Exemplo n.º 1
        public MatchAccuracyMethod SelectsCorrectMatchAccuracyMethod(
            string urlSearch,
            MatchAccuracyMethod entryMam,
            MatchAccuracyMethod defaultMam,
            string[] overrideURLs = null,
            MatchAccuracyMethod[] overrideMethods = null)
            var pwe  = new PwEntry(true, true);
            var conf = new EntryConfig(entryMam);

            var urlSummary = URLSummary.FromURL(urlSearch);
            var dbConf     = new DatabaseConfig()
                DefaultMatchAccuracy = defaultMam

            if (overrideURLs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < overrideURLs.Length; i++)
                    dbConf.MatchedURLAccuracyOverrides.Add(overrideURLs[i], overrideMethods[i]);

            return(pwe.GetMatchAccuracyMethod(urlSummary, dbConf));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public MatchAccuracyEnum CalculatesCorrectMatchAccuracyScore(string urlEntry, string urlSearch, MatchAccuracyMethod entryMam)
            var pwe = new PwEntry(true, true);

            pwe.Strings.Set("URL", new ProtectedString(false, urlEntry));
            var conf = new EntryConfig(entryMam);

            var urlSummary = URLSummary.FromURL(urlSearch);

            return((MatchAccuracyEnum)KeePassRPCService.BestMatchAccuracyForAnyURL(pwe, conf, urlSearch, urlSummary, entryMam));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void ConvertKPRPCSeperateStringsToJSON(PwEntry pwe, PwDatabase db)
            //Sanity check to protect against duplicate updates
            if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC JSON"))

            ArrayList formFieldList = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList URLs = new ArrayList();
            //bool usernameFound = false;
            bool passwordFound = false;
            bool alwaysAutoFill = false;
            bool neverAutoFill = false;
            bool alwaysAutoSubmit = false;
            bool neverAutoSubmit = false;
            int priority = 0;
            string usernameName = "";
            string usernameValue = "";

            foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair
                <string, KeePassLib.Security.ProtectedString> pwestring in pwe.Strings)
                string pweKey = pwestring.Key;
                string pweValue = pwestring.Value.ReadString();

                if ((pweKey.StartsWith("Form field ") || pweKey.StartsWith("KPRPC Form field ")) && pweKey.EndsWith(" type") && pweKey.Length > 16)
                    string fieldName = "";
                    if (pweKey.StartsWith("Form field "))
                        fieldName = pweKey.Substring(11).Substring(0, pweKey.Length - 11 - 5);
                        fieldName = pweKey.Substring(17).Substring(0, pweKey.Length - 17 - 5);

                    string fieldId = "";
                    int fieldPage = 1;

                    if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form field " + fieldName + " page"))
                            fieldPage = int.Parse(GetPwEntryString(pwe, "Form field " + fieldName + " page", db));
                        catch (Exception)
                            fieldPage = 1;
                    else if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Form field " + fieldName + " page"))
                            fieldPage = int.Parse(GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC Form field " + fieldName + " page", db));
                        catch (Exception)
                            fieldPage = 1;

                    if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form field " + fieldName + " id"))
                        fieldId = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "Form field " + fieldName + " id", db);
                    else if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Form field " + fieldName + " id"))
                        fieldId = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC Form field " + fieldName + " id", db);

                    //Not going to backfill missing passwords and usernames but we do need to convert from old value placeholder to new one
                    if (pweValue == "password")
                        if (pwe.Strings.Exists("Form field " + fieldName + " value"))
                            formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                                fieldName, GetPwEntryString(pwe, "Form field " + fieldName + " value", db), FormFieldType.FFTpassword, fieldId, fieldPage));
                        else if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Form field " + fieldName + " value"))
                            formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                                fieldName, GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC Form field " + fieldName + " value", db), FormFieldType.FFTpassword, fieldId, fieldPage));
                        else if (!passwordFound) // it's the default password
                            formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                                "KeePass password", "{PASSWORD}", FormFieldType.FFTpassword, fieldId, fieldPage));
                            passwordFound = true;
                    else if (pweValue == "username")
                        string displayUser = "******";
                        //if (usernameFound)
                        //    displayUser = fieldName;
                        formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                            displayUser, "{USERNAME}", FormFieldType.FFTusername, fieldId, fieldPage));
                        usernameName = fieldName;
                        usernameValue = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "UserName", db);
                        //usernameFound = true;
                    else if (pweValue == "text")
                        formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                fieldName, GetFormFieldValue(pwe, fieldName, db), FormFieldType.FFTtext, fieldId, fieldPage));
                    else if (pweValue == "radio")
                        formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                fieldName, GetFormFieldValue(pwe, fieldName, db), FormFieldType.FFTradio, fieldId, fieldPage));
                    else if (pweValue == "select")
                        formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                fieldName, GetFormFieldValue(pwe, fieldName, db), FormFieldType.FFTselect, fieldId, fieldPage));
                    else if (pweValue == "checkbox")
                        formFieldList.Add(new FormField(fieldName,
                fieldName, GetFormFieldValue(pwe, fieldName, db), FormFieldType.FFTcheckbox, fieldId, fieldPage));
                else if (pweKey == "Alternative URLs" || pweKey == "KPRPC Alternative URLs")
                    string[] urlsArray = pweValue.Split(new char[] { ' ' });
                    foreach (string altURL in urlsArray)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(altURL)) URLs.Add(altURL);


            if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KeeFox Always Auto Fill") || pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Always Auto Fill"))
                alwaysAutoFill = true;
            if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KeeFox Always Auto Submit") || pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Always Auto Submit"))
                alwaysAutoSubmit = true;
            if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KeeFox Never Auto Fill") || pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Never Auto Fill"))
                neverAutoFill = true;
            if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KeeFox Never Auto Submit") || pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Never Auto Submit"))
                neverAutoSubmit = true;

            if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KeeFox Priority"))
                string priorityString = pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KeeFox Priority");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priorityString))
                        priority = int.Parse(priorityString);
                    { }

                    if (priority < 0 || priority > 100000)
                        priority = 0;
            if (pwe.Strings.Exists("KPRPC Priority"))
                string priorityString = pwe.Strings.ReadSafe("KPRPC Priority");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priorityString))
                        priority = int.Parse(priorityString);
                    { }

                    if (priority < 0 || priority > 100000)
                        priority = 0;

            string realm = "";
                realm = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "Form HTTP realm", db);
            catch (Exception) { realm = ""; }
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(realm))
                    realm = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC Form HTTP realm", db);
                catch (Exception) { realm = ""; }
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(realm))
                    realm = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC HTTP realm", db);
                catch (Exception) { realm = ""; }

            EntryConfig conf = new EntryConfig();
            conf.Hide = false;
            string hide = "";
                hide = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "Hide from KeeFox", db);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hide))
                    conf.Hide = true;
            catch (Exception) { hide = ""; }
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hide))
                    hide = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "Hide from KPRPC", db);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hide))
                        conf.Hide = true;
                catch (Exception) { hide = ""; }

            conf.BlockHostnameOnlyMatch = false;
            string block = "";
                block = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC Block hostname-only match", db);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(block))
                    conf.BlockHostnameOnlyMatch = true;
            catch (Exception) { block = ""; }

            FormField[] temp = (FormField[])formFieldList.ToArray(typeof(FormField));

            conf.AltURLs = (string[])URLs.ToArray(typeof(string));

                List<string> listNormalBlockedURLs = new List<string>();
                string urls = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC Blocked URLs", db);
                foreach (string url in urls.Split(' '))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) listNormalBlockedURLs.Add(url);
                conf.BlockedURLs = listNormalBlockedURLs.ToArray();
            catch (Exception) { }

                List<string> listRegExURLs = new List<string>();
                string urls = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC URL Regex match", db);
                foreach (string url in urls.Split(' '))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) listRegExURLs.Add(url);
                conf.RegExURLs = listRegExURLs.ToArray();
            catch (Exception) { }

                List<string> listRegExBlockedURLs = new List<string>();
                string urls = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "KPRPC URL Regex block", db);
                foreach (string url in urls.Split(' '))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) listRegExBlockedURLs.Add(url);
                conf.RegExBlockedURLs = listRegExBlockedURLs.ToArray();
            catch (Exception) { }

            conf.AlwaysAutoFill = alwaysAutoFill;
            conf.AlwaysAutoSubmit = alwaysAutoSubmit;
            conf.FormActionURL = GetPwEntryString(pwe, "Form match URL", db);
            conf.FormFieldList = temp;
            conf.HTTPRealm = realm;
            conf.NeverAutoFill = neverAutoFill;
            conf.NeverAutoSubmit = neverAutoSubmit;
            conf.Priority = priority;
            conf.Version = 1;

            // Store the new config info

            // Delete all old advanced strings...

            List<string> advancedStringKeysToDelete = new List<string>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ProtectedString> kvp in pwe.Strings)
                if (StringIsFromKPRPCv1(kvp.Key))
                    // Not sure how kindly KeePass would take to DB changes while iterating so we'll store a list for later

            foreach (string item in advancedStringKeysToDelete)
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void setPwEntryFromEntry(PwEntry pwe, Entry login)
            bool firstPasswordFound = false;
            EntryConfig conf = new EntryConfig();
            List<FormField> ffl = new List<FormField>();

            // Go through each form field, mostly just making a copy but with occasional tweaks such as default username and password selection
            // by convention, we'll always have the first text field as the username when both reading and writing from the EntryConfig
            foreach (FormField kpff in login.FormFieldList)
                if (kpff.Type == FormFieldType.FFTpassword && !firstPasswordFound)
                    ffl.Add(new FormField(kpff.Name, "KeePass password", "{PASSWORD}", kpff.Type, kpff.Id, kpff.Page));
                    pwe.Strings.Set("Password", new ProtectedString(host.Database.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword, kpff.Value));
                    firstPasswordFound = true;
                else if (kpff.Type == FormFieldType.FFTusername)
                    ffl.Add(new FormField(kpff.Name, "KeePass username", "{USERNAME}", kpff.Type, kpff.Id, kpff.Page));
                    pwe.Strings.Set("UserName", new ProtectedString(host.Database.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName, kpff.Value));
                    ffl.Add(new FormField(kpff.Name, kpff.Name, kpff.Value, kpff.Type, kpff.Id, kpff.Page));
            conf.FormFieldList = ffl.ToArray();

            List<string> altURLs = new List<string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < login.URLs.Length; i++)
                string url = login.URLs[i];
                if (i == 0)
                    URLSummary urlsum = URLSummary.FromURL(url);

                    // Require more strict default matching for entries that come
                    // with a port configured (user can override in the rare case
                    // that they want the loose domain-level matching)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlsum.Port))
                        conf.BlockDomainOnlyMatch = true;

                    pwe.Strings.Set("URL", new ProtectedString(host.Database.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl, url ?? ""));
            conf.AltURLs = altURLs.ToArray();
            conf.HTTPRealm = login.HTTPRealm;
            conf.Version = 1;

            // Set some of the string fields
            pwe.Strings.Set(PwDefs.TitleField, new ProtectedString(host.Database.MemoryProtection.ProtectTitle, login.Title ?? ""));

            // update the icon for this entry (in most cases we'll 
            // just detect that it is the same standard icon as before)
            PwUuid customIconUUID = PwUuid.Zero;
            PwIcon iconId = PwIcon.Key;
            if (login.IconImageData != null
                && login.IconImageData.Length > 0
                && base64ToIcon(login.IconImageData, ref customIconUUID, ref iconId))
                if (customIconUUID == PwUuid.Zero)
                    pwe.IconId = iconId;
                    pwe.CustomIconUuid = customIconUUID;

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void MergeEntries(PwEntry destination, PwEntry source, int urlMergeMode, PwDatabase db)
            EntryConfig destConfig = destination.GetKPRPCConfig();
            if (destConfig == null)

            EntryConfig sourceConfig = source.GetKPRPCConfig();
            if (sourceConfig == null)


            destConfig.HTTPRealm = sourceConfig.HTTPRealm;
            destination.IconId = source.IconId;
            destination.CustomIconUuid = source.CustomIconUuid;
            destination.Strings.Set("UserName", new ProtectedString(
                host.Database.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName, source.Strings.ReadSafe("UserName")));
            destination.Strings.Set("Password", new ProtectedString(
                host.Database.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword, source.Strings.ReadSafe("Password")));
            destConfig.FormFieldList = sourceConfig.FormFieldList;

            // This algorithm could probably be made more efficient (lots of O(n) operations
            // but we're dealing with pretty small n so I've gone with the conceptually
            // easiest approach for now).

            List<string> destURLs = new List<string>();
            if (destConfig.AltURLs != null)

            List<string> sourceURLs = new List<string>();
            if (sourceConfig.AltURLs != null)

            switch (urlMergeMode)
                case 1:
                    MergeInNewURLs(destURLs, sourceURLs);
                case 2:
                    MergeInNewURLs(destURLs, sourceURLs);
                case 3:
                    if (sourceURLs.Count > 0)
                        foreach (string sourceUrl in sourceURLs)
                            if (!destURLs.Contains(sourceUrl))
                case 4:
                    // No changes to URLs

            // These might not have changed but meh
            destination.Strings.Set("URL", new ProtectedString(host.Database.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl, destURLs[0]));
            destConfig.AltURLs = new string[0];
            if (destURLs.Count > 1)
                destConfig.AltURLs = destURLs.GetRange(1,destURLs.Count-1).ToArray();

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void AddPasswordBackupLogin(string password, string url)
            if (!host.Database.IsOpen)

            PwDatabase chosenDB = SelectDatabase("");
            var parentGroup = KeePassRPCPlugin.GetAndInstallKeeFoxPasswordBackupGroup(chosenDB);

            PwEntry newLogin = new PwEntry(true, true);
            newLogin.Strings.Set(PwDefs.TitleField, new ProtectedString(
                chosenDB.MemoryProtection.ProtectTitle, "KeeFox generated password at: " + DateTime.Now));
            newLogin.Strings.Set(PwDefs.UrlField, new ProtectedString(
                chosenDB.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl, url));
            newLogin.Strings.Set(PwDefs.PasswordField, new ProtectedString(
                chosenDB.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword, password));
            EntryConfig conf = new EntryConfig();
            conf.BlockDomainOnlyMatch = true;
            conf.Hide = true;
            parentGroup.AddEntry(newLogin, true);

            // We can't save the database at this point because KeePass steals
            // window focus while saving; that breaks Firefox's Australis UI panels.
            host.MainWindow.BeginInvoke(new dlgUpdateUINoSave(updateUINoSave));
