Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the asset database. Similar to <see cref="Game.InitializeAssetDatabase"/>, but accessible without using internals.
        /// </summary>
        private static void InitializeAssetDatabase()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase = new ObjectDatabase("/data/db", "index", "/local/db");

            // Only set a mount path if not mounted already
            var mountPath            = VirtualFileSystem.ResolveProviderUnsafe("/asset", true).Provider == null ? "/asset" : null;
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase, mountPath);

            AssetManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        myTarget = (ObjectDatabase)target;

        if (GUILayout.Button("Save"))

       if (GUILayout.Button("Load"))
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Init()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = ObjectDatabase.CreateDefaultDatabase();
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);

            ContentManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            shaderMixinParser = new ShaderMixinParser(ContentManager.FileProvider);
        public void RpcMeleeAttack(uint entityID, uint targetEntityID, short weaponID)
            Entity entity       = ObjectDatabase.GetEntity(entityID);
            Weapon weapon       = ObjectDatabase.GetWeapon(weaponID);
            Entity targetEntity = ObjectDatabase.GetEntity(targetEntityID);


Exemplo n.º 5
        private void Init()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = ObjectDatabase.CreateDefaultDatabase();
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);

            manager = new ShaderSourceManager(databaseFileProvider);
            logger = new Stride.Core.Shaders.Utility.LoggerResult();
            loader = new ShaderLoader(manager);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Reparents all objects in the allObjects treeview to the correct parent.
 /// </summary>
 private void RebuildAllObjectsParents()
     foreach (TreeNode node in m_treeNodes.Values)
         ProjectObject nodeObject;
         if (ObjectDatabase.TryGetObject(node.Name, out nodeObject))
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void Main5()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = ObjectDatabase.CreateDefaultDatabase();
            var assetIndexMap        = ContentIndexMap.Load(VirtualFileSystem.ApplicationDatabaseIndexPath);
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(assetIndexMap, objDatabase);

            var test = new TestGenericClass();

Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Init()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = new ObjectDatabase("/data/db", "index", "/local/db");
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);

            AssetManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            shaderMixinParser = new ShaderMixinParser();
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void AttemptingToAccessDisposedObjectDatabaseObjecetThrows()
            ObjectDatabaseObject obj;

            using (Repository repo = SandboxRepository("testrepo"))
                using (ObjectDatabase odb = repo.ObjectDatabase)
                    using (obj = odb.Read(new ObjectId("a71586c1dfe8a71c6cbf6c129f404c5642ff31bd")))

            Assert.Throws <ObjectDisposedException>(() => obj.Id);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Init()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = ObjectDatabase.CreateDefaultDatabase();
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);

            AssetManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            sourceManager = new ShaderSourceManager();
            shaderLoader = new ShaderLoader(sourceManager);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static bool OpenEditor(int instanceId, int line)
            ObjectDatabase obj = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceId) as ObjectDatabase;

            if (obj != null)

Exemplo n.º 12
        private void Init()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = ObjectDatabase.CreateDefaultDatabase();
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);

            Compiler = new EffectCompiler(databaseFileProvider);
            MixinParameters = new CompilerParameters();
            MixinParameters.EffectParameters.Platform = GraphicsPlatform.Direct3D11;
            MixinParameters.EffectParameters.Profile  = GraphicsProfile.Level_11_0;
            ResultLogger = new LoggerResult();
        public void ServerSetTarget(Transform target, float speed, int damage, uint attackerID, uint victimID)
            isServer = true;

            this.target = target;
            this.speed  = speed;
            this.damage = damage;

            this.attackerID = attackerID;
            this.victimID   = victimID;

            attackerName = ObjectDatabase.GetEntity(attackerID).Name;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Init()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = ObjectDatabase.CreateDefaultDatabase();
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);

            ContentManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            manager = new ShaderSourceManager();
            logger = new SiliconStudio.Shaders.Utility.LoggerResult();
            loader = new ShaderLoader(manager);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static void Main5()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = new ObjectDatabase("/data/db");
            var assetIndexMap        = AssetIndexMap.Load();
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(assetIndexMap, objDatabase);

            AssetManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            var test = new TestGenericClass();

        public override string ToString()
            ProjectObject documentAsset;

            if (ObjectDatabase.TryGetObject(DocumentId, out documentAsset))
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Init()
            // Create and mount database file system
            var objDatabase          = new ObjectDatabase("/data/db", "index", "/local/db");
            var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);

            AssetManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            manager = new ShaderSourceManager();
            logger = new SiliconStudio.Shaders.Utility.LoggerResult();
            loader = new ShaderLoader(manager);
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void OnAllObjectsTreeViewSelectionChanged(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            if (allObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode == null)

            TreeNode selectedItem = allObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode;

            //HACK: ensure that the selection sticks when the element doesn't have focus
            if (m_lastSelectedTreeNode != null)
                m_lastSelectedTreeNode.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
                m_lastSelectedTreeNode.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
            m_lastSelectedTreeNode = selectedItem;
            selectedItem.BackColor = SystemColors.ActiveBorder;
            selectedItem.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText;

            ProjectObject selectedObject;

            if (ObjectDatabase.TryGetObject(selectedItem.Name, out selectedObject))
                // load the object into the inspect panel
                UnityObjectKey unityObjectKey;
                unityObjectKey = new UnityObjectKey(selectedObject.UniqueId);
                selectedObjectGuidTextBox.Text     = unityObjectKey.AssetGuid.ToString();
                selectedObjectFileIdTextBox.Text   = unityObjectKey.FileId.ToString();
                selectedObjectFilePathTextBox.Text = selectedObject.GetFilePath();
                projectObjectTypeTextBox.Text      = selectedObject.GetType().Name;
                if (selectedObject.ParseError != null)
                    viewErrorButton.Visible = true;
                    toolTip.SetToolTip(viewErrorButton, selectedObject.ParseError.ToString());
                    viewErrorButton.Visible = false;
                selectedObjectGuidTextBox.Text     = "";
                selectedObjectFileIdTextBox.Text   = "";
                selectedObjectFilePathTextBox.Text = "";
                projectObjectTypeTextBox.Text      = "";

Exemplo n.º 19
        public void CanRead(string id, string contents, long size, ObjectType type)
            using (Repository repo = SandboxRepository("testrepo"))
                using (ObjectDatabase odb = repo.ObjectDatabase)
                    using (ObjectDatabaseObject obj = odb.Read(new ObjectId(id)))
                        var contentBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contents);

                        Assert.Equal(id, obj.Id.ToString());
                        Assert.Equal(type, obj.Type);
                        Assert.Equal(size, obj.Size);
                        Assert.True(new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(contentBytes).SequenceEqual(obj.Data));
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the selected object in the allObjects view in explorer.
        /// </summary>
        private void openInExplorerToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProjectObject projectObject;

            if (allObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode != null &&
                ObjectDatabase.TryGetObject(allObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode.Name, out projectObject))
                string objectPath = projectObject.GetFilePath();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectPath))
                    Process.Start("explorer.exe", "/select,\"" + objectPath + "\"");
Exemplo n.º 21
        public Commit LoadParent()
            if (ParentKey == null)

            if (_parent == null)
                _parent = ObjectDatabase.RetrieveCommit(ParentKey);

Exemplo n.º 22
        public static IObjectDatabase TemporarySQLiteDB()
            if (File.Exists(SQLiteDBPath))

            IObjectDatabase sqliteDB;

            var configDBConnectionString = $"Data Source={SQLiteDBPath};Version=3;Pooling=False;Cache Size=1073741824;Journal Mode=Off;Synchronous=Off;Foreign Keys=True;Default Timeout=60";

            sqliteDB = ObjectDatabase.GetObjectDatabase(ConnectionType.DATABASE_SQLITE, configDBConnectionString);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public override void OnLoaded()
            db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy("TheController");

            mailSettings = MailSettings.LoadSettings();
            if (mailSettings == null)
                mailSettings           = new MailSettings();
                mailSettings.From      = "Enter address of sender here.";
                mailSettings.Recipient = "Enter recipient of alarm mails here.";

Exemplo n.º 24
        public void ChangeCwdTest()
            CreateFile("dir/a.txt", "a content");


            Blob blob = new Blob(new RelativePath("a.txt"));

            HashKey blobKey       = ObjectDatabase.Store(blob);
            Blob    retrievedBlob = ObjectDatabase.RetrieveBlob(blobKey);

            Assert.Equal(retrievedBlob, blob);
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the selected ojbect in the allObjects view in the default editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void editToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProjectObject projectObject;

            if (allObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode != null &&
                ObjectDatabase.TryGetObject(allObjectsTreeView.SelectedNode.Name, out projectObject))
                string objectPath = projectObject.GetFilePath();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectPath))
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void Init()
            using (var profile = Profiler.Begin(GameProfilingKeys.ObjectDatabaseInitialize))
                // Create and mount database file system
                var objDatabase          = new ObjectDatabase("/data/db", "index", "/local/db");
                var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase);
                AssetManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            sourceManager = new ShaderSourceManager();
            shaderLoader = new ShaderLoader(sourceManager);
Exemplo n.º 27
        internal static DatabaseFileProvider InitializeAssetDatabase()
            using (Profiler.Begin(GameProfilingKeys.ObjectDatabaseInitialize))
                // Create and mount database file system
                var objDatabase = ObjectDatabase.CreateDefaultDatabase();

                // Only set a mount path if not mounted already
                var mountPath = VirtualFileSystem.ResolveProviderUnsafe("/asset", true).Provider == null ? "/asset" : null;
                var result    = new DatabaseFileProvider(objDatabase, mountPath);

Exemplo n.º 28
        private void additionalHaves(ObjectDatabase db)
            AlternateRepositoryDatabase b = (db as AlternateRepositoryDatabase);

            if (b != null)

            foreach (ObjectDatabase alt in db.getAlternates())
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void CanStopObjectIteration()
            int count = 0;

            using (Repository repo = SandboxRepository("testrepo"))
                using (ObjectDatabase odb = repo.ObjectDatabase)
                    odb.ForEachObject((id) => {
                        return((++count == 5) ? false : true);

            Assert.Equal(5, count);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static void Main()
            using (var profile = Profiler.Begin(GameProfilingKeys.ObjectDatabaseInitialize))
                // Create and mount database file system
                var objDatabase          = new ObjectDatabase("/data/db");
                var assetIndexMap        = AssetIndexMap.Load();
                var databaseFileProvider = new DatabaseFileProvider(assetIndexMap, objDatabase);
                AssetManager.GetFileProvider = () => databaseFileProvider;

            var test = new TestGenericClass();

Exemplo n.º 31
        public void CanIterateObjects()
            int count = 0;

            using (Repository repo = SandboxRepository("testrepo"))
                using (ObjectDatabase odb = repo.ObjectDatabase)
                    odb.ForEachObject((id) => {

            Assert.Equal(1703, count);
Exemplo n.º 32
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			Log.Register (new ConsoleOutEventLog (80));
			Log.Information ("Initializing application...");

			HttpSocketClient.RegisterHttpProxyUse (false, false);	// Don't look for proxies.

			Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
				e.Cancel = true;
				executing = false;

			// Object database setup

			DB.BackupConnectionString = "Data Source=controller.db;Version=3;";
			DB.BackupProviderName = "Clayster.Library.Data.Providers.SQLiteServer.SQLiteServerProvider";
			db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy ("TheController");

			// Mail setup

			mailSettings = MailSettings.LoadSettings ();
			if (mailSettings == null)
				mailSettings = new MailSettings ();
				mailSettings.Host = "Enter mailserver SMTP host name here.";
				mailSettings.Port = 25;
				mailSettings.Ssl = false;
				mailSettings.From = "Enter address of sender here.";
				mailSettings.User = "******";
				mailSettings.Password = "******";
				mailSettings.Recipient = "Enter recipient of alarm mails here.";
				mailSettings.SaveNew ();

			SmtpOutbox.Host = mailSettings.Host;
			SmtpOutbox.Port = mailSettings.Port;
			SmtpOutbox.Ssl = mailSettings.Ssl;
			SmtpOutbox.From = mailSettings.From;
			SmtpOutbox.User = mailSettings.User;
			SmtpOutbox.Password = mailSettings.Password;
			SmtpOutbox.OutboxPath = "MailOutbox";
			SmtpOutbox.Start (Directory.GetCurrentDirectory ());

			// UPnP Interface

			upnpServer = new HttpServer (8080, 10, true, true, 1);
			Log.Information ("UPnP Server receiving requests on port " + upnpServer.Port.ToString ());

			ssdpClient = new SsdpClient (upnpServer, 10, true, true, false, false, false, 30);
			stillImageCameras = new Dictionary<string, IUPnPService> ();
			subscriptions = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, Subscription> ();
			stateVariables = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> ();
			events = new UPnPEvents ("/events");
			upnpServer.Register (events);

			ssdpClient.OnUpdated += NetworkUpdated;
			events.OnEventsReceived += EventsReceived;

			// Main loop

			Log.Information ("Initialization complete. Application started...");

				#if USE_HTTP
				MonitorHttp ();
				#elif USE_COAP
				MonitorCoap ();
				#elif USE_MQTT
				MonitorMqtt ();

			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);
			} finally
				Log.Information ("Terminating application.");
				Log.Flush ();
				Log.Terminate ();
				SmtpOutbox.Terminate ();

				ssdpClient.Dispose ();
				upnpServer.Dispose ();
Exemplo n.º 33
        private void additionalHaves(ObjectDatabase db)
            if (db is AlternateRepositoryDatabase)

            foreach (ObjectDatabase alt in db.getAlternates())
Exemplo n.º 34
		public static int Main (string[] args)
			Log.Register (new ConsoleOutEventLog (80));
			Log.Information ("Initializing application...");

			HttpSocketClient.RegisterHttpProxyUse (false, false);	// Don't look for proxies.

			DB.BackupConnectionString = "Data Source=actuator.db;Version=3;";
			DB.BackupProviderName = "Clayster.Library.Data.Providers.SQLiteServer.SQLiteServerProvider";
			db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy ("TheActuator");

			Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
				e.Cancel = true;
				executionLed.Low ();

			// HTTP Interface

			HttpServer HttpServer = new HttpServer (80, 10, true, true, 1);
			int i;

			Log.Information ("HTTP Server receiving requests on port " + HttpServer.Port.ToString ());

			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Actuator Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());

			credentials = LoginCredentials.LoadCredentials ();
			if (credentials == null)
				credentials = new LoginCredentials ();
				credentials.UserName = "******";
				credentials.PasswordHash = CalcHash ("Admin", "Password");
				credentials.SaveNew ();

			state = State.LoadState ();
			if (state == null)
				state = new State ();
				state.SaveNew ();
			} else
				for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					digitalOutputs [i].Value = state.GetDO (i + 1);

				if (state.Alarm)
					AlarmOn ();
					AlarmOff ();

			WebServiceAPI wsApi;

			HttpServer.Register ("/", HttpGetRoot, HttpPostRoot, false);							// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/credentials", HttpGetCredentials, HttpPostCredentials, false);	// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/set", HttpGetSet, HttpPostSet, true);							// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/xml", HttpGetXml, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/json", HttpGetJson, true);										// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/turtle", HttpGetTurtle, true);									// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/rdf", HttpGetRdf, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register (wsApi = new WebServiceAPI (), true);

			// HTTPS interface

			// Certificate must be a valid P12 (PFX) certificate file containing a private key.
			// X509Certificate2 Certificate = new X509Certificate2 ("Certificate.pfx", "PASSWORD");
			// HttpServer HttpsServer = new HttpServer (443, 10, true, true, 1, true, false, Certificate);
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Actuator Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			// foreach (IHttpServerResource Resource in HttpServer.GetResources())
			//    HttpsServer.Register (Resource);
			// Log.Information ("HTTPS Server receiving requests on port " + HttpsServer.Port.ToString ());

			// CoAP Interface

			CoapEndpoint CoapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint ();
			Log.Information ("CoAP endpoint receiving requests on port " + CoapEndpoint.Port.ToString ());

			//CoapEndpoint.RegisterLineListener (new ConsoleOutLineListenerSink (BinaryFormat.Hexadecimal, true));

			for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("do" + i.ToString () + "/txt", "Digital Output " + i.ToString () + ", as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 30, false, 
					CoapGetDigitalOutputTxt, CoapSetDigitalOutputTxt);
			CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("do/txt", "Digital Outputs, as a number 0-255 as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 30, false, 
				CoapGetDigitalOutputsTxt, CoapSetDigitalOutputsTxt);

			CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("alarm/txt", "Alarm Output " + i.ToString () + ", as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 30, false, 
				CoapGetAlarmOutputTxt, CoapSetAlarmOutputTxt);

			foreach (CoapBlockSize BlockSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CoapBlockSize)))
				if (BlockSize == CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_Datagram)

				string Bytes = (1 << (4 + (int)BlockSize)).ToString ();

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("xml/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in XML. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetXml);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("json/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in JSON. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetJson);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("turtle/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in TURTLE. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetTurtle);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("rdf/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in RDF. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetRdf);

			// MQTT

			MqttClient MqttClient = new MqttClient ("iot.eclipse.org", MqttClient.DefaultPort, "LearningIoTActuator", string.Empty, false);
			//MqttClient.RegisterLineListener (new ConsoleOutLineListenerSink (BinaryFormat.Hexadecimal));

			MqttClient.Open ();
			MqttClient.CONNECT (20, true);

			MqttClient.PUBLISH ("Clayster/LearningIoT/Actuator/ao", state.Alarm ? "1" : "0", MqttQoS.QoS1_Acknowledged, true);
			MqttClient.PUBLISH ("Clayster/LearningIoT/Actuator/do", wsApi.GetDigitalOutputs ().ToString (), MqttQoS.QoS1_Acknowledged, true);

			for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
				MqttClient.PUBLISH ("Clayster/LearningIoT/Actuator/do" + i.ToString (), wsApi.GetDigitalOutput (i) ? "1" : "0", MqttQoS.QoS1_Acknowledged, true);

			MqttClient.SUBSCRIBE (new KeyValuePair<string, MqttQoS> ("Clayster/LearningIoT/Actuator/#", MqttQoS.QoS1_Acknowledged));
			MqttClient.OnDataPublished += OnMqttDataPublished;

			Log.Information ("Receiving commands via MQTT from Clayster/LearningIoT/Actuator @ ", EventLevel.Minor, MqttClient.Host + ":" + MqttClient.PortNumber.ToString ());

			// Main loop

			Log.Information ("Initialization complete. Application started...");

				while (executionLed.Value)
					System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000);
					RemoveOldSessions ();

			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);
				executionLed.Low ();
			} finally
				Log.Information ("Terminating application.");
				Log.Flush ();
				Log.Terminate ();

				HttpServer.Dispose ();
				//HttpsServer.Dispose ();

				if (MqttClient != null)
					MqttClient.Dispose ();

				executionLed.Dispose ();

				foreach (DigitalOutput Output in digitalOutputs)
					Output.Dispose ();

				if (alarmThread != null)
					alarmThread.Abort ();
					alarmThread = null;

			return 0;
Exemplo n.º 35
		public static int Main (string[] args)
			Log.Register (new ConsoleOutEventLog (80));
			Log.Information ("Initializing application...");

			HttpSocketClient.RegisterHttpProxyUse (false, false);	// Don't look for proxies.

			DB.BackupConnectionString = "Data Source=sensor.db;Version=3;";
			DB.BackupProviderName = "Clayster.Library.Data.Providers.SQLiteServer.SQLiteServerProvider";
			db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy ("TheSensor");

			Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
				e.Cancel = true;
				executionLed.Low ();

			// Initializing hardware and retrieving current sensor values

				tmp102.Configure (false, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.FaultQueue.ConsecutiveFaults_6, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.AlertPolarity.AlertActiveLow,
					TexasInstrumentsTMP102.ThermostatMode.ComparatorMode, false, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.ConversionRate.Hz_1, false);

				temp = (short)tmp102.ReadTemperatureRegister ();
				temperatureC = temp / 256.0;

				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					tempAvgWindow [i] = temp;

				sumTemp = temp * 10;
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);

				sumTemp = 0;
				temperatureC = 0;
				errorLed.High ();

				adc.Configure (true, false, false, false, false, false);

				light = adc.ReadRegistersBinary () [0];
				lightPercent = (100.0 * light) / 0x0fff;

				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					lightAvgWindow [i] = light;

				sumLight = light * 10;
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);

				sumLight = 0;
				lightPercent = 0;
				errorLed.High ();

			// Loading historical Sensor Values

			Log.Information ("Loading Minute Values.");
			perMinute.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Minute));

			Log.Information ("Loading Hour Values.");
			perHour.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Hour));

			Log.Information ("Loading Day Values.");
			perDay.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Day));

			Log.Information ("Loading Month Values.");
			perMonth.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Month));

			// Resuming average calculations

			int Pos = perSecond.Count;
			DateTime CurrentTime = DateTime.Now;
			DateTime Timestamp;

			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perSecond [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Minute == CurrentTime.Minute && Timestamp.Hour == CurrentTime.Hour && Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumSeconds += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perMinute.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perMinute [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Hour == CurrentTime.Hour && Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumMinutes += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perHour.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perHour [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumHours += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perDay.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perDay [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Month == CurrentTime.Month && Timestamp.Year == CurrentTime.Year)
					sumDays += Rec;
				} else

			// Sampling of new Sensor Values

			Timer Timer = new Timer (SampleSensorValues, null, 1000 - DateTime.Now.Millisecond, 1000);	// Every second.

			// HTTP Interface

			HttpServer HttpServer = new HttpServer (80, 10, true, true, 1);

			Log.Information ("HTTP Server receiving requests on port " + HttpServer.Port.ToString ());

			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Sensor Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());

			credentials = LoginCredentials.LoadCredentials ();
			if (credentials == null)
				credentials = new LoginCredentials ();
				credentials.UserName = "******";
				credentials.PasswordHash = CalcHash ("Admin", "Password");
				credentials.SaveNew ();

			HttpServer.Register ("/", HttpGetRoot, HttpPostRoot, false);							// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/html", HttpGetHtml, false);										// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/historygraph", HttpGetHistoryGraph, false);						// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/credentials", HttpGetCredentials, HttpPostCredentials, false);	// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/xml", HttpGetXml, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/json", HttpGetJson, true);										// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/turtle", HttpGetTurtle, true);									// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/rdf", HttpGetRdf, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/xml", HttpGetEventXml, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/json", HttpGetEventJson, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/turtle", HttpGetEventTurtle, true, false);					// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/rdf", HttpGetEventRdf, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication

			// HTTPS interface

			// Certificate must be a valid P12 (PFX) certificate file containing a private key.
			// X509Certificate2 Certificate = new X509Certificate2 ("Certificate.pfx", "PASSWORD");
			// HttpServer HttpsServer = new HttpServer (443, 10, true, true, 1, true, false, Certificate);
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Sensor Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());
			// foreach (IHttpServerResource Resource in HttpServer.GetResources())
			//    HttpsServer.Register (Resource);
			// Log.Information ("HTTPS Server receiving requests on port " + HttpsServer.Port.ToString ());

			// CoAP Interface

			CoapEndpoint CoapEndpoint = new CoapEndpoint ();
			Log.Information ("CoAP endpoint receiving requests on port " + CoapEndpoint.Port.ToString ());

			//CoapEndpoint.RegisterLineListener (new ConsoleOutLineListenerSink (BinaryFormat.Hexadecimal, true));
			CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("temp/txt", "Current Temperature, as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 30, true, (Request, Payload) =>
					return FieldNumeric.Format (temperatureC, "C", 1);

			motionTxt = CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("motion/txt", "Motion detection, as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 10, true, (Request, Payload) =>
					return motionDetected ? "1" : "0";

			CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("light/txt", "Current Light Density, as text.", CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_64Bytes, false, 2, true, (Request, Payload) =>
					return FieldNumeric.Format (lightPercent, "%", 1);

			foreach (CoapBlockSize BlockSize in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CoapBlockSize)))
				if (BlockSize == CoapBlockSize.BlockLimit_Datagram)

				string Bytes = (1 << (4 + (int)BlockSize)).ToString ();

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("xml/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in XML. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetXml);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("json/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in JSON. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetJson);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("turtle/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in TURTLE. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetTurtle);

				CoapEndpoint.RegisterResource ("rdf/" + Bytes, "Complete sensor readout, in RDF. Control content using query parmeters. Block size=" + Bytes + " bytes.", 
					BlockSize, false, 30, false, CoapGetRdf);

			// MQTT

			mqttThread = new Thread (MqttThread);
			mqttThread.Name = "MQTT";
			mqttThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
			mqttThread.Start ();

			// Main loop

			Log.Information ("Initialization complete. Application started...");

				while (executionLed.Value)
					System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000);
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);
				executionLed.Low ();
			} finally
				Log.Information ("Terminating application.");
				Log.Flush ();
				Log.Terminate ();
				Timer.Dispose ();

				HttpServer.Dispose ();
				//HttpsServer.Dispose ();

				CoapEndpoint.Dispose ();

				if (mqttThread != null)
					mqttThread.Abort ();
					mqttThread = null;

				executionLed.Dispose ();
				measurementLed.Dispose ();
				errorLed.Dispose ();
				networkLed.Dispose ();
				motion.Dispose ();
				i2cBus.Dispose ();

			return 0;
Exemplo n.º 36
		public static int Main (string[] args)
			Log.Register (new ConsoleOutEventLog (80));
			Log.Information ("Initializing application...");

			HttpSocketClient.RegisterHttpProxyUse (false, false);	// Don't look for proxies.

			DB.BackupConnectionString = "Data Source=actuator.db;Version=3;";
			DB.BackupProviderName = "Clayster.Library.Data.Providers.SQLiteServer.SQLiteServerProvider";
			db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy ("TheActuator");

			Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
				e.Cancel = true;
				executionLed.Low ();

			// HTTP Interface

			HttpServer HttpServer = new HttpServer (80, 10, true, true, 1);

			Log.Information ("HTTP Server receiving requests on port " + HttpServer.Port.ToString ());

			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Actuator Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());

			credentials = LoginCredentials.LoadCredentials ();
			if (credentials == null)
				credentials = new LoginCredentials ();
				credentials.UserName = "******";
				credentials.PasswordHash = CalcHash ("Admin", "Password");
				credentials.SaveNew ();

			state = State.LoadState ();
			if (state == null)
				state = new State ();
				state.SaveNew ();
			} else
				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					digitalOutputs [i].Value = state.GetDO (i + 1);

				if (state.Alarm)
					AlarmOn ();
					AlarmOff ();

			HttpServer.Register ("/", HttpGetRoot, HttpPostRoot, false);							// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/credentials", HttpGetCredentials, HttpPostCredentials, false);	// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/set", HttpGetSet, HttpPostSet, true);							// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/xml", HttpGetXml, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/json", HttpGetJson, true);										// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/turtle", HttpGetTurtle, true);									// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/rdf", HttpGetRdf, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register (new WebServiceAPI (), true);

			// HTTPS interface

			// Certificate must be a valid P12 (PFX) certificate file containing a private key.
			// X509Certificate2 Certificate = new X509Certificate2 ("Certificate.pfx", "PASSWORD");
			// HttpServer HttpsServer = new HttpServer (443, 10, true, true, 1, true, false, Certificate);
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Actuator Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			// foreach (IHttpServerResource Resource in HttpServer.GetResources())
			//    HttpsServer.Register (Resource);
			// Log.Information ("HTTPS Server receiving requests on port " + HttpsServer.Port.ToString ());

			// Main loop

			Log.Information ("Initialization complete. Application started...");

				while (executionLed.Value)
					System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000);
					RemoveOldSessions ();

			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);
				executionLed.Low ();
			} finally
				Log.Information ("Terminating application.");
				Log.Flush ();
				Log.Terminate ();

				HttpServer.Dispose ();
				//HttpsServer.Dispose ();

				executionLed.Dispose ();

				foreach (DigitalOutput Output in digitalOutputs)
					Output.Dispose ();

				if (alarmThread != null)
					alarmThread.Abort ();
					alarmThread = null;

			return 0;
Exemplo n.º 37
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			Log.Register (new ConsoleOutEventLog (80));
			Log.Information ("Initializing application...");

			HttpSocketClient.RegisterHttpProxyUse (false, false);	// Don't look for proxies.

			DB.BackupConnectionString = "Data Source=camera.db;Version=3;";
			DB.BackupProviderName = "Clayster.Library.Data.Providers.SQLiteServer.SQLiteServerProvider";
			db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy ("TheCamera");

			defaultSettings = DefaultSettings.LoadSettings ();
			if (defaultSettings == null)
				defaultSettings = new DefaultSettings ();
				defaultSettings.SaveNew ();

			Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
				e.Cancel = true;
				executionLed.Low ();

				// HTTP Interface

				httpServer = new HttpServer (80, 10, true, true, 1);
				Log.Information ("HTTP Server receiving requests on port " + httpServer.Port.ToString ());

				httpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Camera Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
				httpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());

				credentials = LoginCredentials.LoadCredentials ();
				if (credentials == null)
					credentials = new LoginCredentials ();
					credentials.UserName = "******";
					credentials.PasswordHash = CalcHash ("Admin", "Password");
					credentials.SaveNew ();

				httpServer.Register ("/", HttpGetRootProtected, HttpPostRoot, false);					// Synchronous, no authentication
				httpServer.Register ("/html", HttpGetHtmlProtected, false);								// Synchronous, no authentication
				httpServer.Register ("/camera", HttpGetImgProtected, true);								// Synchronous, www-authentication
				httpServer.Register ("/credentials", HttpGetCredentials, HttpPostCredentials, false);	// Synchronous, no authentication

				// UPnP Interface

				upnpServer = new HttpServer (8080, 10, true, true, 1);
				Log.Information ("UPnP Server receiving requests on port " + upnpServer.Port.ToString ());

				upnpServer.Register ("/", HttpGetRootUnprotected, HttpPostRoot, false);					// Synchronous, no authentication
				upnpServer.Register ("/html", HttpGetHtmlUnprotected, false);							// Synchronous, no authentication
				upnpServer.Register ("/camera", HttpGetImgUnprotected, false);						// Synchronous, no authentication
				upnpServer.Register ("/CameraDevice.xml", HttpGetCameraDevice, false);
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/StillImageService.xml", "Camera.UPnP.StillImageService.xml"));
				upnpServer.Register (stillImageWS = new DigitalSecurityCameraStillImage ());

				// Icons taken from: http://www.iconarchive.com/show/the-bourne-ultimatum-icons-by-leoyue/Camera-icon.html
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/Icon/16x16.png", "Camera.UPnP.16x16.png"));
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/Icon/24x24.png", "Camera.UPnP.24x24.png"));
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/Icon/32x32.png", "Camera.UPnP.32x32.png"));
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/Icon/48x48.png", "Camera.UPnP.48x48.png"));
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/Icon/64x64.png", "Camera.UPnP.64x64.png"));
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/Icon/128x128.png", "Camera.UPnP.128x128.png"));
				upnpServer.Register (new HttpServerEmbeddedResource ("/Icon/256x256.png", "Camera.UPnP.256x256.png"));

				ssdpClient = new SsdpClient (upnpServer, 10, true, true, false, false, false, 30);
				ssdpClient.OnNotify += OnSsdpNotify;
				ssdpClient.OnDiscovery += OnSsdpDiscovery;

				// Initializing camera

				Log.Information ("Initializing camera.");
					currentResolution = defaultSettings.Resolution;
					currentCompressionRatio = defaultSettings.CompressionLevel;

						camera.Reset ();	// First try @ 38400 baud
						camera.SetImageSize (currentResolution);
						camera.Reset ();

						camera.SetBaudRate (LinkSpriteJpegColorCamera.BaudRate.Baud_115200);
						camera.Dispose ();
						camera = new LinkSpriteJpegColorCamera (LinkSpriteJpegColorCamera.BaudRate.Baud_115200);
					} catch (Exception)	// If already at 115200 baud.
						camera.Dispose ();
						camera = new LinkSpriteJpegColorCamera (LinkSpriteJpegColorCamera.BaudRate.Baud_115200);
					} finally
						camera.SetCompressionRatio (currentCompressionRatio);

				} catch (Exception ex)
					Log.Exception (ex);
					errorLed.High ();
					camera = null;

				// Main loop

				Log.Information ("Initialization complete. Application started.");

				while (executionLed.Value)
					Thread.Sleep (1000);
					RemoveOldSessions ();

			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);
				executionLed.Low ();
			} finally
				Log.Information ("Terminating application.");
				Log.Flush ();
				Log.Terminate ();

				ssdpClient.Dispose ();

				if (upnpServer != null)
					upnpServer.Dispose ();

				if (httpServer != null)
					httpServer.Dispose ();

				executionLed.Dispose ();
				cameraLed.Dispose ();
				networkLed.Dispose ();
				errorLed.Dispose ();
				camera.Dispose ();
Exemplo n.º 38
		public static int Main (string[] args)
			Log.Register (new ConsoleOutEventLog (80));
			Log.Information ("Initializing application...");

			HttpSocketClient.RegisterHttpProxyUse (false, false);	// Don't look for proxies.

			DB.BackupConnectionString = "Data Source=sensor.db;Version=3;";
			DB.BackupProviderName = "Clayster.Library.Data.Providers.SQLiteServer.SQLiteServerProvider";
			db = DB.GetDatabaseProxy ("TheSensor");

			Console.CancelKeyPress += (object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) =>
				e.Cancel = true;
				executionLed.Low ();

			// Initializing hardware and retrieving current sensor values

				tmp102.Configure (false, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.FaultQueue.ConsecutiveFaults_6, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.AlertPolarity.AlertActiveLow,
					TexasInstrumentsTMP102.ThermostatMode.ComparatorMode, false, TexasInstrumentsTMP102.ConversionRate.Hz_1, false);

				temp = (short)tmp102.ReadTemperatureRegister ();
				temperatureC = temp / 256.0;

				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					tempAvgWindow [i] = temp;

				sumTemp = temp * 10;
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);

				sumTemp = 0;
				temperatureC = 0;
				errorLed.High ();

				adc.Configure (true, false, false, false, false, false);

				light = adc.ReadRegistersBinary () [0];
				lightPercent = (100.0 * light) / 0x0fff;

				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					lightAvgWindow [i] = light;

				sumLight = light * 10;
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);

				sumLight = 0;
				lightPercent = 0;
				errorLed.High ();

			// Loading historical Sensor Values

			Log.Information ("Loading Minute Values.");
			perMinute.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Minute));

			Log.Information ("Loading Hour Values.");
			perHour.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Hour));

			Log.Information ("Loading Day Values.");
			perDay.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Day));

			Log.Information ("Loading Month Values.");
			perMonth.AddRange (Record.LoadRecords (Rank.Month));

			// Resuming average calculations

			int Pos = perSecond.Count;
			DateTime CurrentTime = DateTime.Now;
			DateTime Timestamp;

			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perSecond [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Minute == CurrentTime.Minute && Timestamp.Hour == CurrentTime.Hour && Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumSeconds += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perMinute.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perMinute [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Hour == CurrentTime.Hour && Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumMinutes += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perHour.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perHour [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Date == CurrentTime.Date)
					sumHours += Rec;
				} else

			Pos = perDay.Count;
			while (Pos-- > 0)
				Record Rec = perDay [Pos];
				Timestamp = Rec.Timestamp;
				if (Timestamp.Month == CurrentTime.Month && Timestamp.Year == CurrentTime.Year)
					sumDays += Rec;
				} else

			// Sampling of new Sensor Values

			Timer Timer = new Timer (SampleSensorValues, null, 1000 - DateTime.Now.Millisecond, 1000);	// Every second.

			// HTTP Interface

			HttpServer HttpServer = new HttpServer (80, 10, true, true, 1);

			Log.Information ("HTTP Server receiving requests on port " + HttpServer.Port.ToString ());

			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Sensor Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			HttpServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());

			credentials = LoginCredentials.LoadCredentials ();
			if (credentials == null)
				credentials = new LoginCredentials ();
				credentials.UserName = "******";
				credentials.PasswordHash = CalcHash ("Admin", "Password");
				credentials.SaveNew ();

			HttpServer.Register ("/", HttpGetRoot, HttpPostRoot, false);							// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/html", HttpGetHtml, false);										// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/historygraph", HttpGetHistoryGraph, false);						// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/credentials", HttpGetCredentials, HttpPostCredentials, false);	// Synchronous, no authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/xml", HttpGetXml, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/json", HttpGetJson, true);										// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/turtle", HttpGetTurtle, true);									// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/rdf", HttpGetRdf, true);											// Synchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/xml", HttpGetEventXml, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/json", HttpGetEventJson, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/turtle", HttpGetEventTurtle, true, false);					// Asynchronous, http authentication
			HttpServer.Register ("/event/rdf", HttpGetEventRdf, true, false);						// Asynchronous, http authentication

			// HTTPS interface

			// Certificate must be a valid P12 (PFX) certificate file containing a private key.
			// X509Certificate2 Certificate = new X509Certificate2 ("Certificate.pfx", "PASSWORD");
			// HttpServer HttpsServer = new HttpServer (443, 10, true, true, 1, true, false, Certificate);
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new DigestAuthentication ("The Sensor Realm", GetDigestUserPasswordHash));
			// HttpsServer.RegisterAuthenticationMethod (new SessionAuthentication ());
			// foreach (IHttpServerResource Resource in HttpServer.GetResources())
			//    HttpsServer.Register (Resource);
			// Log.Information ("HTTPS Server receiving requests on port " + HttpsServer.Port.ToString ());

			// Main loop

			Log.Information ("Initialization complete. Application started...");

				while (executionLed.Value)
					System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000);
			} catch (Exception ex)
				Log.Exception (ex);
				executionLed.Low ();
			} finally
				Log.Information ("Terminating application.");
				Log.Flush ();
				Log.Terminate ();
				Timer.Dispose ();
				HttpServer.Dispose ();
				//HttpsServer.Dispose ();
				executionLed.Dispose ();
				measurementLed.Dispose ();
				errorLed.Dispose ();
				networkLed.Dispose ();
				motion.Dispose ();
				i2cBus.Dispose ();

			return 0;
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new pack indexer utility.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">
        /// stream to read the pack data from. If the stream is buffered
        /// use <see cref="BUFFER_SIZE"/> as the buffer size for the stream.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dstBase"></param>
        public IndexPack(Repository db, Stream src, FileInfo dstBase)
            _repo = db;
            _objectDatabase = db.ObjectDatabase.newCachedDatabase();
            _stream = src;
            _crc = new Crc32();
            _inflater = InflaterCache.Instance.get();
            _windowCursor = new WindowCursor();
            _buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
            _objectData = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
            _objectDigest = Constants.newMessageDigest();
            _tempObjectId = new MutableObjectId();
            _packDigest = Constants.newMessageDigest();

            if (dstBase != null)
                DirectoryInfo dir = dstBase.Directory;
                string nam = dstBase.Name;
                _dstPack = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, GetPackFileName(nam)));
                _dstIdx = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dir.FullName, GetIndexFileName(nam)));
                _packOut = _dstPack.Create();
                _dstPack = null;
                _dstIdx = null;
Exemplo n.º 40
        private void additionalHaves(ObjectDatabase db)
            AlternateRepositoryDatabase b = (db as AlternateRepositoryDatabase);
            if (b != null)

            foreach (ObjectDatabase alt in db.getAlternates())