Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void UpdateViewContent(FormRenderUpdateEventArgs formRenderUpdateEventArgs)
            //1. create platform bitmap
            // create the surface
            int w = 800;
            int h = 600;

            if (myImg == null)
                myImg = new TestGlfw.MyNativeRGBA32BitsImage(w, h);
                // create the surface
                var info = new SKImageInfo(w, h, SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, SKAlphaType.Premul);
                using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(info, myImg.Scan0, myImg.Stride))
                    // start drawing
                    SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;

            var glBmp = new PixelFarm.DrawingGL.GLBitmap(w, h, myImg.Scan0);

            _glsx.DrawImage(glBmp, 0, 600);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnInitGLProgram(object sender, EventArgs args)
            string vs = @"
                 attribute vec4 a_position;
                 attribute vec2 a_texCoord;
                 varying vec2 v_texCoord;
                 void main()
                        gl_Position = a_position;
                        v_texCoord = a_texCoord;
            string fs = @"
                 precision mediump float;   
                 varying vec2 v_texCoord;
                 uniform sampler2D s_baseMap;
                 uniform sampler2D s_lightMap;
                 void main()
                        vec4 baseColor;
                        vec4 lightColor;
                        baseColor = texture2D(s_baseMap, v_texCoord);
                        lightColor = texture2D(s_lightMap, v_texCoord);
                        gl_FragColor = baseColor * (lightColor + 0.25);

            mProgram = ES2Utils.CompileProgram(vs, fs);
            if (mProgram == 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            // Get the attribute locations
            mPositionLoc = GL.GetAttribLocation(mProgram, "a_position");
            mTexCoordLoc = GL.GetAttribLocation(mProgram, "a_texCoord");
            // Get the sampler location
            mBaseMapLoc  = GL.GetUniformLocation(mProgram, "s_baseMap");
            mLightMapLoc = GL.GetUniformLocation(mProgram, "s_lightMap");
            // Load the textures
            baseMapBmp  = LoadTexture(RootDemoPath.Path + @"\SampleImages\basemap01.png");
            lightMapBmp = LoadTexture(RootDemoPath.Path + @"\SampleImages\lightmap01.png");
            if (mBaseMapTexID == 0 || mLightMapTexID == 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            isGLInit = true;
            this.EnableAnimationTimer = true;