Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Execute()
            var queue     = new Queue <IProject>();
            var extractor = new ProjectDataExtractor();

            foreach (var project in _projects.AllProjects.Where(pn => pn.Version.IsSnapshot))             // first, deal with explicit version
                project.Version = _version.IsDefined ? project.Version.SwitchSnapshotToRelease(_version) : project.Version.SwitchSnapshotToRelease(_build, _postfix);
                foreach (var dependentProject in _projects.AllProjects)
                    if (!dependentProject.Version.IsDefined &&

            while (queue.Count != 0)             // handle queue of projects with inherited version, no need to switch, it is done already, only propagate
                var project          = queue.Dequeue();
                var projectReference = extractor.Extract(project);
                foreach (var dependentProject in _projects.AllProjects)
                    if (!dependentProject.Version.IsDefined &&
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IEnumerable <IProjectValidationProblem> Validate(IExecutionContext context, IProject project)
            foreach (var module in project.Operations().AllModules)
                var extractor = new ProjectDataExtractor();

                IProject moduleProject;
                if (context.TryGetModule(project, module.Path, out moduleProject))
                    if (extractor.Extract(project).Version.IsSnapshot&& !extractor.Extract(moduleProject).Version.IsSnapshot)
                        yield return(new ValidationProblem("modulereleasesnapshot")
                            ProjectReference = project,
                            Severity = ProblemSeverity.ProjectWarning,
                            Description = string.Format("try to build module in release during snapshot build: {0}", module.Path)
                    yield return(new ValidationProblem("modulemissing")
                        ProjectReference = project,
                        Severity = ProblemSeverity.ProjectWarning,
                        Description = string.Format("module {0} not found", module.Path)

                // REVIEW: move to tree integrity

                //	if (_repository.AllProjects.FirstOrDefault(p => PathOperations.ArePathesEqual(moduleProjectPath, p.FullPath)) == null)
                //	{
                //		string details = string.Format("Project contains a module '{0}', but corresponding project hasn't been loaded", module.Path);
                //		var fix = new DelegatedFix
                //		{
                //			Title = "Try to load the module",
                //			DelegatedAction = () => _repository.LoadOneProject(moduleProjectPath)
                //		};
                //		var error = new ValidationError(project, "Module hasn't been loaded", details, ErrorLevel.Error);
                //		error.AddFix(fix);
                //		ValidationErrors.Add(error);
                //		continue;
                //	}
Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool TryGetProject(IProjectReference reference, out IProject project, bool strictVersion = true)
            var operation = reference.ReferenceOperations();

            project = AllProjects.
                      SingleOrDefault(p =>
                var r = _extractor.Extract(p);
                return(operation.ReferenceEqualTo(r, strictVersion));
            return(project != null);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ExecuteFor(IProject targetProject, int?position = null, int?stopAtPosition = null)
            // var selected = _views.AllViews.Where(v => v.Checked).Select(v => v.ProjectNode);
            var searchOptions = new SearchOptions
                LookForDependent = true,
                LookForParents   = true,
                LookForPlugin    = true,
                OnlyDirectUsages = true,
                StrictVersion    = false

            var selector  = new DependencySelector(_projects, searchOptions);
            var extractor = new ProjectDataExtractor();

            var queue = new Queue <IProject>();


            while (queue.Count != 0)
                var project = queue.Dequeue();

                if (project.Version.IsRelease)                 // explicit release
                    project.Version = project.Version.Operations().ToSnapshotWithVersionIncrement(position, stopAtPosition);
                else if (project.Version.IsSnapshot)                 // explicit snapshot, just propogate
                else if (!project.Version.IsDefined && project.Parent != null && project.Parent.Version.IsRelease)                  // inherited from release
                    project.Version = project.Parent.Version.Operations().ToSnapshotWithVersionIncrement(position, stopAtPosition); // make it explicit
                else if (!project.Version.IsDefined && project.Parent != null && project.Parent.Version.IsSnapshot)                 // inherited from snapshot, just propogate
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"why project {project} in queue");
                var reference = extractor.Extract(project);

                foreach (var dependentProject in selector.SelectUsages(reference))
                    if (dependentProject.Operations().HasProjectAsParent(reference))
Exemplo n.º 5
        public IEnumerable <IProjectValidationProblem> Validate(IExecutionContext context, IProject project)
            var extractor = new ProjectDataExtractor();
            var extracted = extractor.Extract(project);
            var operation = extracted.ReferenceOperations();

            var potencial = context.AllProjects
                            .Where(p => p != project)
                            .Where(pe => operation.ReferenceEqualTo(pe));

            var external = context.AllExternalModules
                           .Where(ex => operation.ReferenceEqualTo(ex));

                   .Select(failed => new ValidationProblem("duplication")
                ProjectReference = project,
                Severity = ProblemSeverity.ProjectFatal,
                Description = string.Format("duplication {0}", failed)
Exemplo n.º 6
        // REVIEW need logical refactoring
        private IProjectValidationProblem ValidateInternal(IExecutionContext context, IProject project)
            var parentReference = project.Parent;

            if (parentReference == null)

            var extractor = new ProjectDataExtractor();

            IProject parentByPath;

            if (context.TryGetParentByPath(project, out parentByPath))
                var resolved = extractor.Extract(parentByPath);
                if (project.Operations().HasProjectAsParent(resolved))

                if (project.Operations().HasProjectAsParent(resolved, false))
                    return(new ValidationProblem("actualparentversion")                     // TODO: fixable
                        ProjectReference = project,
                        Severity = ProblemSeverity.ProjectWarning,
                        Description = string.Format("parent reference version {0} is different from actual parent {1}.", project.Parent, resolved)

            var validation = new ReferenceValidator(context);
            var result     = validation.ValidateReference(project, parentReference, "parent");

            if (result != null)

            // previosly found exact match, but it includes including external modules, should be ignored
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentReference.RelativePath) && context.IsExternalModule(parentReference))

            // exact match found, but path is wrong
            return(new ValidationProblem("parentpath")             // TODO: fixable
                ProjectReference = project,
                Severity = ProblemSeverity.ProjectWarning,
                Description = string.Format("incorrect relative path ({1}) to parent {0}", project.Parent, project.Parent.RelativePath)

            //		var parentProject = _repository.SelectProjectNodes(parent, true).Single();
            //		string resolvedPathToParent = PathOperations.GetRelativePath(_projectNode.FullPath, parentProject.FullPath);
            //		resolvedPathToParent = PathOperations.Normalize(resolvedPathToParent);

            //		if (!string.Equals(_projectNode.RelativeParentPath, resolvedPathToParent, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            //		{
            //			error.Details = string.Format("Parent path '{0}' does not point to {1}, should be {2}",
            //				_projectNode.RelativeParentPath, parentProject, resolvedPathToParent);

            //			error.AddFix(new RelativePathFix(project, resolvedPathToParent));
            //			_validationOutput.AddError(error);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void EmptyVersionTest()
            var resolved = _extractor.Extract(Project.Object);

            Assert.That(resolved.Version.IsDefined, Is.False);