/// <summary>
        /// Compare the specified mail address again correctMailDomainNames, and try to correct the given mailAddress.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="correctMailDomainNames">The collection of correct mail domain names.</param>
        /// <param name="mailAddress">The mail address which will be corrected. It should be a valid mail address format. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown</param>
        /// <returns>The corrected mail address. If empty string, it indicates the given mailAddress is already correct.</returns>
        public static string CorrectMailAddress(IEnumerable <string> correctMailDomainNames, string mailAddress)
            var correctedMailAddress = StringUtility.RemoveWhiteSpaces(mailAddress);

            correctedMailAddress = StringUtility.ToDBC(correctedMailAddress);

            // Simply parsing the given mailAddress
            var atIndex = correctedMailAddress.IndexOf('@');

            if ((atIndex <= 0) || (atIndex == (correctedMailAddress.Length - 1)))
                throw new FormatException("The given mailAddress format is invalid. " + mailAddress);
            var account    = correctedMailAddress.Substring(0, atIndex);
            var domainName = correctedMailAddress.Substring(atIndex + 1);
            //var lastDotIndex = domainName.LastIndexOf('.');
            //if ((lastDotIndex <= 0) || (lastDotIndex == (domainName.Length - 1)))
            //    throw new FormatException("The given mailAddress format is invalid. " + mailAddress);
            //var domainNameFirst = correctedMailAddress.Substring(0, lastDotIndex);
            //var domainNameSecond = correctedMailAddress.Substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
            var minDistance           = 99;
            var minDistanceDomainName = string.Empty;
            var moreThanOne           = false;

            foreach (var correctMailDomainName in correctMailDomainNames)
                var distance = StringUtility.CalculateLevenshteinDistance(domainName, correctMailDomainName);
                if (distance <= 0)
                    // Exactly match, return
                    return(ComputeCorrectMailAddressResult(mailAddress, account, correctMailDomainName));

                if (minDistance == distance)
                    // Find one more candidate
                    moreThanOne = true;
                else if (minDistance > distance)
                    minDistance           = distance;
                    moreThanOne           = false;
                    minDistanceDomainName = correctMailDomainName;

            if (moreThanOne)
                // If there are more than one candidates which have same distance, do not correct.
                return(ComputeCorrectMailAddressResult(mailAddress, account, domainName));
                if (minDistance < 2)
                    // Only correct 1 difference mailAddress
                    return(ComputeCorrectMailAddressResult(mailAddress, account, minDistanceDomainName));
                    // Do not correct
                    return(ComputeCorrectMailAddressResult(mailAddress, account, domainName));