Exemplo n.º 1
        public SQLiteDataReader ExecuteReader()
            Sqlite3.Vdbe     stmt = Prepare();
            SQLiteDataReader sdr  = new SQLiteDataReader(this, stmt);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new instance of SQLiteVdbe class by compiling a statement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns>Vdbe</returns>
        public SQLiteVdbe(SQLiteDatabase db, String query)
            vm = null;

            // prepare and compile
            Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.Connection(), query, query.Length, ref vm, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Dispose()
     _cmd = null;
     _vd  = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        object ReadCol(Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt, int index, Type clrType)
            var type = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_type(stmt, index);

            if (type == Sqlite3.SQLITE_NULL)
                if (clrType == typeof(Byte) || clrType == typeof(UInt16) || clrType == typeof(SByte) || clrType == typeof(Int16) || clrType == typeof(Int32))
                    return(Convert.ChangeType(Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int(stmt, index), clrType, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));
                else if (clrType == typeof(UInt32) || clrType == typeof(Int64))
                    return(Convert.ChangeType(Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, index), clrType, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));
                else if (clrType == typeof(Single) || clrType == typeof(Double) || clrType == typeof(Decimal))
                    return(Convert.ChangeType(Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_double(stmt, index), clrType, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));
                else if (clrType == typeof(String))
                    return(Convert.ChangeType(Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(stmt, index), clrType, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Don't know how to read " + clrType);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Result Finalize(IDbStatement stmt)
            var dbStatement = (DbStatement)stmt;

            Sqlite3.Vdbe internalStmt = dbStatement.InternalStmt;
            return((Result)Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref internalStmt));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public int ExecuteNonQuery()
            Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt = Prepare();
            var          r    = Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(stmt);

            switch (r)
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_ERROR:
                string msg = Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(_db);
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, msg);

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE:
                int rowsAffected = Sqlite3.sqlite3_changes(_db);
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_CANTOPEN:
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, "Cannot open database file");

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_CONSTRAINT:
                string msgC = Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(_db);
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, msgC);

                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, "Unknown error");
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Executes a statement and ignores its result.
        private void ExecuteStatement(Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt)
            int    cols;
            IntPtr pazValue, pazColName;

            ExecuteStatement(pStmt, out cols, out pazValue, out pazColName);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void close()
     if (m_st != null)
         Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref m_st);
         m_st = null;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void GetNextStatement(string pzStart, ref string pzTail, ref Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt)
            SqliteError err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(parent_conn.Handle2, pzStart, pzStart.Length, ref pStmt, ref pzTail);

            if (err != SqliteError.OK)
                throw new SqliteSyntaxException(parent_conn.Handle2.errCode, GetError3());
Exemplo n.º 10
        private Sqlite3.Vdbe Prepare(String strStatement, Object[] values)
            Sqlite3.Vdbe ppStmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
            Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_db, strStatement, strStatement.Length, ref ppStmt, 0);

            Bind(ppStmt, values);
Exemplo n.º 11
 Sqlite3.Vdbe Prepare()
     Sqlite3.Vdbe ppStmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
     if (Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, CommandText, CommandText.Length, ref ppStmt, 0) != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
         throw new SQLiteException(Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(_db));
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void GetNextStatement(string pzStart, ref string pzTail, ref Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt)
            UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
            SqliteError  err      = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare(parent_conn.Handle2, pzStart, pzStart.Length, ref pStmt, ref pzTail);

            if (err != SqliteError.OK)
                throw new SqliteSyntaxException(GetError3());
Exemplo n.º 13
        internal static Exception GetSqliteError(Sqlite3.sqlite3 db, Sqlite3.Vdbe st)
            /* SQLite often doesn't report anything useful, unless you reset the statement first */
            if (st != null)

            int    errorcode = Sqlite3.sqlite3_errcode(db);
            string errmsg    = Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(db);

            switch (errorcode)
            case SQLITE_OK:

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_INTERNAL:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_NOTFOUND:

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_NOMEM:
                return(new OutOfMemoryException());

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_ERROR:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_PERM:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_ABORT:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_BUSY:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_LOCKED:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_READONLY:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_INTERRUPT:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_IOERR:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_FULL:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_CANTOPEN:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_PROTOCOL:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_EMPTY:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_SCHEMA:

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_CORRUPT:

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_TOOBIG:

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_CONSTRAINT:
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_MISMATCH:

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_MISUSE:

Exemplo n.º 14
 public static int Step(Sqlite3.Vdbe statement)
     if (statement == null)
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static Sqlite3.Vdbe Prepare2(Sqlite3.sqlite3 db, string query)
            Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
            var          r    = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, query, System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(query), ref stmt, 0);

            if (r != 0)
                throw SQLiteException.New((Result)r, GetErrmsg(db));
Exemplo n.º 16
 internal SqliteDataReader(SqliteCommand cmd, Sqlite3.Vdbe pVm, int version)
     command             = cmd;
     rows                = new List <object[]>();
     column_names_sens   = new Hashtable();
     column_names_insens = new Hashtable(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
     closed              = false;
     current_row         = -1;
     reading             = true;
     ReadpVm(pVm, version, cmd);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new instance of SQLiteVdbe class by compiling a statement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns>Vdbe</returns>
        public SQLiteVdbe(SQLiteDatabase db, String query)
            vm = null;

            // prepare and compile
            #if NET_35
            (db.Connection(), query, query.Length, ref vm, 0);
Exemplo n.º 18
        Sqlite3.Vdbe Prepare()
            Sqlite3.Vdbe ppStmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
            int          n      = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, CommandText, CommandText.Length, ref ppStmt, 0);

            if (n != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
                throw new SQLiteException(n, SQLiteLastError());
Exemplo n.º 19
 internal SqliteDataReader(SqliteCommand cmd, Sqlite3.Vdbe pVm, int version)
     command             = cmd;
     rows                = new List <object[]>();
     column_names_sens   = new Dictionary <String, Object>();
     column_names_insens = new Dictionary <String, Object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     closed              = false;
     current_row         = -1;
     reading             = true;
     ReadpVm(pVm, version, cmd);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void Bind(Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt, Object[] values)
            for (int i = 0; values != null && i < values.Length; i++)
                var obj = values[i];
                if (obj == null)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, i + 1);
                else if (obj is Byte || obj is UInt16 || obj is SByte || obj is Int16 || obj is Int32)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, i + 1, Convert.ToInt32(obj, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                else if (obj is UInt32 || obj is Int64)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, i + 1, Convert.ToInt64(obj, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                else if (obj is Single || obj is Double || obj is Decimal)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, i + 1, Convert.ToDouble(obj, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                else if (obj is String)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i + 1, (String)obj, ((String)obj).Length, null);
                else if (obj is MutableString)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i + 1, obj.ToString(), ((MutableString)obj).Length, null);
                else if (obj is byte[])
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i + 1, (byte[])obj, ((byte[])obj).Length, null);
                else if (obj is RubySymbol)
                    String val = ((RubySymbol)obj).ToString();
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i + 1, val, val.Length, null);
                else if (obj is Boolean)
                    String val = ((Boolean)obj) ? "true" : "false";
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i + 1, val, val.Length, null);
                    String val = obj.ToString();
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i + 1, val, val.Length, null);

Exemplo n.º 21
 public static int sqlite3_prepare_v2(
     sqlite3 db,               /* Database handle. */
     string zSql,              /* UTF-8 encoded SQL statement. */
     int nBytes,               /* Length of zSql in bytes. */
     ref sqlite3_stmt ppStmt,  /* OUT: A pointer to the prepared statement */
     ref string pzTail         /* OUT: End of parsed string */
     int rc;
       rc = sqlite3LockAndPrepare( db, zSql, nBytes, 1, null, ref  ppStmt, ref pzTail );
       Debug.Assert( rc == SQLITE_OK || ppStmt == null );  /* VERIFY: F13021 */
       return rc;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public IDbStatement Prepare2(IDbHandle db, string query)
            var dbHandle = (DbHandle)db;
            var stmt     = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();

            int r = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle.InternalDbHandle, query, -1, ref stmt, 0);

            if (r != 0)
                throw SQLiteException.New((Result)r, GetErrmsg(db));
            return(new DbStatement(stmt));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public IDbStatement Prepare2(IDbHandle db, string query)
            var dbHandle = (DbHandle) db;
            var stmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();

            int r = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbHandle.InternalDbHandle, query, -1, ref stmt, 0);

            if (r != 0)
                throw SQLiteException.New((Result) r, GetErrmsg(db));
            return new DbStatement(stmt);
Exemplo n.º 24
        internal SqliteDataReader(SqliteCommand cmd, Sqlite3.Vdbe pVm, int version)
            command           = cmd;
            rows              = new ArrayList();
            column_names_sens = new Hashtable();

            column_names_insens = new Hashtable(CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.DefaultInvariant,

            closed      = false;
            current_row = -1;
            reading     = true;
            ReadpVm(pVm, version, cmd);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public int ExecuteNonQuery <T>(T toInsert)
            Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
            int          n    = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, CommandText, CommandText.Length, ref stmt, 0);

            if (n != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
                throw new SQLiteException(n, SQLiteLastError());

            var props = GetProps(typeof(T));
            var ncols = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_count(stmt);
            var cols  = new System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[ncols];

            for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; i++)
                Bind("@" + props[i].Name, props[i].GetValue(toInsert, null));
            var r = Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(stmt);

            switch (r)
            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_ERROR:
                string msg = Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(_db);
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, msg);

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE:
                int rowsAffected = Sqlite3.sqlite3_changes(_db);
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_CANTOPEN:
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, "Cannot open database file");

            case Sqlite3.SQLITE_CONSTRAINT:
                string msgC = Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(_db);
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, msgC);

                Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref stmt);
                throw new SQLiteException(r, "Unknown error");
        private static void ExecuteCommand(Sqlite3.sqlite3 db, string command)
            int rc;

            Sqlite3.Vdbe vm = null;
            if (Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, command, command.Length, ref vm, 0) != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Query failed ({0}), message: {1}.", db.errCode, Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(db)));
            rc = Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(vm);
            if (rc != Sqlite3.SQLITE_DONE && rc != Sqlite3.SQLITE_ROW)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Query failed ({0}), message: {1}.", db.errCode, Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(db)));
Exemplo n.º 27
        void BindAll(Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt)
            int nextIdx = 1;

            foreach (var b in _bindings)
                if (b.Name != null)
                    b.Index = Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt, b.Name);
                    b.Index = nextIdx++;
            foreach (var b in _bindings)
                if (b.Value == null)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, b.Index);
                    if (b.Value is Byte || b.Value is UInt16 || b.Value is SByte || b.Value is Int16 || b.Value is Int32)
                        Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, b.Index, Convert.ToInt32(b.Value));
                    else if (b.Value is UInt32 || b.Value is Int64)
                        Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, b.Index, Convert.ToInt64(b.Value));
                    else if (b.Value is Single || b.Value is Double || b.Value is Decimal)
                        Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, b.Index, Convert.ToDouble(b.Value));
                    else if (b.Value is String)
                        Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, b.Index, b.Value.ToString(), -1, null);
Exemplo n.º 28
        // Executes a statement and returns whether there is more data available.
        internal bool ExecuteStatement(Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt, out int cols, out IntPtr pazValue, out IntPtr pazColName)
            SqliteError err;

            //if (parent_conn.Version == 3)
            err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(pStmt);

            if (err == SqliteError.ERROR)
                throw new SqliteExecutionException(GetError3());

            pazValue   = IntPtr.Zero;
            pazColName = IntPtr.Zero; // not used for v=3
            cols       = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);

             * }
             * else
             * {
             * err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(pStmt, out cols, out pazValue, out pazColName);
             * if (err == SqliteError.ERROR)
             * throw new SqliteExecutionException ();
             * }
            if (err == SqliteError.BUSY)
                throw new SqliteBusyException();

            if (err == SqliteError.MISUSE)
                throw new SqliteExecutionException();

            // err is either ROW or DONE.
            return(err == SqliteError.ROW);
Exemplo n.º 29
 private Sqlite3.Vdbe Prepare(String strStatement, Object[] values)
     Sqlite3.Vdbe ppStmt=new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
     Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_db, strStatement, strStatement.Length, ref ppStmt, 0);
     Bind(ppStmt, values);
     return ppStmt;
        public void Issue_124()
            Console.WriteLine("Test Start.");

            Sqlite3.sqlite3 db = null;
            Sqlite3.sqlite3_open(":memory:", out db);
            Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt = null;
            string       zero = null;
            string       val;

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            //create table
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "create table Test (val REAL NOT NULL)", -1, ref stmt, ref zero);

            //insert 0.1
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "insert into Test(val) values ('0.1')", -1, ref stmt, ref zero);
            //insert 0.1
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "insert into Test(val) values ('0.2')", -1, ref stmt, ref zero);

            //insert 0.000000001
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "insert into Test(val) values ('0.000000001')", -1, ref stmt, ref zero);

            //invariant culture
                System.Console.WriteLine("invariant culture");
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select val from Test", -1, ref stmt, ref zero);
                val = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
                System.Console.WriteLine("value: " + val);
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ru");
                val = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
                System.Console.WriteLine("value: " + val);
                val = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
                System.Console.WriteLine("value: " + val);

            //ru-ru culture
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ru");
                Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select val from Test", -1, ref stmt, ref zero);
                val = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
                System.Console.WriteLine("value: " + val);
                val = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0);
                System.Console.WriteLine("value: " + val);

            Console.WriteLine("Test Done.");
Exemplo n.º 31
 ** 2003 April 6
 ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
 ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
 **    May you do good and not evil.
 **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
 **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
 ** This file contains code used to implement the VACUUM command.
 ** Most of the code in this file may be omitted by defining the
 **  Included in SQLite3 port to C#-SQLite;  2008 Noah B Hart
 **  C#-SQLite is an independent reimplementation of the SQLite software library
 **  SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: 2011-05-19 13:26:54 ed1da510a239ea767a01dc332b667119fa3c908e
 //#include "sqliteInt.h"
 //#include "vdbeInt.h"
 ** Finalize a prepared statement.  If there was an error, store the
 ** text of the error message in *pzErrMsg.  Return the result code.
 static int vacuumFinalize(sqlite3 db, sqlite3_stmt pStmt, string pzErrMsg)
     int rc;
     rc = sqlite3VdbeFinalize(ref pStmt);
     if (rc != 0)
         sqlite3SetString(ref pzErrMsg, db, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
     return rc;
Exemplo n.º 32
        // private function for reading rows and creating table and columns
        private int ReadNextRow(Vdbe vm, DataTable table)
            int columnCount = table.Columns.Count;
            if(columnCount == 0)
                if((columnCount = ReadColumnNames(vm, table)) == 0)
                    return Sqlite3.SQLITE_ERROR;

            int resultType;
            if((resultType = Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(vm)) == Sqlite3.SQLITE_ROW)
                object[] columnValues = new object[columnCount];

                for(int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                    int columnType = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_type(vm, i);
                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_INTEGER:
                                table.Columns[i].DataType = typeof(Int64);
                                columnValues[i] = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int(vm, i);
                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_FLOAT:
                                table.Columns[i].DataType = typeof(Double);
                                columnValues[i] = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_double(vm, i);
                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_TEXT:
                                table.Columns[i].DataType = typeof(String);
                                columnValues[i] = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(vm, i);
                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_BLOB:
                                table.Columns[i].DataType = typeof(Byte[]);
                                columnValues[i] = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_blob(vm, i);
                                table.Columns[i].DataType = null;
                                columnValues[i] = "";
            return resultType;
Exemplo n.º 33
        // private function for creating Column Names
        // Return number of colums read
        private int ReadColumnNames(Vdbe vm, DataTable table)
            String columnName = "";
            int columnType = 0;
            // returns number of columns returned by statement
            int columnCount = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_count(vm);
            object[] columnValues = new object[columnCount];

                // reads columns one by one
                for(int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                    columnName = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_name(vm, i);
                    columnType = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_type(vm, i);

                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_INTEGER:
                                // adds new integer column to table
                                table.Columns.Add(columnName, Type.GetType("System.Int64"));
                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_FLOAT:
                                table.Columns.Add(columnName, Type.GetType("System.Double"));
                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_TEXT:
                                table.Columns.Add(columnName, Type.GetType("System.String"));
                        case Sqlite3.SQLITE_BLOB:
                                table.Columns.Add(columnName, Type.GetType("System.byte[]"));
                                table.Columns.Add(columnName, Type.GetType("System.String"));
                return 0;
            return table.Columns.Count;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public SqliteDataReader ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, bool want_results, out int rows_affected)

            // The SQL string may contain multiple sql commands, so the main
            // thing to do is have Sqlite iterate through the commands.
            // If want_results, only the last command is returned as a
            // DataReader.  Otherwise, no command is returned as a
            // DataReader.

            //IntPtr psql; // pointer to SQL command

            // Sqlite 2 docs say this: By default, SQLite assumes that all data uses a fixed-size 8-bit
            // character (iso8859).  But if you give the --enable-utf8 option to the configure script, then the
            // library assumes UTF-8 variable sized characters. This makes a difference for the LIKE and GLOB
            // operators and the LENGTH() and SUBSTR() functions. The static string sqlite_encoding will be set
            // to either "UTF-8" or "iso8859" to indicate how the library was compiled. In addition, the sqlite.h
            // header file will define one of the macros SQLITE_UTF8 or SQLITE_ISO8859, as appropriate.
            // We have no way of knowing whether Sqlite 2 expects ISO8859 or UTF-8, but ISO8859 seems to be the
            // default.  Therefore, we need to use an ISO8859(-1) compatible encoding, like ANSI.
            // OTOH, the user may want to specify the encoding of the bytes stored in the database, regardless
            // of what Sqlite is treating them as,

            // For Sqlite 3, we use the UTF-16 prepare function, so we need a UTF-16 string.

             * if (parent_conn.Version == 2)
             * psql = Sqlite.StringToHeap (sql.Trim(), parent_conn.Encoding);
             * else
             * psql = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni (sql.Trim());
            string queryval = sql.Trim();
            string pzTail   = sql.Trim();
            IntPtr errMsgPtr;


            rows_affected = 0;

                while (true)
                    Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt = null;

                    queryval = pzTail;
                    GetNextStatement(queryval, ref pzTail, ref pStmt);

                    if (pStmt == null)
                        throw new Exception();

                    // pzTail is positioned after the last byte in the
                    // statement, which will be the NULL character if
                    // this was the last statement.
                    bool last = pzTail.Length == 0;

                        if (parent_conn.Version == 3)

                        if (last && want_results)
                            return(new SqliteDataReader(this, pStmt, parent_conn.Version));


                        if (last) // rows_affected is only used if !want_results
                            rows_affected = NumChanges();
                        //if (parent_conn.Version == 3)
                        //	Sqlite.sqlite_finalize (pStmt, out errMsgPtr);

                    if (last)

            catch (Exception ex)
                //Marshal.FreeHGlobal (psql);
Exemplo n.º 35
 public DbStatement(Sqlite3.Vdbe internalStmt)
     : this()
     InternalStmt = internalStmt;
Exemplo n.º 36
        ** Compile the UTF-8 encoded SQL statement zSql into a statement handle.
        static int sqlite3Prepare(
            sqlite3 db,               /* Database handle. */
            string zSql,              /* UTF-8 encoded SQL statement. */
            int nBytes,               /* Length of zSql in bytes. */
            int saveSqlFlag,          /* True to copy SQL text into the sqlite3_stmt */
            Vdbe pReprepare,          /* VM being reprepared */
            ref sqlite3_stmt ppStmt,  /* OUT: A pointer to the prepared statement */
            ref string pzTail         /* OUT: End of parsed string */
            Parse pParse;             /* Parsing context */
              string zErrMsg = "";      /* Error message */
              int rc = SQLITE_OK;       /* Result code */
              int i;                    /* Loop counter */

              /* Allocate the parsing context */
              pParse = new Parse();//sqlite3StackAllocZero(db, sizeof(*pParse));
              if ( pParse == null )
            rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
            goto end_prepare;
              pParse.pReprepare = pReprepare;
              pParse.sLastToken.z = "";

              Debug.Assert( ppStmt == null );//  assert( ppStmt && *ppStmt==0 );
              //Debug.Assert( 0 == db.mallocFailed );
              Debug.Assert( sqlite3_mutex_held( db.mutex ) );

              /* Check to verify that it is possible to get a read lock on all
              ** database schemas.  The inability to get a read lock indicates that
              ** some other database connection is holding a write-lock, which in
              ** turn means that the other connection has made uncommitted changes
              ** to the schema.
              ** Were we to proceed and prepare the statement against the uncommitted
              ** schema changes and if those schema changes are subsequently rolled
              ** back and different changes are made in their place, then when this
              ** prepared statement goes to run the schema cookie would fail to detect
              ** the schema change.  Disaster would follow.
              ** This thread is currently holding mutexes on all Btrees (because
              ** of the sqlite3BtreeEnterAll() in sqlite3LockAndPrepare()) so it
              ** is not possible for another thread to start a new schema change
              ** while this routine is running.  Hence, we do not need to hold
              ** locks on the schema, we just need to make sure nobody else is
              ** holding them.
              ** Note that setting READ_UNCOMMITTED overrides most lock detection,
              ** but it does *not* override schema lock detection, so this all still
              ** works even if READ_UNCOMMITTED is set.
              for ( i = 0; i < db.nDb; i++ )
            Btree pBt = db.aDb[i].pBt;
            if ( pBt != null )
              Debug.Assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex( pBt ) );
              rc = sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked( pBt );
              if ( rc != 0 )
            string zDb = db.aDb[i].zName;
            sqlite3Error( db, rc, "database schema is locked: %s", zDb );
            testcase( db.flags & SQLITE_ReadUncommitted );
            goto end_prepare;

              sqlite3VtabUnlockList( db );

              pParse.db = db;
              pParse.nQueryLoop = (double)1;
              if ( nBytes >= 0 && ( nBytes == 0 || zSql[nBytes - 1] != 0 ) )
            string zSqlCopy;
            int mxLen = db.aLimit[SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH];
            testcase( nBytes == mxLen );
            testcase( nBytes == mxLen + 1 );
            if ( nBytes > mxLen )
              sqlite3Error( db, SQLITE_TOOBIG, "statement too long" );
              rc = sqlite3ApiExit( db, SQLITE_TOOBIG );
              goto end_prepare;
            zSqlCopy = zSql.Substring( 0, nBytes );// sqlite3DbStrNDup(db, zSql, nBytes);
            if ( zSqlCopy != null )
              sqlite3RunParser( pParse, zSqlCopy, ref zErrMsg );
              sqlite3DbFree( db, ref zSqlCopy );
              //pParse->zTail = &zSql[pParse->zTail-zSqlCopy];
              //pParse->zTail = &zSql[nBytes];
            sqlite3RunParser( pParse, zSql, ref zErrMsg );
              Debug.Assert( 1 == (int)pParse.nQueryLoop );

              //if ( db.mallocFailed != 0 )
              //  pParse.rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
              if ( pParse.rc == SQLITE_DONE )
            pParse.rc = SQLITE_OK;
              if ( pParse.checkSchema != 0 )
            schemaIsValid( pParse );
              if ( pParse.rc == SQLITE_SCHEMA )
            sqlite3ResetInternalSchema( db, 0 );
              //if ( db.mallocFailed != 0 )
              //  pParse.rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
              //if (pzTail != null)
            pzTail = pParse.zTail == null ? "" : pParse.zTail.ToString();
              rc = pParse.rc;
            #if !SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN
              if ( rc == SQLITE_OK && pParse.pVdbe != null && pParse.explain != 0 )
            string[] azColName = new string[] {
            "addr", "opcode", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "comment",
            "selectid", "order", "from", "detail"
            int iFirst, mx;
            if ( pParse.explain == 2 )
              sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols( pParse.pVdbe, 4 );
              iFirst = 8;
              mx = 12;
              sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols( pParse.pVdbe, 8 );
              iFirst = 0;
              mx = 8;
            for ( i = iFirst; i < mx; i++ )
              sqlite3VdbeSetColName( pParse.pVdbe, i - iFirst, COLNAME_NAME,
              azColName[i], SQLITE_STATIC );

              Debug.Assert( db.init.busy == 0 || saveSqlFlag == 0 );
              if ( db.init.busy == 0 )
            Vdbe pVdbe = pParse.pVdbe;
            sqlite3VdbeSetSql( pVdbe, zSql, (int)( zSql.Length - ( pParse.zTail == null ? 0 : pParse.zTail.Length ) ), saveSqlFlag );
              if ( pParse.pVdbe != null && ( rc != SQLITE_OK /*|| db.mallocFailed != 0 */ ) )
            sqlite3VdbeFinalize( pParse.pVdbe );
            Debug.Assert( ppStmt == null );
            ppStmt = pParse.pVdbe;

              if ( zErrMsg != "" )
            sqlite3Error( db, rc, "%s", zErrMsg );
            sqlite3DbFree( db, ref zErrMsg );
            sqlite3Error( db, rc, 0 );

              /* Delete any TriggerPrg structures allocated while parsing this statement. */
              while ( pParse.pTriggerPrg != null )
            TriggerPrg pT = pParse.pTriggerPrg;
            pParse.pTriggerPrg = pT.pNext;
            sqlite3DbFree( db, ref pT );


              //sqlite3StackFree( db, pParse );
              rc = sqlite3ApiExit( db, rc );
              Debug.Assert( ( rc & db.errMask ) == rc );
              return rc;
Exemplo n.º 37
        ** Rerun the compilation of a statement after a schema change.
        ** If the statement is successfully recompiled, return SQLITE_OK. Otherwise,
        ** if the statement cannot be recompiled because another connection has
        ** locked the sqlite3_master table, return SQLITE_LOCKED. If any other error
        ** occurs, return SQLITE_SCHEMA.
        static int sqlite3Reprepare( Vdbe p )
            int rc;
              sqlite3_stmt pNew = new sqlite3_stmt();
              string zSql;
              sqlite3 db;

              Debug.Assert( sqlite3_mutex_held( sqlite3VdbeDb( p ).mutex ) );
              zSql = sqlite3_sql( (sqlite3_stmt)p );
              Debug.Assert( zSql != null );  /* Reprepare only called for prepare_v2() statements */
              db = sqlite3VdbeDb( p );
              Debug.Assert( sqlite3_mutex_held( db.mutex ) );
              string dummy = "";
              rc = sqlite3LockAndPrepare( db, zSql, -1, 0, p, ref pNew, ref dummy );
              if ( rc != 0 )
            if ( rc == SQLITE_NOMEM )
              //        db.mallocFailed = 1;
            Debug.Assert( pNew == null );
            return rc;
            Debug.Assert( pNew != null );
              sqlite3VdbeSwap( (Vdbe)pNew, p );
              sqlite3TransferBindings( pNew, (sqlite3_stmt)p );
              sqlite3VdbeResetStepResult( (Vdbe)pNew );
              sqlite3VdbeFinalize( (Vdbe)pNew );
              return SQLITE_OK;
Exemplo n.º 38
        private void BindParameters3(Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt)
            if (sql_params == null)
            if (sql_params.Count == 0)

            int pcount = Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt);

            for (int i = 1; i <= pcount; i++)
                String name = Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(pStmt, i);

                SqliteParameter param = null;
                if (name != null)
                    param = sql_params[name] as SqliteParameter;
                    param = sql_params[i - 1] as SqliteParameter;

                if (param.Value == null)
                    Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_null(pStmt, i);

                Type ptype = param.Value.GetType();
                if (ptype.IsEnum)
                    ptype = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(ptype);

                SqliteError err;

                if (ptype.Equals(typeof(String)))
                    String s = (String)param.Value;
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, i, s, -1, null);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(DBNull)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_null(pStmt, i);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Boolean)))
                    bool b = (bool)param.Value;
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, b ? 1 : 0);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Byte)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, (Byte)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Char)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, (Char)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.IsEnum)
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, (Int32)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Int16)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, (Int16)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Int32)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, (Int32)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(SByte)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, (SByte)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(UInt16)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int(pStmt, i, (UInt16)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(DateTime)))
                    DateTime dt = (DateTime)param.Value;
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, i, dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), -1, null);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Decimal)))
                    string val = ((Decimal)param.Value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, i, val, val.Length, null);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Double)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, i, (Double)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Single)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, i, (Single)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(UInt32)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, i, (UInt32)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Int64)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, i, (Int64)param.Value);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Byte[])))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_blob(pStmt, i, (byte[])param.Value, ((byte[])param.Value).Length, null);
                else if (ptype.Equals(typeof(Guid)))
                    err = (SqliteError)Sqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, i, param.Value.ToString(), param.Value.ToString().Length, null);
                    throw new ApplicationException("Unkown Parameter Type");
                if (err != SqliteError.OK)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Sqlite error in bind " + err);
Exemplo n.º 39
 public CSqliteResult(Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt, boolean bNoCopy)
     m_bNoCopy = bNoCopy;
     m_st = stmt;
Exemplo n.º 40
 static int sqlite3LockAndPrepare(
     sqlite3 db,               /* Database handle. */
     string zSql,              /* UTF-8 encoded SQL statement. */
     int nBytes,               /* Length of zSql in bytes. */
     int saveSqlFlag,          /* True to copy SQL text into the sqlite3_stmt */
     Vdbe pOld,                /* VM being reprepared */
     ref sqlite3_stmt ppStmt,  /* OUT: A pointer to the prepared statement */
     ref string pzTail         /* OUT: End of parsed string */
     int rc;
       //  assert( ppStmt!=0 );
       ppStmt = null;
       if ( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk( db ) )
     return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT();
       sqlite3_mutex_enter( db.mutex );
       sqlite3BtreeEnterAll( db );
       rc = sqlite3Prepare( db, zSql, nBytes, saveSqlFlag, pOld, ref ppStmt, ref pzTail );
       if ( rc == SQLITE_SCHEMA )
     sqlite3_finalize( ppStmt );
     rc = sqlite3Prepare( db, zSql, nBytes, saveSqlFlag, pOld, ref ppStmt, ref  pzTail );
       sqlite3BtreeLeaveAll( db );
       sqlite3_mutex_leave( db.mutex );
       return rc;
Exemplo n.º 41
 public void close()
     if (m_st != null)
         Sqlite3.sqlite3_finalize(ref m_st);
         m_st = null;
Exemplo n.º 42
        internal void ReadpVm(Sqlite3.Vdbe pVm, int version, SqliteCommand cmd)
            int    pN;
            IntPtr pazValue;
            IntPtr pazColName;
            bool   first = true;

            int[] declmode = null;

            while (true)
                bool hasdata = cmd.ExecuteStatement(pVm, out pN, out pazValue, out pazColName);

                // For the first row, get the column information
                if (first)
                    first = false;

                    if (version == 3)
                        // A decltype might be null if the type is unknown to sqlite.
                        decltypes = new string[pN];
                        declmode  = new int[pN];                        // 1 == integer, 2 == datetime
                        for (int i = 0; i < pN; i++)
                            string decl = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_decltype(pVm, i);
                            if (decl != null)
                                decltypes[i] = decl.ToLower(
                                if (decltypes[i] == "int" || decltypes[i] == "integer")
                                    declmode[i] = 1;
                                else if (decltypes[i] == "date" || decltypes[i] == "datetime")
                                    declmode[i] = 2;

                    columns = new string[pN];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pN; i++)
                        string colName;
                        //if (version == 2) {
                        //	IntPtr fieldPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (pazColName, i*IntPtr.Size);
                        //	colName = Sqlite.HeapToString (fieldPtr, ((SqliteConnection)cmd.Connection).Encoding);
                        //} else {
                        colName = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_name(pVm, i);
                        columns[i] = colName;
                        column_names_sens [colName]   = i;
                        column_names_insens [colName] = i;

                if (!hasdata)

                object[] data_row = new object [pN];
                for (int i = 0; i < pN; i++)
                     * if (version == 2) {
                     *      IntPtr fieldPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (pazValue, i*IntPtr.Size);
                     *      data_row[i] = Sqlite.HeapToString (fieldPtr, ((SqliteConnection)cmd.Connection).Encoding);
                     * } else {
                    switch (Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_type(pVm, i))
                    case 1:
                        long val = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int64(pVm, i);

                        // If the column was declared as an 'int' or 'integer', let's play
                        // nice and return an int (version 3 only).
                        if (declmode[i] == 1 && val >= int.MinValue && val <= int.MaxValue)
                            data_row[i] = (int)val;

                        // Or if it was declared a date or datetime, do the reverse of what we
                        // do for DateTime parameters.
                        else if (declmode[i] == 2)
                            data_row[i] = DateTime.FromFileTime(val);
                            data_row[i] = val;


                    case 2:
                        data_row[i] = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_double(pVm, i);

                    case 3:
                        data_row[i] = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(pVm, i);

                        // If the column was declared as a 'date' or 'datetime', let's play
                        // nice and return a DateTime (version 3 only).
                        if (declmode[i] == 2)
                            if (data_row[i] == null)
                                data_row[i] = null;
                                data_row[i] = DateTime.Parse((string)data_row[i], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    case 4:
                        //int blobbytes = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_bytes16 (pVm, i);
                        byte[] blob = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_blob(pVm, i);
                        //byte[] blob = new byte[blobbytes];
                        //Marshal.Copy (blobptr, blob, 0, blobbytes);
                        data_row[i] = blob;

                    case 5:
                        data_row[i] = null;

                        throw new Exception("FATAL: Unknown sqlite3_column_type");

Exemplo n.º 43
 void executeUpdates()
     for (int x = 0; x < ctrPaneles; x++)
         string select = "select votos from candidato where nombre='" + updates[x] + "';";
         Sqlite3.Vdbe pstmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
         Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(Program.db, select, select.Length, ref pstmt, 0);
         string des=Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_text(pstmt, 0);
         int voto = desencriptarint( SoapHexBinary.Parse(des).Value);
         string enc = new SoapHexBinary(encriptarint(voto)).ToString();
         string update = "update candidato set votos='" + enc + "' where nombre='" + updates[x] + "';";
         string error = "";
         if (Sqlite3.sqlite3_exec(Program.db, update, null, null, ref error) != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
Exemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a USDX 1.01 or CMD 1.01 database to Vocaluxe format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FilePath">Database file path</param>
        /// <returns>True if succeeded</returns>
        private static bool ConvertFrom101(string FilePath)
            SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection();
            connection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + FilePath;
            SQLiteCommand command;
            SQLiteDataReader reader = null;

            catch (Exception)
                return false;

            command = new SQLiteCommand(connection);

            command.CommandText = "PRAGMA table_info(US_Scores);";
            reader = command.ExecuteReader();

            bool dateExists = false;

            //Check for column Date
            while (reader.Read())
                for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                    if (reader.GetName(i) == "name")
                        if (reader.GetString(i) == "Date")
                            dateExists = true;


            //This is a USDX 1.01 DB
            if (!dateExists)
                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Scores (SongID, PlayerName, Score, LineNr, Date, Medley, Duet, Difficulty) SELECT SongID, Player, Score, '0', '0', '0', '0', Difficulty from US_Scores";
            else // This is a CMD 1.01 DB
                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Scores (SongID, PlayerName, Score, LineNr, Date, Medley, Duet, Difficulty) SELECT SongID, Player, Score, '0', Date, '0', '0', Difficulty from US_Scores";

            command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Songs SELECT ID, Artist, Title, TimesPlayed from US_Songs";

            // convert from CP1252 to UTF8
            List<SData> scores = new List<SData>();
            List<SData> songs = new List<SData>();

            Sqlite3.sqlite3 OldDB;
            int res = Sqlite3.sqlite3_open(FilePath, out OldDB);

            if (res != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
                CLog.LogError("Error opening Database: " + FilePath + " (" + Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(OldDB) + ")");
                Sqlite3.Vdbe Stmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();
                res = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(OldDB, "SELECT id, Artist, Title FROM Songs", -1, ref Stmt, 0);

                if (res != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
                    CLog.LogError("Error query Database: " + FilePath + " (" + Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(OldDB) + ")");

                    Encoding UTF8 = Encoding.UTF8;
                    Encoding CP1252 = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);

                    while (Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(Stmt) == Sqlite3.SQLITE_ROW)
                        SData data = new SData();

                        data.id = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int(Stmt, 0);

                        byte[] bytes = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_rawbytes(Stmt, 1);
                        if (bytes != null)
                            data.str1 = UTF8.GetString(Encoding.Convert(CP1252, UTF8, bytes));
                            data.str1 = "Someone";

                        bytes = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_rawbytes(Stmt, 2);
                        if (bytes != null)
                            data.str2 = UTF8.GetString(Encoding.Convert(CP1252, UTF8, bytes));
                            data.str2 = "Someone";


                Stmt = new Sqlite3.Vdbe();

                if (!dateExists)
                    res = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(OldDB, "SELECT id, PlayerName FROM Scores", -1, ref Stmt, 0);
                    res = Sqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v2(OldDB, "SELECT id, PlayerName, Date FROM Scores", -1, ref Stmt, 0);

                if (res != Sqlite3.SQLITE_OK)
                    CLog.LogError("Error query Database: " + FilePath + " (" + Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(OldDB) + ")");

                    Encoding UTF8 = Encoding.UTF8;
                    Encoding CP1252 = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);

                    while (Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(Stmt) == Sqlite3.SQLITE_ROW)
                        SData data = new SData();

                        data.id = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int(Stmt, 0);

                        byte[] bytes = Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_rawbytes(Stmt, 1);
                        if (bytes != null)
                            data.str1 = UTF8.GetString(Encoding.Convert(CP1252, UTF8, bytes));
                            data.str1 = "Someone";

                        if (dateExists)
                            data.ticks = UnixTimeToTicks(Sqlite3.sqlite3_column_int(Stmt, 2));


            SQLiteTransaction _Transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();      
            // update Title and Artist strings
            foreach (SData data in songs)
                command.CommandText = "UPDATE Songs SET [Artist] = @artist, [Title] = @title WHERE [ID] = @id";
                command.Parameters.Add("@title", System.Data.DbType.String, 0).Value = data.str2;
                command.Parameters.Add("@artist", System.Data.DbType.String, 0).Value = data.str1;
                command.Parameters.Add("@id", System.Data.DbType.Int32, 0).Value = data.id;

            // update player names
            foreach (SData data in scores)
                if (!dateExists)
                    command.CommandText = "UPDATE Scores SET [PlayerName] = @player WHERE [id] = @id";
                    command.CommandText = "UPDATE Scores SET [PlayerName] = @player, [Date] = @date WHERE [id] = @id";
                    command.Parameters.Add("@date", System.Data.DbType.Int64, 0).Value = data.ticks;
                command.Parameters.Add("@player", System.Data.DbType.String, 0).Value = data.str1;
                command.Parameters.Add("@id", System.Data.DbType.Int32, 0).Value = data.id;

            //Delete old tables after conversion
            command.CommandText = "DROP TABLE US_Scores;";

            command.CommandText = "DROP TABLE US_Songs;";


            return true;
Exemplo n.º 45
 public CSqliteResult(Sqlite3.Vdbe stmt, boolean bNoCopy)
     m_bNoCopy = bNoCopy;
     m_st      = stmt;
Exemplo n.º 46
        ** Compile the UTF-16 encoded SQL statement zSql into a statement handle.
        static int sqlite3Prepare16(
            sqlite3 db,              /* Database handle. */
            string zSql,             /* UTF-15 encoded SQL statement. */
            int nBytes,              /* Length of zSql in bytes. */
            bool saveSqlFlag,         /* True to save SQL text into the sqlite3_stmt */
            ref sqlite3_stmt ppStmt, /* OUT: A pointer to the prepared statement */
            ref string pzTail        /* OUT: End of parsed string */
            /* This function currently works by first transforming the UTF-16
            ** encoded string to UTF-8, then invoking sqlite3_prepare(). The
            ** tricky bit is figuring out the pointer to return in pzTail.
            string zSql8;
            string zTail8 = "";
            int rc = SQLITE_OK;

            assert( ppStmt );
            *ppStmt = 0;
            if( !sqlite3SafetyCheckOk(db) ){
            return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT;
            zSql8 = sqlite3Utf16to8(db, zSql, nBytes, SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE);
            if( zSql8 !=""){
            rc = sqlite3LockAndPrepare(db, zSql8, -1, saveSqlFlag, null, ref ppStmt, ref zTail8);

            if( zTail8 !="" && pzTail !=""){
            /* If sqlite3_prepare returns a tail pointer, we calculate the
            ** equivalent pointer into the UTF-16 string by counting the unicode
            ** characters between zSql8 and zTail8, and then returning a pointer
            ** the same number of characters into the UTF-16 string.
            Debugger.Break (); // TODO --
            //  int chars_parsed = sqlite3Utf8CharLen(zSql8, (int)(zTail8-zSql8));
            //  pzTail = (u8 *)zSql + sqlite3Utf16ByteLen(zSql, chars_parsed);
            sqlite3DbFree(db,ref zSql8);
            rc = sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
            return rc;