protected async Task <bool> ReadData(Endpoint endpoint, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)
            if (endpoint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endpoint));

            if (pipelineStep == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pipelineStep));

            if (pipelineContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pipelineContext));

            var repositorySettings = Context.GetPlugin <RepositorySettings>();

            if (repositorySettings == null)
                logger.Error("No repository settings plugin is specified on the context (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (repositorySettings.Client == null)
                logger.Error("No client is specified on the repository settings (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var applicationEndpointSettings = endpoint.GetApplicationEndpointSettings();
            var applicationSettings         = (ApplicationSettings)applicationEndpointSettings?.Application?.RefreshPlugin.Invoke();

            if (applicationSettings == null)
                logger.Error("No application is specified on the endpoint (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationSettings.BaseUrl))
                logger.Error("No Base Url is specified on the endpoint (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationSettings.AccessToken))
                logger.Warn("No access token is specified on the endpoint (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);
                //return false;

            var resourceSettings = pipelineStep.GetResourceSettings();

            if (resourceSettings == null)
                logger.Error("No resource is specified on the pipeline step (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceSettings.Url))
                logger.Error("No url is specified on the resource (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceSettings.Method))
                logger.Error("No method is specified on the resource (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var readDataSettings = pipelineStep.GetReadResourceDataSettings();

            if (readDataSettings == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(readDataSettings.PathExpression))
                logger.Error("No path expression is specified on the pipeline step. (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var    iterableData = new JArray();
            string json         = null;

                bool hasMore;
                    hasMore = false;

                    var response = await repositorySettings.Client.SendAsync(applicationSettings, resourceSettings);

                    logger.Debug($"Data read from {response.RequestMessage.RequestUri} (pipeline step: {pipelineStep.Name}, endpoint: {endpoint.Name})");
                    json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    var jObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(json);

                    if (jObject == null)
                        logger.Debug("No data returned from request. (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);
                        var jArray = (JArray)jObject.SelectToken(readDataSettings.PathExpression, false);

                        if (jArray == null)
                            logger.Debug("No data returned from path expression. (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);
                            logger.Info("{0} rows were read from endpoint. (pipeline step: {1}, endpoint: {2})", jArray.Count, pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

                            if (resourceSettings.Paging != null)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceSettings.Paging.NextTokenPathExpression))
                                    var nextToken = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.NextTokenPathExpression, false);
                                    hasMore = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextToken?.Value <string>());
                                    var pageToken       = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.CurrentPagePathExpression, false);
                                    var pageSizeToken   = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.PageSizePathExpression, false);
                                    var totalCountToken = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.TotalCountPathExpression, false);

                                    var page       = pageToken?.Value <int?>() ?? 0;
                                    var pageSize   = pageSizeToken?.Value <int?>() ?? resourceSettings.Paging.PageSize;
                                    var totalCount = totalCountToken?.Value <int?>() ?? int.MinValue;

                                    hasMore = page * pageSize > 0 &&
                                              page * pageSize < totalCount;
                } while (resourceSettings.Paging != null && hasMore);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string truncatedResponse = json;
                if (truncatedResponse?.Length > 200)
                    truncatedResponse = $"{truncatedResponse.Substring(0, 200)}...";

                logger.Error($"An exception was thrown reading data: {ex.Message}. Enable DEBUG to see the first 200 characters of the response. (pipeline step: {pipelineStep.Name}, endpoint: {endpoint.Name})");
                logger.Debug($"First 200 characters of the response: \"{truncatedResponse}\".");


            logger.Info("{0} total rows were read from endpoint. (pipeline step: {1}, endpoint: {2})", iterableData.Count, pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var dataSettings = new IterableDataSettings(iterableData);


Exemplo n.º 2
        protected async Task <bool> ReadData(Endpoint endpoint, PipelineStep pipelineStep, PipelineContext pipelineContext, ILogger logger)
            if (endpoint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endpoint));

            if (pipelineStep == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pipelineStep));

            if (pipelineContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pipelineContext));

            var repositorySettings = Context.GetPlugin <RepositorySettings>();

            if (repositorySettings == null)
                logger.Error("No repository settings plugin is specified on the context (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (repositorySettings.Client == null)
                logger.Error("No client is specified on the repository settings (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var applicationEndpointSettings = endpoint.GetApplicationEndpointSettings();
            var applicationSettings         = (ApplicationSettings)applicationEndpointSettings?.Application?.RefreshPlugin.Invoke();

            if (applicationSettings == null)
                logger.Error("No application is specified on the endpoint (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationSettings.BaseUrl))
                logger.Error("No Base Url is specified on the endpoint (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(applicationSettings.AccessToken))
                logger.Warn("No access token is specified on the endpoint (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);
                //return false;

            var resourceSettings = pipelineStep.GetResourceSettings();

            if (resourceSettings == null)
                logger.Error("No resource is specified on the pipeline step (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceSettings.Url))
                logger.Error("No url is specified on the resource (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceSettings.Method))
                logger.Error("No method is specified on the resource (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var readDataSettings = pipelineStep.GetReadResourceDataSettings();

            if (readDataSettings == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(readDataSettings.PathExpression))
                logger.Error("No path expression is specified on the pipeline step. (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var  iterableData = new JArray();
            bool hasMore;

                hasMore = false;

                var response = await repositorySettings.Client.SendAsync(applicationSettings, resourceSettings);

                var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var jObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(json);

                if (jObject == null)
                    logger.Debug("No data returned from request. (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);
                    var jArray = (JArray)jObject.SelectToken(readDataSettings.PathExpression, false);

                    if (jArray == null)
                        logger.Debug("No data returned from path expression. (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);
                    else if (jArray.Count == 0)
                        logger.Info("No items returned from request. (pipeline step: {0}, endpoint: {1})", pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);
                        logger.Info("{0} rows were read from endpoint. (pipeline step: {1}, endpoint: {2})", jArray.Count, pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

                        if (resourceSettings.Paging != null)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceSettings.Paging.NextTokenPathExpression))
                                var nextToken = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.NextTokenPathExpression, false);

                                resourceSettings.Paging.NextToken = nextToken?.Value <string>();

                                hasMore = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextToken?.Value <string>());
                                var pageToken       = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.CurrentPagePathExpression, false);
                                var pageSizeToken   = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.PageSizePathExpression, false);
                                var totalCountToken = jObject.SelectToken(resourceSettings.Paging.TotalCountPathExpression, false);

                                var page       = pageToken?.Value <int?>() ?? 0;
                                var pageSize   = pageSizeToken?.Value <int?>() ?? resourceSettings.Paging.PageSize;
                                var totalCount = totalCountToken?.Value <int?>() ?? int.MinValue;
                                var maxCount   = resourceSettings.Paging.MaximumCount;

                                resourceSettings.Paging.Page       = page + 1;
                                resourceSettings.Paging.PageSize   = pageSize;
                                resourceSettings.Paging.TotalCount = totalCount;

                                hasMore = page * pageSize > 0 &&
                                          page * pageSize < totalCount &&
                                          page * pageSize < maxCount;
            } while (resourceSettings.Paging != null && hasMore);

            logger.Info("{0} total rows were read from endpoint. (pipeline step: {1}, endpoint: {2})", iterableData.Count, pipelineStep.Name, endpoint.Name);

            var dataSettings = new IterableDataSettings(iterableData);

