Exemplo n.º 1
        public void FillEDSM(HistoryEntry syspos)                                            // call to fill in ESDM data for entry, and also fills in all others pointing to the system object
            if (syspos.System.status == SystemStatusEnum.EDSM || syspos.System.EDSMID == -1) // if set already, or we tried and failed..
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Checked System {0} already id {1} ", syspos.System.name , syspos.System.id_edsm);

            ISystem edsmsys = SystemCache.FindSystem(syspos.System);                     // see if we have it..

            if (edsmsys != null)                                                         // if we found it externally, fill in info
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser uconn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) // lets do this in a transaction for speed.
                    using (DbTransaction txn = uconn.BeginTransaction())
                        FillInSystemFromDBInt(syspos, edsmsys, uconn, txn); // and fill in using this connection/tx
                FillInSystemFromDBInt(syspos, null, null, null);        // else fill in using null system, which means just mark it checked
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Called by ScanForNewEntries (from EDJournalClass Scan Tick Worker) to scan a NFI for new entries

        private void ScanReader(EDJournalReader nfi, List <JournalEntry> entries, List <UIEvent> uientries)
            int netlogpos = 0;

                if (nfi.TravelLogUnit.id == 0)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                netlogpos = nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size;

                bool readanything = nfi.ReadJournal(out List <JournalReaderEntry> ents, out List <UIEvent> uie, historyrefreshparsing: false, resetOnError: false);


                if (readanything)           // if we read, we must update the travel log pos
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ScanReader " + Path.GetFileName(nfi.FileName) + " read " + ents.Count + " ui " +uientries.Count + " size " + netlogpos);

                    using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                        using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                            ents = ents.Where(jre => JournalEntry.FindEntry(jre.JournalEntry, jre.Json).Count == 0).ToList();

                            foreach (JournalReaderEntry jre in ents)
                                jre.JournalEntry.Add(jre.Json, cn, txn);

                            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Wrote " + ents.Count() + " to db and updated TLU");


            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception " + ex.Message);
                // Revert and re-read the failed entries
                if (nfi != null && nfi.TravelLogUnit != null)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size = netlogpos;

Exemplo n.º 3
        private bool ImportJump(ImportSystem sys)
            DateTime eventtime = DateTime.SpecifyKind((DateTime)sys.Timestamp, DateTimeKind.Local).ToUniversalTime();

                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(true, EDDbAccessMode.Writer))
                    using (DbCommand exists = conn.CreateCommand("SELECT 1 FROM JournalEntries WHERE EventTypeId = 280 AND commanderId = @com AND EventTime between @low AND @high"))
                        AddParameterWithValue(exists, "@com", Commander);
                        AddParameterWithValue(exists, "@low", eventtime.AddSeconds(-10));
                        AddParameterWithValue(exists, "@high", eventtime.AddSeconds(10));
                        DbDataReader rdr = exists.ExecuteReader();
                        if (rdr.Read())
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(true, EDDbAccessMode.Writer))
                    using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand("Insert into JournalEntries (TravelLogId,CommanderId,EventTypeId,EventType,EventTime,EventData,EdsmId,Synced) " +
                                                                  "values (@tli,@cid,@eti,@et,@etime,@edata,@edsmid,@synced)", txn))
                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@tli", 0);
                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@cid", Commander);
                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@eti", 280);  //EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump
                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@et", "FSDJump");

                            JObject je = new JObject();

                            je["timestamp"]  = eventtime.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'");
                            je["event"]      = "FSDJump";
                            je["StarSystem"] = (sys.SysName);

                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@etime", eventtime);
                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@edata", je.ToString());

                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@edsmid", 0);
                            AddParameterWithValue(cmd, "@synced", 0);

            { return(false); }
        // Called by ScanForNewEntries (from EDJournalClass Scan Tick Worker) to scan a NFI for new entries

        private void ScanReader(EDJournalReader nfi, List <JournalEntry> entries)
            int netlogpos = 0;

                if (nfi.TravelLogUnit.id == 0)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                netlogpos = nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size;

                List <JournalReaderEntry> ents = nfi.ReadJournalLog().ToList();

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ScanReader " + Path.GetFileName(nfi.FileName) + " read " + ents.Count + " size " + netlogpos);

                if (ents.Count > 0)
                    using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                        using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                            ents = ents.Where(jre => JournalEntry.FindEntry(jre.JournalEntry, jre.Json).Count == 0).ToList();

                            foreach (JournalReaderEntry jre in ents)
                                jre.JournalEntry.Add(jre.Json, cn, txn);
                                ticksNoActivity = 0;


            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception " + ex.Message);
                // Revert and re-read the failed entries
                if (nfi != null && nfi.TravelLogUnit != null)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size = netlogpos;

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ScanReader(EDJournalReader nfi, List <JournalEntry> entries)
            int netlogpos = 0;

                if (nfi.TravelLogUnit.id == 0)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                netlogpos = nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size;

                List <JournalReaderEntry> ents = nfi.ReadJournalLog().ToList();

                if (ents.Count > 0)
                    using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                        using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                            ents = ents.Where(jre => JournalEntry.FindEntry(jre.JournalEntry, jre.Json).Count == 0).ToList();

                            foreach (JournalReaderEntry jre in ents)
                                jre.JournalEntry.Add(jre.Json, cn, txn);
                                ticksNoActivity = 0;


                // Revert and re-read the failed entries
                if (nfi != null && nfi.TravelLogUnit != null)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size = netlogpos;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void FillInPositionsFSDJumps()       // call if you want to ensure we have the best posibile position data on FSD Jumps.  Only occurs on pre 2.1 with lazy load of just name/edsmid
            List <Tuple <HistoryEntry, ISystem> > updatesystems = new List <Tuple <HistoryEntry, ISystem> >();

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
                foreach (HistoryEntry he in historylist)
                    if (he.IsFSDJump && !he.System.HasCoordinate)                               // try and load ones without position.. if its got pos we are happy
                    {                                                                           // done in two IFs for debugging, in case your wondering why!
                        if (he.System.status != SystemStatusEnum.EDSM && he.System.EDSMID == 0) // and its not from EDSM and we have not already tried
                            ISystem found = SystemCache.FindSystem(he.System, cn);
                            if (found != null)
                                updatesystems.Add(new Tuple <HistoryEntry, ISystem>(he, found));

            if (updatesystems.Count > 0)
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser uconn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    using (DbTransaction txn = uconn.BeginTransaction())        // take a transaction over this
                        foreach (Tuple <HistoryEntry, ISystem> he in updatesystems)
                            FillInSystemFromDBInt(he.Item1, he.Item2, uconn, txn);  // fill, we already have an EDSM system to use

Exemplo n.º 7
        static public void ParseFiles(string datapath, out string error, int defaultMapColour, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false, Dictionary <string, NetLogFileReader> netlogreaders = null, int currentcmdrid = -1)
            error = null;

            if (datapath == null)
                error = "Netlog directory not set!";

            if (!Directory.Exists(datapath))   // if logfiles directory is not found
                error = "Netlog directory is not present!";

            if (netlogreaders == null)
                netlogreaders = new Dictionary <string, NetLogFileReader>();

            if (currentcmdrid < 0)
                currentcmdrid = EDDConfig.Instance.CurrentCmdrID;

            // TLUs
            List <TravelLogUnit> tlus = TravelLogUnit.GetAll();
            Dictionary <string, TravelLogUnit>            netlogtravelogUnits  = tlus.Where(t => t.type == 1).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);
            Dictionary <long, string>                     travellogunitid2name = netlogtravelogUnits.Values.ToDictionary(t => t.id, t => t.Name);
            Dictionary <string, List <JournalLocOrJump> > vsc_lookup           = JournalEntry.GetAll().OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().GroupBy(v => v.TLUId).Where(g => travellogunitid2name.ContainsKey(g.Key)).ToDictionary(g => travellogunitid2name[g.Key], g => g.ToList());

            // list of systems in journal, sorted by time
            List <JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsEnts = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(j => j.EventTimeUTC).ToList();

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(datapath, "netLog.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List <NetLogFileReader> readersToUpdate = new List <NetLogFileReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, netlogtravelogUnits, vsc_lookup, netlogreaders);

                if (!netlogtravelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogtravelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    int ji = 0;

                    NetLogFileReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JObject jo in reader.ReadSystems(cancelRequested, currentcmdrid))
                            jo["EDDMapColor"] = defaultMapColour;

                            JournalLocOrJump je = new JournalFSDJump(jo)
                                TLUId       = (int)reader.TravelLogUnit.id,
                                CommanderId = currentcmdrid,

                            while (ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count && vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC < je.EventTimeUTC)
                                ji++;   // move to next entry which is bigger in time or equal to ours.

                            JournalLocOrJump prev = (ji > 0 && (ji - 1) < vsSystemsEnts.Count) ? vsSystemsEnts[ji - 1] : null;
                            JournalLocOrJump next = ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count ? vsSystemsEnts[ji] : null;

                            bool previssame = (prev != null && prev.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!prev.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (prev.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01));
                            bool nextissame = (next != null && next.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!next.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (next.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01));

                            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", ji, vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC, je.EventTimeUTC);

                            if (!(previssame || nextissame))
                                je.Add(cn, tn);
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, je.EventDataString);



                    if (updateProgress != null)
                        updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static HistoryList LoadHistory(EDJournalClass journalmonitor, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress,
                                              string NetLogPath       = null,
                                              bool ForceNetLogReload  = false,
                                              bool ForceJournalReload = false,
                                              int CurrentCommander    = Int32.MinValue,
                                              bool Keepuievents       = true)
            HistoryList hist = new HistoryList();
            EDCommander cmdr = null;

            if (CurrentCommander >= 0)
                cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(CurrentCommander);
                journalmonitor.ParseJournalFiles(() => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), forceReload: ForceJournalReload);   // Parse files stop monitor..

                if (NetLogPath != null)
                    string errstr = null;
                    NetLogClass.ParseFiles(NetLogPath, out errstr, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.DefaultMapColour, () => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), ForceNetLogReload, currentcmdrid: CurrentCommander);

            reportProgress(-1, "Resolving systems");

            List <JournalEntry> jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander).OrderBy(x => x.EventTimeUTC).ThenBy(x => x.Id).ToList();

            List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> > jlistUpdated = new List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> >();

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
                HistoryEntry prev  = null;
                JournalEntry jprev = null;

                foreach (JournalEntry je in jlist)
                    if (MergeEntries(jprev, je))                                                                             // if we merge.. we may have updated info, so reprint.
                        jprev.FillInformation(out prev.EventSummary, out prev.EventDescription, out prev.EventDetailedInfo); // need to keep this up to date..

                    if (je.IsUIEvent && !Keepuievents)              // filter out any UI events
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Filter out " + je.EventTypeStr + " on " + je.EventTimeLocal.ToString());

                    bool         journalupdate = false;
                    HistoryEntry he            = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, prev, out journalupdate, conn, cmdr);

                    prev  = he;
                    jprev = je;


                    if (journalupdate)
                        jlistUpdated.Add(new Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry>(je, he));
                        Debug.WriteLine("Queued update requested {0} {1}", he.System.EDSMID, he.System.Name);

            if (jlistUpdated.Count > 0)
                reportProgress(-1, "Updating journal entries");

                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> jehe in jlistUpdated)
                            JournalEntry je = jehe.Item1;
                            HistoryEntry he = jehe.Item2;

                            double dist        = (je is JournalFSDJump) ? (je as JournalFSDJump).JumpDist : 0;
                            bool   updatecoord = (je is JournalLocOrJump) ? (!(je as JournalLocOrJump).HasCoordinate && he.System.HasCoordinate) : false;

                            Debug.WriteLine("Push update {0} {1} to JE {2} HE {3}", he.System.EDSMID, he.System.Name, je.Id, he.Indexno);
                            JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(je.Id, he.System, updatecoord, dist, conn, txn);


            // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database

            hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander;

            hist.ProcessUserHistoryListEntries(h => h.ToList());      // here, we update the DBs in HistoryEntry and any global DBs in historylist

Exemplo n.º 9
        static private bool SendToEDSM(List <HistoryEntry> hl, EDCommander cmdr, out string errmsg)
            EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass(cmdr);       // Ensure we use the commanders EDSM credentials.

            errmsg = null;

            List <JObject> entries = new List <JObject>();

            foreach (HistoryEntry he in hl)
                JournalEntry je = he.journalEntry;

                if (je == null)
                    je = JournalEntry.Get(he.Journalid);

                JObject json = je.GetJson();
                if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump && json["FuelUsed"].Empty())
                    json["_convertedNetlog"] = true;
                if (json["StarPosFromEDSM"].Bool(false)) // Remove star pos from EDSM
                json["_systemName"]        = he.System.Name;
                json["_systemCoordinates"] = new JArray(he.System.X, he.System.Y, he.System.Z);
                if (he.System.SystemAddress != null)
                    json["_systemAddress"] = he.System.SystemAddress;
                if (he.IsDocked)
                    json["_stationName"] = he.StationName;
                    if (he.MarketID != null)
                        json["_stationMarketId"] = he.MarketID;
                json["_shipId"] = he.ShipId;

            List <JObject> results = edsm.SendJournalEvents(entries, out errmsg);

            if (results == null)
                using (var cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    using (var txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        for (int i = 0; i < hl.Count && i < results.Count; i++)
                            HistoryEntry he            = hl[i];
                            JObject      result        = results[i];
                            int          msgnr         = result["msgnum"].Int();
                            int          systemId      = result["systemId"].Int();
                            bool         systemCreated = result["systemCreated"].Bool();

                            if ((msgnr >= 100 && msgnr < 200) || msgnr == 500)
                                if (he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump || he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.Location)
                                    if (systemId != 0)
                                        he.System.EDSMID = systemId;
                                        JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(he.Journalid, he.System, false, 0, cn, txn);

                                    if (systemCreated)

                                he.SetEdsmSync(cn, txn);

                                if (msgnr == 500)
                                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Warning submitting event {he.Journalid} \"{he.EventSummary}\": {msgnr} {result["msg"].Str()}");
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Error submitting event {he.Journalid} \"{he.EventSummary}\": {msgnr} {result["msg"].Str()}");


Exemplo n.º 10
        private bool ImportNote(ImportSystem sys)
            long   noteID       = -1;
            long   journalID    = 0;
            string existingNote = "";

                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(true, EDDbAccessMode.Writer))
                    using (DbCommand exists = conn.CreateCommand("SELECT id, note FROM SystemNote WHERE Name = @sys"))
                        AddParameterWithValue(exists, "@sys", sys.SysName);
                        DbDataReader rdr = exists.ExecuteReader();
                        if (rdr.Read())
                            noteID       = rdr.GetInt64(0);
                            existingNote = rdr.GetString(1);
                    if (noteID < 0)
                        using (DbCommand getjournal = conn.CreateCommand(string.Format("select max(id) from journalentries where eventtypeid = 280 and eventdata like '%{0}%'", sys.SysName)))
                            DbDataReader dr = getjournal.ExecuteReader();
                            if (dr.Read())
                                journalID = dr.GetInt64(0);
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(true, EDDbAccessMode.Writer))
                    if (noteID > 0)
                        using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                            using (DbCommand update = conn.CreateCommand("UPDATE SystemNote SET note = @note WHERE id = @id", txn))
                                string newNote = String.IsNullOrEmpty(existingNote) ? sys.Notes : existingNote + " | " + sys.Notes;
                                AddParameterWithValue(update, "@note", newNote);
                                AddParameterWithValue(update, "@id", noteID);
                        using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                            using (DbCommand insert = conn.CreateCommand("Insert into SystemNote (Name, Time, Note, journalid, edsmid) values (@name, @time, @note, @journalid, @edsmid)", txn))
                                AddParameterWithValue(insert, "@name", sys.SysName);
                                AddParameterWithValue(insert, "@time", sys.Timestamp);
                                AddParameterWithValue(insert, "@note", sys.Notes);
                                AddParameterWithValue(insert, "@journalid", journalID);
                                AddParameterWithValue(insert, "@edsmid", -1);
            { return(false); }
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void ParseJournalFiles(Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false)
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Scanned " + WatcherFolder);

            Dictionary <string, TravelLogUnit> m_travelogUnits = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => (t.type & 0xFF) == 3).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(WatcherFolder, journalfilematch, SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List <EDJournalReader> readersToUpdate = new List <EDJournalReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, m_travelogUnits);       // open it

                if (!m_travelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    m_travelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    EDJournalReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    List <JournalReaderEntry>        entries  = reader.ReadJournalLog(true).ToList(); // this may create new commanders, and may write to the TLU db
                    ILookup <DateTime, JournalEntry> existing = JournalEntry.GetAllByTLU(reader.TravelLogUnit.id).ToLookup(e => e.EventTimeUTC);

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JournalReaderEntry jre in entries)
                            if (!existing[jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC].Any(e => JournalEntry.AreSameEntry(jre.JournalEntry, e, ent1jo: jre.Json)))
                                jre.JournalEntry.Add(jre.Json, cn, tn);
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Write Journal to db {0} {1}", jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC, jre.JournalEntry.EventTypeStr));



                    updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    lastnfi = reader;

            updateProgress(-1, "");
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static HistoryList LoadHistory(EDJournalClass journalmonitor, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress, string NetLogPath = null, bool ForceNetLogReload = false, bool ForceJournalReload = false, bool CheckEdsm = false, int CurrentCommander = Int32.MinValue)
            HistoryList hist = new HistoryList();
            EDCommander cmdr = null;

            if (CurrentCommander >= 0)
                cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(CurrentCommander);
                journalmonitor.ParseJournalFiles(() => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), forceReload: ForceJournalReload);   // Parse files stop monitor..

                if (NetLogPath != null)
                    string errstr = null;
                    NetLogClass.ParseFiles(NetLogPath, out errstr, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.DefaultMapColour, () => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), ForceNetLogReload, currentcmdrid: CurrentCommander);

            reportProgress(-1, "Resolving systems");

            List <JournalEntry> jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander).OrderBy(x => x.EventTimeUTC).ThenBy(x => x.Id).ToList();
            List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> > jlistUpdated = new List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> >();

            using (SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
                HistoryEntry prev = null;
                foreach (JournalEntry inje in jlist)
                    foreach (JournalEntry je in hist.ProcessJournalEntry(inje))
                        bool         journalupdate = false;
                        HistoryEntry he            = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, prev, CheckEdsm, out journalupdate, conn, cmdr);

                        prev = he;


                        if (journalupdate)
                            jlistUpdated.Add(new Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry>(je, he));

            if (jlistUpdated.Count > 0)
                reportProgress(-1, "Updating journal entries");

                using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> jehe in jlistUpdated)
                            JournalEntry   je   = jehe.Item1;
                            HistoryEntry   he   = jehe.Item2;
                            JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump;
                            if (jfsd != null)
                                JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(jfsd.Id, he.System, !jfsd.HasCoordinate && he.System.HasCoordinate, jfsd.JumpDist, conn, txn);


            // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database

            hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander;

            hist.ProcessUserHistoryListEntries(h => h.ToList());      // here, we update the DBs in HistoryEntry and any global DBs in historylist

            hist.SendEDSMStatusInfo(hist.GetLast, true);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public List <JournalEntry> ScanForNewEntries()
            var             entries   = new List <JournalEntry>();
            int             netlogpos = 0;
            EDJournalReader nfi       = null;

                string filename = null;

                if (m_netLogFileQueue.TryDequeue(out filename))      // if a new one queued, we swap to using it
                    nfi     = OpenFileReader(new FileInfo(filename));
                    lastnfi = nfi;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Change in file, scan {0}", lastnfi.FileName));
                else if (ticksNoActivity >= 30 && (lastnfi == null || (!File.Exists(lastnfi.FileName) || lastnfi.filePos >= new FileInfo(lastnfi.FileName).Length)))
                    if (lastnfi == null)
                        Trace.Write($"No last file - scanning for journals");
                    else if (!File.Exists(lastnfi.FileName))
                        Trace.WriteLine($"File {lastnfi.FileName} not found - scanning for journals");
                        Trace.WriteLine($"No activity on {lastnfi.FileName} for 60 seconds ({lastnfi.filePos} >= {new FileInfo(lastnfi.FileName).Length} - scanning for new journals");

                    HashSet <string> tlunames  = new HashSet <string>(TravelLogUnit.GetAllNames());
                    string[]         filenames = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_watcherfolder, "Journal.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                                                 .Select(s => new { name = Path.GetFileName(s), fullname = s })
                                                 .Where(s => !tlunames.Contains(s.name))
                                                 .OrderBy(s => s.name)
                                                 .Select(s => s.fullname)
                    ticksNoActivity = 0;
                    foreach (var name in filenames)
                        nfi     = OpenFileReader(new FileInfo(name));
                        lastnfi = nfi;
                    nfi = lastnfi;


                if (nfi != null)
                    if (nfi.TravelLogUnit.id == 0)
                        nfi.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                    netlogpos = nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size;
                    List <JournalEntry> ents = nfi.ReadJournalLog().ToList();

                    if (ents.Count > 0)
                        using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                            using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                                ents = ents.Where(je => JournalEntry.FindEntry(je).Count == 0).ToList();

                                foreach (JournalEntry je in ents)
                                    je.Add(cn, txn);
                                    ticksNoActivity = 0;



            catch (Exception ex)
                // Revert and re-read the failed entries
                if (nfi != null && nfi.TravelLogUnit != null)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size = netlogpos;

                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Net tick exception : " + ex.Message);