Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool LaunchWave(List<Vector3D> Coordinates, Map.World world, List<Int32> SnoId)
            for (Int32 i = 0; i < SnoId.Count; i++)
                var monsterSNOHandle = new Common.Types.SNO.SNOHandle(SnoId[i]);
                var monsterActor = monsterSNOHandle.Target as Mooege.Common.MPQ.FileFormats.Actor;

                Parallel.ForEach(world.Players, player => //Threading because many spawns at once with out Parallel freezes D3.
                    var PRTransform = new PRTransform()
                        Quaternion = new Quaternion()
                            W = 0.590017f,
                            Vector3D = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)
                        Vector3D = Coordinates[i]

                    //Load the actor here.
                    var actor = WorldGenerator.loadActor(monsterSNOHandle, PRTransform, world, monsterActor.TagMap);

                    //If Revealed play animation.
                    world.BroadcastIfRevealed(new PlayAnimationMessage
                        ActorID = actor,
                        Field1 = 9,
                        Field2 = 0,
                        tAnim = new Net.GS.Message.Fields.PlayAnimationMessageSpec[]
                            new Net.GS.Message.Fields.PlayAnimationMessageSpec()
                                Duration = 0x00000048,
                                AnimationSNO = 0x00029A08,
                                PermutationIndex = 0x00000000,
                                Speed = 1f
                    }, player.Value);
            return true;