Exemplo n.º 1
        public static DataTable GetAdminProductsByType(TypeFlag type, int count)
            string sqlCmd;

            switch (type)
            case TypeFlag.Bestseller:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, Name from Catalog.Product where Bestseller=1 order by SortBestseller";

            case TypeFlag.New:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, Name from Catalog.Product where New=1 order by SortNew";

            case TypeFlag.Discount:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, Name from Catalog.Product where Discount > 0 order by SortDiscount";

            case TypeFlag.OnSale:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, Name from Catalog.Product where OnSale=1 order by SortOnSale";

            case TypeFlag.Recomended:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, Name from Catalog.Product where Recomended=1 order by SortOnRecomended";

                throw new NotImplementedException();
            return(SQLDataAccess.ExecuteTable(sqlCmd, CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter {
                ParameterName = "@count", Value = count
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Statistic by frequency search
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable GetFrequencySearchStatistic(DateTime date)
                "SELECT [Request], COUNT([Request]) AS numOfRequest, [ResultCount],[SearchTerm],[Description] FROM [Statistic].[SearchStatistic] WHERE [Date] >= Convert(date, @Date) GROUP BY [Request],[ResultCount],[SearchTerm],[Description] ORDER BY numOfRequest DESC",
                new SqlParameter("@Date", date)));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static DataTable GetStoreReviews()
                "SELECT * FROM [Module].[StoreReview] ORDER BY [DateAdded] DESC",
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DataTable GetHistorySearchStatistic(int numRows)
                "SELECT TOP(@NumRows) * FROM [Statistic].[SearchStatistic] ORDER BY Date DESC",
                new SqlParameter("@NumRows", numRows)));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// return shipping service by his id
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shippingMethodId"></param>
 /// <returns>ShippingMethod</returns>
 public static DataTable GetShippingPayments(int shippingMethodId)
              "SELECT [PaymentMethod].[PaymentMethodID], [PaymentMethod].[Name], (Select Count(PaymentMethodID) From [Order].[ShippingPayments] Where PaymentMethodID = [PaymentMethod].[PaymentMethodID] AND ShippingMethodID = @ShippingMethodID) as [Use] FROM [Order].[PaymentMethod]",
              new SqlParameter("@ShippingMethodID", shippingMethodId)));
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected void btnShowBrokenCategoriesClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     lvBrokenCcategories.DataSource =
             "Select Name From Catalog.Category as chiledCat Where (Select COUNT(CategoryID) from Catalog.Category Where CategoryID = chiledCat.ParentCategory) = 0",
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static DataTable GetTopProductsBySum()
                "Select Top(10) ProductID, Name, ArtNo, " +
                "(Select [UrlPath] From [Catalog].[Product] Where [ProductId] = [OrderItems].[ProductID]) as UrlPath, " +
                " Sum([Amount]*[Price]) as Summary " +
                "From [Order].[OrderItems] " +
                "Group By [ProductID], [Name], [ArtNo] " +
                "Order By Summary Desc",
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static DataTable GetProductsByType(TypeFlag type, int count)
            string sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, Product.ArtNo, Name, BriefDescription, " +
                            "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoId From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID  or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type order by main desc, PhotoSortOrder) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoId From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type order by main desc, PhotoSortOrder) END)  AS PhotoId, " +
                            "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type order by main desc, PhotoSortOrder) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type order by main desc, PhotoSortOrder) END)  AS Photo, " +
                            "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID  or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc, " +
                            "Discount, Ratio, RatioID, AllowPreOrder, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, " +
                            "ShoppingCartItemID, Price, " +
                            "(Select Max(Offer.Amount) from catalog.Offer Where ProductId=[Product].[ProductID]) as Amount," +
                            " Offer.OfferID, Offer.ColorID, MinAmount, " +
                            (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter ?
                             "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors":
                             "null as Colors") +
                            " from Catalog.Product " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and Offer.main=1 " +
                            "LEFT JOIN Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId and Type=@Type and Photo.main=1 " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = @ShoppingCartType AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId " +
                            "Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId=Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId " +
                            "where {0} and Enabled=1 and CategoryEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by {1}";

            switch (type)
            case TypeFlag.Bestseller:
                sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "Bestseller=1", "SortBestseller");

            case TypeFlag.New:
                sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "New=1", "SortNew, [DateModified] DESC");

            case TypeFlag.Discount:
                sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "Discount>0", "SortDiscount");

            case TypeFlag.OnSale:
                sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "OnSale=1", "[DateModified] DESC");

            case TypeFlag.Recomended:
                sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "Recomended=1", "[DateModified] DESC");

                throw new NotImplementedException();
            return(SQLDataAccess.ExecuteTable(sqlCmd, CommandType.Text,
                                              new SqlParameter {
                ParameterName = "@count", Value = count
                                              new SqlParameter("@CustomerId", CustomerContext.CustomerId.ToString()),
                                              new SqlParameter("@Type", PhotoType.Product.ToString()),
                                              new SqlParameter("@ShoppingCartType", (int)ShoppingCartType.Compare)));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static DataTable GetTopCustomersBySumPrice()
                "Select Top(10) [CustomerID], [Email], " +
                "(Select top 1 [FirstName]+' '+[LastName] From [Order].[OrderCustomer] as c Where c.[CustomerID] = [OrderCustomer].[CustomerID]) as fio, " +
                "Sum([Order].[Sum]) as Summary " +
                "From [Order].[OrderCustomer] " +
                "Join [Order].[Order] On [Order].[OrderID] = [OrderCustomer].[OrderId] " +
                "Group By [CustomerID], Email " +
                "Order By Summary Desc",
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected DataTable GetCurrencies()
            var dataTable = new DataTable();

                dataTable = SQLDataAccess.ExecuteTable("SELECT CurrencyValue, CurrencyIso3 FROM [Catalog].[Currency];", CommandType.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static DataTable GetProductsByType(TypeFlag type, int count)
            string sqlCmd;

            switch (type)
            //Changed by Evgeni to order by random
            //case TypeFlag.Bestseller:
            //    sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, ArtNo, Name, PhotoName as Photo, [Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc, Discount, Ratio, RatioID, OrderByRequest, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, ItemId, Price, Offer.Amount from Catalog.Product  LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and offerListid=6 left Join Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId and Type=@Type and main=1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[EntityID] = [Catalog].[Product].[ProductID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartTypeId] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId=Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId where Bestseller=1 and Enabled=1 and HirecalEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by SortBestseller";
            //    break;
            //case TypeFlag.New:
            //    sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, ArtNo, Name, PhotoName as Photo, [Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc, Discount, Ratio, RatioID, OrderByRequest, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, ItemId, Price, Offer.Amount from Catalog.Product  LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and offerListid=6 left Join Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId and Type=@Type and main=1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[EntityID] = [Catalog].[Product].[ProductID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartTypeId] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId where New=1 and Enabled=1 and HirecalEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by SortNew";
            //    break;
            //case TypeFlag.Discount:
            //    sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, ArtNo, Name, PhotoName as Photo, [Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc, Discount, Ratio, RatioID, OrderByRequest, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, ItemId, Price, Offer.Amount from Catalog.Product  LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and offerListid=6 left Join Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId and Type=@Type and main=1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[EntityID] = [Catalog].[Product].[ProductID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartTypeId] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId where Discount > 0 and Enabled=1 and HirecalEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by SortDiscount";
            //sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, ArtNo, Name, PhotoName as Photo, [Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc, Discount, Ratio, RatioID, OrderByRequest, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, ItemId, Price, Offer.Amount, Offer.MinAmount from Catalog.Product  LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and offerListid=6 left Join Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId and Type=@Type and main=1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[EntityID] = [Catalog].[Product].[ProductID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartTypeId] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId=Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId where Bestseller=1 and Enabled=1 and HirecalEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by SortBestseller";
            //    break;
            case TypeFlag.Bestseller:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, ArtNo, Name, PhotoName as Photo,  [Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc ,Discount, Ratio, RatioID, OrderByRequest, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, ItemId, Price, Offer.Amount, Offer.MinAmount from Catalog.Product  LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and offerListid=6 left Join Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId  and Type=@Type and main=1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[EntityID] = [Catalog].[Product].[ProductID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartTypeId] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId=Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId where Bestseller=1 and Enabled=1 and HirecalEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 ORDER BY SortBestseller";

            case TypeFlag.New:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, ArtNo, Name, PhotoName as Photo, [Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc,Discount, Ratio, RatioID, OrderByRequest, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, ItemId, Price, Offer.Amount,  Offer.MinAmount from Catalog.Product  LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and offerListid=6 left Join Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId  and Type=@Type and main=1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[EntityID] = [Catalog].[Product].[ProductID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartTypeId] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId where New=1 and Enabled=1 and HirecalEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by SortNew";

            case TypeFlag.Discount:
                sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, ArtNo, Name, PhotoName as Photo, [Photo].[Description] AS PhotoDesc,Discount, Ratio, RatioID, OrderByRequest, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, ItemId, Price, Offer.Amount, Offer.MinAmount from Catalog.Product  LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and offerListid=6 left Join Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId  and Type=@Type and main=1 LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[EntityID] = [Catalog].[Product].[ProductID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartTypeId] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId where Discount > 0 and Enabled=1 and HirecalEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by SortDiscount";

                throw new NotImplementedException();
            return(SQLDataAccess.ExecuteTable(sqlCmd, CommandType.Text, new SqlParameter {
                ParameterName = "@count", Value = count
                                              new SqlParameter("@CustomerId", CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString()),
                                              new SqlParameter("@Type", PhotoType.Product.ToString())));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static DataTable ModuleExecuteTable(string query, CommandType commandType, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
     return(SQLDataAccess.ExecuteTable(query, commandType, parameters));