Exemplo n.º 1
 public void ModifyFlags(ParcelFlags affected, ParcelFlags value)
     lock (m_Lock)
         ParcelFlags flags = Flags;
         flags &= (~affected);
         Flags  = flags | (value & affected);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void ParcelSetFlag(ParcelFlags F, Parcel p, bool set)
     if (p.Flags.HasFlag(F))
         p.Flags -= F;
     if (set == true)
         p.Flags |= F;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void Dosetflag(ParcelFlags F, Parcel p, bool set)
     ConsoleLog.Warn("Setting flag: " + F.ToString() + " To " + set.ToString() + " at " + p.Name + "");
     if (p.Flags.HasFlag(F))
         p.Flags -= F;
     if (set == true)
         p.Flags |= F;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor
        /// </summary>
        public SceneParcel(SceneParcel parcel)
            if (parcel.AccessBlackList != null)
                AccessBlackList = new List <ParcelAccessEntry>(parcel.AccessBlackList);
            if (parcel.AccessWhiteList != null)
                AccessWhiteList = new List <ParcelAccessEntry>(parcel.AccessWhiteList);
            AuthBuyerID    = parcel.AuthBuyerID;
            AutoReturnTime = parcel.AutoReturnTime;
            Bitmap         = new byte[512];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(parcel.Bitmap, 0, Bitmap, 0, 512);
            Category     = parcel.Category;
            ClaimDate    = parcel.ClaimDate;
            Desc         = parcel.Desc;
            Dwell        = parcel.Dwell;
            Flags        = parcel.Flags;
            GroupID      = parcel.GroupID;
            IsGroupOwned = parcel.IsGroupOwned;
            Landing      = parcel.Landing;
            LocalID      = parcel.LocalID;
            MaxPrims     = parcel.MaxPrims;
            ParcelMedia oldMedia = parcel.Media;

            Media = new ParcelMedia
                MediaAutoScale = oldMedia.MediaAutoScale,
                MediaDesc      = oldMedia.MediaDesc,
                MediaHeight    = oldMedia.MediaHeight,
                MediaID        = oldMedia.MediaID,
                MediaLoop      = oldMedia.MediaLoop,
                MediaType      = oldMedia.MediaType,
                MediaURL       = oldMedia.MediaURL,
                MediaWidth     = oldMedia.MediaWidth
            MusicURL          = parcel.MusicURL;
            Name              = parcel.Name;
            ObscureMedia      = parcel.ObscureMedia;
            ObscureMusic      = parcel.ObscureMusic;
            OwnerID           = parcel.OwnerID;
            PassHours         = parcel.PassHours;
            PassPrice         = parcel.PassPrice;
            DenyAgeUnverified = parcel.DenyAgeUnverified;
            DenyAnonymous     = parcel.DenyAnonymous;
            PushOverride      = parcel.PushOverride;
            SalePrice         = parcel.SalePrice;
            SnapshotID        = parcel.SnapshotID;
            Status            = parcel.Status;
            LandingLocation   = parcel.LandingLocation;
            LandingLookAt     = parcel.LandingLookAt;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Dictionary <string, ParcelFlags> get_flags_list()
            Dictionary <string, ParcelFlags> flags = new Dictionary <string, ParcelFlags>();
            Type  enumType   = typeof(ParcelFlags);
            Array enumValues = Enum.GetValues(enumType);
            Array enumNames  = Enum.GetNames(enumType);

            for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Length; i++)
                object      value     = enumValues.GetValue(i);
                ParcelFlags realValue = (ParcelFlags)value;
                if (realValue != 0)
                    string name = (string)enumNames.GetValue(i);
                    flags.Add(name, realValue);
Exemplo n.º 6
        OSDMap GetParcelsByRegion(OSDMap map)
            var resp = new OSDMap();

            resp ["Parcels"] = new OSDArray();
            resp ["Total"]   = OSD.FromInteger(0);

            var directory = DataPlugins.RequestPlugin <IDirectoryServiceConnector> ();

            if (directory != null && map.ContainsKey("Region") == true)
                UUID regionID = UUID.Parse(map ["Region"]);
                // not used? // UUID scopeID = map.ContainsKey ("ScopeID") ? UUID.Parse (map ["ScopeID"].ToString ()) : UUID.Zero;
                UUID           owner    = map.ContainsKey("Owner") ? UUID.Parse(map ["Owner"].ToString()) : UUID.Zero;
                uint           start    = map.ContainsKey("Start") ? uint.Parse(map ["Start"].ToString()) : 0;
                uint           count    = map.ContainsKey("Count") ? uint.Parse(map ["Count"].ToString()) : 10;
                ParcelFlags    flags    = map.ContainsKey("Flags") ? (ParcelFlags)int.Parse(map ["Flags"].ToString()) : ParcelFlags.None;
                ParcelCategory category = map.ContainsKey("Category") ? (ParcelCategory)uint.Parse(map ["Flags"].ToString()) : ParcelCategory.Any;
                uint           total    = directory.GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion(regionID, owner, flags, category);

                if (total > 0)
                    resp ["Total"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)total);
                    if (count == 0)
                    List <LandData> regionParcels = directory.GetParcelsByRegion(start, count, regionID, owner, flags, category);
                    OSDArray        parcels       = new OSDArray(regionParcels.Count);
                    regionParcels.ForEach(delegate(LandData parcel) {
                    resp ["Parcels"] = parcels;

        private static QueryFilter GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(UUID RegionID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();
            filter.andFilters["RegionID"] = RegionID;

            if (owner != UUID.Zero)
                filter.andFilters["OwnerID"] = owner;

            if (flags != ParcelFlags.None)
                filter.andBitfieldAndFilters["Flags"] = (uint)flags;

            if (category != ParcelCategory.Any)
                filter.andFilters["Category"] = (int)category;

            return filter;
 public uint GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion(UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
     IRegionData regiondata = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionData>();
     if (regiondata != null)
         GridRegion region = regiondata.Get(RegionID, scopeID);
         if (region != null)
             return uint.Parse(GD.Query(GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(RegionID, scopeID, owner, flags, category), "searchparcel", "COUNT(ParcelID)")[0]);
     return 0;
        public List<LandData> GetParcelsByRegion(uint start, uint count, UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            List<LandData> resp = new List<LandData>(0);
            if (count == 0)
                return resp;

            IRegionData regiondata = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionData>();
            if (regiondata != null)
                GridRegion region = regiondata.Get(RegionID, scopeID);
                if (region != null)
                    string whereClause = GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(RegionID, scopeID, owner, flags, category);
                    whereClause += " ORDER BY OwnerID DESC, Name DESC";
                    whereClause += string.Format(" LIMIT {0}, {1}", start, count);
                    return Query2LandData(GD.Query(whereClause, "searchparcel", "*"));
            return resp;
        private static string GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            string whereClause = string.Format("RegionID = '{0}'", RegionID);

            if (owner != UUID.Zero)
                whereClause += string.Format(" AND OwnerID = '{0}'", owner);

            if (flags != ParcelFlags.None)
                whereClause += string.Format(" AND Flags & {0}", flags);

            if (category != ParcelCategory.Any)
                whereClause += string.Format(" AND Category = {0,D}", category);
            return whereClause;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private bool OnAllowedIncomingTeleport(UUID userID, IScene scene, Vector3 Position, out Vector3 newPosition, out string reason)
            newPosition = Position;
            UserAccount account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, userID);

            IScenePresence Sp = scene.GetScenePresence(userID);

            if (account == null)
                reason = "Failed authentication.";
                return(false); //NO!

            //Make sure that this user is inside the region as well
            if (Position.X < -2f || Position.Y < -2f ||
                Position.X > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX + 2 || Position.Y > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY + 2)
                    "[EstateService]: AllowedIncomingTeleport was given an illegal position of {0} for avatar {1}, {2}. Clamping",
                    Position, Name, userID);
                bool changedX = false;
                bool changedY = false;
                while (Position.X < 0)
                    Position.X += scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX;
                    changedX    = true;
                while (Position.X > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX)
                    Position.X -= scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX;
                    changedX    = true;

                while (Position.Y < 0)
                    Position.Y += scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY;
                    changedY    = true;
                while (Position.Y > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY)
                    Position.Y -= scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY;
                    changedY    = true;

                if (changedX)
                    Position.X = scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX - Position.X;
                if (changedY)
                    Position.Y = scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY - Position.Y;

            //Check that we are not underground as well
            float posZLimit = scene.RequestModuleInterface <ITerrainChannel>()[(int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y] + (float)1.25;

            if (posZLimit >= (Position.Z) && !(Single.IsInfinity(posZLimit) || Single.IsNaN(posZLimit)))
                Position.Z = posZLimit;

            IAgentConnector AgentConnector = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin <IAgentConnector>();
            IAgentInfo      agentInfo      = null;

            if (AgentConnector != null)
                agentInfo = AgentConnector.GetAgent(userID);

            ILandObject             ILO = null;
            IParcelManagementModule parcelManagement = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IParcelManagementModule>();

            if (parcelManagement != null)
                ILO = parcelManagement.GetLandObject(Position.X, Position.Y);

            if (ILO == null)
                //Can't find land, give them the first parcel in the region and find a good position for them
                ILO      = parcelManagement.AllParcels()[0];
                Position = parcelManagement.GetParcelCenterAtGround(ILO);

            //parcel permissions
            if (ILO.IsBannedFromLand(userID)) //Note: restricted is dealt with in the next block
                if (Sp == null)
                    reason = "Banned from this parcel.";

                if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))
                    //We found a place for them, but we don't need to check any further
            //Move them out of banned parcels
            ParcelFlags parcelflags = (ParcelFlags)ILO.LandData.Flags;

            if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup &&
                (parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessList) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessList &&
                (parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UsePassList) == ParcelFlags.UsePassList)
                //One of these is in play then
                if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup)
                    if (Sp == null)
                        reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                    if (Sp.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId != ILO.LandData.GroupID)
                        if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))
                            //We found a place for them, but we don't need to check any further
                else if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessList) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessList)
                    if (Sp == null)
                        reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                    //All but the people on the access list are banned
                    if (ILO.IsRestrictedFromLand(userID))
                        if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))
                            //We found a place for them, but we don't need to check any further
                else if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UsePassList) == ParcelFlags.UsePassList)
                    if (Sp == null)
                        reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                    //All but the people on the pass/access list are banned
                    if (ILO.IsRestrictedFromLand(Sp.UUID))
                        if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))
                            //We found a place for them, but we don't need to check any further

            EstateSettings ES = scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings;

            //Move them to the nearest landing point
            if (!ES.AllowDirectTeleport)
                if (!scene.Permissions.IsGod(userID))
                    Telehub telehub = RegionConnector.FindTelehub(scene.RegionInfo.RegionID, scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle);
                    if (telehub != null)
                        if (telehub.SpawnPos.Count == 0)
                            Position = new Vector3(telehub.TelehubLocX, telehub.TelehubLocY, telehub.TelehubLocZ);
                            int LastTelehubNum = 0;
                            if (!LastTelehub.TryGetValue(scene.RegionInfo.RegionID, out LastTelehubNum))
                                LastTelehubNum = 0;
                            Position = telehub.SpawnPos[LastTelehubNum] + new Vector3(telehub.TelehubLocX, telehub.TelehubLocY, telehub.TelehubLocZ);
                            if (LastTelehubNum == telehub.SpawnPos.Count)
                                LastTelehubNum = 0;
                            LastTelehub[scene.RegionInfo.RegionID] = LastTelehubNum;
            if (!scene.Permissions.GenericParcelPermission(userID, ILO, (ulong)GroupPowers.None))
                if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == 2) //Blocked, force this person off this land
                    //Find a new parcel for them
                    List <ILandObject> Parcels = parcelManagement.ParcelsNearPoint(Position);
                    if (Parcels.Count == 0)
                        IScenePresence SP;
                        scene.TryGetScenePresence(userID, out SP);
                        newPosition = parcelManagement.GetNearestRegionEdgePosition(SP);
                        bool found = false;
                        //We need to check here as well for bans, can't toss someone into a parcel they are banned from
                        foreach (ILandObject Parcel in Parcels)
                            if (!Parcel.IsBannedFromLand(userID))
                                //Now we have to check their userloc
                                if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == 2)
                                    continue;                           //Blocked, check next one
                                else if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == 1) //Use their landing spot
                                    newPosition = Parcel.LandData.UserLocation;
                                else //They allow for anywhere, so dump them in the center at the ground
                                    newPosition = parcelManagement.GetParcelCenterAtGround(Parcel);
                                found = true;
                        if (!found) //Dump them at the edge
                            if (Sp != null)
                                newPosition = parcelManagement.GetNearestRegionEdgePosition(Sp);
                                reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                else if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == 1) //Move to tp spot
                    if (ILO.LandData.UserLocation != Vector3.Zero)
                        newPosition = ILO.LandData.UserLocation;
                    else // Dump them at the nearest region corner since they havn't set a landing point
                        newPosition = parcelManagement.GetNearestRegionEdgePosition(Sp);

            //We assume that our own region isn't null....
            if (agentInfo != null)
                //Can only enter prelude regions once!
                int flags = scene.GridService.GetRegionFlags(scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, scene.RegionInfo.RegionID);
                if (flags != -1 && ((flags & (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Prelude) == (int)Aurora.Framework.RegionFlags.Prelude) && agentInfo != null)
                    if (agentInfo.OtherAgentInformation.ContainsKey("Prelude" + scene.RegionInfo.RegionID))
                        reason = "You may not enter this region as you have already been to this prelude region.";
                        agentInfo.OtherAgentInformation.Add("Prelude" + scene.RegionInfo.RegionID, OSD.FromInteger((int)IAgentFlags.PastPrelude));
                        AgentConnector.UpdateAgent(agentInfo); //This only works for standalones... and thats ok

            if ((ILO.LandData.Flags & (int)ParcelFlags.DenyAnonymous) != 0)
                if ((account.UserFlags & (int)IUserProfileInfo.ProfileFlags.NoPaymentInfoOnFile) == (int)IUserProfileInfo.ProfileFlags.NoPaymentInfoOnFile)
                    reason = "You may not enter this region.";

            if ((ILO.LandData.Flags & (uint)ParcelFlags.DenyAgeUnverified) != 0 && agentInfo != null)
                if ((agentInfo.Flags & IAgentFlags.Minor) == IAgentFlags.Minor)
                    reason = "You may not enter this region.";

            newPosition = Position;
            reason      = "";
Exemplo n.º 12
        public uint GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion(UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            Dictionary <string, object> mess = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            mess["Method"]   = "GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion";
            mess["RegionID"] = RegionID;
            mess["scopeID"]  = scopeID;
            mess["owner"]    = owner;
            mess["flags"]    = (uint)flags;
            mess["category"] = (int)category;
            string reqString = WebUtils.BuildXmlResponse(mess);

            List <string> m_ServerURIs =
                m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IConfigurationService>().FindValueOf("RemoteServerURI");

            foreach (string m_ServerURI in m_ServerURIs)
                string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                if (reply != string.Empty)
                    Dictionary <string, object> replyData = WebUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);

                    if (replyData != null)
                        Dictionary <string, object> .ValueCollection replyvalues = replyData.Values;
                        uint numParcels = 0;
                        foreach (object f in replyvalues.Where(f => uint.TryParse(f.ToString(), out numParcels)))
                        // Success
        public List <LandData> GetParcelsByRegion(uint start, uint count, UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            List <LandData> resp = new List <LandData>(0);

            if (count == 0)

            IRegionData regiondata = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin <IRegionData>();

            if (regiondata != null)
                GridRegion region = regiondata.Get(RegionID, scopeID);
                if (region != null)
                    QueryFilter filter             = GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(RegionID, scopeID, owner, flags, category);
                    Dictionary <string, bool> sort = new Dictionary <string, bool>(1);
                    sort["OwnerID"] = false;
                    return(Query2LandData(GD.Query(new string[1] {
                    }, "searchparcel", filter, sort, start, count)));
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserialize the message
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map">An <see cref="OSDMap"/> containing the data</param>
 public void Deserialize(OSDMap map)
     AuthBuyerID = map["auth_buyer_id"].AsUUID();
     MediaAutoScale = map["auto_scale"].AsBoolean();
     Category = (ParcelCategory)map["category"].AsInteger();
     Desc = map["description"].AsString();
     GroupID = map["group_id"].AsUUID();
     Landing = (LandingType)map["landing_type"].AsUInteger();
     LocalID = map["local_id"].AsInteger();
     MediaDesc = map["media_desc"].AsString();
     MediaHeight = map["media_height"].AsInteger();
     MediaLoop = map["media_loop"].AsBoolean();
     MediaID = map["media_id"].AsUUID();
     MediaType = map["media_type"].AsString();
     MediaURL = map["media_url"].AsString();
     MediaWidth = map["media_width"].AsInteger();
     MusicURL = map["music_url"].AsString();
     Name = map["name"].AsString();
     ObscureMedia = map["obscure_media"].AsBoolean();
     ObscureMusic = map["obscure_music"].AsBoolean();
     ParcelFlags = (ParcelFlags)map["parcel_flags"].AsUInteger();
     PassHours = (float)map["pass_hours"].AsReal();
     PassPrice = map["pass_price"].AsUInteger();
     Privacy = map["privacy"].AsBoolean();
     SalePrice = map["sale_price"].AsUInteger();
     SnapshotID = map["snapshot_id"].AsUUID();
     UserLocation = map["user_location"].AsVector3();
     UserLookAt = map["user_look_at"].AsVector3();
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a new instance of the ParcelMediaCommandEventArgs class
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="simulator">The simulator the parcel media command was issued in</param>
 /// <param name="sequence"></param>
 /// <param name="flags"></param>
 /// <param name="command">The media command that was sent</param>
 /// <param name="time"></param>
 public ParcelMediaCommandEventArgs(Simulator simulator, uint sequence, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelMediaCommand command, float time)
     this.m_Simulator = simulator;
     this.m_Sequence = sequence;
     this.m_ParcelFlags = flags;
     this.m_MediaCommand = command;
     this.m_Time = time;
        public List<LandData> GetParcelsByRegion(uint start, uint count, UUID RegionID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            object remoteValue = DoRemote(start, count, RegionID, owner, flags, category);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                return (List<LandData>)remoteValue;

            List<LandData> resp = new List<LandData>(0);
            if (count == 0)
                return resp;

            IRegionData regiondata = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionData>();
            if (regiondata != null)
                GridRegion region = regiondata.Get(RegionID, null);
                if (region != null)
                    QueryFilter filter = GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(RegionID, owner, flags, category);
                    Dictionary<string, bool> sort = new Dictionary<string, bool>(1);
                    sort["OwnerID"] = false;
                    return Query2LandData(GD.Query(new[] { "*" }, "searchparcel", filter, sort, start, count));
            return resp;
        public uint GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion(UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            Dictionary<string, object> mess = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            mess["Method"] = "GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion";
            mess["RegionID"] = RegionID;
            mess["scopeID"] = scopeID;
            mess["owner"] = owner;
            mess["flags"] = (uint)flags;
            mess["category"] = (int)category;
            string reqString = WebUtils.BuildXmlResponse(mess);

            List<string> m_ServerURIs =

            foreach (string m_ServerURI in m_ServerURIs)
                string reply = SynchronousRestFormsRequester.MakeRequest("POST",
                if (reply != string.Empty)
                    Dictionary<string, object> replyData = WebUtils.ParseXmlResponse(reply);

                    if (replyData != null)
                        Dictionary<string, object>.ValueCollection replyvalues = replyData.Values;
                        uint numParcels = 0;
                        foreach (object f in replyvalues.Where(f => uint.TryParse(f.ToString(), out numParcels)))
                        // Success
                        return numParcels;
            return 0;
 public List<LandData> GetParcelsByRegion(uint start, uint count, UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
     List<LandData> resp = new List<LandData>(0);
     if (count == 0)
         return resp;
     OSDMap mess = new OSDMap();
     mess["Method"] = "GetParcelsByRegion";
     mess["start"] = OSD.FromUInteger(start);
     mess["count"] = OSD.FromUInteger(count);
     mess["RegionID"] = OSD.FromUUID(RegionID);
     mess["scopeID"] = OSD.FromUUID(scopeID);
     mess["owner"] = OSD.FromUUID(owner);
     mess["flags"] = OSD.FromUInteger((uint)flags);
     mess["category"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)category);
     List<string> m_ServerURIs =
     resp = new List<LandData>();
     foreach (string m_ServerURI in m_ServerURIs)
         OSDMap results = WebUtils.PostToService(m_ServerURI + "osd", mess, true, false);
         OSDMap innerResults = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(results["_RawResult"]);
         OSDArray parcels = (OSDArray)innerResults["Parcels"];
         foreach (OSD o in parcels)
             resp.Add(new LandData((OSDMap)o));
     return resp;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private bool OnAllowedIncomingTeleport(UUID userID, IScene scene, Vector3 Position, uint TeleportFlags,
                                               out Vector3 newPosition, out string reason)
            newPosition = Position;
            UserAccount account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scene.RegionInfo.AllScopeIDs, userID);

            IScenePresence Sp = scene.GetScenePresence(userID);

            if (account == null)
                reason = "Failed authentication.";
                return(false); //NO!

            //Make sure that this user is inside the region as well
            if (Position.X < -2f || Position.Y < -2f ||
                Position.X > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX + 2 || Position.Y > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY + 2)
                    "[EstateService]: AllowedIncomingTeleport was given an illegal position of {0} for avatar {1}, {2}. Clamping",
                    Position, Name, userID);
                bool changedX = false;
                bool changedY = false;
                while (Position.X < 0)
                    Position.X += scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX;
                    changedX    = true;
                while (Position.X > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX)
                    Position.X -= scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX;
                    changedX    = true;

                while (Position.Y < 0)
                    Position.Y += scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY;
                    changedY    = true;
                while (Position.Y > scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY)
                    Position.Y -= scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY;
                    changedY    = true;

                if (changedX)
                    Position.X = scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX - Position.X;
                if (changedY)
                    Position.Y = scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY - Position.Y;

            IAgentConnector AgentConnector = Framework.Utilities.DataManager.RequestPlugin <IAgentConnector>();
            IAgentInfo      agentInfo      = null;

            if (AgentConnector != null)
                agentInfo = AgentConnector.GetAgent(userID);

            ILandObject             ILO = null;
            IParcelManagementModule parcelManagement = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IParcelManagementModule>();

            if (parcelManagement != null)
                ILO = parcelManagement.GetLandObject(Position.X, Position.Y);

            if (ILO == null)
                if (Sp != null)
                    Sp.ClearSavedVelocity(); //If we are moving the agent, clear their velocity
                //Can't find land, give them the first parcel in the region and find a good position for them
                ILO      = parcelManagement.AllParcels()[0];
                Position = parcelManagement.GetParcelCenterAtGround(ILO);

            //parcel permissions
            if (ILO.IsBannedFromLand(userID)) //Note: restricted is dealt with in the next block
                if (Sp != null)
                    Sp.ClearSavedVelocity(); //If we are moving the agent, clear their velocity
                if (Sp == null)
                    reason = "Banned from this parcel.";

                if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))
            //Move them out of banned parcels
            ParcelFlags parcelflags = (ParcelFlags)ILO.LandData.Flags;

            if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup &&
                (parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessList) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessList &&
                (parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UsePassList) == ParcelFlags.UsePassList)
                if (Sp != null)
                    Sp.ClearSavedVelocity(); //If we are moving the agent, clear their velocity
                //One of these is in play then
                if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessGroup)
                    if (Sp == null)
                        reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                    if (Sp.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId != ILO.LandData.GroupID)
                        if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))
                else if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UseAccessList) == ParcelFlags.UseAccessList)
                    if (Sp == null)
                        reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                    //All but the people on the access list are banned
                    if (ILO.IsRestrictedFromLand(userID))
                        if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))
                else if ((parcelflags & ParcelFlags.UsePassList) == ParcelFlags.UsePassList)
                    if (Sp == null)
                        reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                    //All but the people on the pass/access list are banned
                    if (ILO.IsRestrictedFromLand(Sp.UUID))
                        if (!FindUnBannedParcel(Position, Sp, userID, out ILO, out newPosition, out reason))

            EstateSettings      ES             = scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings;
            TeleportFlags       tpflags        = (TeleportFlags)TeleportFlags;
            const TeleportFlags allowableFlags =
                OpenMetaverse.TeleportFlags.ViaLandmark | OpenMetaverse.TeleportFlags.ViaHome |
                OpenMetaverse.TeleportFlags.ViaLure |
                OpenMetaverse.TeleportFlags.ForceRedirect |
                OpenMetaverse.TeleportFlags.Godlike | OpenMetaverse.TeleportFlags.NineOneOne;

            //If the user wants to force landing points on crossing, we act like they are not crossing, otherwise, check the child property and that the ViaRegionID is set
            bool isCrossing = !ForceLandingPointsOnCrossing && (Sp != null && Sp.IsChildAgent &&
                                                                ((tpflags & OpenMetaverse.TeleportFlags.ViaRegionID) ==

            //Move them to the nearest landing point
            if (!((tpflags & allowableFlags) != 0) && !isCrossing && !ES.AllowDirectTeleport)
                if (Sp != null)
                    Sp.ClearSavedVelocity(); //If we are moving the agent, clear their velocity
                if (!scene.Permissions.IsGod(userID))
                    Telehub telehub = RegionConnector.FindTelehub(scene.RegionInfo.RegionID,
                    if (telehub != null)
                        if (telehub.SpawnPos.Count == 0)
                            Position = new Vector3(telehub.TelehubLocX, telehub.TelehubLocY, telehub.TelehubLocZ);
                            int LastTelehubNum = 0;
                            if (!LastTelehub.TryGetValue(scene.RegionInfo.RegionID, out LastTelehubNum))
                                LastTelehubNum = 0;
                            Position = telehub.SpawnPos[LastTelehubNum] +
                                       new Vector3(telehub.TelehubLocX, telehub.TelehubLocY, telehub.TelehubLocZ);
                            if (LastTelehubNum == telehub.SpawnPos.Count)
                                LastTelehubNum = 0;
                            LastTelehub[scene.RegionInfo.RegionID] = LastTelehubNum;
            else if (!((tpflags & allowableFlags) != 0) && !isCrossing &&
                     !scene.Permissions.GenericParcelPermission(userID, ILO, (ulong)GroupPowers.None))
            //Telehubs override parcels
                if (Sp != null)
                    Sp.ClearSavedVelocity();                           //If we are moving the agent, clear their velocity
                if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == (int)LandingType.None) //Blocked, force this person off this land
                    //Find a new parcel for them
                    List <ILandObject> Parcels = parcelManagement.ParcelsNearPoint(Position);
                    if (Parcels.Count > 1)
                        newPosition = parcelManagement.GetNearestRegionEdgePosition(Sp);
                        bool found = false;
                        //We need to check here as well for bans, can't toss someone into a parcel they are banned from
                        foreach (ILandObject Parcel in Parcels.Where(Parcel => !Parcel.IsBannedFromLand(userID)))
                            //Now we have to check their userloc
                            if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == (int)LandingType.None)
                                continue; //Blocked, check next one
                            else if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == (int)LandingType.LandingPoint)
                                //Use their landing spot
                                newPosition = Parcel.LandData.UserLocation;
                            else //They allow for anywhere, so dump them in the center at the ground
                                newPosition = parcelManagement.GetParcelCenterAtGround(Parcel);
                            found = true;

                        if (!found) //Dump them at the edge
                            if (Sp != null)
                                newPosition = parcelManagement.GetNearestRegionEdgePosition(Sp);
                                reason = "Banned from this parcel.";
                else if (ILO.LandData.LandingType == (int)LandingType.LandingPoint)  //Move to tp spot
                    newPosition = ILO.LandData.UserLocation != Vector3.Zero
                                      ? ILO.LandData.UserLocation
                                      : parcelManagement.GetNearestRegionEdgePosition(Sp);

            //We assume that our own region isn't null....
            if (agentInfo != null)
                //Can only enter prelude regions once!
                if (scene.RegionInfo.RegionFlags != -1 &&
                    ((scene.RegionInfo.RegionFlags & (int)RegionFlags.Prelude) == (int)RegionFlags.Prelude) &&
                    agentInfo != null)
                    if (agentInfo.OtherAgentInformation.ContainsKey("Prelude" + scene.RegionInfo.RegionID))
                        reason = "You may not enter this region as you have already been to this prelude region.";
                        agentInfo.OtherAgentInformation.Add("Prelude" + scene.RegionInfo.RegionID,
                if (agentInfo.OtherAgentInformation.ContainsKey("LimitedToEstate"))
                    int LimitedToEstate = agentInfo.OtherAgentInformation["LimitedToEstate"];
                    if (scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateID != LimitedToEstate)
                        reason = "You may not enter this reason, as it is outside of the estate you are limited to.";

            if ((ILO.LandData.Flags & (int)ParcelFlags.DenyAnonymous) != 0)
                if (account != null &&
                    (account.UserFlags & (int)IUserProfileInfo.ProfileFlags.NoPaymentInfoOnFile) ==
                    reason = "You may not enter this region.";

            if ((ILO.LandData.Flags & (uint)ParcelFlags.DenyAgeUnverified) != 0 && agentInfo != null)
                if ((agentInfo.Flags & IAgentFlags.Minor) == IAgentFlags.Minor)
                    reason = "You may not enter this region.";

            //Check that we are not underground as well
            ITerrainChannel chan = scene.RequestModuleInterface <ITerrainChannel>();

            if (chan != null)
                float posZLimit = chan[(int)newPosition.X, (int)newPosition.Y] + (float)1.25;

                if (posZLimit >= (newPosition.Z) && !(Single.IsInfinity(posZLimit) || Single.IsNaN(posZLimit)))
                    newPosition.Z = posZLimit;

            reason = "";
        public uint GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion(UUID RegionID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            object remoteValue = DoRemote(RegionID, owner, flags, category);
            if (remoteValue != null || m_doRemoteOnly)
                return (uint)remoteValue;

            IRegionData regiondata = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionData>();
            if (regiondata != null)
                GridRegion region = regiondata.Get(RegionID, null);
                if (region != null)
                    QueryFilter filter = GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(RegionID, owner, flags, category);
                    return uint.Parse(GD.Query(new[] { "COUNT(ParcelID)" }, "searchparcel", filter, null, null, null)[0]);
            return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Defalt constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localID">Local ID of this parcel</param>
 public Parcel(int localID)
     LocalID = localID;
     SelfCount = 0;
     OtherCount = 0;
     PublicCount = 0;
     OwnerID = Guid.Empty;
     IsGroupOwned = false;
     AuctionID = 0;
     ClaimDate = Utils.Epoch;
     ClaimPrice = 0;
     RentPrice = 0;
     AABBMin = Vector3f.Zero;
     AABBMax = Vector3f.Zero;
     Bitmap = new byte[0];
     Area = 0;
     Status = ParcelStatus.None;
     SimWideMaxPrims = 0;
     SimWideTotalPrims = 0;
     MaxPrims = 0;
     TotalPrims = 0;
     OwnerPrims = 0;
     GroupPrims = 0;
     OtherPrims = 0;
     ParcelPrimBonus = 0;
     OtherCleanTime = 0;
     Flags = ParcelFlags.None;
     SalePrice = 0;
     Name = String.Empty;
     Desc = String.Empty;
     MusicURL = String.Empty;
     GroupID = Guid.Empty;
     PassPrice = 0;
     PassHours = 0;
     Category = ParcelCategory.None;
     AuthBuyerID = Guid.Empty;
     SnapshotID = Guid.Empty;
     UserLocation = Vector3f.Zero;
     UserLookAt = Vector3f.Zero;
     Landing = LandingType.None;
     Dwell = 0;
     RegionDenyAnonymous = false;
     RegionPushOverride = false;
     AccessWhiteList = new List<ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry>();
     AccessBlackList = new List<ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry>(0);
     RegionDenyAgeUnverified = false;
     Media = new ParcelMedia();
     ObscureMedia = false;
     ObscureMusic = false;
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialize the message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">An <see cref="OSDMap"/> containing the data</param>
        public void Deserialize(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap parcelDataMap = (OSDMap)((OSDArray)map["ParcelData"])[0];
            LocalID = parcelDataMap["LocalID"].AsInteger();
            AABBMax = parcelDataMap["AABBMax"].AsVector3();
            AABBMin = parcelDataMap["AABBMin"].AsVector3();
            Area = parcelDataMap["Area"].AsInteger();
            AuctionID = (uint)parcelDataMap["AuctionID"].AsInteger();
            AuthBuyerID = parcelDataMap["AuthBuyerID"].AsUUID();
            Bitmap = parcelDataMap["Bitmap"].AsBinary();
            Category = (ParcelCategory)parcelDataMap["Category"].AsInteger();
            ClaimDate = Utils.UnixTimeToDateTime((uint)parcelDataMap["ClaimDate"].AsInteger());
            ClaimPrice = parcelDataMap["ClaimPrice"].AsInteger();
            Desc = parcelDataMap["Desc"].AsString();

            // LL sends this as binary, we'll convert it here
            if (parcelDataMap["ParcelFlags"].Type == OSDType.Binary)
                byte[] bytes = parcelDataMap["ParcelFlags"].AsBinary();
                if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                ParcelFlags = (ParcelFlags)BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 0);
                ParcelFlags = (ParcelFlags)parcelDataMap["ParcelFlags"].AsUInteger();
            GroupID = parcelDataMap["GroupID"].AsUUID();
            GroupPrims = parcelDataMap["GroupPrims"].AsInteger();
            IsGroupOwned = parcelDataMap["IsGroupOwned"].AsBoolean();
            LandingType = (LandingType)parcelDataMap["LandingType"].AsInteger();
            MaxPrims = parcelDataMap["MaxPrims"].AsInteger();
            MediaID = parcelDataMap["MediaID"].AsUUID();
            MediaURL = parcelDataMap["MediaURL"].AsString();
            MediaAutoScale = parcelDataMap["MediaAutoScale"].AsBoolean(); // 0x1 = yes
            MusicURL = parcelDataMap["MusicURL"].AsString();
            Name = parcelDataMap["Name"].AsString();
            OtherCleanTime = parcelDataMap["OtherCleanTime"].AsInteger();
            OtherCount = parcelDataMap["OtherCount"].AsInteger();
            OtherPrims = parcelDataMap["OtherPrims"].AsInteger();
            OwnerID = parcelDataMap["OwnerID"].AsUUID();
            OwnerPrims = parcelDataMap["OwnerPrims"].AsInteger();
            ParcelPrimBonus = (float)parcelDataMap["ParcelPrimBonus"].AsReal();
            PassHours = (float)parcelDataMap["PassHours"].AsReal();
            PassPrice = parcelDataMap["PassPrice"].AsInteger();
            PublicCount = parcelDataMap["PublicCount"].AsInteger();
            Privacy = parcelDataMap["Privacy"].AsBoolean();
            RegionDenyAnonymous = parcelDataMap["RegionDenyAnonymous"].AsBoolean();
            RegionDenyIdentified = parcelDataMap["RegionDenyIdentified"].AsBoolean();
            RegionDenyTransacted = parcelDataMap["RegionDenyTransacted"].AsBoolean();
            RegionPushOverride = parcelDataMap["RegionPushOverride"].AsBoolean();
            RentPrice = parcelDataMap["RentPrice"].AsInteger();
            RequestResult = (ParcelResult)parcelDataMap["RequestResult"].AsInteger();
            SalePrice = parcelDataMap["SalePrice"].AsInteger();
            SelectedPrims = parcelDataMap["SelectedPrims"].AsInteger();
            SelfCount = parcelDataMap["SelfCount"].AsInteger();
            SequenceID = parcelDataMap["SequenceID"].AsInteger();
            SimWideMaxPrims = parcelDataMap["SimWideMaxPrims"].AsInteger();
            SimWideTotalPrims = parcelDataMap["SimWideTotalPrims"].AsInteger();
            SnapSelection = parcelDataMap["SnapSelection"].AsBoolean();
            SnapshotID = parcelDataMap["SnapshotID"].AsUUID();
            Status = (ParcelStatus)parcelDataMap["Status"].AsInteger();
            TotalPrims = parcelDataMap["TotalPrims"].AsInteger();
            UserLocation = parcelDataMap["UserLocation"].AsVector3();
            UserLookAt = parcelDataMap["UserLookAt"].AsVector3();

            if (map.ContainsKey("MediaData")) // temporary, OpenSim doesn't send this block
                OSDMap mediaDataMap = (OSDMap)((OSDArray)map["MediaData"])[0];
                MediaDesc = mediaDataMap["MediaDesc"].AsString();
                MediaHeight = mediaDataMap["MediaHeight"].AsInteger();
                MediaWidth = mediaDataMap["MediaWidth"].AsInteger();
                MediaLoop = mediaDataMap["MediaLoop"].AsBoolean();
                MediaType = mediaDataMap["MediaType"].AsString();
                ObscureMedia = mediaDataMap["ObscureMedia"].AsBoolean();
                ObscureMusic = mediaDataMap["ObscureMusic"].AsBoolean();

            OSDMap ageVerificationBlockMap = (OSDMap)((OSDArray)map["AgeVerificationBlock"])[0];
            RegionDenyAgeUnverified = ageVerificationBlockMap["RegionDenyAgeUnverified"].AsBoolean();
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy constructor
 /// </summary>
 public SceneParcel(SceneParcel parcel)
     if (parcel.AccessBlackList != null)
         AccessBlackList = new List<ParcelAccessEntry>(parcel.AccessBlackList);
     if (parcel.AccessWhiteList != null)
         AccessWhiteList = new List<ParcelAccessEntry>(parcel.AccessWhiteList);
     AuthBuyerID = parcel.AuthBuyerID;
     AutoReturnTime = parcel.AutoReturnTime;
     Bitmap = new byte[512];
     Buffer.BlockCopy(parcel.Bitmap, 0, Bitmap, 0, 512);
     Category = parcel.Category;
     ClaimDate = parcel.ClaimDate;
     Desc = parcel.Desc;
     Dwell = parcel.Dwell;
     Flags = parcel.Flags;
     GroupID = parcel.GroupID;
     IsGroupOwned = parcel.IsGroupOwned;
     Landing = parcel.Landing;
     LocalID = parcel.LocalID;
     MaxPrims = parcel.MaxPrims;
     ParcelMedia oldMedia = parcel.Media;
     Media = new ParcelMedia
         MediaAutoScale = oldMedia.MediaAutoScale,
         MediaDesc = oldMedia.MediaDesc,
         MediaHeight = oldMedia.MediaHeight,
         MediaID = oldMedia.MediaID,
         MediaLoop = oldMedia.MediaLoop,
         MediaType = oldMedia.MediaType,
         MediaURL = oldMedia.MediaURL,
         MediaWidth = oldMedia.MediaWidth
     MusicURL = parcel.MusicURL;
     Name = parcel.Name;
     ObscureMedia = parcel.ObscureMedia;
     ObscureMusic = parcel.ObscureMusic;
     OwnerID = parcel.OwnerID;
     PassHours = parcel.PassHours;
     PassPrice = parcel.PassPrice;
     DenyAgeUnverified = parcel.DenyAgeUnverified;
     DenyAnonymous = parcel.DenyAnonymous;
     PushOverride = parcel.PushOverride;
     SalePrice = parcel.SalePrice;
     SnapshotID = parcel.SnapshotID;
     Status = parcel.Status;
     LandingLocation = parcel.LandingLocation;
     LandingLookAt = parcel.LandingLookAt;
        private static QueryFilter GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();

            filter.andFilters["RegionID"] = RegionID;

            if (owner != UUID.Zero)
                filter.andFilters["OwnerID"] = owner;

            if (flags != ParcelFlags.None)
                filter.andBitfieldAndFilters["Flags"] = (uint)flags;

            if (category != ParcelCategory.Any)
                filter.andFilters["Category"] = (int)category;

Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Defalt constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="simulator">Simulator this parcel resides in</param>
 /// <param name="localID">Local ID of this parcel</param>
 public Parcel(Simulator simulator, int localID)
     Simulator = simulator;
     LocalID = localID;
     RequestResult = 0;
     SequenceID = 0;
     SnapSelection = false;
     SelfCount = 0;
     OtherCount = 0;
     PublicCount = 0;
     OwnerID = UUID.Zero;
     IsGroupOwned = false;
     AuctionID = 0;
     ClaimDate = Helpers.Epoch;
     ClaimPrice = 0;
     RentPrice = 0;
     AABBMin = Vector3.Zero;
     AABBMax = Vector3.Zero;
     Bitmap = new byte[0];
     Area = 0;
     Status = ParcelStatus.None;
     SimWideMaxPrims = 0;
     SimWideTotalPrims = 0;
     MaxPrims = 0;
     TotalPrims = 0;
     OwnerPrims = 0;
     GroupPrims = 0;
     OtherPrims = 0;
     SelectedPrims = 0;
     ParcelPrimBonus = 0;
     OtherCleanTime = 0;
     Flags = ParcelFlags.None;
     SalePrice = 0;
     Name = String.Empty;
     Desc = String.Empty;
     MusicURL = String.Empty;
     GroupID = UUID.Zero;
     PassPrice = 0;
     PassHours = 0;
     Category = ParcelCategory.None;
     AuthBuyerID = UUID.Zero;
     SnapshotID = UUID.Zero;
     UserLocation = Vector3.Zero;
     UserLookAt = Vector3.Zero;
     LandingType = 0x0;
     Dwell = 0;
     RegionDenyAnonymous = false;
     RegionPushOverride = false;
     AccessList = new List<ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry>(0);
     RegionDenyAgeUnverified = false;
     Media = new ParcelMedia();
     ObscureMedia = false;
     ObscureMusic = false;
        public uint GetNumberOfParcelsByRegion(UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            IRegionData regiondata = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin <IRegionData>();

            if (regiondata != null)
                GridRegion region = regiondata.Get(RegionID, scopeID);
                if (region != null)
                    QueryFilter filter = GetParcelsByRegionWhereClause(RegionID, scopeID, owner, flags, category);
                    return(uint.Parse(GD.Query(new string[1] {
                    }, "searchparcel", filter, null, null, null)[0]));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public List <LandData> GetParcelsByRegion(uint start, uint count, UUID RegionID, UUID scopeID, UUID owner, ParcelFlags flags, ParcelCategory category)
            List <LandData> resp = new List <LandData>(0);

            if (count == 0)
            OSDMap mess = new OSDMap();

            mess["Method"]   = "GetParcelsByRegion";
            mess["start"]    = OSD.FromUInteger(start);
            mess["count"]    = OSD.FromUInteger(count);
            mess["RegionID"] = OSD.FromUUID(RegionID);
            mess["scopeID"]  = OSD.FromUUID(scopeID);
            mess["owner"]    = OSD.FromUUID(owner);
            mess["flags"]    = OSD.FromUInteger((uint)flags);
            mess["category"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)category);
            List <string> m_ServerURIs =
                m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IConfigurationService>().FindValueOf("RemoteServerURI");

            resp = new List <LandData>();
            foreach (string m_ServerURI in m_ServerURIs)
                OSDMap   results      = WebUtils.PostToService(m_ServerURI + "osd", mess, true, false);
                OSDMap   innerResults = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(results["_RawResult"]);
                OSDArray parcels      = (OSDArray)innerResults["Parcels"];
                foreach (OSD o in parcels)
                    resp.Add(new LandData((OSDMap)o));