Exemplo n.º 1
    public static CombinedSequence GetCombinedSequence(string seq1, string seq2)
      List<CombinedSequence> scores = new List<CombinedSequence>();
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        List<int> vs = new List<int>();
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)

        var subseq1 = seq1.Substring(i);
        scores.Add(new CombinedSequence()
          Sequence1 = seq1,
          Sequence2 = seq2,
          Position1 = i,
          Position2 = 0,
          MismatchPositions = vs.Union(GetMismatchIndecies(subseq1, seq2).ConvertAll(m => m + i)).ToArray()

        var subseq2 = seq2.Substring(i);
        scores.Add(new CombinedSequence()
          Sequence1 = seq1,
          Sequence2 = seq2,
          Position1 = 0,
          Position2 = i,
          MismatchPositions = vs.Union(GetMismatchIndecies(seq1, subseq2).ConvertAll(m => m + i)).ToArray()

      var min = scores.Min(m => m.MismatchPositions.Length);
      return scores.Find(m => m.MismatchPositions.Length == min);
        public ActionResult GetPendingTrans()
            var WF = new BusinessLogic.FFWorkFlow();
            IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, string>> trans = new List<KeyValuePair<int,string>>();

            if (User.IsInRole("administrators") || User.IsInRole("sales"))
                trans = trans.Union(WF.GetTranForSales());

            if (User.IsInRole("administrators") || User.IsInRole("operation"))
                trans = trans.Union(WF.GetTranForOperations());

            if (User.IsInRole("administrators") || User.IsInRole("accounting"))
                trans = trans.Union(WF.GetTranForAccounting());

            if (User.IsInRole("administrators") || User.IsInRole("customersservice") || User.IsInRole("accounting"))
                trans = trans.Union(WF.GetTranToBePaid());

            if (User.IsInRole("administrators") || User.IsInRole("customersservice") || User.IsInRole("operation"))
                trans = trans.Union(WF.GetTranETA());

            if (trans == null)
                return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            return Json(trans, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public SiteExport(Guid siteID, ExportType exportWhat)
            SiteData s = null;
            List<ContentPageExport> pages = new List<ContentPageExport>();

            s = SiteData.GetSiteByID(siteID);

            if (exportWhat == ExportType.AllData) {
                pages = ContentImportExportUtils.ExportAllSiteContent(siteID);
            } else {
                if (exportWhat == ExportType.ContentData) {
                    List<ContentPageExport> lst = ContentImportExportUtils.ExportPages(siteID);
                    pages = pages.Union(lst).ToList();
                if (exportWhat == ExportType.BlogData) {
                    List<ContentPageExport> lst = ContentImportExportUtils.ExportPosts(siteID);
                    pages = pages.Union(lst).ToList();

            this.TheUsers = (from u in ExtendedUserData.GetUserList()
                             select new SiteExportUser {
                                 Email = u.Email,
                                 Login = u.UserName,
                                 FirstName = u.FirstName,
                                 LastName = u.LastName,
                                 UserNickname = u.UserNickName

            SetVals(s, pages);
 public IEnumerable<Member> GetAlltimeChatMembers(Chat chat)
     IEnumerable<string> participants = new List<string>();
     participants = participants.Union(chat.Participants.Split(' '));
     participants = participants.Union(chat.ActiveMembers.Split(' '));
     participants = participants.Union(chat.Posters.Split(' '));
     var members = LoadMembers(participants);
     return members;
        public override IList<string> GetUsedTypes()
            var returnList = new List<string>();

            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(Body)).ToList();
            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromInputElements(ExceptionTypes)).ToList();

            return returnList;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Accessor for all of the critical nodes in the tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a list of the critical nodes in the tree</returns>
        public List<TreeNode> GetCritical()
            List<TreeNode> list = new List<TreeNode>();
            list = list.Union(this.parentless).ToList();
            list = list.Union(this.childless ).ToList();
            list = list.Union(this.merging   ).ToList();

            return list;
        public override IList<string> GetUsedTypes()
            var returnList = new List<string>();

            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(Body)).ToList();
            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(Condition)).ToList();

            return returnList;
        public override IList<string> GetUsedTypes()
            var returnList = new List<string>();

            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(AssignedValue)).ToList();
            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromInputElements(Modifiers)).ToList();
            AddUsedTypeIfIdentifierToken(VariableType, returnList);

            return returnList;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static IEnumerable<Type> GetImplementingTypes(Type typeToImplement)
            Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            List<Type> ret = new List<Type>();
            ret = ret.Union(GetImplementingTypesInAssembly(typeToImplement, asm)).ToList();
            asm = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            if (asm != null)
                ret = ret.Union(GetImplementingTypesInAssembly(typeToImplement, asm)).ToList();

            return ret;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private List <T> GetUnionOfListsOfObjects <T>(List <T> listOne, List <T> listTwo, IEqualityComparer <T> equalityComparer = null)
            if (listOne != null)
                listTwo = equalityComparer != null
                                        ? listTwo?.Union(listOne, equalityComparer).ToList()
                                        : listTwo?.Union(listOne).ToList();

            return(listTwo?.Count == 0 ? null : listTwo);
        public override IList<string> GetUsedTypes()
            var returnList = new List<string>();

            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(TryBody)).ToList();
            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(FinallyBody)).ToList();

            foreach (var catchStatement in CatchStatements)
                returnList = returnList.Union(catchStatement.GetUsedTypes()).ToList();

            return returnList;
        public override IList<string> GetUsedTypes()
            var returnList = new List<string>();

            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(Condition)).ToList();
            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(Body)).ToList();
            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(ElseBody)).ToList();

            foreach (var conditionalElse in ConditionalElses)
                returnList = returnList.Union(conditionalElse.GetUsedTypes()).ToList();

            return returnList;
        public override IList<string> GetUsedTypes()
            var returnList = new List<string>();

            foreach (var argument in Arguments)
                returnList = returnList.Union(argument.GetUsedTypes()).ToList();

            AddUsedTypeIfIdentifierToken(ReturnType, returnList);
            returnList = returnList.Union(GetUsedTypesFromAstNodes(Body)).ToList();
            AddUsedTypeIfIdentifierToken(ThrowsType, returnList);

            return returnList;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static string[] GetReferences(MonoIsland island, string projectDirectory)
     List<string> list = new List<string>();
     List<string> first = new List<string>();
     IEnumerator<string> enumerator = first.Union<string>(island._references).GetEnumerator();
         while (enumerator.MoveNext())
             string current = enumerator.Current;
             string fileName = Path.GetFileName(current);
             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) || (!fileName.Contains("UnityEditor.dll") && !fileName.Contains("UnityEngine.dll")))
                 string file = !Path.IsPathRooted(current) ? Path.Combine(projectDirectory, current) : current;
                 if (AssemblyHelper.IsManagedAssembly(file) && !AssemblyHelper.IsInternalAssembly(file))
         if (enumerator == null)
     return list.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 15
        public AlbumsViewModel(User user, Group group)
            GroupAlbums = new List<AlbumViewModel>();
            UserAlbums = new List<AlbumViewModel>();

            CreateGroupAlbum = new AlbumCreateEditViewModel();
            CreateUserAlbum = new AlbumCreateEditViewModel();

            if (group != null)
                GroupId = group.Id;
                GroupAlbums = group.Albums.Select(x => new AlbumViewModel(x)).ToList();

                CreateGroupAlbum = new AlbumCreateEditViewModel(group);

            if (user != null)
                UserId = user.Id;
                UserAlbums = user.Albums.Select(x => new AlbumViewModel(x)).ToList();

                CreateUserAlbum = new AlbumCreateEditViewModel(user);

            Albums = GroupAlbums.Union(UserAlbums).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void TestAverageVertexes()
            Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Database db = doc.Database;
            Editor ed = doc.Editor;

            var selPl1 = ed.GetEntity("Pl1");
            if (selPl1.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;
            var selPl2 = ed.GetEntity("Pl2");
            if (selPl2.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;

            using (var t = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                var pl1 = selPl1.ObjectId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as Polyline;
                var pl2 = selPl2.ObjectId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite) as Polyline;

                pl1.AverageVertexes(ref pl2, new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Tolerance(1, 1));

                var pls = new List<Polyline> { pl1, pl2 };

                var plUnion = pls.Union(null);


Exemplo n.º 17
        static JavaScriptUtils()
            IList<char> escapeChars = new List<char>
                '\n', '\r', '\t', '\\', '\f', '\b',
            for (var i = 0; i < ' '; i++)
                escapeChars.Add((char) i);

            foreach (var escapeChar in escapeChars.Union(new[] {'\''}))
                SingleQuoteCharEscapeFlags[escapeChar] = true;
            foreach (var escapeChar in escapeChars.Union(new[] {'"'}))
                DoubleQuoteCharEscapeFlags[escapeChar] = true;
            foreach (var escapeChar in escapeChars.Union(new[] {'"', '\'', '<', '>', '&'}))
                HtmlCharEscapeFlags[escapeChar] = true;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public List<InsurancePolicy> RefreshPolicies(List<InsurancePolicy> currentPolicies)
            if (OnRefreshPolicies != null)

            return currentPolicies.Union(_insuranceInfos).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected virtual List<int> GetAvailableTransitions(TreeNode node)
            List<int> tSet = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < node.Marking.rows; i++)
                if (node.Marking[i] > 0)
                    tSet = tSet.Union(GetPostPSet(i, (int)node.Marking[i])).ToList();

            List<int> tRes = new List<int>();
            for (int i = 0; i < tSet.Count; i++)
                bool available = true, dead = true;
                for (int p = 0; p < PetriNet.PlacesCount; p++)
                    if (PetriNet.WeightMatrix[p, tSet[i]] != null &&
                        PetriNet.WeightMatrix[p, tSet[i]].PT > 0 && PetriNet.WeightMatrix[p, tSet[i]].PT > node.Marking[p])
                        available = false;
                    //if (PetriNet.WeightMatrix[p, tSet[i]] != null && PetriNet.WeightMatrix[p, tSet[i]].TP > 0)
                    //    dead = false;
                if (available )//&& !dead)
            return tRes;
Exemplo n.º 20
 private Entities.Models.ForumTopic GetLastTopicOfForum(long id)
     var forum = _forumRepository.Get(id);
     var topics = new List<Entities.Models.ForumTopic>();
     forum.Children.ForEach(a => topics.AddRange(a.Topics));
     return topics.Union(forum.Topics).OrderByDescending(a => a.CreateDate).FirstOrDefault();
        private async Task<ShipmentQuantity> TotalQuantityReceived(Guid importNotificationId, Shipment shipment)
            await authorization.EnsureAccessAsync(importNotificationId);

            var movements = await context.ImportMovements.Where(m => m.NotificationId == importNotificationId).ToArrayAsync();

            var allMovementReceipts = new List<ImportMovementReceipt>();

            foreach (var movement in movements)
                var movementReceipts = await context.ImportMovementReceipts.Where(mr => mr.MovementId == movement.Id).ToListAsync();
                allMovementReceipts = allMovementReceipts.Union(movementReceipts).ToList();

            if (!allMovementReceipts.Any())
                return new ShipmentQuantity(0, shipment == null ? ShipmentQuantityUnits.Tonnes : shipment.Quantity.Units);
            var totalReceived = allMovementReceipts.Sum(m =>

            return new ShipmentQuantity(totalReceived, shipment.Quantity.Units);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static void Test()
     List<Person> personList1 = new List<Person>(){new Person(){Id = 2,IsMale = true, Height = 178.5, Name = null}};
     List<Person> personList2 = new List<Person>() { new Person() { Id = 3, IsMale = true, Height = 178.5, Name = "Test2" } };
     var list = personList1.Union(personList2).ToArray();
        public override void Execute(ServiceBusConfiguration configuration)
            var factoryTypes = new List<Type>();

            ReflectionService.GetAssemblies(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory).ForEach(assembly => factoryTypes.AddRange(ReflectionService.GetTypes<IQueueFactory>(assembly)));

            foreach (var type in factoryTypes.Union(ReflectionService.GetTypes<IQueueFactory>()))
                                                                "Queue factory", type.FullName));

                    var instance = (IQueueFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

                    if (!configuration.Queues.ContainsQueueFactory(instance.Scheme))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warning(string.Format("Queue factory not instantiated: {0}", ex.Message));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void ActivateToolBarItems()
            IEnumerable<string> activeKeys = new List<string>();
            _menuClients.ToList().ForEach(item => activeKeys = activeKeys.Union(item.GetActiveMenuKeys(MingApp.Instance.GetCurrentTreeViewItem())));

            foreach (var bar in _toolBarTray.ToolBars)
                foreach (var item in bar.Items)
                    var button = item as Button;
                    if (button != null)
                        if (activeKeys.Contains(button.Name))
                            button.Opacity = 1.0;
                            button.IsEnabled = true;
                            button.Opacity = 0.4;
                            button.IsEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ActionResult SidebarMenu()
            //var model = new List<SideBarMenuModel>();

            //var parentMenus = _permissionService.GetAllPermissionsByParentId(0).Select(t =>
            //        new SideBarMenuModel
            //        {
            //            Name = t.Name,
            //            Area = t.Area,
            //            Controller = t.Controller,
            //            Action = t.Action
            //        }
            //    ).ToList();


            //SortMenuForTree(model, parentMenus);
            //return PartialView(model);

            //var currentUser = _workContextService.CurrentUser;
            var currentUser = _userService.GetUserById(1);

            var permissions = new List<Permission> { };

            var rolePermissions = currentUser.Roles.Select(t => t.Permissions).ToList();

            foreach (var rp in rolePermissions)
                permissions = permissions.Union(rp).ToList();

            var model = SortMenuForTree(0, permissions);
            return PartialView(model);
Exemplo n.º 26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter anything but int to exit.\r\n");

            while (true)
                int pad = 18;
                List<int> inputNumbers = new List<int>();
                List<int> addThose = new List<int>();

                    Console.Write("Enter numbers: ".PadLeft(pad));
                    inputNumbers = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), i => int.Parse(i)).ToList();

                    Console.Write("numbers to add: ".PadLeft(pad));
                    addThose = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), i => int.Parse(i)).ToList();
                catch (Exception)

                List<int> outputSorted = inputNumbers.Union(addThose).ToList();

                Console.Write("Result: ".PadLeft(pad));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", outputSorted.ToArray()));
                Console.WriteLine(new string('-', pad));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult DealerList(int id)
            var area = db.Area.First(a => a.Id == id);
            var root = Area.CreateTree(db.Area.ToArray(), area);

            List<Dealer> dealers = new List<Dealer>();
            if (!root.HasChildren)
                dealers = root.Data.Dealers.ToList();
                foreach (var a in root.Leafs)
                    dealers = dealers.Union(a.Data.Dealers).ToList();
            List<Dictionary<string, object>> jdealers = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
            foreach (var d in dealers)
                var obj = ClassHelper.ToDictionary(d, "Id", "Address", "Contact", "Tel", "Mobile", "Fax", "Website", "Zipcode", "latitude", "longitude");
                obj.Add("Name", d.MyArea.Name);
            return Json(new { dealers = jdealers }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public static List<SalesHistoryData> GetSalesHistory()
            List<SalesHistoryData> result = new List<SalesHistoryData>();
                // The encrypted list will timeout for slightly large lists (in the hundreds), so the list is
                // being grabbed in smaller chunks.  Transaction logic is used to lock the list while the list is being
                // grabbed.
                TransactionOptions transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions();
                transactionOptions.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead;
                transactionOptions.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0);
                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, transactionOptions))
                    Console.WriteLine("Test 1: List all Sales Orders");
                    int take = 5;
                    int count = UserSession.Current.Client.GetSalesOrderListCount();
                    for (int skip = 0; skip < count; skip = skip + take)
                        List<SalesHistoryData> salesOrders = UserSession.Current.Client.GetSalesHistory(take, skip).ToList();
                        result = result.Union(salesOrders).ToList();
                    result = result.OrderByDescending(so => so.SalesOrderNumber).ThenBy(so => so.SortOrder).ToList();
                    //No scope.Complete here as no write tasks are being scoped.

            catch (Exception) { throw; }
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void Union()
     var Orwells = new List<string> { "1984", "Animal Farm", "Homage to Catalonia", "Burmese Days" };
     var great_novels = new List<string> { "Hear of Darkness", "1984", "Animal Farm", "Ulysses" };
     var all = great_novels.Union(Orwells).ToList();
     Assert.Equal(all, FILL_ME_IN);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public ActionResult Province(string name)
            var province = db.Area.First(a => a.Name == name);

            var root = Area.CreateTree(db.Area.ToArray(), province);
            List<Dealer> dealers = new List<Dealer>();
            foreach (var a in root.Leafs)
                dealers = dealers.Union(a.Data.Dealers).ToList();
            List<Dictionary<string, object>> jdealers = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
            foreach (var d in dealers)
                var obj = ClassHelper.ToDictionary(d, "Id", "Name", "Address", "Contact", "Tel", "Mobile", "Fax", "Website", "Zipcode", "latitude", "longitude");

            var children = province.Children.ToList();
            List<Dictionary<string, object>> cities = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
            foreach (var c in children)
                cities.Add(ClassHelper.ToDictionary(c, "Id", "ParentId", "Name"));

            return Json(new { id = province.Id, dealers = jdealers, cities = cities }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static List<GeneradorDeNumero> GenerarComplementos(List<int> excluidos)
            var posibles = digitos.Except(excluidos);

            var variaciones = new Variations<int>(posibles, 4);
            return variaciones.Select(variacion => new GeneradorDeNumero(variacion[0], variacion[1], variacion[2], variacion[3], excluidos.Union(variacion).ToList())).ToList();
        public void Analyze(Solution theSolutionToAnalyze)
            foreach (var project in theSolutionToAnalyze.Projects)
                foreach (var document in project.Documents)
                    SyntaxTree currentSyntaxTree = document.GetSyntaxTreeAsync().Result;
                    var        foo = 1;
                    //CSharpUnitTestLintWalker walker =
                    //    new CSharpUnitTestLintWalker(violations)
                    //    {
                    //        CurrentProject = project.Name,
                    //        CurrentSourceCodeFileName = document.Name
                    //    };

                    // Our walker assumes that its SyntaxNode is an entire source code file.
                    // Therefore, our visitor requires that the SyntaxNode's IsCompilationUnit
                    // attribute is true. We know that it is true, because we pass
                    // an entirely parsed source code file.

                    //enhancedDiagnostics = enhancedDiagnostics.Union(walker.EnhancedDiagnostics).ToList();

                    //numberOfTestsFound += walker.NumberOfTestsFound;
                    //numberOfTestsWithIssues += walker.NumberOfTestsWithIssues;

            IUnitTestsViolations violations = new UnitTestViolations();

            IList <EnhancedDiagnostic> enhancedDiagnostics = new List <EnhancedDiagnostic>();

            int numberOfTestsFound      = 0;
            int numberOfTestsWithIssues = 0;

            foreach (var project in theSolutionToAnalyze.Projects)
                foreach (var document in project.Documents)
                    SyntaxTree currentSyntaxTree = document.GetSyntaxTreeAsync().Result;

                    CSharpUnitTestLintWalker walker =
                        new CSharpUnitTestLintWalker(violations)
                        CurrentProject            = project.Name,
                        CurrentSourceCodeFileName = document.Name

                    // Our walker assumes that its SyntaxNode is an entire source code file.
                    // Therefore, our visitor requires that the SyntaxNode's IsCompilationUnit
                    // attribute is true. We know that it is true, because we pass
                    // an entirely parsed source code file.

                    enhancedDiagnostics = enhancedDiagnostics.Union(walker.EnhancedDiagnostics).ToList();

                    numberOfTestsFound      += walker.NumberOfTestsFound;
                    numberOfTestsWithIssues += walker.NumberOfTestsWithIssues;

            var violationsByIdAndSeverity = enhancedDiagnostics
                                            .GroupBy(ed => ed.Diag.Id + " - " + ed.Severity)
                                            .Select(group => new
                Count = group.Count()
                                            .OrderByDescending(edgrp => edgrp.Count);

            var topTestsWithIssues = enhancedDiagnostics
                                     .GroupBy(ed => ed.MethodName)
                                     .Select(group => new
                MethodName = group.Key,
                Count      = group.Count()
                                     .OrderByDescending(newGroups => newGroups.Count)

            // TODO: Do not hard code this. The walker should return a collection.
            Console.WriteLine("Rules Used In Analysis:");
            Console.WriteLine("     SRLCDUTL002: An 'if' statement found in a test.");
            Console.WriteLine("     SRLCDUTL003: A 'foreach' statement found in a test.");
            Console.WriteLine("     SRLCDUTL004: A 'magic number' found in a test.");
            Console.WriteLine("     SRLCDUTL005: A 'try / catch statement' found in a test.");
            Console.WriteLine("     SRLCDUTL006: A 'for loop statement' found in a test.");
            Console.WriteLine("     SRLCDUTL007: A 'while loop statement' found in a test.");
            Console.WriteLine("     SRLCDUTL008: An 'ternary operator statement' found in a test.");
            Console.WriteLine("Number of tests found: {0}", numberOfTestsFound);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of issues found: {0}", enhancedDiagnostics.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of tests with issues: {0} - {1}%", numberOfTestsWithIssues,
                              numberOfTestsWithIssues / numberOfTestsFound);
            Console.WriteLine("Violations by Rule And Severity:");

            foreach (var violationGroup in violationsByIdAndSeverity)
                Console.WriteLine("     {0} : {1}",

            Console.WriteLine("Top Ten Tests By Violations Count:");

            // TODO: Magic Numbers seems to be reporting violation counts incorrectly.
            //       See Content Manager -
            //       Execute_ReturnsCorrectValues_IfColumnTypesContainsColumnsThatShouldBeStripped
            foreach (var methodWithIssues in topTestsWithIssues)
                Console.WriteLine("     {0} : {1}",

            Console.WriteLine("Violations Details:");

            foreach (EnhancedDiagnostic enhancedDiag in enhancedDiagnostics)
                Console.WriteLine("Project Name      - {0}:", enhancedDiag.ProjectName);
                Console.WriteLine("File Name         - {0} ", enhancedDiag.SourceCodeFileName);
                Console.WriteLine("Test Method Name  - {0} ", enhancedDiag.MethodName);
                Console.WriteLine("Rule violation:");
                Console.WriteLine("     ID       - {0}:", enhancedDiag.Diag.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("     Severity - {0} ", enhancedDiag.Diag.Severity);
                Console.WriteLine("     Title    - {0} ", enhancedDiag.Diag.Descriptor.Title);
                Console.WriteLine("     Message  - {0} ", enhancedDiag.Diag.GetMessage());
                Console.WriteLine("     Source   - {0} ", enhancedDiag.CodeViolationSnippet);
        private string ProjectText(MonoIsland island, SolutionSynchronizer.Mode mode, string allAssetsProject)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder           = new StringBuilder(this.ProjectHeader(island));
            List <string> first                   = new List <string>();
            List <Match>  matchList               = new List <Match>();
            bool          isBuildingEditorProject = island._output.EndsWith("-Editor.dll");

            foreach (string file1 in island._files)
                string lower = Path.GetExtension(file1).ToLower();
                string file2 = !Path.IsPathRooted(file1) ? Path.Combine(this._projectDirectory, file1) : file1;
                if (".dll" != lower)
                    string str = "Compile";
                    stringBuilder.AppendFormat("     <{0} Include=\"{1}\" />{2}", (object)str, (object)this.EscapedRelativePathFor(file2), (object)SolutionSynchronizer.WindowsNewline);
            foreach (string str1 in first.Union <string>((IEnumerable <string>)island._references))
                if (!str1.EndsWith("/UnityEditor.dll") && !str1.EndsWith("/UnityEngine.dll") && (!str1.EndsWith("\\UnityEditor.dll") && !str1.EndsWith("\\UnityEngine.dll")))
                    Match match = SolutionSynchronizer.scriptReferenceExpression.Match(str1);
                    if (match.Success && (mode == SolutionSynchronizer.Mode.UnityScriptAsUnityProj || (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(ScriptingLanguage), match.Groups["language"].Value, true) == 2))
                        string str2 = !Path.IsPathRooted(str1) ? Path.Combine(this._projectDirectory, str1) : str1;
                        if (AssemblyHelper.IsManagedAssembly(str2) && (!AssemblyHelper.IsInternalAssembly(str2) || SolutionSynchronizer.IsInternalAssemblyThatShouldBeReferenced(isBuildingEditorProject, str2)))
                            string path = str2.Replace("\\", "/").Replace("\\\\", "/");
                            stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" <Reference Include=\"{0}\">{1}", (object)Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path), (object)SolutionSynchronizer.WindowsNewline);
                            stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" <HintPath>{0}</HintPath>{1}", (object)path, (object)SolutionSynchronizer.WindowsNewline);
                            stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" </Reference>{0}", (object)SolutionSynchronizer.WindowsNewline);
            if (0 < matchList.Count)
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("  </ItemGroup>");
                stringBuilder.AppendLine("  <ItemGroup>");
                using (List <Match> .Enumerator enumerator = matchList.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        Match  current = enumerator.Current;
                        string str     = current.Groups["project"].Value;
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("    <ProjectReference Include=\"{0}{1}\">{2}", (object)str, (object)SolutionSynchronizer.GetProjectExtension((ScriptingLanguage)Enum.Parse(typeof(ScriptingLanguage), current.Groups["language"].Value, true)), (object)SolutionSynchronizer.WindowsNewline);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("      <Project>{{{0}}}</Project>", (object)this.ProjectGuid(Path.Combine("Temp", current.Groups["project"].Value + ".dll")), (object)SolutionSynchronizer.WindowsNewline);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("      <Name>{0}</Name>", (object)str, (object)SolutionSynchronizer.WindowsNewline);
                        stringBuilder.AppendLine("    </ProjectReference>");
Exemplo n.º 34
        protected override void FilterInitialize()
            if (_filterInitialized)
            _filterInitialized = true;

            _filters = (IList <Filter>)HttpContext.Current.Items["MyProducts.FiltersCache"];
            if (Page == null && _filters != null)
                _filterHandlers = _filters.
                                  Union(_filters.SelectMany(r => r.AllChildren)).
                                  Where(p => p.FilterHandler != null).
                                  ToDictionary(p => LinqFilterGenerator.GetFilterName(p.FilterName));

            BrowseFilterParameters parameters;
            IList <Filter>         filters = new List <Filter>();
            var stack = new Stack <IList <Filter> >();

            _filters = filters;
            Filter current;
            BaseFilterParameter currentBF = null;

            //колонка 'Наименование'
            current = currentBF = new BaseFilterParameterString <MyProduct>(r => r.Name)
                FilterName      = "Name",
                Header          = MyProductsResources.Name__Header,
                IsJournalFilter = true,
                Mandatory       = true,
                Type            = FilterHtmlGenerator.FilterType.Text,
                MaxLength       = 200,
                Width           = "98%",

            //колонка 'Дата создания'
            current = currentBF = new BaseFilterParameter <MyProduct, DateTime>(r => r.CreationDate)
                FilterName      = "CreationDate",
                Header          = MyProductsResources.CreationDate__Header,
                IsJournalFilter = true,
                Mandatory       = true,
                Type            = FilterHtmlGenerator.FilterType.Numeric,
                IsDateTime      = true,

            //колонка 'Цена'
            current = currentBF = new BaseFilterParameter <MyProduct, Decimal>(r => r.Price)
                FilterName       = "Price",
                Header           = MyProductsResources.Price__Header,
                IsJournalFilter  = true,
                Mandatory        = true,
                Type             = FilterHtmlGenerator.FilterType.Numeric,
                DecimalPrecision = 2,
                MaxLength        = 8,
                Columns          = 8,

            //колонка 'Доступно'
            current = currentBF = new BaseFilterParameter <MyProduct, Decimal>(r => r.Amount)
                FilterName       = "Amount",
                Header           = MyProductsResources.Amount__Header,
                IsJournalFilter  = true,
                Mandatory        = true,
                Type             = FilterHtmlGenerator.FilterType.Numeric,
                DecimalPrecision = 2,
                MaxLength        = 8,
                Columns          = 8,

            if (Url.IsMultipleSelect)
                current = new Filter
                    FilterName       = MultipleSelectedValues,
                    Header           = TableResources.MultipleSelectedFilterHeader,
                    Type             = FilterHtmlGenerator.FilterType.Boolean,
                    TrueBooleanText  = TableResources.MultipleSelectedFilterSelected,
                    FalseBooleanText = TableResources.MultipleSelectedFilterNotSelected,
                    Mandatory        = true,
                    FilterHandler    =
                        delegate(IQueryable enumerable, Enum type, string value1, string value2)
                        throw new Exception("Is not actual delegate");

            if (CustomFilter != null && !_customFiltersInitialized)
                _customFiltersInitialized = true;

            _filterHandlers = filters.
                              Union(filters.SelectMany(r => r.AllChildren)).
                              Where(p => p.FilterHandler != null).
                              ToDictionary(p => LinqFilterGenerator.GetFilterName(p.FilterName));
            HttpContext.Current.Items["MyProducts.FiltersCache"] = filters;
Exemplo n.º 35
        public async Task <List <Event> > SearchByCategory(string search, int type)
            var list = new List <IEnumerable <DAL.App.DTO.Event> >();

            switch (type)
            case 1:
                return((await Uow.Event.FindByEventNameSearch(search)).Select(item => EventMapper.MapFromDAL(item)).ToList());


            case 2:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindByAdministrativeUnitSearch(search);


            case 3:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindByEventTypeSearch(search);


            case 4:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindByLocationSearch(search);


            case 5:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindByTargetAudienceSearch(search);


            case 6:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindByLocationSearch(search);


            case 7:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindByOrganizationSearch(search);


            case 8:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindBySponsorSearch(search);


            case 9:
                list = await Uow.Event.FindByPerformerSearch(search);


            var union = new List <DAL.App.DTO.Event>();

            foreach (var t in list)
                union = new List <DAL.App.DTO.Event>(union.Union(t, new EventComparer()));

            return(union.Select(item => EventMapper.MapFromDAL(item)).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a simple Polygon and then triangulate it.
        /// The Result is then Displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The Sender (i.e. the Button)</param>
        /// <param name="e">The routet Event Args</param>
        private void generatePolygonButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Generate random Polygon
            var random = new Random();
            var cnt    = mViewModel.PointCount;

            mPolygonPoints = new List <Vector2>();
            var angle     = 0f;
            var angleDiff = 2f * (Single)Math.PI / cnt;
            var radius    = 4f;
            // Random Radii for the Polygon
            var radii      = new List <float>();
            var innerRadii = new List <float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                radii.Add(random.NextFloat(radius * 0.9f, radius * 1.1f));
                innerRadii.Add(random.NextFloat(radius * 0.2f, radius * 0.3f));
            var hole1        = new List <Vector2>();
            var hole2        = new List <Vector2>();
            var holeDistance = 2f;
            var holeAngle    = random.NextFloat(0, (float)Math.PI * 2);
            var cos          = (float)Math.Cos(holeAngle);
            var sin          = (float)Math.Sin(holeAngle);
            var offset1      = new Vector2(holeDistance * cos, holeDistance * sin);
            var offset2      = new Vector2(-holeDistance * cos, -holeDistance * sin);

            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                // Flatten a bit
                var radiusUse = radii[i];
                mPolygonPoints.Add(new Vector2(radii[i] * (Single)Math.Cos(angle), radii[i] * (Single)Math.Sin(angle)));
                hole1.Add(offset1 + new Vector2(innerRadii[i] * (Single)Math.Cos(-angle), innerRadii[i] * (Single)Math.Sin(-angle)));
                hole2.Add(offset2 + new Vector2(innerRadii[i] * (Single)Math.Cos(-angle), innerRadii[i] * (Single)Math.Sin(-angle)));
                angle += angleDiff;

            var holes = new List <List <Vector2> >()
                hole1, hole2

            // Triangulate and measure the Time needed for the Triangulation
            var before = DateTime.Now;
            var sLTI   = SweepLinePolygonTriangulator.Triangulate(mPolygonPoints, holes);
            var after  = DateTime.Now;

            // Generate the Output
            var geometry = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.MeshGeometry3D();

            geometry.Positions = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Core.Vector3Collection();
            geometry.Normals   = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Core.Vector3Collection();
            foreach (var point in mPolygonPoints.Union(holes.SelectMany(h => h)))
                geometry.Positions.Add(new Vector3(point.X, 0, point.Y + 5));
                geometry.Normals.Add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
            geometry.Indices             = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Core.IntCollection(sLTI);
            triangulatedPolygon.Geometry = geometry;

            var lb = new LineBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < sLTI.Count; i += 3)
                lb.AddLine(geometry.Positions[sLTI[i]], geometry.Positions[sLTI[i + 1]]);
                lb.AddLine(geometry.Positions[sLTI[i + 1]], geometry.Positions[sLTI[i + 2]]);
                lb.AddLine(geometry.Positions[sLTI[i + 2]], geometry.Positions[sLTI[i]]);
            mViewModel.LineGeometry = lb.ToLineGeometry3D();

            // Set the Lines if activated
            if (mViewModel.ShowTriangleLines)
                lineTriangulatedPolygon.Geometry = mViewModel.LineGeometry;
                lineTriangulatedPolygon.Geometry = null;

            // Set the InfoLabel Text
            var timeNeeded = (after - before).TotalMilliseconds;

            infoLabel.Content = String.Format("Last triangulation of {0} Points took {1:0.##} Milliseconds!", triangulatedPolygon.Geometry.Positions.Count, timeNeeded);
Exemplo n.º 37
 static List <int> UseUnion(List <int> Aage, List <int> Bage)
Exemplo n.º 38
        public static double CaculateRebalanceCost(List <string> ETFs,
                                                   List <string> ETFs_holding,
                                                   double[] ETFs_holding_allocation,
                                                   DataPreProcessing preprocessing)
            var    Expected_Allocation = PO.ETF2AllocationOwnOptim(ETFs, preprocessing);
            double rebalance           = 0;

            var Union_ETFs = ETFs.Union(ETFs_holding).ToArray();

            double[] Lastweek = new double[Union_ETFs.Count()];
            double[] Thisweek = new double[Union_ETFs.Count()];

            for (int j = 0; j < Union_ETFs.Count(); j++)
                Lastweek[j] = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < ETFs_holding.Count(); i++)
                    if (ETFs_holding[i] == Union_ETFs[j])
                        Lastweek[j] = ETFs_holding_allocation[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < Union_ETFs.Count(); j++)
                Thisweek[j] = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < ETFs.Count(); i++)
                    if (ETFs[i] == Union_ETFs[j])
                        Thisweek[j] = Expected_Allocation[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < Union_ETFs.Count(); i++)
                rebalance += Math.Abs(Thisweek[i] - Lastweek[i]);

            double rebalance_cost = rebalance * 0.05;

            Console.WriteLine("Rebalance Cost is {0}", rebalance_cost);

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (ISiteNavHelper navHelper = SiteNavFactory.GetSiteNavHelper()) {
                string sCurrentPage = SiteData.CurrentScriptName;
                string sScrubbedURL = SiteData.AlternateCurrentScriptName;

                if (sScrubbedURL.ToLower() != sCurrentPage.ToLower())
                    sCurrentPage = sScrubbedURL;

                ContentPage currentPage = pageHelper.FindByFilename(SiteData.CurrentSiteID, sCurrentPage);

                if (currentPage == null && SiteData.IsPageReal)
                    IsPageTemplate = true;

                if ((SiteData.IsPageSampler || IsPageTemplate) && currentPage == null)
                    currentPage = ContentPageHelper.GetSamplerView();

                litVersion.Text  = SiteData.CarrotCakeCMSVersion;
                litRelease.Text  = currentPage.GoLiveDate.ToString();
                litRetire.Text   = currentPage.RetireDate.ToString();
                litTemplate.Text = currentPage.TemplateFile;

                CurrentPageID   = currentPage.Root_ContentID;
                lnkCurrent.HRef = SiteData.CurrentScriptName;

                EditPageURL  = SiteFilename.PageAddEditURL;
                PageIndexURL = SiteFilename.PageIndexURL;

                if (currentPage.ContentType == ContentPageType.PageType.BlogEntry)
                    EditPageURL  = SiteFilename.BlogPostAddEditURL;
                    PageIndexURL = SiteFilename.BlogPostIndexURL;

                if (!IsPostBack)
                    List <SiteNav> nav = navHelper.GetChildNavigation(SiteData.CurrentSiteID, CurrentPageID, !SecurityData.IsAuthEditor);

                    SiteNav pageContents2 = navHelper.GetParentPageNavigation(SiteData.CurrentSiteID, CurrentPageID);
                    if (pageContents2 != null)
                        pageContents2.NavMenuText = "Parent: " + pageContents2.NavMenuText;
                        pageContents2.NavOrder    = -110;
                        lnkParent.Visible         = true;
                        lnkParent.HRef            = pageContents2.FileName;
                        lnkParent.Visible = false;

                    ContentPage homePage = pageHelper.FindHome(SiteData.CurrentSiteID);

                    List <SiteNav> lstNavTop = null;
                    if (homePage != null && homePage.Root_ContentID == CurrentPageID)
                        lstNavTop = (from n in navHelper.GetTopNavigation(SiteData.CurrentSiteID, !SecurityData.IsAuthEditor)
                                     where n.Root_ContentID != CurrentPageID
                                     orderby n.NavOrder
                                     select new SiteNav {
                            NavOrder = n.NavOrder,
                            FileName = n.FileName,
                            NavMenuText = (n.NavOrder > 0 ? "  -- " : "") + n.FileName + "  [[" + (n.PageActive ? "" : "{*U*}  ") + n.NavMenuText + "]]",
                            PageActive = n.PageActive,
                            ContentID = n.ContentID,
                            Root_ContentID = n.Root_ContentID,
                            PageHead = n.PageHead,
                            SiteID = n.SiteID

                    List <SiteNav> lstNav = (from n in nav
                                             orderby n.NavOrder
                                             select new SiteNav {
                        NavOrder = n.NavOrder,
                        FileName = n.FileName,
                        NavMenuText = (n.NavOrder > 0 ? "  -- " : "") + n.FileName + "  [[" + (n.PageActive ? "" : "{*U*}  ") + n.NavMenuText + "]]",
                        PageActive = n.PageActive,
                        ContentID = n.ContentID,
                        Root_ContentID = n.Root_ContentID,
                        PageHead = n.PageHead,
                        SiteID = n.SiteID

                    if (lstNavTop != null)
                        lstNav = lstNavTop.Union(lstNav).ToList();

                    GeneralUtilities.BindListDefaultText(ddlCMSLinks, lstNav, null, "Navigate", "00000");

                    if (lstNav.Count < 1)
                        ddlCMSLinks.Visible = false;
                        lblChildDDL.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 40
        string ProjectText(Assembly assembly,
                           Dictionary <string, string> allAssetsProjectParts,
                           IEnumerable <ResponseFileData> responseFilesData,
                           List <Assembly> allProjectIslands)
            var projectBuilder    = new StringBuilder(ProjectHeader(assembly, responseFilesData));
            var references        = new List <string>();
            var projectReferences = new List <Match>();

            projectBuilder.Append(@"  <ItemGroup>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
            foreach (string file in assembly.sourceFiles)
                if (!ShouldFileBePartOfSolution(file))

                var extension = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower();
                var fullFile  = EscapedRelativePathFor(file);
                if (".dll" != extension)
                    projectBuilder.Append("    <Compile Include=\"").Append(fullFile).Append("\" />").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
            projectBuilder.Append(@"  </ItemGroup>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);

            var assemblyName = FileUtility.FileNameWithoutExtension(assembly.outputPath);

            projectBuilder.Append(@"  <ItemGroup>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
            // Append additional non-script files that should be included in project generation.
            if (allAssetsProjectParts.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out var additionalAssetsForProject))

            var islandRefs = references.Union(assembly.allReferences);

            foreach (string reference in islandRefs)
                if (reference.EndsWith("/UnityEditor.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    reference.EndsWith("/UnityEngine.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    reference.EndsWith("\\UnityEditor.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    reference.EndsWith("\\UnityEngine.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal))

                var match = k_ScriptReferenceExpression.Match(reference);
                if (match.Success)
                    // assume csharp language
                    // Add a reference to a project except if it's a reference to a script assembly
                    // that we are not generating a project for. This will be the case for assemblies
                    // coming from .assembly.json files in non-internalized packages.
                    var dllName = match.Groups["dllname"].Value;
                    if (allProjectIslands.Any(i => Path.GetFileName(i.outputPath) == dllName))

                string fullReference = Path.IsPathRooted(reference) ? reference : Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, reference);

                AppendReference(fullReference, projectBuilder);

            var responseRefs = responseFilesData.SelectMany(x => x.FullPathReferences.Select(r => r));

            foreach (var reference in responseRefs)
                AppendReference(reference, projectBuilder);
            projectBuilder.Append(@"  </ItemGroup>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);

            if (0 < projectReferences.Count)
                projectBuilder.Append(@"  <ItemGroup>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
                foreach (Match reference in projectReferences)
                    var referencedProject = reference.Groups["project"].Value;

                    projectBuilder.Append("    <ProjectReference Include=\"").Append(referencedProject).Append(GetProjectExtension()).Append("\">").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
                    projectBuilder.Append("      <Project>{").Append(ProjectGuid(Path.Combine("Temp", reference.Groups["project"].Value + ".dll"))).Append("}</Project>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
                    projectBuilder.Append("      <Name>").Append(referencedProject).Append("</Name>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
                    projectBuilder.Append("    </ProjectReference>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);
                projectBuilder.Append(@"  </ItemGroup>").Append(k_WindowsNewline);

Exemplo n.º 41
        private void UpdateLogFileList(string selectedDirectoryTitle = null)
            if (selectedDirectoryTitle == null)
                selectedDirectoryTitle = _selectedDirectoryTitle;
                _selectedDirectoryTitle = selectedDirectoryTitle;

            string errorSearchTerm;
            string warningSearchTerm;

            // remember user selection
            string selectedIndexValue = null;
            int    selectedIndex      = -1;

            selectedIndex = listBoxViewLogFiles.SelectedIndex;
            if (selectedIndex >= 0)
                selectedIndexValue = listBoxViewLogFiles.SelectedItems[0].ToString();

            switch (selectedDirectoryTitle)
            case "SnapRAID Scheduled Jobs":
                // SnapRAID Scheduled Jobs
                errorSearchTerm        = _snapraidErrorSearchTerm;
                warningSearchTerm      = _snapraidWarningSearchTerm;
                LexerToUse             = LexerNameEnum.ScanRaid;
                _logSourcePath         = $@"{Path.GetDirectoryName(Properties.Settings.Default.ConfigFileLocation)}\{Properties.Settings.Default.LogFileDirectory}\";
                _logFileWatcher.Path   = $@"{Path.GetDirectoryName(Properties.Settings.Default.ConfigFileLocation)}\{Properties.Settings.Default.LogFileDirectory}\";
                _logFileWatcher.Filter = "*.log";
                _logFileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

            case "Elucidate":
                // Elucidate
                errorSearchTerm        = _elucidateErrorSearchTerm;
                warningSearchTerm      = _elucidateWarningSearchTerm;
                LexerToUse             = LexerNameEnum.NLog;
                _logSourcePath         = LogFileLocation.GetActiveLogFileLocation();
                _logFileWatcher.Path   = LogFileLocation.GetActiveLogFileLocation();
                _logFileWatcher.Filter = "*.log";
                _logFileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

                _logFileWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false;

            Log.Instance.Debug($"_logSourcePath : {_logSourcePath}");


            if (!Directory.Exists(_logSourcePath))

            DirectoryInfo logFileDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(_logSourcePath);

            List <FileInfo> allLogs = logFileDirectoryInfo.GetFiles("*.log").OrderByDescending(a => a.Name).ToList();

            List <FileInfo> filteredLogs = new List <FileInfo>();

            if (checkedFilesWithError.Checked)
                IEnumerable <FileInfo> filesWithErrors = from file in allLogs
                                                         let fileText = GetFileText(file.FullName)
                                                                        where fileText.Contains(errorSearchTerm)
                                                                        select file;
                filteredLogs = filteredLogs.Union(filesWithErrors).ToList();

            if (checkedFilesWithWarn.Checked)
                IEnumerable <FileInfo> filesWithWarnings = from file in allLogs
                                                           let fileText = GetFileText(file.FullName)
                                                                          where fileText.Contains(warningSearchTerm)
                                                                          select file;
                filteredLogs = filteredLogs.Union(filesWithWarnings).ToList();

            List <FileInfo> logsToShow = filteredLogs.Count > 0 ? filteredLogs : allLogs;

            logsToShow = logsToShow.OrderByDescending(a => a.Name).ToList();
            foreach (FileInfo log in logsToShow)

            // restore user selection, if it stil lexists
            if (selectedIndex >= 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedIndexValue))
                int indexFound = -1;
                indexFound = listBoxViewLogFiles.FindStringExact(selectedIndexValue);
                if (indexFound >= 0)
                    listBoxViewLogFiles.SelectedIndex = indexFound;
Exemplo n.º 42
        public List <string> GetUniqueListOfCommands()
            var allCommands = initCommands.Union(executeCommands).Union(deInitCommands);

            return(allCommands.Select(o => o.CommandName).Distinct().ToList());;
        public HttpResponseMessage Upload_Query_For_ElectronicFile(_For_ElectronicFile_Info info)
            string result = string.Empty;

                List <Model.ElectronicFile> list = new List <Model.ElectronicFile>();

                List <Model.ElectronicFile> listdata = new List <Model.ElectronicFile>();

                using (Model.EntityContext db = new Model.EntityContext())
                    list = (from x in db.ElectronicFile
                            select x).ToList();

                if (!(info.fldUserID == "admin"))
                    list = (from x in list
                            where x.fldUserID == info.fldUserID
                            select x).ToList();

                DateTime BeginDate = DateTime.Parse(info.fldBeginDate);
                DateTime EndDate   = DateTime.Parse(info.fldEndDate);

                list = (from x in list
                        where x.fldTime >= BeginDate &&
                        x.fldTime <= EndDate
                        select x).ToList();

                if (!(info.obj == "" || info.obj == null))
                    var query1 = from x in list
                                 where x.fldReport_Name.Contains(info.fldReport_Name)
                                 select x;

                    var query2 = from x in list
                                 where x.fldReport_Type.Contains(info.fldReport_Type)
                                 select x;

                    var query3 = from x in list
                                 where x.fldRName.Contains(info.fldRName)
                                 select x;

                    listdata = query1.Union(query2).ToList();

                    listdata = listdata.Union(query3).ToList();

                    list = listdata;

                list = list.OrderByDescending(x => x.fldTime).ToList();

                result = rule.JsonStr("ok", "", list);
            catch (Exception e)
                result = rule.JsonStr("error", e.Message, "");

            return(new HttpResponseMessage {
                Content = new StringContent(result, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
        /// <summary>
        /// Divides the prescriptions into their own respective classifications.
        /// </summary>
        private void DividePrescriptions()
            if (ScheduledPrescriptions == null)
                ScheduledPrescriptions = new ObservableCollection <PrescriptionGroup>();
            if (AdministeredPrescriptions == null)
                AdministeredPrescriptions = new ObservableCollection <PrescriptionGroup>();
            if (UnadministeredPrescriptions == null)
                UnadministeredPrescriptions = new ObservableCollection <PrescriptionGroup>();
            if (SelectedPrescriptions == null)
                SelectedPrescriptions = new ObservableCollection <PrescriptionGroup>();

            // past v. future for scheduled
            List <PrescriptionGroup> recentPast;

                recentPast = AllPrescriptions.Where(grp => (((grp.TimeStamp - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes > -30) && ((grp.TimeStamp - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes < 0))).ToList();
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                recentPast = new List <PrescriptionGroup>();

            List <PrescriptionGroup> future;

                future = AllPrescriptions.Where(grp => (grp.TimeStamp - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes > 0).ToList();
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                future = new List <PrescriptionGroup>();
            var oc = recentPast.Union(future);

            ScheduledPrescriptions = new ObservableCollection <PrescriptionGroup>(oc);

            // selected
            var selected = AllPrescriptions.Where(grp => grp.IsSelectedOnly).ToList();

            SelectedPrescriptions = new ObservableCollection <PrescriptionGroup>(selected);
            SelectedPrescriptions.CollectionChanged += SelectedPrescriptions_CollectionChanged;

            // administered v. unadministered
                foreach (PrescriptionGroup group in AllPrescriptions)
                    bool isAdministered = false;
                    foreach (var med in group.Prescriptions)
                        if (med.AdministeredOn.HasValue)
                            isAdministered = true;

                    if (isAdministered)
            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 45
        void ConfigureMac()
            var classic_targets           = new List <MacClassicTarget> ();
            var unified_targets           = new List <MacUnifiedTarget> ();
            var hardcoded_unified_targets = new List <MacUnifiedTarget> ();

            RootDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(RootDirectory).TrimEnd('/');

            if (AutoConf)

            foreach (var proj in MacBclTests)

            foreach (var proj in MacTestProjects.Where((v) => v.GenerateVariations))
                var file = Path.ChangeExtension(proj.Path, "csproj");
                if (!File.Exists(file))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(file);

                foreach (bool thirtyTwoBit in new bool[] { false, true })
                    var unifiedMobile = new MacUnifiedTarget(true, thirtyTwoBit)
                        TemplateProjectPath = file,
                        Harness             = this,
                        IsNUnitProject      = proj.IsNUnitProject,

                    if (!proj.SkipXMVariations)
                        var unifiedXM45 = new MacUnifiedTarget(false, thirtyTwoBit)
                            TemplateProjectPath = file,
                            Harness             = this,

                var classic = new MacClassicTarget()
                    TemplateProjectPath = file,
                    Harness             = this,

            foreach (var proj in MacTestProjects.Where((v) => !v.GenerateVariations))
                var file          = proj.Path;
                var unifiedMobile = new MacUnifiedTarget(true, false, true)
                    TemplateProjectPath = file,
                    Harness             = this,
                    IsNUnitProject      = proj.IsNUnitProject,

            MakefileGenerator.CreateMacMakefile(this, classic_targets.Union <MacTarget> (unified_targets).Union(hardcoded_unified_targets));
Exemplo n.º 46
    private List <GameObject> IsRowBomb(Dot dot1, Dot dot2, Dot dot3)
        List <GameObject> currentDots = new List <GameObject>();

        if (dot1.isRowBomb)
        if (dot2.isRowBomb)
        if (dot3.isRowBomb)
Exemplo n.º 47
 public void ValidationRuleCompose(List <IValidationRule> validationRules)
     _validationRules = _validationRules.Union(validationRules).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 48
        /// <summary>
        /// SetWebBrowserTable - for creating html mail
        /// </summary>
        public void SetWebBrowserTable()
            List <ClientEventModel> clientEventModelsList = new List <ClientEventModel>();

            allClientEventTrackWorkerIdList = new List <int>();
            foreach (int clientEventId in _clientEventIdList)
                ClientEventModel clientEvent = ClientEventDataAccess.LoadClientEvent(clientEventId);
                clientEvent.TrackWorkersId      = ClientEvents_TrackWorkersDataAccess.LoadClientEventTrackWorkerIDList(clientEventId);
                allClientEventTrackWorkerIdList = allClientEventTrackWorkerIdList.Union(clientEvent.TrackWorkersId).ToList();

            stringBodyHTML += "<table style=\"border: 1px solid black;text-align:center;\">";
            stringBodyHTML += "<tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "<td></td>";
            foreach (ClientEventModel clientEvent in clientEventModelsList)
                ClientModel client = ClientDataAccess.LoadClient(clientEvent.ClientID);
                stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">" + client.Name + "</td>";
            stringBodyHTML += "</tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "<tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "<td></td>";
            foreach (ClientEventModel clientEvent in clientEventModelsList)
                stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">" + clientEvent.Date + "</td>";
            stringBodyHTML += "</tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "<tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\"># Workers Needed</td>";
            foreach (ClientEventModel clientEvent in clientEventModelsList)
                stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">" + clientEvent.WorkersRequested + "</td>";
            stringBodyHTML += "</tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "<tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">Track</td>";
            foreach (ClientEventModel clientEvent in clientEventModelsList)
                TrackModel track = TrackDataAccess.LoadTrack(clientEvent.TrackID);
                stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">" + track.Name + "</td>";
            stringBodyHTML += "</tr>";

            stringBodyHTML += "<tr><td><b>Worker Name</b></td></tr>";
            foreach (int trackWorkerId in allClientEventTrackWorkerIdList)
                stringBodyHTML += "<tr>";
                TrackWorkerModel trackWorker = TrackWorkerDataAccess.LoadTrackWorker(trackWorkerId);
                stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">" + trackWorker.FullName() + "</td>";
                foreach (ClientEventModel clientEvent in clientEventModelsList)
                    if (clientEvent.TrackWorkersId.Contains(trackWorkerId))
                        stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">X</td>";
                        stringBodyHTML += "<td style=\"border: 1px solid black;\">&nbsp;</td>";
                stringBodyHTML += "</tr>";
            stringBodyHTML += "</table>";

            //webBrowser.DocumentText += stringTableHTML;
Exemplo n.º 49
        private void ConfigureMultiElementValues()
            Mock <IFlowElement> element1 = new Mock <IFlowElement>();

            element1.Setup(e => e.ElementDataKey).Returns("element1");
            List <IElementPropertyMetaData> metaData1 = new List <IElementPropertyMetaData>()
                new ElementPropertyMetaData(element1.Object, INT_PROPERTY, INT_PROPERTY_VALUE.GetType(), true),
                new ElementPropertyMetaData(element1.Object, NULL_STRING_PROPERTY, typeof(string), true),
                new ElementPropertyMetaData(element1.Object, LIST_PROPERTY, LIST_PROPERTY_VALUE.GetType(), true),
                new ElementPropertyMetaData(element1.Object, DUPLICATE_PROPERTY, typeof(string), true),

            element1.Setup(e => e.Properties).Returns(metaData1);

            Mock <IFlowElement> element2 = new Mock <IFlowElement>();

            element2.Setup(e => e.ElementDataKey).Returns("element2");
            List <IElementPropertyMetaData> metaData2 = new List <IElementPropertyMetaData>()
                new ElementPropertyMetaData(element2.Object, STRING_PROPERTY, STRING_PROPERTY_VALUE.GetType(), true),
                new ElementPropertyMetaData(element2.Object, DUPLICATE_PROPERTY, typeof(string), true),

            element2.Setup(e => e.Properties).Returns(metaData2);

            DictionaryElementData elementData1 = new DictionaryElementData(
                new TestLogger <DictionaryElementData>(), _pipeline.Object);

            elementData1[INT_PROPERTY]         = INT_PROPERTY_VALUE;
            elementData1[NULL_STRING_PROPERTY] = null;
            elementData1[LIST_PROPERTY]        = LIST_PROPERTY_VALUE;
            DictionaryElementData elementData2 = new DictionaryElementData(
                new TestLogger <DictionaryElementData>(), _pipeline.Object);


            List <IFlowElement> elements = new List <IFlowElement>()

            _pipeline.Setup(p => p.FlowElements).Returns(elements);
            _pipeline.Setup(p => p.Process(It.IsAny <IFlowData>()))
            .Callback((IFlowData data) =>
                data.GetOrAdd("element1", (p) => elementData1);
                data.GetOrAdd("element2", (p) => elementData2);
            _pipeline.Setup(p => p.GetMetaDataForProperty(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string propertyName) =>
                var matches = metaData1.Union(metaData2)
                              .Where(d => d.Name == propertyName);
                if (matches.Count() == 0 || matches.Count() > 1)
                    throw new PipelineDataException("");
        private SqlScriptPublishModel BuildPublishModel()
            SqlScriptPublishModel publishModel = new SqlScriptPublishModel(this.Parameters.ConnectionString);

            // See if any filtering criteria was specified.  If not, we're scripting the entire database.  Otherwise, the filtering
            // criteria should include the target objects to script.
            bool hasObjectsSpecified  = this.Parameters.ScriptingObjects != null && this.Parameters.ScriptingObjects.Any();
            bool hasCriteriaSpecified =
                (this.Parameters.IncludeObjectCriteria != null && this.Parameters.IncludeObjectCriteria.Any()) ||
                (this.Parameters.ExcludeObjectCriteria != null && this.Parameters.ExcludeObjectCriteria.Any()) ||
                (this.Parameters.IncludeSchemas != null && this.Parameters.IncludeSchemas.Any()) ||
                (this.Parameters.ExcludeSchemas != null && this.Parameters.ExcludeSchemas.Any()) ||
                (this.Parameters.IncludeTypes != null && this.Parameters.IncludeTypes.Any()) ||
                (this.Parameters.ExcludeTypes != null && this.Parameters.ExcludeTypes.Any());
            bool scriptAllObjects = !hasObjectsSpecified && !hasCriteriaSpecified;

            // In the getter for SqlScriptPublishModel.AdvancedOptions, there is some strange logic which will
            // cause the SqlScriptPublishModel.AdvancedOptions to get reset and lose all values based the ordering
            // of when SqlScriptPublishModel.ScriptAllObjects is set.
            publishModel.ScriptAllObjects = scriptAllObjects;
            if (scriptAllObjects)
                // Due to the getter logic within publishModel.AdvancedOptions, we explicitly populate the options
                // after we determine what objects we are scripting.
                PopulateAdvancedScriptOptions(this.Parameters.ScriptOptions, publishModel.AdvancedOptions);

            IEnumerable <ScriptingObject> selectedObjects = new List <ScriptingObject>();

            if (hasCriteriaSpecified)
                // This is an expensive remote call to load all objects from the database.
                List <ScriptingObject> allObjects = publishModel.GetDatabaseObjects();
                selectedObjects = ScriptingObjectMatcher.Match(

            if (hasObjectsSpecified)
                selectedObjects = selectedObjects.Union(this.Parameters.ScriptingObjects);

            // Populating advanced options after we select our objects in question, otherwise we lose all
            // advanced options.  After this call to PopulateAdvancedScriptOptions, DO NOT reference the
            // publishModel.AdvancedOptions getter as it will reset the options in the model.
            PopulateAdvancedScriptOptions(this.Parameters.ScriptOptions, publishModel.AdvancedOptions);

                    "Scripting object count {0}, objects: {1}",
                    string.Join(", ", selectedObjects)));

            string server   = GetServerNameFromLiveInstance(this.Parameters.ConnectionString);
            string database = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(this.Parameters.ConnectionString).InitialCatalog;

            foreach (ScriptingObject scriptingObject in selectedObjects)
                publishModel.SelectedObjects.Add(scriptingObject.ToUrn(server, database));
 public static void RegisterType(params Type[] types)
     Types = Types.Union(types).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 52
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var list1 = new List <StudentList>()
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "jhon", Age = 20, standardId = 1, studentId = 1
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "cena", Age = 22, standardId = 1, studentId = 2
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "dawayne", Age = 21, studentId = 3, standardId = 2
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "jhonson", Age = 19, standardId = 2, studentId = 4
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "Rock", Age = 20, studentId = 5, standardId = 3
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "Randy", Age = 19, standardId = 3, studentId = 6
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "Orton", Age = 21, studentId = 7, standardId = 4
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "Smith", Age = 19, standardId = 4, studentId = 8

            var list2 = new List <StudentList>()
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "jhon", Age = 20, standardId = 1, studentId = 1
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "cena", Age = 22, standardId = 1, studentId = 2
                new StudentList {
                    studentName = "dawayne", Age = 21, studentId = 3, standardId = 2

            var list3 = new List <StandadList>()
                new StandadList {
                    standardID = 1, standardName = "Standard-1"
                new StandadList {
                    standardID = 2, standardName = "Standard-2"
                new StandadList {
                    standardID = 3, standardName = "Standard-3"
                new StandadList {
                    standardID = 4, standardName = "Standard-4"

            //query1:joining by query union syntax
            var result1 = list1.Union(list2).ToList();

            //printing query1 result
            foreach (var s in result1)
                Console.WriteLine(s.studentName + " " + s.studentId);

            //query2:joining by query join syntax
            var result2 = from s in list1
                          join st in list3
                          on s.standardId equals st.standardID
                          select new
                studentid    = s.studentId,
                standardId   = st.standardID,
                age          = s.Age,
                studentName  = s.studentName,
                standardName = st.standardName

            //printing qurey2 result
            foreach (var s in result2)
                Console.WriteLine("Id:" + s.studentid + "  StandardName:" + s.standardName + "  Name:" + s.studentName + "  Age:" + s.age);

            //query3:joining by query join syntax
            var result3 = from student in list1
                          group student by student.standardId;

            //printing qurey3 result
            foreach (var s in result3)
                Console.WriteLine("StandardId :" + s.Key);
                foreach (var a in s)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name:" + a.studentName);
Exemplo n.º 53
        protected void cbpnGiadinh_Callback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxClasses.CallbackEventArgsBase e)
            var  cbpnGiadinh = sender as ASPxCallbackPanel;
            bool bChong      = rbChong.Checked;

            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListS1 = null;
            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListS2 = null;
            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListS3 = null;
            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListS  = null;

            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListD1 = null;
            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListD2 = null;
            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListD3 = null;
            List <FamilyRelationshipInfo> frListD  = null;
            int nhanvienDich  = 0;
            int nhanvienNguon = 0;

            if (cbbSource.SelectedIndex != -1)
                nhanvienNguon = Convert.ToInt32(cbbSource.SelectedItem.Value);
                frListS1      = frController.GetFamilyByEmployess(nhanvienNguon, 1);
                frListS2      = frController.GetFamilyByEmployess(nhanvienNguon, 2);
                frListS3      = frController.GetFamilyByEmployess(nhanvienNguon, 3);
                frListS       = frListS1.Union(frListS2).Union(frListS3).ToList();
            if (cbbDest.SelectedIndex != -1)
                nhanvienDich = Convert.ToInt32(cbbDest.SelectedItem.Value);
                frListD1     = frController.GetFamilyByEmployess(nhanvienDich, 1);
                frListD2     = frController.GetFamilyByEmployess(nhanvienDich, 2);
                frListD3     = frController.GetFamilyByEmployess(nhanvienDich, 3);
                frListD      = frListD1.Union(frListD2).Union(frListD3).ToList();
            if (e.Parameter.StartsWith("TransferSelectedItem"))
                if (frListD == null)
                    frListD = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();

                var tempS = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();
                var tempD = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();

                string sourceItems = e.Parameter.Split(':')[1];
                string destItems   = e.Parameter.Split(':')[2];
                string allItem     = sourceItems + destItems;

                var tempList = frListS.ToList();
                RemoveUnMap(tempList, frListD, bChong);

                foreach (string item in allItem.Split(','))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
                    int rid   = Convert.ToInt32(item);
                    var ritem = tempList.Where(r => r.id == rid).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (ritem != null)

                for (int i = 0; i < tempD.Count; i++)
                    var ri   = tempD[i];
                    int mrid = MapRelationshipId(ri.relationshipid, bChong);
                    if (mrid == 0)
                        ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(mrid).name;
                foreach (var ri in frListD)
                    ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(ri.relationshipid).name;

                frListD = frListD.Union(tempD).ToList();
                lbRelativeDest.DataSource = frListD;

                foreach (var ri in frListS)
                    ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(ri.relationshipid).name;
                lbRelativeSource.DataSource = frListS;

                cbpnGiadinh.JSProperties["cpOP"] = 0;
            else if (e.Parameter.StartsWith("RemoveSelectedItem"))
                if (frListD == null)
                    frListD = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();

                var tempS = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();
                var tempD = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();

                string sourceItems     = e.Parameter.Split(':')[1];
                string destRemoveItems = e.Parameter.Split(':')[2];
                string destItems       = e.Parameter.Split(':')[3];
                string allItem         = sourceItems + destItems;

                List <int> tempSrcIdList        = new List <int>();
                List <int> tempDestRemoveIdList = new List <int>();
                List <int> tempDestAllIdList    = new List <int>();

                foreach (var strItem in sourceItems.Split(','))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem))
                    int id   = Convert.ToInt32(strItem);
                    var item = frListS.Where(r => r.id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (item != null)

                foreach (var strItem in destRemoveItems.Split(','))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem))
                    int id   = Convert.ToInt32(strItem);
                    var item = frListD.Where(r => r.id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (item == null)

                foreach (var strItem in destItems.Split(','))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem))
                    int id   = Convert.ToInt32(strItem);
                    var item = frListD.Where(r => r.id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (item == null)

                tempSrcIdList     = tempSrcIdList.Union(tempDestRemoveIdList).ToList();
                tempDestAllIdList = tempDestAllIdList.Except(tempDestRemoveIdList).ToList();

                foreach (var id in tempSrcIdList)
                    var ri = frController.GetFamilyRelationship(id);
                    ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(ri.relationshipid).name;

                foreach (var id in tempDestAllIdList)
                    var ri   = frController.GetFamilyRelationship(id);
                    int mrid = MapRelationshipId(ri.relationshipid, bChong);
                    ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(mrid).name;

                lbRelativeSource.DataSource = tempS;

                foreach (var ri in frListD)
                    ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(ri.relationshipid).name;

                frListD = frListD.Union(tempD).ToList();
                lbRelativeDest.DataSource = frListD;
            else if (e.Parameter.StartsWith("LR"))
                if (frListS != null)
                    foreach (var ri in frListS)
                        ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(ri.relationshipid).name;
                    lbRelativeSource.DataSource = frListS;
                if (frListD != null)
                    foreach (var ri in frListD)
                        ri.description = objRelation.GetRelationship(ri.relationshipid).name;
                    lbRelativeDest.DataSource = frListD;
                cbpnGiadinh.JSProperties["cpOP"] = 0;
            else if (e.Parameter.StartsWith("Save"))
                    if (frListS == null)
                    if (frListD == null)
                        frListD = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();

                    string destItems = e.Parameter.Split(':')[1];
                    var    tempList  = new List <FamilyRelationshipInfo>();

                    List <int> frDestIdList = new List <int>();

                    foreach (string stritem in destItems.Split(','))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stritem))
                        int id   = Convert.ToInt32(stritem);
                        var item = frListD.Where(r => r.id == id).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (item == null)

                    foreach (var id in frDestIdList)
                        var item = frController.GetFamilyRelationship(id);
                        int rid  = MapRelationshipId(item.relationshipid, bChong);
                        if (rid == 0)
                        item.relationshipid = rid;
                        item.employeeid     = nhanvienDich;

                    FamilyRelationshipInfo fri = new FamilyRelationshipInfo();
                    var emp = objEmployees.GetEmployees(nhanvienNguon);
                    if (bChong)
                        //them thong tin chong
                        fri.fullname       = emp.fullname;
                        fri.employeeid     = nhanvienDich;
                        fri.address        = emp.placeofcurrent;
                        fri.birthday       = String.Format("{0:yyyy}", emp.birthday);;
                        fri.occupation     = emp.occupation;
                        fri.placeofbirth   = emp.placeofbirth;
                        fri.relationshipid = 10; //10 = chong
                        //them thong tin vo
                        fri.fullname       = emp.fullname;
                        fri.employeeid     = nhanvienDich;
                        fri.address        = emp.placeofcurrent;
                        fri.birthday       = String.Format("{0:yyyy}", emp.birthday);
                        fri.occupation     = emp.occupation;
                        fri.placeofbirth   = emp.placeofbirth;
                        fri.relationshipid = 11; //11 = vo


                    cbpnGiadinh.JSProperties["cpOP"] = 1;
                    cbpnGiadinh.JSProperties["cpOP"] = 2;
Exemplo n.º 54
        private IEnumerator OnPlaced()
            if (Vector3.Distance(this._multiPointsPositions[this._multiPointsPositions.Count - 1], this._multiPointsPositions[0]) >= this._closureSnappingDistance)
            base.enabled    = false;
            this._wasPlaced = true;
            yield return(null);

            if (!this._craftStructure)
                this._craftStructure = base.GetComponentInChildren <Craft_Structure>();
            UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(base.GetComponent <Collider>());
            UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(base.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
            this._craftStructure.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false;
            if (Scene.HudGui)
            if (this._craftStructure)
                Transform ghostRoot = this._raftRoot;
                Transform transform = ghostRoot;
                transform.name += "Ghost";
                Transform logGhostPrefab = this._logPrefab;
                this._logPrefab         = Prefabs.Instance.LogFloorBuiltPrefab;
                this._logPool           = new Stack <Transform>();
                this._newPool           = new Stack <Transform>();
                this._raftRoot          = new GameObject("RaftRootBuilt").transform;
                this._raftRoot.position = this._multiPointsPositions[0];
                Craft_Structure.BuildIngredients ri = this._craftStructure._requiredIngredients.FirstOrDefault((Craft_Structure.BuildIngredients i) => i._itemID == this.$this._logItemId);
                List <GameObject> logStacks         = new List <GameObject>();
                IEnumerator       enumerator        = this._raftRoot.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        object    obj        = enumerator.Current;
                        Transform transform2 = (Transform)obj;
                    IDisposable disposable;
                    if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null)
                if (ri._renderers != null)
                    ri._renderers = logStacks.Union(ri._renderers).ToArray <GameObject>();
                    ri._renderers = logStacks.ToArray();
                ri._amount     += this._raftRoot.childCount;
                this._logPrefab = logGhostPrefab;
                this._raftRoot.transform.parent = base.transform;
                ghostRoot.transform.parent      = base.transform;
                this._craftStructure.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = true;
                BoxCollider bc;
                if (this._craftStructure.GetComponent <Collider>() is BoxCollider)
                    bc = (BoxCollider)this._craftStructure.GetComponent <Collider>();
                    bc           = this._craftStructure.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                    bc.isTrigger = true;
                Bounds b = new Bounds(base.transform.position, Vector3.zero);
                for (int j = 1; j < this._multiPointsPositions.Count; j++)
                Vector3 bottom = base.transform.position;
                bottom.y -= 5f;
                bc.center = base.transform.InverseTransformPoint(b.center);
                Vector3 finalColliderSize = base.transform.InverseTransformVector(b.size);
                float   alpha             = 0f;
                while (alpha < 1f)
                    bc.size = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, finalColliderSize, alpha += Time.deltaTime * 5f);
                    yield return(null);
                bc.size = finalColliderSize;
                yield return(null);

                this._craftStructure.manualLoading = true;
                while (LevelSerializer.IsDeserializing && !this._craftStructure.WasLoaded)
                    yield return(null);
                base.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
                yield return(null);

                if (bc != null)
                    bc.enabled = false;
                    bc.enabled = true;
                this._logPool         = null;
                this._newPool         = null;
                this._rowPointsBuffer = null;
            yield break;
Exemplo n.º 55
    void updateStun()
        //Attribute stuns
        foreach (string busterID in BusterIDs)
            Entity      buster        = Entities[busterID];
            EntityState es            = buster.Positions[Round];
            int         previousRound = Round - 1;
            if (es.State == StateStunned && es.Value == LimBusterStunDuration)
                es = buster.Positions[previousRound];
                int           enemyTeamID        = 1 - TeamID;
                List <Entity> staticEnemyBusters = Entities.Where(e => e.Value.Type == enemyTeamID)
                                                   .Where(e => e.Value.Positions.ContainsKey(Round))
                                                   .Where(e => e.Value.Positions.ContainsKey(previousRound))
                                                   .Where(e => e.Value.Positions[Round].X == e.Value.Positions[previousRound].X)
                                                   .Where(e => e.Value.Positions[previousRound].State != StateStunned)
                                                   .Where(e => Distance(es.X, es.Y, e.Value.Positions[Round].X, e.Value.Positions[Round].Y) <= LimStunMax)
                                                   .Select(e => e.Value).ToList();
                if (staticEnemyBusters.Count() == 1)
                    string bid = "" + staticEnemyBusters[0].Type + "," + staticEnemyBusters[0].ID;
                    addStun(bid, busterID);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Cannot attribute stunned " + busterID + " to buster");

        //Update timers
        foreach (string busterID in BusterIDs.Union(EnemyBusterIDs).ToList())
            if (!Entities.ContainsKey(busterID))
                Dashboards[Round].StunTimers[busterID] = 0;

            //For a stunned buster, the countdown is the duration
            int stunnedCountdown = 0;
            if (Round > 0)
                stunnedCountdown = Math.Max(0, Dashboards[Round - 1].StunTimers[busterID] - 1);
            if (Entities[busterID].Positions.ContainsKey(Round))
                EntityState es = Entities[busterID].Positions[Round];
                if (es.State == 2)
                    stunnedCountdown = es.Value;

            //For a non stunned buster, the countdown is the previous stun event
            int stunTimer = 0;
            if (StunEvents.Exists(s => s.BusterID == busterID))
                int latestRound = StunEvents.Where(s => s.BusterID == busterID).OrderByDescending(s => s.Round).First().Round;
                int difference  = LimBusterStunTimer - (Round - latestRound);
                stunTimer = Math.Max(0, difference);

            Dashboards[Round].StunTimers[busterID] = Math.Max(stunTimer, stunnedCountdown);
Exemplo n.º 56
         * @params showAll, show all other people's checkRecord
         * @params showDeputy, only show if user is other people's deputy
         * @params showSupervisor, only show if user is other people's supervisor
         * @params range, only shows records after today - spacific days

        public async Task <List <NotificationModel> > GetNotificationAsync(string id, bool showAll = false,
                                                                           bool showDeputy         = false, bool showSupervisor = false, int range = -7)
            using (var dbContext = new AppDbContext(builder.Options))
                DateTime dateBound = DateTime.Today.AddDays(range);
                if (showAll)
                    return(await(from record in dbContext.CheckRecord
                                 join user in dbContext.UserInfo on record.UserId equals user.Id
                                 where record.CheckedDate > dateBound &&
                                 (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(record.OffType) ||
                                 select new NotificationModel
                        Id = record.Id,
                        UserName = user.UserName,
                        CheckedDate = record.CheckedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                        OffType = record.OffType,
                        OffTime = $"{record.OffTimeStart} - {record.OffTimeEnd}",
                        OffReason = record.OffReason,
                        StatusOfApproval = record.StatusOfApproval,
                        OvertimeEndTime = record.OvertimeEndTime,
                        StatusOfApprovalForOvertime = record.StatusOfApprovalForOvertime
                List <NameListModel> userDeputy = new List <NameListModel>(), userSupervisor = new List <NameListModel>();
                if (showDeputy)
                    userDeputy = await(from deputy in dbContext.UserDeputy
                                       join user in dbContext.UserInfo on deputy.UserId equals user.Id
                                       where deputy.DeputyId == id
                                       select new NameListModel {
                        Label = user.UserName, Value = user.Id
                if (showSupervisor)
                    userSupervisor = await(from supervisor in dbContext.UserSupervisor
                                           join user in dbContext.UserInfo on supervisor.UserId equals user.Id
                                           where supervisor.SupervisorId == id
                                           select new NameListModel {
                        Label = user.UserName, Value = user.Id
                var ulist = userDeputy.Union(userSupervisor).ToList();
                var result = await dbContext.CheckRecord
                             .Where(s => ulist.Any(w => w.Value == s.UserId) &&
                                    s.CheckedDate > dateBound &&
                                    (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s.OffType) ||
                             .Select(s => new NotificationModel
                    Id                          = s.Id,
                    UserName                    = ulist.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Value == s.UserId).Label,
                    CheckedDate                 = s.CheckedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    OffType                     = s.OffType,
                    OffTime                     = $"{s.OffTimeStart.ToString()} - {s.OffTimeEnd.ToString()}",
                    OffReason                   = s.OffReason,
                    OvertimeEndTime             = s.OvertimeEndTime,
                    StatusOfApproval            = s.StatusOfApproval,
                    StatusOfApprovalForOvertime = s.StatusOfApprovalForOvertime

        public HttpResponseMessage Upload_Query(Upload_Query_Info info)
            string result = string.Empty;

                List <Model.tblReportArchive> list = new List <Model.tblReportArchive>();

                List <Model.tblReportArchive> listdata = new List <Model.tblReportArchive>();

                using (Model.EntityContext db = new Model.EntityContext())
                    list = (from x in db.tblReportArchive
                            select x).ToList();

                if (!(info.fldUserID == "admin"))
                    list = (from x in list
                            where x.fldUserID == info.fldUserID
                            select x).ToList();

                if (!(info.obj == "" || info.obj == null))
                    var query1 = from x in list
                                 where x.fldReport_Name.Contains(info.obj)
                                 select x;

                    var query2 = from x in list
                                 where x.fldReport_Type.Contains(info.obj)
                                 select x;

                    var query3 = from x in list
                                 where x.fldRName.Contains(info.obj)
                                 select x;

                    var query4 = from x in list
                                 where x.fldTime.Contains(info.obj)
                                 select x;

                    listdata = query1.Union(query2).ToList();

                    listdata = listdata.Union(query3).ToList();

                    listdata = listdata.Union(query4).ToList();

                    list = listdata;

                result = rule.JsonStr("ok", "", list);
            catch (Exception e)
                result = rule.JsonStr("error", e.Message, "");

            return(new HttpResponseMessage {
                Content = new StringContent(result, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
Exemplo n.º 58
        public Dictionary <Key, List <Fraction> > Calculate(int p, int k)
            if (p < 0 || p > 2)
                throw new ArgumentException($"p must be 0, 1 or 2");

            // coefficients of powers of e for the beta term
            var betaList = new List <BetaBase>
                new Beta0(),
                new Beta1(),
                new Beta2(),
                new Beta3(),

            var besselList = new List <BesselBase>
                new Bessel0(k),
                new Bessel1(k),
                new Bessel2(k),
                new Bessel3(k),

            Func <int, int, int> besselOrderFuncPosExp = (b, d) => { return(k - l + 2 * p - b + d); };
            Func <int, int, int> besselOrderFuncNegExp = (b, d) => { return(k + l - 2 * p + b - d); };

            var bUpper = -(4 - 2 * p); // binom upper coeff
            var dUpper = -2 * p;       // binom upper coeff

            var bMax = bUpper == 0 ? 0 : 3;
            var dMax = dUpper == 0 ? 0 : 3;

            var resultsPos = new List <Result>();
            var resultsNeg = new List <Result>();

            for (int b = 0; b <= bMax; b++)
                for (int d = 0; d <= dMax; d++)
                    if ((b + d) < 4)
                        var resultPos = CalculateCoefficient(b, d, besselOrderFuncPosExp, bUpper, dUpper, betaList, besselList);

                        var resultNeg = CalculateCoefficient(b, d, besselOrderFuncNegExp, bUpper, dUpper, betaList, besselList);

            var answer = $"k={k}, 1st:{WriteOutput(resultsPos)} , 2nd:{WriteOutput(resultsNeg)}";


            var allResults = resultsPos.Union(resultsNeg).ToList();

            var k1Series = GetFinalSeries(resultsPos);
            var k2Series = GetFinalSeries(resultsNeg);

            var sumSeries = GetFinalSeries(allResults);

            var dictResults = new Dictionary <Key, List <Fraction> >
                { Key.k1, k1Series },
                { Key.k2, k2Series },
                { Key.Sum, sumSeries }

        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            List <string> text1      = new List <string>();
            List <string> text2      = new List <string>();
            List <string> listNGram1 = new List <string>();
            List <string> listNGram2 = new List <string>();
            List <Matrix> matrix1    = new List <Matrix>();
            List <Matrix> matrix2    = new List <Matrix>();
            int           nGramSize  = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text);

            if (nGramSize == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("NGram size is must be set greater than 0.");
            string path1 = textBox1.Text;
            string path2 = textBox3.Text;

            if ((textBox1.Text != null) && (textBox2.Text != null) && (textBox3.Text != null))
                /* Extracting text from .docx, .doc, .pdf. .txt. .ppt, .pptx file*/
                text1 = textExtracting(path1);
                text2 = textExtracting(path2);

                /*Creating Tri-grams of those text after filtering stopwords, delimiters etc.*/
                listNGram1 = createNGramText(text1, nGramSize);
                listNGram2 = createNGramText(text2, nGramSize);

                /*Creating distance matrices i.e. Matrix1 and Matrix2 in Oracle 10g Database*/
                matrix1 = createMatrix(listNGram1);
                matrix2 = createMatrix(listNGram2);

                /*Find total matched values from distance matrices*/
                var matched = from outer in matrix1
                              from inner in matrix2
                              where outer.Row.Equals(inner.Row) && outer.Column.Equals(inner.Column) && outer.Value.Equals(inner.Value)
                              select new { outer, inner };

                /*Find total non-matched values from distance matrices*/
                var nonMatchedItems = matrix1.Where(l1 => !matrix2.Any(l2 => (l1.Row == l2.Row) && (l1.Column == l2.Column) && (l1.Value == l2.Value))).Concat(matrix2.Where(l1 => !matrix1.Any(l2 => (l1.Row == l2.Row) && (l1.Column == l2.Column) && (l1.Value == l2.Value))));

                /*Find out total intersect, union and minus values between two distance matrics*/
                var matrixIntersect = matrix1.Intersect(matrix2, new MatrixComparer());
                richTextBox1.AppendText("\nIntersect Value: " + matrixIntersect.Count() + "\n");
                var matrixUnion = matrix1.Union(matrix2, new MatrixComparer());
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Union Value: " + matrixUnion.Count() + "\n");
                var matrixMinus = matrixUnion.Except(matrixIntersect, new MatrixComparer());
                richTextBox1.AppendText("The total number of elements in Matrix1: " + matrix1.Count + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("The total number of elements in Matrix2: " + matrix2.Count + "\n");

                /*Finally Calulating the Co-Occarances between Matrix1 and Matrix2 databases to find out the measure of similarity*/
                float matrixJaccardCoefficient        = (float)matrixIntersect.Count() / (float)(matrix1.Count + matrix2.Count - matrixIntersect.Count());
                float matrixJaccardDistance           = (float)(matrixUnion.Count() - matrixIntersect.Count()) / (float)matrixUnion.Count();
                float matrixDiceCoefficient           = (float)(2 * matrixIntersect.Count()) / (float)(matrix1.Count + matrix2.Count);
                float matrixDiceDissimilarity         = (float)1 - ((float)(2 * matrixIntersect.Count()) / (float)(matrix1.Count + matrix2.Count));
                float matrixOverlapCoefficient        = (float)matrixIntersect.Count() / (float)Math.Min(matrix1.Count, matrix2.Count);
                float matrixCosineSimilarityMeasure   = (float)matrixIntersect.Count() / (float)(Math.Sqrt(matrix1.Count) * Math.Sqrt(matrix2.Count));
                float matrixSimpleMatchingCoefficient = (float)matrixIntersect.Count() / (float)matrixUnion.Count();

                richTextBox1.AppendText("\nJaccard Coefficient (Similarity): " + matrixJaccardCoefficient + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Jaccard Coefficient (Dis-similarity): " + matrixJaccardDistance + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Dice Similarity Coefficient: " + matrixDiceCoefficient + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Dice Dissimilarity Coefficient: " + matrixDiceDissimilarity + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Overlap Coefficient: " + matrixOverlapCoefficient + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Cosine Similarity Measure: " + matrixCosineSimilarityMeasure + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Simple Matching Coefficient: " + matrixSimpleMatchingCoefficient + "\n");
                richTextBox1.AppendText("Time elapsed: " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry there is no file!!!");
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Pret pret = db.prets.Find(id);

            if (pret == null)

            pret.emprunteur   = db.adherents.Find(pret.AdherentID);
            pret.leLivrePrete = db.livres.Find(pret.LivreID);

            var livresPretes   = from l in db.prets select l.leLivrePrete;
            var livreNonPretes = from l in db.livres where !livresPretes.Contains(l) select l;

            var             adherentAutorisable = from a in db.adherents where a.pretsEnCours.Count == 3 select a;
            List <Adherent> adherentAutorise    = adherentAutorisable.ToList <Adherent>();

            List <Adherent> adhWithDepas = new List <Adherent>();
            var             listpret     = from p in db.prets select p;
            List <Pret>     listprets    = listpret.ToList <Pret>();

            var             listAdherents = from a in db.adherents select a;
            List <Adherent> listAdherent  = listAdherents.ToList <Adherent>();

            foreach (Pret pr in listprets)
                Adherent d = db.adherents.Find(pr.AdherentID);
                if (DateTime.Compare(pr.getDateRetour().Date, DateTime.Now.Date) < 0)
            foreach (Adherent d in adherentAutorise)

            var             list  = adhWithDepas.GroupBy(x => x.ID).Select(y => y.First());
            List <Adherent> lista = list.ToList <Adherent>();


            if (livreNonPretes.Count() == 0 || listAdherent.Count() == 0)
                var adherentAutorisee = from a in db.adherents where a.ID == pret.AdherentID select a;;
                livreNonPretes     = from l in db.livres where l.ID == pret.LivreID select l;
                ViewBag.AdherentID = new SelectList(adherentAutorisee, "ID", "nom", pret.AdherentID);
                ViewBag.AdherentID = new SelectList(listAdherent, "ID", "nom", pret.AdherentID);

            ViewBag.LivreID = new SelectList(livreNonPretes, "ID", "titre", pret.LivreID);