public DataTable GetAthletics()
            OdbcConnectionClass3 cxConn      = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;
            DataTable            dtAthletics = null;
            Exception            exAthletics = null;

            string sqlAthletics = @"EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_admin_facetedsearch_athletics_list()";

                dtAthletics = cxConn.ConnectToERP(sqlAthletics, ref exAthletics);
                if (exAthletics != null)
                    throw exAthletics;
            catch (Exception ex)
                FormatException("Could not retrieve athletic organizations", ex, null, true);
                if (cxConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSearch.Text))
                this.ParentPortlet.PortletViewState[ciHelper.VIEWSTATE_SEARCH_CRITERIA] = this.txtSearch.Text;

                string sqlSearch = "EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_AdminSearchUsers @strSearchTerm = ?";
                List <OdbcParameter> paramSearch = new List <OdbcParameter>()
                    new OdbcParameter("search", txtSearch.Text)

                OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
                    DataTable dtSearch = null;
                    Exception exSearch = null;

                    dtSearch = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlSearch, ref exSearch, paramSearch);
                    if (exSearch != null)
                        throw exSearch;
                    if (dtSearch != null)
                        //If the search results only return a single record, go immediately to the detail view
                        if (dtSearch.Rows.Count == 1)
                            this.ParentPortlet.PortletViewState[ciHelper.VIEWSTATE_SEARCH_STUDENTID] = dtSearch.Rows[0]["CX ID"].ToString(); //this.txtSearch.Text;
                            this.lblSearchResults.Text    = this.lblSearchResults2.Text = String.Format("Found {0} matches", dtSearch.Rows.Count.ToString());
                            this.lblSearchResults.Visible = this.lblSearchResults2.Visible = true;
                            gvSearchResults.DataSource    = dtSearch;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while filtering search results", ex));
                                                    ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while filtering search results", ex, PortalUser.Current, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.CheckInAdminHelper, sqlSearch)
                    if (spConn.IsNotClosed())
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, "Please enter either a last name or student ID");
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void btnProcessRollover_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsSpConn        = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            Exception            exProcessRollover = null;
            string sqlProcessRollover = String.Format(@"EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_ProcessRollover @intYear = {0}, @strSession = '{1}'", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

                jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlProcessRollover, ref exProcessRollover);
                if (exProcessRollover != null)
                    throw exProcessRollover;
            catch (Exception ex)
                                                ciHelper.FormatException(String.Format("<p>Could not process rollover data</p><p>{0}</p>", sqlProcessRollover), ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlProcessRollover));
                if (jicsSpConn.IsNotClosed())
        //public string GetPortalIDByHostID(int cxID)
        //    string portalID = "";
        //    DataTable dtPortal = null;
        //    Exception exPortal = null;
        //    OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn = helper.CONNECTION_JICS;
        //    try
        //    {
        //        string sqlPortal = String.Format(@"SELECT ID FROM FWK_User WHERE HostID = {0}", cxID);
        //        dtPortal = jicsConn.ConnectToERP(sqlPortal, ref exPortal);
        //        if (exPortal != null) { throw exPortal; }
        //        if (dtPortal != null && dtPortal.Rows.Count > 0)
        //        {
        //            portalID = dtPortal.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        FormatException("Error trying to match student ID with portal ID", ex, null, true);
        //    }
        //    return portalID;

        public DataTable GetTasks()
            string               sqlTasks = String.Format(@"EXECUTE dbo.CUS_spCheckIn_Tasks");
            DataTable            dtTasks  = null;
            Exception            exTasks  = null;
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn   = helper.CONNECTION_SP;

                dtTasks = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlTasks, ref exTasks);
                if (exTasks != null)
                    throw exTasks;
                if (dtTasks == null || dtTasks.Rows.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("No tasks returned by the stored procedure.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                FormatException("An exception occurred while retrieving task informamtion", ex, null, true);
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void LoadCheckInSummary()
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn    = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtSummary = null;
            Exception            exSummary = null;

            string sqlSummary = "EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_AdminChartSummary";

                dtSummary = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlSummary, ref exSummary);
                if (exSummary != null)
                    throw exSummary;
                chartCheckInSummary.DataSource = dtSummary;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatExceptionMessage(ex));
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void btnInitStudentProgress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsSpConn        = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            Exception            exStudentProgress = null;
            string sqlStudentProgress = String.Format(@"EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_InitializeStudentProgress @intYear = {0}, @strSession = '{1}'", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

                jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlStudentProgress, ref exStudentProgress);
                if (exStudentProgress != null)
                    throw exStudentProgress;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException(String.Format("<p>Could not initialize student progress</p><p>{0}</p>", sqlStudentProgress), ex));
                                                ciHelper.FormatException(String.Format("<p>Could not initialize student progress</p><p>{0}</p>", sqlStudentProgress), ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlStudentProgress));
                if (jicsSpConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void OfficeTaskInit()
            this.lblSession1.Text = helper.ACTIVE_SESSION_TEXT;
            this.lblYear1.Text    = helper.ACTIVE_YEAR.ToString();
            this.lblOTSCount.Text = GetOfficeTaskSession().Rows.Count.ToString();
            //Add range of years
            this.ddlInitRolloverYear.Items.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, 4).Select(li => new ListItem(li.ToString())).OrderByDescending(li => li.Value).ToArray());

            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsSpConn          = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtOfficeTaskSession = null;
            Exception            exOfficeTaskSession = null;

            string sqlOfficeTaskSession = String.Format(@"
                    O.OfficeID, O.OfficeName, OT.TaskID, OT.TaskName, OT.ViewColumn, O.OfficeName + ' - ' + OT.TaskName AS OfficeTaskLabel
                    CI_OfficeTask   OT  INNER JOIN  CI_Office				O   ON  OT.OfficeID			=   O.OfficeID
                                        LEFT JOIN	CI_OfficeTaskSession	OTS	ON	OT.TaskID			=	OTS.OfficeTaskID
                                                                                AND	OTS.ActiveYear		=	{0}
                                                                                AND	OTS.ActiveSession	=	'{1}'
                    OTS.OfficeTaskSessionID IS  NULL
                ORDER BY
                    O.Sequence, O.OfficeName, OT.Sequence, OT.TaskName"
                                                        , helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

                dtOfficeTaskSession = jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlOfficeTaskSession, ref exOfficeTaskSession);
                if (exOfficeTaskSession != null)
                    throw exOfficeTaskSession;
                if (dtOfficeTaskSession != null && dtOfficeTaskSession.Rows.Count > 0)
                    this.lblOTCount.Text = dtOfficeTaskSession.Rows.Count.ToString();
                    this.cblOfficeTaskSession.DataSource = dtOfficeTaskSession;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("<p>Could not load Office Task Session initialization.</p>", ex));
                                                ciHelper.FormatException("<p>Could not load Office Task Session initialization.</p>", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlOfficeTaskSession));
                if (jicsSpConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 8
        public PersonRecord GetPerson(string userId)
            PersonRecord person = new PersonRecord();

            if (PortalUser.Current.IsGuest)
                person.Success = false;
                person.Message = "You do not have permissions to this resource.";
            else if (PortalUser.Current.HostID == userId || PortalUser.Current.IsSiteAdmin)
                OdbcConnectionClass3 odbcConn = new OdbcConnectionClass3("ERPDataConnection.config");

                string stmt = "select * from CUS_Addresses5, FWK_User where ID_Number = ? and ID_Number = HostID";

                List <OdbcParameter> parameters = new List <OdbcParameter>
                    new OdbcParameter("id", PortalUser.Current.HostID)

                Exception ex = null;

                DataTable dt = odbcConn.ConnectToERP(stmt, ref ex, parameters);

                int cnt = 0;

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    if (cnt == 0)
                        person.FirstName  = dr["FirstName"].ToString();
                        person.Middlename = dr["MiddleName"].ToString();
                        person.LastName   = dr["LastName"].ToString();
                        person.Email      = dr["Email"].ToString();
                    person.AddressList.Add(new Address
                        AddressType = dr["Addr_Code"].ToString(),
                        BeginDate   = dr["BeginDate"].ToString(),
                        Line1       = dr["Addr_Line1"].ToString(),
                        Line2       = dr["Addr_Line2"].ToString(),
                        City        = dr["City"].ToString(),
                        State       = dr["State"].ToString(),
                        Zip         = dr["Zip"].ToString(),
                        IsEmail     = dr["Addr_Code"].ToString().Trim() == "EML"

        public void handleStatusChange(string taskID, string status)
            //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, String.Format("UPDATE CI_OfficeTask SET TaskStatus = '{0}' WHERE TaskID = '{1}'", status, taskID));
            string feedbackUpdate = String.Format(@"EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_UpdateTask @uuidTaskID = '{0}', @strTaskStatus = '{1}', @uuidStatusUserID = '{2}', @intHostID = {3}",
                                                  taskID, status, PortalUser.Current.Guid.ToString(),

            this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, feedbackUpdate);

            int studentID = int.Parse(this.ParentPortlet.PortletViewState[ciHelper.VIEWSTATE_SEARCH_STUDENTID].ToString());

                OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn   = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
                Exception            exUpdate = null;
                string sqlUpdate = String.Format("EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_UpdateTask @uuidTaskID = ?, @strTaskStatus = ?, @uuidStatusUserID = ?, @intHostID = {0}",
                List <OdbcParameter> paramUpdate = new List <OdbcParameter>()
                    new OdbcParameter("taskID", taskID)
                    , new OdbcParameter("status", status)
                    , new OdbcParameter("statusUserID", PortalUser.Current.Guid.ToString())

                spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlUpdate, ref exUpdate, paramUpdate);
                if (exUpdate != null)
                    throw exUpdate;

                //If the stored procedure executed successfully, reload the table to reflect the updated information
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while updating the status of this task", ex, null, true));
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void StudentMetaDataInit()
            string sqlStudents = "";

                if (helper.ACTIVE_SESSION == "RA")
                    sqlStudents = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_get_students_fall({0})", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR);
                else if (helper.ACTIVE_SESSION == "RC")
                    sqlStudents = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_get_students_spring({0}, 'RA', {1}, 'RC')", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR - 1, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR);
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Unknown session: {0}; could not identify procedure to retrieve students"));

                OdbcConnectionClass3 cxSpConn   = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;
                DataTable            dtStudents = null;
                Exception            exStudents = null;
                    dtStudents = cxSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlStudents, ref exStudents);
                    if (exStudents != null)
                        throw exStudents;
                    this.lblSMDCount.Text = dtStudents == null ? "0" : dtStudents.Rows.Count.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Could not retrieve students to update meta data", ex));
                                                    ciHelper.FormatException("Could not retrieve students to update meta data", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlStudents));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while initializing student meta data", ex));
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while initializing student meta data", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools));
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected void btnAddOTS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string rolloverYear    = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ddlInitRolloverYear.SelectedValue) ? "NULL" : this.ddlInitRolloverYear.SelectedValue;
            string rolloverSession = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ddlInitRolloverSession.SelectedValue) ? "NULL" : this.ddlInitRolloverSession.SelectedValue;

            string selectedOfficeTasks = String.Join(",", this.cblOfficeTaskSession.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(li => li.Selected == true).Select(li => "'" + li.Value + "'"));
            string sqlInsert           = String.Format(@"
                INSERT INTO CI_OfficeTaskSession (OfficeTaskID, ActiveYear, ActiveSession, IsRollover, RolloverYear, RolloverSession)
                    OT.TaskID, {0}, '{1}', 0, {2}, {3}
                    CI_OfficeTask   OT
                    OT.TaskID   IN  ({4})",
                                                       helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION, rolloverYear, rolloverSession, selectedOfficeTasks);

            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn   = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            Exception            exRollover = null;

                jicsConn.ConnectToERP(sqlInsert, ref exRollover);
                if (exRollover != null)
                    throw exRollover;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while attempting to insert OfficeTaskSession records", ex));
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while attempting to insert OfficeTaskSession records", ex, null, null, null,
                                                                                             LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlInsert));
                if (jicsConn.IsNotClosed())

            this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, sqlInsert);
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected void gvConfigSettings_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            GridViewRow gvr         = gvConfigSettings.Rows[e.RowIndex];
            string      configID    = gvConfigSettings.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
            string      configKey   = (gvr.FindControl("txtKey") as TextBox).Text;
            string      configValue = (gvr.FindControl("txtValue") as TextBox).Text;

            string sqlUpdate = String.Format("UPDATE FWK_ConfigSettings SET [Value] = ? WHERE ID = ?", configValue, configID);
            List <OdbcParameter> paramUpdate = new List <OdbcParameter>()
                new OdbcParameter("value", configValue)
                , new OdbcParameter("configID", configID)

            this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, sqlUpdate);

            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            Exception            exUpdate = null;

                jicsConn.ConnectToERP(sqlUpdate, ref exUpdate, paramUpdate);
                if (exUpdate != null)
                    throw exUpdate;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Failed to update configuration settings", ex));
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Failed to update configuration settings", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlUpdate));
                if (jicsConn.IsNotClosed())

            gvConfigSettings.EditIndex = -1;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private DataTable GetOfficeTaskSession()
            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsSpConn          = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtOfficeTaskSession = null;
            Exception            exOfficeTaskSession = null;
            string sqlOfficeTaskSession = String.Format(@"
                    O.OfficeName, OT.TaskName, O.OfficeName + ' - ' + OT.TaskName AS OfficeTaskLabel, OT.TaskID, OTS.IsRollover, OTS.RolloverYear, OTS.RolloverSession, OTS.OfficeTaskSessionID
                    CI_OfficeTaskSession    OTS INNER JOIN  CI_OfficeTask   OT  ON  OTS.OfficeTaskID    =   OT.TaskID
                                                INNER JOIN  CI_Office       O   ON  OT.OfficeID         =   O.OfficeID
                    ActiveYear      =   {0}
                    ActiveSession   =   '{1}'
                ORDER BY
                    O.Sequence, O.OfficeName, OT.Sequence, OT.TaskName
            ", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

                dtOfficeTaskSession = jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlOfficeTaskSession, ref exOfficeTaskSession);
                if (exOfficeTaskSession != null)
                    throw exOfficeTaskSession;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while retrieving OfficeTaskSession in session initialization interface.", ex));
                                                ciHelper.FormatException("Error while retrieving OfficeTaskSession in session initialization interface.", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlOfficeTaskSession)
                if (jicsSpConn.IsNotClosed())
        public string GetTaskStatus(string task, string hostID)
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtTask = null;
            Exception            exTask = null;
            string sql = String.Format(@"
                EXECUTE dbo.CUS_spCheckIn_TaskStatusForStudent @intStudentID = {0}, @strViewColumn = ?
            ", hostID);

            string taskStatus = "";

            List <OdbcParameter> paramTask = new List <OdbcParameter>()
                new OdbcParameter("viewcolumn", task)

                dtTask = spConn.ConnectToERP(sql, ref exTask, paramTask);
                if (exTask != null)
                    throw exTask;
                if (dtTask != null && dtTask.Rows.Count > 0)
                    taskStatus = dtTask.Rows[0]["TaskStatus"].ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                helper.FormatException("An error occurred while looking for the status of a task", ex, true);
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())

        public DataTable GetOfficeAndTask()
            //OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn = helper.CONNECTION_JICS;
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn   = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtOffice = null;
            Exception            exOffice = null;
//            string sqlOffice = @"
//	            SELECT
//		            O.OfficeName, O.OfficeID, OT.TaskName, OT.TaskID, OT.ViewColumn
//	            FROM
//		            CI_OfficeTaskSession	OTS	INNER JOIN	CI_OfficeTask	OT	ON	OTS.OfficeTaskID	=	OT.TaskID
//									            INNER JOIN	CI_Office		O	ON	OT.OfficeID			=	O.OfficeID
//	            WHERE
//		            OTS.ActiveYear		=	(SELECT [Value] FROM FWK_ConfigSettings WHERE Category = 'C_CheckIn' AND [Key] = 'ActiveYear')
//	            AND
//		            OTS.ActiveSession	=	(SELECT [Value] FROM FWK_ConfigSettings WHERE Category = 'C_CheckIn' AND [Key] = 'ActiveSession')
//	            ORDER BY
//		            O.Sequence, OT.Sequence
//            ";
            string sqlOffice = "EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_GetOfficeAndTask";

                dtOffice = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlOffice, ref exOffice);
                if (exOffice != null)
                    throw exOffice;
            catch (Exception ex)
                FormatException("An exception occurred while loading office/task table", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.CheckInAdminHelper, sqlOffice);
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void GetCourseList2()
            string connString             = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["HelloWorldConnect"].ConnectionString;
            OdbcConnectionClass3 odbcConn = new OdbcConnectionClass3(connString);
            string sqlSelectCourse        = @"SELECT CourseCode, CourseName, CourseDescription from Courses ORDER BY CourseCode";

            Exception ex = null;

            DataTable dt = odbcConn.ConnectToERP(sqlSelectCourse, ref ex);

            if (ex != null)
                lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;
            else if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                lblMessage.Text = "No data to display";
                rptCourseList.DataSource = dt;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void BindGrid()
            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtConfig = null;
            Exception            exConfig = null;
            string sqlConfig = String.Format("SELECT ID, [Key] AS ConfigKey, [Value] AS ConfigValue, DefaultValue AS ConfigDefaultValue FROM FWK_ConfigSettings WHERE Category = ? ORDER BY [Key]");
            List <OdbcParameter> paramConfig = new List <OdbcParameter>()
                new OdbcParameter("checkInCategory", "C_CheckIn")

                dtConfig = jicsConn.ConnectToERP(sqlConfig, ref exConfig, paramConfig);
                if (exConfig != null)
                    throw exConfig;
                gvConfigSettings.DataSource = dtConfig;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Unable to load configuration data", ex));
                                                ciHelper.FormatException("Unable to load configuration data", ex, null, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlConfig)
                if (jicsConn.IsNotClosed())
        protected void LoadStudentProgress(int cxID)
            //OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn = helper.CONNECTION_JICS;
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn     = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtProgress = null;
            Exception            exProgress = null;
            string sqlProgress = String.Format(@"EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_AdminGetStudentProgressByID @intHostID = {0}", cxID);

                dtProgress = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlProgress, ref exProgress);
                if (exProgress != null)
                    throw exProgress;
                if (dtProgress != null && dtProgress.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow dr = dtProgress.AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
                    this.shDetail.Text = String.Format("Student Detail View for {0} {1} (ID: {2})", dr["FirstName"].ToString(), dr["LastName"].ToString(), dr["HostID"].ToString());

                dgTasks.DataSource = dtProgress;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An error occurred while retrieving the student's record", ex, null, true));
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected void btnUpdateRegStat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string feedback = "<p>Begin processing reg_stat information</p>";
            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsSpConn   = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtIncomplete = null;
            Exception            exIncomplete = null;
            int recordsCompleted = 0;

                //Get every incomplete task for every active student
                string sqlIncomplete = String.Format("EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_GetIncompleteTasks");
                dtIncomplete = jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlIncomplete, ref exIncomplete);
                if (exIncomplete != null)
                    throw exIncomplete;

                if (dtIncomplete != null && dtIncomplete.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //For each task, execute the appropriate CX stored procedure to determine if it has been completed outside the check-in process
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtIncomplete.Rows)
                            CheckInTaskStatus result = helper.updatePortalTaskStatusFromCX(dr["ViewColumn"].ToString(), dr["UserID"].ToString(), helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION, int.Parse(dr["HostID"].ToString()));
                            if (result == CheckInTaskStatus.Yes)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            //feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>Error while updating {1} for {2}<br />Message: {3}</p>", feedback, dr["ViewColumn"].ToString(), dr["UserID"].ToString(), ciHelper.FormatException("", ex));
                            feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>Error while updating {1} for {2}<br />Message: {3}</p>", feedback, dr["ViewColumn"].ToString(), dr["UserID"].ToString(),
                                                     ciHelper.FormatException("", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.Dashboard, sqlIncomplete)
                    //DataRow dr = dtIncomplete.Rows[0];
                    //    CheckInTaskStatus result = helper.updatePortalTaskStatusFromCX(dr["ViewColumn"].ToString(), dr["UserID"].ToString(), helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION, int.Parse(dr["HostID"].ToString()));
                    //    if (result == CheckInTaskStatus.Yes) { recordsCompleted++; }
                    //catch (Exception ex)
                    //    feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>Error while updating {1} for {2}<br />Message: {3}</p>", feedback, dr["ViewColumn"].ToString(), dr["UserID"].ToString(), ciHelper.FormatException("", ex));

                    feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>{1} incomplete tasks found; {2} were resolved.</p>", feedback, dtIncomplete.Rows.Count, recordsCompleted);

                    //Once the task statuses are current, run the process to update the "CompletedOn" field in CI_StudentMetaData and return the affected records so the CX updates can be made
                    DataTable dtComplete  = null;
                    Exception exComplete  = null;
                    string    sqlComplete = "EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_AdminProcessCompleted";
                        dtComplete = jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlComplete, ref exComplete);
                        if (exComplete != null)
                            throw exComplete;
                        if (dtComplete != null && dtComplete.Rows.Count > 0)
                            feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>Preparing to update reg_stat for {1} record(s)</p>", feedback, dtComplete.Rows.Count);
                            OdbcConnectionClass3 cxSpConn = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;
                            int    updateCount            = 0;
                            string debugFailedID          = "";
                            foreach (DataRow drComplete in dtComplete.Rows)
                                Exception exRegStat  = null;
                                string    sqlRegStat = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_registrar_set_regstat({0}, {1}, '{2}')", drComplete["HostID"].ToString(), helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);
                                    cxSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlRegStat, ref exRegStat);
                                    if (exRegStat != null)
                                        throw exRegStat;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    debugFailedID = String.Format("{0}<p>Failed to execute: {1}</p>", debugFailedID, sqlRegStat);
                            feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>Completed reg_stat update for {1} record(s)</p>", feedback, updateCount);
                            if (cxSpConn.IsNotClosed())

                            //Send list of errors to administrator
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(debugFailedID))
                                ciHelper.FormatException(debugFailedID, new Exception(), null, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error processing completed students", ex, null, true));
                    feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>No incomplete records found</p>", feedback);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>{1}</p>", feedback, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while getting list of all incomplete tasks", ex));
                feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>{1}</p>", feedback, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while getting list of all incomplete tasks", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.Dashboard));
                if (jicsSpConn.IsNotClosed())
            ciHelper.LogEvent(null, null, null, LogEventType.Info, feedback, LogScreen.Dashboard);
            this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, feedback);
        public string GenerateStudentMetaData()
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            string debug             = "";
            string sqlStudentsFromCX = "";

            if (helper.ACTIVE_SESSION == "RA")
                //debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Load students for Fall</p>", debug);
                sqlStudentsFromCX = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_get_students_fall({0})", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR);
            else if (helper.ACTIVE_SESSION == "RC")
                //debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Load students for Spring</p>", debug);
                sqlStudentsFromCX = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_get_students_spring({0}, 'RA', {1}, 'RC')", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR - 1, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR);
                debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Unknown term '{1}' for data load</p>", debug, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

            OdbcConnectionClass3 cxSpConn           = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;
            DataTable            dtStudentsFromCX   = null;
            List <int>           listStudentsFromCX = new List <int>()
            Exception exStudentsFromCX = null;

                dtStudentsFromCX = cxSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlStudentsFromCX, ref exStudentsFromCX);
                if (exStudentsFromCX != null)
                    throw exStudentsFromCX;
                if (dtStudentsFromCX != null && dtStudentsFromCX.Rows.Count > 0)
                    listStudentsFromCX = dtStudentsFromCX.AsEnumerable().Select(row => row.Field <int>("cx_id")).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Encountered a problem getting students from CX:</p><p>{1}</p>", debug, this.FormatException("", ex));
                debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Encountered a problem getting students from CX:</p><p>{1}</p>", debug,
                                      this.FormatException("", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.CheckInAdminHelper, sqlStudentsFromCX)

            debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Time for getting {1} students from CX: {2}</p>", debug, listStudentsFromCX.Count, sw.Elapsed.ToString());

            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn           = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtStudentsFromJICS = null;
            Exception            exStudentsFromJICS = null;
            string sqlStudentsFromJICS = String.Format(@"EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_GetStudentMetaData @intYear = {0}, @strSession = '{1}'", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

                dtStudentsFromJICS = jicsConn.ConnectToERP(sqlStudentsFromJICS, ref exStudentsFromJICS);
                if (exStudentsFromJICS != null)
                    throw exStudentsFromJICS;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Encountered problem getting students from JICS:</p><p>{1}</p>", debug, this.FormatException("", ex));
                debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Encountered problem getting students from JICS:</p><p>{1}</p>", debug,
                                      this.FormatException("", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.CheckInAdminHelper, sqlStudentsFromJICS)

            //Initialize lists
            List <int> disableJICS = new List <int>()
            }, enableJICS          = new List <int>()
            }, createJICS          = new List <int>()

            //Identify which records need to be changed (created, enabled, or disabled)
                //Flip IsActive from 1 to 0
                disableJICS = dtStudentsFromJICS.AsEnumerable().Where(row => row.Field <bool>("IsActive") == true && !listStudentsFromCX.Contains(row.Field <int>("HostID"))).Select(row => row.Field <int>("HostID")).ToList();

                //Flip IsActive from 0 to 1
                enableJICS = dtStudentsFromJICS.AsEnumerable().Where(row => row.Field <bool>("IsActive") == false && listStudentsFromCX.Contains(row.Field <int>("HostID"))).Select(row => row.Field <int>("HostID")).ToList();

                //Create StudentMetaData record
                createJICS = listStudentsFromCX.Where(list => !dtStudentsFromJICS.AsEnumerable().Select(row => row.Field <int>("HostID")).Contains(list)).ToList();

                debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Enable {1} records<br />Disable {2} records<br />Create {3} records</p>", debug, enableJICS.Count, disableJICS.Count, createJICS.Count);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Encountered problem while determining presence or absence of StudentMetaData:</p><p>{1}</p>", debug, ciHelper.FormatException("", ex));

            debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Time to assemble lists: {1}</p>", debug, sw.Elapsed.ToString());

            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsSpConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            Exception            exSP       = null;
            string sqlSP = "";

            #region Disable Student Meta Data

            foreach (int cxID in disableJICS)
                    sqlSP = String.Format("EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_DisableStudentMetaData @intHostID = {0}", cxID);
                    jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlSP, ref exSP);
                    if (exSP != null)
                        throw exSP;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Error executing disable: {1}<br />{2}</p>", debug, sqlSP, this.FormatException("", ex));
                    debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Error executing disable: {1}<br />{2}</p>", debug, sqlSP,
                                          this.FormatException("", ex, null, null, cxID, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.CheckInAdminHelper, sqlSP));

            debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Time to process disable list ({1}): {2}</p>", debug, disableJICS.Count, sw.Elapsed.ToString());


            #region Enable/Create Student Meta Data

            List <int> combinedIDs = enableJICS.Union(createJICS).ToList();
            foreach (int cxID in combinedIDs)
                    sqlSP = String.Format("EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_InsertUpdateStudentMetaData @intHostID = {0}", cxID);
                    jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlSP, ref exSP);
                    if (exSP != null)
                        throw exSP;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Error executing insert/update: {1}<br />{2}</p>", debug, sqlSP, this.FormatException("", ex));
                    debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Error executing insert/update: {1}<br />{2}</p>", debug, sqlSP,
                                          this.FormatException("", ex, null, null, cxID, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.CheckInAdminHelper, sqlSP));
            debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Time to process create/update ({1}): {2}</p>", debug, combinedIDs.Count, sw.Elapsed.ToString());


            #region Initialize Student Progress

            string sqlInitStudentProgress = "EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_InitializeStudentProgress";
                jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlInitStudentProgress, ref exSP);
                if (exSP != null)
                    throw exSP;
            catch (Exception ex)
                debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Error when initializing student progress</p>", debug);
                FormatException("Error when initializing student progress in GenerateStudentMetaData()", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.CheckInAdminHelper, sqlInitStudentProgress);
                debug = String.Format("{0}<p>Time to process student progress initialization: {1}</p>", debug, sw.Elapsed.ToString());


            if (jicsSpConn.IsNotClosed())

Exemplo n.º 21
        private void LoadStudentProgress()
            #region Commented out
            //DataTable dtStudentProgress = ciHelper.StudentProgressCounts();
            //DataTable dtStudentProgressCounts = new DataTable();
            //dtStudentProgressCounts.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[]{
            //    new DataColumn("Complete"),
            //    new DataColumn("Missing1"),
            //    new DataColumn("Started"),
            //    new DataColumn("NotStarted")
            //DataRow dr = dtStudentProgressCounts.NewRow();

            //int totalTasks = ciHelper.GetTasks().Rows.Count;
            //dr["Complete"] = dtStudentProgress.AsEnumerable().Count(row => row.Field<int>("completed_task_count") + row.Field<int>("waived_task_count") == totalTasks);
            //dr["Missing1"] = dtStudentProgress.AsEnumerable().Count(row => row.Field<int>("completed_task_count") + row.Field<int>("waived_task_count") == totalTasks - 1);
            //dr["Started"] = dtStudentProgress.AsEnumerable().Count(row => row.Field<int>("completed_task_count") + row.Field<int>("waived_task_count") < totalTasks - 1 && row.Field<int>("completed_task_count") > 0);
            //dr["NotStarted"] = dtStudentProgress.AsEnumerable().Count(row => row.Field<int>("completed_task_count") == 0);

            #region Faster Progress Count
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtStudentProgressCounts = null;
            Exception            exStudentProgressCounts = null;

            string sqlProgress = @"EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_GetStudentProgressSummary";

                dtStudentProgressCounts = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlProgress, ref exStudentProgressCounts);
                if (exStudentProgressCounts != null)
                    throw exStudentProgressCounts;

                //foreach (DataRow dr in dtStudentProgressCounts.Rows)
                //    string seriesName = String.Format("Completed{0}", dr["TaskCount"].ToString());
                //    chartStudentProgress.Series.Add(seriesName);
                //    chartStudentProgress.Series[seriesName].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column;
                //    chartStudentProgress.Series[seriesName].XValueMember = "TaskCount";
                //    chartStudentProgress.Series[seriesName].YValueMembers = "StudentCount";
                //    chartStudentProgress.Series[seriesName].IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
                //    //chartStudentProgress.Series[seriesName].IsVisibleInLegend = true;

                chartStudentProgress.ChartAreas["caStudentProgress"].AxisX.Maximum = dtStudentProgressCounts.Rows.Count - 1;
                chartStudentProgress.DataSource = dtStudentProgressCounts;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, helper.FormatException("An error occurred while retrieving student progress counts", ex));
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())


            this.shStudentProgress.Text = String.Format("Student Progress for {0} {1}", helper.ACTIVE_SESSION_TEXT, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR);
        public bool LogEvent(string loggedInID = null, int?loggedInHostID = null, string studentID = null, int?studentHostID = null, LogEventType?eventType = null,
                             string message    = null, LogScreen?screen   = null, string sql       = null, int?activeYear = null, string activeSession = null)
            //Initialize ODBC connection
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;

            //Determine if log event was successful
            bool logSuccessful = false;

            //Initialize variables and SQL for query
            Exception exLogEvent = null;

            string sqlLogEvent = String.Format(@"
                EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_LogEvent @strMessage = ?, @strScreen = ?, @intEventTypeSeq = ?

            //Populate parameters for stored procedure
            List <OdbcParameter> paramLogEvent = new List <OdbcParameter>()
                new OdbcParameter("message", message)
                , new OdbcParameter("screen", screen.ToDescriptionString())
                , new OdbcParameter("eventSequence", eventType.HasValue ? eventType.ToDescriptionString() : LogEventType.Error.ToDescriptionString())

            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loggedInID))
                sqlLogEvent = String.Format("{0}, @uuidLoggedInID = ?", sqlLogEvent);
                paramLogEvent.Add(new OdbcParameter("loggedInID", loggedInID));
            if (loggedInHostID.HasValue)
                sqlLogEvent = String.Format("{0}, @intLoggedInHostID = ?", sqlLogEvent);
                paramLogEvent.Add(new OdbcParameter("loggedInHostID", loggedInHostID));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(studentID))
                sqlLogEvent = String.Format("{0}, @uuidStudentID = ?", sqlLogEvent);
                paramLogEvent.Add(new OdbcParameter("studentID", studentID));
            if (studentHostID.HasValue)
                sqlLogEvent = String.Format("{0}, @intStudentID = ?", sqlLogEvent);
                paramLogEvent.Add(new OdbcParameter("studentHostID", studentHostID));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sql))
                sqlLogEvent = String.Format("{0}, @strSQL = ?", sqlLogEvent);
                paramLogEvent.Add(new OdbcParameter("sql", sql));
            if (activeYear.HasValue)
                sqlLogEvent = String.Format("{0}, @intYear = ?", sqlLogEvent);
                paramLogEvent.Add(new OdbcParameter("year", activeYear));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(activeSession))
                sqlLogEvent = String.Format("{0}, @strSession = ?", sqlLogEvent);
                paramLogEvent.Add(new OdbcParameter("session", activeSession));

                spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlLogEvent, ref exLogEvent, paramLogEvent);
                if (exLogEvent != null)
                    throw exLogEvent;

                logSuccessful = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string messageBody = String.Format("{0}<p>SQL: {1}</p><ul>", FormatExceptionMessage(ex), sqlLogEvent);
                foreach (OdbcParameter param in paramLogEvent)
                    messageBody = String.Format("{0}<li>{1}: {2}</li>", messageBody, param.ParameterName, param.Value);
                messageBody = String.Format("{0}</ul>", messageBody);

                Email.CreateAndSendMailMessage("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "Check-In: Error in Log", messageBody);
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())

Exemplo n.º 23
        public Address SaveAddress(string addressType, string line1, string line2, string city, string st, string zip,
                                   string begDate)
            var     note   = new NotesNHibernate();
            Address result = new Address();

            if (PortalUser.Current.IsGuest)
                result.Success = false;
                result.Message = "You do not have permissions to this resource.";

            OdbcConnectionClass3 odbcConn = new OdbcConnectionClass3("ERPDataConnection.config");

            string insertAddressSql = @"S
				insert into CUS_Addresses5
				(ID_Number, Addr_Code, Addr_Line1, Addr_Line2, City, State, Zip, BeginDate)
				(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"                ;

            Exception ex = null;

            List <OdbcParameter> parameters = new List <OdbcParameter>
                new OdbcParameter("id", PortalUser.Current.HostID),
                new OdbcParameter("Addr_code", addressType),
                new OdbcParameter("addrLine1", line1),
                new OdbcParameter("addrLine2", line2),
                new OdbcParameter("city", city),
                new OdbcParameter("state", st),
                new OdbcParameter("zip", zip),
                new OdbcParameter("begdate", begDate),

            odbcConn.ConnectToERP(insertAddressSql, ref ex, parameters);

            if (ex != null)
                result.Message = ex.Message;
                result.Success = false;
                result.Value   = "Failed to add address records";
                result.Success = true;

                result.UserId      = PortalUser.Current.HostID;
                result.Line1       = line1;
                result.Line2       = line2;
                result.City        = city;
                result.State       = st;
                result.Zip         = zip;
                result.BeginDate   = begDate;
                result.AddressType = addressType;

                result.Message = "Successfully added address record!";

        protected DataTable GetSearchResults()
            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn  = helper.CONNECTION_JICS;
            DataTable            dtResults = new DataTable();
            Exception            exResults = null;

            #region Dynamically build search SQL

            //Get the offices and task which are active for the current year/session
            DataTable dtOfficeTask = ciHelper.GetOfficeAndTask();
            string    sqlSelect = "", sqlFrom = "", sqlWhere = "";

            //Loop through each task
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtOfficeTask.Rows)
                string viewColumn = dr["ViewColumn"].ToString();
                string tableAlias = viewColumn.Replace("_", "");

                //Using ToTitleCase() to capitalize each word in the column alias
                TextInfo textinfo    = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
                string   columnAlias = textinfo.ToTitleCase(viewColumn.Replace('_', ' '));

                //Build SELECT portion of SQL statment
                sqlSelect = String.Format("{0}, {1}.TaskStatus AS '{2}'", sqlSelect, tableAlias, columnAlias);

                //Build JOINS for SQL statement
                sqlFrom = String.Format(@"{0}
                            LEFT JOIN   CI_StudentProgress  {1} ON  U.ID        =   {1}.UserID
                                                                AND {1}.TaskID  =   (SELECT TaskID FROM CI_OfficeTask WHERE ViewColumn = '{2}')
                                                                AND {1}.Yr      =   {3}
                                                                AND {1}.Sess    =   '{4}'"
                                        , sqlFrom, tableAlias, viewColumn, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

                //Get the collection of radio buttons which correspond to the current task
                List <RadioButton> radioForTask = GetRadioGroup(tblOffices, String.Format("Task{0}", viewColumn));

                //Was a radio button other than "Any" selected for this task?
                RadioButton selectedRadio = radioForTask.FirstOrDefault(rb => rb.Checked == true && !rb.ID.EndsWith("*"));

                if (radioForTask.Contains(selectedRadio))
                    //Because some columns address multiple statuses (Y/W, N/P, etc), turn each status into an item in a list and format it for the SQL statement
                    string        status     = "";
                    List <string> statusList = selectedRadio.ID.Split('_').Last().Select(chr => chr.ToString()).ToList();
                    foreach (string stat in statusList)
                        status = String.Format("{0}{1}'{2}'", status, String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(status) ? "" : ",", stat);

                    sqlWhere = String.Format("{0} AND {1}.TaskStatus IN ({2})", sqlWhere, tableAlias, status);


            string sqlResults = String.Format(@"
                    CAST(CAST(U.HostID AS INT) AS VARCHAR(10)) AS HostID, U.LastName AS 'Last Name', U.FirstName AS 'First Name', U.Email,
                    '' AS 'Admit Year', '' AS 'Admit Term', '' AS ClassCode, '' AS AcademicStanding{0}
                    CI_StudentMetaData  SMD INNER JOIN  FWK_User    U   ON  SMD.UserID  =   U.ID
                    SMD.ActiveYear      =   {3}
                    SMD.ActiveSession   =   '{4}'
                    SMD.IsActive        =   1
                ORDER BY
                    U.LastName, U.FirstName, U.Email
            ", sqlSelect, sqlFrom, sqlWhere, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

            if (PortalUser.Current.IsSiteAdmin)
                ciHelper.FormatException("Formatted SQL for faceted search", new Exception("No problem, just testing log"), null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.FacetSearch, sqlResults, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, sqlResults);

                dtResults = jicsConn.ConnectToERP(sqlResults, ref exResults);
                if (exResults != null)
                    throw exResults;

                #region Faceted Search - Standing

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ddlStanding.SelectedValue))
                    OdbcConnectionClass3 cxConn     = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;
                    DataTable            dtStanding = null;
                    Exception            exStanding = null;
                    string sqlStanding = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_admin_facetedsearch_newstudent({0}, '{1}', '{2}')", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION, this.ddlStanding.SelectedValue);
//                    string sqlStanding = String.Format(@"
//                        SELECT
//	                        TRIM(host_id) AS id
//                        FROM
//	                        jenzcst_rec
//                        WHERE
//	                        status_code	{0} IN ('PFF','PTR')
//                        GROUP BY
//                            id
//                    ", (this.ddlStanding.SelectedValue == "N" ? "NOT" : ""));

                        dtStanding = cxConn.ConnectToERP(sqlStanding, ref exStanding);
                        if (exStanding != null)
                            throw exStanding;
                        if (dtStanding != null && dtStanding.Rows.Count > 0)
                            List <string> standingIDs  = dtStanding.AsEnumerable().Select(standing => standing.Field <int>("student_id").ToString()).ToList();
                            var           filteredRows = from row in dtResults.AsEnumerable()
                                                         where standingIDs.Contains(row.Field <string>("HostID"))
                                                         select row;
                            dtResults = filteredRows == null || filteredRows.Count() == 0 ? new DataTable() : filteredRows.CopyToDataTable();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while filtering facet search based on standing", ex, null, true));
                        this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while filtering facet search based on standing", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.FacetSearch, sqlStanding));
                        if (cxConn.IsNotClosed())


                #region Faceted Search - Athletics

                List <ListItem> selectedSports = lbAthletics.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(item => item.Selected == true).ToList();
                List <string>   athleteIDs     = new List <string>()
                if (selectedSports.Count > 0)
                    OdbcConnectionClass3 cxConn = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;

                    foreach (ListItem sport in selectedSports)
                        DataTable            dtAthletics    = null;
                        Exception            exAthletics    = null;
                        string               sqlAthletics   = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_admin_facetedsearch_athletics_roster(?)");
                        List <OdbcParameter> paramAthletics = new List <OdbcParameter>()
                            new OdbcParameter("involve_code", sport.Value)

                            dtAthletics = cxConn.ConnectToERP(sqlAthletics, ref exAthletics, paramAthletics);
                            if (exAthletics != null)
                                throw exAthletics;
                            if (dtAthletics != null && dtAthletics.Rows.Count > 0)
                                athleteIDs = athleteIDs.Union <string>(dtAthletics.AsEnumerable().Select(row => row.Field <string>("id")).ToList()).ToList();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            ciHelper.FormatException("An error occurred while building list of athlete IDs for the faceted search.", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.FacetSearch, sqlAthletics);

                    if (cxConn.IsNotClosed())
                    var filteredRows = from row in dtResults.AsEnumerable()
                                       where athleteIDs.Contains(row.Field <string>("HostID"))
                                       select row;
                    dtResults = filteredRows == null || filteredRows.Count() == 0 ? new DataTable() : filteredRows.CopyToDataTable();
//                if (selectedSports.Count > 0)
//                {
//                    string athleticsList = String.Format("'{0}'", String.Join("','", selectedSports.Select(li => li.Value).ToList()));

//                    OdbcConnectionClass3 cxConn = helper.CONNECTION_CX_LIVE;
//                    DataTable dtAthletics = null;
//                    Exception exAthletics = null;

//                    try
//                    {
//                        string sqlAthletics = String.Format(@"
//                            SELECT
//	                            TRIM( AS id
//                            FROM
//	                            involve_rec	IR	INNER JOIN	invl_table	IT	ON	TRIM(IR.invl)	=	TRIM(IT.invl)
//												                            AND	IT.sanc_sport	=	'Y'
//                            WHERE
//	                            TODAY	BETWEEN	IR.beg_date AND NVL(IR.end_date, TODAY)
//                            AND
//	                            IT.invl	IN	({0})
//                            GROUP BY
//                        ", athleticsList);

//                        dtAthletics = cxConn.ConnectToERP(sqlAthletics, ref exAthletics);

//                        if (exAthletics != null) { throw exAthletics; }
//                        List<string> athleteIDs = dtAthletics.AsEnumerable().Select(athlete => athlete.Field<string>("id")).ToList();
//                        var filteredRows = from row in dtResults.AsEnumerable()
//                                           where athleteIDs.Contains(row.Field<string>("HostID"))
//                                           select row;
//                        dtResults = filteredRows == null || filteredRows.Count() == 0 ? new DataTable() : filteredRows.CopyToDataTable();
//                    }
//                    catch (Exception ex)
//                    {
//                        this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while filtering facet search based on athletics", ex, null, true));
//                    }
//                    finally
//                    {
//                        if (cxConn.IsNotClosed()) { cxConn.Close(); }
//                    }
//                }


                #region Faceted Search - Residency

                List <ListItem> selectedResidency = cblResidency.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(li => li.Selected).ToList();
                if (selectedResidency.Count > 0)
                    OdbcConnectionClass3 cxConn      = helper.CONNECTION_CX_LIVE;
                    DataTable            dtResidency = null;
                    Exception            exResidency = null;

                    string residencyList = String.Format("'{0}'", String.Join("','", selectedResidency.Select(li => li.Value).ToList()));

                    string sqlResidency = String.Format(@"
	                        TRIM( AS id
	                        stu_serv_rec	SSR
	                        SSR.yr	=	{0}
	                        SSR.sess	=	'{1}'
	                        SSR.intend_hsg	IN	({2})
                    ", helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION, residencyList);

                        dtResidency = cxConn.ConnectToERP(sqlResidency, ref exResidency);
                        if (exResidency != null)
                            throw exResidency;
                        List <string> residentIDs  = dtResidency.AsEnumerable().Select(res => res.Field <string>("id")).ToList();
                        var           filteredRows = from row in dtResults.AsEnumerable()
                                                     where residentIDs.Contains(row.Field <string>("HostID"))
                                                     select row;
                        dtResults = filteredRows == null || filteredRows.Count() == 0 ? new DataTable() : filteredRows.CopyToDataTable();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException(String.Format("<p>Error while filtering facet search based on residency</p><p>{0}</p>", sqlResidency), ex, null, true));
                        if (cxConn.IsNotClosed())


                #region Faceted Search - Grad Candidacy

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ddlGradCandidacy.SelectedValue))
                    OdbcConnectionClass3 cxConn = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;
                    DataTable            dtGrad = null;
                    Exception            exGrad = null;

                        //string sqlGrad = String.Format("SELECT student_id FROM cc_stg_undergrad_candidacy WHERE datecreated >= TO_DATE('{0}', '%Y-%m-%d')", helper.START_DATE);
                        string sqlGrad = String.Format("EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_admin_facetedsearch_undergradcandidacy('{0}')", helper.START_DATE);

                        dtGrad = cxConn.ConnectToERP(sqlGrad, ref exGrad);
                        if (exGrad != null)
                            throw exGrad;
                        if (dtGrad != null && dtGrad.Rows.Count > 0)
                            //The "student_id" field coming back from CX is an int so it needs to be re-cast as a string for the LINQ comparisons below
                            List <string> gradIDs = dtGrad.AsEnumerable().Select(grad => grad.Field <int>("student_id").ToString()).ToList();

                            //Generally "filteredRows" would be of type "var" but because it is initialized with null and used in one of the two branches, a data type must be specified
                            EnumerableRowCollection <DataRow> filteredRows = null;
                            if (this.ddlGradCandidacy.SelectedValue == "Y")
                                filteredRows = from row in dtResults.AsEnumerable()
                                               where gradIDs.Contains(row.Field <string>("HostID"))
                                               select row;
                                filteredRows = from row in dtResults.AsEnumerable()
                                               where !gradIDs.Contains(row.Field <string>("HostID"))
                                               select row;
                            dtResults = filteredRows == null || filteredRows.Count() == 0 ? new DataTable() : filteredRows.CopyToDataTable();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while filtering search on graduation candidacy.", ex, null, true));
                        if (cxConn.IsNotClosed())


                #region Include Additional Fields

                if (dtResults != null && dtResults.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //Loop through all rows in the recordset. Processing occurs at this point because the recordset is in its smallest state since all filtering has been completed.
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < dtResults.Rows.Count; ii++)
                        //Establish database connection
                        OdbcConnectionClass3 cxSpConn = helper.CONNECTION_CX_SP;

                        //Initialize query variables
                        DataTable dtPER = null;
                        Exception exPER = null;

                        string sqlPER = String.Format(@"EXECUTE PROCEDURE ci_admin_facetedsearch_extrafields({0})", dtResults.Rows[ii]["HostID"].ToString());

                            dtPER = cxSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlPER, ref exPER);
                            if (exPER != null)
                                throw exPER;
                            if (dtPER != null && dtPER.Rows.Count > 0)
                                DataRow dr = dtPER.Rows[0];
                                dtResults.Rows[ii]["Admit Year"]       = dr["adm_yr"].ToString();
                                dtResults.Rows[ii]["Admit Term"]       = dr["adm_sess"].ToString();
                                dtResults.Rows[ii]["ClassCode"]        = dr["cl"].ToString();
                                dtResults.Rows[ii]["AcademicStanding"] = dr["acad_stat"].ToString();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            //ciHelper.FormatException("Could not load program enrollment data in faceted search.", ex);
                            ciHelper.FormatException("Could not load program enrollment data in faceted search.", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.FacetSearch, sqlPER);
                            //Always close database connection
                            if (cxSpConn.IsNotClosed())

            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while running the faceted search.", ex));
                                                ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while running the faceted search.", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.FacetSearch));
                if (jicsConn.IsNotClosed())
        protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;

            this.panelResultCount.Visible = this.btnExportExcel.Visible = false;

            #region Load Office Table

            if (IsFirstLoad)
                #region Original Table Load

                //DataTable dtOffices = null;
                //Exception exOffices = null;
                //string sqlOffices = "EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_Offices";

                //    dtOffices = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlOffices, ref exOffices);
                //    if (exOffices != null) { throw exOffices; }
                //    if (dtOffices != null && dtOffices.Rows.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        foreach (DataRow drOffice in dtOffices.Rows)
                //        {
                //            string officeName = drOffice["OfficeName"].ToString();
                //            tblOffices.Rows.Add(OfficeRow(officeName, drOffice["OfficeID"].ToString()));

                //            DataTable dtTasks = ciHelper.GetTasks();
                //            List<string> taskNames = dtTasks.AsEnumerable().Where(tn => tn.Field<string>("OfficeName") == officeName).Select(tn => tn.Field<string>("ViewColumn")).ToList();
                //            Dictionary<string, string> tasks = dtTasks.AsEnumerable()
                //                .Where(task => task.Field<string>("OfficeName") == officeName)
                //                .ToDictionary(task => task.Field<string>("TaskName"), task => task.Field<string>("ViewColumn"));

                //            foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> task in tasks)
                //            {
                //                tblOffices.Rows.Add(TaskRow(task.Key, drOffice["OfficeID"].ToString(), task.Value));
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An error occurred while retrieving office information", ex));
                //    if (spConn.IsNotClosed()) { spConn.Close(); }


                #region New/Updated Table Load

                DataTable dtOffice = null;
                    dtOffice = ciHelper.GetOfficeAndTask();

                    string currentOffice = "";
                    foreach (DataRow drOffice in dtOffice.Rows)
                        string officeName     = drOffice["OfficeName"].ToString(),
                                     officeID = drOffice["OfficeID"].ToString();

                        //If the office has changed from the last iteration of the loop, create a new header row
                        if (currentOffice != officeName)
                            currentOffice = officeName;
                            tblOffices.Rows.Add(OfficeRow(currentOffice, officeID));

                        tblOffices.Rows.Add(TaskRow(drOffice["TaskName"].ToString(), officeID, drOffice["ViewColumn"].ToString()));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while loading office/task table", ex));
                    this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while loading office/task table", ex, null, null, null, null,
                                                                                                 LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.FacetSearch));


                #region Load Dropdowns

                DataTable dtAthletics = ciHelper.GetAthletics();
                this.lbAthletics.DataSource     = dtAthletics;
                this.lbAthletics.DataTextField  = "involve_text";
                this.lbAthletics.DataValueField = "involve_code";


Exemplo n.º 26
        protected void btnIncomplete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn       = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            DataTable            dtIncomplete = null;
            Exception            exIncomplete = null;
            string sqlIncomplete = "EXECUTE dbo.CUS_spCheckIn_ExportIncompleteTasks";

                dtIncomplete = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlIncomplete, ref exIncomplete);
                if (exIncomplete != null)
                    throw exIncomplete;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("An exception occurred while exporting incomplete tasks", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.Dashboard, sqlIncomplete));
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())

            this.gvIncomplete.DataSource = dtIncomplete;
            this.gvIncomplete.Visible = true;

            Response.Buffer = true;
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=Check-In Students with Incomplete Tasks.xls");
            Response.Charset     = "";
            Response.ContentType = "application/";

            using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
                HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

                 * Ordinarily, this control would be written using the RenderControl() method
                 * but because all JICS portlets exist as .ascx files, we do not have access
                 * to the <form> tag which causes an exception to be thrown. The simplest
                 * solution to circumvent the exception is outlined in this article:
                 * Essentially, the control is explicitly rendered step-by-step. Another option
                 * is to remove the GridView from the page's controls collection while performing
                 * the rendering and then re-adding it before the page loads. This approach was
                 * deemed more straightforward.
                foreach (GridViewRow row in gvIncomplete.Rows)


            this.gvIncomplete.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void LoadStudentActivity()
            //OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsConn = helper.CONNECTION_JICS;
            OdbcConnectionClass3 spConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;

            DataTable dtStudentActivity = null;
            Exception exStudentActivity = null;

            string sqlStudentActivity = "EXECUTE CUS_spCheckIn_AdminStudentActivity";

            #region Obsolete - 4 hour block logic
            /* 4-hour blocks */
            //            string sqlStudentActivity = String.Format(@"
            //                SELECT
            //                    HT.minTime, COUNT(SP.ProgressID) AS Completed,
            //                    CASE
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 0 AND 3        THEN    1
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 4 AND 7        THEN    2
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 8 AND 11    THEN    3
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 12 AND 15    THEN    4
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 16 AND 19    THEN    5
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 20 AND 23    THEN    6
            //                    END AS CmplHourSection,
            //                    CASE
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 0 AND 3        THEN    'Midnight - 3 a.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 4 AND 7        THEN    '4 a.m. - 7 a.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 8 AND 11    THEN    '8 a.m. - 11 a.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 12 AND 15    THEN    '12 p.m. - 3 p.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 16 AND 19    THEN    '4 p.m. - 7 p.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 20 AND 23    THEN    '8 p.m. - 11 p.m.'
            //                    END AS CmplHour
            //                FROM
            //                    (
            //                        --Borrowed liberally from
            //                        SELECT
            //                            DATEADD(HOUR, n * 4, DATEADD(HOUR, DATEDIFF(HOUR, 0, (SELECT CAST(MIN(CompletedOn) AS DATE) FROM CI_StudentProgress)), 0)) AS minTime
            //                        FROM (
            //                            SELECT TOP ((DATEDIFF(DAY, (SELECT CAST(MIN(CompletedOn) AS DATE) FROM CI_StudentProgress), (SELECT CAST(MAX(CompletedOn) AS DATE) FROM CI_StudentProgress)) + 1) * 6)
            //                                n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [object_id]) - 1
            //                            FROM sys.all_objects ORDER BY [object_id]
            //                        ) hourTable
            //                    ) AS HT    LEFT JOIN    CI_StudentProgress    SP    ON    HT.minTime                        <    SP.CompletedOn
            //                                                                AND    DATEADD(HOUR, 4, HT.minTime)    >    SP.CompletedOn
            //                WHERE
            //                    ISNULL(SP.TaskStatus,'Y') = 'Y'
            //                GROUP BY
            //                    HT.minTime,
            //                    CASE
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 0 AND 3        THEN    1
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 4 AND 7        THEN    2
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 8 AND 11    THEN    3
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 12 AND 15    THEN    4
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 16 AND 19    THEN    5
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 20 AND 23    THEN    6
            //                    END,
            //                    CASE
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 0 AND 3        THEN    'Midnight - 3 a.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 4 AND 7        THEN    '4 a.m. - 7 a.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 8 AND 11    THEN    '8 a.m. - 11 a.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 12 AND 15    THEN    '12 p.m. - 3 p.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 16 AND 19    THEN    '4 p.m. - 7 p.m.'
            //                        WHEN    DATEPART(HOUR, HT.minTime)    BETWEEN 20 AND 23    THEN    '8 p.m. - 11 p.m.'
            //                    END
            //                ORDER BY
            //                    HT.minTime
            //            ");

                //dtStudentActivity = jicsConn.ConnectToERP(sqlStudentActivity, ref exStudentActivity);
                dtStudentActivity = spConn.ConnectToERP(sqlStudentActivity, ref exStudentActivity);
                if (exStudentActivity != null)
                    throw exStudentActivity;
                chartStudentActivity.DataSource = dtStudentActivity;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Error while drawing chart for student activity", ex));
                                                ciHelper.FormatException("Error while drawing chart for student activity", ex, null, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.Dashboard, sqlStudentActivity)
                if (spConn.IsNotClosed())

            this.shStudentActivity.Text = String.Format("Student Activity for {0} {1}", helper.ACTIVE_SESSION_TEXT, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR);
Exemplo n.º 28
        protected void btnAddRollover_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string feedback = "";

            OdbcConnectionClass3 jicsSpConn = helper.CONNECTION_SP;
            Exception            exReset    = null;
            string rolloverYear             = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ddlRolloverTaskYear.SelectedValue) ? "NULL" : this.ddlRolloverTaskYear.SelectedValue;
            string rolloverSession          = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ddlRolloverTaskSession.SelectedValue) ? "NULL" : "'" + this.ddlRolloverTaskSession.SelectedValue + "'";

            string sqlReset = String.Format(@"
                      IsRollover      =   0
                    , RolloverYear    =   {0}
                    , RolloverSession =   {1}
                    ActiveYear      =   {2}
                    ActiveSession   =   '{3}'
            ", rolloverYear, rolloverSession, helper.ACTIVE_YEAR, helper.ACTIVE_SESSION);

            feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>{1}</p>", feedback, sqlReset);

                jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlReset, ref exReset);
                if (exReset != null)
                    throw exReset;

                string selectedOfficeTaskSession = String.Join(",", this.cblRolloverTask.Items.Cast <ListItem>().Where(li => li.Selected == true).Select(li => "'" + li.Value + "'"));
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selectedOfficeTaskSession))
                    Exception exUpdate  = null;
                    string    sqlUpdate = String.Format(@"
                            IsRollover  =   1
                            OfficeTaskSessionID IN  ({0})
                    ", selectedOfficeTaskSession);

                        jicsSpConn.ConnectToERP(sqlUpdate, ref exUpdate);
                        if (exUpdate != null)
                            throw exUpdate;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Could not update rollover data", ex));
                        this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Could not update rollover data", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlUpdate));

                    feedback = String.Format("{0}<p>{1}</p>", feedback, sqlUpdate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Could not reset rollover data", ex));
                this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Error, ciHelper.FormatException("Could not reset rollover data", ex, null, null, null, LogEventType.Error, LogScreen.SiteAdminTools, sqlReset));
                if (jicsSpConn.IsNotClosed())
            this.ParentPortlet.ShowFeedback(FeedbackType.Message, feedback);