Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void IoTest(PerformanceTestRequest request)
            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(request, Console.WriteLine);

            var result = tester.Result;

            var hasReads  = request.OperationType == OperationType.Read || request.OperationType == OperationType.Mix;
            var hasWrites = request.OperationType == OperationType.Write || request.OperationType == OperationType.Mix;

            if (hasReads)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Total read: {0}", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalRead)));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Average read: {0}/s", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalRead / request.TimeToRunInSeconds)));
                sb.AppendLine("Read latency");
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMin:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Min));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMean:  {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Mean));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMax:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Max));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tStdev: {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Stdev));

                sb.AppendLine("Read latency percentiles");
                foreach (var percentile in result.ReadLatency.Percentiles)
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\t{0}: {1:#,#.##;;0}", percentile.Key, percentile.Value));

            if (hasWrites)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Total write: {0}", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalWrite)));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Average write: {0}/s", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalWrite / request.TimeToRunInSeconds)));
                sb.AppendLine("Write latency");
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMin:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Min));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMean:  {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Mean));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMax:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Max));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tStdev: {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Stdev));

                sb.AppendLine("Write latency percentiles");
                foreach (var percentile in result.WriteLatency.Percentiles)
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\t{0}: {1:#,#.##;;0}", percentile.Key, percentile.Value));

        public DiskPerformanceTester(PerformanceTestRequest testRequest, Action<string> onInfo, CancellationToken taskKillToken = default(CancellationToken))
            this.testRequest = testRequest;
            this.onInfo = onInfo;
            this.taskKillToken = taskKillToken;
            testTimerCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            linkedCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(taskKillToken, testTimerCts.Token);
            threads = new List<Thread>(testRequest.ThreadCount);
            dataStorage = new DiskPerformanceStorage();
            perThreadRandom = Enumerable.Range(1, testRequest.ThreadCount)
                .Select(i => testRequest.RandomSeed.HasValue ? new Random(testRequest.RandomSeed.Value) : new Random()).ToList();

            if (testRequest.Sequential && testRequest.OperationType == OperationType.Mix)
                onInfo("Sequential test with mixed read/write mode is not supported. Changing to random access");
                testRequest.Sequential = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestRandomWrite()
            var performanceRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest
                FileSize = (long)128 * 1024,
                OperationType = OperationType.Write,
                Path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "data.ravendb-io-test"),
                Sequential = false,
                ThreadCount = 4,
                TimeToRunInSeconds = 5,
                ChunkSize = 4 * 1024

            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(performanceRequest, s => { });
            var result = tester.Result;
            Assert.Equal(0, result.TotalRead);
            Assert.True(result.TotalWrite > 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestRandomRead()
            var performanceRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest
                FileSize           = (long)128 * 1024,
                OperationType      = OperationType.Read,
                Path               = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "data.ravendb-io-test"),
                Sequential         = false,
                ThreadCount        = 4,
                TimeToRunInSeconds = 5,
                ChunkSize          = 4 * 1024

            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(performanceRequest, s => { });

            var result = tester.Result;

            Assert.Equal(0, result.TotalWrite);
            Assert.True(result.TotalRead > 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestCanCancelPerformanceTest()
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();


            var performanceRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest
                FileSize           = (long)128 * 1024,
                OperationType      = OperationType.Mix,
                Path               = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "data.ravendb-io-test"),
                Sequential         = false,
                ThreadCount        = 4,
                TimeToRunInSeconds = 30,
                ChunkSize          = 4 * 1024

            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(performanceRequest, s => { }, cts.Token);

            Assert.Throws <OperationCanceledException>(() => tester.TestDiskIO());
Exemplo n.º 6
		private static void Main(string[] args)
            var performanceRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest
                FileSize = (long) 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
                OperationType = OperationType.Read,
                BufferingType = BufferingType.ReadAndWrite,
                Path = "c:\\temp\\data.ravendb-io-test",
                Sequential = true,
                ThreadCount = 4,
                TimeToRunInSeconds = 100,
                ChunkSize = 4 * 1024

            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(performanceRequest, Console.WriteLine, CancellationToken.None);

		    var r = tester.Result;

Exemplo n.º 7
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var performanceRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest
                FileSize           = (long)1024 * 1024 * 1024,
                OperationType      = OperationType.Read,
                BufferingType      = BufferingType.ReadAndWrite,
                Path               = "c:\\temp\\data.ravendb-io-test",
                Sequential         = true,
                ThreadCount        = 4,
                TimeToRunInSeconds = 100,
                ChunkSize          = 4 * 1024

            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(performanceRequest, Console.WriteLine, CancellationToken.None);


            var r = tester.Result;

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestCanCancelPerformanceTest()
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var performanceRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest
                FileSize = (long)128 * 1024,
                OperationType = OperationType.Mix,
                Path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "data.ravendb-io-test"),
                Sequential = false,
                ThreadCount = 4,
                TimeToRunInSeconds = 30,
                ChunkSize = 4 * 1024

            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(performanceRequest, s => { }, cts.Token);
            Assert.Throws<OperationCanceledException>(() => tester.TestDiskIO());
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void IoTest(PerformanceTestRequest request)
            var tester = new DiskPerformanceTester(request, Console.WriteLine);
            var result = tester.Result;

            var hasReads = request.OperationType == OperationType.Read || request.OperationType == OperationType.Mix;
            var hasWrites = request.OperationType == OperationType.Write || request.OperationType == OperationType.Mix;

            if (hasReads)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Total read: {0}", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalRead)));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Average read: {0}/s", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalRead / request.TimeToRunInSeconds)));
                sb.AppendLine("Read latency");
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMin:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Min));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMean:  {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Mean));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMax:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Max));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tStdev: {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.ReadLatency.Stdev));

                sb.AppendLine("Read latency percentiles");
                foreach (var percentile in result.ReadLatency.Percentiles)
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\t{0}: {1:#,#.##;;0}", percentile.Key, percentile.Value));

            if (hasWrites)
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Total write: {0}", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalWrite)));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Average write: {0}/s", SizeHelper.Humane(result.TotalWrite / request.TimeToRunInSeconds)));
                sb.AppendLine("Write latency");
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMin:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Min));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMean:  {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Mean));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tMax:   {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Max));
                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\tStdev: {0:#,#.##;;0}", result.WriteLatency.Stdev));

                sb.AppendLine("Write latency percentiles");
                foreach (var percentile in result.WriteLatency.Percentiles)
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("\t{0}: {1:#,#.##;;0}", percentile.Key, percentile.Value));


Exemplo n.º 10
		private static void InteractiveRun(string[] args)
		    var ioTestRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest();

			string backupLocation = null;
			string restoreLocation = null;
			string restoreDatabaseName = null;
		    string restoreFilesystemName = null;
			bool defrag = false;
            var requiresRestoreAction = new HashSet<string>();
		    bool isRestoreAction = false;
		    var requiresIoTestAction = new HashSet<string>();
		    bool isIoTestAction = false;
			Action actionToTake = null;
			bool launchBrowser = false;
			bool noLog = false;
			var ravenConfiguration = new RavenConfiguration();
		    bool waitForRestore = true;
		    int? restoreStartTimeout = 15;

			OptionSet optionSet = null;
			optionSet = new OptionSet
				{"set={==}", "The configuration {0:option} to set to the specified {1:value}" , (key, value) =>
					ravenConfiguration.Settings[key] = value;
				{"nolog", "Don't use the default log", s => noLog=true},
				{"config=", "The config {0:file} to use", ravenConfiguration.LoadFrom},
				{"install", "Installs the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake= () => AdminRequired(InstallAndStart)},
				{"allow-blank-password-use", "Allow to log on by using a Windows account that has a blank password", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(() => SetLimitBlankPasswordUseRegValue(0))},
				{"deny-blank-password-use", "Deny to log on by using a Windows account that has a blank password", key => actionToTake = () =>  AdminRequired(() => SetLimitBlankPasswordUseRegValue(1))},
				{"service-name=", "The {0:service name} to use when installing or uninstalling the service, default to RavenDB", name => ProjectInstaller.SERVICE_NAME = name},
				{"uninstall", "Uninstalls the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake= () => AdminRequired(EnsureStoppedAndUninstall)},
				{"start", "Starts the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake= () => AdminRequired(StartService)},
				{"restart", "Restarts the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake= () => AdminRequired(RestartService)},
				{"stop", "Stops the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake= () => AdminRequired(StopService)},
				{"ram", "Run RavenDB in RAM only", key =>
					ravenConfiguration.Settings["Raven/RunInMemory"] = "true";
					ravenConfiguration.RunInMemory = true;
					actionToTake = () => RunInDebugMode(AnonymousUserAccessMode.Admin, ravenConfiguration, launchBrowser, noLog);		
				{"debug", "Runs RavenDB in debug mode", key => actionToTake = () => RunInDebugMode(null, ravenConfiguration, launchBrowser, noLog)},
				{"browser|launchbrowser", "After the server starts, launches the browser", key => launchBrowser = true},
				{"help", "Help about the command line interface", key =>
					actionToTake = () => PrintUsage(optionSet);
				{"config-help", "Help about configuration databaseOptions", key=>
					actionToTake = () => PrintConfig(ravenConfiguration.GetConfigOptionsDocs());
				{"restore", "[Obsolete] Use --restore-system-database or --restore-database",
					key =>
					    actionToTake = () =>
					        throw new OptionException("This method is obsolete, use --restore-system-database or --restore-database", "restore");
					    isRestoreAction = true;
				{"restore-system-database", "Restores a SYSTEM database from backup.",
					key =>
					    actionToTake = () =>
					        if (backupLocation == null || restoreLocation == null)
					            throw new OptionException("when using --restore-system-database, --restore-source and --restore-destination must be specified", "restore-system-database");
					        RunSystemDatabaseRestoreOperation(backupLocation, restoreLocation, defrag);
					    isRestoreAction = true;
				{"restore-database=", "Starts a restore operation from a backup on a REMOTE server found under specified {0:url}.", 
					url =>
					    actionToTake = () =>
					        if (backupLocation == null)
					            throw new OptionException("when using --restore-database, --restore-source must be specified", "restore-database");

					        Uri uri;
					        if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri) == false)
					            throw new OptionException("specified destination server url is not valid", "restore-database");

					        RunRemoteDatabaseRestoreOperation(backupLocation, restoreLocation, restoreDatabaseName, defrag, uri, waitForRestore, restoreStartTimeout);
					    isRestoreAction = true;
                {"restore-filesystem=", "Starts a restore operation from a backup on a REMOTE server found under specified {0:url}.",
                    url =>
                        actionToTake = () =>
                            if (backupLocation == null)
                                throw new OptionException("when using --restore-filesystem, --restore-source must be specified", "restore-filesystem");

                            Uri uri;
                            if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri) == false)
                                throw new OptionException("specified destination server url is not valid", "restore-database");

                            RunRemoteFilesystemRestoreOperation(backupLocation, restoreLocation, restoreFilesystemName, defrag, uri, waitForRestore, restoreStartTimeout);
                        isRestoreAction = true;
				    "restore-no-wait", "Return immediately without waiting for a restore to complete", value =>
				        waitForRestore = false;
                { "restore-start-timeout=", "The maximum {0:timeout} in seconds to wait for another restore to complete. Default: 15 seconds.", value =>
                    int timeout;
                    if (int.TryParse(value, out timeout) == false)
                        throw new OptionException("specified restore start timeout is not valid", "restore-start-timeout");
                    restoreStartTimeout = timeout;
					"Applicable only during restore, execute defrag after the restore is completed", key =>
						defrag = true;
				{"restore-destination=", "The {0:path} of the new database. If not specified it will be located in default data directory", value =>
				    restoreLocation = value;
				{"restore-source=", "The {0:path} of the backup", value =>
				    backupLocation = value;
				{"restore-database-name=", "The {0:name} of the new database. If not specified, it will be extracted from backup. Only applicable during REMOTE restore", value =>
				    restoreDatabaseName = value;
                {"restore-filesystem-name", "The {0:name} of the new filesystem. If not specified, it will be extracted from backup.", value =>
                    restoreFilesystemName = value;
                {"io-test=", "Performs disk io test using {0:path} as temporary file path", path =>
                    ioTestRequest.Path = path;
                    actionToTake = () => IoTest(ioTestRequest);
                    isIoTestAction = true;
			        "io-test-file-size=", "The {0:size} of test file for io test in MB (default: 1024MB)", value =>
                        int fileSize;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out fileSize) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test file size is not valid", "io-test-file-size");
			            ioTestRequest.FileSize = fileSize*1024*1024;
			        "io-test-threads=", "The {0:number} of threads to use during test", value =>
                        int threads;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out threads) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified amount of threads is not valid", "io-test-threads");
			            ioTestRequest.ThreadCount = threads;
			        "io-test-time=", "The {0:number} of seconds to run the test (default: 30)", value =>
                        int testTime;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out testTime) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test time is not valid", "io-test-time");
                        ioTestRequest.TimeToRunInSeconds = testTime;
			        "io-test-seed=", "The {0:seed} for random generator", value =>
                        int seed;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out seed) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified random seed is not valid", "io-test-seed");
                        ioTestRequest.RandomSeed = seed;
			        "io-test-mode=", "The operation {0:mode} (read,write,mix) (default: write)", value =>
                        OperationType opType;
                        if (Enum.TryParse(value, true, out opType) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test mode is not valid", "io-test-mode");
                        ioTestRequest.OperationType = opType;
			        "io-test-chunk-size=", "The {0:value} for chunk size in KB (default: 4 KB)", value =>
                        int chunkSize;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out chunkSize) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test chunk size is not valid", "io-test-chunk-size");
                        ioTestRequest.ChunkSize = chunkSize * 1024;
			        "io-test-sequential", "Perform sequential read/write (default: random)", value =>
			            ioTestRequest.Sequential = true;
			        "io-test-buffering-type", "Buffering type (None,Read, ReadAndWrite) (default: None)", value =>
                          BufferingType bufferingType;
                          if (Enum.TryParse(value, true, out bufferingType) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified buffering type is not valid", "io-test-buffering-type");
                        ioTestRequest.BufferingType = bufferingType;
				{"encrypt-self-config", "Encrypt the RavenDB configuration file", file =>
							actionToTake = () => ProtectConfiguration(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile);
				{"encrypt-config=", "Encrypt the specified {0:configuration file}", file =>
							actionToTake = () => ProtectConfiguration(file);
				{"decrypt-self-config", "Decrypt the RavenDB configuration file", file =>
							actionToTake = () => UnprotectConfiguration(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile);
				{"decrypt-config=", "Decrypt the specified {0:configuration file}", file =>
							actionToTake = () => UnprotectConfiguration(file);
				{"installSSL={==}", "Bind X509 certificate specified in {0:option} with optional password from {1:option} with 'Raven/Port'.", (sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword) =>
							actionToTake = () => InstallSsl(sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword, ravenConfiguration);
				{"uninstallSSL={==}", "Unbind X509 certificate specified in {0:option} with optional password from {2:option} from 'Raven/Port'.", (sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword) =>
							actionToTake = () => UninstallSsl(sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword, ravenConfiguration);
                {"update-version=", "Updates the specified {0:databaseName} to newest version", dbName =>
                        actionToTake = () => UpdateVersion(dbName);

				if (args.Length == 0) // we default to executing in debug mode 
					args = new[] { "--debug" };

			catch (Exception e)

            if (!isRestoreAction && requiresRestoreAction.Any())
                var joinedActions = string.Join(", ", requiresRestoreAction);
                throw new OptionException(string.Format("when using {0}, --restore-source must be specified", joinedActions), joinedActions);

            if (!isIoTestAction && requiresIoTestAction.Any())
                var joinedActions = string.Join(", ", requiresRestoreAction);
                throw new OptionException(string.Format("when using {0}, --io-test must be specified", joinedActions), joinedActions);

			if (actionToTake == null)
				actionToTake = () => RunInDebugMode(null, ravenConfiguration, launchBrowser, noLog);


Exemplo n.º 11
        private static void InteractiveRun(string[] args)
            var ioTestRequest = new PerformanceTestRequest();

            string backupLocation        = null;
            string restoreLocation       = null;
            string restoreDatabaseName   = null;
            string restoreFilesystemName = null;
            bool   defrag = false;
            var    requiresRestoreAction = new HashSet <string>();
            bool   isRestoreAction       = false;
            var    requiresIoTestAction  = new HashSet <string>();
            bool   isIoTestAction        = false;
            Action actionToTake          = null;
            bool   launchBrowser         = false;
            bool   noLog = false;
            var    ravenConfiguration  = new RavenConfiguration();
            bool   waitForRestore      = true;
            int?   restoreStartTimeout = 15;

            OptionSet optionSet = null;

            optionSet = new OptionSet
                { "set={==}", "The configuration {0:option} to set to the specified {1:value}", (key, value) =>
                      ravenConfiguration.Settings[key] = value;
                  } },
                { "nolog", "Don't use the default log", s => noLog = true },
                { "config=", "The config {0:file} to use", ravenConfiguration.LoadFrom },
                { "install", "Installs the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(InstallAndStart) },
                { "allow-blank-password-use", "Allow to log on by using a Windows account that has a blank password", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(() => SetLimitBlankPasswordUseRegValue(0)) },
                { "deny-blank-password-use", "Deny to log on by using a Windows account that has a blank password", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(() => SetLimitBlankPasswordUseRegValue(1)) },
                { "service-name=", "The {0:service name} to use when installing or uninstalling the service, default to RavenDB", name => ProjectInstaller.SERVICE_NAME = name },
                { "uninstall", "Uninstalls the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(EnsureStoppedAndUninstall) },
                { "start", "Starts the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(StartService) },
                { "restart", "Restarts the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(RestartService) },
                { "stop", "Stops the RavenDB service", key => actionToTake = () => AdminRequired(StopService) },
                { "ram", "Run RavenDB in RAM only", key =>
                      ravenConfiguration.Settings["Raven/RunInMemory"] = "true";
                      ravenConfiguration.RunInMemory = true;
                      actionToTake = () => RunInDebugMode(AnonymousUserAccessMode.Admin, ravenConfiguration, launchBrowser, noLog);
                  } },
                { "debug", "Runs RavenDB in debug mode", key => actionToTake = () => RunInDebugMode(null, ravenConfiguration, launchBrowser, noLog) },
                { "browser|launchbrowser", "After the server starts, launches the browser", key => launchBrowser = true },
                { "help", "Help about the command line interface", key =>
                      actionToTake = () => PrintUsage(optionSet);
                  } },
                { "config-help", "Help about configuration databaseOptions", key =>
                      actionToTake = () => PrintConfig(ravenConfiguration.GetConfigOptionsDocs());
                  } },
                { "restore", "[Obsolete] Use --restore-system-database or --restore-database",
                  key =>
                      actionToTake = () =>
                          throw new OptionException("This method is obsolete, use --restore-system-database or --restore-database", "restore");
                      isRestoreAction = true;
                  } },
                { "restore-system-database", "Restores a SYSTEM database from backup.",
                  key =>
                      actionToTake = () =>
                          if (backupLocation == null || restoreLocation == null)
                              throw new OptionException("when using --restore-system-database, --restore-source and --restore-destination must be specified", "restore-system-database");
                          RunSystemDatabaseRestoreOperation(backupLocation, restoreLocation, defrag);
                      isRestoreAction = true;
                  } },
                { "restore-database=", "Starts a restore operation from a backup on a REMOTE server found under specified {0:url}.",
                  url =>
                      actionToTake = () =>
                          if (backupLocation == null)
                              throw new OptionException("when using --restore-database, --restore-source must be specified", "restore-database");

                          Uri uri;
                          if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri) == false)
                              throw new OptionException("specified destination server url is not valid", "restore-database");

                          RunRemoteDatabaseRestoreOperation(backupLocation, restoreLocation, restoreDatabaseName, defrag, uri, waitForRestore, restoreStartTimeout);
                      isRestoreAction = true;
                  } },
                { "restore-filesystem=", "Starts a restore operation from a backup on a REMOTE server found under specified {0:url}.",
                  url =>
                      actionToTake = () =>
                          if (backupLocation == null)
                              throw new OptionException("when using --restore-filesystem, --restore-source must be specified", "restore-filesystem");

                          Uri uri;
                          if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri) == false)
                              throw new OptionException("specified destination server url is not valid", "restore-database");

                          RunRemoteFilesystemRestoreOperation(backupLocation, restoreLocation, restoreFilesystemName, defrag, uri, waitForRestore, restoreStartTimeout);
                      isRestoreAction = true;
                  } },
                    "restore-no-wait", "Return immediately without waiting for a restore to complete", value =>
                        waitForRestore = false;
                { "restore-start-timeout=", "The maximum {0:timeout} in seconds to wait for another restore to complete. Default: 15 seconds.", value =>
                      int timeout;
                      if (int.TryParse(value, out timeout) == false)
                          throw new OptionException("specified restore start timeout is not valid", "restore-start-timeout");
                      restoreStartTimeout = timeout;
                  } },
                { "restore-defrag",
                  "Applicable only during restore, execute defrag after the restore is completed", key =>
                      defrag = true;
                  } },
                { "restore-destination=", "The {0:path} of the new database. If not specified it will be located in default data directory", value =>
                      restoreLocation = value;
                  } },
                { "restore-source=", "The {0:path} of the backup", value =>
                      backupLocation = value;
                  } },
                { "restore-database-name=", "The {0:name} of the new database. If not specified, it will be extracted from backup. Only applicable during REMOTE restore", value =>
                      restoreDatabaseName = value;
                  } },
                { "restore-filesystem-name", "The {0:name} of the new filesystem. If not specified, it will be extracted from backup.", value =>
                      restoreFilesystemName = value;
                  } },
                { "io-test=", "Performs disk io test using {0:path} as temporary file path", path =>
                      ioTestRequest.Path = path;
                      actionToTake       = () => IoTest(ioTestRequest);
                      isIoTestAction     = true;
                  } },
                    "io-test-file-size=", "The {0:size} of test file for io test in MB (default: 1024MB)", value =>
                        int fileSize;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out fileSize) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test file size is not valid", "io-test-file-size");
                        ioTestRequest.FileSize = fileSize * 1024 * 1024;
                    "io-test-threads=", "The {0:number} of threads to use during test", value =>
                        int threads;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out threads) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified amount of threads is not valid", "io-test-threads");
                        ioTestRequest.ThreadCount = threads;
                    "io-test-time=", "The {0:number} of seconds to run the test (default: 30)", value =>
                        int testTime;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out testTime) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test time is not valid", "io-test-time");
                        ioTestRequest.TimeToRunInSeconds = testTime;
                    "io-test-seed=", "The {0:seed} for random generator", value =>
                        int seed;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out seed) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified random seed is not valid", "io-test-seed");
                        ioTestRequest.RandomSeed = seed;
                    "io-test-mode=", "The operation {0:mode} (read,write,mix) (default: write)", value =>
                        OperationType opType;
                        if (Enum.TryParse(value, true, out opType) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test mode is not valid", "io-test-mode");
                        ioTestRequest.OperationType = opType;
                    "io-test-chunk-size=", "The {0:value} for chunk size in KB (default: 4 KB)", value =>
                        int chunkSize;
                        if (int.TryParse(value, out chunkSize) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified test chunk size is not valid", "io-test-chunk-size");
                        ioTestRequest.ChunkSize = chunkSize * 1024;
                    "io-test-sequential", "Perform sequential read/write (default: random)", value =>
                        ioTestRequest.Sequential = true;
                    "io-test-buffering-type", "Buffering type (None,Read, ReadAndWrite) (default: None)", value =>
                        BufferingType bufferingType;
                        if (Enum.TryParse(value, true, out bufferingType) == false)
                            throw new OptionException("specified buffering type is not valid", "io-test-buffering-type");
                        ioTestRequest.BufferingType = bufferingType;
                { "encrypt-self-config", "Encrypt the RavenDB configuration file", file =>
                      actionToTake = () => ProtectConfiguration(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile);
                  } },
                { "encrypt-config=", "Encrypt the specified {0:configuration file}", file =>
                      actionToTake = () => ProtectConfiguration(file);
                  } },
                { "decrypt-self-config", "Decrypt the RavenDB configuration file", file =>
                      actionToTake = () => UnprotectConfiguration(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile);
                  } },
                { "decrypt-config=", "Decrypt the specified {0:configuration file}", file =>
                      actionToTake = () => UnprotectConfiguration(file);
                  } },
                { "installSSL={==}", "Bind X509 certificate specified in {0:option} with optional password from {1:option} with 'Raven/Port'.", (sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword) =>
                      actionToTake = () => InstallSsl(sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword, ravenConfiguration);
                  } },
                { "uninstallSSL={==}", "Unbind X509 certificate specified in {0:option} with optional password from {2:option} from 'Raven/Port'.", (sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword) =>
                      actionToTake = () => UninstallSsl(sslCertificateFile, sslCertificatePassword, ravenConfiguration);
                  } },
                { "update-version=", "Updates the specified {0:databaseName} to newest version", dbName =>
                      actionToTake = () => UpdateVersion(dbName);
                  } }

                if (args.Length == 0)                 // we default to executing in debug mode
                    args = new[] { "--debug" }

            catch (Exception e)

            if (!isRestoreAction && requiresRestoreAction.Any())
                var joinedActions = string.Join(", ", requiresRestoreAction);
                throw new OptionException(string.Format("when using {0}, --restore-source must be specified", joinedActions), joinedActions);

            if (!isIoTestAction && requiresIoTestAction.Any())
                var joinedActions = string.Join(", ", requiresRestoreAction);
                throw new OptionException(string.Format("when using {0}, --io-test must be specified", joinedActions), joinedActions);

            if (actionToTake == null)
                actionToTake = () => RunInDebugMode(null, ravenConfiguration, launchBrowser, noLog);
