Exemplo n.º 1
        public void StartLevel(int level)
            CurrentLevel = Levels.Where(p => p.Level == level).SingleOrDefault();
            if (CurrentLevel == null)
                string msg = $"Failed to Start Level {level}.";
                throw new Exception(msg);   //we need to stop here since the game is unplayable if this happens

            //string[] mapLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(mapFilename); //old method
            Width  = CurrentLevel.Width;
            Height = CurrentLevel.Height;
            Tiles  = new MapTile[CurrentLevel.Height, CurrentLevel.Width];

            for (int yPos = 0; yPos < CurrentLevel.Height; yPos++)
                //create the Map 2d array data from the current line char by char
                for (int xPos = 0; xPos < CurrentLevel.Width; xPos++)
                    //this calculates row * width of row + column (+1 per row [0 indexed] to adjust for spaces at the end of rows from yaml deserialization)
                    int strpos = yPos * CurrentLevel.Width + xPos + (yPos);
                    CreateTile(CurrentLevel.Map[strpos], xPos, yPos);

            //TODO place player in random available space like monsters are
            ThePlayer.X = 10;
            ThePlayer.Y = 10;

            Random randgen = new Random();

            MonsterMgr.AddMonster(Tiles, randgen.Next(2, level + 3));
            //MonsterMgr.AddMonster(Tiles, randgen.Next(1, 2));
Exemplo n.º 2
    public MonsterRole AddMonster(Variant m, bool invisible = true)
        if (GRMap.grmap_loading)

        int num = 0;

        if (m.ContainsKey("boset_num"))
            num = m["boset_num"];
        Vector3 born_pt = new Vector3(m["x"] / GameConstant.PIXEL_TRANS_UNITYPOS, 0f, m["y"] / GameConstant.PIXEL_TRANS_UNITYPOS);
        string  monName = null;

        if (m.ContainsKey("owner_name"))
            monName = m["owner_name"];
        MonsterRole role = _inst.AddMonster(m["mid"], born_pt, m["iid"], m["face"], num, name: monName);

        if (role != null)
            role.curhp     = m["hp"];
            role.maxHp     = m["battleAttrs"]["max_hp"];
            role.invisible = invisible;
            if (!invisible)

        if (m.ContainsKey("sprite_flag"))
            //uint call = m["sprite_flag"];
            //uint iid = m["iid"];
            //var vv = MonsterMgr._inst.getMonster(iid);
            //if (vv != null)
            //    Transform body = vv.m_curModel.FindChild("body");
            //    if (body != null)
            //    {
            //        SkinnedMeshRenderer render = body.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
            //        if (render != null)
            //        {
            //            switch (call)
            //            {
            //                case 0:
            //                    foreach (var v in render.sharedMaterials)
            //                    {
            //                        //v.SetColor("_RimColor", new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
            //                        //v.SetFloat("_RimWidth", 0f);
            //                    }
            //                    break;
            //                case 1:
            //                    //render.sharedMaterial = U3DAPI.U3DResLoad<Material>("default/monster_1021_heite_gold");
            //                    break;
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

        if (m.ContainsKey("moving"))
            role.to_moving = true;
            role.to_x      = m["moving"]["to_x"]._float;
            role.to_y      = m["moving"]["to_y"]._float;
