        /// \fn private void TextBox_Selected_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        /// \brief Event handler. Called by TextBox_Selected for key up events.
        /// \par Description.
        /// \par Algorithm.
        ///      -  If CR was pressed - start a new item insertion
        ///      -  If the text is part of an existing item - select that item
        ///      -  Else put the text in a new item
        /// \par Usage Notes.
        /// \author Ilanh
        /// \date 29/11/2017
        /// \param sender  (object) - Source of the event.
        /// \param e       (KeyEventArgs) - Key event information.

        private void TextBox_Selected_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            string text = TextBox_Selected.Text;

            if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
                // If the text does not exist in the list - add it to the list
                bool textInListBox = false;
                foreach (ListBoxItem item in ListBox_Options.Items)
                    if ((string)item.Content == text)
                        textInListBox = true;
                if (!textInListBox)
                    ListBoxItem item = new ListBoxItem();
                    item.Content = text;
                    disableSelectedItemEvent     = true;
                    ListBox_Options.SelectedItem = item;
                    disableSelectedItemEvent     = false;

                // Create a new empty item
                TextBox_Selected.Text = "";
                newItem         = new ListBoxItem();
                newItem.Content = "";

            // For all other inputs
            // Remove the new item from the list
            // If the new item string is part of an existing item - mark this item
            // Else Add the new item to the list
            disableSelectedItemEvent = true;

            foreach (ListBoxItem item in ListBox_Options.Items)
                if (((string)item.Content).IndexOf(text) == 0)
                    ListBox_Options.SelectedItem = item;
            newItem.Content = text;
            ListBox_Options.SelectedItem = newItem;
            NewItemCreated?.Invoke(null, null);
            disableSelectedItemEvent = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
            if (!CreateItemOptions.IsCreateItemAllowed ||


            var internalBuilder = new BlazorRendererTreeBuilder(builder);

            var createItemContext = new CreateItemContext(CreateItemOptions, CreateFormCssClasses);

            createItemContext.OnItemCreated += (object sender, ItemCreatedArgs e) => NewItemCreated?.Invoke(e);

            .OpenElement(HtmlTagNames.Div, "modal")
            .AddAttribute(HtmlAttributes.Id, CreateItemOptions.CreateItemModalName)
            .AddAttribute("role", "dialog")
            .OpenElement(HtmlTagNames.Div, $"modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered {CreateFormCssClasses.ModalSize}")
            .AddAttribute(HtmlAttributes.Id, CreateItemOptions.CreateItemModalSizeDiv)
            .OpenElement(HtmlTagNames.Div, "modal-content")
            .OpenElement(HtmlTagNames.Div, CreateFormCssClasses.ModalHeader)
            .OpenElement(HtmlTagNames.H4, "modal-title")
            .AddContent("Create Item")
            .OpenElement(HtmlTagNames.Button, "close")
            .AddAttribute(HtmlJSEvents.OnClick, BindMethods.GetEventHandlerValue((UIMouseEventArgs e) => FlexGridInterop.HideModal(CreateItemOptions.CreateItemModalName)))
            .AddAttribute(HtmlAttributes.Type, "button")
            .AddAttribute("data-dismiss", "modal")
            .AddAttribute("aria-label", "Close")
            .AddAttribute(HtmlAttributes.AriaHidden, "true")
            .AddContent(new MarkupString("×"))
            .OpenElement(HtmlTagNames.Div, CreateFormCssClasses.ModalBody)
            .OpenComponent(typeof(CreateItemForm <,>)
                           .MakeGenericType(CreateItemOptions.ModelType, CreateItemOptions.OutputDtoType))
            .AddAttribute(nameof(CreateItemContext), createItemContext)