Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a particular playlist based on its id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playlist_id">
        /// The id of the playlist requested.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="video_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="custom_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the custom fields you wish to have populated in the videos contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields. (defaults to all)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="playlist_fields">
        /// A comma-separated list of the fields you wish to have populated in the playlists contained in the returned object. Passing null populates with all fields.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a BCPlaylist item
        /// </returns>
        public BCPlaylist FindPlaylistById(long playlist_id, List <VideoFields> video_fields, List <string> custom_fields, List <PlaylistFields> playlist_fields, MediaDeliveryTypeEnum media_delivery)
            Dictionary <String, String> reqparams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //Build the REST parameter list
            reqparams.Add("command", "find_playlist_by_id");
            reqparams.Add("playlist_id", playlist_id.ToString());
            reqparams.Add("media_delivery", media_delivery.ToString());
            if (playlist_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("playlist_fields", playlist_fields.ToFieldString());
            if (video_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("video_fields", video_fields.ToFieldString());
            if (custom_fields != null)
                reqparams.Add("custom_fields", Implode(custom_fields));

            //Get the JSon reader returned from the APIRequest
            QueryResultPair qrp = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, Account);

            return(JSON.Converter.Deserialize <BCPlaylist>(qrp.JsonResult));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void MakeRequest(BCQueryResult qr, Dictionary <string, string> reqparams, BCObjectType itemType, BCAccount account)
            QueryResultPair qrp = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, account);

            qrp.JsonResult = qrp.JsonResult.Replace("\"items\":", "\"" + itemType.ToString() + "\":");
            qr.Merge(JSON.Converter.Deserialize <BCQueryResult>(qrp.JsonResult));
        public static QueryResultPair ExecuteRead(Dictionary <String, String> reqParams, AccountConfigElement a)
            String reqUrl = BuildReadQuery(reqParams, a);

            HttpWebRequest  webRequest = WebRequest.Create(reqUrl) as HttpWebRequest;
            HttpWebResponse response   = webRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
            TextReader      textreader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());

            string jsonStr = textreader.ReadToEnd();

            QueryResultPair qrp = new QueryResultPair(reqUrl, jsonStr);

        private static BCQueryResult MultipleQueryHandler(Dictionary <String, String> reqparams, BCObjectType itemType, AccountConfigElement account)
            //Get the JSon reader returned from the APIRequest
            BCQueryResult qr = new BCQueryResult();

            qr.TotalCount = 0;

            try {
                //set some global request paramameters
                if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_number"))
                    reqparams.Add("page_number", "0");

                //set if not set or
                if (!reqparams.ContainsKey("page_size"))
                    qr.MaxToGet = -1;
                    qr.MaxToGet = Convert.ToInt32(reqparams["page_size"]);

                //get initial query
                double maxPageNum = 0;

                QueryResultPair qrp = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, account);
                //convert the result for deserialization
                qrp.JsonResult = qrp.JsonResult.Replace("\"items\":", "\"" + itemType.ToString() + "\":");
                qr.Merge(JSON.Converter.Deserialize <BCQueryResult>(qrp.JsonResult));

                //make sure you get the correct page num
                if (qr.TotalCount > 0)
                    //if you want all use the total count to calculate the number of pages
                    if (qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1))
                        maxPageNum = Math.Ceiling((double)(qr.TotalCount / 100));
                    //or just use the max you want to calculate the number of pages
                        maxPageNum = Math.Ceiling((double)(qr.MaxToGet / 100));

                //if there are more to get move to next page and keep getting them
                for (int pageNum = 1; pageNum <= maxPageNum; pageNum++)
                    //update page each iteration
                    reqparams["page_number"] = pageNum.ToString();

                    QueryResultPair qrp2 = BCAPIRequest.ExecuteRead(reqparams, account);
                    //convert the result for deserialization
                    qrp2.JsonResult = qrp2.JsonResult.Replace("\"items\":", "\"" + itemType.ToString() + "\":");
                    qr.Merge(JSON.Converter.Deserialize <BCQueryResult>(qrp2.JsonResult));

                //sorting on our end

                if (itemType.Equals(BCObjectType.videos) && reqparams.ContainsKey("sort_by"))
                    if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("PUBLISH_DATE"))
                    else if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("PLAYS_TOTAL"))
                    else if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("PLAYS_TRAILING_WEEK"))
                    else if (reqparams["sort_by"].Equals("MODIFIED_DATE"))

                    //if they want asc
                    if (reqparams["sort_order"].Equals("DESC"))

                    //trim if specified
                    if (qr.Videos.Count > qr.MaxToGet && !qr.MaxToGet.Equals(-1) && qr.MaxToGet < qr.TotalCount)
                        List <BCVideo> vidTemp = qr.Videos.GetRange(0, Convert.ToInt32(qr.MaxToGet));

            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new Exception(ex.ToString());
