Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Show a dialog to allow the user to select/unselect multiple writing systems
        /// at a time, whether or not to display them (if they don't have data)
        /// If they do have data, we show the fields anyhow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool OnDataTreeWritingSystemsConfigureDlg(object args)

            Set <int>             wsSet  = new Set <int>(HvosFromWss(WritingSystemOptionsForDisplay));
            ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, wsSet);

            List <int> wssToDisplay = HvosFromWss(WritingSystemsSelectedForDisplay);

            using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(null, labels, "DataTreeWritingSystems", m_cache, wssToDisplay.ToArray(), false))
                chooser.ForbidNoItemChecked = true;
                IVwStylesheet stylesheet = (Control as LabeledMultiStringView).StyleSheet;
                chooser.SetFontForDialog(new int[] { Cache.DefaultVernWs, Cache.DefaultAnalWs }, stylesheet, Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor);
                chooser.InitializeExtras(ConfigurationNode, Mediator);
                chooser.Text = String.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksSliceConfigureWssDlgTitle, this.Label);
                chooser.InstructionalText = DetailControlsStrings.ksSliceConfigureWssDlgInstructionalText;
                if (chooser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void DoUpdateDisplayFromDatabase(string displayNameProperty)
            m_processSelectionEvent = false;
            m_currentSelectedIndex  = 0;
            Set <int>             candidates = Object.ReferenceTargetCandidates(m_flid);
            ObjectLabelCollection labels     = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates,
            int currentValue = m_cache.GetObjProperty(Object.Hvo, m_flid);
            int idx          = 0;

            foreach (ObjectLabel ol in labels)
                if (ol.Hvo == currentValue)
                    m_combo.SelectedItem   = ol;
                    m_currentSelectedIndex = idx;
            idx = m_combo.Items.Add(NullItemLabel);
            if (currentValue == 0)
                m_combo.SelectedIndex  = idx;
                m_currentSelectedIndex = idx;
            m_processSelectionEvent = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public bool OnMoveReversalPOS(object cmd)
            FdoCache cache = Cache;
            ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection();

            foreach (IPartOfSpeech pos in MergeOrMoveCandidates)
                labels.Add(ObjectLabel.CreateObjectLabelOnly(cache, pos.Hvo, "ShortNameTSS", "best analysis"));
            using (SimpleListChooser dlg = new SimpleListChooser(cache, null, labels, 0,
                                                                 LexEdStrings.ksCategoryToMoveTo, null))
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    IPartOfSpeech currentPOS = POS;
                    IPartOfSpeech newOwner   = PartOfSpeech.CreateFromDBObject(cache, dlg.ChosenOne.Hvo);
                    ICmObject newOwningObj = newOwner.MoveIfNeeded(currentPOS);
                    // Note: PropChanged should happen on the old owner and the new in the 'Add" method call.
                    // Have to jump to a main PartOfSpeech, as RecordClerk doesn't know anything about subcategories.
                    m_mediator.BroadcastMessageUntilHandled("JumpToRecord", newOwner.MainPossibility.Hvo);

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the SimpleListChooser/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labels">List of objects to show in the chooser.</param>
        /// <returns>The SimpleListChooser.</returns>
        protected virtual SimpleListChooser GetChooser(ObjectLabelCollection labels)
            SimpleListChooser x = new SimpleListChooser(m_persistProvider, labels, m_fieldName);

            x.NullLabel.DisplayName = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(m_configurationNode, "nullLabel", "<EMPTY>");
Exemplo n.º 5
        static public SimpleListChooser MakeSenseChooser(FdoCache cache)
            List <int>            lexSenses = new List <int>(DbOps.ReadIntArrayFromCommand(cache, "SELECT Dst FROM LexEntry_Senses", null));
            ObjectLabelCollection labels    = new ObjectLabelCollection(cache, lexSenses, "LongNameTSS");
            SimpleListChooser     chooser   = new SimpleListChooser(null, labels, LexEdStrings.ksSenses);

            chooser.Cache = cache;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the SimpleListChooser/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labels">List of objects to show in the chooser.</param>
        /// <returns>The SimpleListChooser.</returns>
        protected new MorphTypeChooser GetChooser(ObjectLabelCollection labels)
            string           sShowAllTypes = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("ChangeLexemeMorphTypeShowAllTypes", m_ksPath);
            MorphTypeChooser x             = new MorphTypeChooser(m_persistProvider, labels, m_fieldName, m_obj, m_displayNameProperty,
                                                                  m_flid, sShowAllTypes);

            x.Cache = m_cache;
            x.NullLabel.DisplayName = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(m_configurationNode, "nullLabel", "<EMPTY>");
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for use with adding a new value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="labels"></param>
 /// <param name="fieldName">the user-readable name of the field that is being edited
 /// </param>
 public MorphTypeChooser(IPersistenceProvider persistProvider,
                         ObjectLabelCollection labels, string fieldName, ICmObject obj, string displayNameProperty,
                         int flid, string sShowAllTypes) :
     base(persistProvider, labels, fieldName)
     m_obj = obj;
     m_displayNameProperty = displayNameProperty;
     m_flid = flid;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override SimpleListChooser GetChooser(ObjectLabelCollection labels)
            string nullLabel = DetailControlsStrings.ksNullLabel;

            if (m_configurationNode != null)
                System.Xml.XmlNode node = m_configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("deParams");
                nullLabel = XmlUtils.GetOptionalAttributeValue(node, "nullLabel", nullLabel);
            SimpleListChooser c = new SimpleListChooser(m_cache, m_persistProvider, labels, TargetHvo,
                                                        m_fieldName, nullLabel, m_atomicRefView.StyleSheet);

Exemplo n.º 9
        internal int DisplayChooser(string fieldName, string linkText, string toolName, string guiControl, Set <int> candidates)
            int hvo = 0;

            ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates);

            using (SimpleListChooser chooser = new SimpleListChooser(m_persistenceProvider, labels, fieldName))
                chooser.Cache        = m_cache;
                chooser.TextParamHvo = m_cache.LangProject.PhonologicalDataOAHvo;
                chooser.AddLink(linkText, SimpleListChooser.LinkType.kGotoLink,
                                FwLink.Create(toolName, m_cache.GetGuidFromId(chooser.TextParamHvo), m_cache.ServerName,
                chooser.ReplaceTreeView(m_mediator, guiControl);
                if (this.Parent is SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.MorphologyEditor.RegRuleFormulaControl)
                else if (this.Parent is SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.MorphologyEditor.MetaRuleFormulaControl)
                else if (this.Parent is SIL.FieldWorks.XWorks.MorphologyEditor.MetaRuleFormulaControl)

                DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog();
                if (res != DialogResult.Cancel)

                    if (chooser.ChosenOne != null)
                        hvo = chooser.ChosenOne.Hvo;

Exemplo n.º 10
        private void cbShowAllTypes_CheckedChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // If a node is selected, try selecting again when we get through.
            int       hvoSelected = SelectedHvo;
            Set <int> candidates  = null;
            string    displayWs   = "best analorvern";

            if (cbShowAllTypes.Checked)
                MoForm form = m_obj as MoForm;
                candidates = form.GetAllMorphTypeReferenceTargetCandidates();
                candidates = m_obj.ReferenceTargetCandidates(m_flid);
            ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates,
                                                                     m_displayNameProperty, displayWs);

            LoadTree(labels, 0, false);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle launching of the standard chooser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Subclasses should override this method, if the SimpleListChooser is not suitable.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override void HandleChooser()
            string displayWs = "analysis vernacular";
            //string displayWs = "best analysis";
            string postDialogMessageTrigger = null;

            if (m_configurationNode != null)
                XmlNode node = m_configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("deParams");
                if (node != null)
                    displayWs = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(node, "ws", "analysis vernacular").ToLower();
                    postDialogMessageTrigger = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(node, "postChangeMessageTrigger", null);
            Set <int>             candidates = m_obj.ReferenceTargetCandidates(m_flid);
            ObjectLabelCollection labels     = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates,
                                                                         m_displayNameProperty, displayWs);

            // I (JH) started down this road to sorting the object labels... it proved bumpy
            // and I bailed out and just turned on the "sorted" property of the chooser,
            // which gives us a dumb English sort.
            // but when it is time to get back to this... what I was doing what is misguided
            // because this sorter wants FdoObjects, but object labels don't have those on the
            // surface.  instead, they can readily give a string, through ToString().which is
            // what made me realize that until we have a way to sort something based on ICU, I
            // might as well let .net do the sorting.

            // I'm thinking there's a good chance we will eventually use FieldWorks controls for
            // the chooser in fact we will probably just using normal browse view. Then, that
            // chooser can just do the normal sorting that browse view stew, including letting
            // the user sort based on different properties.

            // however, we need a TreeView in many cases... I think there's also a FieldWorks
            // one of those that probably doesn't have sorting built-in yet...in which case we
            // might want to do the sorting here.

            //SIL.FieldWorks.Filters.RecordSorter sorter =
            //	new SIL.FieldWorks.Filters.PropertyRecordSorter("ShortName");
            //sorter.Sort ((ArrayList) labels);

            using (SimpleListChooser chooser = GetChooser(labels))
                chooser.Cache = m_cache;
                chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid);                    // may set TextParamHvo
                if (m_configurationNode != null)
                    // Handle the default case ("owner") for text parameters.

                    // This (old approach) works only if
                    // all of the list items are owned by the same object as the first one in the
                    // list.  (Later elements can be owned by elements owned by that first owner,
                    // if you know what I mean.)
                    //if (candidates.Count != 0)
                    //    chooser.TextParamHvo = m_cache.GetOwnerOfObject((int)candidates[0]);
                    // JohnT: this approach depends on a new FDO method.
                    ICmObject referenceTargetOwner = m_obj.ReferenceTargetOwner(m_flid);
                    if (referenceTargetOwner != null)
                        chooser.TextParamHvo = referenceTargetOwner.Hvo;
                    chooser.InitializeExtras(m_configurationNode, Mediator);

                System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog();
                if (System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel == res)

                if (m_configurationNode != null)
                if (chooser.ChosenOne != null)
                else if (chooser.ChosenHvos != null)

            //if the configuration file says that we should put up a message dialog after a change has been made,
            //do that now.
            if (postDialogMessageTrigger != null)
            // If the configuration file says to refresh the slice list, do that now.
            if (ChoicesMade != null)
                ChoicesMade(this, new EventArgs());
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Override method to handle launching of a chooser for selecting lexical entries.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void HandleChooser()
            string displayWs = "analysis vernacular";
            string postDialogMessageTrigger = null;

            if (m_configurationNode != null)
                XmlNode node = m_configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("deParams");
                if (node != null)
                    displayWs = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(node, "ws", "analysis vernacular").ToLower();
                    postDialogMessageTrigger = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(node, "postChangeMessageTrigger", null);
            Set <int>             candidates = m_obj.ReferenceTargetCandidates(m_flid);
            ObjectLabelCollection labels     = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates,
                                                                         m_displayNameProperty, displayWs);

            using (MorphTypeChooser chooser = GetChooser(labels))
                bool      fMadeMorphTypeChange = false;
                ILexEntry entry = LexEntry.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, m_obj.OwnerHVO);
                chooser.InitializeExtras(m_configurationNode, Mediator);
                chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid);
                int hvoType = m_cache.GetObjProperty(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid);
                // LT-4433 changed the Alternate Forms to choose between Stem and Affix automatically
                // when inserting.  Thus, we need the check box in that environment as well.
                //if (m_obj.OwningFlid != (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidLexemeForm)
                //    chooser.ShowAllTypesCheckBoxVisible = false;
                if (chooser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    ObjectLabel selected    = chooser.ChosenOne;
                    int         hvoOriginal = TargetHvo;
                    string      sUndo       = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("ChangeLexemeMorphTypeUndo", m_ksPath);
                    string      sRedo       = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("ChangeLexemeMorphTypeRedo", m_ksPath);

                    bool fRemoveComponents = false;
                    if (selected.Hvo == entry.Cache.GetIdFromGuid(new Guid(MoMorphType.kguidMorphRoot)) ||
                        selected.Hvo == entry.Cache.GetIdFromGuid(new Guid(MoMorphType.kguidMorphBoundRoot)))
                        // changing to root...not allowed to have complex forms.
                        foreach (LexEntryRef ler in entry.EntryRefsOS)
                            if (ler.RefType == LexEntryRef.krtComplexForm)
                                fRemoveComponents = true;
                                // If there are no components we will delete without asking...but must then check for more
                                // complex forms that DO have components.
                                if (ler.ComponentLexemesRS.Count > 0)
                                    if (MessageBox.Show(FindForm(), DetailControlsStrings.ksRootNoComponentsMessage,
                                                        DetailControlsStrings.ksRootNoComponentsCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,
                                                        MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, 0, FwApp.App.HelpFile,
                                                        HelpNavigator.Topic, "khtRootCannotHaveComponents") != DialogResult.Yes)

                    using (new UndoRedoTaskHelper(entry.Cache, sUndo, sRedo))
                        if (fRemoveComponents)
                            Set <int> delObjs = new Set <int>();
                            foreach (LexEntryRef ler in entry.EntryRefsOS)
                                if (ler.RefType == LexEntryRef.krtComplexForm)
                            CmObject.DeleteObjects(delObjs, m_cache);

                        if (IsStemType(hvoOriginal) || m_obj is MoStemAllomorph)
                            if (IsStemType(selected.Hvo))
                                TargetHvo = selected.Hvo;
                                //have to switch from stem to affix
                                fMadeMorphTypeChange = ChangeStemToAffix(entry, selected.Hvo, sUndo, sRedo);
                            // original is affix variety
                            if (IsStemType(selected.Hvo))
                                //have to switch from affix to stem
                                fMadeMorphTypeChange = ChangeAffixToStem(entry, selected.Hvo, sUndo, sRedo);
                                TargetHvo = selected.Hvo;
                        if (selected.Hvo == entry.Cache.GetIdFromGuid(new Guid(MoMorphType.kguidMorphPhrase)))
                            ILexEntryRef ler = new LexEntryRef();
                            ler.RefType        = LexEntryRef.krtComplexForm;
                            ler.HideMinorEntry = 1;
                            // No automatic propchanged for new objects, need to let the view see it.
                            // At that point our slice will be disposed, so don't do anything after this.
                            entry.Cache.PropChanged(entry.Hvo, (int)LexEntry.LexEntryTags.kflidEntryRefs, 0, 1, 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
        //private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// constructor for use with adding a new value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="labels"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">the user-readable name of the field that is being edited
        /// </param>
        public MorphTypeChooser(IPersistenceProvider persistProvider,
                                ObjectLabelCollection labels, string fieldName) :
            base(persistProvider, labels, fieldName)
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// (Deprecated) constructor for use with changing or setting a value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="persistProvider">optional, if you want to preserve the size and
 /// location</param>
 /// <param name="labels"></param>
 /// <param name="currentHvo">use zero if empty</param>
 /// <param name="fieldName">the user-readable name of the field that is being edited
 /// </param>
 public SimpleListChooser(IPersistenceProvider persistProvider,
                          ObjectLabelCollection labels, int currentHvo, string fieldName)
     : base(persistProvider, labels, currentHvo, fieldName)
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for use with adding a new value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="labels"></param>
 /// <param name="fieldName">the user-readable name of the field that is being edited
 /// </param>
 public SimpleListChooser(IPersistenceProvider persistProvider,
                          ObjectLabelCollection labels, string fieldName, IVwStylesheet stylesheet)
     : base(persistProvider, labels, fieldName, stylesheet)
        /// <summary>
        /// Override method to handle launching of a chooser for selecting lexical entries or senses.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void HandleChooser()
            Debug.Assert(m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidComponentLexemes ||
                         m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidPrimaryLexemes);
            if (m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidComponentLexemes)
                using (LinkEntryOrSenseDlg dlg = new LinkEntryOrSenseDlg())
                    ILexEntry le = null;
                    if (m_obj.ClassID == LexEntry.kclsidLexEntry)
                        // filter this entry from the list.
                        le = m_obj as ILexEntry;
                        // assume the owner is the entry (e.g. owner of LexEntryRef)
                        int hvoEntry = m_cache.GetOwnerOfObjectOfClass(m_obj.Hvo, LexEntry.kclsidLexEntry);
                        if (hvoEntry != 0)
                            le = LexEntry.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvoEntry);
                    dlg.SetDlgInfo(m_cache, m_mediator, le);
                    String str = ShowHelp.RemoveSpaces(this.Slice.Label);
                    dlg.SetHelpTopic("khtpChooseLexicalEntryOrSense-" + str);
                    if (dlg.ShowDialog(FindForm()) == DialogResult.OK)
            else if (m_flid == (int)LexEntryRef.LexEntryRefTags.kflidPrimaryLexemes)
                string displayWs = "analysis vernacular";
                if (m_configurationNode != null)
                    XmlNode node = m_configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("deParams");
                    if (node != null)
                        displayWs = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(node, "ws", "analysis vernacular").ToLower();
                ILexEntryRef ler = m_obj as ILexEntryRef;
                Debug.Assert(ler != null);
                List <int> candidates = new List <int>();
                ObjectLabelCollection labels = new ObjectLabelCollection(m_cache, candidates,
                                                                         m_displayNameProperty, displayWs);
                using (ReallySimpleListChooser chooser = new ReallySimpleListChooser(null,
                                                                                     labels, "PrimaryLexemes", m_cache, ler.PrimaryLexemesRS.HvoArray, false))

                    chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid);                        // may set TextParamHvo

                    chooser.Text = "Choose where to show subentry";

                    //chooser.ReplaceTreeView(Mediator, "WordformsBrowseView");

                    chooser.InitializeExtras(null, Mediator);
                    chooser.AddLink("Add a Component...", ReallySimpleListChooser.LinkType.kDialogLink,
                                    new AddComponentChooserCommand(m_cache, false, null, m_mediator, m_obj, FindForm()));
                    DialogResult res = chooser.ShowDialog();
                    if (DialogResult.Cancel == res)
                    if (chooser.ChosenHvos != null)
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for use with changing or setting a value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cache"></param>
 /// <param name="persistProvider">optional, if you want to preserve the size and
 /// location</param>
 /// <param name="labels"></param>
 /// <param name="currentHvo">use zero if empty</param>
 /// <param name="fieldName">the user-readable name of the field that is being edited
 /// </param>
 public SimpleListChooser(FdoCache cache, IPersistenceProvider persistProvider,
                          ObjectLabelCollection labels, int currentHvo, string fieldName, string nullLabel, IVwStylesheet stylesheet)
     : base(cache, persistProvider, labels, currentHvo, fieldName, nullLabel, stylesheet)
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Overridden to provide a chooser with multiple selections (checkboxes and all).
 /// </summary>
 protected override SimpleListChooser GetChooser(ObjectLabelCollection labels)
     return(new SimpleListChooser(m_persistProvider, labels, m_fieldName, m_cache,
                                  m_cache.GetVectorProperty(m_obj.Hvo, m_flid, false)));
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor for use with changing or setting multiple values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="persistProvider">optional, if you want to preserve the size and
 /// location</param>
 /// <param name="labels"></param>
 /// <param name="fieldName">the user-readable name of the field that is being edited
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="cache"></param>
 /// <param name="rghvoChosen">use null or int[0] if empty</param>
 public SimpleListChooser(IPersistenceProvider persistProvider,
                          ObjectLabelCollection labels, string fieldName, FdoCache cache, int[] rghvoChosen)
     : base(persistProvider, labels, fieldName, cache, rghvoChosen)