public override DataTable GetColumns()
            var dataTable = SchemaTables.GetColumnsDataTable();

            // There is no way to get the scale of a decimal with DAO. Looks like someone at Microsoft just forgot to
            // implement it.
            // Therefore, either ADO has to be used, or DAO together with the GetSchema()
            // method (that contains precision and scale, but no default value when using ODBC, because again, looks
            // like someone at Microsoft just forgot to implement it).
            Dictionary <(string TableName, string ColumnName), int?> numericScales = null;

            if (!_naturalOnly)
                var schemaTable = _connection.InnerConnection.GetSchema("Columns");
                numericScales = schemaTable.Rows
                                .Cast <DataRow>()
                    t => (TableName: (string)t["TABLE_NAME"], ColumnName: (string)t["COLUMN_NAME"]),
                    t => t.Table.Columns.Contains("DECIMAL_DIGITS")
                            ? t["DECIMAL_DIGITS"] != DBNull.Value
                                ? (int?)(short?)t["DECIMAL_DIGITS"]
                                : null
                            : t["NUMERIC_SCALE"] != DBNull.Value
                                ? (int?)(short?)t["NUMERIC_SCALE"]
                                : null);

            var objectDefsCollection = new[]
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void UpdateFromConfig(DataContextElement dataContextConfig)
            List <DataTypeMappingElement> newTypeMappings    = new List <DataTypeMappingElement>();
            List <DataTypeMappingElement> parentTypeMappings = dataContextConfig.TypeMappings.Where(typeMapping => !Tables.ContainsKey(typeMapping.ObjectType)).ToList();


            parentTypeMappings.ForEach(parentTypeMapping => AddChildTypeMappings(newTypeMappings, parentTypeMapping));

            if (newTypeMappings != null)
                using (SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnectionString))

                    newTypeMappings.ForEach(typeMapping =>
                                            SchemaTables.Add(typeMapping, sqlConn.GetSchema("Columns", new string[] { sqlConn.Database, null, typeMapping.TableName, null })));

                // add table data for each config and schema pair
                if (SchemaTables != null)
                    newTypeMappings.ForEach(typeMapping =>
                        if (SchemaTables.ContainsKey(typeMapping))
                            Tables.Add(typeMapping.ObjectType, new TableData(this, typeMapping));
Exemplo n.º 3
 private int GetDatabaseObjectId(TableAttribute ta)
 => Cache.DataCacher.FindOrCreate(
     Cache.CreateKey(ConnectionString, ta.Schema.ToLower(), ta.Name.ToLower()),
     () => SchemaTables.ConvertAll(z => Tuple.Create(
                                       Cache.CreateKey(ConnectionString, z.SchemaName.ToLower(), z.TableName.ToLower()),
                                       new CacheEntry <int>(z.ObjectId)
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void CmBTables2_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     CmbColums2.DataSource = SchemaTables.GetAllColumFromTable(Constants.CONECTION_STRING, Constants.DB_NAME, CmBTables2?.SelectedValue?.ToString());
     if (IsChargeForm)
         NotifyConditon.ChangeValueItem(Identifier, GenerateQuery(), CheckAND.Checked ? "AND" : "OR");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public NotifierClient(String conectionString, List <DynamicQueryParam> paramsDynamicTableDataEvent, List <RecipientType> recipientsType, String notificationName)
     ParamsDynamicTableDataEvent = paramsDynamicTableDataEvent;
     RecipientsType  = recipientsType;
     ConectionString = conectionString;
     NotficationName = notificationName;
     Notification    = new ResolverNotify();
     SchemaTables    = new SchemaTables();
        public override DataTable GetColumns()
            var dataTable = SchemaTables.GetColumnsDataTable();

            // There is no way to get the ordinal position of a column with ADOX. Looks like someone at Microsoft just forgot to
            // implement it.
            // Therefore, either DAO has to be used, or ADOX together with the OpenSchema()
            // method.

            Dictionary <(string TableName, string ColumnName), int> ordinalPositions = null;

            if (!_naturalOnly)
                using (var recordset = _connection.OpenSchema(SchemaEnum.adSchemaColumns))
                    ordinalPositions = new Dictionary <(string TableName, string ColumnName), int>();

                    using var fields               = recordset.Fields;
                    using var tableNameField       = fields["TABLE_NAME"];
                    using var columnNameField      = fields["COLUMN_NAME"];
                    using var ordinalPositionField = fields["ORDINAL_POSITION"];


                    while (!recordset.EOF)
                        var tableName       = (string)tableNameField.Value;
                        var columnName      = (string)columnNameField.Value;
                        var ordinalPosition = (int)ordinalPositionField.Value - 1;

                        ordinalPositions.Add((tableName, columnName), ordinalPosition);


            using var tables = _catalog.Tables;
            var tableCount = tables.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < tableCount; i++)
                using var table = tables[i];
                var tableName = (string)table.Name;

                using var columns = table.Columns;
                var columnCount = columns.Count;

                for (var j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                    using var column     = columns[j];
                    using var properties = column.Properties;

                    var columnName      = (string)column.Name;
                    var attributes      = (ColumnAttributesEnum)column.Attributes;
                    var ordinalPosition = ordinalPositions?[(tableName, columnName)] ?? j;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void BtnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String query = String.Concat("SELECT * FROM ", CmbDestination.SelectedValue.ToString(), " WHERE ");

            List <String> listRowsTables = SchemaTables.GetAllColumFromTable(Constants.CONECTION_STRING, Constants.DB_NAME, CmbDestination.SelectedValue.ToString());

            foreach (String item in listRowsTables)
                query = String.Concat(query, "(", item, " LIKE '%", TxtSearch.Text, "%') ");
                if (listRowsTables.IndexOf(item) != listRowsTables.Count - 1)
                    query = String.Concat(query, " OR ");
            GrdViewResult.DataSource = SchemaTables.ExeucteQuery(Constants.CONECTION_STRING, query, this);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Load(IDbHost db)
            Audit.Message("\n  ** TABLES QUERY **");
            var data = new SchemaTables("wikialgorithm").Exec(db);

            foreach (var r in data.Tables)
                Audit.Message($"  Engine={r.Engine}, Table={r.TableName}, Type={r.TableType}, RowFormat={r.RowFormat}");

            Audit.Message("\n  ** COLUMNS QUERY **");

            var columnsData = new SchemaColumns("wikialgorithm").Exec(db);

            foreach (var c in columnsData.ColumnsList)
                Audit.Message($"  Table={c.TableName}, Column={c.ColumnName}, DataType={c.DataType}, ColumnType={c.ColumnType}, Nullable={c.IsNullable}, Key={c.ColumnKey}");
        public override DataTable GetTables()
            var dataTable = SchemaTables.GetTablesDataTable();

            using var tableDefs = _database.TableDefs;
            var tableCount = (int)tableDefs.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < tableCount; i++)
                using var tableDef = tableDefs[i];

                var tableName       = (string)tableDef.Name;
                var tableAttributes = (int)tableDef.Attributes;

                string tableType;
                if (IsInternalTableByName(tableName))
                    tableType = "INTERNAL TABLE";
                else if (IsSystemTableByName(tableName) ||
                         (tableAttributes & (int)TableDefAttributeEnum.dbSystemObject) == (int)TableDefAttributeEnum.dbSystemObject ||
                         (tableAttributes & (1 << 31)) == 1 << 31)
                    tableType = "SYSTEM TABLE";
                    tableType = "BASE TABLE";

                var validationRule = (string)tableDef.ValidationRule;
                validationRule = string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationRule)
                    ? null
                    : validationRule;

                var validationText = (string)tableDef.ValidationText;
                validationText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationText)
                    ? null
                    : validationText;


            using var queryDefs = _database.QueryDefs;
            var queryCount = (int)queryDefs.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)
                using var queryDef   = queryDefs[i];
                using var parameters = queryDef.Parameters;
                var parameterCount = parameters.Count;

                // If the QueryDef contains parameters, we will treat it as a stored procedure.
                if (parameterCount <= 0)
                    var tableName = (string)queryDef.Name;
                    var type      = (QueryDefTypeEnum)queryDef.Type;

                    if (type == QueryDefTypeEnum.dbQSelect ||
                        type == QueryDefTypeEnum.dbQSetOperation ||
                        type == QueryDefTypeEnum.dbQCrosstab ||
                        type == QueryDefTypeEnum.dbQSQLPassThrough)

Exemplo n.º 10
        internal void SendNotifcations()
            RecipientsType.ForEach(item =>
                item.FilttersRecipient.ForEach(r =>
                    QueryReturn = "";
                    ParamsDynamicTableDataEvent.ForEach(d => {
                        QueryReturn = r.Filtter.Replace(d.IdParam, d.ValueParam);

                    using (Connection = new SqlConnection(ConectionString))
#pragma warning disable S3649 // User-provided values should be sanitized before use in SQL statements
                        using (Command = new SqlCommand(QueryReturn, Connection))
#pragma warning restore S3649 // User-provided values should be sanitized before use in SQL statements
                            MessageBase  = item.Message.Message;
                            TitleMessage = item.Message.TitleMessage;
                            DataAdapter  = new SqlDataAdapter(Command);
                            DataTable    = new DataTable();
                            String table = QueryReturn.ToUpper();
                            if (table.Contains("FROM"))
                                table = table.Substring(table.LastIndexOf("FROM"));
                            if (table.Contains("WHERE"))
                                table = table.Substring(0, table.LastIndexOf("WHERE"));

                            table = table.Replace("FROM", "").Replace("WHERE", "");
                            String[] items;
                            if (table.Contains(","))
                                items = table.Split(',');
                                table = items[0].Trim();
                                table = table.Trim();

                            if (table.Contains(" "))
                                int index = QueryReturn.IndexOf(" ");
                                table     = table.Substring(0, index + 1);

                            String valueReplace = "";
                            foreach (DataRow dtRow in DataTable.Rows)
                                IdTables   = SchemaTables.GetColumKeys(ConectionString, Connection.Database, table);
                                JsonRow    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtRow.Table).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                                ObjectJson = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonRow);
                                IdTables.ForEach(i => { ObjectJson.Property(i)?.Remove(); });
                                JsonRow = ObjectJson.ToString();

                                item.Message.ConfigMessage.ForEach(c =>
                                    valueReplace = "";
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.DefinitiveValue))
                                        c.NameColum.ForEach(d =>
                                            foreach (var prop in ObjectJson)
                                                if (prop.Key.ToUpper().Contains(d.ToUpper()))
                                                    valueReplace = prop.Value?.ToString();
                                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueReplace))
                                            c.ExpressionRegular.ForEach(f =>
                                                Regex           = new Regex(f);
                                                MachtExpression = Regex.Match(JsonRow);
                                                if (MachtExpression.Groups.Count > 0)
                                                    valueReplace = MachtExpression.Groups[0].Value;
                                                Regex           = null;
                                                MachtExpression = null;
                                        valueReplace = c.DefinitiveValue;

                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(valueReplace))
                                        MessageBase = MessageBase.Replace(c.DinamycParam, valueReplace);
                                r.TypeNotification.ForEach(t => {
                                    string errorMessage   = "Type Notification not support";
                                    bool sendNotification = false;
                                    Regex           = new Regex(t.ExpressionRegularMach);
                                    MachtExpression = Regex.Match(JsonRow);

                                    if (Enum.TryParse(t.TypeNotification, out TypeNotification typeNotification) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(MachtExpression.Value))
                                        sendNotification = Notification.Send(MachtExpression.Value, TitleMessage, MessageBase, t.JsonNotificationConfig, typeNotification, t.Provaider, out errorMessage);

                                    if (sendNotification)
                                        errorMessage = "message send";
                                    else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MachtExpression.Value))
                                        errorMessage = "no se encontro en la consulta un destinatario";

                                    Connection.Insert(new NotificationLog()
                                        Destination           = MachtExpression.Groups[0].Value,
                                        MessageErrorProvaider = errorMessage,
                                        CreatedById           = "NotifyDll",
                                        MessageSend           = MessageBase,
                                        NotificationName      = NotficationName,
                                        NameRecipientsType    = item.RecipientName,
                                        FillterRecipenttype   = QueryReturn,
                                        Provaider             = t.Provaider,
                                        TypeNotification      = t.TypeNotification,
                                        TitleMessage          = TitleMessage,
                                        CreatedAt             = DateTime.Now,
                                        IsSend = sendNotification
                                    //debe enviarse a grabar a la base de datos esta informacion
                            MessageBase  = null;
                            TitleMessage = null;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override DataTable GetTables()
            var dataTable = SchemaTables.GetTablesDataTable();

            // Only necessary, if ADOX is used in conjunction with ODBC.
            // var procedureSet = new HashSet<string>();
            // using var procedures = _catalog.Procedures;
            // if (procedures != null)
            // {
            //     var procedureCount = procedures.Count;
            //     for (var i = 0; i < procedureCount; i++)
            //     {
            //         using var procedure = procedures[i];
            //         var procedureName = (string) procedure.Name;
            //         procedureSet.Add(procedureName);
            //     }
            // }

            using var tables = _catalog.Tables;
            var tableCount = tables.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < tableCount; i++)
                using var table      = tables[i];
                using var properties =;

                var tableName = (string)table.Name;

                // Depending on the provider (ODBC or OLE DB) used, the Tables collection might contain VIEWs
                // that take parameters, which makes them procedures.
                // We make sure here, that we exclude any procedures from the returned table list.
                // if (!procedureSet.Contains(tableName))
                    var tableType = (string)table.Type;

                        tableType == "TABLE" ||
                        tableType == "LINK" ||
                        tableType == "SYSTEM TABLE" ||
                        tableType == "ACCESS TABLE" ||
                        tableType == "VIEW" ||
                        tableType == "TEMPORARY TABLE");

                    if (IsInternalTableByName(tableName))
                        tableType = "INTERNAL TABLE";
                    else if (IsSystemTableByName(tableName))
                        tableType = "SYSTEM TABLE";
                    else if (tableType == "TABLE" ||
                             tableType == "LINK")
                        tableType = "BASE TABLE";

                    var validationRule = GetPropertyValue <string>(properties, "Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Rule");
                    validationRule = string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationRule)
                        ? null
                        : validationRule;

                    var validationText = GetPropertyValue <string>(properties, "Jet OLEDB:Table Validation Text");
                    validationText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationText)
                        ? null
                        : validationText;


Exemplo n.º 12
 private void ChargeControlsAsync()
     SchemaTables.GetAllTableFromDatabase(Constants.CONECTION_STRING, Constants.DB_NAME).ForEach(x => TableListBinding.Add(x));
Exemplo n.º 13
 private void CmbDestination_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     KeysTable = SchemaTables.GetColumKeys(Constants.CONECTION_STRING, Constants.DB_NAME, CmbDestination.SelectedValue.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 14
        public List <DynamicQueryParam> GetParamsDynamicTableDataEventQuery(SqlNotificationEventArgs e, String conectionString, String queryExecutePost, SqlConnection connection, String fillterCondition, String tableEvent, String columsNotify, DateTime dateTime)
            ISchemaTables            schemaTables = new SchemaTables();
            List <DynamicQueryParam> listKeys     = new List <DynamicQueryParam>();
            List <String>            idTables     = schemaTables.GetColumKeys(conectionString, connection.Database, tableEvent);
            String colums     = "";
            int    countColum = 0;

            idTables.ForEach(c => {
                if (countColum == 0 && !columsNotify.Contains(c))
                    colums = c;
                else if (!columsNotify.Contains(c))
                    colums += "," + c;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(colums))
                colums += columsNotify;
                colums += "," + columsNotify;

            String query = "";

            switch (e.Info)
            case SqlNotificationInfo.Insert:
                query = String.Format("Select Top 1 {0} From  {1} where CreatedAt < @datetime Order by CreatedAt desc", colums, tableEvent);

            case SqlNotificationInfo.Update:
                query = String.Format("Select Top 1 {0} From  {1} where UpdatedAt < @datetime Order by UpdatedAt desc", colums, tableEvent);
            using (connection = new SqlConnection(conectionString))
#pragma warning disable S3649 // User-provided values should be sanitized before use in SQL statements
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
#pragma warning restore S3649 // User-provided values should be sanitized before use in SQL statements
                    SqlParameter parameter = command.Parameters.Add("@datetime", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);

                    // Set the value.
                    parameter.Value = dateTime;

                    command.Notification = null;
                    // Execute the command.

                    using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                        DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                        if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                            DataRow row        = dataTable.Rows[0];
                            String  JsonRow    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(row.Table).Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                            JObject ObjectJson = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonRow);
                            foreach (var prop in ObjectJson)
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fillterCondition) && fillterCondition.Contains("@" + prop.Key))
                                    fillterCondition = fillterCondition.Replace("@" + prop.Key, prop.Value?.ToString());

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryExecutePost) && queryExecutePost.Contains("@" + prop.Key))
                                    queryExecutePost = queryExecutePost.Replace("@" + prop.Key, prop.Value?.ToString());

                                if (idTables.Contains(prop.Key))
                                    listKeys.Add(new DynamicQueryParam()
                                        IdParam = "@" + prop.Key, ValueParam = prop.Value?.ToString()

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fillterCondition))
                        using (SqlCommand commandValidate = new SqlCommand(fillterCondition, connection))
                            using (SqlDataReader reader = commandValidate.ExecuteReader())
                                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                                if (dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                    listKeys = null;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryExecutePost))
#pragma warning disable S3966 // Objects should not be disposed more than once
                        using (connection)
#pragma warning restore S3966 // Objects should not be disposed more than once

                            using (SqlCommand commandValidate = new SqlCommand(queryExecutePost, connection))
#pragma warning disable S108 // Nested blocks of code should not be left empty
#pragma warning restore S108 // Nested blocks of code should not be left empty
Exemplo n.º 15
        public List <DynamicQueryParam> GetParamsDynamicTableDataEvenTable <T>(T entity, String conectionString, SqlConnection connection, String fillterCondition, String queryExecutePost, String tableEvent, String columsNotify, DateTime dateTime) where T : class
            ISchemaTables            schemaTables = new SchemaTables();
            List <DynamicQueryParam> listKeys     = new List <DynamicQueryParam>();
            List <String>            idTables     = schemaTables.GetColumKeys(conectionString, connection.Database, tableEvent);
            String colums     = "";
            int    countColum = 0;

            idTables.ForEach(c => {
                if (countColum == 0 && !columsNotify.Contains(c))
                    colums = c;
                else if (!columsNotify.Contains(c))
                    colums += "," + c;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(colums))
                colums += columsNotify;
                colums += "," + columsNotify;

            JObject ObjectJson = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entity));

            foreach (var prop in ObjectJson)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fillterCondition) && fillterCondition.Contains("@" + prop.Key))
                    fillterCondition = fillterCondition.Replace("@" + prop.Key, prop.Value?.ToString());

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryExecutePost) && queryExecutePost.Contains("@" + prop.Key))
                    queryExecutePost = queryExecutePost.Replace("@" + prop.Key, prop.Value?.ToString());

                if (idTables.Contains(prop.Key))
                    listKeys.Add(new DynamicQueryParam()
                        IdParam = "@" + prop.Key, ValueParam = prop.Value?.ToString()

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fillterCondition))
                using (connection)

                    using (SqlCommand commandValidate = new SqlCommand(fillterCondition, connection))
                        using (SqlDataReader reader = commandValidate.ExecuteReader())
                            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                            if (dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0)
                                listKeys = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryExecutePost))
#pragma warning disable S3966 // Objects should not be disposed more than once
                using (connection)
#pragma warning restore S3966 // Objects should not be disposed more than once

                    using (SqlCommand commandValidate = new SqlCommand(queryExecutePost, connection))
#pragma warning disable S108 // Nested blocks of code should not be left empty
#pragma warning restore S108 // Nested blocks of code should not be left empty