Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void VisitProject(IProject project)
            if (project.LanguageType == ProjectFileType.UNKNOWN)

            using(SubProgressIndicator projectIndicator = new SubProgressIndicator(progressIndicator, 1))
                currentIndicator = projectIndicator;
                int filesCount = ProjectUtil.GetFileCount(project);
                results[project] = CreateProjectResults(project);
                currentIndicator = NullProgressIndicator.INSTANCE;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This code changes PSI documents. It is executed usder PSI transaction, Command cookies, Reentrancy guard ets.
        /// All documents are committed (PSI is valid).
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Execute(IProgressIndicator pi)

            //check if data stored in workflow is valid...
            Method    = Workflow.MethodPointer.FindDeclaredElement();
            Parameter = Workflow.ParameterPointer.FindDeclaredElement();

            if (Method == null || Parameter == null)

            IPsiServices services = Parameter.GetPsiServices();

            IReference[] referencesToParameter;
            IReference[] referencesToRootOverrides;

            // search for method overrides (OverridesFinder is util class that
            // allows to find all overrides and problems with quasi implementations)
            OverridesFinder overridesFinder = OverridesFinder.CreateInstance(Method);

            using (var subPi = new SubProgressIndicator(pi, 1))

            JetHashSet <HierarchyMember> hierarchyMembers = overridesFinder.Overrides;

            List <IMethod>    methods    = ScanHierarchyConflicts(hierarchyMembers).ToList();
            List <IParameter> parameters = GetAllParameters(methods).ToList();

            // find parameters and methods usages...
            using (var subPi = new SubProgressIndicator(pi, 1))
                subPi.TaskName = "Searching parameter usages:";
                IEnumerable <IPsiSourceFile> projectFiles = from param in parameters
                                                            let projectFilesOfOneParameter = param.GetSourceFiles()
                                                                                             from projectFile in projectFilesOfOneParameter
                                                                                             select projectFile;
                ISearchDomain searchDomain = mySearchDomainFactory.CreateSearchDomain(projectFiles.ToList());
                referencesToParameter = services.Finder.FindReferences(parameters, searchDomain, subPi);

            using (var subPi = new SubProgressIndicator(pi, 1))
                subPi.TaskName            = "Searching method usages:";
                referencesToRootOverrides = services.Finder.FindReferences(methods,
                                                                                                                    false), subPi);

            // this step processes method usages, removes argument and stores reference specific data to the 'MethodInvocation'.
            List <MethodInvocation> usages;

            using (var subPi = new SubProgressIndicator(pi, 1))
                usages = PreProcessMethodUsages(referencesToRootOverrides, subPi).ToList();

            // replace usages of parameters with typeof(TNewTypeParameter) expression.
            using (var subPi = new SubProgressIndicator(pi, 1))
                ProcessParameterUsages(referencesToParameter, subPi);

            // Remove parameters from method declarations and insert new type parmeter. Map contains method -> new type parameter relation.
            Dictionary <IMethod, ITypeParameter> map = UpdateDeclarations(methods);

            // We have changed declarations. cashes should be updated)

            // Process method usages one more time to insert correct type arguments to the call.
            using (var subPi = new SubProgressIndicator(pi, 1))
                BindUsages(usages, map, subPi);
