Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Oid from a DataRow. The DataRow is a row of the DataTable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable">DataTable the Oid is given from.</param>
        /// <param name="row">Row the Oid is requested.</param>
        /// <param name="alternateKeyName">Name of the alternate key, if proceed.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the Oid corresponding to the DataRow.</returns>
        public static Oid GetOid(DataTable dataTable, DataRow row, string alternateKeyName)
            Oid resultOid = null;
            List <DataColumn> oidFields = GetOidColumns(dataTable);

            if (oidFields != null)
                resultOid = Oid.Create(dataTable.TableName);
                foreach (DataColumn lDataColumn in oidFields)
                    ModelType type     = (ModelType)lDataColumn.ExtendedProperties[DataTableProperties.DataColumnProperties.ModelType];
                    object    rowValue = row[lDataColumn.Ordinal];
                    if (rowValue == null || rowValue == DBNull.Value)

                    if (type == ModelType.String && rowValue.ToString().Trim().Length == 0)

                    IOidField oidField = FieldList.CreateField(string.Empty, type);
                    oidField.Value = rowValue;

                string lAlternateKeyName = alternateKeyName;
                if (lAlternateKeyName == string.Empty)
                    // If no alternateKeyName is specified, ask to the current oid.
                    lAlternateKeyName = resultOid.AlternateKeyName;

                if (lAlternateKeyName != string.Empty)
                    // Try to load the alternate key fields with the values contained in the row.
                    IOid auxAlternateKey = resultOid.GetAlternateKey(lAlternateKeyName);
                    if ((auxAlternateKey as AlternateKey) != null)
                        foreach (IOidField oidField in auxAlternateKey.Fields)
                            // It is not guaranteed if the alternate key field is in the datatable.
                            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains(oidField.Name))
                                oidField.Value = row[oidField.Name];
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Oid object with the list of values for its fields, passed as parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="className">Name of the class of the new Oid.</param>
        /// <param name="oidFields">List of fields values.</param>
        /// <param name="alternatieKeyName">Indicates the name of the alternate key.</param>
        /// <param name="executeQuery">Indicates wheter a quey must be executed to retrieve the primary Oid.</param>
        /// <returns>An Oid object.</returns>
        public static Oid CreateOidFromOidFields(
            string className,
            List <object> oidFields,
            string alternateKeyName,
            bool executeQuery)
            Oid lOid = null;

            // Null if some field is null.
            if (oidFields != null)
                foreach (object lOidField in oidFields)
                    if (lOidField == null)

                if (alternateKeyName != string.Empty)
                    // Create the Oid to know its structure and be able to retrieve the alternate key.
                    lOid = Oid.Create(className);

                    // Fill the alternate key with the field values from the editors.
                    AlternateKey alternateKey = (AlternateKey)lOid.GetAlternateKey(alternateKeyName);

                    if (executeQuery)
                        // Retrieve the suitable Oid.
                        lOid = GetOidFromAlternateKey(alternateKey, alternateKeyName);

                    // Null if number of alternate fields does not match.
                    if ((oidFields.Count != alternateKey.Fields.Count))
                    // Create the Oid and set its fields values from the editors.
                    lOid = Oid.Create(className, oidFields);

                    // Null if number of fields in oidField and Oid is not the same.
                    if ((oidFields.Count != lOid.Fields.Count))
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of 'IUQueryContext'.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">Info.</param>
 /// <param name="iuType">IU type.</param>
 /// <param name="className">Class name.</param>
 /// <param name="iuName">IU name.</param>
 public IUQueryContext(ExchangeInfo info, ContextType iuType, string className, string iuName)
     : base(info, iuType, className, iuName)
     // Copy the selected Oids from the origin scenario. In this scenario they are the related Oids
     if (info.SelectedOids != null && info.SelectedOids.Count > 0)
         RelatedOids = new List <Oid>();
         foreach (Oid lOid in info.SelectedOids)
             RelatedOids.Add(Oid.Create(lOid.ClassName, lOid.GetFields()));
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes a new instance of the 'EditorList' class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="argumentController">Argument controller.</param>
            public EditorList(ArgumentOVController argumentController)
                if (argumentController != null)
                    mArgumentController = argumentController;
                    mOid = Oid.Create(mArgumentController.Domain);

                    if (argumentController.AlternateKeyName != string.Empty)
                        mOid = (mOid.GetAlternateKey(argumentController.AlternateKeyName) as Oid);
                    for (int it = 0; it < mOid.Fields.Count; it++)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the format and null allowed of the filter variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool CheckNullAndFormatFilterVariablesValues()
            bool lResult = true;

            object[] lArgs = new object[1];

            // Control the null - not null allowed for all the filter variables arguments.
            foreach (ArgumentController lFilterVariable in InputFields)
                // Argument data-valued validation.
                ArgumentDVController lFilterVariableDV = lFilterVariable as ArgumentDVController;
                if ((lFilterVariableDV != null) && (lFilterVariableDV.Editor != null))
                    lArgs[0] = lFilterVariable.Alias;
                    lResult  = lResult & lFilterVariableDV.Editor.Validate(CultureManager.TranslateStringWithParams(LanguageConstantKeys.L_VALIDATION_NECESARY, LanguageConstantValues.L_VALIDATION_NECESARY, lArgs));
                // Argument object-valued validation.
                    ArgumentOVController lFilterVariableOV = lFilterVariable as ArgumentOVController;
                    if (lFilterVariableOV != null)
                        List <Object> lEditorFields = new List <object>();
                        foreach (IEditorPresentation lEditor in lFilterVariableOV.Editors)
                            if (lEditor != null)
                                lArgs[0] = lFilterVariable.Alias;
                                // Shows the validation error only for the last editor field.
                                lResult = lResult & lEditor.Validate(CultureManager.TranslateStringWithParams(LanguageConstantKeys.L_VALIDATION_NECESARY, LanguageConstantValues.L_VALIDATION_NECESARY, lArgs));
                                if (lEditor.Value != null)
                                    // Fill the auxiliar list of values, in order to check if the Alternate Key is valid.

                        // If the OV filter variable has to work with an Alternate Key, check that the values specified
                        // in the editors are valid (It exist an instance that mach with this Alternate Key).
                        if (lFilterVariableOV.AlternateKeyName != string.Empty && lFilterVariableOV.Editors.Count == lEditorFields.Count)
                            Oid          lOid          = Oid.Create(lFilterVariableOV.Domain);
                            AlternateKey lAlternateKey = (AlternateKey)lOid.GetAlternateKey(lFilterVariableOV.AlternateKeyName);

                            // Check if the Alternate Key is a valid one.
                            Oid lResultOid = Logic.GetOidFromAlternateKey(lAlternateKey, lFilterVariableOV.AlternateKeyName);
                            // If the Oid is not found, it is because the Alternate Key is not a valid one.
                            if (lResultOid == null)
                                ScenarioManager.LaunchErrorScenario(new Exception(CultureManager.TranslateString(LanguageConstantKeys.L_ERROR_NO_EXIST_INSTANCE, LanguageConstantValues.L_ERROR_NO_EXIST_INSTANCE)));

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void LoginForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Text = "Desktop";

            // Get all the agents.
            List <Logics.LogInAgent> listLogInAgents = Logics.Agents.GetLogInAgents();

            mAgent.DataSource    = listLogInAgents;
            mAgent.ValueMember   = "Name";
            mAgent.DisplayMember = "Alias";

            if (Logics.Logic.Agent != null)
                mAgent.SelectedItem = Logics.Logic.Agent;

            #region Load supported languages
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > lSupportedLanguages = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            // Load supported languages from the LanguageManager class.
            foreach (System.Globalization.CultureInfo litem in CultureManager.SupportedLanguages.Values)
                lSupportedLanguages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(litem.Name, litem.NativeName));

            // Load supported languages from the LanguageManager class into the combobox.
            if (lSupportedLanguages.Count > 0)
                KeyValuePair <string, string> lSelectedLanguage = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(CultureManager.Culture.Name, CultureManager.Culture.NativeName);
                this.mLanguage.SelectedIndexChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.MultilanguageFixedString);
                this.mLanguage.DataSource            = lSupportedLanguages;
                this.mLanguage.ValueMember           = "Key";
                this.mLanguage.DisplayMember         = "Value";
                this.mLanguage.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.MultilanguageFixedString);
                this.mLanguage.SelectedItem          = lSelectedLanguage;
                this.mLanguage.Enabled    = true;
                this.mlblLanguage.Enabled = true;

            /* Not avaliable languages for the application.
             * IMPORNTANT: To enable any additional language, go to the
             * 'CultureManager' class and add the needed language
             * in 'CultureManager.SupportedLanguages' property.
                this.mLanguage.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.mLanguage.Enabled       = false;
                this.mlblLanguage.Enabled    = false;

                // Check the anonymous agent.
                if (this.mAgent.Items.Count == 1)
                    string    lAgentClassName = (mAgent.SelectedItem as Logics.LogInAgent).Name;
                    AgentInfo lAgent          = Oid.Create(lAgentClassName) as AgentInfo;
                    if (lAgent is AnonymousAgentInfo)
            #endregion Load supported languages
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// This function calls to the constructor of Oid.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="className">Class where will be the Oid.</param>
 /// <param name="fields">Fields of the Oid.</param>
 /// <returns>Oid instance.</returns>
 public static Oid CreateOid(
     string className,
     List <KeyValuePair <ModelType, object> > fields)
     return(Oid.Create(className, fields));
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// This function calls to the constructor of Oid.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="className">Class where will be the Oid.</param>
 /// <returns>Oid instance.</returns>
 public static Oid CreateOid(string className)
        /// <summary>
        /// Query the attribute values used in the State Change Detection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oids">Oid list.</param>
        protected void GetValuesForSCD(List <Oid> oids)
            // No Oids, do nothing.
            if (oids == null || (oids != null && oids.Count == 0))

            // Check that all the elements of the list are valid Oids.
            foreach (Oid lOid in oids)
                if (!Oid.IsNotNullAndValid(lOid))

            // More than one object select means no SCD.
            if (oids.Count > 1)
                foreach (Oid oid in oids)
                    // Empty the lists.

            // No SCD declared for this argument.
            if (SCDAttributes == null || SCDAttributes.DisplaySetItems == null || SCDAttributes.DisplaySetItems.Count == 0)

            // Empty the list.

            // Query for all Data Valued attributes.
            string lAttributes = "";

            foreach (DisplaySetItem lItem in SCDAttributes.DisplaySetItems)
                if (lItem.ModelType != ModelType.Oid)
                    if (!lAttributes.Equals(string.Empty))
                        lAttributes += ",";

                    lAttributes += lItem.Name;
                    // Add the OID fields
                    foreach (string oidField in lItem.OIDFields)
                        if (!lAttributes.Equals(string.Empty))
                            lAttributes += ",";

                        lAttributes += lItem.Name + "." + oidField;

            lAttributes = UtilFunctions.ReturnMissingAttributes(oids[0].ExtraInfo, lAttributes);
            if (lAttributes != "")
                DataTable dataTable = null;
                    dataTable = Logic.ExecuteQueryInstance(Logic.Agent, Domain, oids[0], lAttributes);
                if (dataTable == null || dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)

            // Pass the values to the Oid list.
            foreach (DisplaySetItem lItem in SCDAttributes.DisplaySetItems)
                string lName = Name + "." + lItem.Name;
                if (lItem.ModelType != ModelType.Oid)
                    object attValue = oids[0].ExtraInfo.Rows[0][lItem.Name];
                    attValue = (attValue == DBNull.Value) ? null : attValue;
                    oids[0].SCDAttributesValues.Add(lName, attValue);
                    oids[0].SCDAttributesTypes.Add(lName, lItem.ModelType);
                    oids[0].SCDAttributesDomains.Add(lName, lItem.ClassName);
                    // Create a new Oid using the field values.
                    Oid           lOid            = null;
                    List <Object> lOIDFieldValues = new List <object>();
                    bool          lNUllValue      = false;
                    foreach (string oidField in lItem.OIDFields)
                        object lValue = oids[0].ExtraInfo.Rows[0][lItem.Name + "." + oidField];
                        lValue = (lValue == DBNull.Value) ? null : lValue;
                        if (lValue == null)
                            lNUllValue = true;


                    if (!lNUllValue)
                        lOid = Oid.Create(lItem.ClassName, lOIDFieldValues);
                    oids[0].SCDAttributesValues.Add(lName, lOid);
                    oids[0].SCDAttributesTypes.Add(lName, lItem.ModelType);
                    oids[0].SCDAttributesDomains.Add(lName, lItem.ClassName);