Exemplo n.º 1
        public int getValueInSamples()
            // retrieve the value as integer
            int val        = value;
            int intSamples = 0;

            // check if the unit is set in seconds
            if (unit == Parameters.Units.Seconds)
                // flagged as seconds

                // convert, check rounding
                double samples = SampleConversion.timeToSamplesAsDouble(val);   // conversion result as double, no rounding before
                intSamples = (int)Math.Round(samples);
                if (samples != intSamples)
                    // message
                    logger.Warn("Value for parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') was retrieved in number of samples (" + val + "s * " + SampleConversion.sampleRate() + "Hz), but has been rounded from " + samples + " samples to " + intSamples + " samples");

                // convert and return
                // not flagged as seconds

                // assume the value is in samples and return the value
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Bitmap ConvertSampleToBitmap(Sample sample)
            SampleConversion convertor = new SampleConversion();
            Bitmap           bmp       = null;

            convertor.ConvertToPicture(sample, ref bmp);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected Bitmap ConvertSampleToBitmap(Sample sample)
            var    convertor = new SampleConversion();      // Create a sample convertor.
            Bitmap bitmap    = null;                        // TODO: the size doesn't matter

            convertor.ConvertToPicture(sample, ref bitmap); // TODO: return bitmap as a result
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected Bitmap ConvertSampleToBitmap(Sample Sample)
            /* TODO: Create a Convertor which will return a bitmap no matter the size  */
            SampleConversion Convertor = new SampleConversion();
            Bitmap           bitmap    = null;

            Convertor.ConvertToPicture(Sample, ref bitmap);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void CreateBitmapFile(string pathToSaveBitmapTo)
            if (_sample == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("_sample");

            var    sampleConvertor = new SampleConversion();
            Bitmap bitmap          = null;

            sampleConvertor.ConvertToPicture(_sample, ref bitmap);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public int[] getValueInSamples()
            // create an array of values (in samples) to return
            int[] retValues = new int[values.Length];

            // loop through the array
            for (int i = 0; i < retValues.Length; i++)
                // retrieve the value
                double val        = values[i];
                int    intSamples = 0;

                // check if the unit is set in seconds
                if (units[i] == Parameters.Units.Seconds)
                    // flagged as seconds

                    // convert, check rounding
                    double samples = SampleConversion.timeToSamplesAsDouble(val);   // conversion result as double, no rounding before
                    intSamples = (int)Math.Round(samples);
                    if (samples != intSamples)
                        // message
                        logger.Warn("Value in parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') was retrieved in number of samples (" + val + "s * " + SampleConversion.sampleRate() + "Hz), but has been rounded from " + samples + " sample(s) to " + intSamples + " sample(s)");
                    // not flagged as seconds

                    // convert double to int, check rounding
                    intSamples = (int)Math.Round(val);
                    if (val != intSamples)
                        // message
                        logger.Warn("Value in parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') was retrieved in number of samples, but has been rounded from " + val + " sample(s) to " + intSamples + " samples");

                retValues[i] = intSamples;

            // return number of samples
Exemplo n.º 7
        public int[][] getValueInSamples(int[] ignoreColumns)
            // create an matrix of values (in samples) to return
            int[][] retValues = new int[values.Length][];

            // loop through the columns
            for (int c = 0; c < units.Length; c++)
                // check if column should be ignored, if so skip
                if (ignoreColumns != null && ignoreColumns.Length > 0)
                    bool ignoreColumn = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < ignoreColumns.Length; j++)
                        if (c == ignoreColumns[j])
                            ignoreColumn = true;
                    if (ignoreColumn)

                // create array of values (in samples) for this column
                retValues[c] = new int[values[c].Length];

                // loop through the rows
                for (int r = 0; r < values[c].Length; r++)
                    // retrieve the value
                    int val        = values[c][r];
                    int intSamples = 0;

                    // check if the unit is set in seconds
                    if (units[c][r] == Parameters.Units.Seconds)
                        // flagged as seconds

                        // convert, check rounding
                        double samples = SampleConversion.timeToSamplesAsDouble(val);   // conversion result as double, no rounding before
                        intSamples = (int)Math.Round(samples);
                        if (samples != intSamples)
                            // message
                            logger.Warn("Value in parameter '" + this.Name + "' (parameter set: '" + this.getParentSetName() + "') was retrieved in number of samples (" + val + "s * " + SampleConversion.sampleRate() + "Hz), but has been rounded from " + samples + " samples to " + intSamples + " samples");

                        // set the rounded value
                        retValues[c][r] = intSamples;
                        // not flagged as seconds

                        // assume the value is in samples and set the value
                        retValues[c][r] = val;

            // return number of samples
Exemplo n.º 8
        // set state of task to given state
        private void setState(TaskStates state)
            // check if there is a view to modify
            if (view == null)

            // transfer state
            taskState = state;

            // perform initial actions for new state
            switch (taskState)
            case TaskStates.Start:

                // set text to display

                // feedback to user
                //logger.Debug("Participant is waiting for task to begin.");

                // log event participant is waiting
                Data.logEvent(2, "WaitPresented", CLASS_NAME);

                // initialize wait counter, determining how long this state will last
                waitCounter = firstSequenceWait;


            case TaskStates.Run:

                // show stimulus


            case TaskStates.Wait:

                // set text to display

                // feedback to user
                //logger.Debug("Participant is waiting for next stimulus.");

                // log event participant is waiting
                Data.logEvent(2, "WaitPresented", CLASS_NAME);


            case TaskStates.Pause:

                // set text to display
                view.setText("Task paused.");

                // feedback to user
                //logger.Debug("Task paused.");

                // log event task is paused
                Data.logEvent(2, "TaskPause", CLASS_NAME);


            case TaskStates.End:

                // set text to display

                // feedback to user
                //logger.Debug("Task finished.");

                // reset all relevant variables in case task is restarted
                currentStimulus       = stimulusCounter = 0;
                currentRepetition     = 1;
                stimulusRemainingTime = -1;

                // wait for two seconds
                waitCounter = SampleConversion.timeToSamples(2);



                // message
                logger.Error("Non-existing task state selected. Task will be stopped. Check code.");

                // stop the task
