Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> RefreshFileTree([Required] long id)
            var item = await FindAndCheckAccess(id);

            if (item == null || item.Deleted)

            if (item.FileTreeUpdated != null && DateTime.UtcNow - item.FileTreeUpdated.Value < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3))
                return(BadRequest("This file tree was refreshed very recently"));

            var user = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUserOrThrow();

            await database.ActionLogEntries.AddAsync(new ActionLogEntry()
                Message       = $"LFS project file tree refresh requested for {item.Id}",
                PerformedById = user.Id,

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            jobClient.Enqueue <RefreshLFSProjectFilesJob>(x => x.Execute(item.Id, CancellationToken.None));

            logger.LogInformation("LFS project {Id} file tree refreshed by {Email}", item.Id, user.Email);
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateNew([Required][FromBody] AccessKeyDTO newKey)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newKey.Description) || await database.AccessKeys
                .FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.Description == newKey.Description) != null)
                return(BadRequest("Description is empty or a key with that description already exists"));

            var key = new AccessKey()
                Description = newKey.Description,
                KeyCode     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                KeyType     = newKey.KeyType

            var action = new AdminAction()
                Message       = $"New access key ({key.Description}) created with scope: {key.KeyType}",
                PerformedById = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUser() !.Id

            await database.AccessKeys.AddAsync(key);

            await database.AdminActions.AddAsync(action);

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(Ok($"Created new key \"{key.Id}\" with code: {key.KeyCode}"));
        public async Task <IActionResult> ConnectLauncher([Required] LauncherLinkCodeCheckForm request)
            Response.ContentType = "application/json";
            var user = await GetUserForNewLink(request.Code);

            // Update user to consume the code
            user.LauncherCodeExpires = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            user.LauncherLinkCode    = null;
            user.TotalLauncherLinks += 1;

            // Create a new code, which the user doesn't directly see to avoid it leaking as easily
            var code = NonceGenerator.GenerateNonce(42);

            var remoteAddress = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress;

            await database.LauncherLinks.AddAsync(new LauncherLink()
                User           = user,
                LinkCode       = code,
                LastIp         = remoteAddress?.ToString(),
                LastConnection = DateTime.UtcNow

            await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                Message      = $"New launcher link created from: {remoteAddress}",
                TargetUserId = user.Id

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            logger.LogInformation("New launcher linked to user {Id} from {RemoteAddress}", user.Id, remoteAddress);

            return(Created(string.Empty, new LauncherLinkResult(true, code)));
        public async Task Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var cutoff = DateTime.UtcNow - AppInfo.KeepStackwalkResultsFor;

            var finishedTasks = await database.StackwalkTasks.Where(s => s.FinishedAt != null && s.FinishedAt < cutoff)

            if (finishedTasks.Count > 0)
                logger.LogInformation("Cleaning finished stackwalk tasks, count: {Count}", finishedTasks.Count);

                await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            var cutoff2 = DateTime.UtcNow - AppInfo.DeleteFailedStackwalkAttemptsAfter;

            var failedTasks = await database.StackwalkTasks.Where(s => s.CreatedAt < cutoff2)

            if (failedTasks.Count > 0)
                logger.LogWarning("Cleaning entirely failed stackwalk tasks, count: {Count}", failedTasks.Count);


                await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                    Message = $"Cleared {failedTasks.Count} stackwalk tasks that failed to run entirely",
                }, cancellationToken);

                await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <IActionResult> VerifyBuild([Required] long id, bool siblingsAsWell = true)
            var build = await database.DevBuilds.FindAsync(id);

            if (build == null)

            var user = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUser() !;

            bool didSomething = false;

            if (siblingsAsWell)
                foreach (var sibling in await GetSiblingBuilds(build))
                    if (sibling.Verified)

                    logger.LogInformation("Marking sibling devbuild {Id} as verified as well", sibling.Id);
                    sibling.Verified     = true;
                    sibling.VerifiedById = user.Id;

                    didSomething = true;

            if (!build.Verified)
                logger.LogInformation("Marking devbuild {Id} as verified by {Email}", build.Id, user.Email);
                build.Verified     = true;
                build.VerifiedById = user.Id;

                didSomething = true;

            if (!didSomething)
                return(Ok("Nothing needed to be marked as verified"));

            await database.ActionLogEntries.AddAsync(new ActionLogEntry()
                Message       = $"Build {id} marked verified",
                PerformedById = user.Id

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <ActionResult <PagedResult <SessionDTO> > > DeleteAllUserSessions([Required] long id)
            bool admin =
                HttpContext.HasAuthenticatedUserWithAccess(UserAccessLevel.Admin, AuthenticationScopeRestriction.None);

            var user = await database.Users.FindAsync(id);

            var actingUser = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUser() !;

            if (user == null)

            // Has to be an admin or performing an action on their own data
            if (!admin && actingUser.Id != user.Id)

            var sessions = await database.Sessions.Where(s => s.UserId == id).ToListAsync();

            if (sessions.Count < 1)

            if (admin && actingUser.Id != user.Id)
                await database.AdminActions.AddAsync(new AdminAction()
                    Message       = "Forced logout",
                    PerformedById = actingUser.Id,
                    TargetUserId  = user.Id,
                logger.LogInformation("User ({Email}) deleted their sessions from {RemoteIpAddress}", user.Email,

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            await InvalidateSessions(sessions.Select(s => s.Id));

Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task<IActionResult> CancelRunningJob([Required] long projectId,
            [Required] long buildId, [Required] long jobId)
            var job = await database.CiJobs.Include(j => j.Build!).ThenInclude(b => b.CiProject)
                .Include(j => j.CiJobOutputSections)
                .FirstOrDefaultAsync(j => j.CiProjectId == projectId && j.CiBuildId == buildId && j.CiJobId == jobId);

            if (job == null)
                return NotFound();

            if (job.Build?.CiProject == null)
                throw new NotLoadedModelNavigationException();

            if (job.Build.CiProject.Deleted)
                return NotFound();

            if (job.State == CIJobState.Finished)
                return BadRequest("Can't cancel a finished job");

            long cancelSectionId = 0;

            foreach (var section in job.CiJobOutputSections)
                if (section.CiJobOutputSectionId > cancelSectionId)
                    cancelSectionId = section.CiJobOutputSectionId;

            await job.CreateFailureSection(database, "Job canceled by a user", "Canceled", ++cancelSectionId);

            var user = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUser()!;

            logger.LogInformation("CI job {ProjectId}-{BuildId}-{JobId} canceled by {Email}", projectId, buildId, jobId,

            // TODO: would be nice to have that non-admin action log type
            await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                Message = $"CI job {projectId}-{buildId}-{jobId} canceled by an user",
                TargetUserId = user.Id,

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            jobClient.Enqueue<SetFinishedCIJobStatusJob>(x =>
                x.Execute(projectId, buildId, jobId, false, CancellationToken.None));

            return Ok();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task Execute(string githubUsername, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var pullRequests = await database.GithubPullRequests
                               .Where(p => p.ClaSigned != true && p.AuthorUsername == githubUsername).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            foreach (var pullRequest in pullRequests)
                pullRequest.ClaSigned = null;

            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            foreach (var pullRequest in pullRequests)
                // Don't need to run this for closed ones as the open event will cause a re-check anyway
                if (!pullRequest.Open)

                    "New CLA signature made that matches pull request: {Repository}/{GithubId} by {GithubUsername}",
                    pullRequest.Repository, pullRequest.GithubId, githubUsername);

                // This shouldn't cause any problems regarding data consistency but:
                // TODO: make separate job that doesn't update PR data other than the signature status
                jobClient.Enqueue <CheckPullRequestStatusJob>(x => x.Execute(pullRequest.Repository,
                                                                             pullRequest.GithubId, pullRequest.LatestCommit, pullRequest.AuthorUsername, pullRequest.Open,
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var cutoff = DateTime.UtcNow - detectionTime;

            bool jobNeeded = false;

            foreach (var server in await database.ControlledServers.Where(s =>
                                                                          s.UpdatedAt < cutoff && s.Status == ServerStatus.Running).ToListAsync(cancellationToken))
                logger.LogWarning("Server {Id} has been left running, last updated: {UpdatedAt}",
                                  server.Id, server.UpdatedAt);

                jobNeeded = true;

            if (jobNeeded)
                await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                    Message = "Detected servers that are left in running state, trying to fix by re-running handle job"
                }, cancellationToken);

                await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

                jobClient.Enqueue <HandleControlledServerJobsJob>(x => x.Execute(CancellationToken.None));
        public async Task Execute(long itemId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var item = await database.StorageItems.Include(i => i.StorageItemVersions)
                       .FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == itemId, cancellationToken);

            if (item == null)
                logger.LogError("Failed to get StorageItem ({ItemId}) for CI image locking", itemId);

            if (item.WriteAccess == FileAccess.Nobody && item.Special)
                logger.LogInformation("Skipping lock on StorageItem ({ItemId}) as it's already in nobody write mode",

            // Queue jobs to delete other than the first uploaded version
            var lowestVersion = item.StorageItemVersions.Where(v => !v.Uploading).Min(v => v.Version);

            foreach (var version in item.StorageItemVersions)
                if (version.Version == lowestVersion)
                    if (version.Protected != true || version.Keep != true)
                        version.Protected = true;
                        version.Keep      = true;
                    // This version needs to be deleted
                    jobClient.Schedule <DeleteStorageItemVersionJob>(x => x.Execute(version.Id, CancellationToken.None),

            item.WriteAccess = FileAccess.Nobody;
            item.Special     = true;

            // Also mark all parent folders as special so that they can't be deleted
            foreach (var parent in await item.GetParentsRecursively(database))

                if (parent.Special != true)
                    parent.Special = true;
                    logger.LogInformation("CI image parent folder ({Id}) will be marked as special", parent.Id);

            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            logger.LogInformation("Use as CI image has locked writing to StorageItem ({ItemId})", itemId);
        protected async Task OnJobEnded(BaseServer server, CiJob job)
            job.RunningOnServerId         = -1;
            job.RunningOnServerIsExternal = null;

            // After running the job, the changes saving should not be skipped
            await Database.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Send status to github
            var    status            = GithubAPI.CommitStatus.Success;
            string statusDescription = "Checks succeeded";

            if (!job.Succeeded)
                status            = GithubAPI.CommitStatus.Failure;
                statusDescription = "Some checks failed";

            if (job.Build?.CiProject == null)
                throw new NotLoadedModelNavigationException();

            if (!await StatusReporter.SetCommitStatus(job.Build.CiProject.RepositoryFullName, job.Build.CommitHash,
                                                      status, StatusReporter.CreateStatusUrlForJob(job), statusDescription,
                Logger.LogError("Failed to set commit status for build's job: {JobName}", job.JobName);

            JobClient.Enqueue <CheckOverallBuildStatusJob>(x =>
                                                           x.Execute(job.CiProjectId, job.CiBuildId, CancellationToken.None));
        public async Task Execute(long meetingId, long pollId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var poll = await database.MeetingPolls.FindAsync(meetingId, pollId);

            if (poll == null)
                logger.LogError("Can't compute results for non-existent poll: {MeetingId}-{PollId}", meetingId, pollId);

            if (poll.ClosedAt == null)
                throw new Exception("Can't calculate results for a poll that is not closed");

            // This will work until we have more than hundreds of thousands of votes per poll
            var votes = await database.MeetingPollVotes.Where(v => v.MeetingId == poll.MeetingId && v.PollId == poll.PollId)


            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            logger.LogInformation("Poll results computed for: {MeetingId}-{PollId}", meetingId, pollId);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <IActionResult> Logout([FromForm] LogoutFormData request)
            var existingSession = await HttpContext.Request.Cookies.GetSession(database);

            if (existingSession?.User == null)
                return(BadRequest("You are not currently logged in"));

            if (!csrfVerifier.IsValidCSRFToken(request.CSRF, existingSession.User))
                return(BadRequest("Invalid CSRF token, please try refreshing and then try again"));

            // Session version doesn't need to be enforced here as logging out a session should always be safe
            // (after the above checks)

            // TODO: if an in-progress signature exists, should the session be just converted to a logged out one?

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            logger.LogInformation("Session {Id} logged out", existingSession.Id);

        public async Task Execute(long pullRequestId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var pullRequest = await database.GithubPullRequests.Include(p => p.AutoComments)
                              .FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == pullRequestId, cancellationToken);

            if (pullRequest == null)
                logger.LogError("No pull request with ID {PullRequestId} found to post comments on", pullRequestId);

            var possibleComments = await database.GithubAutoComments.Where(c =>
                                                                           c.Enabled && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Repository) || c.Repository == "*" ||
                                                                                         c.Repository == pullRequest.Repository)).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            foreach (var possibleComment in possibleComments)
                bool post = false;

                switch (possibleComment.Condition)
                case AutoCommentCondition.Always:
                    post = true;

                case AutoCommentCondition.OnceOnPullRequest:
                    // Contains doesn't work here. Has to be an ID check like this
                    post = pullRequest.AutoComments.All(c => c.Id != possibleComment.Id);

                case AutoCommentCondition.IfCLANotSigned:
                    post = pullRequest.AutoComments.All(c => c.Id != possibleComment.Id) &&
                           pullRequest.ClaSigned == false;

                case AutoCommentCondition.IfCLABecomesInvalid:
                    // Handled elsewhere (InvalidatePullRequestsWithCLASignaturesJob)

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                if (!post)

                jobClient.Enqueue <PostGithubCommentJob>(x =>
                                                         x.Execute(pullRequest.Repository, pullRequest.GithubId, possibleComment.CommentText,

            // Not cancellable here as we have potentially already queued up the comment posts so we don't want to lose
            // that information
            // ReSharper disable once MethodSupportsCancellation
            await database.SaveChangesAsync();
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <IActionResult> JoinMeeting([Required] long id)
            var access  = GetCurrentUserAccess();
            var meeting = await GetMeetingWithReadAccess(id, access);

            if (meeting == null)

            // TODO: should admins be able to always join?
            if (meeting.JoinAccess > access)
                return(this.WorkingForbid("You don't have permission to join this meeting"));

            if (meeting.EndedAt != null)
                return(BadRequest("This meeting has already ended"));

            var user = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUser() !;

            // Fail if already joined
            if (await GetMeetingMember(meeting.Id, user.Id) != null)
                return(BadRequest("You have already joined this meeting"));

            // Don't allow if already started and grace period is over
            if (DateTime.UtcNow > meeting.StartsAt + meeting.JoinGracePeriod)
                return(BadRequest("You are too late to join this meeting"));

            // Allow join
            await database.ActionLogEntries.AddAsync(new ActionLogEntry()
                Message       = $"User joined meeting {meeting.Id}",
                PerformedById = user.Id,

            await database.MeetingMembers.AddAsync(new MeetingMember()
                MeetingId = meeting.Id,
                UserId    = user.Id,

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            logger.LogInformation("User {Email} joined meeting {Name} ({Id})", user.Email, meeting.Name,

        public async Task <ActionResult <EmailVerifyResult> > StartEmailVerifyForCLA(
            [Required][FromBody] EmailVerificationFinishForm request)
            var verifiedToken = emailTokens.ReadAndVerify(request.Token);

            if (verifiedToken == null)
                           "Invalid email token given. Please check you used the right link and " +
                           "that it didn't expire yet"));

            const string sameBrowserAdvice =
                "Make sure to use the link in the same browser where you started email verification from.";

            string redirect;

            switch (verifiedToken.Type)
            case EmailVerificationType.CLA:
                var(inProgressSign, session, error) = await GetActiveSignature();

                if (error != null)
                    return(this.WorkingForbid("You don't have an in-progress signature or session. " +

                if (!SecurityHelpers.SlowEquals(session !.HashedId, verifiedToken.VerifiedResourceId))
                    return(this.WorkingForbid("Current session doesn't match one the email token " +
                                              "was sent from. " + sameBrowserAdvice));

                // Valid CLA verified email
                logger.LogInformation("Email verification of {Email} succeeded for CLA in session {Id}",
                                      verifiedToken.SentToEmail, session.Id);

                inProgressSign !.EmailVerified = true;
                inProgressSign.Email           = verifiedToken.SentToEmail;

                redirect = "/cla/sign";

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new EmailVerifyResult()
                RedirectTo = redirect,
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Required] long projectId,
                                                 [Required][FromBody] CreateCISecretForm request)
            var project = await database.CiProjects.FindAsync(projectId);

            if (project == null)

            if (await database.CiSecrets.FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.CiProjectId == project.Id &&
                                                             s.SecretName == request.SecretName && s.UsedForBuildTypes == request.UsedForBuildTypes) != null)
                return(BadRequest("A secret with the given name and type already exists"));

            var previousSecretId = await database.CiSecrets.Where(s => s.CiProjectId == project.Id)
                                   .MaxAsync(s => (long?)s.CiSecretId) ?? 0;

            var user = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUser() !;

            await database.AdminActions.AddAsync(new AdminAction()
                Message       = $"New secret \"{request.SecretName}\" created for project {project.Id}",
                PerformedById = user.Id,

            await database.CiSecrets.AddAsync(new CiSecret()
                CiProjectId       = project.Id,
                CiSecretId        = previousSecretId + 1,
                SecretName        = request.SecretName,
                SecretContent     = request.SecretContent ?? string.Empty,
                UsedForBuildTypes = request.UsedForBuildTypes,

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            logger.LogInformation("New secret {SecretName} created by {Email} for {Id}", request.SecretName, user.Email,

        public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteAllLinks([Required] long userId)
            var performingUser = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUser() !;

            // Only admins can delete other user's links
            if (userId != performingUser.Id &&
                !HttpContext.HasAuthenticatedUserWithAccess(UserAccessLevel.Admin, AuthenticationScopeRestriction.None))

            var linksToDelete = await database.LauncherLinks.Where(l => l.UserId == userId).ToListAsync();

            // Skip doing anything if there's nothing to delete
            if (linksToDelete.Count < 1)

            if (userId == performingUser.Id)
                await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                    Message      = "All launcher links deleted by self",
                    TargetUserId = userId
                await database.AdminActions.AddAsync(new AdminAction()
                    Message       = "All launcher links deleted by an admin",
                    TargetUserId  = userId,
                    PerformedById = performingUser.Id


            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task Execute(string repository, long pullRequestNumber, string commit, string githubUsername,
                                  bool open, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            logger.LogInformation("Update to PR {Repository}/{PullRequestNumber} detected by {GithubUsername}",
                                  repository, pullRequestNumber, githubUsername);

            var pullRequest =
                await database.GithubPullRequests.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p =>
                                                                      p.Repository == repository && p.GithubId == pullRequestNumber, cancellationToken);

            if (pullRequest == null)
                await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                    Message = $"New Github pull request detected {repository}/{pullRequestNumber}",
                }, cancellationToken);

                pullRequest = new GithubPullRequest()
                    Repository     = repository,
                    GithubId       = pullRequestNumber,
                    LatestCommit   = commit,
                    AuthorUsername = githubUsername,
                    Open           = open,
                    ClaSigned      = await CheckNewCLASignedStatus(null, githubUsername),

                await database.GithubPullRequests.AddAsync(pullRequest, cancellationToken);
                pullRequest.LatestCommit = commit;

                if (pullRequest.Open != open)
                    pullRequest.Open = open;

                    await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                        Message = $"Github pull request open state {repository}/{pullRequestNumber} is now {open}",
                    }, cancellationToken);

                pullRequest.ClaSigned =
                    await CheckNewCLASignedStatus(pullRequest.ClaSigned, pullRequest.AuthorUsername);


            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            jobClient.Enqueue <CheckAutoCommentsToPostJob>(x => x.Execute(pullRequest.Id, CancellationToken.None));
            jobClient.Enqueue <SetCLAGithubCommitStatusJob>(x => x.Execute(pullRequest.Id, CancellationToken.None));
        public async Task Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!ec2Controller.Configured)

            var cutoff = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromHours(2);

            foreach (var server in await database.ControlledServers.Where(s =>
                                                                          s.UpdatedAt < cutoff && s.Status != ServerStatus.Stopped &&
                                                                          s.Status != ServerStatus.Terminated).ToListAsync(cancellationToken))

                    "Server {Id} is stuck! Last state change: {UpdatedAt} current state: {Status}, terminating it",
                    server.Id, server.UpdatedAt, server.Status);

                await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                    Message =
                        $"Server {server.Id} ({server.InstanceId}) is stuck in state {server.Status} " +
                        $"since {server.UpdatedAt}"
                }, cancellationToken);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(server.InstanceId))
                    throw new Exception("Can't terminate server with no InstanceId");

                await ec2Controller.TerminateInstance(server.InstanceId);

                server.Status = ServerStatus.Terminated;

                if (server.ReservationType != ServerReservationType.None)
                    logger.LogWarning("Stuck server was reserved for type: {ReservationType}", server.ReservationType);
                    server.ReservationType = ServerReservationType.None;

                if (server.RunningSince != null)
                    server.TotalRuntime += (DateTime.UtcNow - server.RunningSince.Value).TotalSeconds;
                server.RunningSince = null;

                logger.LogInformation("Successfully terminated: {InstanceId}", server.InstanceId);

                // Not cancellable done as the state to terminated is very important to save
                // ReSharper disable once MethodSupportsCancellation
                await database.SaveChangesAsync();
        private async Task CheckControlledServers(DateTime cutoff, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Only one server is scheduled for maintenance at once to avoid all being unavailable for job running
            var serverToMaintain = await database.ControlledServers.Where(s =>
                                                                          !s.WantsMaintenance && s.Status != ServerStatus.Terminated && s.LastMaintenance < cutoff)
                                   .OrderBy(s => s.LastMaintenance).FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken);

            if (serverToMaintain == null)

            serverToMaintain.WantsMaintenance = true;

            await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                Message = $"Scheduled controlled server {serverToMaintain.Id} for termination due to maintenance",
            }, cancellationToken);

            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);
        public async Task <IActionResult> ReProcessCrashDump([Required] long id)
            var report = await WithoutLogs(database.CrashReports, true).Where(r => r.Id == id)

            if (report == null)

            if (report.DumpLocalFileName == null)
                return(BadRequest("Report no longer has a crash dump file"));

            await database.ActionLogEntries.AddAsync(new ActionLogEntry()
                Message       = $"Report {report.Id} crash dump reprocessing requested",
                PerformedById = HttpContext.AuthenticatedUserOrThrow().Id,

            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            jobClient.Enqueue <StartStackwalkOnReportJob>(x => x.Execute(report.Id, CancellationToken.None));

        public async Task Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var pullRequests = await database.GithubPullRequests.Include(p => p.AutoComments)
                               .Where(pr => pr.ClaSigned == true)

            var comments = await database.GithubAutoComments.Where(c =>
                                                                   c.Enabled && c.Condition == AutoCommentCondition.IfCLABecomesInvalid).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            foreach (var pullRequest in pullRequests)
                logger.LogInformation("Unmarking PR {Repository}/{GithubId} as having CLA signed",
                                      pullRequest.Repository, pullRequest.GithubId);
                pullRequest.ClaSigned = null;

            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            // Open PRs need immediately (this way new webhook shouldn't be able to get their new data lost by this)
            // to be checked if they are still good
            foreach (var pullRequest in pullRequests)
                if (pullRequest.Open)
                    // TODO: make separate job that doesn't update PR data other than the signature status
                    jobClient.Enqueue <CheckPullRequestStatusJob>(x => x.Execute(pullRequest.Repository,
                                                                                 pullRequest.GithubId, pullRequest.LatestCommit, pullRequest.AuthorUsername, pullRequest.Open,

            if (comments.Count > 0)
                await PostComments(pullRequests, comments);
        // TODO: make this async
        protected async Task PerformProvisioningCommands(BaseServer server, string command)
            Logger.LogInformation("Beginning SSH connect to provision server at: {PublicAddress}",

            // TODO: there should probably be a maximum number of times this is attempted
            IBaseSSHAccess sshAccess;

                sshAccess = ConnectWithSSH(server);
            catch (SocketException)
                Logger.LogWarning("Connection failed (socket exception), server is probably not up yet");
            catch (SshOperationTimeoutException)
                Logger.LogWarning("Connection failed (ssh timed out), server is probably not up yet");

            Logger.LogInformation("Connected, running provisioning command...");

            var start  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var result = sshAccess.RunCommand(command);

            if (!result.Success)
                Logger.LogWarning("Failed provision result ({ExitCode}: {Result}", result.ExitCode, result.Result);
                throw new Exception($"Provisioning commands failed ({result.ExitCode}): {result.Error}");

            // Now fully provisioned
            server.ProvisionedFully  = true;
            server.Status            = ServerStatus.Running;
            server.LastMaintenance   = DateTime.UtcNow;
            server.WantsMaintenance  = false;
            server.StatusLastChecked = DateTime.UtcNow;
            server.ReservationType   = ServerReservationType.None;
            await Database.SaveChangesAsync();

            var elapsed = DateTime.UtcNow - start;

            Logger.LogInformation("Completed provisioning for server {Id}, elapsed: {Elapsed}", server.Id, elapsed);
        public async Task Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // TODO: if we ever have more patrons (unlikely) than can be kept in memory, this needs a different
            // approach

            var patrons = await database.Patrons.ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            patrons.ForEach(p => p.Marked = false);

            foreach (var settings in await database.PatreonSettings.ToListAsync(cancellationToken))
                if (settings.Active == false)

                var api = new PatreonCreatorAPI(settings);

                foreach (var actualPatron in await api.GetPatrons(settings, cancellationToken))
                    await PatreonGroupHandler.HandlePatreonPledgeObject(actualPatron.Pledge, actualPatron.User,
                                                                        actualPatron.Reward?.Id, database, jobClient);

                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new TaskCanceledException();

                settings.LastRefreshed = DateTime.UtcNow;

            foreach (var toDelete in patrons.Where(p => p.Marked == false))
                await database.LogEntries.AddAsync(new LogEntry()
                    Message = $"Destroying patron ({toDelete.Id}) because it is unmarked " +
                              "(wasn't found from fresh data from Patreon)"
                }, cancellationToken);

                logger.LogInformation("Deleted unmarked Patron {Id}", toDelete.Id);

            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            jobClient.Enqueue <ApplyPatronForumGroupsJob>(x => x.Execute(CancellationToken.None));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post(RegistrationFormData request)
            if (!csrfVerifier.IsValidCSRFToken(request.CSRF, null, false))
                return(BadRequest("Invalid CSRF"));

            if (!SecurityHelpers.SlowEquals(request.RegistrationCode, configuration.RegistrationCode))
                return(BadRequest("Invalid registration code"));

            if (!request.Email.Contains('@'))
                return(BadRequest("Email is invalid"));

            // Check for conflicting username or email
            if (await database.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.UserName == request.Name) != null ||
                await database.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(u => u.Email == request.Email) != null)
                return(BadRequest("There is already an account associated with the given email or name"));

            var password = Passwords.CreateSaltedPasswordHash(request.Password);

            var user = new User()
                Email        = request.Email,
                UserName     = request.Name,
                PasswordHash = password,
                Local        = true

            await database.Users.AddAsync(user);

            Models.User.OnNewUserCreated(user, jobClient);
            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            logger.LogInformation("New user registered {Name} ({Email})", request.Name, request.Email);

            return(Created($"/users/{user.Id}", user.GetInfo(RecordAccessLevel.Private)));
        public async Task Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var ciJobsNeedingActions = await database.CiJobs.Where(j => j.State != CIJobState.Finished)

            await serverHandler.CheckServerStatuses(cancellationToken);


            bool queuedRecheck = false;

            // Cancellation tokens are not used from here on out to avoid not saving changes
            if (!await serverHandler.HandleCIJobs(ciJobsNeedingActions))
                    "One or more jobs could not start executing immediately, trying again in 10 seconds");
                queuedRecheck = true;
                jobClient.Schedule <HandleControlledServerJobsJob>(x => x.Execute(CancellationToken.None),

            // Skip this if we should cancel
            if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                await serverHandler.ShutdownIdleServers();

            // ReSharper disable once MethodSupportsCancellation
            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

            // If we have active servers, queue a check in 1 minute
            if (!queuedRecheck && (serverHandler.NewServersAdded || (await serverHandler.GetControlledServers()).Any(
                                       s => s.Status == ServerStatus.Provisioning || s.Status == ServerStatus.Running ||
                                       s.Status == ServerStatus.Stopping || s.Status == ServerStatus.WaitingForStartup)))
                jobClient.Schedule <HandleControlledServerJobsJob>(x => x.Execute(CancellationToken.None),

            // Sleep a tiny amount to ensure that duplicate instances of this job can't hammer a server really hard
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), cancellationToken);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public async Task Execute(long versionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var version = await database.StorageItemVersions.Include(v => v.StorageFile)
                          .FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == versionId, cancellationToken);

            if (version == null)
                    "Failed to get StorageItemVersion ({VersionId}) for deletion, assuming already deleted", versionId);

            if (version.StorageFile == null)
                throw new NotLoadedModelNavigationException();

            logger.LogInformation("Deleting remote storage object queued for deletion: {StoragePath}",

            await remoteStorage.DeleteObject(version.StorageFile.StoragePath);


            // Not cancellable as we have already deleted the remote item at this point
            // ReSharper disable once MethodSupportsCancellation
            await database.SaveChangesAsync();

                await remoteStorage.DeleteObject(version.StorageFile.UploadPath);

                    "Deleted upload path for a remote storage item that was just deleted: {UploadPath}",
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogTrace("Upload path probably didn't exist for the above file, couldn't delete it: {@E}", e);
        public async Task Execute(long ciProjectId, long ciBuildId, long ciJobId, long serverId,
                                  CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var job = await database.CiJobs.FirstOrDefaultAsync(
                j => j.CiProjectId == ciProjectId && j.CiBuildId == ciBuildId && j.CiJobId == ciJobId,

            if (job == null)
                logger.LogError("Failed to check if a CI job startup is stuck, can't find the job");

            if (job.State == CIJobState.Finished)

            var outputSections = await database.CiJobOutputSections.CountAsync(s =>
                                                                               s.CiProjectId == ciProjectId && s.CiBuildId == ciBuildId && s.CiJobId == ciJobId,

            if (outputSections > 0)
                logger.LogInformation("CI job {CIProjectId}-{CIBuildId}-{CIJobId} has connected output",
                                      ciProjectId, ciBuildId, ciJobId);

            logger.LogWarning("Detected CI job {CIProjectId}-{CIBuildId}-{CIJobId} as stuck starting",
                              ciProjectId, ciBuildId, ciJobId);

            if (job.RunningOnServerId != serverId)
                logger.LogError("Wrong RunningOnServerId in job (detected startup is stuck)");
                job.RunningOnServerId = serverId;
                await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            jobClient.Enqueue <SetFinishedCIJobStatusJob>(x =>
                                                          x.Execute(ciProjectId, ciBuildId, ciJobId, false, CancellationToken.None));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public async Task Execute(long meetingId, long pollId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var poll = await database.MeetingPolls.FindAsync(meetingId, pollId);

            if (poll == null)
                logger.LogError("Can't auto-close a non-existent poll: {MeetingId}-{PollId}", meetingId, pollId);

            if (poll.AutoCloseAt == null)
                logger.LogInformation("Auto-close poll is no longer an auto-close, skipping doing anything");

            // If not time yet, reschedule
            if (poll.AutoCloseAt.Value > DateTime.UtcNow)
                logger.LogWarning("Auto-close poll close time is in the future, scheduling a new job to run then");
                jobClient.Schedule <CloseAutoClosePollJob>(x => x.Execute(meetingId, pollId, CancellationToken.None),

            // Don't even log anything if already closed
            if (poll.ClosedAt != null)

            poll.ClosedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
            await database.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            logger.LogInformation("Auto-closed poll: {MeetingId}-{PollId}", meetingId, pollId);

            // Queue a job to calculate the results
            jobClient.Enqueue <ComputePollResultsJob>(x => x.Execute(meetingId, pollId,