
                // losing surprising bits.
                switch (toSize)
                case 1: return(unchecked ((ulong)(byte)recursive));

                case 2: return(unchecked ((ulong)(ushort)recursive));

                case 4: return(unchecked ((ulong)(uint)recursive));
                Debug.Assert(false, "How did we get here?");

            // We are converting from a smaller type to a larger type, and therefore might
            // be adding surprising bits. First of all, the smaller type has got to be signed
            // for there to be sign extension.

            bool fromSigned = fromSpecialType.IsSignedIntegralType();

            if (!fromSigned)

            // OK, we know that the "from" type is a signed integer that is smaller than the
            // "to" type, so we are going to have sign extension. Is it surprising? The only
            // time that sign extension is *not* surprising is when we have a cast operator
            // to a *signed* type. That is, (int)myShort is not a surprising sign extension.

            if (conv.ExplicitCastInCode && toSpecialType.IsSignedIntegralType())

            // Note that we *could* be somewhat more clever here. Consider the following edge case:
            // (ulong)(int)(uint)(ushort)mySbyte
            // We could reason that the sbyte-to-ushort conversion is going to add one byte of
            // unexpected sign extension. The conversion from ushort to uint adds no more bytes.
            // The conversion from uint to int adds no more bytes. Does the conversion from int
            // to ulong add any more bytes of unexpected sign extension? Well, no, because we
            // know that the previous conversion from ushort to uint will ensure that the top bit
            // of the uint is off!
            // But we are not going to try to be that clever. In the extremely unlikely event that
            // someone does this, we will record that the unexpectedly turned-on bits are
            // 0xFFFFFFFF0000FF00, even though we could in theory deduce that only 0x000000000000FF00
            // are the unexpected bits.

            ulong result = recursive;

            for (int i = fromSize; i < toSize; ++i)
                result |= (0xFFUL) << (i * 8);

        public static string GetErrorReportingName(TypeSymbol type, RefKind refKind = RefKind.None)
            string prefix = "";
            switch (refKind)
                case RefKind.Ref: prefix = "ref "; break;
                case RefKind.Out: prefix = "out "; break;

            switch (type.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
                case SpecialType.System_Void: 
                case SpecialType.System_SByte:
                case SpecialType.System_Int16:
                case SpecialType.System_Int32:
                case SpecialType.System_Int64:
                case SpecialType.System_Byte: 
                case SpecialType.System_UInt16:
                case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
                case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
                case SpecialType.System_Single:
                case SpecialType.System_Double:
                case SpecialType.System_Decimal:
                case SpecialType.System_Char:
                case SpecialType.System_Boolean:
                case SpecialType.System_String:
                case SpecialType.System_Object:
                    return prefix + SemanticFacts.GetLanguageName(type.SpecialType);

                case SpecialType.None:
                    if (type != null && type.IsNullableType() && !ReferenceEquals(type, type.OriginalDefinition))
                        TypeSymbol underlyingType = type.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

                        switch (underlyingType.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
                            case SpecialType.System_Boolean:
                            case SpecialType.System_SByte:
                            case SpecialType.System_Int16:
                            case SpecialType.System_Int32:
                            case SpecialType.System_Int64:
                            case SpecialType.System_Byte:
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt16:
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
                            case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
                            case SpecialType.System_Single:
                            case SpecialType.System_Double:
                            case SpecialType.System_Decimal:
                            case SpecialType.System_Char:
                                return prefix + SemanticFacts.GetLanguageName(underlyingType.SpecialType) + "?";

                        return prefix + GetErrorReportingName(underlyingType) + "?";


            var dynamicType = type as DynamicTypeSymbol;
            if (dynamicType != null)
                return prefix + "dynamic";

            var arrayType = type as ArrayTypeSymbol;
            if (arrayType != null)
                string suffix = "";
                while (true)
                    var elementType = arrayType.ElementType;
                    suffix += GetSuffix(arrayType.Rank);
                    arrayType = elementType as ArrayTypeSymbol;
                    if (arrayType == null)
                        return prefix + GetErrorReportingName(elementType) + suffix;

            var pointerType = type as PointerTypeSymbol;
            if (pointerType != null)
                return prefix + GetErrorReportingName(pointerType.BaseType) + "*";

            var namedType = type as NamedTypeSymbol;
            if (namedType != null)
                string result = "";
                if (namedType.ContainingType != null)
                    result = GetErrorReportingName(namedType.ContainingType) + ".";
                else if (namedType.ContainingNamespace != null && !namedType.ContainingNamespace.IsGlobalNamespace)
                    result = namedType.ContainingNamespace.GetFullName() + ".";
                result += type.Name;
                if (namedType.TypeArguments.Count != 0)
                    result += "<";
                    result += namedType.TypeArguments.Select(a => GetErrorReportingName(a)).Comma(",");
                    result += ">";
                return prefix + result;

            var typeParameter = type as TypeParameterSymbol;
            if (typeParameter != null)
                return prefix + type.Name;

            Debug.Fail("What case did we miss in type name error reporter?");
            return prefix + type.GetFullName();
Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Check that the pattern type is valid for the operand. Return true if an error was reported.
        /// </summary>
        private bool CheckValidPatternType(
            CSharpSyntaxNode typeSyntax,
            TypeSymbol operandType,
            TypeSymbol patternType,
            bool patternTypeWasInSource,
            bool isVar,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            Debug.Assert((object)operandType != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)patternType != null);

            if (operandType.IsErrorType() || patternType.IsErrorType())
            else if (patternType.IsNullableType() && !isVar && patternTypeWasInSource)
                // It is an error to use pattern-matching with a nullable type, because you'll never get null. Use the underlying type.
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternNullableType, typeSyntax, patternType, patternType.GetNullableUnderlyingType());
            else if (patternType.IsStatic)
                Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_VarDeclIsStaticClass, typeSyntax, patternType);
            else if (!isVar)
                if (patternType.IsDynamic())
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternDynamicType, typeSyntax);

                HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                var matchPossible = ExpressionOfTypeMatchesPatternType(Conversions, operandType, patternType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, out Conversion conversion, operandConstantValue: null, operandCouldBeNull: true);
                diagnostics.Add(typeSyntax, useSiteDiagnostics);
                if (matchPossible != false)
                    if (!conversion.Exists && (operandType.ContainsTypeParameter() || patternType.ContainsTypeParameter()))
                        // permit pattern-matching when one of the types is an open type in C# 7.1.
                        LanguageVersion requiredVersion = MessageID.IDS_FeatureGenericPatternMatching.RequiredVersion();
                        if (requiredVersion > Compilation.LanguageVersion)
                            Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternWrongGenericTypeInVersion, typeSyntax,
                                  operandType, patternType,
                                  new CSharpRequiredLanguageVersion(requiredVersion));
                    Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PatternWrongType, typeSyntax, operandType, patternType);

Exemplo n.º 41
        public static string GetErrorReportingName(TypeSymbol type, RefKind refKind = RefKind.None)
            string prefix = "";

            switch (refKind)
            case RefKind.Ref: prefix = "ref "; break;

            case RefKind.Out: prefix = "out "; break;

            switch (type.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
            case SpecialType.System_Void:
            case SpecialType.System_SByte:
            case SpecialType.System_Int16:
            case SpecialType.System_Int32:
            case SpecialType.System_Int64:
            case SpecialType.System_Byte:
            case SpecialType.System_UInt16:
            case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
            case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
            case SpecialType.System_Single:
            case SpecialType.System_Double:
            case SpecialType.System_Decimal:
            case SpecialType.System_Char:
            case SpecialType.System_Boolean:
            case SpecialType.System_String:
            case SpecialType.System_Object:
                return(prefix + SemanticFacts.GetLanguageName(type.SpecialType));

            case SpecialType.None:
                if (type != null && type.IsNullableType() && !ReferenceEquals(type, type.OriginalDefinition))
                    TypeSymbol underlyingType = type.GetNullableUnderlyingType();

                    switch (underlyingType.GetSpecialTypeSafe())
                    case SpecialType.System_Boolean:
                    case SpecialType.System_SByte:
                    case SpecialType.System_Int16:
                    case SpecialType.System_Int32:
                    case SpecialType.System_Int64:
                    case SpecialType.System_Byte:
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt16:
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
                    case SpecialType.System_Single:
                    case SpecialType.System_Double:
                    case SpecialType.System_Decimal:
                    case SpecialType.System_Char:
                        return(prefix + SemanticFacts.GetLanguageName(underlyingType.SpecialType) + "?");

                    return(prefix + GetErrorReportingName(underlyingType) + "?");


            var dynamicType = type as DynamicTypeSymbol;

            if (dynamicType != null)
                return(prefix + "dynamic");

            var arrayType = type as ArrayTypeSymbol;

            if (arrayType != null)
                string suffix = "";
                while (true)
                    var elementType = arrayType.ElementType;
                    suffix   += GetSuffix(arrayType.Rank);
                    arrayType = elementType as ArrayTypeSymbol;
                    if (arrayType == null)
                        return(prefix + GetErrorReportingName(elementType) + suffix);

            var pointerType = type as PointerTypeSymbol;

            if (pointerType != null)
                return(prefix + GetErrorReportingName(pointerType.BaseType) + "*");

            var namedType = type as NamedTypeSymbol;

            if (namedType != null)
                string result = "";
                if (namedType.ContainingType != null)
                    result = GetErrorReportingName(namedType.ContainingType) + ".";
                else if (namedType.ContainingNamespace != null && !namedType.ContainingNamespace.IsGlobalNamespace)
                    result = namedType.ContainingNamespace.GetFullName() + ".";
                result += type.Name;
                if (namedType.TypeArguments.Count != 0)
                    result += "<";
                    result += namedType.TypeArguments.Select(a => GetErrorReportingName(a)).Comma(",");
                    result += ">";
                return(prefix + result);

            var typeParameter = type as TypeParameterSymbol;

            if (typeParameter != null)
                return(prefix + type.Name);

            Debug.Fail("What case did we miss in type name error reporter?");
            return(prefix + type.GetFullName());
Exemplo n.º 42
        private BoundExpression MakeBuiltInIncrementOperator(BoundIncrementOperator node, BoundExpression rewrittenValueToIncrement)
            BoundExpression result;
            // If we have a built-in increment or decrement then things get a bit trickier. Suppose for example we have
            // a user-defined conversion from X to short and from short to X, but no user-defined increment operator on
            // X.  The increment portion of "++x" is then: (X)(short)((int)(short)x + 1). That is, first x must be
            // converted to short via an implicit user- defined conversion, then to int via an implicit numeric
            // conversion, then the addition is performed in integers. The resulting integer is converted back to short,
            // and then the short is converted to X.

            // This is the input and output type of the unary increment operator we're going to call.
            // That is, "short" in the example above.
            TypeSymbol unaryOperandType = GetUnaryOperatorType(node);

            // This is the kind of binary operator that we're going to realize the unary operator
            // as. That is, "int + int --> int" in the example above.
            BinaryOperatorKind binaryOperatorKind = GetCorrespondingBinaryOperator(node);

            binaryOperatorKind |= IsIncrement(node) ? BinaryOperatorKind.Addition : BinaryOperatorKind.Subtraction;

            // The "1" in the example above.
            ConstantValue constantOne = GetConstantOneForBinOp(binaryOperatorKind);

            Debug.Assert(constantOne != null);
            Debug.Assert(constantOne.SpecialType != SpecialType.None);
            Debug.Assert(binaryOperatorKind.OperandTypes() != 0);

            // The input/output type of the binary operand. "int" in the example.
            TypeSymbol binaryOperandType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(constantOne.SpecialType);

            // 1
            BoundExpression boundOne = MakeLiteral(
                syntax: node.Syntax,
                constantValue: constantOne,
                type: binaryOperandType);

            if (binaryOperatorKind.IsLifted())
                binaryOperandType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T).Construct(binaryOperandType);
                MethodSymbol ctor = UnsafeGetNullableMethod(node.Syntax, binaryOperandType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor);
                boundOne = new BoundObjectCreationExpression(node.Syntax, ctor, boundOne);

            // Now we construct the other operand to the binary addition. We start with just plain "x".
            BoundExpression binaryOperand = rewrittenValueToIncrement;

            bool @checked = node.OperatorKind.IsChecked();

            // If we need to make a conversion from the original operand type to the operand type of the
            // underlying increment operation, do it now.
            if (!node.OperandConversion.IsIdentity)
                // (short)x
                binaryOperand = MakeConversionNode(
                    syntax: node.Syntax,
                    rewrittenOperand: binaryOperand,
                    conversion: node.OperandConversion,
                    rewrittenType: unaryOperandType,
                    @checked: @checked);

            // Early-out for pointer increment - we don't need to convert the operands to a common type.
            if (node.OperatorKind.OperandTypes() == UnaryOperatorKind.Pointer)
                Debug.Assert(binaryOperatorKind.OperandTypes() == BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndInt);
                Debug.Assert(boundOne.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int32);
                return(MakeBinaryOperator(node.Syntax, binaryOperatorKind, binaryOperand, boundOne, binaryOperand.Type, method: null));

            // If we need to make a conversion from the unary operator type to the binary operator type,
            // do it now.

            // (int)(short)x
            binaryOperand = MakeConversionNode(binaryOperand, binaryOperandType, @checked);

            // Perform the addition.

            // (int)(short)x + 1
            BoundExpression binOp;

            if (unaryOperandType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Decimal)
                binOp = MakeDecimalIncDecOperator(node.Syntax, binaryOperatorKind, binaryOperand);
            else if (unaryOperandType.IsNullableType() && unaryOperandType.GetNullableUnderlyingType().SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Decimal)
                binOp = MakeLiftedDecimalIncDecOperator(node.Syntax, binaryOperatorKind, binaryOperand);
                binOp = MakeBinaryOperator(node.Syntax, binaryOperatorKind, binaryOperand, boundOne, binaryOperandType, method: null);

            // Generate the conversion back to the type of the unary operator.

            // (short)((int)(short)x + 1)
            result = MakeConversionNode(binOp, unaryOperandType, @checked);
        private BoundExpression RewriteNullableConversion(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression rewrittenOperand,
            ConversionKind conversionKind,
            bool @checked,
            bool explicitCastInCode,
            TypeSymbol rewrittenType)
            Debug.Assert((object)rewrittenType != null);

            if (inExpressionLambda)
                return RewriteLiftedConversionInExpressionTree(syntax, rewrittenOperand, conversionKind, @checked, explicitCastInCode, rewrittenType);

            TypeSymbol rewrittenOperandType = rewrittenOperand.Type;
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenType.IsNullableType() || rewrittenOperandType.IsNullableType());

            if (rewrittenOperandType.IsNullableType() && rewrittenType.IsNullableType())
                return RewriteFullyLiftedBuiltInConversion(syntax, rewrittenOperand, conversionKind, @checked, rewrittenType);
            else if (rewrittenType.IsNullableType())
                // SPEC: If the nullable conversion is from S to T?, the conversion is 
                // SPEC: evaluated as the underlying conversion from S to T followed
                // SPEC: by a wrapping from T to T?.

                BoundExpression rewrittenConversion = MakeConversion(rewrittenOperand, rewrittenType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), @checked);
                MethodSymbol ctor = GetNullableMethod(syntax, rewrittenType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor);
                return new BoundObjectCreationExpression(syntax, ctor, rewrittenConversion);
                // SPEC: if the nullable conversion is from S? to T, the conversion is
                // SPEC: evaluated as an unwrapping from S? to S followed by the underlying
                // SPEC: conversion from S to T.

                // We can do a simple optimization here if we know that the source is never null:

                BoundExpression nonNullValue = NullableAlwaysHasValue(rewrittenOperand);
                if (nonNullValue != null)
                    return MakeConversion(nonNullValue, rewrittenType, @checked);

                // (If the source is known to be null then we need to keep the call to get Value 
                // in place so that it throws at runtime.)

                MethodSymbol get_Value = GetNullableMethod(syntax, rewrittenOperandType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_get_Value);
                return MakeConversion(BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, rewrittenOperand, get_Value), rewrittenType, @checked);
        private static bool HasImplicitEnumerationConversion(BoundExpression source, TypeSymbol destination)
            Debug.Assert((object)source != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)destination != null);

            // SPEC: An implicit enumeration conversion permits the decimal-integer-literal 0 to be converted to any enum-type 
            // SPEC: and to any nullable-type whose underlying type is an enum-type. 
            // For historical reasons we actually allow a conversion from any *numeric constant
            // zero* to be converted to any enum type, not just the literal integer zero.

            bool validType = destination.IsEnumType() ||
                destination.IsNullableType() && destination.GetNullableUnderlyingType().IsEnumType();

            if (!validType)
                return false;

            var sourceConstantValue = source.ConstantValue;
            return sourceConstantValue != null &&
                IsNumericType(source.Type.GetSpecialTypeSafe()) &&
        private BoundExpression RewriteFullyLiftedBuiltInConversion(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression operand,
            ConversionKind kind,
            bool @checked,
            TypeSymbol type)
            // SPEC: If the nullable conversion is from S? to T?:
            // SPEC: * If the source HasValue property is false the result
            // SPEC:   is a null value of type T?.
            // SPEC: * Otherwise the conversion is evaluated as an unwrapping
            // SPEC:   from S? to S, followed by the underlying conversion from
            // SPEC:   S to T, followed by a wrapping from T to T?

            BoundExpression optimized = OptimizeLiftedBuiltInConversion(syntax, operand, kind, @checked, type);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;

            // We are unable to optimize the conversion. "(T?)s" is generated as:
            // S? temp = s;
            // temp.HasValue ? new T?((T)temp.GetValueOrDefault()) : default(T?)

            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignment;
            var boundTemp = factory.StoreToTemp(operand, out tempAssignment);
            MethodSymbol get_HasValue = GetNullableMethod(syntax, boundTemp.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_get_HasValue);
            MethodSymbol getValueOrDefault = GetNullableMethod(syntax, boundTemp.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault);
            BoundExpression condition = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, boundTemp, get_HasValue);
            BoundExpression consequence = new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
                GetNullableMethod(syntax, type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor),
                    BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, boundTemp, getValueOrDefault),
            BoundExpression alternative = new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, null, type);
            BoundExpression conditionalExpression = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                rewrittenCondition: condition,
                rewrittenConsequence: consequence,
                rewrittenAlternative: alternative,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                rewrittenType: type);

            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray.Create(boundTemp.LocalSymbol),
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignment),
                value: conditionalExpression,
                type: type);
Exemplo n.º 46
        private BoundExpression MakeLiftedBinaryOperatorConsequence(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol method)
            // tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault()
            BoundExpression unliftedOp = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: kind.Unlifted(),
                loweredLeft: left,
                loweredRight: right,
                type: type.GetNullableUnderlyingType(),
                method: method);

            // new R?(tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault)
            return new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
                GetNullableMethod(syntax, type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor),
        private BoundExpression OptimizeLiftedBuiltInConversion(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression operand,
            ConversionKind kind,
            bool @checked,
            TypeSymbol type)
            Debug.Assert(operand != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)type != null);

            // First, an optimization. If the source is known to always be null then
            // we can simply return the alternative.

            if (NullableNeverHasValue(operand))
                return new BoundDefaultOperator(syntax, null, type);

            // Second, a trickier optimization. If the conversion is "(T?)(new S?(x))" then
            // we generate "new T?((T)x)"

            BoundExpression nonNullValue = NullableAlwaysHasValue(operand);
            if (nonNullValue != null)
                return new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
                    GetNullableMethod(syntax, type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor),

            // Third, a very tricky optimization.
            return DistributeLiftedConversionIntoLiftedOperand(syntax, operand, kind, @checked, null, type);