Exemplo n.º 1
        public override List <string> Query(string[] wantedValue, QueryTables tables, QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                            Dictionary <string, bool> sort, uint?start, uint?count)
            string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}", string.Join(", ", wantedValue), tables.ToSQL());

            return(Query2(query, queryFilter, sort, start, count));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public FriendInfo[] GetFriends(UUID principalID)
            List <FriendInfo> infos = new List <FriendInfo>();

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();

            tables.AddTable(m_realm, "my");
            tables.AddTable(m_realm, "his", JoinType.Inner,
                            new[, ] {
                { "my.Friend", "his.PrincipalID" }, { "my.PrincipalID", "his.Friend" }
            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();

            filter.andFilters["my.PrincipalID"] = principalID;
            List <string> query = GD.Query(new string[]
            }, tables, filter, null, null, null);

            //These are used to get the other flags below
            for (int i = 0; i < query.Count; i += 3)
                FriendInfo info = new FriendInfo
                    PrincipalID = principalID,
                    Friend      = query[i],
                    MyFlags     = int.Parse(query[i + 1]),
                    TheirFlags  = int.Parse(query[i + 2])
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override Dictionary <string, List <string> > QueryNames(string[] keyRow, object[] keyValue,
                                                                       QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
            string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} where ", wantedValue, tables.ToSQL());

            return(QueryNames2(keyRow, keyValue, query));
        public FriendInfo[] GetFriends(UUID principalID)
            List<FriendInfo> infos = new List<FriendInfo>();

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();
            tables.AddTable(m_realm, "my");
            tables.AddTable(m_realm, "his", JoinType.Inner,
                            new[,] {{"my.Friend", "his.PrincipalID"}, {"my.PrincipalID", "his.Friend"}});
            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["my.PrincipalID"] = principalID;
            List<string> query = GD.Query(new string[]
                                              }, tables, filter, null, null, null);

            //These are used to get the other flags below
            for (int i = 0; i < query.Count; i += 3)
                FriendInfo info = new FriendInfo
                                          PrincipalID = principalID,
                                          Friend = query[i],
                                          MyFlags = int.Parse(query[i + 1]),
                                          TheirFlags = int.Parse(query[i + 2])
            return infos.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Automation_QueryTable(string fileAndPath, string connStr, string sqlQuery)
            if (File.Exists(fileAndPath))
            connStr    = connStr.Replace("User Id", "Uid").Replace("Password", "Pwd");
            m_objExcel = new Application();
            m_objBooks = m_objExcel.Workbooks;
            m_objBook  = m_objBooks.Add(m_objOpt);

            m_objSheets    = m_objBook.Worksheets;
            m_objSheet     = (_Worksheet)m_objSheets.Item[1];
            m_objRange     = m_objSheet.get_Range("A1", m_objOpt);
            m_objQryTables = m_objSheet.QueryTables;
            m_objQryTable  = m_objQryTables.Add(@"ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;" + connStr + "APP=Microsoft Office 2013;WSID=KEDS-13136;",
                                                m_objRange, sqlQuery);
            m_objQryTable.RefreshStyle = XlCellInsertionMode.xlInsertEntireRows;
            m_objBook.SaveAs(fileAndPath, m_objOpt, m_objOpt,
                             m_objOpt, m_objOpt, m_objOpt, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange,
                             m_objOpt, m_objOpt, m_objOpt, m_objOpt, m_objOpt);
            m_objBook.Close(false, m_objOpt, m_objOpt);
        public override DataReaderConnection QueryData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
            string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} {2}", wantedValue, tables.ToSQL(), whereClause);

            return(new DataReaderConnection {
                DataReader = QueryData2(query)
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Import a .csv file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="?"></param>

        public static void ImportCsv(string fileName)
            if (LogCalls)
                DebugLog.Message("ExcelOp ImportCsv " + fileName);

                XlQueryTables = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.QueryTables)XlSheet.QueryTables;
                QueryTables qt = XlQueryTables;

                CellSelect(1, 1);                 // set XlRange to ("$A$1")

                // Add a QueryTable for the file

                    Connection: "TEXT;" + fileName,
                    Destination: XlRange);

                // Set the other QueryTable properties

                qt[1].Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
                //qt[1].FieldNames = true;
                //qt[1].RowNumbers = false;
                //qt[1].FillAdjacentFormulas = false;
                //qt[1].PreserveFormatting = true;
                //qt[1].RefreshOnFileOpen = false;
                //qt[1].RefreshStyle = XlCellInsertionMode.xlInsertDeleteCells;
                //qt[1].SavePassword = false;
                //qt[1].SaveData = true;
                //qt[1].AdjustColumnWidth = true;
                //qt[1].RefreshPeriod = 0;
                qt[1].TextFilePromptOnRefresh      = false;
                qt[1].TextFilePlatform             = 437;     // default = 2
                qt[1].TextFileStartRow             = 1;
                qt[1].TextFileParseType            = XlTextParsingType.xlDelimited;
                qt[1].TextFileTextQualifier        = XlTextQualifier.xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote;
                qt[1].TextFileConsecutiveDelimiter = false;
                qt[1].TextFileTabDelimiter         = false;         // default: true
                qt[1].TextFileSemicolonDelimiter   = false;         // default: true
                qt[1].TextFileCommaDelimiter       = true;          // default: false
                qt[1].TextFileSpaceDelimiter       = false;
                qt[1].TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = true;

                qt[1].Delete();                 // cleanup


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a query and an update date, check if the query info is current.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryId"></param>
        /// <param name="dateLastModified"></param>
        /// <param name="dateUpdated"></param>
        /// <returns>Unknown/Invalid/UpToDate</returns>
        static public DataUpdateStatus CheckDataStatus(string queryId, DateTime dateLastModified, out DateTime dateUpdated)
            dateUpdated = GxContext.StartupDate;                // by default the data is as old as the startup moment of the app

            if (enabled)
                if (!QueryTables.ContainsKey(queryId))                      // There is no table definition for the query -> status unknown

                ICacheService2 updatedTablesBulk = updatedTables as ICacheService2;
                IDictionary <string, DateTime> dateUpdates;
                List <string> qTables = QueryTables[queryId];
                if (updatedTablesBulk != null)
                    dateUpdates = updatedTablesBulk.GetAll <DateTime>(CacheFactory.CACHE_SD, qTables);                    //Value is Date.MinValue for non-existing key in cache
                    dateUpdates = new Dictionary <string, DateTime>();
                    foreach (string tbl in qTables)
                        if (updatedTables.Get <DateTime>(CacheFactory.CACHE_SD, tbl, out DateTime tblDt))
                            dateUpdates[tbl] = tblDt;

                DateTime maxDateUpdated = dateUpdates.Values.Max();                  //Get the newest modification date.
                if (maxDateUpdated > dateUpdated)
                    dateUpdated = maxDateUpdated;

                if (dateUpdated > dateLastModified)                    // If any of the query tables were modified -> the status of the info is INVALID, you have to refresh

Exemplo n.º 9
 public abstract Dictionary<string, List<string>> QueryNames(string[] keyRow, object[] keyValue,
                                                             QueryTables tables, string wantedValue);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public abstract DataReaderConnection QueryData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public override Dictionary<string, List<string>> QueryNames(string[] keyRow, object[] keyValue,
     QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
     string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} where ", wantedValue, tables.ToSQL());
     return QueryNames2(keyRow, keyValue, query);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public abstract List<string> Query(string[] wantedValue, QueryTables tables, QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                    Dictionary<string, bool> sort, uint? start, uint? count);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public override IDataReader QueryData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
     string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} {2}", wantedValue, tables, whereClause);
     return QueryData2(query);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public override List<string> QueryFullData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
     string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} {2}", wantedValue, tables.ToSQL(), whereClause);
     return QueryFullData2(query);
        public List<GroupTitlesData> GetGroupTitles(UUID requestingAgentID, UUID GroupID)
            object remoteValue = DoRemote(requestingAgentID, GroupID);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                return (List<GroupTitlesData>) remoteValue;

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();
            tables.AddTable("osgroupmembership", "osgm");
            tables.AddTable("osgrouprolemembership", "osgrm", JoinType.Inner,
                            new[,] {{"osgm.AgentID", "osgrm.AgentID"}, {"osgm.GroupID", "osgrm.GroupID"}});
            tables.AddTable("osrole", "osr", JoinType.Inner,
                            new[,] {{"osgrm.RoleID", "osr.RoleID"}, {"osgm.GroupID", "osr.GroupID"}});

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["osgm.AgentID"] = requestingAgentID;
            filter.andFilters["osgm.GroupID"] = GroupID;

            List<string> Membership = data.Query(new[]
                                                     }, tables, filter, null, null, null);

            List<GroupTitlesData> titles = new List<GroupTitlesData>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < Membership.Count(); loop += 3)
                titles.Add(new GroupTitlesData
                                   Name = Membership[loop + 2],
                                   UUID = UUID.Parse(Membership[loop + 1]),
                                   Selected = Membership[loop + 0] == Membership[loop + 1]
            return titles;
        public List<GroupRolesData> GetAgentGroupRoles(UUID requestingAgentID, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID)
            // I couldn't actually get this function to call when testing changes
            object remoteValue = DoRemote(requestingAgentID, AgentID, GroupID);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                return (List<GroupRolesData>) remoteValue;

            //No permissions check necessary, we are checking only roles that they are in, so if they arn't in the group, that isn't a problem

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();
            tables.AddTable("osgrouprolemembership", "osgm");
            tables.AddTable("osrole", "osr", JoinType.Inner, new[,] {{"osgm.RoleID", "osr.RoleID"}});

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["osgm.AgentID"] = AgentID;
            filter.andFilters["osgm.GroupID"] = GroupID;

            string[] fields = new[]
            List<string> Roles = data.Query(fields, tables, filter, null, null, null);

            filter = new QueryFilter();

            List<GroupRolesData> RolesData = new List<GroupRolesData>();

            for (int loop = 0; loop < Roles.Count; loop += fields.Length)
                RolesData.Add(new GroupRolesData
                                      RoleID = UUID.Parse(Roles[loop + 4]),
                                      Name = Roles[loop + 0],
                                      Description = Roles[loop + 1],
                                      Powers = ulong.Parse(Roles[loop + 3]),
                                      Title = Roles[loop + 2]

            return RolesData;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override List <string> QueryFullData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
            string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} {2}", wantedValue, tables.ToSQL(), whereClause);

Exemplo n.º 18
 public abstract List<string> QueryFullData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public abstract List <string> QueryFullData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public abstract DataReaderConnection QueryData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public abstract Dictionary <string, List <string> > QueryNames(string[] keyRow, object[] keyValue,
                                                                QueryTables tables, string wantedValue);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public abstract List <string> Query(string[] wantedValue, QueryTables tables, QueryFilter queryFilter,
                                     Dictionary <string, bool> sort, uint?start, uint?count);
        public List<GroupRolesData> GetAgentGroupRoles(UUID requestingAgentID, UUID agentID, UUID groupID)
            if (m_doRemoteOnly) {
                object remoteValue = DoRemote (requestingAgentID, agentID, groupID);
                return remoteValue != null ? (List<GroupRolesData>)remoteValue : new List<GroupRolesData> ();

            //No permissions check necessary, we are checking only roles that they are in, so if they arn't in the group, that isn't a problem

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();
            tables.AddTable(_MEMBERSHIPROLEREALM, "osgm");
            tables.AddTable(_ROLEREALM, "osr", JoinType.Inner, new[,] {{"osgm.RoleID", "osr.RoleID"}});

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["osgm.AgentID"] = agentID;
            filter.andFilters["osgm.GroupID"] = groupID;

            string[] fields = new[]
            List<string> Roles = GD.Query(fields, tables, filter, null, null, null);

            filter = new QueryFilter();

            List<GroupRolesData> RolesData = new List<GroupRolesData>();

            for (int loop = 0; loop < Roles.Count; loop += fields.Length)
                RolesData.Add(new GroupRolesData
                                      RoleID = UUID.Parse(Roles[loop + 4]),
                                      Name = Roles[loop + 0],
                                      Description = Roles[loop + 1],
                                      Powers = ulong.Parse(Roles[loop + 3]),
                                      Title = Roles[loop + 2]

            return RolesData;
        public List<GroupRoleMembersData> GetGroupRoleMembers(UUID requestingAgentID, UUID GroupID)
            object remoteValue = DoRemote(requestingAgentID, GroupID);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                return (List<GroupRoleMembersData>) remoteValue;

            List<GroupRoleMembersData> RoleMembers = new List<GroupRoleMembersData>();

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();
            tables.AddTable("osgrouprolemembership", "osgrm");
            tables.AddTable("osrole", "osr", JoinType.Inner, new[,] {{"osr.RoleID", "osgrm.RoleID"}});

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["osgrm.GroupID"] = GroupID;
            string[] fields = new[]
            List<string> Roles = data.Query(fields, tables, filter, null, null, null);

            GroupMembersData GMD = GetAgentGroupMemberData(requestingAgentID, GroupID, requestingAgentID);
            const long canViewMemebersBit = 140737488355328L;
            for (int i = 0; i < Roles.Count; i += fields.Length)
                GroupRoleMembersData RoleMember = new GroupRoleMembersData
                                                          RoleID = UUID.Parse(Roles[i]),
                                                          MemberID = UUID.Parse(Roles[i + 1])

                // if they are a member, they can see everyone, otherwise, only the roles that are supposed to be shown
                if (GMD != null ||
                    ((long.Parse(Roles[i + 2]) & canViewMemebersBit) == canViewMemebersBit ||
                     RoleMember.MemberID == requestingAgentID))

            return RoleMembers;
 public override DataReaderConnection QueryData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
     string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} {2}", wantedValue, tables, whereClause);
     SqliteConnection conn;
     var data = QueryData2(query, out conn);
     return new DataReaderConnection {DataReader = data, Connection = conn};
        public List<GroupMembershipData> GetAgentGroupMemberships(UUID requestingAgentID, UUID AgentID)
            object remoteValue = DoRemote(requestingAgentID, AgentID);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                return (List<GroupMembershipData>) remoteValue;

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();
            tables.AddTable("osgroup", "osg");
            tables.AddTable("osgroupmembership", "osgm", JoinType.Inner, new[,] {{"osg.GroupID", "osgm.GroupID"}});
            tables.AddTable("osrole", "osr", JoinType.Inner, new[,] {{"osgm.SelectedRoleID", "osr.RoleID"}});

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["osgm.AgentID"] = AgentID;

            string[] fields = new[]
            List<string> Membership = data.Query(fields, tables, filter, null, null, null);
            List<GroupMembershipData> results = new List<GroupMembershipData>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < Membership.Count; loop += fields.Length)
                results.Add(new GroupMembershipData
                                    AcceptNotices = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 0]) == 1,
                                    Active = true,
                                    //TODO: Figure out what this is and its effects if false
                                    ActiveRole = UUID.Parse(Membership[loop + 3]),
                                    AllowPublish = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 6]) == 1,
                                    Charter = Membership[loop + 7],
                                    Contribution = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 1]),
                                    FounderID = UUID.Parse(Membership[loop + 8]),
                                    GroupID = UUID.Parse(Membership[loop + 15]),
                                    GroupName = Membership[loop + 9],
                                    GroupPicture = UUID.Parse(Membership[loop + 10]),
                                    GroupPowers = ulong.Parse(Membership[loop + 5]),
                                    GroupTitle = Membership[loop + 4],
                                    ListInProfile = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 2]) == 1,
                                    MaturePublish = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 11]) == 1,
                                    MembershipFee = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 12]),
                                    OpenEnrollment = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 13]) == 1,
                                    ShowInList = int.Parse(Membership[loop + 14]) == 1
            return results;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public override List<string> Query(string[] wantedValue, QueryTables tables, QueryFilter queryFilter,
     Dictionary<string, bool> sort, uint? start, uint? count)
     string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}", string.Join(", ", wantedValue), tables.ToSQL());
     return Query2(query, queryFilter, sort, start, count);
        public GroupMembershipData GetGroupMembershipData(UUID requestingAgentID, UUID GroupID, UUID AgentID)
            object remoteValue = DoRemote(requestingAgentID, GroupID, AgentID);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                return (GroupMembershipData) remoteValue;

            if (GroupID == UUID.Zero)
                GroupID = GetAgentActiveGroup(requestingAgentID, AgentID);
            if (GroupID == UUID.Zero)
                return null;

            QueryTables tables = new QueryTables();
            tables.AddTable("osgroup", "osg");
            tables.AddTable("osgroupmembership", "osgm", JoinType.Inner, new[,] {{"osg.GroupID", "osgm.GroupID"}});
            tables.AddTable("osrole", "osr", JoinType.Inner,
                            new[,] {{"osgm.SelectedRoleID", "osr.RoleID"}, {"osr.GroupID", "osg.GroupID"}});

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["osg.GroupID"] = GroupID;
            filter.andFilters["osgm.AgentID"] = AgentID;

            string[] fields = new[]
            List<string> Membership = data.Query(fields, tables, filter, null, null, null);

            if (fields.Length != Membership.Count)
                return null;

            GroupMembershipData GMD = new GroupMembershipData
                                              AcceptNotices = int.Parse(Membership[0]) == 1,
                                              Active = true, //TODO: Figure out what this is and its effects if false
                                              ActiveRole = UUID.Parse(Membership[3]),
                                              AllowPublish = int.Parse(Membership[6]) == 1,
                                              Charter = Membership[7],
                                              Contribution = int.Parse(Membership[1]),
                                              FounderID = UUID.Parse(Membership[8]),
                                              GroupID = GroupID,
                                              GroupName = Membership[9],
                                              GroupPicture = UUID.Parse(Membership[10]),
                                              GroupPowers = ulong.Parse(Membership[5]),
                                              GroupTitle = Membership[4],
                                              ListInProfile = int.Parse(Membership[2]) == 1,
                                              MaturePublish = int.Parse(Membership[11]) == 1,
                                              MembershipFee = int.Parse(Membership[12]),
                                              OpenEnrollment = int.Parse(Membership[13]) == 1,
                                              ShowInList = int.Parse(Membership[14]) == 1

            return GMD;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public override DataReaderConnection QueryData(string whereClause, QueryTables tables, string wantedValue)
     string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} {2}", wantedValue, tables.ToSQL(), whereClause);
     return new DataReaderConnection {DataReader = QueryData2(query)};