internal ForCSharpStatement(ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterExpression> variables, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> initializers, Expression test, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> iterators, Expression body, LabelTarget breakLabel, LabelTarget continueLabel)
     : base(test, body, breakLabel, continueLabel)
     Variables = variables;
     Initializers = initializers;
     Iterators = iterators;
Exemplo n.º 2
 internal DkmClrType(DkmClrModuleInstance module, DkmClrAppDomain appDomain, Type lmrType)
     _module = module;
     _appDomain = appDomain;
     _lmrType = lmrType;
     _evalAttributes = GetEvalAttributes(lmrType);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Line(int lineNumber, int oldLineNumber, ReadOnlyCollection<LinePart> parts)
     m_lineNumber = lineNumber;
     m_oldLineNumber = oldLineNumber;
     m_isNew = parts.All(p => p.Status == LinePartStatus.New);
     m_parts = parts;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static ReadOnlyCollection<string> FindPluginAsGenericList(string pluginName)
            List<string> namespaces = new List<string>();
                HxRegistryWalkerClass registryWalker = new HxRegistryWalkerClass();
                IHxRegNamespaceList help2Namespaces = registryWalker.get_RegisteredNamespaceList("");

                foreach (IHxRegNamespace currentNamespace in help2Namespaces)
                    IHxRegPlugInList p =
                    foreach (IHxRegPlugIn plugin in p)
                        string currentName = (string)plugin.GetProperty(HxRegPlugInPropId.HxRegPlugInName);
                        if (string.Compare(currentName, pluginName) == 0)
            catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException)
            ReadOnlyCollection<string> roNamespaces = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(namespaces);
            return roNamespaces;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected virtual ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterExpression> VisitParameterExpressionList(ReadOnlyCollection<ParameterExpression> original)
     List<ParameterExpression> list = null;
     for (int i = 0, n = original.Count; i < n; i++)
         ParameterExpression p = (ParameterExpression) this.Visit(original[i]);
         if (list != null)
         else if (p != original[i])
             list = new List<ParameterExpression>(n);
             for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
     if (list != null)
         return list.AsReadOnly();
     return original;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the EnumDefinition class
        /// Populates this object with information extracted from the XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theNode">XML node describing the Enum object</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The data dictionary manager constructing this type.</param>
        public EnumDefinition(XElement theNode, DictionaryManager manager)
            : base(theNode, TypeId.EnumType)
            // ByteSize may be set either directly as an integer or by inference from the Type field.
            // If no Type field is present then the type is assumed to be 'int'
            if (theNode.Element("ByteSize") != null)
                string baseTypeName = theNode.Element("Type") != null ? theNode.Element("Type").Value : "int";

                BaseType = manager.GetElementType(baseTypeName);
                BaseType = DictionaryManager.DereferenceTypeDef(BaseType);

                FixedSizeBytes = BaseType.FixedSizeBytes.Value;

            // Common properties are parsed by the base class.
            // Remaining properties are the Name/Value Literal elements
            List<LiteralDefinition> theLiterals = new List<LiteralDefinition>();
            foreach (var literalNode in theNode.Elements("Literal"))
                theLiterals.Add(new LiteralDefinition(literalNode));

            m_Literals = new ReadOnlyCollection<LiteralDefinition>(theLiterals);

            // Check the name. If it's null then make one up
            if (theNode.Element("Name") == null)
                Name = String.Format("Enum_{0}", Ref);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override bool isInteractionActive(ReadOnlyCollection<InteractionHandPointer> hands)
            // if primary hand is active and secondary hand is active, secondary hand is above certain height -> return true
            foreach (var hand in hands)
                if (hand.HandType != InteractionHandType.None)
                    if (hand.IsPrimaryForUser)
                        primaryHand = hand;
                        secondaryHand = hand;

            if (primaryHand == null || secondaryHand == null || !primaryHand.IsActive)
                return false;

            if (secondaryHand.Y < 1.2)
                return true;
                return false;
        private PatternMatchRuleProcessor(ReadOnlyCollection<PatternMatchRule> rules)
            Debug.Assert(rules.Count() != 0, "At least one PatternMatchRule is required");
            Debug.Assert(rules.Where(r => r == null).Count() == 0, "Individual PatternMatchRules must not be null");

            ruleSet = rules;
Exemplo n.º 9
 internal TryExpression(Type type, Expression body, Expression @finally, Expression fault, ReadOnlyCollection<CatchBlock> handlers) {
     _type = type;
     _body = body;
     _handlers = handlers;
     _finally = @finally;
     _fault = fault;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Проверяет содержат ли элементы коллекции текст, который задается во втором параметре через запятую по порядку
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elements"></param>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool CollectionContainsResults(ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> elements, string results)
            bool containt = true;
            if (elements.Count > 1)
                char[] separators = new char[elements.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
                    separators[i] = ',';
                string[] res = results.Split(separators);
                for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
                    if (!elements[i].Text.Contains(res[i]))
                        containt = false;

            else if (elements.Count == 1)
                if (elements[0].Text.Contains(results))
                    containt = true;
                Assert.Fail("There is no elements");

            return containt;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Style(string name, StyleCategory category, StyleClassification classification, IList<StyleThreshold> thresholds)
     m_name = name;
     m_category = category;
     m_classification = classification;
     m_thresholds = new ReadOnlyCollection<StyleThreshold>(thresholds);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public Cannon(Direction2D direction, Vector2i index)
            _direction = direction;
            _worldIndex = index;

            _readOnlyBullets = new ReadOnlyCollection<Bullet>(_bullets);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private IEnumerable<Record> ReadRecords(string fileName)
            var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
                ReadOnlyCollection<string> header;
                if (reader.Peek() >= 0)
                    var first = this.ParseLine(reader.ReadLine(), stringBuilder).ToArray();

                    header = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(first);
                    yield break;

                for (var i = 0; i < this._numberRecordsToSkip && reader.Peek() >= 0; i++)

                while (reader.Peek() >= 0)
                    var items = this.ParseLine(reader.ReadLine(), stringBuilder).ToArray();

                    yield return new Record(header, items);
Exemplo n.º 14
 internal ExternalRequirements(Binding context,
     IEnumerable<Expression> links)
     : base(context, null, null)
     Guard.NotNull(links, "links");
     Links = new ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>(new List<Expression>(links));
Exemplo n.º 15
 private LifeGrid(LifeGrid source, byte[] newState)
     m_width = source.m_width;
     m_bytesPerRow = source.m_bytesPerRow;
     m_height = source.m_height;
     m_state = Array.AsReadOnly(newState);
        public UnconditionalPolicy(ReadOnlyCollection<ClaimSet> issuances, DateTime expirationTime)
            if (issuances == null)
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull("issuances");

            Initialize(ClaimSet.System, null, issuances, expirationTime);
Exemplo n.º 17
        void ReadClassicIndexFile(BinaryReader br)
            int numGlobalObjects, numRooms, numCostumes, numScripts, numSounds;
            if (Game.GameId == GameId.Maniac)
                numGlobalObjects = 800;
                numRooms = 55;
                numCostumes = 35;
                numScripts = 200;
                numSounds = 100;
            else if (Game.GameId == GameId.Zak)
                numGlobalObjects = 775;
                numRooms = 61;
                numCostumes = 37;
                numScripts = 155;
                numSounds = 120;
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            ReadDirectoryOfObjects(br, numGlobalObjects);
            RoomResources = new ReadOnlyCollection<Resource>(ReadRoomResTypeList(br, numRooms));
            CostumeResources = new ReadOnlyCollection<Resource>(ReadResTypeList(br, numCostumes));
            ScriptResources = new ReadOnlyCollection<Resource>(ReadResTypeList(br, numScripts));
            SoundResources = new ReadOnlyCollection<Resource>(ReadResTypeList(br, numSounds));
        public UpshotControllerDescription(HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor)
            HashSet<Type> entityTypes = new HashSet<Type>();

            _upshotControllerType = controllerDescriptor.ControllerType;

            IEnumerable<MethodInfo> enumerable =
            from p in _upshotControllerType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
            where p.DeclaringType != typeof(UpshotController) && p.DeclaringType != typeof(object) && !p.IsSpecialName
            select p;
            foreach (MethodInfo current in enumerable)
                if (current.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NonActionAttribute), false).Length <= 0 && (!current.IsVirtual || !(current.GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType == typeof(UpshotController))))
                    if (current.ReturnType != typeof(void))
                        Type type = TypeUtility.UnwrapTaskInnerType(current.ReturnType);
                        Type elementType = TypeUtility.GetElementType(type);
                        if (LookUpIsEntityType(elementType))
                            if (!entityTypes.Contains(elementType))
            _entityTypes = new ReadOnlyCollection<Type>(entityTypes.ToList());
Exemplo n.º 19
        public NavigationTreeService([NotNull] IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            if (serviceProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceProvider");

            _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            _nodesReadOnly = _nodes.AsReadOnly();

            foreach (var provider in
                new ExtensionsCache<NavigationTreeProviderInfo, INavigationTreeProvider>(_serviceProvider)
                var dynamicProvider = provider as IDynamicNavigationTreeProvider;
                if (dynamicProvider != null)
                    _dynamicNodes.Add(dynamicProvider, dynamicProvider.CreateNodes(_serviceProvider).ToArray());
                            arg =>
                                _dynamicNodes[dynamicProvider] =
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AggregateExportProvider"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="providers">The prioritized list of export providers.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
        ///     <paramref name="providers"/> contains an element that is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </exception>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     <para>
        ///         The <see cref="AggregateExportProvider"/> will consult the providers in the order they have been specfied when 
        ///         executing <see cref="ExportProvider.GetExports(ImportDefinition,AtomicComposition)"/>. 
        ///     </para>
        ///     <para>
        ///         The <see cref="AggregateExportProvider"/> does not take ownership of the specified providers. 
        ///         That is, it will not try to dispose of any of them when it gets disposed.
        ///     </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public AggregateExportProvider(params ExportProvider[] providers) 
            // NOTE : we optimize for the array case here, because the collection of providers is typically tiny
            // Arrays are much more compact to store and much faster to create and enumerate
            ExportProvider[] copiedProviders = null;
            if (providers != null)
                copiedProviders = new ExportProvider[providers.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < providers.Length; i++)
                    ExportProvider provider = providers[i];
                    if (provider == null)
                        throw ExceptionBuilder.CreateContainsNullElement("providers");

                    copiedProviders[i] = provider;

                    provider.ExportsChanged += this.OnExportChangedInternal;
                    provider.ExportsChanging += this.OnExportChangingInternal;
                copiedProviders = new ExportProvider[] { };

            this._providers = copiedProviders;
            this._readOnlyProviders = new ReadOnlyCollection<ExportProvider>(this._providers);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// The helper to create the AST method call node. Will add conversions (Utils.Convert)
        /// to parameters and instance if necessary.
        /// </summary>
        public static MethodCallExpression SimpleCallHelper(Expression instance, MethodInfo method, params Expression[] arguments) {
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(method, "method");
            ContractUtils.Requires(instance != null ^ method.IsStatic, "instance");
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNullItems(arguments, "arguments");

            ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();

            ContractUtils.Requires(arguments.Length == parameters.Length, "arguments", "Incorrect number of arguments");

            if (instance != null) {
                instance = Convert(instance, method.DeclaringType);

            Expression[] convertedArguments = ArgumentConvertHelper(arguments, parameters);

            ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> finalArgs;
            if (convertedArguments == arguments) {
                // we didn't convert anything, just convert the users original
                // array to a readonly collection.
                finalArgs = convertedArguments.ToReadOnly();
            } else {
                // we already copied the array so just stick it in a readonly collection.
                finalArgs = new ReadOnlyCollection<Expression>(convertedArguments);

            // the arguments are now all correct, avoid re-validating the call parameters and
            // directly create the expression.
            return Expression.Call(instance, method, finalArgs);
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates a new instance of a DocumentViewerBase.
 /// </summary>
 protected DocumentViewerBase()
     : base()
     _pageViews = new ReadOnlyCollection<DocumentPageView>(new List<DocumentPageView>());
     // By default text selection is enabled.
     SetFlags(true, Flags.IsSelectionEnabled);
Exemplo n.º 23
 internal static NewArrayExpression Make(ExpressionType nodeType, Type type, ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> expressions) {
     if (nodeType == ExpressionType.NewArrayInit) {
         return new NewArrayInitExpression(type, expressions);
     } else {
         return new NewArrayBoundsExpression(type, expressions);
Exemplo n.º 24
 internal CommandMarginProvider(
     IVim vim,
     [ImportMany] IEnumerable<Lazy<IOptionsProviderFactory>> optionsProviderFactories)
     _vim = vim;
     _optionsProviderFactories = optionsProviderFactories.ToList().AsReadOnly();
Exemplo n.º 25
        internal MemberListBinding(MemberInfo member, ReadOnlyCollection<ElementInit> initializers)
#pragma warning disable 618
            : base(MemberBindingType.ListBinding, member)
#pragma warning restore 618
            Initializers = initializers;
Exemplo n.º 26
 internal SwitchExpression(Type type, Expression switchValue, Expression defaultBody, MethodInfo comparison, ReadOnlyCollection<SwitchCase> cases) {
     _type = type;
     _switchValue = switchValue;
     _defaultBody = defaultBody;
     _comparison = comparison;
     _cases = cases;
 public CartToShim(int cartId, int userId)
     CartId = cartId;
     UserId = userId;
     CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now;
     CartItems = new ReadOnlyCollection<CartItem>(_cartItems);
 private AlloyOutliningTaggerWalker(ITreeNodeStream input, ReadOnlyCollection<IToken> tokens, AlloyOutliningTaggerProvider provider, ITextSnapshot snapshot)
     : base(input, snapshot, provider.OutputWindowService)
     _tokens = tokens;
     _provider = provider;
     _snapshot = snapshot;
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a delegate type for a CallSite using the types in the ReadOnlyCollection of Expression.
        /// We take the read-only collection of Expression explicitly to avoid allocating memory (an array
        /// of types) on lookup of delegate types.
        /// </summary>
        internal static Type MakeCallSiteDelegate(ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> types, Type returnType)
            lock (_DelegateCache)
                TypeInfo curTypeInfo = _DelegateCache;

                // CallSite
                curTypeInfo = NextTypeInfo(typeof(CallSite), curTypeInfo);

                // arguments
                for (int i = 0; i < types.Count; i++)
                    curTypeInfo = NextTypeInfo(types[i].Type, curTypeInfo);

                // return type
                curTypeInfo = NextTypeInfo(returnType, curTypeInfo);

                // see if we have the delegate already
                if (curTypeInfo.DelegateType == null)
                    curTypeInfo.MakeDelegateType(returnType, types);

                return curTypeInfo.DelegateType;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public ScaleoutStreamManager(Func<int, IList<Message>, Task> send,
                                     Action<int, ulong, ScaleoutMessage> receive,
                                     int streamCount,
                                     TraceSource trace,
                                     IPerformanceCounterManager performanceCounters,
                                     ScaleoutConfiguration configuration)
            if (configuration.QueueBehavior != QueuingBehavior.Disabled && configuration.MaxQueueLength == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Resources.Error_ScaleoutQueuingConfig);

            _streams = new ScaleoutStream[streamCount];
            _send = send;
            _receive = receive;

            var receiveMapping = new ScaleoutMappingStore[streamCount];

            performanceCounters.ScaleoutStreamCountTotal.RawValue = streamCount;
            performanceCounters.ScaleoutStreamCountBuffering.RawValue = streamCount;
            performanceCounters.ScaleoutStreamCountOpen.RawValue = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < streamCount; i++)
                _streams[i] = new ScaleoutStream(trace, "Stream(" + i + ")", configuration.QueueBehavior, configuration.MaxQueueLength, performanceCounters);
                receiveMapping[i] = new ScaleoutMappingStore();

            Streams = new ReadOnlyCollection<ScaleoutMappingStore>(receiveMapping);
Exemplo n.º 31
        protected override Expression VisitTry(TryExpression node)
            MSAst.Expression b = Visit(node.Body);
            ReadOnlyCollection <CatchBlock> h = Visit(node.Handlers, VisitCatchBlock);

            MSAst.Expression y = Visit(node.Finally);
            MSAst.Expression f;

            _insideConditionalBlock = true;
            try {
                f = Visit(node.Fault);
            } finally {
                _insideConditionalBlock = false;

            node = Ast.MakeTry(node.Type, b, y, f, h);

            List <MSAst.CatchBlock> newHandlers = null;

            MSAst.Expression newFinally = null;

            // If the TryStatement has any Catch blocks we need to insert the exception
            // event as a first statement so that we can be notified of first-chance exceptions.
            if (node.Handlers != null && node.Handlers.Count > 0)
                newHandlers = new List <MSAst.CatchBlock>();

                foreach (var catchBlock in node.Handlers)
                    MSAst.ParameterExpression exceptionVar = catchBlock.Variable != null ? catchBlock.Variable : Ast.Parameter(catchBlock.Test, null);

                    MSAst.Expression debugMarker, thread;
                    if (_transformToGenerator)
                        debugMarker = Ast.Call(

                        thread = Ast.Call(typeof(RuntimeOps).GetMethod("GetThread"), _frame);
                        debugMarker = _debugMarker;
                        thread      = _thread;

                    MSAst.Expression exceptionEvent = Ast.Block(
                        // Rethrow ForceToGeneratorLoopException
                            Ast.Equal(_globalDebugMode, AstUtils.Constant((int)DebugMode.FullyEnabled)),
                            (_pushFrame != null) ? _pushFrame : Ast.Empty(),


            if (!_transformToGenerator && node.Finally != null)
                // Prevent the user finally block from running if the frame is currently remapping to generator
                newFinally = AstUtils.If(

            if (newHandlers != null || newFinally != null)
                node = Ast.MakeTry(
                    newFinally != null ? newFinally : node.Finally,
                    newHandlers != null ? (IEnumerable <CatchBlock>)newHandlers : node.Handlers

Exemplo n.º 32
 internal bool TryGetSecurityKeys(out ReadOnlyCollection <SecurityKey> keys)
     keys = _securityKeys;
     return(keys != null);
Exemplo n.º 33
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        namesTransform = transform.Find("Names");
        keysTransform  = transform.Find("Keys");

        float maxNameWidth  = 0;
        float contentHeight = 4;

        ReadOnlyCollection <KeyMapping> keys = InputControl.getKeysList();

        foreach (KeyMapping key in keys)
            #region Key text
            GameObject keyNameText = Instantiate(keyNamePrefab) as GameObject;

            RectTransform keyNameTextRectTransform = keyNameText.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            keyNameTextRectTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            keyNameTextRectTransform.localScale         = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            Text keyText = keyNameText.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
            keyText.text =;

            float keyNameWidth = keyText.preferredWidth + 8;

            if (keyNameWidth > maxNameWidth)
                maxNameWidth = keyNameWidth;

            #region Key buttons
            GameObject keyButtons = Instantiate(keyButtonsPrefab) as GameObject;

            RectTransform keyButtonsRectTransform = keyButtons.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            keyButtonsRectTransform.anchoredPosition3D = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            keyButtonsRectTransform.localScale         = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                InputControlDemo_KeyButtonScript buttonScript = keyButtons.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <InputControlDemo_KeyButtonScript>();

                buttonScript.keyMapping = key;
                buttonScript.keyIndex   = i;


            contentHeight += 28;

        RectTransform namesRectTransform = namesTransform.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        RectTransform keysRectTransform  = keysTransform.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        RectTransform rectTransform      = GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        namesRectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(maxNameWidth, 0);
        keysRectTransform.offsetMin  = new Vector2(maxNameWidth, 0);
        rectTransform.offsetMin      = new Vector2(0, -contentHeight);
Exemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Picks one or more control points within given rectangle</summary>
        /// <param name="curves">Curves on which to pick points</param>
        /// <param name="pickRect">Rectangle bounding picked control points</param>
        /// <param name="points">Points picked</param>
        /// <param name="regions">PointSelectionRegions of picked points</param>
        /// <param name="singlePick">if true only single point, tangetnIn, or tangentOut will be picked</param>
        public void PickPoints(IEnumerable <ICurve> curves, RectangleF pickRect,
                               List <IControlPoint> points, List <PointSelectionRegions> regions, bool singlePick = false)
            if (curves == null)

            foreach (var curve in curves)
                if (!curve.Visible)

                ReadOnlyCollection <IControlPoint> curvePoints = curve.ControlPoints;
                for (int i = 0; i < curvePoints.Count; i++)
                    IControlPoint cpt       = curvePoints[i];
                    Vec2F         clientcpt = m_canvas.GraphToClient(cpt.X, cpt.Y);
                    if (pickRect.Contains(clientcpt))
                    else if (curve.CurveInterpolation != InterpolationTypes.Linear && cpt.EditorData.SelectedRegion != PointSelectionRegions.None)
                        bool tanPicked  = false;
                        bool pickTanOut = cpt.TangentOutType != CurveTangentTypes.Stepped && cpt.TangentOutType != CurveTangentTypes.SteppedNext;
                        if (pickTanOut)
                            Vec2F tangOut = Vec2F.Normalize(m_canvas.GraphToClientTangent(cpt.TangentOut));
                            Seg2F seg     = new Seg2F(clientcpt, (clientcpt + tangOut * m_tangentLength));
                            if (GdiUtil.Intersects(seg, pickRect))
                                tanPicked = true;

                        bool pickTanIn = true;
                        if (i > 0)
                            IControlPoint prevCpt = curvePoints[i - 1];
                            pickTanIn = prevCpt.TangentOutType != CurveTangentTypes.Stepped &&
                                        prevCpt.TangentOutType != CurveTangentTypes.SteppedNext;

                        if (!tanPicked && pickTanIn)
                            //  pick tangentIn.
                            Vec2F tangIn = Vec2F.Normalize(m_canvas.GraphToClientTangent(cpt.TangentIn));
                            tangIn.X = -tangIn.X;
                            tangIn.Y = -tangIn.Y;
                            Seg2F seg = new Seg2F(clientcpt, (clientcpt + tangIn * m_tangentLength));
                            if (GdiUtil.Intersects(seg, pickRect))
                    if (singlePick && points.Count > 0)
                if (singlePick && points.Count > 0)
            } // foreach curve in curves
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws given curve</summary>
        /// <param name="curve">Curve</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object</param>
        /// <param name="thickness">Curve thickness in pixels</param>
        public void DrawCurve(ICurve curve, Graphics g, float thickness = 1.0f)
            // draw pre-infinity
            // draw actual
            // draw post-inifiny.

            ReadOnlyCollection <IControlPoint> points = curve.ControlPoints;

            if (points.Count == 0)

            m_infinityPen.Width = thickness;
            m_curvePen.Width    = thickness;
            m_infinityPen.Color = curve.CurveColor;
            m_curvePen.Color    = curve.CurveColor;
            if (points.Count == 1)
                Vec2F p = m_canvas.GraphToClient(0, points[0].Y);
                g.DrawLine(m_infinityPen, 0, p.Y, m_canvas.ClientSize.Width, p.Y);

            float           w         = m_canvas.ClientSize.Width;
            float           h         = m_canvas.ClientSize.Height;
            float           x0        = m_canvas.ClientToGraph(0);
            float           x1        = m_canvas.ClientToGraph(w);
            IControlPoint   fpt       = points[0];
            IControlPoint   lpt       = points[points.Count - 1];
            float           step      = m_tessellation / m_canvas.Zoom.X;
            List <PointF>   pointList = new List <PointF>(m_canvas.Width / m_tessellation);
            ICurveEvaluator cv        = CurveUtils.CreateCurveEvaluator(curve);
            PointF          scrPt     = new PointF();
            float           bound     = 500; // guard again gdi+ overflow.
            float           minY      = -bound;
            float           maxY      = h + bound;

            // draw pre infinity
            if (fpt.X > x0)
                float start  = x0;
                float end    = Math.Min(fpt.X, x1);
                float rangeX = end - start;
                for (float x = 0; x < rangeX; x += step)
                    float xv = start + x;
                    float y  = cv.Evaluate(xv);
                    scrPt   = m_canvas.GraphToClient(xv, y);
                    scrPt.Y = MathUtil.Clamp(scrPt.Y, minY, maxY);
                scrPt   = m_canvas.GraphToClient(end, cv.Evaluate(end));
                scrPt.Y = MathUtil.Clamp(scrPt.Y, minY, maxY);
                if (pointList.Count > 1)
                    g.DrawLines(m_infinityPen, pointList.ToArray());

            // draw actual
            if ((fpt.X > x0 || lpt.X > x0) && (fpt.X < x1 || lpt.X < x1))
                int leftIndex;
                int rightIndex;
                ComputeIndices(curve, out leftIndex, out rightIndex);
                if (curve.CurveInterpolation == InterpolationTypes.Linear)
                    for (int i = leftIndex; i < rightIndex; i++)
                        IControlPoint p1  = points[i];
                        IControlPoint p2  = points[i + 1];
                        PointF        cp1 = m_canvas.GraphToClient(p1.X, p1.Y);
                        PointF        cp2 = m_canvas.GraphToClient(p2.X, p2.Y);
                        g.DrawLine(m_curvePen, cp1.X, cp1.Y, cp2.X, cp2.Y);
                    for (int i = leftIndex; i < rightIndex; i++)
                        IControlPoint p1 = points[i];
                        IControlPoint p2 = points[i + 1];
                        if (p1.TangentOutType == CurveTangentTypes.Stepped)
                            PointF cp1 = m_canvas.GraphToClient(p1.X, p1.Y);
                            PointF cp2 = m_canvas.GraphToClient(p2.X, p2.Y);
                            g.DrawLine(m_curvePen, cp1.X, cp1.Y, cp2.X, cp1.Y);
                            g.DrawLine(m_curvePen, cp2.X, cp1.Y, cp2.X, cp2.Y);
                        else if (p1.TangentOutType != CurveTangentTypes.SteppedNext)
                            float start = Math.Max(p1.X, x0);
                            float end   = Math.Min(p2.X, x1);
                            float rangeX = end - start;
                            for (float x = 0; x < rangeX; x += step)
                                float xv = start + x;
                                float y  = cv.Evaluate(xv);
                                scrPt   = m_canvas.GraphToClient(xv, y);
                                scrPt.Y = MathUtil.Clamp(scrPt.Y, minY, maxY);
                            scrPt   = m_canvas.GraphToClient(end, cv.Evaluate(end));
                            scrPt.Y = MathUtil.Clamp(scrPt.Y, minY, maxY);
                            if (pointList.Count > 1)
                                g.DrawLines(m_curvePen, pointList.ToArray());
                    }// for (int i = leftIndex; i < rightIndex; i++)
            //draw post-infinity.
            if (lpt.X < x1)
                float start  = Math.Max(x0, lpt.X);
                float end    = x1;
                float rangeX = end - start;
                for (float x = 0; x < rangeX; x += step)
                    float xv = start + x;
                    float y  = cv.Evaluate(xv);
                    scrPt   = m_canvas.GraphToClient(xv, y);
                    scrPt.Y = MathUtil.Clamp(scrPt.Y, minY, maxY);
                scrPt   = m_canvas.GraphToClient(end, cv.Evaluate(end));
                scrPt.Y = MathUtil.Clamp(scrPt.Y, minY, maxY);
                if (pointList.Count > 1)
                    g.DrawLines(m_infinityPen, pointList.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 36
        internal static PowerShell Convert(ScriptBlockAst body,
                                           ReadOnlyCollection <ParameterAst> functionParameters,
                                           bool isTrustedInput,
                                           ExecutionContext context,
                                           Dictionary <string, object> variables,
                                           bool filterNonUsingVariables,
                                           object[] args)

            if (args == null)
                args = Array.Empty <object>();

            // Perform validations on the ScriptBlock.  GetSimplePipeline can allow for more than one
            // pipeline if the first parameter is true, but Invoke-Command doesn't yet support multiple
            // pipelines in a PowerShell (it just grabs the last command directly.)  The rest of this
            // code properly supports multiple pipelines, so it should just work to change the false to true
            // if/when Invoke-Command can support multiple pipelines.
            string errorId;
            string errorMsg;

            body.GetSimplePipeline(true, out errorId, out errorMsg);
            if (errorId != null)
                throw new ScriptBlockToPowerShellNotSupportedException(errorId, null, errorMsg);

            var checker = new ScriptBlockToPowerShellChecker {
                ScriptBeingConverted = body

            if (functionParameters != null)
                foreach (var parameter in functionParameters)


            // When the context is null (or they haven't supplied any variables), throw, but only if we really need the
            // context (basically, if we have some variable reference to resolve).
            if (context == null && (checker.HasUsingExpr || checker.UsesParameter) && (variables == null))
                throw new PSInvalidOperationException(AutomationExceptions.CantConvertScriptBlockWithNoContext);

                var converter = new ScriptBlockToPowerShellConverter {
                    _context = context, _createLocalScope = createLocalScope

                if (checker.HasUsingExpr)
                    converter._usingValueMap = GetUsingValues(body, isTrustedInput, context, variables, filterNonUsingVariables).Item1;

                if (checker.UsesParameter)
                    // If any parameters are used, we create a new scope and bind the parameters.

                    var newScope = context.EngineSessionState.NewScope(false);
                    context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope             = newScope;
                    context.EngineSessionState.CurrentScope.ScopeOrigin = CommandOrigin.Internal;

                    var locals =
                        MutableTuple.MakeTuple(Compiler.DottedLocalsTupleType, Compiler.DottedLocalsNameIndexMap);

                    // Get the parameter metadata for the script block.
                    // If 'functionParameters' is not null, then the ScriptBlockAst is actually the body of a FunctionDefinitionAst, and it doesn't have a ParamBlock.
                    // If 'functionParameters' is null, then the ScriptBlockAst may have parameters defined in its ParamBlock.
                    bool usesCmdletBinding = false;
                    var  parameters        = functionParameters != null
                                         ? Compiler.GetParameterMetaData(functionParameters, true, ref usesCmdletBinding)
                                         : ((IParameterMetadataProvider)body).GetParameterMetadata(true, ref usesCmdletBinding);

                    object[] remainingArgs = ScriptBlock.BindArgumentsForScriptblockInvoke(
                        (RuntimeDefinedParameter[])parameters.Data, args, context, false, null, locals);
                    locals.SetAutomaticVariable(AutomaticVariable.Args, remainingArgs, context);
                    newScope.LocalsTuple = locals;

                foreach (var pipeline in body.EndBlock.Statements.OfType <PipelineAst>())
                    converter.ConvertPipeline(pipeline, isTrustedInput);

                if (checker.UsesParameter)
Exemplo n.º 37
 internal static ReadOnlyCollection <IAuthorizationPolicy> CloneAuthorizationPoliciesIfNecessary(ReadOnlyCollection <IAuthorizationPolicy> authorizationPolicies)
     if (authorizationPolicies != null && authorizationPolicies.Count > 0)
         bool clone = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < authorizationPolicies.Count; ++i)
             UnconditionalPolicy policy = authorizationPolicies[i] as UnconditionalPolicy;
             if (policy != null && policy.IsDisposable)
                 clone = true;
         if (clone)
             List <IAuthorizationPolicy> ret = new List <IAuthorizationPolicy>(authorizationPolicies.Count);
             for (int i = 0; i < authorizationPolicies.Count; ++i)
                 UnconditionalPolicy policy = authorizationPolicies[i] as UnconditionalPolicy;
                 if (policy != null)
             return(new ReadOnlyCollection <IAuthorizationPolicy>(ret));
Exemplo n.º 38
 internal static void DisposeClaimSetsIfNecessary(ReadOnlyCollection <ClaimSet> claimSets)
     throw ExceptionHelper.PlatformNotSupported();
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows you to do things before this item's tooltip is drawn.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The item</param>
 /// <param name="lines">The tooltip lines for this item</param>
 /// <param name="x">The top X position for this tooltip. It is where the first line starts drawing</param>
 /// <param name="y">The top Y position for this tooltip. It is where the first line starts drawing</param>
 /// <returns>Whether or not to draw this tooltip</returns>
 public virtual bool PreDrawTooltip(Item item, ReadOnlyCollection <TooltipLine> lines, ref int x, ref int y)
Exemplo n.º 40
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows you to do things after this item's tooltip is drawn. The lines contain draw information as this is ran after drawing the tooltip.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The item</param>
 /// <param name="lines">The tooltip lines for this item</param>
 public virtual void PostDrawTooltip(Item item, ReadOnlyCollection <DrawableTooltipLine> lines)
 public byte[] CreateCookieFromSecurityContext(UniqueId contextId, string id, byte[] key, DateTime tokenEffectiveTime,
                                               DateTime tokenExpirationTime, UniqueId keyGeneration, DateTime keyEffectiveTime, DateTime keyExpirationTime,
                                               ReadOnlyCollection <IAuthorizationPolicy> authorizationPolicies)
     throw ExceptionHelper.PlatformNotSupported();
Exemplo n.º 42
 public GameState(IEnumerable <ProvinceState> provinces)
     Provinces   = provinces.ToList().AsReadOnly();
     _tileOwners = GetTileOwnerDictionary();
Exemplo n.º 43
 public PlayerStat()
     statModifiers = new List <StatModifier>();
     StatModifiers = statModifiers.AsReadOnly();
Exemplo n.º 44
        public static void ValidateArgumentTypes(MethodBase method, ExpressionType nodeKind, ref ReadOnlyCollection <Expression> arguments)
#if NET35 || UNITY_5
            Debug.Assert(nodeKind == ExpressionType.Invoke || nodeKind == ExpressionType.Call || nodeKind == ExpressionType.New);
            Debug.Assert(nodeKind == ExpressionType.Invoke || nodeKind == ExpressionType.Call || nodeKind == ExpressionType.Dynamic || nodeKind == ExpressionType.New);

            ParameterInfo[] pis = GetParametersForValidation(method, nodeKind);

            ValidateArgumentCount(method, nodeKind, arguments.Count, pis);

            Expression[] newArgs = null;
            for (int i = 0, n = pis.Length; i < n; i++)
                Expression    arg = arguments[i];
                ParameterInfo pi  = pis[i];
                arg = ValidateOneArgument(method, nodeKind, arg, pi);

                if (newArgs == null && arg != arguments[i])
                    newArgs = new Expression[arguments.Count];
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        newArgs[j] = arguments[j];
                if (newArgs != null)
                    newArgs[i] = arg;
            if (newArgs != null)
                arguments = new ReadOnlyCollection <Expression>(newArgs);
Exemplo n.º 45
        string IDkmClrFormatter.GetTypeName(DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, DkmClrType type, DkmClrCustomTypeInfo typeInfo, ReadOnlyCollection <string> formatSpecifiers)
            bool unused;

            return(GetTypeName(new TypeAndCustomInfo(type.GetLmrType(), typeInfo), escapeKeywordIdentifiers: false, sawInvalidIdentifier: out unused));
Exemplo n.º 46
 internal abstract string TrimAndGetFormatSpecifiers(string expression, out ReadOnlyCollection <string> formatSpecifiers);
Exemplo n.º 47
        public static Schema MixedSchema(bool isSingleton = false)
            var schema = new Schema("user", isSingleton: isSingleton)
                         .AddArray(101, "root-array", Partitioning.Language, f => f
                                   .AddAssets(201, "nested-assets")
                                   .AddBoolean(202, "nested-boolean")
                                   .AddDateTime(203, "nested-datetime")
                                   .AddGeolocation(204, "nested-geolocation")
                                   .AddJson(205, "nested-json")
                                   .AddJson(211, "nested-json2")
                                   .AddNumber(206, "nested-number")
                                   .AddReferences(207, "nested-references")
                                   .AddString(208, "nested-string")
                                   .AddTags(209, "nested-tags")
                                   .AddUI(210, "nested-ui"))
                         .AddAssets(102, "root-assets", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                    new AssetsFieldProperties())
                         .AddBoolean(103, "root-boolean", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                     new BooleanFieldProperties())
                         .AddDateTime(104, "root-datetime", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                      new DateTimeFieldProperties {
                Editor = DateTimeFieldEditor.DateTime
                         .AddDateTime(105, "root-date", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                      new DateTimeFieldProperties {
                Editor = DateTimeFieldEditor.Date
                         .AddGeolocation(106, "root-geolocation", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                         new GeolocationFieldProperties())
                         .AddJson(107, "root-json", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                  new JsonFieldProperties())
                         .AddNumber(108, "root-number", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                    new NumberFieldProperties {
                MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 10
                         .AddReferences(109, "root-references", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                        new ReferencesFieldProperties())
                         .AddString(110, "root-string1", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                    new StringFieldProperties {
                Label = "My String1", IsRequired = true, AllowedValues = ReadOnlyCollection.Create("a", "b")
                         .AddString(111, "root-string2", Partitioning.Invariant,
                                    new StringFieldProperties {
                Hints = "My String1"
                         .AddTags(112, "root-tags", Partitioning.Language,
                                  new TagsFieldProperties())
                         .AddUI(113, "root-ui", Partitioning.Language,
                                new UIFieldProperties())
                         .Update(new SchemaProperties {
                Hints = "The User"
                         .HideField(211, 101)
                         .DisableField(212, 101)

Exemplo n.º 48
        string IDkmClrFormatter.GetValueString(DkmClrValue value, DkmInspectionContext inspectionContext, ReadOnlyCollection <string> formatSpecifiers)
            ObjectDisplayOptions options = GetValueStringOptions((inspectionContext.EvaluationFlags & DkmEvaluationFlags.NoQuotes) == 0);

            return(GetValueString(value, inspectionContext, options, GetValueFlags.IncludeObjectId));
Exemplo n.º 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute tangents for the given curve</summary>
        /// <param name="curve">Curve object to be modified</param>
        /// <param name="index">0-based index into the curve's ControlPoints. If the index is out of
        /// bound, this method does nothing</param>
        public static void ComputeTangentIn(ICurve curve, int index)
            if (curve == null)
            ReadOnlyCollection <IControlPoint> points = curve.ControlPoints;

            if (index < 0 || index >= points.Count)

            IControlPoint curP = points[index];

            if (curP.TangentInType == CurveTangentTypes.Fixed)

            Vec2F         tan       = new Vec2F(0, 0);
            int           lastIndex = points.Count - 1;
            IControlPoint prevP     = (index > 0) ? points[index - 1] : null;
            IControlPoint nextP     = (index < lastIndex) ? points[index + 1] : null;

            if ((curP.TangentInType == CurveTangentTypes.Clamped) && (prevP != null))
                float py = prevP.Y - curP.Y;
                if (py < 0.0f)
                    py = -py;
                float ny = (nextP == null ? py : nextP.Y - curP.Y);
                if (ny < 0.0f)
                    ny = -ny;
                if ((ny <= 0.05f) || (py <= 0.05f))
                    curP.TangentInType = CurveTangentTypes.Flat;
            switch (curP.TangentInType)
            case CurveTangentTypes.Clamped:
            case CurveTangentTypes.Spline:
                if (curP.TangentInType == CurveTangentTypes.Clamped)
                    curP.TangentInType = CurveTangentTypes.Spline;

                /* Maya 2.0 smooth tangents */
                if ((prevP == null) && (nextP != null))
                    tan.X = nextP.X - curP.X;
                    tan.Y = nextP.Y - curP.Y;
                else if ((prevP != null) && (nextP == null))
                    tan.X = curP.X - prevP.X;
                    tan.Y = curP.Y - prevP.Y;
                else if ((prevP != null) && (nextP != null))
                    float dx = nextP.X - prevP.X;
                    float dy = 0.0f;
                    if (dx < s_epsilone)
                        dy = MaxTan;
                        dy = (nextP.Y - prevP.Y) / dx;
                    tan.X = curP.X - prevP.X;
                    tan.Y = dy * tan.X;
                    tan = new Vec2F(1, 0);

            case CurveTangentTypes.Linear:
                if (prevP == null)
                    tan = new Vec2F(1, 0);
                    tan = new Vec2F(curP.X - prevP.X, curP.Y - prevP.Y);

            case CurveTangentTypes.Stepped:
                tan = new Vec2F(0, 0);

            case CurveTangentTypes.SteppedNext:
                tan = new Vec2F(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);

            case CurveTangentTypes.Flat:
                if (prevP == null)
                    float x = (nextP == null) ? 0 : (nextP.X - curP.X);
                    tan = new Vec2F(x, 0);
                    tan = new Vec2F(curP.X - prevP.X, 0);


            case CurveTangentTypes.Fixed:

                throw new NotImplementedException(curP.TangentInType.ToString());

            tan = EnsureValidTangent(tan, false);
            if (curP.TangentIn != tan)
                curP.TangentIn = tan;
Exemplo n.º 50
Arquivo: Box.cs Projeto: chances/surf
 public Box(ReadOnlyCollection <Box> children)
     // initially set all fields to 0.0
     Dimensions = default(Dimensions);
     Children   = children;
Exemplo n.º 51
 public SqlNode()
     Children = new ReadOnlyCollection <SqlNode>(m_children);
Exemplo n.º 52
Arquivo: Box.cs Projeto: chances/surf
 public NodeBox(ReadOnlyCollection <Box> children, StyledNode style) : base(children)
     Style = style;
Exemplo n.º 53
 internal static LambdaExpression Create(Expression body, string name, bool tailCall, ReadOnlyCollection <ParameterExpression> parameters)
     return(new Expression <TDelegate>(body, name, tailCall, parameters));
Exemplo n.º 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the runtime binding of the dynamic operation on a set of arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">An array of arguments to the dynamic operation.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The array of <see cref="ParameterExpression"/> instances that represent the parameters of the call site in the binding process.</param>
        /// <param name="returnLabel">A LabelTarget used to return the result of the dynamic binding.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An Expression that performs tests on the dynamic operation arguments, and
        /// performs the dynamic operation if the tests are valid. If the tests fail on
        /// subsequent occurrences of the dynamic operation, Bind will be called again
        /// to produce a new <see cref="Expression"/> for the new argument types.
        /// </returns>
        public sealed override Expression Bind(object[] args, ReadOnlyCollection <ParameterExpression> parameters, LabelTarget returnLabel)
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(args, nameof(args));
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(parameters, nameof(parameters));
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(returnLabel, nameof(returnLabel));
            if (args.Length == 0)
                throw System.Linq.Expressions.Error.OutOfRange("args.Length", 1);
            if (parameters.Count == 0)
                throw System.Linq.Expressions.Error.OutOfRange("parameters.Count", 1);
            if (args.Length != parameters.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(args));

            // Ensure that the binder's ReturnType matches CallSite's return
            // type. We do this so meta objects and language binders can
            // compose trees together without needing to insert converts.
            Type expectedResult;

            if (IsStandardBinder)
                expectedResult = ReturnType;

                if (returnLabel.Type != typeof(void) &&
                    !TypeUtils.AreReferenceAssignable(returnLabel.Type, expectedResult))
                    throw System.Linq.Expressions.Error.BinderNotCompatibleWithCallSite(expectedResult, this, returnLabel.Type);
                // Even for non-standard binders, we have to at least make sure
                // it works with the CallSite's type to build the return.
                expectedResult = returnLabel.Type;

            DynamicMetaObject target = DynamicMetaObject.Create(args[0], parameters[0]);

            DynamicMetaObject[] metaArgs = CreateArgumentMetaObjects(args, parameters);

            DynamicMetaObject binding = Bind(target, metaArgs);

            if (binding == null)
                throw System.Linq.Expressions.Error.BindingCannotBeNull();

            Expression          body         = binding.Expression;
            BindingRestrictions restrictions = binding.Restrictions;

            // Ensure the result matches the expected result type.
            if (expectedResult != typeof(void) &&
                !TypeUtils.AreReferenceAssignable(expectedResult, body.Type))
                // Blame the last person that handled the result: assume it's
                // the dynamic object (if any), otherwise blame the language.
                if (target.Value is IDynamicMetaObjectProvider)
                    throw System.Linq.Expressions.Error.DynamicObjectResultNotAssignable(body.Type, target.Value.GetType(), this, expectedResult);
                    throw System.Linq.Expressions.Error.DynamicBinderResultNotAssignable(body.Type, this, expectedResult);

            // if the target is IDO, standard binders ask it to bind the rule so we may have a target-specific binding.
            // it makes sense to restrict on the target's type in such cases.
            // ideally IDO metaobjects should do this, but they often miss that type of "this" is significant.
            if (IsStandardBinder && args[0] is IDynamicMetaObjectProvider)
                if (restrictions == BindingRestrictions.Empty)
                    throw System.Linq.Expressions.Error.DynamicBindingNeedsRestrictions(target.Value !.GetType(), this);

            // Add the return
            if (body.NodeType != ExpressionType.Goto)
                body = Expression.Return(returnLabel, body);

            // Finally, add restrictions
            if (restrictions != BindingRestrictions.Empty)
                body = Expression.IfThen(restrictions.ToExpression(), body);

Exemplo n.º 55
 private void PublishChangeList(ReadOnlyCollection <InvoiceModel> invoiceModels)
Exemplo n.º 56
		protected Object ()
			resources = resource_list.AsReadOnly ();
 public IntArrayKey(IEnumerable <int> sequence)
     _array    = sequence.ToArray();
     _hashCode = hashCode();
     Array     = new ReadOnlyCollection <int>(_array);
Exemplo n.º 58
 internal Expression(Expression body, string name, bool tailCall, ReadOnlyCollection <ParameterExpression> parameters)
     : base(typeof(TDelegate), name, body, tailCall, parameters)
Exemplo n.º 59
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LawSource" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"><see cref="Stream" /> which contains raw waveform-audio data.</param>
        /// <param name="waveFormat">The format of the waveform-audio data within the <paramref name="stream" />.</param>
        public LawSource(Stream stream, WaveFormat waveFormat, ReadOnlyCollection <WaveFileChunk> chunks)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
            if (waveFormat == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("waveFormat");
            if (!stream.CanRead)
                throw new ArgumentException("stream is not readable", "stream");

            if (waveFormat.WaveFormatTag != AudioEncoding.MuLaw && waveFormat.WaveFormatTag != AudioEncoding.ALaw)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Not supported encoding: {0}", waveFormat.WaveFormatTag));

            this._chunks = chunks;

            // check format
            var audioFormat = new AudioFormat();

            this._audioFormat = audioFormat;

            var fmtChunk = (FmtChunk)_chunks.FirstOrDefault(x => x is FmtChunk);

            if (fmtChunk != null)
                long oldPosition   = stream.Position;
                long startPosition = fmtChunk.StartPosition;
                long endPosition   = fmtChunk.EndPosition;
                long chunkDataSize = fmtChunk.ChunkDataSize;

                stream.Position = startPosition;
                var reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

                audioFormat.Encoding              = (AudioEncoding)reader.ReadInt16();
                audioFormat.Channels              = reader.ReadInt16();
                audioFormat.SampleRate            = reader.ReadInt32();
                audioFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond = reader.ReadInt32();
                audioFormat.BlockAlign            = reader.ReadInt16();
                audioFormat.BitsPerSample         = reader.ReadInt16();

                if (fmtChunk.ChunkDataSize > 16)
                    audioFormat.ExtraSize = reader.ReadInt16();

                // reset position
                stream.Position = oldPosition;
                reader          = null;

            var dataChunk = (DataChunk)_chunks.FirstOrDefault(x => x is DataChunk);

            if (dataChunk != null)
                audioFormat.DataChunkSize     = dataChunk.ChunkDataSize;
                audioFormat.DataStartPosition = dataChunk.DataStartPosition;
                audioFormat.DataEndPosition   = dataChunk.DataEndPosition;

                // calculate byte length when 16 bits per sample
                _length = audioFormat.DataChunkSize * 2;
                throw new ArgumentException("The specified stream does not contain any data chunks.");


            // set the format identifiers to what this class returns
            waveFormat.BitsPerSample = 16;                // originally 4
            waveFormat.WaveFormatTag = AudioEncoding.Pcm; // originally adpcm
            _waveFormat = waveFormat;

            _stream = stream;
Exemplo n.º 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of the <see cref="VendorSpecificDataBlock"/> class with the data of this block untreated with version block.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataBlock">Unprocessed data in this block</param>
 /// <param name="version">Block version.</param>
 public VendorSpecificDataBlock(ReadOnlyCollection <byte> dataBlock, int?version = null) : base(dataBlock, version)