private void addStatus(StatusQueueElement sqe) {
		//Instantiate and set image
		var nextIcon = Instantiate<Slider> (statusSliderPrefab);
		nextIcon.GetComponent<Image> ().sprite = sqe.icon;
		//Set up the timer
		nextIcon.maxValue = sqe.timer;
		nextIcon.value = 0;
		//Add the hover-description

		//Set position
		nextIcon.transform.SetParent (this.gameObject.transform, false);
		var rt = nextIcon.gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
		rt.pivot = new Vector2(activeSliders.Count + 1, 1);

		//And add to list
        private void addStatus(StatusQueueElement sqe)
            //Instantiate and set image
            var nextIcon = Instantiate <Slider> (statusSliderPrefab);

            nextIcon.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite = sqe.icon;
            //Set up the timer
            nextIcon.maxValue = sqe.timer;
            nextIcon.value    = 0;
            //Add the hover-description
            nextIcon.GetComponent <TooltipText>().SetDescription(sqe.Description);

            //Set position
            nextIcon.transform.SetParent(this.gameObject.transform, false);
            var rt = nextIcon.gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            rt.pivot = new Vector2(activeSliders.Count + 1, 1);

            //And add to list