Exemplo n.º 1
 public decal_vertices_block() : base(4)
     Add(Position  = new TI.RealPoint3D());
     Add(Texcoord0 = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(Texcoord1 = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(Color     = new TI.Color(TI.FieldType.RgbColor));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public shader_animation_struct() : base(4)
     Add(AnimU         = new TI.Struct <shader_animation_function_struct>(this));
     Add(AnimV         = new TI.Struct <shader_animation_function_struct>(this));
     Add(AnimRot       = new TI.Struct <shader_animation_function_struct>(this));
     Add(AnimRotCenter = new TI.RealPoint2D());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public global_hud_multitexture_overlay_definition() : base(25)
     Add(new TI.Pad(2));
     Add(Type = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(FrameBufferBlendFunc = new TI.Enum());
     Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 32));
     Add(AnchorsPrimaryAnchor   = new TI.Enum());
     Add(AnchorsSecondaryAnchor = new TI.Enum());
     Add(AnchorsTertiaryAnchor  = new TI.Enum());
     Add(BlendFunc0To1          = new TI.Enum());
     Add(BlendFunc1To2          = new TI.Enum());
     Add(new TI.Pad(2));
     Add(MapScalesPrimaryAnchor    = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(MapScalesSecondaryAnchor  = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(MapScalesTertiaryAnchor   = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(MapOffsetsPrimaryAnchor   = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(MapOffsetsSecondaryAnchor = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(MapOffsetsTertiaryAnchor  = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(MapPrimaryAnchor          = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
     Add(MapSecondaryAnchor        = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
     Add(MapTertiaryAnchor         = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
     Add(PrimaryWrapMode           = new TI.Enum());
     Add(SecondaryWrapMode         = new TI.Enum());
     Add(TertiaryWrapMode          = new TI.Enum());
     Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 184));
     Add(Effectors = new TI.Block <global_hud_multitexture_overlay_effector_definition>(this, 30));
     Add(new TI.Pad(128));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public sprite_vertices_block() : base(5)
     Add(Position = new TI.RealPoint3D());
     Add(Offset   = new TI.RealVector3D());
     Add(Axis     = new TI.RealVector3D());
     Add(Texcoord = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(Color    = new TI.Color(TI.FieldType.RgbColor));
Exemplo n.º 5
				public bitmap_group_sprite_block()
					Add(BitmapIndex = new TI.BlockIndex());
					Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 4));
					Add(Left = new TI.Real());
					Add(Right = new TI.Real());
					Add(Top = new TI.Real());
					Add(Bottom = new TI.Real());
					Add(RegistrationPoint = new TI.RealPoint2D());
Exemplo n.º 6
 public bitmap_group_sprite_block() : base(7)
     Add(BitmapIndex = new TI.BlockIndex());
     Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 4));
     Add(Left              = new TI.Real());
     Add(Right             = new TI.Real());
     Add(Top               = new TI.Real());
     Add(Bottom            = new TI.Real());
     Add(RegistrationPoint = new TI.RealPoint2D());
Exemplo n.º 7
				public bitmap_group_sprite_block() : base(7)
					Add(BitmapIndex = new TI.ShortInteger());
					Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 4));
					Add(Left = new TI.Real());
					Add(Right = new TI.Real());
					Add(Top = new TI.Real());
					Add(Bottom = new TI.Real());
					Add(RegistrationPoint = new TI.RealPoint2D());
Exemplo n.º 8
 public model_vertex_uncompressed_block() : base(9)
     Add(Position      = new TI.RealPoint3D());
     Add(Normal        = new TI.RealVector3D());
     Add(Binormal      = new TI.RealVector3D());
     Add(Tangent       = new TI.RealVector3D());
     Add(TextureCoords = new TI.RealPoint2D());
     Add(NodeIndex1    = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(NodeIndex2    = new TI.ShortInteger());
     Add(NodeWeight1   = new TI.Real());
     Add(NodeWeight2   = new TI.Real());
Exemplo n.º 9
		public global_hud_multitexture_overlay_definition() : base(25)
			Add(new TI.Pad(2));
			Add(Type = new TI.ShortInteger());
			Add(FrameBufferBlendFunc = new TI.Enum());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 32));
			Add(AnchorsPrimaryAnchor = new TI.Enum());
			Add(AnchorsSecondaryAnchor = new TI.Enum());
			Add(AnchorsTertiaryAnchor = new TI.Enum());
			Add(BlendFunc0To1 = new TI.Enum());
			Add(BlendFunc1To2 = new TI.Enum());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2));
			Add(MapScalesPrimaryAnchor = new TI.RealPoint2D());
			Add(MapScalesSecondaryAnchor = new TI.RealPoint2D());
			Add(MapScalesTertiaryAnchor = new TI.RealPoint2D());
			Add(MapOffsetsPrimaryAnchor = new TI.RealPoint2D());
			Add(MapOffsetsSecondaryAnchor = new TI.RealPoint2D());
			Add(MapOffsetsTertiaryAnchor = new TI.RealPoint2D());
			Add(MapPrimaryAnchor = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
			Add(MapSecondaryAnchor = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
			Add(MapTertiaryAnchor = new TI.TagReference(this, TagGroups.bitm));
			Add(PrimaryWrapMode = new TI.Enum());
			Add(SecondaryWrapMode = new TI.Enum());
			Add(TertiaryWrapMode = new TI.Enum());
			Add(new TI.Pad(2 + 184));
			Add(Effectors = new TI.Block<global_hud_multitexture_overlay_effector_definition>(this, 30));
			Add(new TI.Pad(128));
Exemplo n.º 10
		public global_geometry_section_raw_vertex_block() : base(global_geometry_raw_point.kFieldCount + 10)
			Point = new global_geometry_raw_point(this);					// 0x0

			Add(Texcoord = new TI.RealPoint2D());							// 0x44
			Add(Normal = new TI.RealVector3D());							// 0x4C
			Add(Binormal = new TI.RealVector3D());							// 0x58
			Add(Tangent = new TI.RealVector3D());							// 0x6C
			Add(AnisotropicBinormal = new TI.RealVector3D());				// 0x78
			Add(SecondaryTexcoord = new TI.RealPoint2D());					// 0x84
			Add(PrimaryLightmapColor = new TI.RealColor());					// 0x8C
			Add(PrimaryLightmapTexcoord = new TI.RealPoint2D());			// 0x98
			Add(PrimaryLightmapIncidentDirection = new TI.RealVector3D());	// 0xA0

			// Future Secondary LM Color, Texcoord and Incident Direction?
			Add(new TI.Pad(12 + 8 + 12));
Exemplo n.º 11
					public model_vertex_uncompressed_block() : base(9)
						Add(Position = new TI.RealPoint3D());
						Add(Normal = new TI.RealVector3D());
						Add(Binormal = new TI.RealVector3D());
						Add(Tangent = new TI.RealVector3D());
						Add(TextureCoords = new TI.RealPoint2D());
						Add(NodeIndex1 = new TI.ShortInteger());
						Add(NodeIndex2 = new TI.ShortInteger());
						Add(NodeWeight1 = new TI.Real());
						Add(NodeWeight2 = new TI.Real());
Exemplo n.º 12
		public shader_animation_struct() : base(4)
			Add(AnimU = new TI.Struct<shader_animation_function_struct>(this));
			Add(AnimV = new TI.Struct<shader_animation_function_struct>(this));
			Add(AnimRot = new TI.Struct<shader_animation_function_struct>(this));
			Add(AnimRotCenter = new TI.RealPoint2D());
Exemplo n.º 13
		/// <summary>
		/// Copy constructor
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">field to copy</param>
		public RealPoint2D(RealPoint2D value) :			this()						{ X = value.X; Y = value.Y; }