Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession s = this.CurrentSession;

            using (ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction())
                Guid userID   = new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]);
                Guid clientID = new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]);

                PersistentUser   user   = s.Get <PersistentUser>(userID);
                PersistentClient client = s.Get <PersistentClient>(clientID);

                if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

                if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

                PersistentProfileHostVerification verification = new PersistentProfileHostVerification();

                verification.VerificationData     = context.Request["VerificationData"];
                verification.VerificationFileName = context.Request["VerificationFileName"];
                verification.WhoisEmail           = context.Request["WhoisRegex"];


Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession s = this.CurrentSession;

            using (ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction())
                Guid userID   = new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]);
                Guid clientID = new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]);

                PersistentUser   user   = s.Get <PersistentUser>(userID);
                PersistentClient client = s.Get <PersistentClient>(clientID);

                if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

                if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

            IToolOptions options = new WhoisToolOptions();

            (options as WhoisToolOptions).Host = context.Request["Host"];
            (options as WhoisToolOptions).Path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["whoisPath"];

            Whois whois = new Whois(options as IToolOptions);

            WhoisToolResults results = whois.Run() as WhoisToolResults;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            bool isActive  = bool.Parse(context.Request["IsActive"]);
            Guid profileID = new Guid(context.Request["ProfileID"]);

            PersistentProfile profile = sess.Get <PersistentProfile>(profileID);
            string            xml     = profile.ToPersistentXml();

Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            Guid hostPortID = new Guid(context.Request["HostPortID"]);
            bool isActive   = Boolean.Parse(context.Request["IsActive"]);

            PersistentSQLMapResults sqlMapResults = sess.CreateCriteria <PersistentSQLMapResults>()
                                                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentHostPortID", hostPortID))
                                                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsActive", isActive))
                                                    .UniqueResult <PersistentSQLMapResults>();

            if (sqlMapResults == null)
                throw new Exception("No record found with those restrictions.");

            string xml = sqlMapResults.ToPersistentXml();

Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            using (NexposeSession nsess = new NexposeSession("" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Nexpose"] + ""))
                nsess.Authenticate("nexpose", "nexpose");

                using (NexposeManager11 manager = new NexposeManager11(nsess))
                    XmlDocument engines = manager.GetScanEngineListing();

Exemplo n.º 6
 public Redis(int maxWritePoolSize, int maxReadPoolSize, string[] readWriteHosts, string[] readOnlyHosts, long initalDb, TimeSpan defaultExpirationTime)
             var config = new RedisClientManagerConfig
                 MaxWritePoolSize = maxWritePoolSize, //“写”链接池链接数
                 MaxReadPoolSize  = maxReadPoolSize,  //“读”链接池链接数
                 AutoStart        = true,
             PooledRedisClientManager.Add(initalDb, new PooledRedisClientManager(readWriteHosts, readOnlyHosts, config, initalDb, null, null));
         catch (Exception e)
             //LFFK.LogManager.Error(CacheConstants.Error_Init, e);
         DefaultExpirationTime = defaultExpirationTime;
         InitalDb         = initalDb;
         ReadWriteHost    = readWriteHosts[0];
         MaxWritePoolSize = maxWritePoolSize;
         MaxReadPoolSize  = maxReadPoolSize;
         ReadWriteHosts   = readWriteHosts;
         ReadOnlyHosts    = readWriteHosts;
         PersistentClient.Add(initalDb, new RedisClient(ReadWriteHost.Split(':')[0], Convert.ToInt32(ReadWriteHost.Split(':')[1]), db: initalDb));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(Constants.Error_Data_InitConfigFailed, ex);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            bool isActive = bool.Parse(context.Request["IsActive"]);
            Guid scanID   = new Guid(context.Request["ScanID"]);

            PersistentOpenVASTask task = sess.CreateCriteria <PersistentOpenVASTask>()
                                         .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ScanID", scanID))
                                         .List <PersistentOpenVASTask>()
                                         .FirstOrDefault(); //in case IsActive is false and more than one scan related to profile is inactive.

            if (task == null)
                throw new Exception("A scan with the conditions asked for doesn't exist.");

Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession s = this.CurrentSession;

            using (ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction()) {
                Guid userID   = new Guid(context.Request ["UserID"]);
                Guid clientID = new Guid(context.Request ["ClientID"]);

                PersistentUser   user   = s.Get <PersistentUser> (userID);
                PersistentClient client = s.Get <PersistentClient> (clientID);

                if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

                if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

                PersistentProfile     p    = s.Get <PersistentProfile>(new Guid(context.Request["ProfileID"]));
                DateTime              now  = DateTime.Now;
                PersistentProfileHost host = new PersistentProfileHost(new Guid(context.Request ["WebUserID"]));
                host.ParentProfile       = p;
                host.Name                = context.Request["HostSubDomain"];
                host.IPv4Address         = Dns.GetHostEntry(context.Request["HostSubDomain"]).AddressList [0].ToString();
                host.VerifiedByFile      = true;
                host.VerifiedByWhois     = true;
                host.VerifiedOn          = DateTime.Now;
                host.WasManuallyVerified = false;
                host.IsVerified          = true;
                host.CreatedBy           = Guid.Empty;
                host.CreatedOn           = now;
                host.LastModifiedBy      = Guid.Empty;
                host.LastModifiedOn      = now;
                host.IsActive            = true;

                p.Range += " " + host.IPv4Address;
                p.SetUpdateInfo(Guid.Empty, true);


                try {
                } catch (Exception ex) {

                    throw ex;

                string xml = host.ToPersistentXML(false /*include nmap hosts? no, because none exist right now*/);

Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            Guid userID   = new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]);
            Guid clientID = new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]);

            ISession s = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser user = s.CreateCriteria <PersistentUser>()
                                  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ID", userID))
                                  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsActive", true))
                                  .UniqueResult <PersistentUser>();

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (!user.Client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            using (ITransaction trans = s.BeginTransaction())
                PersistentClient newClient = new PersistentClient();

                newClient.HasAPIAccess = bool.Parse(context.Request["NewClientHasAPIAccess"]);
                newClient.LogoPath     = context.Request["NewClientLogoPath"];
                newClient.Name         = context.Request["NewClientName"];



                catch (Exception ex)

                    throw ex;
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            string uuid     = context.Request["ReportUUID"];
            string hostname = context.Request["Hostname"];
            int    port     = int.Parse(context.Request["PortNumber"]);
            string protocol = context.Request["Protocol"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uuid))
                throw new Exception("no uuid");

            NessusManagerSession nessusSession = new NessusManagerSession(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nessusHost"]);

            bool loggedIn = false;

            nessusSession.Authenticate(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nessusUser"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nessusPass"], 1234, out loggedIn);

            if (!loggedIn)
                throw new Exception("Invalid username/password");

            NessusObjectManager nessusManager = new NessusObjectManager(nessusSession);

            XmlDocument doc = nessusManager.GetReportDetailsByPortAndHost(uuid, hostname, port, protocol);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            string readableName = context.Request["ReportReadableName"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(readableName))
                throw new Exception("no readable name");

            NessusManagerSession nessusSession = new NessusManagerSession("");

            bool loggedIn = false;

            nessusSession.Authenticate("nessus", "nessus", 1234, out loggedIn);

            if (!loggedIn)
                throw new Exception("Invalid username/password");

            NessusObjectManager nessusManager = new NessusObjectManager(nessusSession);

            NessusReport report = nessusManager.GetReports()
                                  .Where(r => r.ReadableName == readableName)

        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            string uuid = context.Request["ReportUUID"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uuid))
                throw new Exception("no uuid");

            NessusManagerSession nessusSession = new NessusManagerSession(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nessusHost"]);

            bool loggedIn = false;

            nessusSession.Authenticate(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nessusUser"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nessusPass"], 1234, out loggedIn);

            if (!loggedIn)
                throw new Exception("Invalid username/password");

            NessusObjectManager nessusManager = new NessusObjectManager(nessusSession);

            var hosts = nessusManager.GetReportHosts(uuid);

Exemplo n.º 14
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            bool isActive  = bool.Parse(context.Request["IsActive"]);
            Guid profileID = new Guid(context.Request["ProfileID"]);

            PersistentScan scan = sess.CreateCriteria <PersistentScan>()
                                  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("ParentProfileID", profileID))
                                  .Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsActive", isActive))
                                  .SetFetchMode("ScanOptions", FetchMode.Eager)
                                  .List <PersistentScan>()
                                  .LastOrDefault(); //in case IsActive is false and more than one scan related to profile is inactive.

            if (scan == null)
                throw new Exception("A scan with the conditions asked for doesn't exist.");

            string xml = scan.ToPersistentXml();

Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            bool isActive  = bool.Parse(context.Request["IsActive"]);
            Guid webUserID = new Guid(context.Request["WebUserID"]);

            IList <PersistentProfile> profiles = sess.CreateCriteria <PersistentProfile>()
                                                 .Add(Restrictions.Eq("WebUserID", webUserID))
                                                 .Add(Restrictions.Eq("IsActive", isActive))
                                                 .List <PersistentProfile>();

            string xml = string.Empty;

            xml = xml + "<profiles>";
            foreach (PersistentProfile profile in profiles)
                xml = xml + profile.ToPersistentXml();
            xml = xml + "</profiles>";

        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession sess = this.CurrentSession;

            PersistentUser   user   = sess.Get <PersistentUser>(new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]));
            PersistentClient client = sess.Get <PersistentClient>(new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]));

            if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                throw new Exception("no api access");

            Guid tid = new Guid(context.Request["TracerouteID"]);

//			TracerouteToolResults traceroute = this.CurrentScanSession.CreateCriteria<TracerouteToolResults>()
//				.Add(Restrictions.Eq("NMapHostID", tid))
//				.Add(Restrictions.Eq("ProfileID", this.CurrentProfile.ProfileID))
//				.UniqueResult<TracerouteToolResults>();
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ISession s = this.CurrentSession;

            using (ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction())
                Guid userID   = new Guid(context.Request["UserID"]);
                Guid clientID = new Guid(context.Request["ClientID"]);

                PersistentUser   user   = s.Get <PersistentUser>(userID);
                PersistentClient client = s.Get <PersistentClient>(clientID);

                if (user == null || !user.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

                if (client == null || !client.HasAPIAccess)
                    throw new Exception("no api access");

                PersistentProfile profile = new PersistentProfile();

                string webUserID = context.Request["WebUserID"];

                profile.WebUserID   = new Guid(context.Request["WebUserID"]);
                profile.Description = context.Request["ProfileDescription"];
                profile.Name        = context.Request["ProfileName"];
                profile.Range       = context.Request["ProfileDomain"];
                profile.Domain      = context.Request["ProfileDomain"];
                profile.RunEvery    = new TimeSpan(24 * (int.Parse(context.Request["ProfileSchedule"])), 0, 0);            //30 days
                profile.RunAfter    = DateTime.Now;
                profile.HasRun      = false;



                foreach (string h in profile.Range.Split(','))
                    PersistentProfileHost host = new PersistentProfileHost(new Guid(context.Request["WebUserID"]));
                    host.ParentProfile       = profile;
                    host.IPv4Address         = Dns.GetHostEntry(h).AddressList[0].ToString();
                    host.VerifiedByFile      = true;
                    host.VerifiedByWhois     = true;
                    host.VerifiedOn          = DateTime.Now;
                    host.WasManuallyVerified = false;
                    host.IsVerified          = true;


                catch (Exception ex)

                    throw ex;

                string xml = profile.ToPersistentXml();
