Exemplo n.º 1
        public override bool IsValid(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
            // check if this provider is valid for the counrty in the checkout
            var shipoption = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/rblshippingoptions");
            var countrycode = "";
            switch (shipoption)
                case "1":
                    countrycode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/country");
                case "2":
                    countrycode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/shipaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/country");

            var isValid = true;
            var shipData = new ShippingData(Shippingkey);
            var validlist = "," + shipData.Info.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validcountrycodes") + ",";
            var notvalidlist = "," + shipData.Info.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/notvalidcountrycodes") + ",";
            if (validlist.Trim(',') != "")
                isValid = false;
                if (validlist.Contains("," + countrycode + ",")) isValid = true;
            if (notvalidlist.Trim(',') != "" && notvalidlist.Contains("," + countrycode + ",")) isValid = false;

            return isValid;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override NBrightInfo UpdatePercentUsage(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo purchaseInfo)
     if (userId <= 0) return purchaseInfo;
     var discountcode = purchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/textbox/promocode");
     if (!purchaseInfo.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/discountprocessed"))
         if (discountcode == "") return purchaseInfo;
         var clientData = new ClientData(portalId, userId);
         if (clientData.DiscountCodes.Count == 0) return purchaseInfo;
         var list = clientData.DiscountCodes;
         foreach (var d in list)
             if (d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/coderef").ToLower() == discountcode.ToLower())
                 var usageleft = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usageleft");
                 var used = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/used");
                 d.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usageleft", (usageleft - 1));
                 d.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/used", (used + 1));
         purchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/discountprocessed", "True");
     return purchaseInfo;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override NBrightInfo CalculateItemPercentDiscount(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo cartItemInfo,String discountcode)
            if (userId <= 0) return cartItemInfo;
            cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt", "0"); // reset discount amount
            if (discountcode == "") return cartItemInfo;
            var clientData = new ClientData(portalId,userId);
            if (clientData.DiscountCodes.Count == 0) return cartItemInfo;

            Double discountcodeamt = 0;
            foreach (var d in clientData.DiscountCodes)
                var validutil = d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validuntil");
                var validutildate = DateTime.Today;
                if (Utils.IsDate(validutil)) validutildate = Convert.ToDateTime(validutil);
                if (d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/coderef").ToLower() == discountcode.ToLower() && validutildate >= DateTime.Today)
                    var usageleft = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usageleft");
                    var percentage = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/percentage");
                    if (percentage > 0 && usageleft > 0)
                        var appliedtotalcost = cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtotalcost");
                        discountcodeamt = ((appliedtotalcost/100)*percentage);
                if (discountcodeamt > 0) break;
            cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt", discountcodeamt);

            return cartItemInfo;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public String AddNewRule()
     var ruleInfo = new NBrightInfo(true);
     ruleInfo.ItemID = -1;
     return UpdateRule(ruleInfo);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override string GetTemplate(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
            var info = ProviderUtils.GetProviderSettings("NBrightPayPalpayment");
            var templ = ProviderUtils.GetTemplateData(info.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/checkouttemplate"));

            return templ;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Display template with moduleid set
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rp1"></param>
 /// <param name="moduleId"></param>
 public void DoDetail(Repeater rp1,int moduleId)
     var obj = new NBrightInfo(true);
     obj.ModuleId = moduleId;
     var l = new List<object> { obj };
     rp1.DataSource = l;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portalfinfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string DoWork()
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

                // the sceduler runs at host level, we therefore need to loop through ALL portals to process data at a portal level.
                var portalList = NBrightDNN.DnnUtils.GetAllPortals();
                foreach (var portal in portalList)
                    // check if we have NBS in this portal by looking for default settings.
                    var nbssetting = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portal.PortalID, -1, "SETTINGS", "NBrightBuySettings");
                    if (nbssetting != null)
                        var storeSettings = new StoreSettings(portal.PortalID);
                        var pluginData = new PluginData(portal.PortalID); // get plugin data to see if this scheduler is active on this portal
                        var plugin = pluginData.GetPluginByCtrl("dnnsearchindex");
                        if (plugin != null && plugin.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/active"))
                            // The NBS scheduler is normally set to run hourly, therefore if we only want a process to run daily we need the logic this function.
                            // To to this we keep a last run flag on the sceduler settings
                            var setting = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portal.PortalID, -1, "DNNIDXSCHEDULER", "DNNIDXSCHEDULER");
                            if (setting == null)
                                setting = new NBrightInfo(true);
                                setting.ItemID = -1;
                                setting.PortalId = portal.PortalID;
                                setting.TypeCode = "DNNIDXSCHEDULER";
                                setting.GUIDKey = "DNNIDXSCHEDULER";
                                setting.ModuleId = -1;
                                setting.XMLData = "<genxml></genxml>";

                            var lastrun = setting.GetXmlPropertyRaw("genxml/lastrun");
                            var lastrundate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-99);
                            if (Utils.IsDate(lastrun)) lastrundate = Convert.ToDateTime(lastrun);

                            var rtnmsg = DoProductIdx(portal, lastrundate, storeSettings.DebugMode);
                            setting.SetXmlProperty("genxml/lastrun", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), TypeCode.DateTime);
                            if (rtnmsg != "") return rtnmsg;



                return " - NBS-DNNIDX scheduler OK ";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return " - NBS-DNNIDX scheduler FAIL: " + ex.ToString() + " : ";
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            // inject any pageheader we need
            var nbi = new NBrightInfo();
            nbi.Lang = Utils.GetCurrentCulture();
            nbi.PortalId = PortalId;
            var pageheaderTempl = NBrightBuyUtils.RazorTemplRender("Admin_Orders_head.cshtml", 0, "", nbi, "/DesktopModules/NBright/NBrightBuy", "config", Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
            PageIncludes.IncludeTextInHeader(Page, pageheaderTempl);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static string DoXslTransOnTemplate(string strTemplateText, NBrightInfo objInfo)
     if (strTemplateText.ToLower().Contains("<xsl:stylesheet"))
         var xmlOut = "<root>";
         var l = new List<NBrightInfo> {objInfo};
         xmlOut += NBrightBuyUtils.FormatListtoXml(l);
         xmlOut += "</root>";
         return XslUtils.XslTransInMemory(xmlOut, strTemplateText);
     return strTemplateText;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Add Adddress
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rpData"></param>
 /// <param name="debugMode"></param>
 public String AddAddress(Repeater rpData, Boolean debugMode = false)
     var strXml = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXml(rpData, "", "");
     // load into NBrigthInfo class, so it's easier to get at xml values.
     var objInfoIn = new NBrightInfo();
     objInfoIn.XMLData = strXml;
     var addIndex = objInfoIn.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/index"); // addresses updated from manager should have a index hidden field.
     if (addIndex == "") addIndex = objInfoIn.GetXmlProperty("genxml/dropdownlist/selectaddress"); // updated from cart should have a selected address
     if (!Utils.IsNumeric(addIndex)) addIndex = "-1"; // assume new address.
     var addressIndex = Convert.ToInt32(addIndex);
     return ""; // if everything is OK, don't send a message back.
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static NBrightInfo UpdateItemPercentDiscountCode(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo cartItemInfo, String discountcode)
     cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt", "0");
     foreach (var prov in ProviderList)
         var newItemInfo = prov.Value.CalculateItemPercentDiscount(portalId, userId, cartItemInfo, discountcode);
         if (cartItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt") < newItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt"))
             cartItemInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt", newItemInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountcodeamt"));
     return cartItemInfo;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public NBrightInfo GetProfile()
     var pInfo = new NBrightInfo(true);
     if (_uData.Exists)
         var xmlNode = _uData.Info.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/profile/genxml");
         if (xmlNode != null)
             pInfo.PortalId = _uData.Info.PortalId;
             pInfo.Lang = _uData.Info.Lang;
             pInfo.XMLData = xmlNode.OuterXml;
     return pInfo;
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Get Current Cart Item List
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List<NBrightInfo> GetRuleList()
     var rtnList = new List<NBrightInfo>();
         var xmlNodeList = Info.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml/list/*");
         if (xmlNodeList != null)
             foreach (XmlNode carNod in xmlNodeList)
                 var newInfo = new NBrightInfo {XMLData = carNod.OuterXml};
                 newInfo.ItemID = rtnList.Count;
                 newInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/index", rtnList.Count.ToString(""));
     return rtnList;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public PluginData(int portalId, Boolean systemlevel = false)
            _templCtrl = NBrightBuyUtils.GetTemplateGetter(portalId,"config");

            portallevel = !systemlevel;

            if (StoreSettings.Current == null)
                storeSettings = new StoreSettings(portalId);
                storeSettings = StoreSettings.Current;

            var menuplugin = _templCtrl.GetTemplateData("menuplugin.xml", Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), true, true, portallevel, storeSettings.Settings());
            if (menuplugin != "")
                Info = new NBrightInfo();
                Info.XMLData = menuplugin;
                _pluginList = new List<NBrightInfo>();
                _pluginList = GetPluginList();
                // no menuplugin.xml exists, so must be new install, get new config
                var pluginfoldermappath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(StoreSettings.NBrightBuyPath() + "/Plugins");
                if (pluginfoldermappath != null && Directory.Exists(pluginfoldermappath))
                    var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    xmlDoc.Load(pluginfoldermappath + "\\menu.config");
                    pluginfoldermappath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(StoreSettings.NBrightBuyPath() + "/Themes/config/default");
                    xmlDoc.Save(pluginfoldermappath + "\\menuplugin.xml");
                    //load new config
                    menuplugin = _templCtrl.GetTemplateData("menuplugin.xml", Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), true, true, portallevel, storeSettings.Settings());
                    if (menuplugin != "")
                        Info = new NBrightInfo();
                        Info.XMLData = menuplugin;
                        _pluginList = new List<NBrightInfo>();
                        _pluginList = GetPluginList();
Exemplo n.º 15
        public String AddAddress(NBrightInfo addressInfo, int addressIndex, Boolean debugMode = false)
            if (StoreSettings.Current.DebugModeFileOut) addressInfo.XMLDoc.Save(PortalSettings.Current.HomeDirectoryMapPath + "debug_addressadd.xml");
            var addrExists = AddressExists(addressInfo);
            if (!addrExists)
                if (addressIndex >= 0)
                    UpdateAddress(addressInfo.XMLData, addressIndex);

            return ""; // if everything is OK, don't send a message back.
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

                _ctrlkey = "nbrightpaypalpayment";
                _info = ProviderUtils.GetProviderSettings(_ctrlkey);
                var rpDataHTempl = ProviderUtils.GetTemplateData("settings.html");
                rpDataH.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(rpDataHTempl, StoreSettings.Current.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);
            catch (Exception exc)
                //display the error on the template (don;t want to log it here, prefer to deal with errors directly.)
                var l = new Literal();
                l.Text = exc.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static NBrightInfo AddEntity(NBrightInfo objInfo, String entityName, int numberToAdd = 1, String genxmlData = "<genxml></genxml>")
     var xNod = objInfo.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/" + entityName.ToLower());
     if (xNod != null)
         var strModelXml = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < numberToAdd; i++)
             strModelXml += genxmlData;
         // Create a document fragment to contain the XML to be inserted.
         var docFrag = objInfo.XMLDoc.CreateDocumentFragment();
         // Set the contents of the document fragment.
         docFrag.InnerXml = strModelXml;
         //Add new model data
         objInfo.XMLData = objInfo.XMLDoc.OuterXml;
     return objInfo;
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void AddToSettingDic(NBrightInfo settings, string xpath)
     if (settings.XMLDoc != null)
         var nods = settings.XMLDoc.SelectNodes(xpath);
         if (nods != null)
             foreach (XmlNode nod in nods)
                 if (_settingsDic.ContainsKey(nod.Name))
                     _settingsDic[nod.Name] = nod.InnerText; // overwrite same name node
                     _settingsDic.Add(nod.Name, nod.InnerText);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static String GetTemplateData(String templatename, NBrightInfo info)
     var controlMapPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/DesktopModules/NBright/NBrightBuy/Providers/ManualPaymentProvider");
     var templCtrl = new NBrightCore.TemplateEngine.TemplateGetter(PortalSettings.Current.HomeDirectoryMapPath, controlMapPath, "Themes\\config", "");
     var templ = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(templatename, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
     var dic = new Dictionary<String, String>();
     foreach (var d in StoreSettings.Current.Settings())
     foreach (var d in info.ToDictionary())
         if (dic.ContainsKey(d.Key))
             dic[d.Key] = d.Value;
             dic.Add(d.Key, d.Value);
     templ = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(templ, dic);
     templ = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(templ);
     return templ;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override NBrightInfo CalculateShipping(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
            var shipData = new ShippingData(Shippingkey);
            var shipoption = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/rblshippingoptions");
            Double rangeValue = 0;
            if (shipData.CalculationUnit == "1")
                rangeValue = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalweight");
                rangeValue = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedsubtotal");
            var countrycode = "";
            var regioncode = "";
            var regionkey = "";
            var total = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedsubtotal");
            switch (shipoption)
                case "1":
                    countrycode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/country");
                    regionkey = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/region");
                case "2":
                    countrycode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/shipaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/country");
                    regionkey = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/shipaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/region");

            if (regionkey != "")
                var rl = regionkey.Split(':');
                if (rl.Count() == 2) regioncode = rl[1];

            var shippingcost = shipData.CalculateShipping(countrycode, regioncode, rangeValue, total);
            var shippingdealercost = shippingcost;
            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/shippingcost", shippingcost);
            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/shippingdealercost", shippingdealercost);

            return cartInfo;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static NBrightInfo GetProviderSettings(String ctrlkey)
            var info = (NBrightInfo)Utils.GetCache("NBrightPayPalPaymentProvider" + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString(""));
            if (info == null)
                var modCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

                info = modCtrl.GetByGuidKey(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "NBrightPayPalPAYMENT", ctrlkey);

                if (info == null)
                    info = new NBrightInfo(true);
                    info.GUIDKey = ctrlkey;
                    info.TypeCode = "NBrightPayPalPAYMENT";
                    info.ModuleId = -1;
                    info.PortalId = PortalSettings.Current.PortalId;

                Utils.SetCache("NBrightPayPalPaymentProvider" + PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString(""), info);

            return info;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public String UpdateRule(RepeaterItem rpItem, Boolean debugMode = false)
     var strXml = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXml(rpItem);
     // load into NBrigthInfo class, so it's easier to get at xml values.
     var objInfoIn = new NBrightInfo();
     objInfoIn.XMLData = strXml;
     UpdateRule(objInfoIn, debugMode);
     return ""; // if everything is OK, don't send a message back.
Exemplo n.º 23
 public abstract String GetTemplate(NBrightInfo cartInfo);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public override string GetDeliveryLabelUrl(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 25
 public override NBrightInfo CalculateShipping(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public override NBrightInfo AfterSendEmail(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo, string emailsubjectrexkey)
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override NBrightInfo CalculateShipping(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
            var    shipData   = new ShippingData(Shippingkey);
            var    shipoption = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/rblshippingoptions");
            Double rangeValue = 0;

            if (shipData.CalculationUnit == "1")
                rangeValue = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalweight");
                rangeValue = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedsubtotal");

            var countrycode = "";
            var regioncode  = "";
            var regionkey   = "";
            var postCode    = "";
            var total       = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedsubtotal");

            if (shipData.FreeshiplimitOnTotal == "True")
                total = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/carttotalvalue");

            switch (shipoption)
            case "1":
                countrycode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/country");
                regionkey   = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/region");
                postCode    = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/billaddress/genxml/textbox/postalcode");

            case "2":
                countrycode = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/shipaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/country");
                regionkey   = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/shipaddress/genxml/dropdownlist/region");
                postCode    = cartInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/shipaddress/genxml/textbox/postalcode");

            var shippingcost = shipData.CalculateShippingByPC(postCode, rangeValue, total);

            if (shippingcost == -1)
                if (regionkey != "")
                    var rl = regionkey.Split(':');
                    if (rl.Count() == 2)
                        regioncode = rl[1];
                shippingcost = shipData.CalculateShipping(countrycode, regioncode, rangeValue, total);
            var shippingdealercost = shippingcost;

            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/shippingcost", shippingcost);
            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/shippingdealercost", shippingdealercost);

 public override NBrightInfo BeforeOrderStatusChange(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
 public override NBrightInfo AfterOrderStatusChange(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
 public override NBrightInfo AfterCategorySave(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
     UrlRulesCaching.Remove(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, nbrightInfo.ItemID, nbrightInfo.Lang);
 public override NBrightInfo AfterSavePurchaseData(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
 public override NBrightInfo AfterCartSave(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
 public override NBrightInfo ValidateCartItemAfter(NBrightInfo cartItemInfo)
 public override NBrightInfo ValidateCartItemBefore(NBrightInfo cartItemInfo)
Exemplo n.º 35
 public void UpdateRule(Repeater rpData)
     foreach (RepeaterItem i in rpData.Items)
         var strXml = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXml(i);
         var nbi = new NBrightInfo(true);
         nbi.XMLData = strXml;
         if (nbi.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/hidden/isdirty"))
 public override NBrightInfo BeforePaymentFail(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
Exemplo n.º 37
 public virtual NBrightInfo EventBeforeUpdate(Repeater rpData, NBrightInfo objInfo)
Exemplo n.º 38
 public virtual NBrightInfo EventBeforeRender(NBrightInfo objInfo)
Exemplo n.º 39
 public override bool IsValid(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public override string DoWork(int portalId)
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
                var rtnmsg  = "";
                // check if we have NBS in this portal by looking for default settings.
                var nbssetting = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portalId, -1, "SETTINGS", "NBrightBuySettings");
                if (nbssetting != null)
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(portalId);     // get plugin data to see if this scheduler is active on this portal
                    var plugin     = pluginData.GetPluginByCtrl("cartreview");
                    if (plugin != null && plugin.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/active"))
                        var doscheduler = false;
                        // The NBS scheduler is normally set to run hourly, therefore if we only want a process to run daily we need the logic in this function.
                        // To do this we keep a last run flag on the sceduler settings
                        var setting = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portalId, -1, "NBrightCartReview", "NBrightCartReviewScheduler");
                        if (setting == null)
                            setting          = new NBrightInfo(true);
                            setting.ItemID   = -1;
                            setting.PortalId = portalId;
                            setting.TypeCode = "NBrightCartReview";
                            setting.GUIDKey  = "NBrightCartReviewScheduler";
                            setting.ModuleId = -1;
                            setting.XMLData  = "<genxml></genxml>";
                            doscheduler      = true;

                        if (plugin.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/testmode") == true)
                            doscheduler = true;
                            // check last run date (Only running once a day in this case)
                            var lastrun = setting.GetXmlProperty("genxml/lastrun");
                            if (Utils.IsDate(lastrun) && (Convert.ToDateTime(lastrun).AddDays(1) < DateTime.Now))
                                doscheduler = true;

                        if (doscheduler)
                            var daysforzero   = plugin.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/textbox/daysforzero");
                            var daysfornormal = plugin.GetXmlPropertyInt("genxml/textbox/daysfornormal");

                            PurgeZeroCarts(portalId, daysforzero);
                            PurgeCarts(portalId, daysfornormal);

                            setting.SetXmlProperty("genxml/lastrun", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), TypeCode.DateTime);
                            rtnmsg = " - NBrightCartReview  " + portalId + " OK ";

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(" - NBrightCartReview FAIL: " + ex.ToString() + " : ");
Exemplo n.º 41
 public override string GetDeliveryLabelUrl(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
Exemplo n.º 42
 public override NBrightInfo CalculateVoucherAmount(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo cartInfo, string discountcode)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 43
 public override string GetTemplate(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 44
 public override NBrightInfo UpdatePercentUsage(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo purchaseInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 45
        /// <summary>
        /// Search filesystem for any new plugins that have been added. Removed any deleted ones.
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateSystemPlugins()
            // Add new plugins
            var updated             = false;
            var deleted             = false;
            var pluginfoldermappath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(StoreSettings.NBrightBuyPath() + "/Plugins");

            if (pluginfoldermappath != null && Directory.Exists(pluginfoldermappath))
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
                var flist   = Directory.GetFiles(pluginfoldermappath, "*.xml");
                foreach (var f in flist)
                    if (f.EndsWith(".xml"))
                        var datain = File.ReadAllText(f);
                            var nbi = new NBrightInfo();
                            nbi.XMLData = datain;
                            // check if we are injecting multiple
                            var nodlist = nbi.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml");
                            if (nodlist != null && nodlist.Count > 0)
                                foreach (XmlNode nod in nodlist)
                                    var nbi2 = new NBrightInfo();
                                    nbi2.XMLData      = nod.OuterXml;
                                    nbi2.ItemID       = -1;
                                    nbi2.GUIDKey      = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
                                    nbi2.PortalId     = 99999;
                                    nbi2.Lang         = "";
                                    nbi2.ParentItemId = 0;
                                    nbi2.ModuleId     = -1;
                                    nbi2.XrefItemId   = 0;
                                    nbi2.UserId       = 0;
                                    nbi2.TypeCode     = "PLUGIN";

                                    // check if record exists (should NOT) but lets replace if it does.
                                    var existingrecord = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(-1, -1, "PLUGIN", nbi2.GUIDKey);
                                    if (existingrecord != null)
                                        nbi2.ItemID = existingrecord.ItemID;
                                        if (nbi2.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/delete"))
                                            var sysrecord = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(99999, -1, "PLUGIN", nbi2.GUIDKey);
                                            deleted = true;
                                            updated = true;
                                        updated = true;
                            if (updated)
                                //load entity typecode to DB idx settings.
                        catch (Exception)
                            // data might not be XML complient (ignore)

            if (updated || deleted)
                if (updated)
                if (deleted)
Exemplo n.º 46
        private string GetReturnData(HttpContext context)

                var strOut = "";

                var strIn = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
                var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
                var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

                objInfo.ItemID = -1;
                objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
                objInfo.XMLData = xmlData;
                var settings = objInfo.ToDictionary();

                var themeFolder = StoreSettings.Current.ThemeFolder;
                if (settings.ContainsKey("themefolder")) themeFolder = settings["themefolder"];
                var templCtrl = NBrightBuyUtils.GetTemplateGetter(themeFolder);

                if (!settings.ContainsKey("portalid")) settings.Add("portalid", PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString("")); // aways make sure we have portalid in settings
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

                // run SQL and template to return html
                if (settings.ContainsKey("sqltpl") && settings.ContainsKey("xsltpl"))
                    var strSql = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(settings["sqltpl"], _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
                    var xslTemp = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(settings["xsltpl"], _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

                    // replace any settings tokens (This is used to place the form data into the SQL)
                    strSql = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(strSql, settings);
                    strSql = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(strSql);

                    strSql = GenXmlFunctions.StripSqlCommands(strSql); // don't allow anything to update through here.

                    strOut = objCtrl.GetSqlxml(strSql);
                    if (!strOut.StartsWith("<root>")) strOut = "<root>" + strOut + "</root>"; // always wrap with root node.
                    strOut = XslUtils.XslTransInMemory(strOut, xslTemp);

                return strOut;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 47
 public virtual void EventAfterUpdate(Repeater rpData, NBrightInfo objInfo)
Exemplo n.º 48
        /// <summary>
        /// Save Data to DNN profile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profile"></param>
        private void UpdateDnnProfile(NBrightInfo profile)
            var flag = false;
            var prop1 = DnnUtils.GetUserProfileProperties(_uData.Info.UserId.ToString(""));
            var prop2 = DnnUtils.GetUserProfileProperties(_uData.Info.UserId.ToString(""));
            foreach (var p in prop1)
                var n = profile.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/textbox/" + p.Key.ToLower());
                if (n != null)
                    prop2[p.Key] = n.InnerText;
                    flag = true;
                n = profile.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/dropdownlist/" + p.Key.ToLower());
                if (n != null)
                    prop2[p.Key] = n.InnerText;
                    flag = true;
                n = profile.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/radiobuttonlist/" + p.Key.ToLower());
                if (n != null)
                    prop2[p.Key] = n.InnerText;
                    flag = true;
            if (flag) DnnUtils.SetUserProfileProperties(_uData.Info.UserId.ToString(""), prop2);

            // update email
            var email = profile.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/email");
            if (email != "" && email != _uData.GetEmail()) _uData.UpdateEmail(email);
Exemplo n.º 49
 public abstract NBrightInfo ValidateCartItemBefore(NBrightInfo cartItemInfo);
Exemplo n.º 50
 public override double CalculateItemTax(NBrightInfo cartItemInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 51
 public String UpdateRule(NBrightInfo ruleInfo, Boolean debugMode = false)
     var addIndex = ruleInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/index");
     if (!Utils.IsNumeric(addIndex)) addIndex = "-1"; // assume new .
     var ruleIndex = Convert.ToInt32(addIndex);
     if (debugMode) ruleInfo.XMLDoc.Save(PortalSettings.Current.HomeDirectoryMapPath + "debug_ruleadd.xml");
     if (ruleIndex >= 0)
             UpdateRule(ruleInfo.XMLData, ruleIndex);
     return ""; // if everything is OK, don't send a message back.
Exemplo n.º 52
        private void DoImport(NBrightInfo nbi)
            var fname = StoreSettings.Current.FolderUploadsMapPath + "\\" + nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/hiddatafile");

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fname))
                var xmlFile = new XmlDocument();

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importproducts") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "PRD");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "PRDLANG");

                    // import any entitytype provider data
                    // This is data created by plugins into the NBS data tables.
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                    var provList   = pluginData.GetEntityTypeProviders();
                    foreach (var prov in provList)
                        var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                        if (entityprov != null)
                            ImportRecord(xmlFile, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode());
                            ImportRecord(xmlFile, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCodeLang());

                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "PRDXREF");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "USERPRDXREF");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importcategories") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATEGORY");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATEGORYLANG");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importcategories") == "True" && GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importproducts") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATCASCADE");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATXREF");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importproperties") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "GROUP");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "GROUPLANG");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importsettings") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "SETTINGS");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importorders") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "ORDER");

Exemplo n.º 53
        private void PopulateData(String shippingkey)
            var modCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
            Info = modCtrl.GetByGuidKey(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "SHIPPING", shippingkey);
            if (Info == null)
                Info = new NBrightInfo(true);
                Info.GUIDKey = shippingkey;
                Info.TypeCode = "SHIPPING";
                Info.ModuleId = -1;
                Info.PortalId = PortalSettings.Current.PortalId;
            _shippingList = GetRuleList();

            // build range Data
            _rangeData = new List<RangeItem>();
            foreach (var i in _shippingList)
                var rangeList = i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/shiprange");
                var rl = rangeList.Split(new string[] {"\n", "\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (var s in rl)
                    var ri = s.Split('=');
                    if (ri.Count() == 2  && Utils.IsNumeric(ri[1]))
                        var riV = ri[0].Split('-');
                        if (riV.Count() == 2 && Utils.IsNumeric(riV[0]) && Utils.IsNumeric(riV[1]))
                            var rItem = new RangeItem();
                            rItem.RefCsv = "," + i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/shipref") + ",";
                            rItem.RangeLow = Convert.ToDouble(riV[0],CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
                            rItem.Cost = Convert.ToDouble(ri[1], CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
                            rItem.RangeHigh = Convert.ToDouble(riV[1],CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"));
Exemplo n.º 54
 public override string GetTemplate(NBrightInfo cartInfo)
Exemplo n.º 55
        private String GetProductListData(Dictionary<String, String> settings,bool paging = true)
            var strOut = "";

            if (!settings.ContainsKey("header")) settings.Add("header", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("body")) settings.Add("body", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("footer")) settings.Add("footer", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("filter")) settings.Add("filter", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("orderby")) settings.Add("orderby", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("returnlimit")) settings.Add("returnlimit", "0");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("pagenumber")) settings.Add("pagenumber", "0");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("pagesize")) settings.Add("pagesize", "0");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("searchtext")) settings.Add("searchtext", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("searchcategory")) settings.Add("searchcategory", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("cascade")) settings.Add("cascade", "False");

            var header = settings["header"];
            var body = settings["body"];
            var footer = settings["footer"];
            var filter = settings["filter"];
            var orderby = settings["orderby"];
            var returnLimit = Convert.ToInt32(settings["returnlimit"]);
            var pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(settings["pagenumber"]);
            var pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(settings["pagesize"]);
            var cascade = Convert.ToBoolean(settings["cascade"]);

            var searchText = settings["searchtext"];
            var searchCategory = settings["searchcategory"];

            if (searchText != "") filter += " and (NB3.[ProductName] like '%" + searchText + "%' or NB3.[ProductRef] like '%" + searchText + "%' or NB3.[Summary] like '%" + searchText + "%' ) ";

            if (Utils.IsNumeric(searchCategory))
                if (orderby == "{bycategoryproduct}") orderby += searchCategory;
                var objQual = DataProvider.Instance().ObjectQualifier;
                var dbOwner = DataProvider.Instance().DatabaseOwner;
                if (!cascade)
                    filter += " and NB1.[ItemId] in (select parentitemid from " + dbOwner + "[" + objQual + "NBrightBuy] where typecode = 'CATXREF' and XrefItemId = " + searchCategory + ") ";
                    filter += " and NB1.[ItemId] in (select parentitemid from " + dbOwner + "[" + objQual + "NBrightBuy] where (typecode = 'CATXREF' and XrefItemId = " + searchCategory + ") or (typecode = 'CATCASCADE' and XrefItemId = " + searchCategory + ")) ";
                if (orderby == "{bycategoryproduct}") orderby = " order by NB3.productname ";

            var recordCount = 0;

            var themeFolder = StoreSettings.Current.ThemeFolder;
            if (settings.ContainsKey("themefolder")) themeFolder = settings["themefolder"];
            var templCtrl = NBrightBuyUtils.GetTemplateGetter(themeFolder);

            if (!settings.ContainsKey("portalid")) settings.Add("portalid", PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString("")); // aways make sure we have portalid in settings

            var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

            var headerTempl = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(header, _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
            var bodyTempl = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(body, _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
            var footerTempl = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(footer, _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

            // replace any settings tokens (This is used to place the form data into the SQL)
            headerTempl = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(headerTempl, settings);
            headerTempl = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(headerTempl);
            bodyTempl = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(bodyTempl, settings);
            bodyTempl = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(bodyTempl);
            footerTempl = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(footerTempl, settings);
            footerTempl = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(footerTempl);

            var obj = new NBrightInfo(true);
            strOut = GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(obj, headerTempl);

            if (paging) // get record count for paging
                if (pageNumber == 0) pageNumber = 1;
                if (pageSize == 0) pageSize = StoreSettings.Current.GetInt("pagesize");
                recordCount = objCtrl.GetListCount(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "PRD", filter,"PRDLANG",_lang);

            var objList = objCtrl.GetDataList(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, "PRD", "PRDLANG", _lang, filter, orderby, StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode,"",returnLimit,pageNumber,pageSize,recordCount);
            strOut += GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(objList, bodyTempl);

            strOut += GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(obj, footerTempl);

            // add paging if needed
            if (paging)
                var pg = new NBrightCore.controls.PagingCtrl();
                strOut += pg.RenderPager(recordCount, pageSize, pageNumber);

            return strOut;
Exemplo n.º 56
        public override NBrightInfo CalculateVoucherAmount(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo cartInfo, string discountcode)
            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountstatus", "");
            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/voucherdiscount", "0"); // reset discount amount
            Double discountcodeamt = 0;

            if (userId > 0)
                var clientData = new ClientData(portalId, userId);
                if (clientData.DiscountCodes.Count > 0)
                    var subtotal = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/subtotal");
                    // do client voucher discount on total cart
                    foreach (var d in clientData.VoucherCodes)
                        var validutil     = d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validuntil");
                        var validutildate = DateTime.Today;
                        if (Utils.IsDate(validutil))
                            validutildate = Convert.ToDateTime(validutil);
                        if (d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/coderef").ToLower() == discountcode.ToLower() && validutildate >= DateTime.Today)
                            var amount = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/amount");
                            if (amount > 0)
                                if (subtotal >= amount)
                                    discountcodeamt = amount;
                                    discountcodeamt = subtotal;
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountstatus", "valid");
                                cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountstatus", "invalid");
                        if (discountcodeamt > 0)

            if (discountcodeamt == 0) // if no client level, calc any portal level percentage discount
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
                var d       = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portalId, -1, "DISCOUNTCODE", discountcode);
                if (d != null)
                    var validutil     = d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/validuntil");
                    var validutildate = DateTime.Today;
                    if (Utils.IsDate(validutil))
                        validutildate = Convert.ToDateTime(validutil);
                    if (validutildate >= DateTime.Today && d.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/amounttype") == "1")
                        var minamountlimit  = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/minamountlimit");
                        var amount          = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/amount");
                        var usage           = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usage");
                        var usagelimit      = d.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/textbox/usagelimit");
                        var appliedsubtotal = cartInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedsubtotal");
                        if (amount > 0 && (usagelimit == 0 || usagelimit > usage) && (appliedsubtotal >= minamountlimit))
                            discountcodeamt = amount;
                            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountstatus", "valid");
                            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/discountstatus", "invalid");

            cartInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/voucherdiscount", discountcodeamt); // reset discount amount

Exemplo n.º 57
        private Dictionary<String, String> GetAjaxFields(HttpContext context)
            var strIn = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Utils.RequestParam(context, "inputxml"));
            var xmlData = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmlByAjax(strIn, "");
            var objInfo = new NBrightInfo();

            objInfo.ItemID = -1;
            objInfo.TypeCode = "AJAXDATA";
            objInfo.XMLData = xmlData;
            var dic =  objInfo.ToDictionary();
            // set langauge if we have it passed.
            if (dic.ContainsKey("lang") && dic["lang"] != "") _lang = dic["lang"];

            // set the context  culturecode, so any DNN functions use the correct culture (entryurl tag token)
            if (_lang != "" && _lang != System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString()) System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(_lang);
            return dic;
Exemplo n.º 58
        private void ImportRecord(XmlDocument xmlFile, String typeCode, Boolean updaterecordsbyref = true)
            var nodList = xmlFile.SelectNodes("root/item[./typecode='" + typeCode + "']");

            if (nodList != null)
                foreach (XmlNode nod in nodList)
                    var nbi = new NBrightInfo();
                    var olditemid = nbi.ItemID;

                    // check to see if we have a new record or updating a existing one, use the ref field to find out.
                    nbi.ItemID = -1;
                    if (nbi.PortalId >= 0)
                        nbi.PortalId = PortalId;                    // shared products have -1 portalid
                    if (typeCode == "PRD" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtproductref");
                        if (itemref != "")
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, "PRD", " and NB1.XmlData.value('(genxml/textbox/txtproductref)[1]','nvarchar(max)') = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                            if (l.Count > 0)
                                nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    if (typeCode == "PRDLANG")
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, "PRDLANG", " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                            if (l.Count > 0)
                                nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];

                    // import any entitytype provider data
                    // This is data created by plugins into the NBS data tables.
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                    var provList   = pluginData.GetEntityTypeProviders();
                    foreach (var prov in provList)
                        var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                        if (entityprov != null)
                            if (typeCode == entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode() && updaterecordsbyref)
                                var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtproductref");
                                if (itemref != "")
                                    var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode(), " and NB3.ProductRef = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                                    if (l.Count > 0)
                                        nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            if (typeCode == entityprov.GetEntityTypeCodeLang())
                                if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                                    var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCodeLang(), " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                                    if (l.Count > 0)
                                        nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                                    nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];

                    if ((typeCode == "PRDXREF" || typeCode == "CATXREF" || typeCode == "CATCASCADE"))
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.XrefItemId))
                            nbi.XrefItemId = _recordXref[nbi.XrefItemId];
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                            nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];

                        var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, typeCode, " AND nb1.XrefItemId = " + nbi.XrefItemId + " AND nb1.ParentItemId=" + nbi.ParentItemId);
                        if (l.Count > 0)

                    if (typeCode == "USERPRDXREF")
                        var u = UserController.GetUserByName(nbi.PortalId, nbi.TextData);
                        if (u != null)
                            if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                                nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];
                            if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.XrefItemId))
                                nbi.UserId = u.UserID;

                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, "USERPRDXREF", " AND nb1.UserId = " + nbi.UserId + " AND nb1.ParentItemId=" + nbi.ParentItemId);
                            if (l.Count > 0)

                    if (typeCode == "CATEGORY" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref");
                        if (itemref != "")
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, "CATEGORY", " and [XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref)[1]','nvarchar(max)') = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                            if (l.Count > 0)
                                nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    if (typeCode == "CATEGORYLANG")
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, "CATEGORYLANG", " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                            if (l.Count > 0)
                                nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];
                    if (typeCode == "GROUP" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/groupref");
                        if (itemref != "")
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, "GROUP", " and [XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/groupref)[1]','nvarchar(max)') = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                            if (l.Count > 0)
                                nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    if (typeCode == "GROUPLANG")
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, -1, "GROUPLANG", " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                            if (l.Count > 0)
                                nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];
                    if (typeCode == "SETTINGS") // the setting exported are only the portal settings, not module.  So always update and don;t create new.
                        var l = ModCtrl.GetList(nbi.PortalId, 0, "SETTINGS", " and NB1.GUIDKey = 'NBrightBuySettings' ");
                        if (l.Count > 0)
                            nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    //NOTE: if ORDERS are imported, we expect those to ALWAYS be new records, we don't want to delete any validate orders in this import.

                    // NOTE: we expect the records to be done in typecode order so we know parent and xref itemids.

                    var newitemid = ModCtrl.Update(nbi);
                    if (newitemid > 0)
                        _recordXref.Add(olditemid, newitemid);
                    if (typeCode == "PRD" && !_productList.ContainsKey(newitemid))
                        _productList.Add(newitemid, typeCode);

                    // Add any provider data types
                    foreach (var prov in provList)
                        var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                        if (entityprov != null)
                            if (typeCode == entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode())
                                _productList.Add(newitemid, typeCode);
 public override NBrightInfo AfterPaymentFail(NBrightInfo nbrightInfo)
Exemplo n.º 60
 public override NBrightInfo UpdateVoucherAmount(int portalId, int userId, NBrightInfo purchaseInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();