Exemplo n.º 1
        private void BeginLogin()
            LoginParams loginParams = CurrentContext.Value;
            // Generate a random ID to identify this login attempt
            loginParams.LoginID = UUID.Random();
            CurrentContext = loginParams;

            #region Sanity Check loginParams

            if (loginParams.Options == null)
                loginParams.Options = new List<string>().ToArray();

            // Convert the password to MD5 if it isn't already
            if (loginParams.Password.Length != 35 && !loginParams.Password.StartsWith("$1$"))
                loginParams.Password = Utils.MD5(loginParams.Password);

            if (loginParams.ViewerDigest == null)
                loginParams.ViewerDigest = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.Version == null)
                loginParams.Version = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.UserAgent == null)
                loginParams.UserAgent = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.Platform == null)
                loginParams.Platform = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.MAC == null)
                loginParams.MAC = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.Channel == null)
                loginParams.Channel = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.Author == null)
                loginParams.Author = String.Empty;


            // TODO: Allow a user callback to be defined for handling the cert
            ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new TrustAllCertificatePolicy();
            // Even though this will compile on Mono 2.4, it throws a runtime exception
            //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = TrustAllCertificatePolicy.TrustAllCertificateHandler;

            if (Client.Settings.USE_LLSD_LOGIN)
                #region LLSD Based Login

                // Create the CAPS login structure
                OSDMap loginLLSD = new OSDMap();
                loginLLSD["first"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.FirstName);
                loginLLSD["last"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.LastName);
                loginLLSD["passwd"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Password);
                loginLLSD["start"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Start);
                loginLLSD["channel"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Channel);
                loginLLSD["version"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Version);
                loginLLSD["platform"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Platform);
                loginLLSD["mac"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.MAC);
                loginLLSD["agree_to_tos"] = OSD.FromBoolean(loginParams.AgreeToTos);
                loginLLSD["read_critical"] = OSD.FromBoolean(loginParams.ReadCritical);
                loginLLSD["viewer_digest"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.ViewerDigest);
                loginLLSD["id0"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.ID0);

                // Create the options LLSD array
                OSDArray optionsOSD = new OSDArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < loginParams.Options.Length; i++)

                foreach (string[] callbackOpts in CallbackOptions.Values)
                    if (callbackOpts != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < callbackOpts.Length; i++)
                            if (!optionsOSD.Contains(callbackOpts[i]))
                loginLLSD["options"] = optionsOSD;

                // Make the CAPS POST for login
                Uri loginUri;
                    loginUri = new Uri(loginParams.URI);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Log(String.Format("Failed to parse login URI {0}, {1}", loginParams.URI, ex.Message),
                        Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client);

                CapsClient loginRequest = new CapsClient(loginUri);
                loginRequest.OnComplete += new CapsClient.CompleteCallback(LoginReplyLLSDHandler);
                loginRequest.UserData = CurrentContext;
                UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.ConnectingToLogin, String.Format("Logging in as {0} {1}...", loginParams.FirstName, loginParams.LastName));
                loginRequest.BeginGetResponse(loginLLSD, OSDFormat.Xml, Client.Settings.CAPS_TIMEOUT);

                #region XML-RPC Based Login Code

                // Create the Hashtable for XmlRpcCs
                Hashtable loginXmlRpc = new Hashtable();
                loginXmlRpc["first"] = loginParams.FirstName;
                loginXmlRpc["last"] = loginParams.LastName;
                loginXmlRpc["passwd"] = loginParams.Password;
                loginXmlRpc["start"] = loginParams.Start;
                loginXmlRpc["channel"] = loginParams.Channel;
                loginXmlRpc["version"] = loginParams.Version;
                loginXmlRpc["platform"] = loginParams.Platform;
                loginXmlRpc["mac"] = loginParams.MAC;
                if (loginParams.AgreeToTos)
                    loginXmlRpc["agree_to_tos"] = "true";
                if (loginParams.ReadCritical)
                    loginXmlRpc["read_critical"] = "true";
                loginXmlRpc["id0"] = loginParams.ID0;
                loginXmlRpc["last_exec_event"] = 0;

                // Create the options array
                ArrayList options = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < loginParams.Options.Length; i++)

                foreach (string[] callbackOpts in CallbackOptions.Values)
                    if (callbackOpts != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < callbackOpts.Length; i++)
                            if (!options.Contains(callbackOpts[i]))
                loginXmlRpc["options"] = options;

                    ArrayList loginArray = new ArrayList(1);
                    XmlRpcRequest request = new XmlRpcRequest(CurrentContext.Value.MethodName, loginArray);

                    // Start the request
                    Thread requestThread = new Thread(
                                    request.Send(CurrentContext.Value.URI, CurrentContext.Value.Timeout),
                            catch (WebException e)
                                UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.Failed, "Error opening the login server connection: " + e.Message);
                    requestThread.Name = "XML-RPC Login";
                catch (Exception e)
                    UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.Failed, "Error opening the login server connection: " + e);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void BeginLogin()
            LoginParams loginParams = CurrentContext.Value;

            // Sanity check
            if (loginParams.Options == null)
                loginParams.Options = new List<string>();

            // Convert the password to MD5 if it isn't already
            if (loginParams.Password.Length != 35 && !loginParams.Password.StartsWith("$1$"))
                loginParams.Password = Utils.MD5(loginParams.Password);

            // Override SSL authentication mechanisms. DO NOT convert this to the
            // .NET 2.0 preferred method, the equivalent function in Mono has a
            // different name and it will break compatibility!
            #pragma warning disable 0618
            ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new AcceptAllCertificatePolicy();
            // TODO: At some point, maybe we should check the cert?

            // Create the CAPS login structure
            OSDMap loginLLSD = new OSDMap();
            loginLLSD["first"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.FirstName);
            loginLLSD["last"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.LastName);
            loginLLSD["passwd"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Password);
            loginLLSD["start"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Start);
            loginLLSD["channel"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Channel);
            loginLLSD["version"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Version);
            loginLLSD["platform"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Platform);
            loginLLSD["mac"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.MAC);
            loginLLSD["agree_to_tos"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
            loginLLSD["read_critical"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
            loginLLSD["viewer_digest"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.ViewerDigest);
            loginLLSD["id0"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.id0);

            // Create the options LLSD array
            OSDArray optionsOSD = new OSDArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < loginParams.Options.Count; i++)
            foreach (string[] callbackOpts in CallbackOptions.Values)
                if (callbackOpts != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < callbackOpts.Length; i++)
                        if (!optionsOSD.Contains(callbackOpts[i]))
            loginLLSD["options"] = optionsOSD;

            // Make the CAPS POST for login
            Uri loginUri;
                loginUri = new Uri(loginParams.URI);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log(String.Format("Failed to parse login URI {0}, {1}", loginParams.URI, ex.Message),
                    Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client);
                throw ex;

            CapsClient loginRequest = new CapsClient(loginUri);
            loginRequest.OnComplete += new CapsClient.CompleteCallback(LoginReplyHandler);
            loginRequest.UserData = CurrentContext;
            UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.ConnectingToLogin, String.Format("Logging in as {0} {1}...", loginParams.FirstName, loginParams.LastName));
            loginRequest.StartRequest(OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(loginLLSD), "application/xml+llsd");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void BeginLogin()
            LoginParams loginParams = CurrentContext.Value;

            // Sanity check
            if (loginParams.Options == null)
                loginParams.Options = new List <string>();

            // Convert the password to MD5 if it isn't already
            if (loginParams.Password.Length != 35 && !loginParams.Password.StartsWith("$1$"))
                loginParams.Password = Utils.MD5(loginParams.Password);

            // Override SSL authentication mechanisms. DO NOT convert this to the
            // .NET 2.0 preferred method, the equivalent function in Mono has a
            // different name and it will break compatibility!
            #pragma warning disable 0618
            ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new AcceptAllCertificatePolicy();
            // TODO: At some point, maybe we should check the cert?

            // Create the CAPS login structure
            OSDMap loginLLSD = new OSDMap();
            loginLLSD["first"]         = OSD.FromString(loginParams.FirstName);
            loginLLSD["last"]          = OSD.FromString(loginParams.LastName);
            loginLLSD["passwd"]        = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Password);
            loginLLSD["start"]         = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Start);
            loginLLSD["channel"]       = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Channel);
            loginLLSD["version"]       = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Version);
            loginLLSD["platform"]      = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Platform);
            loginLLSD["mac"]           = OSD.FromString(loginParams.MAC);
            loginLLSD["agree_to_tos"]  = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
            loginLLSD["read_critical"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
            loginLLSD["viewer_digest"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.ViewerDigest);
            loginLLSD["id0"]           = OSD.FromString(loginParams.id0);

            // Create the options LLSD array
            OSDArray optionsOSD = new OSDArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < loginParams.Options.Count; i++)
            foreach (string[] callbackOpts in CallbackOptions.Values)
                if (callbackOpts != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < callbackOpts.Length; i++)
                        if (!optionsOSD.Contains(callbackOpts[i]))
            loginLLSD["options"] = optionsOSD;

            // Make the CAPS POST for login
            Uri loginUri;
                loginUri = new Uri(loginParams.URI);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log(String.Format("Failed to parse login URI {0}, {1}", loginParams.URI, ex.Message),
                           Helpers.LogLevel.Error, Client);

            CapsClient loginRequest = new CapsClient(loginUri);
            loginRequest.OnComplete += new CapsClient.CompleteCallback(LoginReplyHandler);
            loginRequest.UserData    = CurrentContext;
            UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.ConnectingToLogin, String.Format("Logging in as {0} {1}...", loginParams.FirstName, loginParams.LastName));
            loginRequest.StartRequest(OSDParser.SerializeLLSDXmlBytes(loginLLSD), "application/xml+llsd");
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void BeginLogin()
            LoginParams loginParams = CurrentContext.Value;
            // Generate a random ID to identify this login attempt
            loginParams.LoginID = UUID.Random();
            CurrentContext = loginParams;

            #region Sanity Check loginParams

            if (loginParams.Options == null)
                loginParams.Options = new List<string>().ToArray();

            // Convert the password to MD5 if it isn't already
            if (loginParams.Password.Length != 35 && !loginParams.Password.StartsWith("$1$"))
                loginParams.Password = Utils.MD5(loginParams.Password);

            if (loginParams.ViewerDigest== null)
                loginParams.ViewerDigest = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.Version == null)
                loginParams.Version = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.UserAgent == null)
                loginParams.UserAgent = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.Platform == null)
                loginParams.Platform = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.MAC == null)
                loginParams.MAC = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.Channel == null)
                loginParams.Channel = String.Empty;

            if (loginParams.AgreeToTos == null)
                loginParams.AgreeToTos = "true";

            if (loginParams.ReadCritical == null)
                loginParams.ReadCritical = "true";

            if (loginParams.Author == null)
                loginParams.Author = String.Empty;


            // Override SSL authentication mechanisms. DO NOT convert this to the 
            // .NET 2.0 preferred method, the equivalent function in Mono has a 
            // different name and it will break compatibility!
            #pragma warning disable 0618
            ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new AcceptAllCertificatePolicy();
            // TODO: At some point, maybe we should check the cert?

            if (UseLLSDLogin)
                #region LLSD Based Login
                // Create the CAPS login structure
                OSDMap loginLLSD = new OSDMap();
                loginLLSD["first"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.FirstName);
                loginLLSD["last"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.LastName);
                loginLLSD["passwd"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Password);
                loginLLSD["start"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Start);
                loginLLSD["channel"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Channel);
                loginLLSD["version"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Version);
                loginLLSD["platform"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.Platform);
                loginLLSD["mac"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.MAC);
                loginLLSD["agree_to_tos"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
                loginLLSD["read_critical"] = OSD.FromBoolean(true);
                loginLLSD["viewer_digest"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.ViewerDigest);
                loginLLSD["id0"] = OSD.FromString(loginParams.ID0);
                // Create the options LLSD array
                OSDArray optionsOSD = new OSDArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < loginParams.Options.Length; i++)

                foreach (string[] callbackOpts in CallbackOptions.Values)
                    if (callbackOpts != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < callbackOpts.Length; i++)
                            if (!optionsOSD.Contains(callbackOpts[i]))
                loginLLSD["options"] = optionsOSD;

                // Make the CAPS POST for login
                Uri loginUri;
                    loginUri = new Uri(loginParams.URI);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Log(String.Format("Failed to parse login URI {0}, {1}", loginParams.URI, ex.Message),

                CapsClient loginRequest = new CapsClient(loginUri);
                loginRequest.OnComplete += new CapsClient.CompleteCallback(LoginReplyLLSDHandler);
                loginRequest.UserData = CurrentContext;
                UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.ConnectingToLogin, String.Format("Logging in as {0} {1}...", loginParams.FirstName, loginParams.LastName));
                loginRequest.BeginGetResponse(loginLLSD, OSDFormat.Xml, CapsTimeout);

                #region XML-RPC Based Login Code
                // Create the Hashtable for XmlRpcCs
                Hashtable loginXmlRpc = new Hashtable();
                loginXmlRpc["first"] = loginParams.FirstName;
                loginXmlRpc["last"] = loginParams.LastName;
                loginXmlRpc["passwd"] = loginParams.Password;
                loginXmlRpc["start"] = loginParams.Start;
                loginXmlRpc["channel"] = loginParams.Channel;
                loginXmlRpc["version"] = loginParams.Version;
                loginXmlRpc["platform"] = loginParams.Platform;
                loginXmlRpc["mac"] = loginParams.MAC;
                loginXmlRpc["agree_to_tos"] = true;
                loginXmlRpc["read_critical"] = true;
                loginXmlRpc["viewer_digest"] = loginParams.ViewerDigest;
                loginXmlRpc["id0"] = loginParams.ID0;
                loginXmlRpc["last_exec_event"] = 0;

                // Create the options array
                ArrayList options = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < loginParams.Options.Length; i++)

                foreach (string[] callbackOpts in CallbackOptions.Values)
                    if (callbackOpts != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < callbackOpts.Length; i++)
                            if (!options.Contains(callbackOpts[i]))
                loginXmlRpc["options"] = options;

                    ArrayList loginArray = new ArrayList(1);
                    XmlRpcRequest request = new XmlRpcRequest(CurrentContext.Value.MethodName, loginArray);

                    // Start the request
                    Thread requestThread = new Thread(
                                    request.Send(CurrentContext.Value.URI, CurrentContext.Value.Timeout),
                            catch (WebException e)
                                UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.Failed, "Error opening the login server connection: " + e.Message);
                    requestThread.Name = "XML-RPC Login";
                catch (Exception e)
                    UpdateLoginStatus(LoginStatus.Failed, "Error opening the login server connection: " + e);
