public virtual IUndoableEdit Generate()
            CompoundEdit     ce    = new CompoundEdit();
            IPolicyFactory   pfact = new PolicyFactory();
            IList <TestCase> generatedTestCases = new List <TestCase>();

            //generate the test cases
            //delete the common test cases from the structure
            ce.AddEdit(pfact.DeleteCommonTestCasesPolicy(structure, genState, dependencies));
            if (generatedTestCases.Count + structure.GetTestCases(genState).Count > maxTestCases)
                throw new Exception("Maximal number of " + EntityWithEvents.GetDescription(genState) + " Test Cases reached");

            //add the new generated test cases
            foreach (TestCase tc in generatedTestCases)
                //check if the structure has the same test cases before insert
                if (!structure.ContainsSameTestCaseByRelations(tc))
                    ce.AddEdit(EditFactory.instance.CreateChangePropertyEdit(tc, "Position", structure.GetNewTestCasePosition()));
                    tc.Position = structure.GetNewTestCasePosition();
                    ce.AddEdit(EditFactory.instance.CreateAddTestCaseEdit(structure, tc));
        public IUndoableEdit Generate()
            CompoundEdit    ce           = new CompoundEdit();
            List <TestCase> newTestCases = new List <TestCase>();

            //for each element in the test object
            foreach (Element element in structure.Elements)
                //for each positive equivalence class in the element
                foreach (EquivalenceClass eClass in element.GetEquivalenceClassesbyState(State.POSITIVE))
                    //check if the equivalence class is used in any of the test cases of the structure (including negative and faulty test cases)
                    bool isUsed = false;
                    foreach (TestCase testCase in structure.TestCases)
                        if (testCase.GetAllEquivalenceClasses().Contains(eClass))
                            isUsed = true;
                    //if is not used find a positive test case that does not use antother equivalence class of the same element
                    if (!isUsed)
                        bool assigned = false;
                        foreach (TestCase testCase in structure.GetTestCases(State.POSITIVE))
                            //if theres an positive test case asign the equivalence Class to the test case
                            if (!testCase.GetAllElements().Contains(eClass.ParentElement) && !assigned)
                                ce.AddEdit(PolicyFactory.instance.AddEquivalenceClassToTestCase(eClass, testCase));
                                assigned = true;
                        //check also in the newly generated test cases
                        foreach (TestCase testCase in newTestCases)
                            if (!testCase.GetAllElements().Contains(eClass.ParentElement) && !assigned)
                                ce.AddEdit(PolicyFactory.instance.AddEquivalenceClassToTestCase(eClass, testCase));
                                assigned = true;
                        //if theres not any positive test case create a new positive test case  with that assignment of equivalence class
                        if (!assigned)
                            //create and initialize the new test case
                            TestCase testCase = new TestCase();
                            ce.AddEdit(EditFactory.instance.CreateChangeStateEdit(testCase, State.POSITIVE));
                            testCase.CurrentState = State.POSITIVE;
                            ce.AddEdit(EditFactory.instance.CreateChangePropertyEdit(testCase, "Origin", TestCaseOrigin.GENERATED));
                            testCase.Origin = TestCaseOrigin.GENERATED;
                            ce.AddEdit(PolicyFactory.instance.AddEquivalenceClassToTestCase(eClass, testCase));
                            // ce.addEdit(TestCaseManager.INSTANCE.updateTestCaseDescription(testCase, structure));
                    } // if is used
                }     // for each equivalence class
            }         //for each element
            //Verify the Size of the new test cases if is not bigger than the allowed
            if (newTestCases.Count > 0)
                if ((newTestCases.Count + structure.GetTestCases(State.POSITIVE).Count) > maxPositiveTC)
                    throw new Exception("Max reached");
                    foreach (TestCase tc in newTestCases)
                        ce.AddEdit(EditFactory.instance.CreateAddTestCaseEdit(structure, tc));
