Exemplo n.º 1
 public Composite CreateProtectionPaladinCombat()
     NeedTankTargeting = true;
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath", false),
                CreateSpellCast("Avenger's Shield", false),
                // Make sure we're in range, and facing the damned target. (LOS check as well)
                CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                // Same rotation for both.
                CreateSpellCast("Shield of the Righteous", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower == 3),
                //Multi target
                new Decorator(
                    ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(a => a.Distance < 8) > 1,
                    new PrioritySelector(
                        CreateSpellCast("Hammer of the Righteous"),
                        CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike"),
                        CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath"),
                new Decorator(
                    ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(a => a.Distance < 8) <= 1,
                    new PrioritySelector(
                        //Single target
                        CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike"),
                        CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath")))));
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected Composite CreateRogueBlindOnAddBehavior()
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                ctx => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.FirstOrDefault(u =>
                                                            u.IsTargetingMeOrPet && u != Me.CurrentTarget),
                new Decorator(
                    ret => ret != null,
                    CreateSpellBuff("Blind", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Aggro) > 1, ret => (WoWUnit)ret, true))));
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected Composite CreateMagePolymorphOnAddBehavior()
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                ctx => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.FirstOrDefault(u =>
                                                            u.IsTargetingMeOrPet && u != Me.CurrentTarget &&
                                                            (u.CreatureType == WoWCreatureType.Beast || u.CreatureType == WoWCreatureType.Humanoid)),
                new Decorator(
                    ret => ret != null,
                    CreateSpellBuff("Polymorph", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Aggro) > 1, ret => (WoWUnit)ret, true))));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Composite CreateCombatRogueCombat()
            return(new PrioritySelector
                       // Make sure we're in range, and facing the damned target. (LOS check as well)
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                       // Kick/Defensive cooldowns/Recuperation
                       // Redirect if we have CP left
                           "Redirect", ret => Me.RawComboPoints > 0 &&
                           Me.ComboPoints < 1),

                       // CP generators, put em at start, since they're strictly conditional
                       // and will help burning energy on Adrenaline Rush
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => (NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.DistanceSqr < 6 * 6) <= 1 ||
                                   NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Any(u => u.DistanceSqr < 6 * 6 && u.HasAura("Blind"))) && Me.HasAura("Blade Flurry"),
                           new Sequence(
                               new Action(ret => Lua.DoString("RunMacroText(\"/cancelaura Blade Flurry\")")),
                               new Action(ret => StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration()))),
                       CreateSpellCast("Blade Flurry", ret => !NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Any(u => u.HasAura("Blind")) && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.DistanceSqr < 6 * 6) > 1),
                       CreateSpellCast("Eviscerate", ret => !CurrentTargetIsElite && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 40 && Me.ComboPoints > 2),
                       // Always keep Slice and Dice up
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Slice and Dice", ret => Me.RawComboPoints > 0),
                       // Sinister Strike till 4 CP
                       CreateSpellCast("Sinister Strike", ret => Me.ComboPoints < 4),
                       // Revealing Strike if we're at 4 CP and target does not have it already
                       CreateSpellBuff("Revealing Strike", ret => Me.ComboPoints > 3 && Me.ComboPoints < 5),
                       // Cooldowns:

                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Adrenaline Rush", ret => Me.CurrentEnergy < 20),
                       // Killing Spree if we are at highest level of Bandit's Guise ( Shallow Insight / Moderate Insight / Deep Insight )
                       CreateSpellCast("Killing Spree", ret => Me.CurrentEnergy < 30 && Me.HasAura("Deep Insight")),
                       // Finishers:
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => Me.ComboPoints > 4,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               // wait out low SnD duration to cast it at it's finish
                               // through not casting other finishers meanwhile and launching SnD below 1 sec duration
                               new Decorator(
                                   ret => Me.Auras["Slice and Dice"].TimeLeft.TotalSeconds > 5 ||
                                   Me.CurrentEnergy > 85,
                                   new PrioritySelector(
                                       // Check for >our own< Rupture debuff on target since there may be more rogues in party/raid!
                                           "Rupture", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.GetAllAuras().Any(a => a.Name == "Rupture" && a.CreatorGuid == Me.Guid)),
                               CreateSpellCast("Slice and Dice", ret => Me.Auras["Slice and Dice"].TimeLeft.TotalSeconds < 0.9)))));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Composite CreateDemonologyCombat()
            WantedPet = "Felguard";
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(35f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Soulburn", ret => SpellManager.HasSpell("Soul Fire") || Me.HealthPercent < 70),
                       CreateSpellCast("Life Tap", ret => Me.ManaPercent < 50 && Me.HealthPercent > 70),
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Fleeing,
                           CreateCastPetAction("Axe Toss")),
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count > 1,
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => CurrentTargetIsElite,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Demon Soul"),
                               CreateSpellCast("Immolation Aura", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 5f),
                               CreateSpellCast("Shadowflame", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 5)
                       CreateSpellBuff("Immolate", true),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Curse of Tongues", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.PowerType == WoWPowerType.Mana),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Curse of Weakness", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.PowerType != WoWPowerType.Mana),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Bane of Doom", ret => CurrentTargetIsEliteOrBoss),

                       CreateSpellBuff("Bane of Agony", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bane of Doom") && (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent >= 30 || CurrentTargetIsEliteOrBoss)),
                       // Use the infernal if we have a few mobs around us, and it's off CD. Otherwise, just use the Doomguard.
                       // Its a 10min CD, with a 1-1.2min uptime on the minion. Hey, any extra DPS is fine in my book!
                       // Make sure these 2 summons are AFTER the banes above.
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance <= 10) > 2,
                           CreateSpellCastOnLocation("Summon Infernal", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Location)
                       CreateSpellCast("Summon Doomguard"),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Corruption", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent >= 30 || CurrentTargetIsElite),
                       CreateSpellCast("Drain Life", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 70),
                       CreateSpellCast("Health Funnel", ret => Me.GotAlivePet && Me.Pet.HealthPercent < 70),
                       CreateSpellCast("Hand of Gul'dan"),
                       // TODO: Make this cast Soulburn if it's available
                       CreateSpellCast("Soul Fire", ret => Me.HasAura("Improved Soul Fire") || Me.HasAura("Soulburn")),
                       CreateSpellCast("Soul Fire", ret => Me.HasAura("Decimation")),
                       CreateSpellCast("Incinerate", ret => Me.HasAura("Molten Core")),
                       CreateSpellCast("Shadow Bolt")
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Composite CreatePriestCommonCombatSpells()
     return new PrioritySelector(
             // use our shadowfiend if we're in combat (so not on a pull or resting), if we're below the mana threshold, and our target is okydoky
                 ret => Me.Combat && Me.ManaPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.ShadowfiendMana &&
                        Me.CurrentTarget != null &&
                        (Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 60 || NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Aggro) > 1)),
             // use hymn of hope if we're shielded or no one is targetting us
             CreateSpellCast("Hymn of Hope", ret => Me.ManaPercent < SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.HymnofHopeMana && (NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.IsTargetingMeOrPet) <= 0 || HasAuraStacks("Power Word: Shield", 0))),
             // use archangel if we can
             CreateSpellBuff("Archangel", ret => (HasAuraStacks("Dark Evangelism", 5) || HasAuraStacks("Evangelism", 5)) && Me.ManaPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.ArchangelMana),
             // cast psychic scream if it's on
             CreateSpellCast("Psychic Scream", ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.UsePsychicScream && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(unit => unit.Aggro && unit.Distance <= 8) >= SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.PsychicScreamAddCount),
             new Decorator(
                 ret => !StyxWoW.Me.Combat,
                 CreateDefaultRestComposite(SingularSettings.Instance.DefaultRestHealth, SingularSettings.Instance.DefaultRestMana))
Exemplo n.º 7
        public Composite CreateBearTankCombat()
            NeedTankTargeting = true;
            WantedDruidForm   = ShapeshiftForm.Bear;
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => Me.Shapeshift != WantedDruidForm,
                           CreateSpellCast("Bear Form")),
                       // Can we charge at the unit? If so... do it
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Druid.UseFeralChargeBear && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 8f && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 25f,
                           CreateSpellCast("Feral Charge (Bear)")),
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(4.5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Survival Instincts", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 60),
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Frenzied Regeneration", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 30),
                       CreateSpellCast("Skull Bash (Bear)", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),

                       CreateSpellCast("Berserk", ret => CurrentTargetIsBoss),

                       new Decorator(
                           ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.DistanceSqr < 8 * 8) > 1,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               CreateSpellCast("Swipe (Bear)")

                       CreateSpellCast("Maul", ret => Me.RagePercent >= 50),
                       CreateSpellCast("Mangle (Bear)"),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Demoralizing Roar"),
                       // Thrash is a giant help in threat gen, so lets keep it on CD. Kthx.
                       CreateSpellCast("Lacerate", ret => !HasAuraStacks("Lacerate", 3, Me.CurrentTarget)),
                           "Pulverize", ret => HasAuraStacks("Lacerate", 3, Me.CurrentTarget) && GetAuraTimeLeft("Pulverize", Me, true).TotalSeconds < 3),
                       CreateSpellCast("Faerie Fire (Feral)"),
                       // Lacerate is a filler, kthx.

Exemplo n.º 8
 public Composite CreateCombatRogueDefense()
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                new Decorator(
                    ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting,
                    new PrioritySelector(
                        CreateSpellCast("Cloak of Shadows"))),
                // Recuperate to keep us at high health
                //CreateSpellCast("Recuperate", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 50 && Me.RawComboPoints > 3),
                CreateSpellCast("Evasion", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.DistanceSqr < 6 * 6) > 1 || Me.HealthPercent < 50),
                // Recuperate to not let us down
                //CreateSpellCast("Recuperate", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 20 && Me.RawComboPoints > 1),
                // Cloak of Shadows as really last resort
                CreateSpellCast("Cloak of Shadows", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 10)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Composite CreateFrostDeathKnightCombat()
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                // Note: You should have this in 2 different methods. Hence the reason for WoWContext being a [Flags] enum.
                // In this case, since its only one spell being changed, we can live with it.
                CreateSpellCast("Death Grip", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 15 && !Me.IsInInstance),
                //Make sure we're in range, and facing the damned target. (LOS check as well)
                CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                CreateSpellCast("Raise Dead", ret => !Me.GotAlivePet),
                CreateSpellCast("Rune Strike"),
                CreateSpellCast("Mind Freeze", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                CreateSpellCast("Strangulate", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                CreateSpellCast("Death Strike", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80),
                CreateSpellCast("Pillar of Frost"),
                CreateSpellCast("Howling Blast", ret => Me.HasAura("Freezing Fog") || !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Frost Fever")),
                    "Pestilence", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague") && Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Frost Fever") &&
                    (from add in NearbyUnfriendlyUnits
                     where !add.HasAura("Blood Plague") && !add.HasAura("Frost Fever") && add.Distance < 10
                     select add).Count() > 0),
                new Decorator(
                    ret => SpellManager.CanCast("Death and Decay") && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(a => a.Distance < 8) > 1,
                    new Action(
                        ret =>
         SpellManager.Cast("Death and Decay");
                CreateSpellCast("Outbreak", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Frost Fever") || Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague")),
                CreateSpellCast("Plague Strike", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague")),
                    ret => (Me.FrostRuneCount == 2 && Me.UnholyRuneCount == 2) || Me.DeathRuneCount == 2 || Me.HasAura("Killing Machine")),
                CreateSpellCast("Blood Strike", ret => Me.BloodRuneCount == 2),
                CreateSpellCast("Frost Strike", ret => Me.HasAura("Freezing Fog") || Me.CurrentRunicPower == Me.MaxRunicPower),
                CreateSpellCast("Blood Tap", ret => Me.BloodRuneCount < 2),
                CreateSpellCast("Blood Strike"),
                CreateSpellCast("Frost Strike")));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public Composite CreateProtectionWarriorCombat()
            NeedTankTargeting = true;
                (new PrioritySelector(
                     // Note: this will make sure we charge at any unit within proper range. (Like an actual tank would)
                     // We can cast Charge while in combat if we have the talent. [Notice that I am NOT checking for the talent!]
                     // chargeSpell.CanCast should return false if we can't cast it.
                     CreateSpellCast("Charge", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance.Between(8f, TalentManager.HasGlyph("Long Charge") ? 30f : 25f)),
                     CreateSpellCast("Intercept", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance.Between(8f, 25f)),
                     CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                     CreateSpellCast("Heroic Strike", ret => Me.CurrentRage >= 60),

                     // If we have Blood and Thunder talented, then try and apply Rend via tclap. (This will apply rend to all targets!)
                         "Thunder Clap", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Any(u => HasAuraStacks("Rend", 1, u)) && TalentManager.GetCount(3, 3) != 0),
                     // To be honest, we should be throwing this whenever its off CD. But we'll use it for the 20% hit speed debuff for now.
                     CreateSpellCast("Thunder Clap"),
                     new Decorator(
                         ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 6) > 2,
                         new PrioritySelector(
                             CreateSpellCast("War Stomp"),
                             CreateSpellCast("Thunder Clap"),
                             CreateSpellCast("Shield Block")
                     CreateSpellCast("Victory Rush"),
                     CreateSpellCast("Arcane Torrent", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
                     CreateSpellCast("Shield Bash", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
                     CreateSpellCast("Shield Slam"),
                     CreateSpellBuff("Demoralizing Shout", ret => Me.CurrentRage > 30 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 30),
                     // Get sunders up, Devastate if we have it (extra damage) or just plain Sunder.
                     new Decorator(
                         ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Sunder Armor") || Me.CurrentTarget.Auras["Sunder Armor"].StackCount < 3,
                         new PrioritySelector(
                             CreateSpellCast("Sunder Armor")))
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Composite CreateUnholyDeathKnightCombat()
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                // Note: You should have this in 2 different methods. Hence the reason for WoWContext being a [Flags] enum.
                // In this case, since its only one spell being changed, we can live with it.
                CreateSpellCast("Death Grip", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 15 && !Me.IsInInstance),
                //Make sure we're in range, and facing the damned target. (LOS check as well)
                CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                CreateSpellCast("Raise Dead", ret => !Me.GotAlivePet),
                CreateSpellCast("Rune Strike"),
                CreateSpellCast("Mind Freeze", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                CreateSpellCast("Strangulate", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                CreateSpellCast("Unholy Frenzy", ret => Me.HealthPercent >= 80),
                CreateSpellCast("Death Strike", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80),
                CreateSpellCast("Outbreak", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Frost Fever") || Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague")),
                CreateSpellCast("Icy Touch"),
                CreateSpellCast("Plague Strike", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague")),
                    "Pestilence", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague") && Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Frost Fever") &&
                         add => !add.HasAura("Blood Plague") && !add.HasAura("Frost Fever") && add.Distance < 10)).Count() > 0),
                new Decorator(
                    ret => SpellManager.CanCast("Death and Decay") && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(a => a.Distance < 8) > 1,
                    new Action(
                        ret =>
         SpellManager.Cast("Death and Decay");
                CreateSpellCast("Summon Gargoyle"),
                CreateSpellCast("Dark Transformation", ret => Me.GotAlivePet && !Me.Pet.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Dark Transformation")),
                CreateSpellCast("Scourge Strike", ret => Me.BloodRuneCount == 2 && Me.FrostRuneCount == 2),
                CreateSpellCast("Festering Strike", ret => Me.BloodRuneCount == 2 && Me.FrostRuneCount == 2),
                CreateSpellCast("Death Coil", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Sudden Doom") || Me.CurrentRunicPower >= 80),
                CreateSpellCast("Scourge Strike"),
                CreateSpellCast("Festering Strike"),
                CreateSpellCast("Death Coil")));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public Composite CreateBloodDeathKnightCombat()
     NeedTankTargeting = true;
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                // Blood DKs are tanks. NOT DPS. If you're DPSing as blood, go respec right now, because you fail hard.
                // Death Grip is used at all times in this spec, so don't bother with an instance check, like the other 2 specs.
                CreateSpellCast("Death Grip", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 15),
                //Make sure we're in range, and facing the damned target. (LOS check as well)
                CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Bone Shield"),
                CreateSpellCast("Rune Strike"),
                CreateSpellCast("Mind Freeze", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                CreateSpellCast("Strangulate", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Rune Tap", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 60),
                    "Pestilence", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague") && Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Frost Fever") &&
                    (from add in NearbyUnfriendlyUnits
                     where !add.HasAura("Blood Plague") && !add.HasAura("Frost Fever") && add.Distance < 10
                     select add).Count() > 0),
                new Decorator(
                    ret => SpellManager.CanCast("Death and Decay") && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(a => a.Distance < 8) > 1,
                    new Action(
                        ret =>
         SpellManager.Cast("Death and Decay");
                CreateSpellCast("Icy Touch"),
                CreateSpellCast("Plague Strike", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Blood Plague")),
                CreateSpellCast("Death Strike", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80),
                CreateSpellCast("Blood Boil", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(a => a.Distance < 8) > 1),
                CreateSpellCast("Heart Strike"),
                CreateSpellCast("Death Coil")));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Composite CreateFeralCatCombat()
            // Get us in cat form pl0x
            WantedDruidForm = ShapeshiftForm.Cat;

            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       // Make sure we're in cat form first, period.
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => Me.Shapeshift != WantedDruidForm,
                           CreateSpellCast("Cat Form")),
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Rejuvenation", ret => !Me.IsInParty && !Me.IsInRaid && Me.HealthPercent < 60),
                       CreateSpellCast("Berserk", ret => Me.Fleeing),
                       CreateSpellCast("Survival Instincts", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 45),
                       CreateSpellCast("Feral Charge (Cat)", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance >= 8 && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 25),
                       CreateSpellCast("Skull Bash (Cat)", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting),
                       // Kudos to regecksqt for the dash/stampeding roar logic. Slightly changed for reading purposes.
                       new Decorator(
                           ret =>
                           Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 5 && Me.Combat &&
                           !Me.CurrentTarget.IsSafelyFacing(Me.Location) &&
                           Me.CurrentTarget.IsMoving && Me.CurrentTarget.MovementInfo.RunSpeed > Me.MovementInfo.RunSpeed,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               CreateSpellCast("Stampeding Roar (Cat)", ret => Me.CurrentEnergy >= 50))),
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 5,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               //new Decorator(
                               //    ret => StyxWoW.Me.IsMoving,
                               //    // We use the player mover, since people can override it. This lets us support their stuff.
                               //    new Action(ret => Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveStop())),

                               CreateSpellCast("Barkskin", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 5) > 0),
                               CreateSpellCast("Tiger's Fury", ret => Me.CurrentEnergy <= 50),
                               new Decorator(
                                   ret => Me.ComboPoints == 5 || Me.ComboPoints > 2 && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 40 && !CurrentTargetIsElite,
                                   new PrioritySelector(
                                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Savage Roar", ret => Me.HealthPercent >= 75),
                                       CreateSpellCast("Maim", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.Stunned),
                                           "Rip", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rip") || Me.CurrentTarget.GetAuraByName("Rip").CreatorGuid != Me.Guid),
                                       CreateSpellCast("Ferocious Bite"))),
                               // Handle Ravage! proc. Cast from spell ID here. Ignore the SpellManager!
                               new Decorator(
                                   ret => /*IsBehind(Me.CurrentTarget) &&*/ Me.HasAura("Stampede"),
                                   new Action(a => WoWSpell.FromId(81170).Cast())),
                               new Decorator(
                                   ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Mangle") && SpellManager.CanCast("Mangle (Cat)"),
                                   new Action(ret => SpellManager.Cast("Mangle (Cat)"))),
                                   "Rake", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rake") || Me.CurrentTarget.GetAuraByName("Rake").CreatorGuid != Me.Guid),
                               CreateSpellCast("Shred", ret => Me.IsBehind(Me.CurrentTarget)),
                               // Don't swipe if we don't have more than 2 people/mobs on us, within range.
                               CreateSpellCast("Swipe (Cat)", ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.DistanceSqr <= 5 * 5) >= 2),
                               //new ActionLog("Mangle"),
                               CreateSpellCast("Mangle (Cat)"))),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Faerie Fire (Feral)", ret => !Me.HasAura("Prowl")),
                       // We're putting movement at the bottom. Since we want the stuff above, to happen first. If we're out of range, we'll automatically fall
                       // back to here and get within melee range to f**k shit up.
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(4, ret => Me.CurrentTarget)
Exemplo n.º 14
        public Composite CreateRetributionPaladinCombat()
                (new PrioritySelector(
                     CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                     CreateFaceUnit(ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                     new Decorator(
                         ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting,
                         new PrioritySelector(
                             //Rebuke ID = 96231
                             // Calling Rebuke by name FAILS!!!!!!!!!!! sigh :(
                             //CreateSpellCast("Rebuke", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != null),
                             CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Justice"),
                             CreateSpellCast("Arcane Torrent")
                     // Zealotry Routine
                     new Decorator(
                         ret => Me.HasAura("Zealotry"),
                         new PrioritySelector(
                             CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 1),
                             CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath"),
                             CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3)
                     // AoE Routine - I know the EJ guide says at 5 but I put it to 3 mainly for dungeons.
                     new Decorator(
                         ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) >= 3,
                         new PrioritySelector(
                             CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 1),
                             CreateSpellCast("Divine Storm", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3),
                             CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath"),
                             CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Consecration", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50),
                             CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50)
                     // Undead Routine
                     new Decorator(
                         ret => CurrentTargetIsUndeadOrDemon,
                         new PrioritySelector(
                             CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 1),
                             CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3 && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) < 2),
                             CreateSpellCast("Divine Storm", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3 && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) > 2),
                             CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath"),
                             CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50),
                             CreateSpellCast("Consecration", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50)
                     // Single Routine - See AoE notes.
                     new Decorator(
                         ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 8) < 3,
                         new PrioritySelector(
                             CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Inquisition", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 1),
                             CreateSpellCast("Crusader Strike", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower < 3),
                             CreateSpellCast("Hammer of Wrath"),
                             CreateSpellCast("Exorcism", ret => Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("The Art of War")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Templar's Verdict", ret => Me.CurrentHolyPower > 2 || Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Hand of Light")),
                             CreateSpellCast("Holy Wrath", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50),
                             CreateSpellCast("Consecration", ret => Me.ManaPercent > 50)
                     //Bot Control
                     CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget)

                     // to check it was routine prioritizing correctly or just a general logger due to all the green spell spam that is by default :(
                     //new Action(delegate
                     //        {
                     //            Logger.Write("-- END -- ");
                     //        }
                     //        )
Exemplo n.º 15
        public Composite CreateShadowPriestCombat()
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       // targetting behaviours
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(30, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),

                       // cast devouring plague first if option is set
                       CreateSpellBuff("Devouring Plague", ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.DevouringPlageuFirst, true),

                       // don't attempt to heal unless below a certain percentage health
                       new Decorator(ret => Me.HealthPercent < SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.DontHealPercent,

                       // always try to be in shadow form, but not if we're below the above health % (stops in and out shadowform spam)
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Shadowform", ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.DontShadowFormHealth && Me.HealthPercent < SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.DontHealPercent),

                       // finish the guy off first if we can
                       CreateSpellCast("Shadow Word: Death", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 25, false),

                       // if we've got 2+ unfriendly units beating on us, psychic horror on one
                       CreateSpellCast("Psychic Horror",
                                       ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.UsePsychicHorrorAdds && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(unit => unit.Aggro && CanCast("Psychic Horror", unit, false)) >= 2,
                                       ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.FirstOrDefault(unit => Me.CurrentTargetGuid != unit.Guid && unit.Aggro && CanCast("Psychic Horror", unit, false)),

                       // stop person casting
                       CreateSpellCast("Silence", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.CastingSpell != null, false),
                       CreateSpellCast("Psychic Horror", ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.UsePsychicHorrorInterrupt && Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting || Me.CurrentTarget.CastingSpell != null),

                       // use dispersion if we can
                       CreateSpellCast("Dispersion", ret => Me.ManaPercent < SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.DispersionMana, false),
                       new Decorator(ret => HasAuraStacks("Dispersion", 0),
                                     new ActionAlwaysSucceed()),

                       CreateSpellCast("Archangel", ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.AlwaysArchangel5 && HasAuraStacks("Dark Evangelism", 5)),

                       // open with spike or if its a totem
                       CreateSpellCast("Mind Spike", ret => !HasMyAura("Mind Trauma", Me.CurrentTarget, 0) && (Me.CurrentTarget.CreatureType == Styx.WoWCreatureType.Totem || !Me.Combat), true),
                       // use mind blast after 2+ spikes, or if orbs,
                       CreateSpellCast("Mind Blast", ret => HasMyAura("Mind Spike", Me.CurrentTarget, 2)),
                       // use spike a second time if we can, either after pull or after dots have run out for whatever reason
                       CreateSpellCast("Mind Spike", ret => !HasMyAura("Mind Trauma", Me.CurrentTarget, 0) && !HasMyAura("Vampiric Touch", Me.CurrentTarget) && !HasMyAura("Devouring Plague", Me.CurrentTarget) && !HasMyAura("Shadow Word: Pain", Me.CurrentTarget)),

                       // start up with the dots
                       CreateSpellBuff("Vampiric Touch", true),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Devouring Plague"),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Shadow Word: Pain"),

                       // blast for shadow orbs or timer
                       new Decorator(ret => ((HasAuraStacks("Shadow Orb", SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.MindBlastOrbs) && !HasAuraStacks("Empowered Shadow", 0)) || _lastMindBlast + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.MindBlastTimer) < DateTime.Now),
                                     new Sequence(
                                         new Action(ret => _lastMindBlast = DateTime.Now),
                                         CreateSpellCast("Mind Blast"))),

                       // attempt to cast shield before flay, if we need to
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Power Word: Shield", ret => !HasAuraStacks("Weakened Soul", 0) && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.CurrentTargetGuid == Me.Guid) > 0),
                       // flay if we have shield or if no one's beating on us
                       CreateSpellCast("Mind Flay", ret => !Me.IsMoving && (NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.CurrentTargetGuid == Me.Guid) <= 0 || HasAuraStacks("Power Word: Shield", 0))),
                       // maybe try a spike if there's none of our dots on it
                       CreateSpellCast("Mind Spike", ret => !HasMyAura("Vampiric Touch", Me.CurrentTarget) && !HasMyAura("Devouring Plague", Me.CurrentTarget) && !HasMyAura("Shadow Word: Pain", Me.CurrentTarget)),

                       // finally, no mana?, try to use archangel if we have _any_ stacks of evangelism
                       CreateSpellCast("Archangel", ret => HasAuraStacks("Dark Evangelism", 0) && Me.ManaPercent <= SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.ArchangelMana),

                       // try to do _something_
                       CreateSpellCast("Mind Blast"),
                       // use wand
                       CreateUseWand(ret => SingularSettings.Instance.Priest.UseWand)
Exemplo n.º 16
        public Composite CreateAfflictionCombat()
            WantedPet = "Succubus";

            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       //CreateLosAndFace(ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(35f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                       // Emergencies
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => Me.HealthPercent < 20,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               //CreateSpellBuff("Fear", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Fear")),
                               CreateSpellCast("Howl of Terror", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 10 && Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer),
                               CreateSpellCast("Death Coil", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Howl of Terror") && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Fear")),
                               CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Soulburn", ret => Me.CurrentSoulShards > 0),
                               CreateSpellCast("Drain Life")
                       CreateSpellCast("Life Tap", ret => Me.ManaPercent < 10),
                       CreateSpellCast("Health Funnel", ret => Me.GotAlivePet && Me.Pet.HealthPercent < 30),
                       // Finishing sequence
                           "Soul Swap",
                           ret =>
                           !Me.HasAura("Soul Swap") && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 10 && Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Unstable Affliction") &&
                       CreateSpellCast("Drain Soul", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 10),
                       // Elites
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => CurrentTargetIsEliteOrBoss,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Demon Soul"),
                               CreateSpellBuff("Curse of Elements", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Curse of Elements")),
                               new Decorator(
                                   ret => SpellManager.CanCast("Summon Infernal"),
                                   new Action(
                                       ret =>
                SpellManager.Cast("Summon Infernal");
                       // AoE
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 15) >= 5,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Demon Soul"),
                                   ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Seed of Corruption") && Me.CurrentSoulShards > 0 && TalentManager.GetCount(1, 15) == 1),
                               CreateSpellBuff("Seed of Corruption", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Seed of Corruption"))
                       // Standard Nuking
                       CreateSpellCast("Shadow Bolt", ret => Me.HasAura("Shadow Trance")),
                       CreateSpellCast("Soul Swap", ret => Me.HasAura("Soul Swap") && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent > 10),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Bane of Doom", ret => CurrentTargetIsEliteOrBoss && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bane of Doom")),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Bane of Agony", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bane of Agony") && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bane of Doom")),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Corruption", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Corruption") && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Seed of Corruption")),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Unstable Affliction", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Unstable Affliction")),
                       CreateSpellCast("Drain Soul", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 25),
                       CreateSpellCast("Shadowflame", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 5),
                       CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Demon Soul"),
                       CreateSpellBuff("Curse of Weakness", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Curse of Weakness")),
                       CreateSpellCast("Life Tap", ret => Me.ManaPercent < 50 && Me.HealthPercent > 70),
                       CreateSpellCast("Drain Life", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 70),
                       CreateSpellCast("Health Funnel", ret => Me.GotAlivePet && Me.Pet.HealthPercent < 70),
                       CreateSpellCast("Shadow Bolt")
Exemplo n.º 17
 public Composite CreateWarriorFuryCombat()
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                // Make sure you have target
                //Face target if not facing already
                //low level support
                new Decorator(
                    ret => Me.Level < 30,
                    new PrioritySelector(
                        CreateSpellCast("Victory Rush"),
                        CreateSpellCast("Rend", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rend")),
                        CreateMoveToAndFace(ret => Me.CurrentTarget))),
                //30-50 support
                CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Berserker Stance", ret => Me.Level > 30 && Me.Level < 50),
                //Ranged Attack if pvping
                CreateSpellCast("Heroic Throw", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer),
                //Use fear to interupt casters at range
                    "Intimidating Shout", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 8 &&
                    Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer &&
                //Close Gap to target
                //Rocket belt!
                new Decorator(
                    ret =>
                    Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 20,
                    new PrioritySelector(
                //Slow Players at range
                    "Piercing Howl", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 10 &&
                    Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer &&
                    (!Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hamstring") ||
                     !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Piercing Howl") ||
                     !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Slowing Poison") ||
                     !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hand of Freedom"))),
                //Move to melee
                //Slow Players once in mele range
                    "Hamstring", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer &&
                    (!Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hamstring") ||
                     !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Piercing Howl") ||
                     !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Slowing Poison") ||
                     !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hand of Freedom"))),
                // slow runners
                new Decorator(
                    ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayerBehind &&
                    !Me.IsInInstance &&
                    new PrioritySelector(
                //Aoe when more than 3 around
                new Decorator(
                    ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 6) > 3,
                    new PrioritySelector(
                        CreateSpellCast("Raging Blow"),
                // Fury of angerforge
                new Decorator(
                    ret => HasAuraStacks("Raw Fury", 5) &&
                    StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket1 != null &&
                    StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket1.Name.Contains("Fury of Angerforge") &&
                    StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket1.Cooldown <= 0,
                    new Action(
                        ret =>
                new Decorator(
                    ret => HasAuraStacks("Raw Fury", 5) &&
                    StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket2 != null &&
                    StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket2.Name.Contains("Fury of Angerforge") &&
                    StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket2.Cooldown <= 0,
                    new Action(
                        ret =>
                    "Pummel", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting ||
                    Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                    "Arcane Torrent", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting ||
                    Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                    "War Stomp", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting ||
                    Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                //Heal up in mele
                CreateSpellCast("Victory Rush", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80),
                //Use Incite or dump rage
                    "Heroic Strike", ret => Me.RagePercent > 60 ||
                    HasAuraStacks("Incite", 1)),
                //Use Engineering Gloves
                //Rotation under 20%
                CreateSpellCast("Colossus Smash"),
                CreateSpellCast("Execute", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 20),
                //Rotation over 20%
                CreateSpellCast("Raging Blow"),
                CreateSpellCast("Slam", ret => HasAuraStacks("Bloodsurge", 1)),
                //Mele range check
                CreateMoveToAndFace(ret => Me.CurrentTarget)
Exemplo n.º 18
 public Composite CreateRogueCombatBuffs()
     return(new PrioritySelector(
                CreateUsePotionAndHealthstone(30, 0),
                CreateSpellBuffOnSelf("Vanish", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 20 && NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Aggro) > 0)
Exemplo n.º 19
        public Composite CreateArmsWarriorCombat()
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       // Make sure we have target
                       // Face target
                       //Make sure were attacking
                       // Ranged interupt on players
                           "Intimidating Shout", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 8 &&
                           Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer &&
                       // Dispel Bubbles
                           "Shattering Throw", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer &&
                           (Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Ice Block") ||
                            Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hand of Protection") ||
                            Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Divine Shield"))),
                       // close gap
                       //Rocket belt!
                       new Decorator(
                           ret =>
                           Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance > 20,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                       // ranged slow
                           "Piercing Howl", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance < 10 &&
                           Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer &&
                           (!Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hamstring") ||
                            !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Piercing Howl") ||
                            !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Slowing Poison") ||
                            !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hand of Freedom"))),

                       //Move to melee
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(ret => Me.CurrentTarget),
                       //use it or lose it
                       CreateSpellCast("Colossus Smash", ret => Me.HasAura("Sudden Death")),
                       // Mele slow
                           "Hamstring", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer &&
                           (!Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hamstring") ||
                            !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Piercing Howl") ||
                            !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Slowing Poison") ||
                            !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Hand of Freedom"))),
                       // slow runners
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayerBehind &&
                           !Me.IsInInstance &&
                           new PrioritySelector(
                       // AOE
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => NearbyUnfriendlyUnits.Count(u => u.Distance < 6) > 3,
                           new PrioritySelector(
                               CreateSpellCast("Rend", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rend")),
                               CreateSpellCast("Sweeping Strikes"),
                       // Fury of angerforge
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => HasAuraStacks("Raw Fury", 5) &&
                           StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket1 != null &&
                           StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket1.Name.Contains("Fury of Angerforge") &&
                           StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket1.Cooldown <= 0,
                           new Action(
                               ret =>
                       new Decorator(
                           ret => HasAuraStacks("Raw Fury", 5) &&
                           StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket2 != null &&
                           StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket2.Name.Contains("Fury of Angerforge") &&
                           StyxWoW.Me.Inventory.Equipped.Trinket2.Cooldown <= 0,
                           new Action(
                               ret =>
                       //Mele Heal
                       CreateSpellCast("Victory Rush", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80),
                           "Pummel", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting ||
                           Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                           "Arcane Torrent", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting ||
                           Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                           "War Stomp", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting ||
                           Me.CurrentTarget.ChanneledCastingSpellId != 0),
                       //Interupt / Stun elite / knockdown player
                           "Throwdown", ret => CurrentTargetIsElite ||
                           Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer ||
                       //Rage Dump
                           "Heroic Strike", ret => Me.RagePercent > 75 ||
                           HasAuraStacks("Incite", 1)),
                       //Use Engineering Gloves
                       //Execute under 20%
                       CreateSpellCast("Execute", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent < 20),
                       //Default Rotatiom
                       CreateSpellCast("Rend", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Rend")),
                       CreateSpellCast("Colossus Smash"),
                       CreateSpellCast("Mortal Strike"),
                       //Bladestorm after dots and MS if against player
                       CreateSpellCast("Bladestorm", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsPlayer),
                       CreateSpellCast("Overpower", ret => !HasAuraStacks("Overpower", 1)),
                       CreateSpellCast("Slam", ret => Me.RagePercent > 30),
                       //ensure were in melee
                       CreateMoveToAndFace(5f, ret => Me.CurrentTarget)