Exemplo n.º 1
 public void SetSprite(Vector2 position, MTexture mTexture, Color color)
     this.renderer.sprite         = mTexture.USprite;
     this.renderer.color          = color;
     this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(position.x, position.y, 0) + new Vector3(mTexture.Offset.x, mTexture.Offset.y, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Override the given MTexutre with the given VirtualTexture and parameters.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetOverride(this MTexture self, VirtualTexture texture, Vector2 drawOffset, int frameWidth, int frameHeight)
 => ((patch_MTexture)self).SetOverride(texture, drawOffset, frameWidth, frameHeight);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Undo the given override applied to the given MTexture.
 /// </summary>
 public static void UndoOverride(this MTexture self, ModAsset asset)
 => ((patch_MTexture)self).UndoOverride(asset);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void Render()

            // render the edges of the lava rect.
            if (dirty)
                Vector2 zero = Vector2.Zero;

                Vector2 topLeft     = zero;
                Vector2 topRight    = new Vector2(zero.X + Width, zero.Y);
                Vector2 bottomLeft  = new Vector2(zero.X, zero.Y + Height);
                Vector2 bottomRight = zero + new Vector2(Width, Height);

                Vector2 fadeOffset = new Vector2(Math.Min(Fade, Width / 2f), Math.Min(Fade, Height / 2f));
                vertCount = 0;
                if (OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyLeft)
                    Edge(ref vertCount, topRight, bottomRight, fadeOffset.X);
                    Quad(ref vertCount, topLeft, topRight - new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), bottomRight - new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), bottomLeft, CenterColor);
                else if (OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyRight)
                    Edge(ref vertCount, bottomLeft, topLeft, fadeOffset.X);
                    Quad(ref vertCount, topLeft + new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft + new Vector2(fadeOffset.X, 0f), CenterColor);

                dirty = false;

            // render the vertices
            Camera camera = (Scene as Level).Camera;

            GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(Entity.Position + Position, 0f)) * camera.Matrix, verts, vertCount);


            Vector2 rectPosition = Entity.Position + Position;

            // render bubbles
            MTexture bubbleTexture = GFX.Game["particles/bubble"];

            for (int i = 0; i < bubbles.Length; i++)
                bubbleTexture.DrawCentered(rectPosition + bubbles[i].Position, SurfaceColor * bubbles[i].Alpha);

            // render surface bubbles
            for (int j = 0; j < surfaceBubbles.Length; j++)
                if (surfaceBubbles[j].Y >= 0f)
                    MTexture surfaceBubbleTexture = surfaceBubbleAnimations[surfaceBubbles[j].Animation][(int)surfaceBubbles[j].Frame];
                    int      bubbleOffset         = (int)(surfaceBubbles[j].Y / SurfaceStep);

                    float x;
                    if (OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyLeft)
                        x = Width + 7f + Wave(bubbleOffset, Height);
                        x = 1f - Wave(bubbleOffset, Height);

                    surfaceBubbleTexture.DrawJustified(rectPosition +
                                                       new Vector2(x, OnlyMode == OnlyModes.OnlyRight ? Height - bubbleOffset * SurfaceStep : bubbleOffset * SurfaceStep),
                                                       new Vector2(1f, 0.5f), SurfaceColor);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void SetAtlas(this MTexture self, Atlas atlas)
 => ((patch_MTexture)self).Atlas = atlas;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if the MTexture depicts a region of a larger VirtualTexture.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="input">The input texture.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the ClipRect is a subregion of the MTexture's VirtualTexture's Texture2D, false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool IsSubtexture(this MTexture input) =>
 input.ClipRect.X != 0 ||
 input.ClipRect.Y != 0 ||
 input.ClipRect.Width != input.Texture.Texture.Width ||
 input.ClipRect.Height != input.Texture.Texture.Height;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void Awake(Scene scene)
            if (animationDelay > 0f)
                for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
                    Sprite jumpthruSprite = new Sprite(GFX.Game, "objects/jumpthru/" + overrideTexture);
                    jumpthruSprite.AddLoop("idle", "", animationDelay);

                    jumpthruSprite.Y        = i * 8;
                    jumpthruSprite.Rotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2);
                    if (AllowLeftToRight)
                        jumpthruSprite.X = 8;
                        jumpthruSprite.Scale.Y = -1;

                AreaData areaData = AreaData.Get(scene);
                string   jumpthru = areaData.Jumpthru;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideTexture) && !overrideTexture.Equals("default"))
                    jumpthru = overrideTexture;

                MTexture mTexture = GFX.Game["objects/jumpthru/" + jumpthru];
                int      num      = mTexture.Width / 8;
                for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
                    int xTilePosition;
                    int yTilePosition;
                    if (i == 0)
                        xTilePosition = 0;
                        yTilePosition = ((!CollideCheck <Solid>(Position + new Vector2(0f, -1f))) ? 1 : 0);
                    else if (i == lines - 1)
                        xTilePosition = num - 1;
                        yTilePosition = ((!CollideCheck <Solid>(Position + new Vector2(0f, 1f))) ? 1 : 0);
                        xTilePosition = 1 + Calc.Random.Next(num - 2);
                        yTilePosition = Calc.Random.Choose(0, 1);
                    Image image = new Image(mTexture.GetSubtexture(xTilePosition * 8, yTilePosition * 8, 8, 8));
                    image.Y        = i * 8;
                    image.Rotation = (float)(Math.PI / 2);

                    if (AllowLeftToRight)
                        image.X = 8;
                        image.Scale.Y = -1;

Exemplo n.º 8
        public Fan(Vector2 position, float width, float height, Directions direction, string activationId, bool startActive) : base(position, width, height, false)
            Add(Activator          = new FactoryActivator());
            Activator.ActivationId = activationId != string.Empty ? activationId : null;
            Activator.StartOn      = startActive;
            Activator.OnTurnOn     = () =>
                _speedingUp = true;
            Activator.OnTurnOff = () =>
                _speedingUp = false;
            Activator.OnStartOff = () =>
                _percent    = 0f;
                _speedingUp = false;
            Activator.OnStartOn = () =>
                _percent    = 1f;
                _speedingUp = true;

            Add(new SteamCollider(OnSteamWall));

            Add(_fanSprite = FactoryHelperModule.SpriteBank.Create("fan"));
            _fanSprite.Position = new Vector2(width / 2, height / 2);
            switch (direction)
            case Directions.Horizontal:
                _fanSprite.Scale.X = width / 24f;

            case Directions.Vertical:
                _fanSprite.Scale.X  = height / 24f;
                _fanSprite.Rotation = (float)Math.PI / 2;
            _fanSprite.Play("rotating", true);

            MTexture mTexture = GFX.Game["objects/FactoryHelper/fan/body0"];
            int      size     = (int)Math.Max(width, height);

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 8)
                int   x;
                Image image;
                if (i == 0)
                    x = 0;
                else if (i == size - 8)
                    x = 2;
                    x = 1;
                Add(image = new Image(mTexture.GetSubtexture(x * 8, 0, 8, 16)));
                switch (direction)
                case Directions.Horizontal:
                    image.X = i;

                case Directions.Vertical:
                    image.Rotation = (float)Math.PI / 2;
                    image.Y        = i;
                    image.X       += 16;
            SurfaceSoundIndex = 7;
            Add(new LightOcclude(0.5f));
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the parent texture of the given MTexture.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetParent(this MTexture self, MTexture parent)
 => ((patch_MTexture)self).Parent = (patch_MTexture)parent;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void Update()

            // Slightly dirty place to perform this, but oh well...
            if (CoreModule.Settings.QuickRestart != null)
                int slot = CoreModule.Settings.QuickRestart.Value;
                CoreModule.Settings.QuickRestart = null;
                SaveData save = UserIO.Load <SaveData>(SaveData.GetFilename(slot));
                if (save != null)
                    SaveData.Start(save, slot);
                    if (slot == -1)
                        save.DebugMode = true;
                    if (save.CurrentSession?.InArea ?? false)
                        LevelEnter.Go(save.CurrentSession, true);
                        Overworld.Goto <OuiChapterSelect>();

            if (!updateChecked && Everest.Updater.HasUpdate && Everest.Updater.Newest != null && alpha >= 1f)
                updateChecked = true;
                updateTex     = Everest.Updater.Newest.Branch == "stable" ? GFX.Gui["areas/new"] : GFX.Gui["areas/new-yellow"];
                Tween tween = Tween.Create(Tween.TweenMode.Oneshot, Ease.CubeInOut, 0.3f, true);
                tween.OnUpdate = t => {
                    updateAlpha = t.Percent;

            if (alpha >= 1f && Selected && Input.MenuRight && arrowToVanilla != null && warningMessageMenu == null)
                switchingToVanillaBack = Math.Max(0f, switchingToVanillaBack - Engine.DeltaTime * 8f);
                switchingToVanilla    += Engine.DeltaTime;

                if (switchingToVanilla >= switchingToVanillaDuration && !Everest.RestartVanilla)
                    if (CoreModule.Settings.RestartIntoVanillaWarningShown)
                        warningMessageMenu = new TextMenu();
                        Action onCancel = () => {
                            // remove the menu
                            warningMessageMenu.Visible = false;
                            warningMessageMenu         = null;
                            hideConfirmButton          = false;

                            // revert the "switch to vanilla" animation
                            switchingToVanilla     = 0f;
                            switchingToVanillaBack = 0f;

                            // fade the vanilla title screen back in
                            alpha = 0f;
                            Tween tween = Tween.Create(Tween.TweenMode.Oneshot, Ease.CubeInOut, 0.6f, start: true);
                            tween.OnUpdate = t => {
                                alpha = t.Percent;
                                textY = MathHelper.Lerp(1200f, 1000f, t.Eased);
                        warningMessageMenu.OnESC = warningMessageMenu.OnCancel = () => {
                        warningMessageMenu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("MENU_TITLESCREEN_OK")).Pressed(() => {
                            if (!CoreModule.Settings.RestartIntoVanillaWarningShown)
                                CoreModule.Settings.RestartIntoVanillaWarningShown = true;
                            warningMessageMenu.Focused = false;
                        warningMessageMenu.Add(new TextMenu.Button(Dialog.Clean("MENU_TITLESCREEN_CANCEL")).Pressed(onCancel));
                        hideConfirmButton = true;
            else if (switchingToVanilla < switchingToVanillaDuration)
                if (switchingToVanilla > 0f)
                    switchingToVanillaBack = Math.Max(switchingToVanilla, switchingToVanillaBack);
                switchingToVanillaBack = Math.Max(0f, switchingToVanillaBack - Engine.DeltaTime * 4f);
                switchingToVanilla     = 0f;

            warningEase = Calc.Approach(warningEase, warningMessageMenu != null ? 1f : 0f, Engine.DeltaTime);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void Render()
            if (Everest.Flags.IsDisabled)

            if (CoreModule.Settings.ShowEverestTitleScreen)
                logo        = everestLogo;
                title       = everestTitle;
                reflections = everestReflections;
                logo        = vanillaLogo;
                title       = vanillaTitle;
                reflections = vanillaReflections;

            float alphaPrev   = alpha;
            float textYPrev   = textY;
            float switchAlpha = Ease.CubeInOut(Calc.Clamp(Math.Max(switchingToVanilla, switchingToVanillaBack), 0f, 1f));

            alpha  = Calc.Clamp(alpha - switchAlpha, 0f, 1f);
            textY += switchAlpha * 200f;


            arrowToVanilla?.DrawJustified(new Vector2(1920f - 80f + (textY - 1000f) * 2f, 540f), new Vector2(1f, 0.5f), Color.White * alpha);

            updateTex?.DrawJustified(new Vector2(80f - 4f, textY + 8f * (1f - updateAlpha) + 2f), new Vector2(1f, 1f), Color.White * updateAlpha, 0.8f);

            alpha = alphaPrev;
            textY = textYPrev;

            if (switchAlpha > 0f)
                if (warningMessageMenu != null)
                    // the restarting message should ease out as the warning message eases in.
                    switchAlpha -= Ease.CubeOut(warningEase);

                Draw.Rect(0f, 0f, 1920f, 1080f, Color.Black * switchAlpha);
                float offs = 40f * (1f - switchAlpha);

                if (warningMessageMenu != null)
                    // the restarting message should leave the opposite way it came from.
                    offs *= -1f;

                ActiveFont.Draw(Dialog.Clean("MENU_TITLESCREEN_RESTART_VANILLA"), new Vector2(960f + offs, 540f - 4f), new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), Vector2.One, Color.White * switchAlpha);
                Draw.Rect(960f - 200f + offs, 540f + 4f, 400f, 4f, Color.Black * switchAlpha * switchAlpha);
                Draw.HollowRect(960f - 200f + offs, 540f + 4f, 400f, 4f, Color.DarkSlateGray * switchAlpha);
                Draw.Rect(960f - 200f + offs, 540f + 4f, 400f * Calc.Clamp(Math.Max(switchingToVanilla, switchingToVanillaBack) / switchingToVanillaDuration, 0f, 1f), 4f, Color.White * switchAlpha);

            if (warningMessageMenu != null)
                float warningAlpha = Ease.CubeOut(warningEase);
                float offs         = 40f * (1f - warningAlpha);
                warningMessageMenu.Position = new Vector2(960f + offs, 735f);
                warningMessageMenu.Alpha    = warningAlpha;
                ActiveFont.Draw(Dialog.Clean("MENU_TITLESCREEN_WARNING"), new Vector2(960f + offs, 285f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0f), Vector2.One * 1.2f, Color.OrangeRed * warningAlpha);
                ActiveFont.Draw(Dialog.Clean("MENU_TITLESCREEN_WARNING_TEXT"), new Vector2(960f + offs, 385f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0f), Vector2.One * 0.8f, Color.White * warningAlpha);
                ActiveFont.Draw(Dialog.Clean("MENU_TITLESCREEN_WARNING_TEXT2"), new Vector2(960f + offs, 510f), new Vector2(0.5f, 0f), Vector2.One * 0.8f, Color.White * warningAlpha);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Register an emoji.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The emoji name.</param>
 /// <param name="emoji">The emoji texture.</param>
 public static void Register(string name, MTexture emoji)
     Register(name, emoji, ((patch_MTexture)emoji)?.ScaleFix ?? 1f);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void Render(On.Celeste.SpeedrunTimerDisplay.orig_Render orig, SpeedrunTimerDisplay self)
            SpeedrunToolSettings settings = SpeedrunToolModule.Settings;

            if (!settings.Enabled || settings.RoomTimerType == RoomTimerType.Off)
                if (OriginalSpeedrunType != null)
                    Settings.Instance.SpeedrunClock = (SpeedrunType)OriginalSpeedrunType;


            // 强制显示时间
            Settings.Instance.SpeedrunClock = SpeedrunType.File;

            RoomTimerType roomTimeType = SpeedrunToolModule.Settings.RoomTimerType;

            RoomTimerData roomTimerData = roomTimeType == RoomTimerType.NextRoom
                ? nextRoomTimerData
                : currentRoomTimerData;

            string roomTimeString = roomTimerData.TimeString;
            string pbTimeString   = roomTimerData.PbTimeString;

            pbTimeString = "PB " + pbTimeString;

            const float topBlackBarWidth = 32f;
            const float topTimeHeight    = 38f;
            const float pbWidth          = 100;
            const float timeMarginLeft   = 32f;
            const float pbScale          = 0.6f;

            MTexture bg = GFX.Gui["strawberryCountBG"];
            float    x  = -300f * Ease.CubeIn(1f - self.DrawLerp);

            Draw.Rect(x, self.Y, topBlackBarWidth + 2, topTimeHeight, Color.Black);
            bg.Draw(new Vector2(x + topBlackBarWidth, self.Y));

            float roomTimeScale = 1f;

            if (roomTimerData.IsCompleted)
                Wiggler wiggler = (Wiggler)self.GetField("wiggler");
                if (wiggler != null)
                    roomTimeScale = 1f + wiggler.Value * 0.15f;

            SpeedrunTimerDisplay.DrawTime(new Vector2(x + timeMarginLeft, self.Y + 44f), roomTimeString, roomTimeScale,
                                          roomTimerData.IsCompleted, roomTimerData.BeatBestTime);

            if (roomTimerData.IsCompleted)
                string comparePbString = ComparePb(roomTimerData.Time, roomTimerData.LastPbTime);
                    new Vector2(x + timeMarginLeft + SpeedrunTimerDisplay.GetTimeWidth(roomTimeString) + 10,
                                self.Y + 36f),
                    comparePbString, 0.5f, true,
                    roomTimerData.IsCompleted, roomTimerData.BeatBestTime);

            // 遮住上下两块的间隙,游戏原本的问题
            Draw.Rect(x, self.Y + topTimeHeight - 1, pbWidth + bg.Width * pbScale, 1f, Color.Black);

            Draw.Rect(x, self.Y + topTimeHeight, pbWidth + 2, bg.Height * pbScale + 1f, Color.Black);
            bg.Draw(new Vector2(x + pbWidth, self.Y + topTimeHeight), Vector2.Zero, Color.White, pbScale);
            DrawTime(new Vector2(x + timeMarginLeft, (float)(self.Y + 66.4)), pbTimeString, pbScale,
                     true, false, false, 0.6f);
Exemplo n.º 14
            /// <summary>
            /// Dump the given asset into an user-friendly and mod-compatible format.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="assetNameFull">The "full name" of the asset, preferable the relative asset path.</param>
            /// <param name="asset">The asset to process.</param>
            public static void Dump(string assetNameFull, object asset)
                string assetName = assetNameFull;

                if (assetName.StartsWith(PathContentOrig))
                    assetName = assetName.Substring(PathContentOrig.Length + 1);
                else if (File.Exists(assetName))
                    return; // Don't dump absolutely loaded files.
                string pathDump = Path.Combine(PathDUMP, assetName);


                if (asset is IMeta)
                    if (!File.Exists(pathDump + ".meta.yaml"))
                        using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(pathDump + ".meta.yaml"))
                            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
                                YamlHelper.Serializer.Serialize(writer, asset, asset.GetType());
                else if (asset is Texture2D)
                    Texture2D tex = (Texture2D)asset;
                    if (!File.Exists(pathDump + ".png"))
                        using (Stream stream = File.OpenWrite(pathDump + ".png"))
                            tex.SaveAsPng(stream, tex.Width, tex.Height);
                else if (asset is VirtualTexture)
                    VirtualTexture tex = (VirtualTexture)asset;
                    Dump(assetName, tex.Texture);
                else if (asset is MTexture)
                    MTexture tex = (MTexture)asset;
                    // Always copy even if !.IsSubtexture() as we need to Postdivide()
                    using (Texture2D region = tex.GetSubtextureCopy().Postdivide())
                        Dump(assetName, region);

                    if (tex.DrawOffset.X != 0 || tex.DrawOffset.Y != 0 ||
                        tex.Width != tex.ClipRect.Width || tex.Height != tex.ClipRect.Height
                        Dump(assetName, new MTextureMeta {
                            X      = (int)Math.Round(tex.DrawOffset.X),
                            Y      = (int)Math.Round(tex.DrawOffset.Y),
                            Width  = tex.Width,
                            Height = tex.Height
                else if (asset is Atlas)
                    Atlas atlas = (Atlas)asset;

                     * for (int i = 0; i < atlas.Sources.Count; i++) {
                     *  VirtualTexture source = atlas.Sources[i];
                     *  string name = source.Name;
                     *  if (name.StartsWith(assetNameFull))
                     *      name = assetName + "_s_" + name.Substring(assetNameFull.Length);
                     *  else
                     *      name = Path.Combine(assetName + "_s", name);
                     *  if (name.EndsWith(".data") || name.EndsWith(".meta"))
                     *      name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - 5);
                     *  Dump(name, source);
                     * }

                    Dictionary <string, MTexture> textures = atlas.GetTextures();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MTexture> kvp in textures)
                        string   name   = kvp.Key;
                        MTexture source = kvp.Value;
                        Dump(Path.Combine(assetName, name.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)), source);

                // TODO: Dump more asset types if required.
Exemplo n.º 15
 public TileButton(int id, Vector2 offset, Vector2 size, Vector2 scale, MTexture sel, MTexture unsel, bool selectable, bool blockClickThrough) : base(offset, size, scale, unsel, selectable, blockClickThrough)
     this.id         = id;
     this.selected   = sel;
     this.unselected = unsel;
        private void BeforeRender()
            List <Entity> glassBlocks = Scene.Tracker.GetEntities <CustomizableGlassBlock>();

            hasBlocks = (glassBlocks.Count > 0);
            if (!hasBlocks)

            Camera camera       = (Scene as Level).Camera;
            int    screenWidth  = 320;
            int    screenHeight = 180;

            // draw stars
            if (starsTarget == null)
                starsTarget = VirtualContent.CreateRenderTarget("customizable-glass-block-surfaces", screenWidth, screenHeight);

            Draw.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, Matrix.Identity);
            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(8f, 8f);

            for (int i = 0; i < stars.Length; i++)
                MTexture starTexture        = stars[i].Texture;
                Color    starColor          = stars[i].Color * alpha;
                Vector2  starScroll         = stars[i].Scroll;
                Vector2  starActualPosition = default;
                starActualPosition.X = Mod(stars[i].Position.X - camera.X * (1f - starScroll.X), screenWidth);
                starActualPosition.Y = Mod(stars[i].Position.Y - camera.Y * (1f - starScroll.Y), screenHeight);
                starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition, origin, starColor);

                if (starActualPosition.X < origin.X)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition + new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), origin, starColor);
                else if (starActualPosition.X > screenWidth - origin.X)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition - new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), origin, starColor);

                if (starActualPosition.Y < origin.Y)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition + new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), origin, starColor);
                else if (starActualPosition.Y > screenHeight - origin.Y)
                    starTexture.Draw(starActualPosition - new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), origin, starColor);

            // draw rays/beams
            int vertex = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < rays.Length; j++)
                Vector2 rayPosition = default;
                rayPosition.X = Mod(rays[j].Position.X - camera.X * 0.9f, screenWidth);
                rayPosition.Y = Mod(rays[j].Position.Y - camera.Y * 0.9f, screenHeight);
                DrawRay(rayPosition, ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                if (rayPosition.X < 64f)
                    DrawRay(rayPosition + new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                else if (rayPosition.X > (screenWidth - 64))
                    DrawRay(rayPosition - new Vector2(screenWidth, 0f), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                if (rayPosition.Y < 64f)
                    DrawRay(rayPosition + new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);
                else if (rayPosition.Y > (screenHeight - 64))
                    DrawRay(rayPosition - new Vector2(0f, screenHeight), ref vertex, ref rays[j]);

            if (beamsTarget == null)
                beamsTarget = VirtualContent.CreateRenderTarget("customizable-glass-block-beams", screenWidth, screenHeight);

            GFX.DrawVertices(Matrix.Identity, verts, vertex);

            // if fading in, update the alpha value to fade in in ~0.25 seconds.
            if (alpha != 1f)
                alpha = Calc.Approach(alpha, 1f, Engine.DeltaTime * 4f);
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void CreateSprites()
            if (!expanded)
                Image image;

                List <MTexture> atlasSubtextures = GFX.Game.GetAtlasSubtextures(fgDirectory);
                MTexture        mtexture = Calc.Random.Choose(atlasSubtextures);
                int             imgCount = 0;
                bool            c1, c2, c3, c4 = false;
                c1 = false;
                c2 = false;
                c3 = false;

                if (!SolidCheck(new Vector2(X - 4f, Y - 4f)))
                    c1 = true;
                if (!SolidCheck(new Vector2(X + 4f, Y - 4f)))
                    c2 = true;
                if (!SolidCheck(new Vector2(X + 4f, Y + 4f)))
                    c3 = true;
                if (!SolidCheck(new Vector2(X - 4f, Y + 4f)))
                    c4 = true;
                // technically this solution is twice as fast! Unfortunately it has side-effects that make this not usable

                 * image = new Image(mtexture).CenterOrigin();
                 * image.Color = Calc.HexToColor(tint);
                 * Add(image); */
                foreach (Entity entity in Scene.Tracker.GetEntities <CustomSpinner>())
                    CustomSpinner crystalStaticSpinner = (CustomSpinner)entity;
                    if (crystalStaticSpinner.ID > ID && crystalStaticSpinner.AttachToSolid == AttachToSolid && (crystalStaticSpinner.Position - Position).LengthSquared() < 576f)
                        AddSprite((Position + crystalStaticSpinner.Position) / 2f - Position);
                        AddSprite((Position + crystalStaticSpinner.Position) / 2f - Position);
                if (imgCount == 4)
                    image       = new Image(mtexture).CenterOrigin();
                    image.Color = Tint;
                    //image.Visible = false;
                    image.Active = false;
                    //Scene.Add(border = new Border(image, filler, this));
                    // only spawn quarter images if it's needed to avoid edge cases
                    if (c1)
                        image       = new Image(mtexture.GetSubtexture(0, 0, 14, 14, null)).SetOrigin(12f, 12f);
                        image.Color = Tint;
                    if (c2)
                        image       = new Image(mtexture.GetSubtexture(10, 0, 14, 14, null)).SetOrigin(2f, 12f);
                        image.Color = Tint;
                    if (c3)
                        image       = new Image(mtexture.GetSubtexture(10, 10, 14, 14, null)).SetOrigin(2f, 2f);
                        image.Color = Tint;
                    if (c4)
                        image       = new Image(mtexture.GetSubtexture(0, 10, 14, 14, null)).SetOrigin(12f, 2f);
                        image.Color = Tint;
                    //Scene.Add(border = new Border(null, filler, this));
                expanded = true;
        public override void Render()
            Vector2 position = this.Position;

            this.Position += base.Shake;
            Draw.Rect(base.X, base.Y, base.Width, base.Height, Color.Black);
            int   num   = 1;
            float num2  = 0f;
            int   count = this.innerCogs.Count;
            int   num3  = 4;

            while ((float)num3 <= base.Height - 4f)
                int num4 = num;
                int num5 = 4;
                while ((float)num5 <= base.Width - 4f)
                    int       index     = (int)(this.mod((num2 + (float)num * this.percent * 3.14159274f * 4f) / 1.57079637f, 1f) * (float)count);
                    MTexture  mtexture  = this.innerCogs[index];
                    Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, mtexture.Width, mtexture.Height);
                    Vector2   zero      = Vector2.Zero;
                    bool      flag      = num5 <= 4;
                    if (flag)
                        zero.X           = 2f;
                        rectangle.X      = 2;
                        rectangle.Width -= 2;
                        bool flag2 = (float)num5 >= base.Width - 4f;
                        if (flag2)
                            zero.X           = -2f;
                            rectangle.Width -= 2;
                    bool flag3 = num3 <= 4;
                    if (flag3)
                        zero.Y            = 2f;
                        rectangle.Y       = 2;
                        rectangle.Height -= 2;
                        bool flag4 = (float)num3 >= base.Height - 4f;
                        if (flag4)
                            zero.Y            = -2f;
                            rectangle.Height -= 2;
                    mtexture = mtexture.GetSubtexture(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, this.temp);
                    mtexture.DrawCentered(this.Position + new Vector2((float)num5, (float)num3) + zero, Color.White * ((num < 0) ? 0.5f : 1f));
                    num   = -num;
                    num2 += 1.04719758f;
                    num5 += 8;
                bool flag5 = num4 == num;
                if (flag5)
                    num = -num;
                num3 += 8;
            int num6 = 0;

            while ((float)num6 < base.Width / 8f)
                int num7 = 0;
                while ((float)num7 < base.Height / 8f)
                    int  num8  = (num6 == 0) ? 0 : (((float)num6 == base.Width / 8f - 1f) ? 2 : 1);
                    int  num9  = (num7 == 0) ? 0 : (((float)num7 == base.Height / 8f - 1f) ? 2 : 1);
                    bool flag6 = num8 != 1 || num9 != 1;
                    if (flag6)
                        this.edges[num8, num9].Draw(new Vector2(base.X + (float)(num6 * 8), base.Y + (float)(num7 * 8)));
            this.Position = position;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public FlagSwitchGate(EntityData data, Vector2 offset)
            : base(data.Position + offset, data.Width, data.Height, safe: false)
            isShatter = data.Bool("isShatter", defaultValue: false);
            if (data.Nodes.Length > 0)
                node = data.Nodes[0] + offset;

            ID   = data.ID;
            Flag = data.Attr("flag");

            inactiveColor = Calc.HexToColor(data.Attr("inactiveColor", "5FCDE4"));
            activeColor   = Calc.HexToColor(data.Attr("activeColor", "FFFFFF"));
            finishColor   = Calc.HexToColor(data.Attr("finishColor", "F141DF"));

            shakeTime = data.Float("shakeTime", 0.5f);
            moveTime  = data.Float("moveTime", 1.8f);
            moveEased = data.Bool("moveEased", true);

            moveSound     = data.Attr("moveSound", "event:/game/general/touchswitch_gate_open");
            finishedSound = data.Attr("finishedSound", "event:/game/general/touchswitch_gate_finish");

            allowReturn = data.Bool("allowReturn", false);

            P_RecoloredFire = new ParticleType(TouchSwitch.P_Fire)
                Color = finishColor
            P_RecoloredFireBack = new ParticleType(TouchSwitch.P_Fire)
                Color = inactiveColor

            string iconAttribute = data.Attr("icon", "vanilla");

            icon = new Sprite(GFX.Game, iconAttribute == "vanilla" ? "objects/switchgate/icon" : $"objects/MaxHelpingHand/flagSwitchGate/{iconAttribute}/icon");
            icon.Add("spin", "", 0.1f, "spin");
            icon.Rate     = 0f;
            icon.Color    = inactiveColor;
            icon.Position = (iconOffset = new Vector2(data.Width / 2f, data.Height / 2f));
            Add(wiggler = Wiggler.Create(0.5f, 4f, f => {
                icon.Scale = Vector2.One * (1f + f);

            blockSpriteName = data.Attr("sprite", "block");
            MTexture nineSliceTexture = GFX.Game["objects/switchgate/" + blockSpriteName];

            nineSlice = new MTexture[3, 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    nineSlice[i, j] = nineSliceTexture.GetSubtexture(new Rectangle(i * 8, j * 8, 8, 8));

            Add(openSfx = new SoundSource());
            Add(new LightOcclude(0.5f));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void Added(Scene scene)
            AreaData areaData     = AreaData.Get(scene);
            string   crumbleBlock = areaData.CrumbleBlock;

            if (OverrideTexture != null)
                areaData.CrumbleBlock = OverrideTexture;
            MTexture mTexture = GFX.Game["objects/crumbleBlock/outline"];

            outline = new List <Image>();
            if (base.Width <= 8f)
                Image image = new Image(mTexture.GetSubtexture(24, 0, 8, 8));
                image.Color = Color.White * 0f;
                for (int i = 0; (float)i < base.Width; i += 8)
                    int   num    = (i != 0) ? ((i > 0 && (float)i < base.Width - 8f) ? 1 : 2) : 0;
                    Image image2 = new Image(mTexture.GetSubtexture(num * 8, 0, 8, 8));
                    image2.Position = new Vector2(i, 0f);
                    image2.Color    = Color.White * 0f;
            Add(outlineFader = new Coroutine());
            outlineFader.RemoveOnComplete = false;
            images    = new List <Image>();
            falls     = new List <Coroutine>();
            fallOrder = new List <int>();
            MTexture mTexture2 = GFX.Game["objects/crumbleBlock/" + AreaData.Get(scene).CrumbleBlock];

            for (int j = 0; (float)j < base.Width; j += 8)
                int   num2   = (int)((Math.Abs(base.X) + (float)j) / 8f) % 4;
                Image image3 = new Image(mTexture2.GetSubtexture(num2 * 8, 0, 8, 8));
                image3.Position = new Vector2(4 + j, 4f);
                Coroutine coroutine = new Coroutine();
                coroutine.RemoveOnComplete = false;
                fallOrder.Add(j / 8);
            Add(new Coroutine(Sequence()));
            Add(shaker = new ShakerList(images.Count, false, delegate(Vector2[] v) {
                for (int k = 0; k < images.Count; k++)
                    images[k].Position = new Vector2(4 + k * 8, 4f) + v[k];
            Add(occluder          = new LightOcclude(0.2f));
            areaData.CrumbleBlock = crumbleBlock;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public patch_OuiChapterSelectIcon(int area, MTexture front, MTexture back)
     : base(area, front, back)
     // no-op. MonoMod ignores this - we only need this to make the compiler shut up.
Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void Added(Scene scene)

            // read the matching texture
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overrideTexture))
                overrideTexture = AreaData.Get(scene).WoodPlatform;
            MTexture platformTexture = GFX.Game["objects/woodPlatform/" + overrideTexture];

            textures = new MTexture[platformTexture.Width / 8];
            for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; i++)
                textures[i] = platformTexture.GetSubtexture(i * 8, 0, 8, 8);

            // draw lines between all nodes
            if (Visible || forcedTrackOffset != null)
                Vector2 lineOffset = forcedTrackOffset ?? new Vector2(Width, Height + 4f) / 2f;
                scene.Add(new MovingPlatformLine(nodes[0] + lineOffset, nodes[1] + lineOffset));
                if (nodes.Length > 2)
                    for (int i = 1; i < nodes.Length - 1; i++)
                        scene.Add(new MovingPlatformLine(nodes[i] + lineOffset, nodes[i + 1] + lineOffset));

                    if (mode == Mode.Loop || mode == Mode.LoopNoPause)
                        scene.Add(new MovingPlatformLine(nodes[nodes.Length - 1] + lineOffset, nodes[0] + lineOffset));

            // if count > 1, spawn other platforms to simulate multiple evenly spread platforms.
            for (int i = 1; i < amount; i++)
                // each platform has 1 / amount of offset more than the previous.
                float newOffset = startingOffset;
                newOffset += (1f / amount) * i;
                if (newOffset >= 1f)
                    newOffset -= 1f;

                // copy the entity data and inject the new offset in it.
                Dictionary <string, object> newEntityProperties = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                newEntityProperties["offset"] = newOffset;

                // force-set the amount to 1 because the spawned platform should definitely not spawn platforms!
                newEntityProperties["amount"] = 1;

                // assemble everything into a new EntityData and build a new platform with it.
                EntityData data = new EntityData {
                    Position = entityPosition,
                    Nodes    = entityNodes,
                    Width    = entityWidth,
                    Values   = newEntityProperties
                Scene.Add(new MultiNodeMovingPlatform(data, entityOffset, callbackOnAdded)
                    Visible = Visible


            if (startingOffsetIsNotZero && !moveLater)
Exemplo n.º 23
        public AutoModUpdater(HiresSnow snow)
            this.snow = snow;

            cogwheel = GFX.Gui["reloader/cogwheel"];
        private void ColorGradeOnSet_MTexture_MTexture_float(On.Celeste.ColorGrade.orig_Set_MTexture_MTexture_float orig, MTexture fromTex,
                                                             MTexture toTex, float p)
            bool?origEnabled = null;

            if (Settings.SimplifiedGraphics && Settings.SimplifiedColorGrade)
                origEnabled        = ColorGrade.Enabled;
                ColorGrade.Enabled = false;

            orig(fromTex, toTex, p);
            if (origEnabled.HasValue)
                ColorGrade.Enabled = origEnabled.Value;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static Atlas GetAtlas(this MTexture self)
 => ((patch_MTexture)self).Atlas;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public override IEnumerator Enter(Oui from)
            // Fix "out of bounds" level selection.
            GetMinMaxArea(out int areaOffs, out int areaMax);
            int areaUnclamp = area;

            area = Calc.Clamp(area, areaOffs, areaMax);

            Visible = true;
            display = true;

            currentLevelSet = SaveData.Instance?.GetLevelSet() ?? "Celeste";

            journalEnabled = string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLevelSet) || Celeste.PlayMode == Celeste.PlayModes.Debug || (SaveData.Instance?.CheatMode ?? false);
            for (int i = 0; i <= SaveData.Instance.UnlockedAreas && !journalEnabled; i++)
                if (SaveData.Instance.Areas[i].Modes[0].TimePlayed > 0L && !AreaData.Get(i).Interlude)
                    journalEnabled = true;

            OuiChapterSelectIcon unselected = null;

            if (from is OuiChapterPanel)
                (unselected = icons[areaUnclamp]).Unselect();
                if (areaUnclamp != area)

            levelSetScarf = GFX.Gui.GetOrDefault("areas/" + currentLevelSet + "/hover", GFX.Gui["areas/hover"]);

            bool isVanilla = currentLevelSet == "Celeste";

            foreach (OuiChapterSelectIcon icon in icons)
                AreaData area = AreaData.Get(icon.Area);
                if (area == null || area.GetLevelSet() != currentLevelSet)

                int index = area.ToKey().ID;
                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLevelSet) || index <= Math.Max(1, SaveData.Instance.UnlockedAreas)) &&
                    icon != unselected)
                    icon.Position = icon.HiddenPosition;
                    icon.AssistModeUnlockable = false;
                else if (SaveData.Instance.AssistMode && index == SaveData.Instance.UnlockedAreas + 1)
                    icon.Position = icon.HiddenPosition;
                    icon.AssistModeUnlockable = true;

                if (isVanilla)
                    yield return(0.01f);

            if (from is OuiChapterPanel)
                yield return(0.25f);
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Undo the latest override applied to the given MTexture.
 /// </summary>
 public static void UndoOverride(this MTexture self)
 => ((patch_MTexture)self).UndoOverride();
Exemplo n.º 28
 public MTexture LoadTexFromFile(String name)
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the parent texture of the given MTexture.
 /// </summary>
 public static MTexture GetParent(this MTexture self)
 => ((patch_MTexture)self).Parent;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void SetSprite(MTexture mTexture)
     this.renderer.sprite         = mTexture.USprite;
     this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(mTexture.Offset.x, mTexture.Offset.y, 0);