Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void ReportBadNotNullMemberIfNeeded(
            TypeSymbol type,
            DecodeWellKnownAttributeArguments <
                > arguments,
            string memberName
            foreach (Symbol foundMember in type.GetMembers(memberName))
                if (foundMember.Kind == SymbolKind.Field || foundMember.Kind == SymbolKind.Property)

            Debug.Assert(arguments.AttributeSyntaxOpt is object);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private MethodSymbol DelegateConstructor(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol delegateType)
            foreach (var possibleCtor in delegateType.GetMembers(WellKnownMemberNames.InstanceConstructorName))
                var m = possibleCtor as MethodSymbol;
                if ((object)m == null)
                var parameters = m.Parameters;
                if (parameters.Length != 2)
                if (parameters[0].Type.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Object)
                var p1t = parameters[1].Type.SpecialType;
                if (p1t == SpecialType.System_IntPtr || p1t == SpecialType.System_UIntPtr)

            // The delegate '{0}' does not have a valid constructor
            _diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadDelegateConstructor, syntax.Location, delegateType);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static FieldSymbol FindFieldBySignature(
            TypeSymbol targetTypeSymbol,
            string targetMemberName,
            ImmutableArray <ModifierInfo <TypeSymbol> > customModifiers,
            TypeSymbol type
            foreach (Symbol member in targetTypeSymbol.GetMembers(targetMemberName))
                var field = member as FieldSymbol;
                TypeWithAnnotations fieldType;

                if (
                    (object)field != null &&
                        (fieldType = field.TypeWithAnnotations).Type,
                        ) &&
                    CustomModifiersMatch(fieldType.CustomModifiers, customModifiers)
                    // Behavior in the face of multiple matching signatures is
                    // implementation defined - we'll just pick the first one.

Exemplo n.º 4
        private static MethodSymbol FindMethodBySignature(
            TypeSymbol targetTypeSymbol,
            string targetMemberName,
            SignatureHeader targetMemberSignatureHeader,
            int targetMemberTypeParamCount,
            ParamInfo <TypeSymbol>[] targetParamInfo
            foreach (Symbol member in targetTypeSymbol.GetMembers(targetMemberName))
                var method = member as MethodSymbol;
                if (
                    (object)method != null &&
                    ((byte)method.CallingConvention == targetMemberSignatureHeader.RawValue) &&
                    (targetMemberTypeParamCount == method.Arity) &&
                    MethodSymbolMatchesParamInfo(method, targetParamInfo)
                    // Behavior in the face of multiple matching signatures is
                    // implementation defined - we'll just pick the first one.

Exemplo n.º 5
 public void CheckTypes(TypeSymbol a, TypeSymbol b)
     Assert.Equal(a.Name, b.Name);
     CheckSymbols(a.BaseType(), b.BaseType(), false);
     CheckSymbols(a.Interfaces(), b.Interfaces(), false);
     CheckSymbols(a.GetMembers(), b.GetMembers(), true);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override OutputFileAbstraction GetAbstraction()
            //If external
            if (this.HasCustomMap)

            var result = new EnumAbstraction
                Path   = AbstractPath,
                Name   = TypeSymbol.Name,
                Values = TypeSymbol
                         .Where(m => m.Kind == SymbolKind.Field)
                         .Select(m => m as IFieldSymbol)
                         .Select(f => new EnumValueAbstraction
                    Name  = f.Name,
                    Value = (int)f.ConstantValue

        private MethodSymbol FindMethod(TypeSymbol receiver, string name, ImmutableArray <TypeSymbol> typeArgs, ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> args)
            MethodSymbol            found      = null;
            bool                    ambiguous  = false;
            ImmutableArray <Symbol> candidates = receiver.GetMembers(name);

            foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                var method = candidate as MethodSymbol;
                if ((object)method == null || method.Arity != typeArgs.Length || method.ParameterCount != args.Length)
                if (method.Arity != 0)
                    method = method.Construct(typeArgs);
                var  parameters = method.Parameters;
                bool exact      = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    HashSet <DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                    if (parameters[i].RefKind != RefKind.None ||
                        !((object)args[i].Type == null && parameters[i].Type.IsReferenceType ||
                          Compilation.Conversions.ClassifyConversion(args[i].Type, parameters[i].Type, ref useSiteDiagnostics).IsImplicit))
                        goto nextCandidate;

                    exact = exact && args[i].Type == parameters[i].Type;

                if (exact)
                if ((object)found != null)
                    ambiguous = true;
                found = method;

                nextCandidate :;

            if (ambiguous)
                ReportLibraryProblem(ErrorCode.ERR_LibraryMethodNotUnique, receiver, name, typeArgs, args);
            else if ((object)found == null)
                ReportLibraryProblem(ErrorCode.ERR_LibraryMethodNotFound, receiver, name, typeArgs, args);
 private static MethodSymbol GetRequiredMethod(TypeSymbol type, string methodName, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
     var method = type.GetMembers(methodName).SingleOrDefault() as MethodSymbol;
     if ((object)method == null)
         diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MissingPredefinedMember, NoLocation.Singleton, type, methodName);
     return method;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Descends through Rest fields of a tuple if "symbol" is an extended field
        /// As a result the "symbol" will be adjusted to be the field of the innermost tuple
        /// and a corresponding containingSlot is returned.
        /// Return value -1 indicates a failure which could happen for the following reasons
        /// a) Rest field does not exist, which could happen in rare error scenarios involving broken ValueTuple types
        /// b) Rest is not tracked already and forceSlotsToExist is false (otherwise we create slots on demand)
        /// </summary>
        private int DescendThroughTupleRestFields(
            ref Symbol symbol,
            int containingSlot,
            bool forceContainingSlotsToExist
            if (symbol is TupleElementFieldSymbol fieldSymbol)
                TypeSymbol containingType = symbol.ContainingType;

                // for tuple fields the variable identifier represents the underlying field
                symbol = fieldSymbol.TupleUnderlyingField;

                // descend through Rest fields
                // force corresponding slots if do not exist
                while (
                    var restField =
                        .FirstOrDefault() as FieldSymbol;
                    if (restField is null)

                    if (forceContainingSlotsToExist)
                        containingSlot = GetOrCreateSlot(restField, containingSlot);
                        if (
                                new VariableIdentifier(restField, containingSlot),
                                out containingSlot

                    containingType = restField.Type;

Exemplo n.º 10
        static bool IsAPairValue(TypeSymbol type, out Symbol key, out Symbol value)
            key = value = default;

            if (type.IsValueType)
                if (type.Name == "ValueTuple" && ((NamedTypeSymbol)type).Arity == 2)
                    key   = type.GetMembers("Item1").Single();
                    value = type.GetMembers("Item2").Single();
                else if (type.Name == "KeyValuePair" && ((NamedTypeSymbol)type).Arity == 2)
                    key   = type.GetMembers("Key").Single();
                    value = type.GetMembers("Value").Single();

            return(key != null && value != null);;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private MethodSymbol getExplicitOperator(TypeSymbol srcType, TypeSymbol destType)
            var members = srcType.GetMembers("op_Explicit");

            foreach (MethodSymbol m in members)
                if (m.ReturnType == destType)
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static bool HasMembers(this TypeSymbol type, string name)
            TypeSymbol sym;

            sym = type;
            while (sym != null)
                if (sym.GetMembers(name).Length > 0)
                sym = sym.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override (string file, string content)? GenerateOutput()
            //If external
            if (this.HasCustomMap)
            var subClasses = new List <INamedTypeSymbol>();
            var sb         = new StringBuilder();

            var level = 0;

            //var hasModule = false;
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Module) && Options.TypingsScope == TypingsScope.Global) {
            //	hasModule = true;
            //	sb.AppendLine($"declare module {Module} {{");
            //	level++;
            //var declaration = "declare ";
            //if (hasModule) { declaration = ""; }
            //if(Options.TypingsScope == TypingsScope.Module) {
            //	declaration = "export ";
            //sb.AppendLine(level, $"export const enum {TypeSymbol.Name} {{");
            sb.AppendLine(level, $"export enum {TypeSymbol.Name} {{");
            foreach (var m in TypeSymbol.GetMembers())
                if (m.Kind == SymbolKind.Field)
                    var f = m as IFieldSymbol;
                    sb.AppendLine(level + 1, $"{f.Name} = {f.ConstantValue},");
            sb.AppendLine(level, "}");
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Module) && Options.TypingsScope == TypingsScope.Global) {
            //	sb.AppendLine("}");


            //File.WriteAllText(FileHelper.PathCombine(Options.ModelsDir, Filename), sb.ToString());
            //string file = FileHelper.PathCombine(Options.TypingsDir, Filename);
            string content = sb.ToString();

            return(OutputFilePath, content);
            //await FileHelper.WriteAsync(file, content);
            //return file;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a layout for a given type.
        /// First traverses all base types and builds their layouts when needed since the base type layouts inform the layout of derived types.
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildLayout(TypeSymbol typeSymbol, AbstractPhaseContext context)
            Stack <TypeSymbol> typesToBuild = new Stack <TypeSymbol>();

            while (typeSymbol.BaseType != null && !_builtLayouts.ContainsKey(typeSymbol))
                if (typeSymbol == _udonSharpBehaviourType)

                typeSymbol = typeSymbol.BaseType;

            while (typesToBuild.Count > 0)
                TypeSymbol currentBuildType = typesToBuild.Pop();

                Dictionary <string, int> idCounters;

                if (currentBuildType.BaseType != null &&
                    _builtLayouts.TryGetValue(currentBuildType.BaseType, out TypeLayout parentLayout))
                    idCounters = new Dictionary <string, int>(parentLayout.SymbolCounters);
                    idCounters = new Dictionary <string, int>();

                Dictionary <MethodSymbol, MethodExportLayout> layouts =
                    new Dictionary <MethodSymbol, MethodExportLayout>();

                foreach (Symbol symbol in currentBuildType.GetMembers(context))
                    if (symbol is MethodSymbol methodSymbol &&
                        (methodSymbol.OverridenMethod == null ||
                         methodSymbol.OverridenMethod.ContainingType == _udonSharpBehaviourType ||
                        layouts.Add(methodSymbol, BuildMethodLayout(methodSymbol, idCounters));

                _builtLayouts.Add(currentBuildType, new TypeLayout(layouts, idCounters));
Exemplo n.º 15
        private MetadataReference GenerateShallowReference()
            ShallowCompilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(
                assemblyName: AssemblyName,
                options: Worker.OriginalCompilation.Options,
                references: Worker.OriginalCompilation.References);

            foreach (var other in Requires)
                if (other.Value == AssemblyNeutralWorker.OrderingState.StrengthKind.DeepUsage)
                    ShallowCompilation = ShallowCompilation.AddReferences(other.Key.RealOrShallowReference());

            foreach (var syntaxReference in TypeSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences)
                var node = syntaxReference.GetSyntax();
                var tree = syntaxReference.SyntaxTree;
                var root = tree.GetRoot();

                var nodesToRemove = GetNodesToRemove(root, node);

                foreach (var member in TypeSymbol.GetMembers())
                    foreach (var memberSyntaxReference in member.DeclaringSyntaxReferences)
                        if (memberSyntaxReference.SyntaxTree == tree)
                            nodesToRemove = nodesToRemove.Concat(new[] { memberSyntaxReference.GetSyntax() });

                var newRoot = root.RemoveNodes(nodesToRemove.ToArray(), SyntaxRemoveOptions.KeepDirectives);
                var newTree = SyntaxFactory.SyntaxTree(newRoot, options: tree.Options, path: tree.FilePath, encoding: Encoding.UTF8);

                ShallowCompilation = ShallowCompilation.AddSyntaxTrees(newTree);
            ShallowOutputStream          = new MemoryStream();
            ShallowEmitResult            = ShallowCompilation.Emit(ShallowOutputStream);
            ShallowOutputStream.Position = 0;
            ShallowReference             = new MetadataImageReference(ShallowOutputStream);
            ShallowOutputStream.Position = 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static FieldSymbol FindFieldBySignature(TypeSymbol targetTypeSymbol, string targetMemberName, ImmutableArray <ModifierInfo> customModifiers, TypeSymbol type)
            foreach (Symbol member in targetTypeSymbol.GetMembers(targetMemberName))
                var field = member as FieldSymbol;
                if ((object)field != null &&
                    field.Type == type &&
                    CustomModifiersMatch(field.CustomModifiers, customModifiers))
                    // Behavior in the face of multiple matching signatures is
                    // implementation defined - we'll just pick the first one.

Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the most derived method of a given method symbol in the current emit type's context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodSymbol"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MethodSymbol GetMostDerivedMethod(MethodSymbol methodSymbol)
            if (!methodSymbol.HasOverrides)

            TypeSymbol currentSearchType = EmitType;

            MethodSymbol derivedSymbol = null;

            while (currentSearchType != null)
                foreach (var symbol in currentSearchType.GetMembers <MethodSymbol>(methodSymbol.Name, this))
                    if (symbol.Parameters.Length != methodSymbol.Parameters.Length) // early out when the method obviously doesn't overload this

                    MethodSymbol currentMethod = symbol;

                    while (currentMethod != null && currentMethod != methodSymbol)
                        currentMethod = currentMethod.OverridenMethod;

                    if (currentMethod == methodSymbol)
                        derivedSymbol = symbol;

                if (derivedSymbol != null)

                currentSearchType = currentSearchType.BaseType;

Exemplo n.º 18
        private static bool TryCreateInstantiationInvocation(AbstractPhaseContext context, SyntaxNode node,
                                                             MethodSymbol symbol, BoundExpression instanceExpression, BoundExpression[] parameterExpressions,
                                                             out BoundInvocationExpression createdInvocation)
            switch (symbol.Name)
            case "Instantiate_Extern" when symbol.ContainingType == context.GetTypeSymbol(typeof(InstantiationShim)):
                createdInvocation = new BoundExternInvocation(node, context,
                                                              new ExternSynthesizedMethodSymbol(context,
                                                                                                parameterExpressions.Select(e => e.ValueType).ToArray(),
                                                                                                context.GetTypeSymbol(typeof(GameObject)), true),
                                                              instanceExpression, parameterExpressions);


            case "VRCInstantiate" when symbol.ContainingType == context.GetTypeSymbol(typeof(UdonSharpBehaviour)):     // Backwards compatibility for UdonSharpBehaviour.VRCInstantiate
            case "Instantiate" when symbol.ContainingType == context.GetTypeSymbol(typeof(UnityEngine.Object)):
                if (symbol.Name != "VRCInstantiate" &&
                    (symbol.TypeArguments.Length != 1 ||
                     symbol.TypeArguments[0] != context.GetTypeSymbol(typeof(GameObject))))
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Udon does not support instantiating non-GameObject types");

                TypeSymbol   instantiateShim   = context.GetTypeSymbol(typeof(InstantiationShim));
                MethodSymbol instantiateMethod = instantiateShim.GetMembers <MethodSymbol>("Instantiate", context)
                                                 .First(e => e.Parameters
                                                        .Select(p => p.Type)
                                                                       .Select(p => p.ValueType)));


                createdInvocation = new BoundStaticUserMethodInvocation(node, instantiateMethod, parameterExpressions);

            createdInvocation = null;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void SymbolUsage(Action <ISymbol> shallowUsage, Action <ISymbol> deepUsage)
            DoTypeSymbol(deepUsage, TypeSymbol.BaseType);

            foreach (var symbol in TypeSymbol.AllInterfaces)
                DoTypeSymbol(deepUsage, symbol);

            AttributeDataSymbolUsage(TypeSymbol.GetAttributes(), deepUsage);

            foreach (var member in TypeSymbol.GetMembers())
                AttributeDataSymbolUsage(member.GetAttributes(), deepUsage);

                var propertyMember = member as IPropertySymbol;
                var fieldMember    = member as IFieldSymbol;
                var methodMember   = member as IMethodSymbol;

                if (propertyMember != null)
                    DoTypeSymbol(shallowUsage, propertyMember.Type);

                if (fieldMember != null)
                    DoTypeSymbol(shallowUsage, fieldMember.Type);

                if (methodMember != null)
                    DoTypeSymbol(shallowUsage, methodMember.ReturnType);
                    AttributeDataSymbolUsage(methodMember.GetReturnTypeAttributes(), deepUsage);
                    foreach (var parameter in methodMember.Parameters)
                        DoTypeSymbol(shallowUsage, parameter.Type);
                        AttributeDataSymbolUsage(parameter.GetAttributes(), deepUsage);
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Descends through Rest fields of a tuple if "symbol" is an extended field
        /// As a result the "symbol" will be adjusted to be the field of the innermost tuple
        /// and a corresponding containingSlot is returned.
        /// Return value -1 indicates a failure which could happen for the following reasons
        /// a) Rest field does not exist, which could happen in rare error scenarios involving broken ValueTuple types
        /// b) Rest is not tracked already and forceSlotsToExist is false (otherwise we create slots on demand)
        /// </summary>
        private int DescendThroughTupleRestFields(ref Symbol symbol, int containingSlot, bool forceContainingSlotsToExist)
            var fieldSymbol = symbol as TupleFieldSymbol;

            if ((object)fieldSymbol != null)
                TypeSymbol containingType = ((TupleTypeSymbol)symbol.ContainingType).UnderlyingNamedType;

                // for tuple fields the variable identifier represents the underlying field
                symbol = fieldSymbol.TupleUnderlyingField;

                // descend through Rest fields
                // force corresponding slots if do not exist
                while (containingType != symbol.ContainingType)
                    var restField = containingType.GetMembers(TupleTypeSymbol.RestFieldName).FirstOrDefault() as FieldSymbol;
                    if ((object)restField == null)

                    if (forceContainingSlotsToExist)
                        containingSlot = GetOrCreateSlot(restField, containingSlot);
                        if (!_variableSlot.TryGetValue(new VariableIdentifier(restField, containingSlot), out containingSlot))

                    containingType = restField.Type.TypeSymbol.TupleUnderlyingTypeOrSelf();

        /// <summary>
        /// Might the given type be, or contain, managed references?  This is used to determine which
        /// fields allocated to temporaries should be cleared when the underlying variable goes out of scope, so
        /// that they do not cause unnecessary object retention.
        /// </summary>
        private bool MightContainReferences(TypeSymbol type)
            if (type.IsReferenceType || type.TypeKind == TypeKind.TypeParameter)
                return(true);                                                                 // type parameter or reference type
            if (type.TypeKind != TypeKind.Struct)
                return(false);                                  // enums, etc
            if (type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_TypedReference)
            if (type.SpecialType != SpecialType.None)
                return(false);                                      // int, etc
            CSharpCompilation Compilation = this.CompilationState.ModuleBuilderOpt.Compilation;

            if (type.DeclaringCompilation != Compilation)
                return(true);                                          // perhaps from ref assembly
            if (emptyStructTypeCache.IsEmptyStructType(type))
            foreach (var f in type.GetMembers())
                if (f.Kind == SymbolKind.Field && !f.IsStatic && MightContainReferences(((FieldSymbol)f).Type))
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static bool ClearGlobals(CSharpCompilation compilation, SyntaxNode node, TypeSymbol functionClass, List <BoundStatement> statements)
            var  members = functionClass.GetMembers();
            bool added   = false;

            foreach (var member in members)
                if (member.IsStatic && member.Kind == SymbolKind.Field)
                    var field   = member as FieldSymbol;
                    var fldtype = field.Type;
                    if (field.DeclaredAccessibility == Accessibility.Public &&
                        fldtype.TypeKind == TypeKind.Class &&
                        !field.IsReadOnly &&
                        statements.Add(ClearGlobal(compilation, node, field));
                        added = true;
Exemplo n.º 23
        // Does a member lookup in a single type, without considering inheritance.
        private LookupResult MemberLookupWithoutInheritance(TypeSymbol type, string name, int arity, bool invoked)
            LookupResult result = new LookupResult();

            IEnumerable <Symbol> members = type.GetMembers(name);

            foreach (Symbol member in members)
                LookupResult resultOfThisMember;
                // Do we need to exclude override members, or is that done later by overload resolution. It seems like
                // not excluding them here can't lead to problems, because we will always find the overridden method as well.

                SymbolKind     memberKind = member.Kind;
                DiagnosticInfo diagInfo;
                if (WrongArity(member, arity, out diagInfo))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.WrongArity(member, diagInfo);
                else if (invoked && !IsInvocable(member))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Bad(member, new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_NonInvocableMemberCalled, member.GetFullName()));
                else if (!IsMemberAccessible(member))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Inaccessible(member);
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Good(member);

                result = MergeLookupsInSameScope(result, resultOfThisMember);

Exemplo n.º 24
        public OutputFileAbstraction GetAbstraction()
            var context            = new ResolutionContext(this);
            var serviceAbstraction = new ServiceAbstraction();

            serviceAbstraction.Path           = AbstractPath;
            serviceAbstraction.ClassName      = ClassName;
            serviceAbstraction.ControllerName = TypeSymbol.Name;
            serviceAbstraction.Actions        = new List <ActionAbstraction>();

            //Resolve endpoint
            var routeAttr = TypeSymbol.GetAttributes().FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeClass.Name == "Route" || a.AttributeClass.Name.ToString() == "RoutePrefix");
            var arg       = (routeAttr.ApplicationSyntaxReference.GetSyntax() as AttributeSyntax).ArgumentList.Arguments[0].ToString().Replace("\"", "");
            var path      = arg.Replace("[controller]", ControllerName.ToCamelCase());

            serviceAbstraction.Endpoint = path;

            var existingMethods = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var m in TypeSymbol.GetMembers())
                if (m.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                if (m.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public)
                if (m.IsStatic)
                if (m.Kind != SymbolKind.Method)
                if (m.IsImplicitlyDeclared)
                if (!m.IsDefinition)
                var mtd = m as IMethodSymbol;
                if (m.Name == ".ctor")

                var actionAbstraction = new ActionAbstraction();

                var mtdAttrs       = mtd.GetAttributes();
                var returnType     = TypeResolver.Resolve(mtd.ReturnType as ITypeSymbol, context);
                var returnTypeName = returnType.Declaration;
                //Not marked actions will accept posts
                var    httpMethod = "Post";
                string action     = "";

                //Get http method from method name pattern
                if (mtd.Name.StartsWith("Get"))
                    httpMethod = "Get";
                if (mtd.Name.StartsWith("Post"))
                    httpMethod = "Post";
                if (mtd.Name.StartsWith("Put"))
                    httpMethod = "Put";
                if (mtd.Name.StartsWith("Delete"))
                    httpMethod = "Delete";
                if (mtd.Name.StartsWith("Patch"))
                    httpMethod = "Patch";
                var methodName = mtd.Name.ToCamelCase();
                if (existingMethods.ContainsKey(methodName))
                    methodName = $"{methodName}_{existingMethods[methodName]}";
                    existingMethods.Add(methodName, 0);

                actionAbstraction.FunctionName = methodName;

                var httpAttr        = mtdAttrs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeClass.Name.StartsWith("Http"));
                var routeMethodAttr = mtdAttrs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeClass.Name.StartsWith("Route"));
                //If has Http attribute
                if (httpAttr != null)
                    httpMethod = httpAttr.AttributeClass.Name.Substring(4);
                    //Check if it contains route info
                    var args = (httpAttr.ApplicationSyntaxReference.GetSyntax() as AttributeSyntax)?.ArgumentList?.Arguments;
                    if (args != null && args.Value.Count > 0)
                        action = args.Value[0].ToString().Replace("\"", "");
                //Check if contains route attr
                if (routeMethodAttr != null)
                    var args = (routeMethodAttr.ApplicationSyntaxReference.GetSyntax() as AttributeSyntax).ArgumentList.Arguments;
                    if (args.Count > 0)
                        action = args[0].ToString().Replace("\"", "");
                //Replace route variables
                action = action.Replace("[action]", methodName);

                var regex = new Regex(@"\{(?<paramName>\w+)(:\w+(\(.*?\))?)?\??}");
                action = regex.Replace(action, match =>

                //Resolve how parameters are sent
                var pendingParameters    = new List <ParameterResolution>();
                var parameterResolutions = mtd.Parameters.Select(p => new ParameterResolution(p, TypeResolver, context, Options)).Where(p => !p.Ignore);
                foreach (var pr in parameterResolutions)
                    if (action.Contains($"{{{pr.Name}}}"))
                        //Casting to any because encodeURIComponent expects string
                        action = action.Replace($"{{{pr.Name}}}", $"{{encodeURIComponent(<any>{pr.Name})}}");

                    if (pr.From == ParameterFromKind.FromBody)
                        actionAbstraction.BodyParameterName = pr.Name;
                var strParameters = string.Join(", ", parameterResolutions.Select(pr => pr.Signature));

                actionAbstraction.Parameters = parameterResolutions.Select(p => new ParameterAbstraction {
                    Name       = p.Name,
                    IsOptional = p.IsOptional,
                    //TypeDescription = p.TypeDescription
                    Type = p.Type

                actionAbstraction.ReturnType = returnType;
                actionAbstraction.ActionName = action;
                actionAbstraction.HttpMethod = httpMethod;

                actionAbstraction.SearchParametersNames = new List <string>();

                switch (httpMethod)
                case "Put":
                case "Patch":
                case "Post":

                    actionAbstraction.BodyParameterName = null;

                actionAbstraction.SearchParametersNames = pendingParameters.Select(pr => pr.Name).ToList();

            serviceAbstraction.Imports = context.GetImports();
 /// <summary>
 /// Might the given type be, or contain, managed references?  This is used to determine which
 /// fields allocated to temporaries should be cleared when the underlying variable goes out of scope, so
 /// that they do not cause unnecessary object retention.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool MightContainReferences(TypeSymbol type)
     if (type.IsReferenceType || type.TypeKind == TypeKind.TypeParameter) return true; // type parameter or reference type
     if (type.TypeKind != TypeKind.Struct) return false; // enums, etc
     if (type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_TypedReference) return true;
     if (type.SpecialType != SpecialType.None) return false; // int, etc
     CSharpCompilation Compilation = this.CompilationState.ModuleBuilderOpt.Compilation;
     if (type.DeclaringCompilation != Compilation) return true; // perhaps from ref assembly
     if (emptyStructTypeCache.IsEmptyStructType(type)) return false;
     foreach (var f in type.GetMembers())
         if (f.Kind == SymbolKind.Field && !f.IsStatic && MightContainReferences(((FieldSymbol)f).Type)) return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static BoundStatement RewriteAppExit(
            MethodSymbol method,
            BoundStatement statement,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)

            if (method.Name != XSharpSpecialNames.AppExit)
            var refMan        = method.DeclaringCompilation.GetBoundReferenceManager();
            var vcla          = method.DeclaringCompilation.ClassLibraryType();
            var newstatements = new List <BoundStatement>();

            foreach (var rkv in refMan.GetReferencedAssemblies())
                var r = rkv.Value;
                foreach (var attr in r.GetAttributes())
                    if ((Symbol)attr.AttributeClass.ConstructedFrom == vcla)
                        var attargs = attr.CommonConstructorArguments;
                        if (attargs.Length == 2)
                            var functionsClassName = attargs[0].Value.ToString();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionsClassName))
                                TypeSymbol type = r.GetTypeByMetadataName(functionsClassName) as TypeSymbol;
                                // If we can find the $Exit method then call that method
                                // Otherwise find the public globals and clear them from our code
                                if (type != null)
                                    var members = type.GetMembers(XSharpSpecialNames.ExitProc);
                                    if (members.Length > 0)
                                        foreach (MethodSymbol sym in members)
                                            CreateMethodCall(method.DeclaringCompilation, statement.Syntax, sym, newstatements);
                                        ClearGlobals(method.DeclaringCompilation, statement.Syntax, type, newstatements);
            // Now clear the globals in this assembly by calling $Exit

            var symbols = FindMembers(method.DeclaringCompilation, XSharpSpecialNames.ExitProc);

            foreach (MethodSymbol sym in symbols)
                CreateMethodCall(method.DeclaringCompilation, statement.Syntax, sym, newstatements);
            newstatements.Add(new BoundReturnStatement(statement.Syntax, RefKind.None, null));
            var oldbody = statement as BoundBlock;
            var newbody = oldbody.Update(oldbody.Locals, ImmutableArray <LocalFunctionSymbol> .Empty, newstatements.ToImmutableArray <BoundStatement>());

Exemplo n.º 27
        private MethodSymbol FindMethod(TypeSymbol receiver, string name, ImmutableArray<TypeSymbol> typeArgs, ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> args)
            MethodSymbol found = null;
            bool ambiguous = false;
            ImmutableArray<Symbol> candidates = receiver.GetMembers(name);
            foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                var method = candidate as MethodSymbol;
                if ((object)method == null || method.Arity != typeArgs.Length || method.ParameterCount != args.Length) continue;
                if (method.Arity != 0) method = method.Construct(typeArgs);
                var parameters = method.Parameters;
                bool exact = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    HashSet<DiagnosticInfo> useSiteDiagnostics = null;
                    if (parameters[i].RefKind != RefKind.None ||
                        !((object)args[i].Type == null && parameters[i].Type.IsReferenceType ||
                        Compilation.Conversions.ClassifyConversion(args[i].Type, parameters[i].Type, ref useSiteDiagnostics).IsImplicit))
                        goto nextCandidate;

                    exact = exact && args[i].Type == parameters[i].Type;

                if (exact) return method;
                if ((object)found != null)
                    ambiguous = true;
                found = method;

                nextCandidate: ;

            if (ambiguous) ReportLibraryProblem(ErrorCode.ERR_LibraryMethodNotUnique, receiver, name, typeArgs, args);
            else if ((object)found == null) ReportLibraryProblem(ErrorCode.ERR_LibraryMethodNotFound, receiver, name, typeArgs, args);
            return found;
Exemplo n.º 28
        private static FieldSymbol FindFieldBySignature(TypeSymbol targetTypeSymbol, string targetMemberName, ImmutableArray<ModifierInfo<TypeSymbol>> customModifiers, TypeSymbol type)
            foreach (Symbol member in targetTypeSymbol.GetMembers(targetMemberName))
                var field = member as FieldSymbol;
                if ((object)field != null &&
                    field.Type == type &&
                    CustomModifiersMatch(field.CustomModifiers, customModifiers))
                    // Behavior in the face of multiple matching signatures is
                    // implementation defined - we'll just pick the first one.
                    return field;

            return null;
        private MethodSymbol DelegateConstructor(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol delegateType)
            foreach (var possibleCtor in delegateType.GetMembers(WellKnownMemberNames.InstanceConstructorName))
                var m = possibleCtor as MethodSymbol;
                if ((object)m == null) continue;
                var parameters = m.Parameters;
                if (parameters.Length != 2) continue;
                if (parameters[0].Type.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Object) continue;
                var p1t = parameters[1].Type.SpecialType;
                if (p1t == SpecialType.System_IntPtr || p1t == SpecialType.System_UIntPtr)
                    return m;

            // The delegate '{0}' does not have a valid constructor
            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadDelegateConstructor, syntax.Location, delegateType);
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 30
 private static MethodSymbol GetRequiredMethod(TypeSymbol type, string methodName, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
     var method = type.GetMembers(methodName).SingleOrDefault() as MethodSymbol;
     if ((object)method == null)
         diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MissingPredefinedMember, NoLocation.Singleton, type, methodName);
     return method;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public override IEnumerable <Symbol> GetMembers()
        // Does a member lookup in a single type, without considering inheritance.
        private LookupResult MemberLookupWithoutInheritance(TypeSymbol type, string name, int arity, bool invoked)
            LookupResult result = new LookupResult();

            IEnumerable<Symbol> members = type.GetMembers(name);
            foreach (Symbol member in members) {
                LookupResult resultOfThisMember;
                // Do we need to exclude override members, or is that done later by overload resolution. It seems like
                // not excluding them here can't lead to problems, because we will always find the overridden method as well.

                SymbolKind memberKind = member.Kind;
                DiagnosticInfo diagInfo;
                if (WrongArity(member, arity, out diagInfo))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.WrongArity(member, diagInfo);
                else if (invoked && !IsInvocable(member))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Bad(member, new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_NonInvocableMemberCalled, member.GetFullName()));
                else if (!IsMemberAccessible(member))
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Inaccessible(member);
                    resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Good(member);

                result = MergeLookupsInSameScope(result, resultOfThisMember);

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void Emit()
            _returnValue = RootTable.CreateInternalValue(GetTypeSymbol(SpecialType.System_UInt32), "returnJump");

            CurrentNode = EmitType.RoslynSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.First().GetSyntax();

            DefaultExecutionOrder executionOrder = EmitType.GetAttribute <DefaultExecutionOrder>();

            if (executionOrder != null)
                if (executionOrder.order < (int.MinValue + 1000000))
                    throw new CompilerException($"Execution orders below int.MinValue + 1000000 are reserved for internal use in U#");

                Module.ExecutionOrder = executionOrder.order;

            TypeSymbol udonSharpBehaviourType = GetTypeSymbol(typeof(UdonSharpBehaviour));

            Stack <TypeSymbol> emitTypeBases = new Stack <TypeSymbol>();

            TypeSymbol currentEmitType = EmitType;

            while (currentEmitType.BaseType != null)
                currentEmitType = currentEmitType.BaseType;

                if (currentEmitType == udonSharpBehaviourType)

            if (currentEmitType != udonSharpBehaviourType)
                throw new NotSupportedException("U# behaviour must inherit from UdonSharpBehaviour",

            List <MethodSymbol> rootMethods = new List <MethodSymbol>();

            List <FieldSymbol>    userFields    = new List <FieldSymbol>();
            HashSet <FieldSymbol> visitedFields = new HashSet <FieldSymbol>();

            // Visits each base class and searches for the most derived version of a method if it is overriden
            // The intention with this is to ensure a consistent ordering between all inheritors of a base class
            // This means that we can know that all inheritors of a class have the same method names and parameter symbol allocations
            //   which allows people to call virtual methods on UdonSharpBehaviours and have Udon just make it work
            while (emitTypeBases.Count > 0)
                TypeSymbol currentBase = emitTypeBases.Pop();

                // Make sure fields get emitted
                foreach (FieldSymbol field in currentBase.GetMembers <FieldSymbol>(this))
                    if (field.IsConst)

                    if (!visitedFields.Contains(field))


                foreach (MethodSymbol methodSymbol in currentBase.GetMembers <MethodSymbol>(this))
                    if (methodSymbol.RoslynSymbol.IsImplicitlyDeclared ||

                    if (methodSymbol.HasOverrides)
                        MethodSymbol derivedMethod = GetMostDerivedMethod(methodSymbol);

                        if (derivedMethod.RoslynSymbol.IsAbstract)

                        if (!rootMethods.Contains(derivedMethod))
                    else if (!rootMethods.Contains(methodSymbol))
                        if (methodSymbol.RoslynSymbol.IsAbstract)


            DeclaredFields = userFields.ToImmutableArray();

            HashSet <MethodSymbol> emittedSet = new HashSet <MethodSymbol>();
            HashSet <MethodSymbol> setToEmit  = new HashSet <MethodSymbol>();

            // Do not roll this into the while loop, the order must be maintained for the root symbols so calls across behaviours work consistently
            foreach (MethodSymbol methodSymbol in rootMethods)
                using (new MethodEmitScope(methodSymbol, this))


                setToEmit.UnionWith(methodSymbol.DirectDependencies.OfType <MethodSymbol>());

            while (setToEmit.Count > 0)
                HashSet <MethodSymbol> newEmitSet = new HashSet <MethodSymbol>();

                foreach (var methodSymbol in setToEmit)
                    if (emittedSet.Contains(methodSymbol))
                    if (methodSymbol.RoslynSymbol != null)
                        if (methodSymbol.RoslynSymbol.IsAbstract || methodSymbol.IsUntypedGenericMethod)

                    if (!methodSymbol.IsStatic && methodSymbol.ContainingType.IsUdonSharpBehaviour) // Prevent other behaviour type's methods from leaking into this type from calls across behaviours
                        TypeSymbol topType   = EmitType;
                        bool       foundType = false;
                        while (topType != udonSharpBehaviourType)
                            if (methodSymbol.ContainingType == topType)
                                foundType = true;
                            topType = topType.BaseType;

                        if (!foundType)

                    using (new MethodEmitScope(methodSymbol, this))


                    newEmitSet.UnionWith(methodSymbol.DirectDependencies.OfType <MethodSymbol>());

                setToEmit = newEmitSet;

            if (_recursiveStackVal != null)
                _recursiveStackVal.DefaultValue = new object[_maxRecursiveStackPush];

Exemplo n.º 34
        private static MethodSymbol FindMethodBySignature(TypeSymbol targetTypeSymbol, string targetMemberName, SignatureHeader targetMemberSignatureHeader, int targetMemberTypeParamCount, ParamInfo<TypeSymbol>[] targetParamInfo)
            foreach (Symbol member in targetTypeSymbol.GetMembers(targetMemberName))
                var method = member as MethodSymbol;
                if ((object)method != null &&
                    ((byte)method.CallingConvention == targetMemberSignatureHeader.RawValue) &&
                    (targetMemberTypeParamCount == method.Arity) &&
                    MethodSymbolMatchesParamInfo(method, targetParamInfo))
                    // Behavior in the face of multiple matching signatures is
                    // implementation defined - we'll just pick the first one.
                    return method;

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 35
        IEnumerable <Cci.MethodImplementation> Cci.ITypeDefinition.GetExplicitImplementationOverrides(EmitContext context)

            if (this.IsInterface)
                yield break;

            PEModuleBuilder moduleBeingBuilt = (PEModuleBuilder)context.Module;

            foreach (var member in this.GetMembers())
                if (member.Kind == SymbolKind.Method)
                    var method = (MethodSymbol)member;
                    Debug.Assert((object)method.PartialDefinitionPart == null); // must be definition

                    var explicitImplementations = method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations;
                    if (explicitImplementations.Length != 0)
                        foreach (var implemented in method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations)
                            yield return(new Microsoft.Cci.MethodImplementation(method, moduleBeingBuilt.TranslateOverriddenMethodReference(implemented, (CSharpSyntaxNode)context.SyntaxNodeOpt, context.Diagnostics)));

                    if (method.RequiresExplicitOverride())
                        // If C# and the runtime don't agree on the overridden method, then
                        // we will mark the method as newslot (see MethodSymbolAdapter) and
                        // specify the override explicitly.
                        // This mostly affects accessors - C# ignores method interactions
                        // between accessors and non-accessors, whereas the runtime does not.
                        yield return(new Microsoft.Cci.MethodImplementation(method, moduleBeingBuilt.TranslateOverriddenMethodReference(method.OverriddenMethod, (CSharpSyntaxNode)context.SyntaxNodeOpt, context.Diagnostics)));
                    else if (method.MethodKind == MethodKind.Destructor && this.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Object)
                        // New in Roslyn: all destructors explicitly override (or are) System.Object.Finalize so that
                        // they are guaranteed to be runtime finalizers.  As a result, it is no longer possible to create
                        // a destructor that will never be invoked by the runtime.
                        // NOTE: If System.Object doesn't contain a destructor, you're on your own - this destructor may
                        // or not be called by the runtime.
                        TypeSymbol objectType = this.DeclaringCompilation.GetSpecialType(CodeAnalysis.SpecialType.System_Object);
                        foreach (Symbol objectMember in objectType.GetMembers(WellKnownMemberNames.DestructorName))
                            MethodSymbol objectMethod = objectMember as MethodSymbol;
                            if ((object)objectMethod != null && objectMethod.MethodKind == MethodKind.Destructor)
                                yield return(new Microsoft.Cci.MethodImplementation(method, moduleBeingBuilt.TranslateOverriddenMethodReference(objectMethod, (CSharpSyntaxNode)context.SyntaxNodeOpt, context.Diagnostics)));

            var syntheticMethods = moduleBeingBuilt.GetSynthesizedMethods(this);

            if (syntheticMethods != null)
                foreach (var m in syntheticMethods)
                    var method = m as MethodSymbol;
                    if ((object)method != null)
                        foreach (var implemented in method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations)
                            Debug.Assert((object)method.PartialDefinitionPart == null); // must be definition
                            yield return(new Microsoft.Cci.MethodImplementation(method, moduleBeingBuilt.TranslateOverriddenMethodReference(implemented, (CSharpSyntaxNode)context.SyntaxNodeOpt, context.Diagnostics)));

Exemplo n.º 36
        private (string file, string content) GenerateOutputModule()
            //var hasConsts = false;
            //var subClasses = new List<INamedTypeSymbol>();
            var sb      = new StringBuilder();
            var context = new ResolutionContext(this);
            var level   = 0;

            if (!TypeSymbol.IsStatic)
                string inheritance = "";

                if (TypeSymbol.BaseType != null && TypeSymbol.BaseType.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Object)
                    var inheritanceTypeResolution = TypeResolver.Resolve(TypeSymbol.BaseType, context);
                    if (inheritanceTypeResolution.IsAny)
                        if (inheritanceTypeResolution.Declaration.Contains("/*"))
                            inheritance = $"/*extends {inheritanceTypeResolution.Declaration.Replace("any/*", "").Replace("*/", "")}*/";
                        inheritance = $"extends {inheritanceTypeResolution.Declaration} ";

                string genericArguments = "";
                if (TypeSymbol.TypeArguments.Any())
                    genericArguments = $"<{string.Join(", ", TypeSymbol.TypeArguments.Select(t => t.Name))}>";

                sb.AppendLine(level, $"export interface {ClassName}{genericArguments} {inheritance}{{");
                foreach (var m in TypeSymbol.GetMembers())
                    if (m.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType)
                        //subClasses.Add(m as INamedTypeSymbol);
                    if (m.IsStatic)
                        //if (m.Kind == SymbolKind.Field && (m as IFieldSymbol).IsConst)
                        //    hasConsts = true;
                    if (m.Kind != SymbolKind.Property)
                    if (m.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public)
                    var prop       = m as IPropertySymbol;
                    var isNullable = TypeResolver.IsNullable(prop.Type) || !prop.Type.IsValueType;
                    var name       = Options.KeepPropsCase ? m.Name : m.Name.ToCamelCase();

                    var summary = prop.GetDocumentationCommentXml();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(summary))
                        summary = summary.Split("<summary>").Last().Split("</summary>").First().Trim();
                        sb.AppendLine(level + 1, "/**");
                        var lines = summary.Split(System.Environment.NewLine);
                        foreach (var l in lines)
                            sb.AppendLine(level + 1, $"*{l.Trim()}");
                        sb.AppendLine(level + 1, "**/");

                    sb.AppendLine(level + 1, $"{name}{(isNullable ? "?" : "")}: {TypeResolver.Resolve(prop.Type, context).Declaration};");
                sb.AppendLine(level, "}");

                //if (hasConsts)
                //    sb.AppendLine();
            //    hasConsts = true;

            ////Static part
            //if (hasConsts
            //             //removing const support for now
            //             //If we enable it again, we should merge these members with KeysAndNames...
            //             && false
            //             ) {
            //	//https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/17372
            //	//Currently we can't merge namespaces and const enums.
            //	//This is supposed to be a bug.
            //	//Besides, even if this is fixed, I think enums will never be mergeable with interfaces,
            //	//so I think it will be always necessary to discriminate with something like $.
            //	//$ can't be used in C# classes, so will never happen a conflict.
            //	//We transpile C# Consts to TypeScript const enums because this is currently
            //	//the only way to inline values. Consts values direclty inside namespaces/modules are not inlined...
            //	//---R: Now, supporting only scoped types, maybe values dont need to be inlined...

            //	sb.AppendLine(level, $"export class {ClassName} {{");
            //	level++;
            //	foreach (var m in TypeSymbol.GetMembers()) {
            //		var fieldSymbol = (m as IFieldSymbol);
            //		if (fieldSymbol != null && fieldSymbol.IsConst) {
            //			//Consts names should not be changed, they are commonly uppercased both in client and server...
            //			var name = m.Name;
            //			sb.AppendLine(level, $"static readonly {name} = {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fieldSymbol.ConstantValue)};");
            //		}
            //	}
            //	level--;
            //	sb.AppendLine(level, "}");



            sb.Insert(0, context.GetImportsText());
            string content = sb.ToString();

            return(OutputFilePath, content);
        internal static bool AreEquivalent(TypeSymbol a, TypeSymbol b, Compilation comp)
            var aMembers = a.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToList();
            var bMembers = b.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToList();

            if (aMembers.Count != bMembers.Count) return false;

            for (var i = 0; i < aMembers.Count; i++)
                var aMember = aMembers[i];
                var bMember = bMembers[i];

                if (aMember.Name != bMember.Name) return false;
                if (aMember.DeclaredAccessibility != bMember.DeclaredAccessibility) return false;

                var aType = aMember.Type;
                var bType = bMember.Type;

                var aName = aType.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.FullyQualifiedFormat);
                var bName = bType.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.FullyQualifiedFormat);

                if (aName == bName) continue;

                var conv = comp.ClassifyConversion(aType, bType);

                if (!conv.IsIdentity) return false;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 38
        protected void CheckStackSize(Value valueCount, EmitContext context)
            using (context.InterruptAssignmentScope())
                Value stack = context.RecursiveStackValue;
                BoundAccessExpression stackAccess = BoundAccessExpression.BindAccess(stack);
                Value stackAddr = context.RecursiveStackAddressValue;
                BoundAccessExpression stackAddrAccess = BoundAccessExpression.BindAccess(stackAddr);

                TypeSymbol arrayType = context.GetTypeSymbol(SpecialType.System_Array);

                context.Module.AddCommentTag("Stack size check");

                // Check stack size and double it if it's not enough
                // We know that doubling once will always be enough since the default size of the stack is the max number of stack values pushed in any method
                PropertySymbol arraySizeProperty = arrayType.GetMember <PropertySymbol>("Length", context);

                TypeSymbol intType = context.GetTypeSymbol(SpecialType.System_Int32);

                Value arraySize =
                    context.EmitValue(BoundAccessExpression.BindAccess(context, SyntaxNode, arraySizeProperty,
                BoundAccessExpression arraySizeAccess = BoundAccessExpression.BindAccess(arraySize);

                Value targetSize = context.EmitValue(CreateBoundInvocation(context, SyntaxNode,
                                                                           new ExternSynthesizedOperatorSymbol(BuiltinOperatorType.Addition, intType, context), null,
                                                                           new BoundExpression[] { stackAddrAccess, BoundAccessExpression.BindAccess(valueCount) }));

                Value isSizeGreaterThan = context.EmitValue(CreateBoundInvocation(context, SyntaxNode,
                                                                                  new ExternSynthesizedOperatorSymbol(BuiltinOperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual, intType, context), null,
                                                                                  new BoundExpression[]

                JumpLabel skipResizeLabel = context.Module.CreateLabel();

                context.Module.AddJumpIfFalse(skipResizeLabel, isSizeGreaterThan);

                // Resize logic
                Value constantTwo = context.GetConstantValue(intType, 2);
                Value newSize     = context.EmitValue(CreateBoundInvocation(context, SyntaxNode,
                                                                            new ExternSynthesizedOperatorSymbol(BuiltinOperatorType.Multiplication, intType, context), null,
                                                                            new BoundExpression[]

                Value newArray = context.EmitValue(new BoundArrayCreationExpression(SyntaxNode, context,
                                                                                    new BoundExpression[] { BoundAccessExpression.BindAccess(newSize) }, null));

                MethodSymbol arrayCopyMethod = arrayType.GetMembers <MethodSymbol>("Copy", context)
                                               .First(e => e.Parameters.Length == 3 && e.Parameters[2].Type == intType);

                context.Emit(CreateBoundInvocation(context, null, arrayCopyMethod, null,
                                                   new BoundExpression[]

                context.Module.AddCopy(newArray, stack);


                context.Module.AddCommentTag("Stack size check end");