Exemplo n.º 1
        private Bitmap CreateBitmap(int[][] input, int width, int height, bool addLines = false)
            var bitmap = new MyBitmap(width, height);

            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    var index = input[x][y];
                    if (index > 1)
                        index = index % (Colors.Length - 2) + 2;

                    var color = Colors[index];
                    bitmap.SetPixel(color, x, y);

            var scaledBitmap = bitmap.Scale(this.scale);

            if (addLines)
                for (var screen = 0; screen < width * this.scale; screen += Constants.ScreenWidthInTiles * this.scale)
                    for (var y = 0; y < height * this.scale; y++)
                        scaledBitmap.SetPixel(Color.Black, screen, y);

                for (var y = 0; y < height * this.scale; y++)
                    scaledBitmap.SetPixel(Color.Black, width * this.scale - 1, y);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Special method for rendering the explosion.
        /// </summary>
        public Bitmap GetExplosionBitmap(
            Color backColor,
            bool applyPalettes,
            int zoom)
            // Get flags for the request.
            var flags = GetFlags(applyPalettes, false, false, false);

            // Checked if a cached bitmap is available, return it if it is.
            var dictionary = this.cachedBitmaps[zoom - 1];

            if (dictionary.ContainsKey(flags))

            // Create bitmap.
            var width  = Constants.ExplosionWidth;
            var height = Constants.ExplosionHeight;
            var image  = new MyBitmap(width, height, backColor);

            // Draw each sprite.
            foreach (var sprite in this.Sprites)
                // Get the correct sprite image.
                var spriteImage = sprite.GetSprite(applyPalettes, sprite.VFlip, sprite.HFlip);

                // Draw the image.
                image.DrawImage(spriteImage, sprite.X, sprite.Y);

            // Scale image.
            var result = image.Scale(zoom).ToBitmap();

            // Save result for later and return.
            dictionary.Add(flags, result);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for rendering a grid bitmap.
        /// </summary>
        public Bitmap GetGridBitmap(
            Color backColor,
            bool applyPalettes,
            bool showBoxes,
            bool vFlip,
            bool hFlip,
            int zoom,
            Offsets offsets,
            bool transparent   = false,
            bool transparentBg = false)
            // Get flags for the request.
            var flags = GetFlags(applyPalettes, showBoxes, vFlip, hFlip, transparent, transparentBg);

            // Checked if a cached bitmap is available, return it if it is.
            var dictionary = this.cachedBitmaps[zoom - 1];

            if (dictionary.ContainsKey(flags))

            // Create bitmap.
            var width  = this.Width * Constants.SpriteWidth;
            var height = this.Height * Constants.SpriteHeight;
            var image  = new MyBitmap(width, height, backColor);

            // Figure out flip.
            var isFlip = (hFlip || vFlip);

            // Draw each sprite.
            for (var spriteX = 0; spriteX < this.Width; spriteX++)
                for (var spriteY = 0; spriteY < this.Height; spriteY++)
                    // Sprites are aligned like:
                    //   1 2 3
                    //   4 5 6
                    var spriteId = spriteX + (spriteY * this.Width);
                    var sprite   = this.Sprites[spriteId];

                    // Figure out flips.
                    var shouldBeVFlip = sprite.VFlip ^ vFlip;
                    var shouldBeHFlip = sprite.HFlip ^ hFlip;

                    // Get the correct sprite image.
                    var spriteImage = sprite.GetSprite(applyPalettes, shouldBeVFlip, shouldBeHFlip, backColor);

                    // Calculate sprite's position.
                    var x = spriteX * Constants.SpriteWidth;
                    var y = spriteY * Constants.SpriteHeight;

                    if (vFlip)
                        y = height - y - Constants.SpriteHeight;

                    if (hFlip)
                        x = width - x - Constants.SpriteWidth;

                    // Draw the image.
                    image.DrawImage(spriteImage, x, y);

            if (showBoxes && offsets.XOff != 255)
                image.DrawRectangle(MyBitmap.ThreatBoxColor, offsets.XOff, offsets.YOff, offsets.XOff + offsets.Width, offsets.YOff + offsets.Height);

            // Scale image.
            var result = image.Scale(zoom).ToBitmap(transparent ? Constants.TransparentAlpha : 255, transparentBg ?  backColor : (Color?)null);

            // Save result for later and return.
            dictionary.Add(flags, result);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Special method for rendering the player.
        /// </summary>
        public Bitmap GetPlayerBitmap(
            SpriteConfig config,
            Color backColor,
            bool applyPalettes,
            bool showBoxes,
            bool hFlip,
            int zoom,
            bool transparentBg = false)
            // Get flags for the request.
            var flags = GetFlags(applyPalettes, showBoxes, false, hFlip, false, transparentBg);

            // Checked if a cached bitmap is available, return it if it is.
            var dictionary = this.cachedBitmaps[zoom - 1];

            if (dictionary.ContainsKey(flags))

            // Assume game position equals the offsets.
            var gameX = Constants.PlayerXOffset;
            var gameY = Constants.PlayerYOffset;

            // Calculate image size. Get a max of all frames.
            var maxX   = config.Frames.Max(f => f.Sprites.Max(s => gameX + Player.GetXOffset(s, hFlip)));
            var maxY   = config.Frames.Max(f => f.Sprites.Max(s => gameY + Player.GetYOffset(s)));
            var width  = maxX + Constants.SpriteWidth;
            var height = maxY + Constants.SpriteHeight;
            var image  = new MyBitmap(width, height, backColor);

            // Draw each sprite.
            foreach (var sprite in this.Sprites)
                // Get the correct sprite image.
                var spriteImage = sprite.GetSprite(applyPalettes, sprite.VFlip, sprite.HFlip ^ hFlip);

                // Draw the image.
                image.DrawImage(spriteImage, gameX + Player.GetXOffset(sprite, hFlip), gameY + Player.GetYOffset(sprite));

            if (showBoxes)
                // Platform box.
                var platformBoxX1 = gameX;
                var platformBoxY1 = gameY;
                var platformBoxX2 = platformBoxX1 + Constants.PlayerPlatformBoxWidth;
                var platformBoxY2 = platformBoxY1 + Constants.PlayerPlatformBoxHeight;
                image.DrawRectangle(MyBitmap.PlatformBoxColor, platformBoxX1, platformBoxY1, platformBoxX2, platformBoxY2);

                // Threat box.
                var threatBoxX1 = gameX + Constants.PlayerThreatBoxXOff;
                var threatBoxY1 = gameY + Constants.PlayerThreatBoxYOff;
                var threatBoxX2 = threatBoxX1 + Constants.PlayerThreatBoxWidth;
                var threatBoxY2 = threatBoxY1 + (this.Name == "Crouch" ? Constants.PlayerThreatBoxHeightCrouch : Constants.PlayerThreatBoxHeight);
                image.DrawRectangle(MyBitmap.ThreatBoxColor, threatBoxX1, threatBoxY1, threatBoxX2, threatBoxY2);

                // Gun point.
                var gunYOff = this.Name == "Crouch" ? Constants.PlayerGunYOffCrouch : Constants.PlayerGunYOff;
                var gunXOff = hFlip ? Constants.PlayerGunOXffL : Constants.PlayerGunOXffR;
                image.SetPixel(MyBitmap.GunColor, gameX + gunXOff, gameY + gunYOff);

                // Game position.
                image.SetPixel(MyBitmap.XYColor, gameX, gameY);

            // Scale image.
            var result = image.Scale(zoom).ToBitmap(backgroundColor: transparentBg ? backColor : (Color?)null);

            // Save result for later and return.
            dictionary.Add(flags, result);