Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ListAction_WhenSurveyCompleted_ExpectPost()
            var fakeComplete = new List <SurveyModel>()
                new SurveyModel {
                    ParkCode = "CVNP", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", PhysicalActivityLevel = "Sedentary", StateOfResidence = "Alabama", NumberOfVotes = 2
                new SurveyModel {
                    ParkCode = "GTNP", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", PhysicalActivityLevel = "Inactive", StateOfResidence = "Illinois", NumberOfVotes = 4
            // Mock the dal
            Mock <ISurveyDAL> mockDal = new Mock <ISurveyDAL>();

            //Set up the mock object
            mockDal.Setup(s => s.GetAllSurveys()).Returns(fakeComplete);

            SurveyController controller = new SurveyController(mockDal.Object);

            var result = controller.DisplaySurvey() as ViewResult;

            Assert.AreEqual("DisplaySurvey", result.ViewName);