Exemplo n.º 1
        public void PlayWaveform()
#if false
                int PXIMask = 1 << ctrlParameter.SyncTriggerOut;
                var t       = moduleAOU.AWGqueueMarkerConfig(nAWG, 3, PXIMask, 1, 0, 1, 18, 0);
                Log("1.4 AWG Sync Output set");
                var t = moduleAOU.AWGstart(nAWG);
                Log("AWG Playing. " + t.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public HW_STATUS_RETURNS ScanControlInitialize(double x_amp, double y_amp, double[] Xarray_vol, double[] Yarray_vol, int[] Xarray_index, int[] Yarray_index, double delay, int recording_rate)
            int status;
            // Channel 1 for y scan and channel 2 for x scan

            //Create an instance of the AOU module
            SD_AOU moduleAOU  = new SD_AOU();
            string ModuleName = "M3201A";
            int    nChassis   = 1;
            int    nSlot      = 7;

            if ((status = moduleAOU.open(ModuleName, nChassis, nSlot)) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error openning the Module 'M3201A', make sure the slot and chassis are correct. Aborting...");


            // Config amplitude and setup AWG in channels 1 and 2,
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(1, y_amp);
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(1, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(2, x_amp);
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(2, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);

            // Convert array into list

            xpoints = new List <double>();
            ypoints = new List <double>();
            xindex  = new List <int>();
            yindex  = new List <int>();

            xpoints = Xarray_vol.ToList();
            ypoints = Yarray_vol.ToList();
            xindex  = Xarray_index.ToList();
            yindex  = Yarray_index.ToList();

            // Set external trigger as input
            // Config trigger as external trigger and rising edge
            moduleAOU.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(1, SD_TriggerExternalSources.TRIGGER_EXTERN, SD_TriggerBehaviors.TRIGGER_RISE);
            moduleAOU.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(2, SD_TriggerExternalSources.TRIGGER_EXTERN, SD_TriggerBehaviors.TRIGGER_RISE);
            // flush both channels
            status = moduleAOU.AWGflush(1);
            status = moduleAOU.AWGflush(2);

            int WFinModuleCount = 0;

            /// load waveform for channel 2 (X)
            for (int ix = 0; ix < xpoints.Count; ix++)
                // with 16 reps when generate wave form, AWG generates the desired scan pattern, not sure why
                // var tmpWaveform_X = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix] });
                var tmpWaveform_X = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { xpoints[ix], xpoints[ix] });
                status = moduleAOU.waveformLoad(tmpWaveform_X, WFinModuleCount, 1);       // padding option 1 is used to maintain ending voltage after each WaveForm
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while loading " + ix + " point from x array");
            // queue x channel, for x, WFinModuleCount is the same as ix
            for (int ix = 0; ix < xindex.Count; ix++)
                // loop x array
                status = moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(2, xindex[ix], SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG, 0, 1, 4);// AWG, waveform#, trigger, delay, cycle,prescaler
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while queuing " + ix + " point from x array");

            /// load waveform for channel 1 (Y)

            for (int iy = 0; iy < ypoints.Count; iy++)
                //    var tmpWaveform_Y = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy] });
                var tmpWaveform_Y = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { ypoints[iy], ypoints[iy] });

                status = moduleAOU.waveformLoad(tmpWaveform_Y, WFinModuleCount, 1);       // padding option 1 is used to maintain ending voltage after each WaveForm
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while loading " + iy + " point from y array, error code " + status);
            // queue waveform for channel 1
            for (int iy = 0; iy < yindex.Count; iy++)
                // use external trigger and cycles for Y channel
                status = moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(1, yindex[iy] + xpoints.Count, SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG_CYCLE, 0, xindex.Count, 4);// AWG, waveform#, trigger, delay, cycle,prescaler
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while queuing " + iy + " point from y array, error code " + status);

            // y protection waveform runs only once
            var protWaveform_Y = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { -0.99, -0.99 });

            status = moduleAOU.waveformLoad(protWaveform_Y, WFinModuleCount, 1);  // use pos xpoints.Count + ypoints.Count at waveform pool, can be shared by both x and y
            if (status < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error while loading protection point from y array, error code " + status);
            status = moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(1, xpoints.Count + ypoints.Count, SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG, 0, 2, 4095);// AWG, waveform#, trigger, delay, cycle, prescaler
            if (status < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error while queuing protection point from y array, error code " + status);

            // Configure X channel to cyclic mode, Y to single shot
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueConfig(1, 0);
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueConfig(2, 1);

            Console.WriteLine("Scanning in traditional way with " + Xarray_index.Count() + " by " + Yarray_index.Count() + " beam positions.");
            // Start both channel and wait for triggers
            moduleAOU.AWGstart(2);  // after AWGstart(2), AWGisRunning(2) = 1, AWGnWFplaying(2) = 0, same for channel 1, there might be 1 px offset
            Console.WriteLine("Now running on x and y " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1) + "----" + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2));
            #region previous scheme to jump on Y channel

            // determine how long to pause after each jump based on frame rate

            /*int pause_ms = 1;
             * double frametime = 1000 / (double)recording_rate;
             * if (frametime > 1)
             * {
             *  pause_ms = (int)Math.Ceiling(frametime);
             * }
             * int ncycle = 0;
             *         Console.WriteLine("Now on Y channel " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1) + " Now on X channel: " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2) + "_" + moduleAOU.AWGisRunning(2));
             *         while (moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2) == 0)   // x channel may not be at zero when no trigger come, replace with AWGisRunning
             *         {
             *             // Empty loop wait for trigger to come
             *         }
             *         // Now cycle start
             *         Console.WriteLine("Now on Y channel " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1) + " Now on X channel " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2));
             *         ncycle++;   // ncycle=1, currently working on cycle 1
             *         while (ncycle < yindex.Count())
             *         {
             *             if(moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2)==xindex.Count()-1)
             *             {
             *                 ncycle++;
             *                 moduleAOU.AWGtrigger(1);
             *                 Console.WriteLine("Jump to cycle " + ncycle + " now on Y channel: " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1) + " now on X channel : " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2));
             *                 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(pause_ms * 2);
             *             }
             *         }
             *         moduleAOU.AWGtrigger(1);    // trigger y to protection position and stop x scan
             *         Console.WriteLine("Now on Y channel " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1));
             *         moduleAOU.AWGstop(2);
             *         System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000);    // sleep 5 secs with beam in protection position for user to block beam and stop acquisition
            while (moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1) != xpoints.Count + ypoints.Count)
            Console.WriteLine("Acquisition finished, stop camera now");

Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int status;

            //Create an instance of the AOU module
            SD_AOU moduleAOU = new SD_AOU();

            //Open a physical AOU-H0002 module on Slot 4
            if ((status = moduleAOU.open("SD-PXE-AOU-H0002", 0, 3)) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error openning the Module 'SD-PXE-AOU-H0002', make sure the slot and chassis are correct. Aborting the Demo...");


            // Config amplitude and setup AWG in channels 0 and 1
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(0, 1.2);                         // 1.2 Volts Peak
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(0, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(1, 1.2);                         // 1.2 Volts Peak
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(1, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to run the AWG on channel 0 (infinite cycles of a Triangular with prescaler 2)...");
            // Load, queue and run the Triangular.csv waveform on channel 0
            if (moduleAOU.AWG(0, "Triangular.csv", SD_TriggerModes.AUTOTRIG, 0, 0, 2) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error loading the waveform file 'Triangular.csv', make sure the path is correct. Aborting the Demo...");


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to run the AWG on channel 1 (2 cycles of a Triangular with prescaler 5)...");
            // Load, queue and run the Triangular.csv waveform on channel 1
            if (moduleAOU.AWG(1, "Triangular.csv", SD_TriggerModes.AUTOTRIG, 0, 2, 5) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error loading the waveform file 'Triangular.csv', make sure the path is correct. Aborting the Demo...");


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the AWGs 0 and 1...");
            //Stop simultaneously the AWGs of channels 0 and 1.

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to run the AWG on channel 0 and 1...");
            Console.WriteLine("(Channel 0: 1 cycle Triangular with prescaler 4 -- Channel 1: 3 cycles Triangular with prescaler 3)");
            // Load, queue and run the triangular.csv waveform on channel 0
            if (moduleAOU.AWG(0, "Triangular.csv", SD_TriggerModes.AUTOTRIG, 0, 1, 4) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error loading the waveform file 'Triangular.csv', make sure the path is correct. Aborting the Demo...");

            // Load, queue and run the triangular.csv waveform on channel 1
            if (moduleAOU.AWG(1, "Triangular.csv", SD_TriggerModes.AUTOTRIG, 0, 3, 3) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error loading the waveform file 'Triangular.csv', make sure the path is correct. Aborting the Demo...");


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to run the AWG on channel 0 with a long handmade RAW triangular waveform...");

            double data    = 0;
            int    nPoints = 1000000;
            double inc     = 0.1;

            short[] waveformData = new short[nPoints];
            for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
                waveformData[i] = (short)(data * 32767.0);
                data            = data + inc;
                if (data > 1)
                    data = 2 - data;
                    inc  = -0.1;
                else if (data < -1)
                    data = -2 - data;
                    inc  = 0.1;

            if (moduleAOU.waveformLoad(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, waveformData, 0) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error loading the waveform, make sure its data and type are correct. Aborting the Demo...");


            if (moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error queueing loaded waveform, make sure queue parameters are correct. Aborting the Demo...");


            if (moduleAOU.AWGstart(0) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error running AWG. Aborting the Demo...");


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit the demo...");

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void buttonTestWaveformTrigger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Create a waveform object in PC RAM from waveform file
            SD_Wave wave1 = new SD_Wave("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Waveforms\\Triangular.csv");
            SD_Wave wave2 = new SD_Wave("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Waveforms\\Gaussian.csv");

            if (wave1.getStatus() < 0 || wave2.getStatus() < 0)
                printToConsole("Error opening waveform File");

            int nWave1 = 0;
            int nWave2 = 1;

            // Erase all waveforms from module memory and load waveforms waveId1 and waveId2 in position nWave1 and nWave2
            moduleAOU.waveformLoad(wave1, nWave1);
            moduleAOU.waveformLoad(wave2, nWave2);

            // Turn off nChannel
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(nChannel, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_OFF);

            // Switch off angle modulation and Amplitude modulation
            moduleAOU.modulationAngleConfig(nChannel, SD_ModulationTypes.AOU_MOD_OFF, 0);
            moduleAOU.modulationAmplitudeConfig(nChannel, SD_ModulationTypes.AOU_MOD_OFF, 0);

            // Config amplitude and setup AWG in nChannel
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(nChannel, 1.2);                           // 1.2 Volts Peak
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(nChannel, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);

            // Set external trigger as input

            // Config trigger as external trigger and rising edge
            moduleAOU.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(nChannel, SD_TriggerExternalSources.TRIGGER_EXTERN, SD_TriggerBehaivors.TRIGGER_RISE);

            // Flush channel waveform queue

            // Queue waveform nWave1 with VI/HVI trigger and delay of 50ns from the trigger
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(nChannel, nWave1, SD_TriggerModes.VIHVITRIG, 50, 1, 0);

            // Queue waveform nWave1 with external trigger and delay of 100ns from the trigger
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(nChannel, nWave1, SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG, 100, 1, 0);

            // Queue waveforms nWave1 and nWave2 with differents trigger and delay of 200ns from the trigger and between them
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(nChannel, nWave2, SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG, 200, 1, 0);
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(nChannel, nWave1, SD_TriggerModes.AUTOTRIG, 280, 1, 0);

            printToConsole("External trigger configurated.\nModule configuration successfull, Press CONTINUE to start the AWG");


            printToConsole("AWG started. Waiting for the triggers. Press CONTINUE to send a VI/HVI trigger.");


            printToConsole("Waiting for two external triggers. Press CONTINUE to stop the AWG.");


            printToConsole("AWG Stopped. Test Finished.");
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void buttonPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Start the AWG to reproduce the waveforms in the queue
Exemplo n.º 6
        public HW_STATUS_RETURNS ScanControlInitialize(double x_amp, double y_amp, double[] Xarray_vol, double[] Yarray_vol, int[] Xarray_index, int[] Yarray_index, double delay)
            int status;
            // Channel 1 for y scan and channel 2 for x scan

            //Create an instance of the AOU module
            SD_AOU moduleAOU  = new SD_AOU();
            string ModuleName = "M3201A";
            int    nChassis   = 1;
            int    nSlot      = 3;

            if ((status = moduleAOU.open(ModuleName, nChassis, nSlot)) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error openning the Module 'M3201A', make sure the slot and chassis are correct. Aborting...");


            // Config amplitude and setup AWG in channels 1 and 2,
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(1, y_amp);
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(1, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(2, x_amp);
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(2, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);

            // Convert array into list

            xpoints = new List <double>();
            ypoints = new List <double>();
            xindex  = new List <int>();
            yindex  = new List <int>();

            xpoints = Xarray_vol.ToList();
            ypoints = Yarray_vol.ToList();
            xindex  = Xarray_index.ToList();
            yindex  = Yarray_index.ToList();

            // Set external trigger as input
            // Config trigger as external trigger and rising edge
            moduleAOU.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(1, SD_TriggerExternalSources.TRIGGER_EXTERN, SD_TriggerBehaviors.TRIGGER_RISE);
            moduleAOU.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(2, SD_TriggerExternalSources.TRIGGER_EXTERN, SD_TriggerBehaviors.TRIGGER_RISE);
            // flush both channels
            status = moduleAOU.AWGflush(1);
            status = moduleAOU.AWGflush(2);

            int WFinModuleCount;

            // load waveform for channel 2 (X)
            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < xpoints.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                // with 16 reps when generate wave form, AWG generates the desired scan pattern, not sure why
                var tmpWaveform_X = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount] }); // WaveForm has to contain even number of points to activate padding option 1
                status = moduleAOU.waveformLoad(tmpWaveform_X, WFinModuleCount, 1);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             // padding option 1 is used to maintain ending voltage after each WaveForm
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while loading " + WFinModuleCount + " point from x array");
            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < xindex.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                status = moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(2, xindex[WFinModuleCount], SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG, 0, 1, 0);// AWG, waveform#, trigger, delay, cycle,prescaler
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while queuing " + WFinModuleCount + " point from x array");

                /*if (WFinModuleCount > 1023)
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine(xindex[WFinModuleCount] + " Status: " + status + "\n");
                 * }*/

            // load waveform for channel 1 (Y)

            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < ypoints.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                var tmpWaveform_Y = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount] }); // WaveForm has to contain even number of points to activate padding option 1
                status = moduleAOU.waveformLoad(tmpWaveform_Y, WFinModuleCount, 1);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             // padding option 1 is used to maintain ending voltage after each WaveForm
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while loading " + WFinModuleCount + " point from y array, error code " + status);
            // queue waveform for channel 1
            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < yindex.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                status = moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(1, yindex[WFinModuleCount], SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG, 0, 1, 0);// AWG, waveform#, trigger, delay, cycle,prescaler
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while queuing " + WFinModuleCount + " point from y array, error code " + status);

            // Configure queue to only one shot
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueConfig(1, 0);
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueConfig(2, 0);

            // Start both channel and wait for triggers

            /*while (moduleAOU.AWGisRunning(1)==1)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1));
             *  Thread.Sleep(10);
             * }*/

Exemplo n.º 7
        public HW_STATUS_RETURNS ScanControlInitialize(double x_amp, double y_amp, double[] Xarray_vol, double[] Yarray_vol, int[] Xarray_index, int[] Yarray_index, double delay, int recording_rate)
            int    status;
            string sent;
            // Channel 1 for y scan and channel 2 for x scan

            //Create an instance of the AOU module
            SD_AOU moduleAOU  = new SD_AOU();
            string ModuleName = "M3201A";
            int    nChassis   = 1;
            int    nSlot      = 3;

            if ((status = moduleAOU.open(ModuleName, nChassis, nSlot)) < 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error openning the Module 'M3201A', make sure the slot and chassis are correct. Aborting...");


            // Config amplitude and setup AWG in channels 1 and 2,
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(1, y_amp);
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(1, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);
            moduleAOU.channelAmplitude(2, x_amp);
            moduleAOU.channelWaveShape(2, SD_Waveshapes.AOU_AWG);

            // Convert array into list

            xpoints = new List <double>();
            ypoints = new List <double>();
            xindex  = new List <int>();
            yindex  = new List <int>();

            xpoints = Xarray_vol.ToList();
            ypoints = Yarray_vol.ToList();
            xindex  = Xarray_index.ToList();
            yindex  = Yarray_index.ToList();

            // Set external trigger as input
            // Config trigger as external trigger and rising edge
            //moduleAOU.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(1, SD_TriggerExternalSources.TRIGGER_PXI, SD_TriggerBehaviors.TRIGGER_RISE);
            moduleAOU.AWGtriggerExternalConfig(2, SD_TriggerExternalSources.TRIGGER_EXTERN, SD_TriggerBehaviors.TRIGGER_RISE);
            // flush both channels
            status = moduleAOU.AWGflush(1);
            status = moduleAOU.AWGflush(2);

            int WFinModuleCount;

            // load waveform for channel 2 (X)
            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < xpoints.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                // with 16 reps when generate wave form, AWG generates the desired scan pattern, not sure why
                var tmpWaveform_X = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount], xpoints[WFinModuleCount] }); // WaveForm has to contain even number of points to activate padding option 1
                status = moduleAOU.waveformLoad(tmpWaveform_X, WFinModuleCount, 1);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             // padding option 1 is used to maintain ending voltage after each WaveForm
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while loading " + WFinModuleCount + " point from x array");
            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < xindex.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                status = moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(2, xindex[WFinModuleCount], SD_TriggerModes.EXTTRIG, 0, 1, 0);// AWG, waveform#, trigger, delay, cycle,prescaler
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while queuing " + WFinModuleCount + " point from x array");

                /*if (WFinModuleCount > 1023)
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine(xindex[WFinModuleCount] + " Status: " + status + "\n");
                 * }*/

            // load waveform for channel 1 (Y)

            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < ypoints.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                var tmpWaveform_Y = new SD_Wave(SD_WaveformTypes.WAVE_ANALOG, new double[] { ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount], ypoints[WFinModuleCount] }); // WaveForm has to contain even number of points to activate padding option 1
                status = moduleAOU.waveformLoad(tmpWaveform_Y, WFinModuleCount, 1);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             // padding option 1 is used to maintain ending voltage after each WaveForm
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while loading " + WFinModuleCount + " point from y array, error code " + status);
            // queue waveform for channel 1
            for (WFinModuleCount = 0; WFinModuleCount < yindex.Count; WFinModuleCount++)
                // use software trigger for Y channel
                status = moduleAOU.AWGqueueWaveform(1, yindex[WFinModuleCount], SD_TriggerModes.SWHVITRIG, 0, 1, 0);// AWG, waveform#, trigger, delay, cycle,prescaler
                if (status < 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while queuing " + WFinModuleCount + " point from y array, error code " + status);

            // Configure X channel to cyclic mode
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueConfig(1, 0);
            moduleAOU.AWGqueueConfig(2, 1);

            // Start both channel, x channel wait for external trigger, send software trigger to y channel
            moduleAOU.AWGtrigger(1);    // trigger Y channel to protection value

            // determine how long to pause after each jump based on frame rate
            int    pause_ms  = 1;
            double frametime = 1000 / (double)recording_rate;

            if (frametime > 1)
                pause_ms = (int)Math.Ceiling(frametime);

            int ncycle = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Now on Y channel " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1));
            while (moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2) == 0)   // x channel may not be at zero when no trigger come, replace with AWGisRunning
                // Empty loop wait for trigger to come

            // Now cycle start
            moduleAOU.AWGtrigger(1); // trigger Y channel to first value
            Console.WriteLine("Now on Y channel " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1));
            ncycle++;                // ncycle=1, currently working on cycle 1

            while ((ncycle < yindex.Count - 2) && Convert.ToBoolean(moduleAOU.AWGisRunning(2)))
                while (moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2) != ypoints.Count - 2)
                    // empty loop wait for x channel to play last waveform
                Console.WriteLine("Jump to cycle " + ncycle + " now on Y channel: " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1) + " now on X channel : " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2));
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(pause_ms * 2);
                while (moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2) != 0)
                    // empty loop wait for x channel to play first waveform
                Console.WriteLine("Jump to cycle " + ncycle + " now on Y channel: " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(1) + " now on X channel : " + moduleAOU.AWGnWFplaying(2));
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(pause_ms * 2);

            // after all cycles finished, sleep for 5 sec before stop AWG

            Console.Write("Both channel closed");
