Exemplo n.º 1
    public void PurchaseItem(long ItemMallIndex)
        ITEM_MALL_ITEM item = NrTSingleton <ItemMallItemManager> .Instance.GetItem(ItemMallIndex);

        string textFromItem = NrTSingleton <NrTextMgr> .Instance.GetTextFromItem(item.m_strTextKey);

        if (item.m_nMoneyType == 1)
            Tapjoy.TrackPurchase(textFromItem, "USD", (double)item.m_fPrice, null);
        Tapjoy.TrackEvent("Item", "Item", "Purchase", textFromItem, ((eITEMMALL_TYPE)item.m_nGroup).ToString(), 1L, "Price", (long)item.m_fPrice, null, 0L);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public static void EndPurchase(string id)
        MyLog.I("MyAdManager EndPurchase");
        // 広告SDK関連処理
        Tapjoy.TrackPurchase(id, "JPY", (double)(200), null);

        // TODO Adjust
        //		AdjustEvent adjustEvent = new AdjustEvent("abc123");
        //		adjustEvent.addPartnerParameter("key", "value");
        //		adjustEvent.addPartnerParameter("foo", "bar");
        //		Adjust.trackEvent(adjustEvent);

        // TODO FaceBook
        Dictionary <string, object> iapParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>();

        iapParameters["product"] = id;
        FB.LogPurchase((long)(200), "JPY", iapParameters);
Exemplo n.º 3
    void OnGUI()
        Rect  position;
        float yPosition = startY;

        if (inputStyle == null)
            inputStyle          = GUI.skin.textField;
            inputStyle.fontSize = fontSize;

        position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Show Offerwall"))
            if (offerwallPlacement != null)

        yPosition += yPadding;

        position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Show Direct Play Video Ad"))
            if (directPlayPlacement.IsContentAvailable())
                if (directPlayPlacement.IsContentReady())
                    output = "Direct play video not ready to show.";
                output = "No direct play video to show.";

        yPosition += yPadding;

        // Managed Currency Header
        position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
        GUI.Label(position, "Managed Currency:", headerStyle);

        yPosition += yPadding - (yPadding - headerHeight);

        position = new Rect(centerX - (thirdButtonWidth + (thirdButtonWidth / 2)), yPosition, thirdButtonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Get"))

        position = new Rect(centerX - (thirdButtonWidth / 2), yPosition, thirdButtonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Spend"))

        position = new Rect(centerX + (thirdButtonWidth / 2), yPosition, thirdButtonWidth, buttonHeight);

        if (GUI.Button(position, "Award"))

        yPosition += yPadding;

        // Managed Currency Header
        position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
        GUI.Label(position, "Content Placement:", headerStyle);

        yPosition += yPadding - (yPadding - headerHeight);

        position            = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
        samplePlacementName = GUI.TextField(position, samplePlacementName, 30, inputStyle);

        yPosition += headerHeight + 10;

        position = new Rect(centerX - halfButtonWidth, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Request"))
            // Create a new sample event
            samplePlacement = TJPlacement.CreatePlacement(samplePlacementName);
            if (samplePlacement != null)
                output = "Requesting content for placement: " + samplePlacementName;

        if (!contentIsReadyForPlacement)
            GUI.enabled = false;
        position = new Rect(centerX, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Show"))
        if (!contentIsReadyForPlacement)
            GUI.enabled = true;

        yPosition += yPadding;

        // Purchase Header
        position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, headerHeight);
        GUI.Label(position, "Purchase:", headerStyle);

        yPosition += yPadding - (yPadding - headerHeight);

        position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase"))
            Tapjoy.TrackPurchase("product1", "USD", 0.99);
            output = "Sent track purchase";
        yPosition += yPadding;

        position = new Rect(centerX - (buttonWidth / 2), yPosition, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase (Campaign)"))
            Tapjoy.TrackPurchase("product1", "USD", 1.99, "TestCampaignID");
            output = "Sent track purchase 2";
        yPosition += yPadding;

        position = new Rect(centerX - halfButtonWidth, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase (GooglePlayStore)"))
            Tapjoy.TrackPurchaseInGooglePlayStore(getDummySkuDetails(), getDummyPurchaseData(), getDummyDataSignature(), "TestCampaignID");
            output = "Sent TrackPurchaseInGooglePlayStore";

        position = new Rect(centerX, yPosition, halfButtonWidth, buttonHeight);
        if (GUI.Button(position, "Purchase (AppleAppStore)"))
            Tapjoy.TrackPurchaseInAppleAppStore("product1", "USD", 1.99, "transactionId", "TestCampaignID");
            output = "Sent TrackPurchaseInAppleAppStore";
        yPosition += yPadding;

        // Display status
        GUI.Label(new Rect(centerX - 200, yPosition, 400, 150), output, outputStyle);