public unsafe static BOOL SetViewportExtEx(IHandle hdc, int x, int y, Size *lpsz) { BOOL result = SetViewportExtEx((HDC)hdc.Handle, x, y, lpsz); GC.KeepAlive(hdc); return(result); }
public GpRect([NativeTypeName("const Gdiplus::Point &")] GpPoint *location, [NativeTypeName("const Gdiplus::Size &")] Size *size) { X = location->X; Y = location->Y; Width = size->Width; Height = size->Height; }
unsafe void MeasureContentSizes(SpecialInputTab e, Font font, Size *sizes) { DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(null, font, false); for (int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem) { args.Text = e.Contents.Substring(i, e.CharsPerItem); sizes[i / e.CharsPerItem] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureText(ref args); } }
unsafe Size CalculateContentSize(SpecialInputTab e, Size *sizes, out Size elemSize) { elemSize = Size.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem) { elemSize.Width = Math.Max(elemSize.Width, sizes[i / e.CharsPerItem].Width); } elemSize.Width += contentSpacing; elemSize.Height = sizes[0].Height + contentSpacing; int rows = Utils.CeilDiv(e.Contents.Length / e.CharsPerItem, e.ItemsPerRow); return(new Size(elemSize.Width * e.ItemsPerRow, elemSize.Height * rows)); }
unsafe void MeasureContentSizes(SpecialInputTab e, Font font, Size *sizes) { string s = new String('\0', e.CharsPerItem); DrawTextArgs args = new DrawTextArgs(s, font, false); // avoid allocating temporary strings here fixed(char *ptr = s) { for (int i = 0; i < e.Contents.Length; i += e.CharsPerItem) { for (int j = 0; j < e.CharsPerItem; j++) { ptr[j] = e.Contents[i + j]; } sizes[i / e.CharsPerItem] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureSize(ref args); } } }
unsafe void Make(Element e, Font font) { Size *sizes = stackalloc Size[e.Contents.Length / e.CharsPerItem]; MeasureContentSizes(e, font, sizes); Size bodySize = CalculateContentSize(e, sizes, out elementSize); int titleWidth = MeasureTitles(font), titleHeight = elements[0].TitleSize.Height; Size size = new Size(Math.Max(bodySize.Width, titleWidth), bodySize.Height + titleHeight); using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(size)) using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); DrawTitles(drawer, font); drawer.Clear(new FastColour(30, 30, 30, 200), 0, titleHeight, size.Width, bodySize.Height); DrawContent(drawer, font, e, titleHeight); texture = drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, size, X, Y); } }
unsafe Texture DrawAdvanced(ref DrawTextArgs args, int index, string text) { LinkData data = Split(index, text); Size total = Size.Empty; Size * partSizes = stackalloc Size[]; linkData[index] = data; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { args.Text =[i]; args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; partSizes[i] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureChatSize(ref args); total.Height = Math.Max(partSizes[i].Height, total.Height); total.Width += partSizes[i].Width; } using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(total)) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { args.Text =[i]; args.Font = (i & 1) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; Size size = partSizes[i]; drawer.DrawChatText(ref args, x, 0); data.bounds[i].X = x; data.bounds[i].Width = size.Width; x += size.Width; } return(drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, total, 0, 0)); } }
unsafe Texture DrawAdvanced(ref DrawTextArgs args, int index, string text) { char * chars = stackalloc char[lines.Length * 96]; Portion *portions = stackalloc Portion[(96 / httpLen) * 2]; int portionsCount = Reduce(chars, index, portions); Size total = Size.Empty; Size *partSizes = stackalloc Size[portionsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < portionsCount; i++) { Portion bit = portions[i]; args.Text = text.Substring(bit.LineBeg, bit.LineLen); args.Font = (bit.Len & 0x8000) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; partSizes[i] = game.Drawer2D.MeasureText(ref args); total.Height = Math.Max(partSizes[i].Height, total.Height); total.Width += partSizes[i].Width; } using (IDrawer2D drawer = game.Drawer2D) using (Bitmap bmp = IDrawer2D.CreatePow2Bitmap(total)) { drawer.SetBitmap(bmp); for (int i = 0, x = 0; i < portionsCount; i++) { Portion bit = portions[i]; args.Text = text.Substring(bit.LineBeg, bit.LineLen); args.Font = (bit.Len & 0x8000) == 0 ? font : underlineFont; drawer.DrawText(ref args, x, 0); x += partSizes[i].Width; } return(drawer.Make2DTexture(bmp, total, 0, 0)); } }
public static unsafe extern bool SetWindowExtEx(IntPtr hDC, int x, int y, Size *size);
public static unsafe extern bool SetViewportExtEx(IntPtr hDC, int x, int y, Size *size);
public unsafe static partial BOOL SetViewportExtEx(HDC hdc, int x, int y, Size *lpsz);
public static unsafe object ToObject(Type type, Value *value) { if (value == null || value->IsNull) { return(null); } if (value->boxed_valuetype.IsAllocated) { return(value->boxed_valuetype.Target); } if (value->IsGCHandle) { IntPtr managed_object = value->u.p; GCHandle handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(managed_object); return(handle.Target); } switch (value->Kind) { case Kind.INVALID: return(null); case Kind.DEPENDENCYPROPERTY: return(DependencyProperty.Lookup(value->u.p)); case Kind.BOOL: return(value->u.i32 != 0); case Kind.DOUBLE: return(value->u.d); case Kind.FLOAT: return(value->u.f); case Kind.UINT64: return(value->u.ui64); case Kind.INT64: return(value->u.i64); case Kind.TIMESPAN: return(new TimeSpan(value->u.i64)); case Kind.CURSORTYPE: return(Cursors.FromEnum((CursorType)value->u.i32)); case Kind.TEXTDECORATIONS: return((value->u.i32 == (int)TextDecorationKind.Underline) ? TextDecorations.Underline : null); case Kind.INT32: return(value->u.i32); case Kind.UINT32: return(value->u.ui32); case Kind.CHAR: return((char)value->u.ui32); case Kind.SURFACE: return(NativeDependencyObjectHelper.FromIntPtr(value->u.p)); case Kind.STRING: { return(Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(value->u.p)); } case Kind.URI: return(UriHelper.FromNativeUri(value->u.p)); case Kind.XMLLANGUAGE: { string str = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(value->u.p); return(XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(str)); } case Kind.FONTFAMILY: { UnmanagedFontFamily *family = (UnmanagedFontFamily *)value->u.p; return(new FontFamily(family == null ? null : Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(family->source))); } case Kind.FONTSTRETCH: { UnmanagedFontStretch *stretch = (UnmanagedFontStretch *)value->u.p; return(new FontStretch(stretch == null ? FontStretchKind.Normal : stretch->stretch)); } case Kind.FONTSTYLE: { UnmanagedFontStyle *style = (UnmanagedFontStyle *)value->u.p; return(new FontStyle(style == null ? FontStyleKind.Normal : style->style)); } case Kind.FONTWEIGHT: { UnmanagedFontWeight *weight = (UnmanagedFontWeight *)value->u.p; return(new FontWeight(weight == null ? FontWeightKind.Normal : weight->weight)); } case Kind.FONTSOURCE: { UnmanagedFontSource * fs = (UnmanagedFontSource *)value->u.p; ManagedStreamCallbacks callbacks; GlyphTypeface typeface; StreamWrapper wrapper; switch (fs->type) { case FontSourceType.ManagedStream: callbacks = (ManagedStreamCallbacks)Marshal.PtrToStructure(fs->, typeof(ManagedStreamCallbacks)); wrapper = (StreamWrapper)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(callbacks.handle).Target; return(new FontSource(; case FontSourceType.GlyphTypeface: typeface = new GlyphTypeface(fs->source.typeface); return(new FontSource(typeface)); default: throw new Exception(String.Format("Do not know how to create a FontSource of type {0}", fs->type.ToString())); } } case Kind.GLYPHTYPEFACE: { return(new GlyphTypeface(value->u.p)); } case Kind.PROPERTYPATH: { UnmanagedPropertyPath *propertypath = (UnmanagedPropertyPath *)value->u.p; if (propertypath == null) { return(new PropertyPath(null)); } if (propertypath->property != IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } return(new PropertyPath(Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(propertypath->pathString), Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(propertypath->expandedPathString))); } case Kind.POINT: { Point *point = (Point *)value->u.p; return((point == null) ? new Point(0, 0) : *point); } case Kind.RECT: { Rect *rect = (Rect *)value->u.p; return((rect == null) ? new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) : *rect); } case Kind.SIZE: { Size *size = (Size *)value->u.p; return((size == null) ? new Size(0, 0) : *size); } case Kind.CORNERRADIUS: { CornerRadius *corner = (CornerRadius *)value->u.p; return((corner == null) ? new CornerRadius(0) : *corner); } case Kind.AUDIOFORMAT: { UnmanagedAudioFormat *format = (UnmanagedAudioFormat *)value->u.p; return((format == null) ? new AudioFormat() : format->ToAudioFormat()); } case Kind.VIDEOFORMAT: { UnmanagedVideoFormat *format = (UnmanagedVideoFormat *)value->u.p; return((format == null) ? new VideoFormat() : format->ToVideoFormat()); } case Kind.THICKNESS: { Thickness *thickness = (Thickness *)value->u.p; return((thickness == null) ? new Thickness(0) : *thickness); } case Kind.COLOR: { UnmanagedColor *color = (UnmanagedColor *)value->u.p; if (color == null) { return(new Color()); } return(color->ToColor()); } case Kind.MATRIX: case Kind.UNMANAGEDMATRIX: { return(new Matrix(value->u.p)); } case Kind.MATRIX3D: case Kind.UNMANAGEDMATRIX3D: { return(new Matrix3D(value->u.p)); } case Kind.STYLUSPOINT: case Kind.UNMANAGEDSTYLUSPOINT: { var kind = value->Kind; var ptr = value->u.p; var x = (double)Value.ToObject(typeof(double), NativeMethods.dependency_object_get_value(ptr, UnmanagedStylusPoint.XProperty.Native)); var y = (double)Value.ToObject(typeof(double), NativeMethods.dependency_object_get_value(ptr, UnmanagedStylusPoint.YProperty.Native)); var pressure = (double)Value.ToObject(typeof(double), NativeMethods.dependency_object_get_value(ptr, UnmanagedStylusPoint.PressureFactorProperty.Native)); return(new StylusPoint { X = x, Y = y, PressureFactor = (float)pressure }); } case Kind.DURATION: { Duration *duration = (Duration *)value->u.p; return((duration == null) ? Duration.Automatic : *duration); } case Kind.KEYTIME: { KeyTime *keytime = (KeyTime *)value->u.p; return((keytime == null) ? KeyTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.Zero) : *keytime); } case Kind.GRIDLENGTH: { GridLength *gridlength = (GridLength *)value->u.p; return((gridlength == null) ? new GridLength() : *gridlength); } case Kind.REPEATBEHAVIOR: { RepeatBehavior *repeat = (RepeatBehavior *)value->u.p; return((repeat == null) ? new RepeatBehavior() : *repeat); } case Kind.MEDIAATTRIBUTE_COLLECTION: { IntPtr p = value->u.p; if (p == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } int count = NativeMethods.collection_get_count(p); var dict = new Dictionary <string, string> (); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IntPtr map = NativeMethods.collection_get_value_at(p, i); if (map == IntPtr.Zero) { continue; } Value *attribute = (Value *)map; if (attribute->Kind != Kind.MEDIAATTRIBUTE || attribute->u.p == IntPtr.Zero) { continue; } string name = NativeMethods.media_attribute_get_name(attribute->u.p); string val = NativeMethods.media_attribute_get_value(attribute->u.p); dict.Add(name, val); } return(dict); } case Kind.MANAGEDTYPEINFO: { ManagedTypeInfo *type_info = (ManagedTypeInfo *)value->u.p; if (type_info == null) { return(null); } return(Deployment.Current.Types.KindToType(type_info->Kind)); } default: Type tt = Deployment.Current.Types.KindToType(value->Kind); if (tt != null && tt.IsEnum) { return(Enum.ToObject(tt, value->u.i32)); } break; } if (NativeMethods.type_is_event_object(value->Kind)) { if (value->u.p == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } return(NativeDependencyObjectHelper.Lookup(value->u.p)); } throw new Exception(String.Format("Do not know how to convert {0} {1}. Managed type: {2}", value->Kind, (int)value->Kind, Deployment.Current.Types.KindToType(value->Kind))); }
unsafe HRESULT IOleObject.GetExtent(DVASPECT dwDrawAspect, Size *pSizel) { return(HRESULT.S_OK); }
public GpPoint([NativeTypeName("const Gdiplus::Size &")] Size *size) { X = size->Width; Y = size->Height; }
public unsafe static extern BOOL SetViewportExtEx(IntPtr hdc, int x, int y, Size *lpsz);
public unsafe static partial BOOL SetWindowExtEx(HDC hdc, int x, int y, Size *lpsz);
public void GetSize([NativeTypeName("Gdiplus::Size *")] Size *size) { size->Width = Width; size->Height = Height; }
public unsafe static extern BOOL SetWindowExtEx(IntPtr hdc, int x, int y, Size *lpsz);
public BOOL Equals([NativeTypeName("const Gdiplus::Size &")] Size *sz) { return(((Width == sz->Width) && (Height == sz->Height)) ? 1 : 0); }
public Size([NativeTypeName("const Gdiplus::Size &")] Size *size) { Width = size->Width; Height = size->Height; }