Exemplo n.º 1
    private static MoveTowards MoveCardToDeck(Card c, Player p)

        Transform deckMarker   = GetDeckMarker(p);
        float     heightOffset = deckMarker.transform.position.y +
                                 Consts.DrawCardStartHeight + (Mathf.Lerp(-1.0f, 1.0f, RNG.value) *

        CardComponent cmp = c.Owner;
        MoveTowards   mt  = cmp.gameObject.AddComponent <MoveTowards>();

        mt.Speed = Consts.DrawCardMoveSpeed;

        //First move upwards.
        mt.SetTarget(cmp.MyTr.position + new Vector3(0.0f, heightOffset, 0.0f));
        //Then move to the deck position.
        mt.OnMovementFinished += mt2 =>
            mt2.SetTarget(deckMarker.position + new Vector3(0.0f, p.Deck.IndexOf(c) * Consts.DeckCardSeparation, 0.0f));

            mt2.OnMovementFinished += mt3 => GameObject.Destroy(mt3);

            cmp.IsFaceDown = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
    public static IEnumerator DiscardCard(CardComponent cmp, int handIndex, float dir)
        InputController.Instance.DisableAllGestures = true;

        //Update the card lists.
        cmp.IsSelected = false;
        List <Card> hand = FSM.Current.Hand;
        Card        c    = cmp.MyCard;

        UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(c == hand[handIndex]);

        //Push the card out of the way.

        PFI.PlayerLookTarget = (dir < 0.0f ? PFI.LookTarget_DiscardLeft : PFI.LookTarget_DiscardRight);

        Rigidbody rgd = cmp.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        rgd.isKinematic = false;

        yield return(null);

        Vector3 pushDir = PFI.MainCam.right;

        rgd.velocity = pushDir * Consts.DiscardForce * dir * 0.5f;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.0f));

        PFI.PlayerLookTarget = PFI.LookTarget_MyTable;
        rgd.isKinematic      = true;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

        //Move all later cards in the hand down by one.
        for (int i = handIndex; i < hand.Count; ++i)
            MoveTowards mt = hand[i].Owner.gameObject.AddComponent <MoveTowards>();
            mt.Speed = 1.0f;
            mt.OnMovementFinished += mt2 =>

        while (hand.Any(c2 => c2.Owner.GetComponent <MoveTowards>() != null))
            yield return(null);

        InputController.Instance.DisableAllGestures = false;

        for (int i = handIndex; i < Consts.MaxHand; ++i)
            PFI.HandButtons[i].Reset(i >= hand.Count ? null : hand[i].Owner);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public static IEnumerator DrawCard(Player p)
        if (p.Hand.Count > Consts.MaxHand)
            Debug.LogError("Trying to draw more than the max number of cards!");

        if (p.Deck.Count > 0)
            p.Hand.Add(p.Deck[p.Deck.Count - 1]);
            p.Deck.RemoveAt(p.Deck.Count - 1);

            int           index      = p.Hand.Count - 1;
            Transform     handMarker = GetHandMarkers(p)[index];
            CardComponent cmp        = p.Hand[index].Owner;
            cmp.IsFaceDown = false;

            //Move sideways, then down onto the table.
            MoveTowards mt = cmp.gameObject.AddComponent <MoveTowards>();
            mt.Speed = Consts.DrawCardMoveSpeed;
            mt.SetTarget(new Vector3(handMarker.position.x, cmp.MyTr.position.y, handMarker.position.z));
            mt.OnMovementFinished += mt2 =>
                mt2.OnMovementFinished += mt3 =>

            //Wait for all that movement to finish.
            while (mt != null)
                yield return(null);
        else if (p.DiscardPile.Count > 0)
            //No cards in deck, so get cards from discard pile.
            //First shuffle the discard pile: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273313/randomize-a-listt-in-c-sharp
            System.Random rng = new System.Random();
            int           n   = p.DiscardPile.Count;
            while (n > 1)
                int  k     = rng.Next(n + 1);
                Card value = p.DiscardPile[k];
                p.DiscardPile[k] = p.DiscardPile[n];
                p.DiscardPile[n] = value;

            //Move all the discarded cards into the deck.
            List <MoveTowards> movements = new List <MoveTowards>();
            foreach (Card c in p.DiscardPile)
                movements.Add(MoveCardToDeck(c, p));

            //Wait for all that movement to finish.
            while (movements.Count > 0)
                yield return(null);

                movements.RemoveAll(mt => mt == null);

            yield return(GameFSM.Instance.StartCoroutine(DrawCard(p)));
            FSM.IsGameOver = true;
            //TODO: End game.