Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void RenderWay(RenderCallback renderCallback, RenderContext renderContext, PolylineContainer way)
            lock (this)
                if (!bitmapCreated)
                        shaderBitmap = CreateBitmap(relativePathPrefix, src);
                    catch (IOException)
                        // no-op
                    bitmapCreated = true;

                IPaint strokePaint = getStrokePaint(renderContext.rendererJob.tile.ZoomLevel);

                if (shaderBitmap != null)
                    strokePaint.BitmapShader         = shaderBitmap;
                    strokePaint.SetBitmapShaderShift = way.Tile.Origin;

                float dyScale = this.dyScaled[renderContext.rendererJob.tile.ZoomLevel] ?? this.dy;

                renderCallback.RenderWay(renderContext, strokePaint, dyScale, this.level, way);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawParentTileBitmap(ICanvas canvas, Point point, Tile tile)
            Tile cachedParentTile = GetCachedParentTile(tile, 4);

            if (cachedParentTile != null)
                IBitmap bitmap = this.tileCache.GetImmediately(CreateJob(cachedParentTile));
                if (bitmap != null)
                    int   tileSize      = this.displayModel.TileSize;
                    long  translateX    = tile.GetShiftX(cachedParentTile) * tileSize;
                    long  translateY    = tile.GetShiftY(cachedParentTile) * tileSize;
                    sbyte zoomLevelDiff = (sbyte)(tile.ZoomLevel - cachedParentTile.ZoomLevel);
                    float scaleFactor   = (float)Math.Pow(2, zoomLevelDiff);

                    int x = (int)Math.Round(point.X);
                    int y = (int)Math.Round(point.Y);

                    this.matrix.Translate(x - translateX, y - translateY);
                    this.matrix.Scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

                    canvas.SetClip(x, y, this.displayModel.TileSize, this.displayModel.TileSize);
                    canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, this.matrix);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <param name="latLong">
 ///            the initial geographical coordinates of this marker (may be null). </param>
 /// <param name="bitmap">
 ///            the initial {@code IBitmap} of this marker (may be null). </param>
 /// <param name="horizontalOffset">
 ///            the horizontal marker offset. </param>
 /// <param name="verticalOffset">
 ///            the vertical marker offset. </param>
 public Marker(LatLong latLong, IBitmap bitmap, int horizontalOffset, int verticalOffset) : base()
     this.latLong          = latLong;
     this.bitmap           = bitmap;
     this.horizontalOffset = horizontalOffset;
     this.verticalOffset   = verticalOffset;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void RenderWay(RenderCallback renderCallback, RenderContext renderContext, PolylineContainer way)
            lock (this)
                // this needs to be synchronized as we potentially set a shift in the shader and
                // the shift is particular to the tile when rendered in multi-thread mode
                IPaint fillPaint = getFillPaint(renderContext.rendererJob.tile.ZoomLevel);
                if (shaderBitmap == null && !bitmapInvalid)
                        shaderBitmap = CreateBitmap(relativePathPrefix, src);
                        if (shaderBitmap != null)
                            fillPaint.BitmapShader = shaderBitmap;
                    catch (IOException)
                        bitmapInvalid = true;

                fillPaint.SetBitmapShaderShift = way.Tile.Origin;

                renderCallback.RenderArea(renderContext, fillPaint, getStrokePaint(renderContext.rendererJob.tile.ZoomLevel), this.level, way);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void RenderWay(RenderCallback renderCallback, RenderContext renderContext, PolylineContainer way)
            if (Display.NEVER == this.display)

            if (this.bitmap == null && !this.bitmapInvalid)
                    this.bitmap = CreateBitmap(relativePathPrefix, src);
                catch (IOException)
                    this.bitmapInvalid = true;

            float dyScale = this.dyScaled[renderContext.rendererJob.tile.ZoomLevel] ?? this.dy;

            if (this.bitmap != null)
                renderCallback.RenderWaySymbol(renderContext, this.display, this.priority, this.bitmap, dyScale, this.alignCenter, this.repeat, this.repeatGap, this.repeatStart, this.rotate, way);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public virtual void FrameFinished(MapPosition frameMapPosition)
     lock (this)
         // swap both bitmap references
         IBitmap bitmapTemp = this.bitmap1;
         this.bitmap1 = this.bitmap2;
         this.bitmap2 = bitmapTemp;
     // taking this out of the synchronized region removes a deadlock potential
     // at the small risk of an inconsistent zoom
     this.frameBufferModel.MapPosition = frameMapPosition;
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void DestroyBitmaps()
     if (this.bitmap1 != null)
         this.bitmap1 = null;
     if (this.bitmap2 != null)
         this.bitmap2 = null;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected internal override void DoWork()
            long startTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            this.redrawNeeded = false;

            FrameBuffer frameBuffer = this.mapView.FrameBuffer;
            IBitmap     bitmap      = frameBuffer.DrawingBitmap;

            if (bitmap != null)
                this.drawingCanvas.Bitmap = bitmap;

                MapPosition mapPosition     = this.mapViewPosition.MapPosition;
                Dimension   canvasDimension = this.drawingCanvas.Dimension;
                int         tileSize        = this.mapView.Model.displayModel.TileSize;
                BoundingBox boundingBox     = MapPositionUtil.GetBoundingBox(mapPosition, canvasDimension, tileSize);
                Point       topLeftPoint    = MapPositionUtil.GetTopLeftPoint(mapPosition, canvasDimension, tileSize);

                foreach (Layer layer in this.layers)
                    if (layer.Visible)
                        layer.Draw(boundingBox, mapPosition.ZoomLevel, this.drawingCanvas, topLeftPoint);

                if (!mapViewPosition.AnimationInProgress())
                    // this causes a lot of flickering when an animation
                    // is in progress
                    // make sure that we redraw at the end
                    this.redrawNeeded = true;

            long elapsedMilliseconds = (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime) / 10000;
            long timeSleep           = MILLISECONDS_PER_FRAME - elapsedMilliseconds;

            if (timeSleep > 1 && !Interrupted)
Exemplo n.º 9
        public MapScaleBar(MapViewPosition mapViewPosition, MapViewDimension mapViewDimension, DisplayModel displayModel, IGraphicFactory graphicFactory, int width, int height)
            this.mapViewPosition  = mapViewPosition;
            this.mapViewDimension = mapViewDimension;
            this.displayModel     = displayModel;
            this.graphicFactory   = graphicFactory;
            this.mapScaleBitmap   = graphicFactory.CreateBitmap((int)(width * this.displayModel.ScaleFactor), (int)(height * this.displayModel.ScaleFactor));

            this.marginHorizontal = DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN;
            this.marginVertical   = DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN;
            this.scaleBarPosition = DEFAULT_SCALE_BAR_POSITION;

            this.mapScaleCanvas        = graphicFactory.CreateCanvas();
            this.mapScaleCanvas.Bitmap = this.mapScaleBitmap;
            this.distanceUnitAdapter   = MetricUnitAdapter.INSTANCE;
            this.visible      = true;
            this.redrawNeeded = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void RenderWaySymbol(RenderContext renderContext, Display display, int priority, IBitmap symbol, float dy, bool alignCenter, bool repeat, float repeatGap, float repeatStart, bool rotate, PolylineContainer way)
     WayDecorator.RenderSymbol(symbol, display, priority, dy, alignCenter, repeat, repeatGap, repeatStart, rotate, way.CoordinatesAbsolute, renderContext.labels);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void RenderPointOfInterestSymbol(RenderContext renderContext, Display display, int priority, IBitmap symbol, PointOfInterest poi)
            Point poiPosition = MercatorProjection.GetPixelAbsolute(poi.Position, renderContext.rendererJob.tile.MapSize);

            renderContext.labels.Add(new SymbolContainer(poiPosition, display, priority, symbol));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void RenderAreaSymbol(RenderContext renderContext, Display display, int priority, IBitmap symbol, PolylineContainer way)
            Point centerPosition = way.CenterAbsolute;

            renderContext.labels.Add(new SymbolContainer(centerPosition, display, priority, symbol));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Caption(IGraphicFactory graphicFactory, DisplayModel displayModel, string elementName, XmlReader reader, IDictionary <string, Symbol> symbols) : base(graphicFactory, displayModel)
            this.fill       = graphicFactory.CreatePaint();
            this.fill.Color = Color.BLACK;
            this.fill.Style = Style.FILL;
            this.fills      = new Dictionary <sbyte?, IPaint>();

            this.stroke       = graphicFactory.CreatePaint();
            this.stroke.Color = Color.BLACK;
            this.stroke.Style = Style.STROKE;
            this.strokes      = new Dictionary <sbyte?, IPaint>();
            this.dyScaled     = new Dictionary <sbyte?, float?>();

            this.display = Display.IFSPACE;

            this.gap = DEFAULT_GAP * displayModel.ScaleFactor;

            ExtractValues(graphicFactory, displayModel, elementName, reader);

            if (!string.ReferenceEquals(this.symbolId, null))
                Symbol symbol = symbols[this.symbolId];
                if (symbol != null)
                    this.bitmap = symbol.Bitmap;

            if (this.position == null)
                // sensible defaults: below if symbolContainer is present, center if not
                if (this.bitmap == null)
                    this.position = Position.CENTER;
                    this.position = Position.BELOW;
            else if (this.position == Position.CENTER || this.position == Position.BELOW || this.position == Position.ABOVE)
                this.stroke.TextAlign = Align.CENTER;
                this.fill.TextAlign   = Align.CENTER;
            else if (this.position == Position.BELOW_LEFT || this.position == Position.ABOVE_LEFT || this.position == Position.LEFT)
                this.stroke.TextAlign = Align.RIGHT;
                this.fill.TextAlign   = Align.RIGHT;
            else if (this.position == Position.BELOW_RIGHT || this.position == Position.ABOVE_RIGHT || this.position == Position.RIGHT)
                this.stroke.TextAlign = Align.LEFT;
                this.fill.TextAlign   = Align.LEFT;
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Position invalid");

            this.maxTextWidth = displayModel.MaxTextWidth;
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal static void RenderSymbol(IBitmap symbolBitmap, Display display, int priority, float dy, bool alignCenter, bool repeatSymbol, float repeatGap, float repeatStart, bool rotate, Point[][] coordinates, ICollection <MapElementContainer> currentItems)
            int skipPixels = (int)repeatStart;

            Point[] c;
            if (dy == 0f)
                c = coordinates[0];
                c = RendererUtils.ParallelPath(coordinates[0], dy);

            // get the first way point coordinates
            double previousX = c[0].X;
            double previousY = c[0].Y;

            // draw the symbolContainer on each way segment
            float segmentLengthRemaining;
            float segmentSkipPercentage;
            float theta = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i < c.Length; ++i)
                // get the current way point coordinates
                double currentX = c[i].X;
                double currentY = c[i].Y;

                // calculate the length of the current segment (Euclidian distance)
                double diffX = currentX - previousX;
                double diffY = currentY - previousY;
                double segmentLengthInPixel = Math.Sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY);
                segmentLengthRemaining = (float)segmentLengthInPixel;

                while (segmentLengthRemaining - skipPixels > repeatStart)
                    // calculate the percentage of the current segment to skip
                    segmentSkipPercentage = skipPixels / segmentLengthRemaining;

                    // move the previous point forward towards the current point
                    previousX += diffX * segmentSkipPercentage;
                    previousY += diffY * segmentSkipPercentage;
                    if (rotate)
                        // if we do not rotate theta will be 0, which is correct
                        theta = (float)Math.Atan2(currentY - previousY, currentX - previousX);

                    Point point = new Point(previousX, previousY);

                    currentItems.Add(new SymbolContainer(point, display, priority, symbolBitmap, theta, alignCenter));

                    // check if the symbolContainer should only be rendered once
                    if (!repeatSymbol)

                    // recalculate the distances
                    diffX = currentX - previousX;
                    diffY = currentY - previousY;

                    // recalculate the remaining length of the current segment
                    segmentLengthRemaining -= skipPixels;

                    // set the amount of pixels to skip before repeating the symbolContainer
                    skipPixels = (int)repeatGap;

                skipPixels -= (int)segmentLengthRemaining;
                if (skipPixels < repeatStart)
                    skipPixels = (int)repeatStart;

                // set the previous way point coordinates for the next loop
                previousX = currentX;
                previousY = currentY;