Exemplo n.º 1
        internal LinSynth(PluginControl pc, string[] beeps)
            BeepNames = beeps;
            ToASCII   = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();

            OSDMap speech = pc.config["synthesizer"] as OSDMap;

            if (speech == null)
                speech                   = new OSDMap();
                speech["server"]         = new OSDString("localhost:1314");
                speech["speed"]          = new OSDInteger(0);
                pc.config["synthesizer"] = speech;

            string server = speech["server"].AsString() ?? "localhost:1314";

            string[] parts = server.Split(':');
            serverhost = parts[0];
            if (parts.Length > 1)
                serverport = parts[1];
                serverport = "1314";
            rateBias = speech["speed"].AsInteger();

            // Build the festival command line args
            ActualArgs      = Regex.Replace(SynthArgs, @"%S", serverhost);
            ActualArgs      = Regex.Replace(ActualArgs, @"%P", serverport);
            voiceProperties = pc.config["properties"] as OSDMap;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool SetValue(string expr, string value, bool useJson)
            OSD ovalue;

            // One note of caution... if you use an empty string in the
            // structure it will be assumed to be a default value and will
            // not be seialized in the json

            if (useJson)
                // There doesn't appear to be a good way to determine if the
                // value is valid Json other than to let the parser crash
                    ovalue = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(value);
                catch (Exception)
                    if (value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'"))
                        ovalue = new OSDString(value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2));
                ovalue = new OSDString(value);

            return(SetValueFromExpression(expr, ovalue));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Save or update a permanent voice assignment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        private void SaveAssignment(string name, AssignedVoice v)
            // Definition is the voice name in single quotes followed
            // by optional modifiers.
            string definition = "'" + v.root.Name + "'";

            switch (v.pitchModification)
            case 0: break;

            case -1:    definition += " low";   break;

            case +1:    definition += " high";  break;

            switch (v.rateModification)
            case 0: break;

            case -1:    definition += " slow";   break;

            case +1:    definition += " fast";  break;

            // Update the configuration file.
            configVoices[name] = new OSDString(definition);
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal LinSynth( PluginControl pc, string[] beeps)
            BeepNames = beeps;
            ToASCII = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
			OSDMap speech = pc.config["synthesizer"] as OSDMap;
            if (speech == null)
                speech = new OSDMap();
                speech["server"] = new OSDString("localhost:1314");
                speech["speed"] = new OSDInteger(0);
                pc.config["synthesizer"] = speech;

			string server = speech["server"].AsString();
            if (server==null)
                server = "localhost:1314";
			string[] parts = server.Split(':');
			serverhost = parts[0];
			if (parts.Length>1)
				serverport = parts[1];
				serverport = "1314";
            rateBias = speech["speed"].AsInteger();
            // Build the festival command line args
            ActualArgs = Regex.Replace( SynthArgs, @"%S", serverhost );
			ActualArgs = Regex.Replace( ActualArgs, @"%P", serverport );
            voiceProperties = pc.config["properties"] as OSDMap;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void DeserializeNestedComposite()
            OSD llsdNested = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(binaryNested);
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.Array, llsdNested.Type);
            OSDArray llsdArray = (OSDArray)llsdNested;
            Assert.AreEqual(3, llsdArray.Count);

            OSDMap llsdMap = (OSDMap)llsdArray[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.Map, llsdMap.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, llsdMap.Count);

            OSDArray llsdNestedArray = (OSDArray)llsdMap["t0st"];
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.Array, llsdNestedArray.Type);
            OSDInteger llsdNestedIntOne = (OSDInteger)llsdNestedArray[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.Integer, llsdNestedIntOne.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, llsdNestedIntOne.AsInteger());
            OSDInteger llsdNestedIntTwo = (OSDInteger)llsdNestedArray[1];
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.Integer, llsdNestedIntTwo.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, llsdNestedIntTwo.AsInteger());

            OSDString llsdString = (OSDString)llsdMap["test"];
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.String, llsdString.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual("what", llsdString.AsString());

            OSDInteger llsdIntOne = (OSDInteger)llsdArray[1];
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.Integer, llsdIntOne.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(124, llsdIntOne.AsInteger());
            OSDInteger llsdIntTwo = (OSDInteger)llsdArray[2];
            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.Integer, llsdIntTwo.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(987, llsdIntTwo.AsInteger());
Exemplo n.º 6
        bool GetImageAssets(UUID avatarId)
            string profileServerURI = string.Empty;
            string assetServerURI   = string.Empty;

            bool foreign = GetUserProfileServerURI(avatarId, out profileServerURI);

            if (!foreign)

            assetServerURI = UserManagementModule.GetUserServerURL(avatarId, "AssetServerURI");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileServerURI) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetServerURI))

            OSDMap parameters = new OSDMap();

            parameters.Add("avatarId", OSD.FromUUID(avatarId));
            OSD Params = (OSD)parameters;

                if (!rpc.JsonRpcRequest(ref Params, "image_assets_request", profileServerURI, UUID.Random().ToString()))

                parameters = (OSDMap)Params;

                if (parameters.ContainsKey("result"))
                    OSDArray list = (OSDArray)parameters["result"];

                    foreach (OSD asset in list)
                        OSDString assetId = (OSDString)asset;

                        Scene.AssetService.Get(string.Format("{0}/{1}", assetServerURI, assetId.AsString()));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private OSDString mapTextureURL(string[] parts)
            OSDString resp = (OSDString)OSD.FromString(string.Empty);

            if (parts.Length < 1 || parts[0] != "mapTextureURL")

            return((OSDString)OSD.FromString(m_textureServer.ServerURI + "/index.php?method=MapAPI_MapTexture&x=_%x%_&y=_%y%_&zoom=_%zoom%_"));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public OSDArray ArrayListToOSDArray(ArrayList arrlst)
            OSDArray llsdBack = new OSDArray();

            foreach (Hashtable ht in arrlst)
                OSDMap mp = new OSDMap();
                foreach (DictionaryEntry deHt in ht)
                    mp.Add((string)deHt.Key, OSDString.FromObject(deHt.Value));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void DeserializeStrings()
            OSD       theSD   = null;
            OSDArray  array   = null;
            OSDString tempStr = null;

            String testSD = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
                    <string>Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion</string>
                    <string>&lt; &gt; &amp; &apos; &quot;</string>

            //Deserialize the string
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(testSD);
            theSD = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(bytes);

            Assert.IsTrue(theSD is OSDArray);
            array = (OSDArray)theSD;

            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.String, array[0].Type);
            tempStr = (OSDString)array[0];
            Assert.AreEqual("Kissling", tempStr.AsString());

            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.String, array[1].Type);
            tempStr = (OSDString)array[1];
            Assert.AreEqual("Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion", tempStr.AsString());

            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.String, array[2].Type);
            tempStr = (OSDString)array[2];
            Assert.AreEqual("< > & \' \"", tempStr.AsString());

            Assert.AreEqual(OSDType.String, array[3].Type);
            tempStr = (OSDString)array[3];
            Assert.AreEqual("", tempStr.AsString());
Exemplo n.º 10
        private OSDMap GetAbuseReport(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            IAbuseReports ar_service = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAbuseReports>();
            if (ar_service == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Failed to find IAbuseReports service.");
            else if (!map.ContainsKey("AbuseReport"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Abuse Report ID not specified.");
                AbuseReport ar = ar_service.GetAbuseReport(map["AbuseReport"].AsInteger());
                if (ar == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Failed to find Abuse Report with specified ID.");
                    resp["AbuseReport"] = ar.ToOSD();

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public RelayConsole(RadegastInstance instance)
            : base(instance)
            Disposed += RelayConsole_Disposed;

            textPrinter = new RichTextBoxPrinter(rtbChatText);

            // Get configuration settings, and initialize if not found.
            config = instance.GlobalSettings["plugin.irc"] as OSDMap;

            if (config == null)
                config = new OSDMap();
                config["server"] = new OSDString("irc.freenode.net");
                config["port"] = new OSDInteger(6667);
                config["nick"] = new OSDString(string.Empty);
                config["channel"] = new OSDString("#");
                config["send_delay"] = new OSDInteger(200);
                config["auto_reconnect"] = new OSDBoolean(true);
                config["ctcp_version"] = new OSDString("Radegast IRC");
                instance.GlobalSettings["plugin.irc"] = config;

            if (!config.ContainsKey("server"))
                config["server"] = new OSDString("irc.freenode.net");
            if (!config.ContainsKey("port"))
                config["port"] = new OSDInteger(6667);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("nick"))
                config["nick"] = new OSDString(instance.Client.Self.Name);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("channel"))
                config["channel"] = new OSDString("#");
            if (!config.ContainsKey("send_delay"))
                config["send_delay"] = new OSDInteger(200);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("auto_reconnect"))
                config["auto_reconnect"] = new OSDBoolean(true);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("ctcp_version"))
                config["ctcp_version"] = new OSDString("Radegast IRC");

            txtChan.Text = config["channel"].AsString();
            txtNick.Text = config["nick"].AsString();
            txtPort.Text = config["port"].AsString();
            txtServer.Text = config["server"].AsString();

            irc = new IrcClient();
            irc.SendDelay = config["send_delay"].AsInteger();
            irc.AutoReconnect = config["auto_reconnect"].AsBoolean();
            irc.CtcpVersion = config["ctcp_version"].AsString();
            irc.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            TC.OnTabAdded += TC_OnTabAdded;
            TC.OnTabRemoved += TC_OnTabRemoved;
            irc.OnError += irc_OnError;
            irc.OnRawMessage += irc_OnRawMessage;
            irc.OnChannelMessage += irc_OnChannelMessage;
            irc.OnConnected += irc_OnConnected;
            irc.OnDisconnected += irc_OnDisconnected;

            client.Self.IM += Self_IM;
            client.Self.ChatFromSimulator += Self_ChatFromSimulator;


Exemplo n.º 12
        private OSDMap FindUsers(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            IUserAccountService accountService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IUserAccountService>();
            IAgentConnector agentConnector = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
            if (accountService == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find IUserAccountService");
            else if (agentConnector == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find IAgentConnector");
                UUID scopeID = map.ContainsKey("ScopeID") ? map["ScopeID"].AsUUID() : UUID.Zero;
                uint start = map.ContainsKey("Start") ? map["Start"].AsUInteger() : 0;
                uint count = map.ContainsKey("Count") ? map["Count"].AsUInteger() : 10;
                string Query = map["Query"].AsString();
                List<UserAccount> accounts = accountService.GetUserAccounts(scopeID, Query, start, count);

                OSDArray users = new OSDArray();
                MainConsole.Instance.TraceFormat("{0} accounts found", accounts.Count);
                foreach (UserAccount acc in accounts)
                    OSDMap userInfo = new OSDMap();
                    userInfo["PrincipalID"] = acc.PrincipalID;
                    userInfo["UserName"] = acc.Name;
                    userInfo["Created"] = acc.Created;
                    userInfo["UserFlags"] = acc.UserFlags;
                    userInfo["UserLevel"] = acc.UserLevel;
                    IAgentInfo agent = agentConnector.GetAgent(acc.PrincipalID);
                    if (agent == null)
                        MainConsole.Instance.ErrorFormat("Could not get IAgentInfo for {0} ({1})", acc.Name, acc.PrincipalID);
                    userInfo["Flags"] = (agent == null) ? 0 : (int)agent.Flags;
                resp["Users"] = users;

                resp["Start"] = OSD.FromInteger(start);
                resp["Count"] = OSD.FromInteger(count);
                resp["Query"] = OSD.FromString(Query);
                resp["Total"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)accountService.NumberOfUserAccounts(scopeID, Query));

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public RelayConsole(RadegastInstance instance)
            : base(instance)
            Disposed += RelayConsole_Disposed;

            textPrinter = new RichTextBoxPrinter(rtbChatText);

            // Get configuration settings, and initialize if not found.
            config = instance.GlobalSettings["plugin.irc"] as OSDMap;

            if (config == null)
                config                   = new OSDMap();
                config["server"]         = new OSDString("irc.freenode.net");
                config["port"]           = new OSDInteger(6667);
                config["nick"]           = new OSDString(string.Empty);
                config["channel"]        = new OSDString("#");
                config["send_delay"]     = new OSDInteger(200);
                config["auto_reconnect"] = new OSDBoolean(true);
                config["ctcp_version"]   = new OSDString("Radegast IRC");
                instance.GlobalSettings["plugin.irc"] = config;

            if (!config.ContainsKey("server"))
                config["server"] = new OSDString("irc.freenode.net");
            if (!config.ContainsKey("port"))
                config["port"] = new OSDInteger(6667);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("nick"))
                config["nick"] = new OSDString(instance.Client.Self.Name);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("channel"))
                config["channel"] = new OSDString("#");
            if (!config.ContainsKey("send_delay"))
                config["send_delay"] = new OSDInteger(200);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("auto_reconnect"))
                config["auto_reconnect"] = new OSDBoolean(true);
            if (!config.ContainsKey("ctcp_version"))
                config["ctcp_version"] = new OSDString("Radegast IRC");

            txtChan.Text   = config["channel"].AsString();
            txtNick.Text   = config["nick"].AsString();
            txtPort.Text   = config["port"].AsString();
            txtServer.Text = config["server"].AsString();

            irc               = new IrcClient();
            irc.SendDelay     = config["send_delay"].AsInteger();
            irc.AutoReconnect = config["auto_reconnect"].AsBoolean();
            irc.CtcpVersion   = config["ctcp_version"].AsString();
            irc.Encoding      = Encoding.UTF8;

            TC.OnTabAdded        += TC_OnTabAdded;
            TC.OnTabRemoved      += TC_OnTabRemoved;
            irc.OnError          += irc_OnError;
            irc.OnRawMessage     += irc_OnRawMessage;
            irc.OnChannelMessage += irc_OnChannelMessage;
            irc.OnConnected      += irc_OnConnected;
            irc.OnDisconnected   += irc_OnDisconnected;

            client.Self.IM += Self_IM;
            client.Self.ChatFromSimulator += Self_ChatFromSimulator;


Exemplo n.º 14
 private void txtChan_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     config["channel"] = new OSDString(txtChan.Text);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private OSDMap RecentlyOnlineUsers(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            uint secondsAgo = map.ContainsKey("secondsAgo") ? uint.Parse(map["secondsAgo"]) : 0;
            bool stillOnline = map.ContainsKey("stillOnline") ? uint.Parse(map["stillOnline"]) == 1 : false;
            uint start = map.ContainsKey("Start") ? map["Start"].AsUInteger() : 0;
            uint count = map.ContainsKey("Count") ? map["Count"].AsUInteger() : 10;

            IAgentInfoConnector userInfoService = DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentInfoConnector>();
            if (userInfoService == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not get IAgentInfoConnector");
                resp["Start"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)start);
                resp["Count"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)count);
                resp["Total"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)userInfoService.RecentlyOnline(secondsAgo, stillOnline));

                OSDArray Users = new OSDArray();
                Dictionary<string, bool> sort = new Dictionary<string, bool>(1);
                sort["LastSeen"] = true;
                List<UserInfo> users = userInfoService.RecentlyOnline(secondsAgo, stillOnline, sort, start, count);

                foreach (UserInfo userinfo in users)

                resp["Users"] = Users;

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private OSDMap ResetAvatar(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            UUID user = UUID.Zero;

            if (!map.ContainsKey("User"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("User not specified.");
            else if (!UUID.TryParse(map["User"].AsString(), out user))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("User specified but was not valid UUID.");
                IAvatarService avatarService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarService>();

                if (avatarService == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Avatar service could not be fetched.");
                    resp["Success"] = new OSDBoolean(avatarService.ResetAvatar(user));

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private OSDMap GetNewsSources(OSDMap map, UUID requestingAgentID)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            uint start = map.ContainsKey("Start") ? map["Start"].AsUInteger() : 0;
            uint count = map.ContainsKey("Count") ? map["Count"].AsUInteger() : 10;
            IGenericsConnector generics = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IGenericsConnector>();
            IGroupsServiceConnector groups = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IGroupsServiceConnector>();

            if (generics == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find IGenericsConnector");
            else if (groups == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find IGroupsServiceConnector");
                OSDMap useValue = new OSDMap();
                useValue["Use"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
                List<UUID> GroupIDs = generics.GetOwnersByGeneric("Group", "WebUI_newsSource", useValue);
                resp["Total"] = GroupIDs.Count;
                resp["Start"] = (int)start;
                resp["Count"] = (int)count;

                OSDArray Groups = new OSDArray();
                if (start < GroupIDs.Count)
                    int end = (int)count;
                    if (start + count > GroupIDs.Count)
                        end = GroupIDs.Count - (int)start;
                    List<UUID> page = GroupIDs.GetRange((int)start, end);
                    if (page.Count > 0)
                        List<GroupRecord> reply = groups.GetGroupRecords(requestingAgentID, page);
                        if (reply.Count > 0)
                            foreach (GroupRecord groupReply in reply)
                resp["Groups"] = Groups;

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private OSDMap GetRegionsByXY(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            if (!map.ContainsKey("X") || !map.ContainsKey("Y"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("X and Y coordinates not specified");
                int x = map["X"].AsInteger();
                int y = map["Y"].AsInteger();
                UUID scope = map.ContainsKey("ScopeID") ? UUID.Parse(map["ScopeID"].AsString()) : UUID.Zero;
                RegionFlags include = map.Keys.Contains("RegionFlags") ? (RegionFlags)map["RegionFlags"].AsInteger() : RegionFlags.RegionOnline;
                RegionFlags? exclude = null;
                if (map.Keys.Contains("ExcludeRegionFlags"))
                    exclude = (RegionFlags)map["ExcludeRegionFlags"].AsInteger();

                IRegionData regiondata = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionData>();

                if (regiondata == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not get IRegionData plugin");
                    List<GridRegion> regions = regiondata.Get(x, y, scope);
                    OSDArray Regions = new OSDArray();
                    foreach (GridRegion region in regions)
                        if (((int)region.Flags & (int)include) == (int)include && (!exclude.HasValue || ((int)region.Flags & (int)exclude.Value) != (int)exclude))
                    resp["Total"] = Regions.Count;
                    resp["Regions"] = Regions;

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 19
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool SetValue(string expr, string value, bool useJson)
            OSD ovalue;

            // One note of caution... if you use an empty string in the
            // structure it will be assumed to be a default value and will
            // not be seialized in the json

            if (useJson)
                // There doesn't appear to be a good way to determine if the
                // value is valid Json other than to let the parser crash
                    ovalue = OSDParser.DeserializeJson(value);
                catch (Exception)
                    if (value.StartsWith("'") && value.EndsWith("'"))
                        ovalue = new OSDString(value.Substring(1,value.Length - 2));
                        return false;
                ovalue = new OSDString(value);
            return SetValueFromExpression(expr,ovalue);
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void txtNick_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     config["nick"] = new OSDString(txtNick.Text);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Save or update a permanent voice assignment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        private void SaveAssignment(string name, AssignedVoice v)
            // Definition is the voice name in single quotes followed
            // by optional modifiers.
            string definition = "'" + v.root.Name + "'";
            switch (v.pitchModification)
                case 0: break;
                case -1:    definition += " low";   break;
                case +1:    definition += " high";  break;

            switch (v.rateModification)
                case 0: break;
                case -1:    definition += " slow";   break;
                case +1:    definition += " fast";  break;

            // Update the configuration file.
            configVoices[name] = new OSDString(definition);
Exemplo n.º 22
 private void txtServer_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     config["server"] = new OSDString(txtServer.Text);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static OSD ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates(UUID sessionID,
                                                            UUID agentID, bool canVoiceChat, bool isModerator, bool textMute, byte dialog)
            OSDMap mutes = new OSDMap(1);

            mutes.Add("text", OSD.FromBoolean(textMute));

            OSDMap infoDetail = new OSDMap(3);

            infoDetail.Add("can_voice_chat", OSD.FromBoolean(canVoiceChat));
            infoDetail.Add("is_moderator", OSD.FromBoolean(isModerator));
            infoDetail.Add("mutes", mutes);

            OSD transition;

            switch (dialog)
            case (byte)InstantMessageDialog.SessionGroupStart:
                transition = new OSDString("ENTER");

            case (byte)InstantMessageDialog.SessionDrop:
                transition = new OSDString("LEAVE");

                transition = null;

            OSDMap agentInfo = new OSDMap();

            agentInfo.Add("info", infoDetail);
            if (transition != null)
                agentInfo.Add("transition", transition);

            OSDMap agentDetail = new OSDMap(1);

            agentDetail.Add(agentID.ToString(), agentInfo);

            OSDMap updatesDetail = new OSDMap(1);

            if (transition == null)
                updatesDetail.Add(agentID.ToString(), new OSD());
                updatesDetail.Add(agentID.ToString(), transition);

            OSDMap body = new OSDMap(3);

            body.Add("agent_updates", agentDetail);
            body.Add("session_id", OSD.FromUUID(sessionID));
            body.Add("updates", updatesDetail);

            OSDMap chatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates = new OSDMap();

            chatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates.Add("message", OSD.FromString("ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates"));
            chatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates.Add("body", body);

Exemplo n.º 24
        private OSDMap GetProfile(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            string Name = map["Name"].AsString();
            UUID userID = map["UUID"].AsUUID();

            IUserAccountService accountService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IUserAccountService>();

            if (accountService == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find IUserAccountService");
                return resp;

            UserAccount account = Name != "" ? accountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, Name) : accountService.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, userID);
            if (account != null)
                OSDMap accountMap = new OSDMap();

                accountMap["Created"] = account.Created;
                accountMap["Name"] = account.Name;
                accountMap["PrincipalID"] = account.PrincipalID;
                accountMap["Email"] = account.Email;
                accountMap["UserLevel"] = account.UserLevel;
                accountMap["UserFlags"] = account.UserFlags;

                TimeSpan diff = DateTime.Now - Util.ToDateTime(account.Created);
                int years = (int)diff.TotalDays / 356;
                int days = years > 0 ? (int)diff.TotalDays / years : (int)diff.TotalDays;
                accountMap["TimeSinceCreated"] = years + " years, " + days + " days"; // if we're sending account.Created do we really need to send this string ?

                IProfileConnector profileConnector = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IProfileConnector>();
                IUserProfileInfo profile = profileConnector.GetUserProfile(account.PrincipalID);
                if (profile != null)
                    resp["profile"] = profile.ToOSD(false);//not trusted, use false

                    if (account.UserFlags == 0)
                        account.UserFlags = 2; //Set them to no info given

                    string flags = ((IUserProfileInfo.ProfileFlags)account.UserFlags).ToString();

                    accountMap["AccountInfo"] = (profile.CustomType != "" ? profile.CustomType : account.UserFlags == 0 ? "Resident" : "Admin") + "\n" + flags;
                    UserAccount partnerAccount = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IUserAccountService>().GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, profile.Partner);
                    if (partnerAccount != null)
                        accountMap["Partner"] = partnerAccount.Name;
                        accountMap["PartnerUUID"] = partnerAccount.PrincipalID;
                        accountMap["Partner"] = "";
                        accountMap["PartnerUUID"] = UUID.Zero;

                IAgentConnector agentConnector = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IAgentConnector>();
                IAgentInfo agent = agentConnector.GetAgent(account.PrincipalID);
                if (agent != null)
                    OSDMap agentMap = new OSDMap();
                    agentMap["Flags"] = (int)agent.Flags;
                    agentMap["RLName"] = agent.OtherAgentInformation["RLName"].AsString();
                    agentMap["RLAddress"] = agent.OtherAgentInformation["RLAddress"].AsString();
                    agentMap["RLZip"] = agent.OtherAgentInformation["RLZip"].AsString();
                    agentMap["RLCity"] = agent.OtherAgentInformation["RLCity"].AsString();
                    agentMap["RLCountry"] = agent.OtherAgentInformation["RLCountry"].AsString();
                    resp["agent"] = agentMap;
                resp["account"] = accountMap;

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void DeserializeLLSDSample()
            OSD       theSD    = null;
            OSDMap    map      = null;
            OSD       tempSD   = null;
            OSDUUID   tempUUID = null;
            OSDString tempStr  = null;
            OSDReal   tempReal = null;

            String testSD = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
	                <string>one minute</string>
	                <key>simulator statistics</key>
		                <key>time dilation</key>
		                <key>sim fps</key>
		                <key>agent updates per second</key>
		                <key>total task count</key>
		                <key>active task count</key>
		                <key>pending uploads</key>

            //Deserialize the string
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(testSD);
            theSD = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(bytes);

            //Confirm the contents
            Assert.IsTrue(theSD is OSDMap);
            Assert.IsTrue(theSD.Type == OSDType.Map);
            map = (OSDMap)theSD;

            tempSD = map["region_id"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDUUID);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.UUID);
            tempUUID = (OSDUUID)tempSD;
            Assert.AreEqual(new UUID("67153d5b-3659-afb4-8510-adda2c034649"), tempUUID.AsUUID());

            tempSD = map["scale"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDString);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.String);
            tempStr = (OSDString)tempSD;
            Assert.AreEqual("one minute", tempStr.AsString());

            tempSD = map["simulator statistics"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDMap);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.Map);
            map = (OSDMap)tempSD;

            tempSD = map["time dilation"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDReal);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.Real);
            tempReal = (OSDReal)tempSD;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.9878624d, tempReal.AsReal());
            //TODO - figure out any relevant rounding variability for 64 bit reals
            tempSD = map["sim fps"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDReal);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.Real);
            tempReal = (OSDReal)tempSD;
            Assert.AreEqual(44.38898d, tempReal.AsReal());

            tempSD = map["agent updates per second"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDReal);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.Real);
            tempReal = (OSDReal)tempSD;
            Assert.AreEqual(Double.NaN, tempSD.AsReal());

            tempSD = map["total task count"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDReal);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.Real);
            tempReal = (OSDReal)tempSD;
            Assert.AreEqual(4.0d, tempReal.AsReal());

            tempSD = map["active task count"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDReal);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.Real);
            tempReal = (OSDReal)tempSD;
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0d, tempReal.AsReal());

            tempSD = map["pending uploads"];
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD is OSDReal);
            Assert.IsTrue(tempSD.Type == OSDType.Real);
            tempReal = (OSDReal)tempSD;
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0001096525d, tempReal.AsReal());
Exemplo n.º 26
        private OSDMap GetRegionsInArea(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            if (!map.ContainsKey("StartX") || !map.ContainsKey("StartY") || !map.ContainsKey("EndX") || !map.ContainsKey("EndY"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Start and End x/y coordinates must be specified");
                int StartX = map["StartX"].AsInteger();
                int StartY = map["StartY"].AsInteger();
                int EndX = map["EndX"].AsInteger();
                int EndY = map["EndY"].AsInteger();

                UUID scope = UUID.Zero;
                if (map.ContainsKey("ScopeID") && !UUID.TryParse(map["ScopeID"].AsString(), out scope))
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("ScopeID was specified but was not valid.");
                    return resp;

                IRegionData regiondata = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IRegionData>();
                if (regiondata == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not get IRegionData plugin");
                    List<GridRegion> regions = regiondata.Get(StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY, scope);
                    OSDArray Regions = new OSDArray();
                    foreach (GridRegion region in regions)
                    resp["Total"] = Regions.Count;
                    resp["Regions"] = Regions;

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 27
 private void txtChan_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     config["channel"] = new OSDString(txtChan.Text);
Exemplo n.º 28
        private OSDMap RemoveGroupNotice(OSDMap map, UUID requestingAgentID)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            if (!map.ContainsKey("GroupID") || !map.ContainsKey("NoticeID"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Missing required arguments one or more of GroupID, NoticeID");
                UUID GroupID = UUID.Zero;
                UUID.TryParse(map["GroupID"].ToString(), out GroupID);

                UUID noticeID = UUID.Zero;
                UUID.TryParse(map["NoticeID"].ToString(), out noticeID);

                IGroupsServiceConnector groups = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IGroupsServiceConnector>();

                if (GroupID == UUID.Zero)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("GroupID was UUID.Zero");
                else if (noticeID == UUID.Zero)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("NoticeID was UUID.Zero");
                else if (groups == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not findIGroupsServiceConnector");
                        resp["Success"] = groups.RemoveGroupNotice(requestingAgentID, GroupID, noticeID);
                        resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("An exception was thrown.");

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static OSD ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates(UUID sessionID,
            UUID agentID, bool canVoiceChat, bool isModerator, bool textMute, byte dialog)
            OSDMap mutes = new OSDMap(1);
            mutes.Add("text", OSD.FromBoolean(textMute));

            OSDMap infoDetail = new OSDMap(3);
            infoDetail.Add("can_voice_chat", OSD.FromBoolean(canVoiceChat));
            infoDetail.Add("is_moderator", OSD.FromBoolean(isModerator));
            infoDetail.Add("mutes", mutes);

            OSD transition;
            switch (dialog)
                case (byte)InstantMessageDialog.SessionGroupStart:
                    transition = new OSDString("ENTER");
                case (byte)InstantMessageDialog.SessionDrop:
                    transition = new OSDString("LEAVE");
                    transition = null;

            OSDMap agentInfo = new OSDMap();
            agentInfo.Add("info", infoDetail);
            if (transition != null)
                agentInfo.Add("transition", transition);

            OSDMap agentDetail = new OSDMap(1);
            agentDetail.Add(agentID.ToString(), agentInfo);

            OSDMap updatesDetail = new OSDMap(1);
            if (transition == null)
                updatesDetail.Add(agentID.ToString(), new OSD());
                updatesDetail.Add(agentID.ToString(), transition);

            OSDMap body = new OSDMap(3);
            body.Add("agent_updates", agentDetail);
            body.Add("session_id", OSD.FromUUID(sessionID));
            body.Add("updates", updatesDetail);

            OSDMap chatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates = new OSDMap();
            chatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates.Add("message", OSD.FromString("ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates"));
            chatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates.Add("body", body);

            return chatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdates;
Exemplo n.º 30
        private OSDMap SetHomeLocation(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            IAgentInfoService agentService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentInfoService>();
            IGridService gridService = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IGridService>();
            UserInfo userinfo = (map.ContainsKey("User") && agentService != null) ? agentService.GetUserInfo(map["User"].AsString()) : null;

            if (!map.ContainsKey("User"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("No user specified");
            else if (!map.ContainsKey("RegionID") && !map.ContainsKey("Position") && !map.ContainsKey("LookAt"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("No position info specified");
            else if (agentService == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not get IAgentInfoService");
            else if (gridService == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not get IGridService");
            else if (userinfo == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find user");
                UUID scopeID = UUID.Zero;
                UUID regionID = UUID.Zero;
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                Vector3 lookAt = Vector3.Zero;

                List<string> fail = new List<string>();

                if (map.ContainsKey("ScopeID") && !UUID.TryParse(map["ScopeID"].AsString(), out scopeID))
                    fail.Add("ScopeID was specified but was not a valid UUID");
                if (map.ContainsKey("RegionID") && !UUID.TryParse(map["RegionID"].AsString(), out regionID))
                    fail.Add("RegionID was specified but was not valid UUID");
                if (map.ContainsKey("Position") && !Vector3.TryParse(map["Position"].AsString(), out position))
                    fail.Add("Position was specified but was not valid Vector3");
                if (map.ContainsKey("LookAt") && !Vector3.TryParse(map["LookAt"].AsString(), out lookAt))
                    fail.Add("LookAt was specified but was not valid Vector3");

                if (regionID == UUID.Zero)
                    regionID = userinfo.HomeRegionID;
                if (gridService.GetRegionByUUID(UUID.Zero, regionID) == null)
                    fail.Add("region does not exist");

                if (regionID == UUID.Zero && (map.ContainsKey("Position") || map.ContainsKey("LookAt")))
                    fail.Add("Cannot change home location without specifying a region");

                if (fail.Count > 0)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString(string.Join(". ", fail.ToArray()));
                    return resp;

                userinfo.HomeRegionID = regionID;
                if (map.ContainsKey("Position"))
                    userinfo.HomePosition = position;
                if (map.ContainsKey("LookAt"))
                    userinfo.HomeLookAt = lookAt;

                resp["Success"] = new OSDBoolean(agentService.SetHomePosition(userinfo.UserID, userinfo.HomeRegionID, userinfo.HomePosition, userinfo.HomeLookAt));

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 31
        private OSDMap AddGroupNotice(OSDMap map)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();

            if (!map.ContainsKey("GroupID") || !map.ContainsKey("AuthorID") || !map.ContainsKey("Subject") || !map.ContainsKey("Message"))
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Missing required arguments one or more of GroupID, AuthorID, Subject, Message");
                UUID GroupID = UUID.Zero;
                UUID.TryParse(map["GroupID"].ToString(), out GroupID);

                UUID AuthorID = UUID.Zero;
                UUID.TryParse(map["AuthorID"].ToString(), out AuthorID);

                string subject = map["Subject"].ToString().Trim();
                string message = map["Message"].ToString().Trim();

                IGroupsServiceConnector groups = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IGroupsServiceConnector>();
                IUserAccountService users = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface<IUserAccountService>();
                UserAccount Author = AuthorID != UUID.Zero && users != null ? users.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, AuthorID) : null;

                if (GroupID == UUID.Zero)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("GroupID was UUID.Zero");
                else if (AuthorID == UUID.Zero)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("AuthorID was UUID.Zero");
                else if (subject == string.Empty)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Subject was empty");
                else if (message == string.Empty)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Message was empty");
                else if (groups == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not findIGroupsServiceConnector");
                else if (users == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find IUserAccountService");
                else if (Author == null)
                    resp["Failed"] = new OSDString(string.Format("Could not find author with ID {0}", AuthorID));
                    UUID noticeID = UUID.Random();
                        groups.AddGroupNotice(AuthorID, GroupID, noticeID, Author.Name, subject, message, UUID.Zero, 0, "");
                        resp["NoticeID"] = noticeID;
                        resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("An exception was thrown.");

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 32
 private void txtServer_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     config["server"] = new OSDString(txtServer.Text);
Exemplo n.º 33
        private OSDMap EditGroupNotice(OSDMap map, UUID requestingAgentID)
            OSDMap resp = new OSDMap();
            UUID noticeID = map.ContainsKey("NoticeID") ? UUID.Parse(map["NoticeID"]) : UUID.Zero;
            IGroupsServiceConnector groups = Aurora.DataManager.DataManager.RequestPlugin<IGroupsServiceConnector>();
            GroupNoticeData GND = noticeID != UUID.Zero && groups != null ? groups.GetGroupNoticeData(requestingAgentID, noticeID) : null;
            GroupNoticeInfo notice = GND != null ? groups.GetGroupNotice(requestingAgentID, GND.NoticeID) : null;

            if (noticeID == UUID.Zero)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("No notice ID was specified");
            else if (groups == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find IGroupsServiceConnector");
            else if (GND == null || notice == null)
                resp["Failed"] = new OSDString("Could not find group notice with specified ID");
            else if (!map.ContainsKey("Subject") && !map.ContainsKey("Message"))
                resp["Success"] = new OSDBoolean(false);
                resp["Note"] = new OSDString("No changes were made to the group notice");
                resp["Success"] = groups.EditGroupNotice(requestingAgentID, notice.GroupID, GND.NoticeID, map.ContainsKey("Subject") ? map["Subject"].ToString() : GND.Subject, map.ContainsKey("Message") ? map["Message"].ToString() : notice.Message);

            return resp;
Exemplo n.º 34
 private void txtNick_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
     config["nick"] = new OSDString(txtNick.Text);