Exemplo n.º 1
 private void CheckLine()
     if (_editor.SelectedItems != null && _editor.SelectedItems.Count == 1 && _editor.SelectedItems[0] is Helios.Controls.LineDecoration)
         if (!_isline)
             _topRight.Cursor = Cursors.Cross;
             _topLeft.Cursor  = Cursors.Cross;
         Helios.Controls.LineDecoration line = _editor.SelectedItems[0] as Helios.Controls.LineDecoration;
         _tempLine = new Helios.Controls.LineDecoration();
         _isline = true;
         if (_isline)
             _topRight.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW;
             _topLeft.Cursor  = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
         _tempLine = null;
         _isline   = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void hiliteLineToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Dialogs.DiaLineNumbers dia = new  Dialogs.DiaLineNumbers();
            if (dia.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (dia.LineNumbers.Count > 0)
                    if (dia.LineNumbers.Count == 1)
                        LineDecoration ld = new LineDecoration()
                            DecorationType = WinFormsCodeBox.Decorations.EDecorationType.Hilight,
                            Color          = Color.Yellow,
                            Line           = dia.LineNumbers[0]
                        MultiLineDecoration ld = new MultiLineDecoration()
                            DecorationType = WinFormsCodeBox.Decorations.EDecorationType.Hilight,
                            Color          = Color.Yellow,
                            Lines          = dia.LineNumbers

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void ccDecorations_AddClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ICartographicStroke currentStroke = ccStrokes.SelectedStroke as ICartographicStroke;

            if (currentStroke != null)
                LineDecoration decoration = new LineDecoration();
                ccDecorations.SelectedDecoration = decoration;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static ILineSymbol CreateLineDirectionSymbol()
            ILineSymbol symbol = new CartographicLineSymbol();

            symbol.Color = ColorHelper.CreateColor(0, 0, 200);
            LineDecoration class2 = new LineDecoration();
            SimpleLineDecorationElement lineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElement();

            lineDecorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;
            IMarkerSymbol symbol2 = (lineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol as IClone).Clone() as IMarkerSymbol;

            symbol2.Size  = 9.0;
            symbol2.Color = ColorHelper.CreateColor(0, 200, 0);
            lineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = symbol2;
            (symbol as ILineProperties).LineDecoration = class2;
Exemplo n.º 5
 internal LineDecorationSerializable(ParsedEvtcLog log, LineDecoration decoration, CombatReplayMap map) : base(log, decoration, map)
     Type          = "Line";
     ConnectedFrom = decoration.ConnectedFrom.GetConnectedTo(map, log);
        private ISymbol GetFeatureSymbol(IFeature Feature)
            ICartographicLineSymbol hashsym = null;
            IRgbColor pcolor = null;
            ILineSymbol lsym = null;
               // ISimpleEdgeFeature seFeat = null;
            ILineProperties lineProperties = null;
            IArrowMarkerSymbol aMSymbol = null;
            ILineDecoration lineDecoration = null;
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement simpleLineDecorationElement = null;
            IMarkerSymbol smSym = null;
            bool isMultiLyrSym = false;
            int multiLyrSymIndex = -1;
                if (Feature.HasOID)
                    int status = 0;
                    if (string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName.Substring(Feature.Class.AliasName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1), "PrimaryConductor", true) == 0)
                        if (ExtensionInfo.netUtil.primaryStatuses.ContainsKey(Feature.OID))
                            status = ExtensionInfo.netUtil.primaryStatuses[Feature.OID];
                    else if (ExtensionInfo.netUtil.secondaryStatuses.ContainsKey(Feature.OID))
                        status = ExtensionInfo.netUtil.secondaryStatuses[Feature.OID];

                       //int fldIndexGUID = Feature.Fields.FindField("FuturaGUID");
                       //if (fldIndexGUID != -1)
                       //    IFeatureClass featCls = Feature.Class as IFeatureClass;
                       //    IFeature feat = featCls.GetFeature(Feature.OID);

                       //    string guid = feat.get_Value(fldIndexGUID).ToString();
                       //    if (guid != null)
                       //        status = (int)NetworkExtension.FuturaNetworkExt.netUtil._sectionList[guid].status;

                   // int status = NetworkExtension.FuturaNetworkExt.netUtil._sectionList.Values.FirstOrDefault(obj => (obj.objectId == Feature.OID && string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName.Substring(Feature.Class.AliasName.LastIndexOf('.')+1), obj.className, true) == 0)).status;

                   // string guid = Feature.get_Value(Feature.Fields.FindField("FuturaGUID")).ToString();
                   // int status = NetworkExtension.FuturaNetworkExt.netUtil._sectionList[guid].status;
                    pcolor = new RgbColor();
                    //FeatureRenderer.PrepareFilter(Feature.Class as IFeatureClass, new QueryFilterClass());
                    //below line used to get default linesymbol of a featureclass
                    lsym = FeatureRenderer.get_SymbolByFeature(Feature) as ILineSymbol;

                    if (lsym is ICartographicLineSymbol)
                        hashsym = lsym as ICartographicLineSymbol;
                    else if (lsym is IMultiLayerLineSymbol)
                        IMultiLayerLineSymbol multiLyrLineSymbol = lsym as IMultiLayerLineSymbol;
                        for (int i = 0; i < multiLyrLineSymbol.LayerCount; i++)
                            if (multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(i) != null && multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(i) is ICartographicLineSymbol)
                                hashsym = multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(i) as ICartographicLineSymbol;
                                isMultiLyrSym = true;
                                multiLyrSymIndex = i;

                    if (hashsym == null)
                        hashsym = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();
                        hashsym.Color = lsym.Color;
                        hashsym.Width = lsym.Width;
                    if (FeatureSelection.SelectionSet.Count > 0 && IsSelected(Feature.OID))
                        //if (MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.R == 0 && MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.G == 255 && MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.B == 255)
                        //    pcolor.Red = 0;
                        //    pcolor.Green = 255;
                        //    pcolor.Blue = 0;
                            pcolor.Red = 0;
                            pcolor.Green = 255;
                            pcolor.Blue = 255;
                       // }
                        //lsym.Color = pcolor;
                        //lsym.Width = lsym.Width + 1;
                        hashsym.Color = pcolor;
                        hashsym.Width = hashsym.Width + 1;
                        //pcolor.Red = MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.R;
                        //pcolor.Green = MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.G;
                        //pcolor.Blue = MobileSettings.settings.UserSettings.TraceSettings.LineColor.B;
                        //lsym.Color = pcolor;

                    if (Feature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine || Feature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                       // SectionObject sObj = null;
                       // Orientation dir = Orientation.Uninitialized;
                       // seFeat = Feature as ISimpleEdgeFeature;
                      //   int fldIndexGUID = Feature.Fields.FindField(((IClassEx)Feature.Class).GlobalIDFieldName);
                       // if(fldIndexGUID != -1)
                      //  {
                            //IFeatureClass featCls = Feature.Class as IFeatureClass;
                            //IFeature feat = featCls.GetFeature(Feature.OID);

                            //object guid = feat.get_Value(fldIndexGUID);
                            // if (guid != null)
                            //    sObj = secElements.ContainsKey(guid.ToString()) ? secElements[guid.ToString()] : null;

                            //if(sObj != null)
                            //    IPolyline pl = Feature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline;
                            //    NodeObject fNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Parent) ? nodeElements[sObj.Parent] : null;
                            //    NodeObject tNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Child) ? nodeElements[sObj.Child] : null;
                            //    if(fNode != null && tNode != null)
                            //    {
                            //        if (Math.Abs(fNode.X - pl.FromPoint.X) < 0.001 && Math.Abs(fNode.Y - pl.FromPoint.Y) < 0.001)
                            //            dir = Orientation.WithFlow;
                            //        else
                            //            dir = Orientation.AgainstFlow;

                            //    }
                       // }

                        //bool isPrimary = string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName, "PrimaryConductor", true) == 0;
                        //    if (isPrimary && PrimaryFlowDirections != null)
                        //        dir = PrimaryFlowDirections[Feature.OID];
                        //    // dir = secElements.Values.FirstOrDefault(obj => (obj.OID == Feature.OID && string.Compare(Feature.Class.AliasName, obj.LayerName, true) == 0));
                        //    else if (SecFlowDirections != null)
                        //        dir = SecFlowDirections[Feature.OID];
                        //    dir = Orientation.Uninitialized;
                        //if (sObj != null)
                       // {
                           // dir = sObj.FlowDirection;
                                //IPolyline pl = Feature.ShapeCopy as IPolyline;
                                //NodeObject fNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Parent) ? nodeElements[sObj.Parent] : null;
                                //NodeObject tNode = nodeElements.ContainsKey(sObj.Child) ? nodeElements[sObj.Child] : null;
                                //if (fNode != null && tNode != null)
                                //    bool isUninitialized = false;
                                //    if (string.Compare(fNode.LayerName, FuturaNetJunctions.Futura_NetJunctions_TableName, true) == 0 && secElements.Values.FirstOrDefault(obj => (obj.Child == fNode.GUID)) == null)
                                //        dir = Orientation.Indeterminate;
                                //    else
                                //    {
                                //        if (Math.Abs(fNode.X - pl.FromPoint.X) < 0.001 && Math.Abs(fNode.Y - pl.FromPoint.Y) < 0.001)
                                //            dir = Orientation.WithFlow;
                                //        else
                                //            dir = Orientation.AgainstFlow;
                                //    }

                       // }

                        lineProperties = hashsym as ILineProperties;
                        simpleLineDecorationElement = new SimpleLineDecorationElement();
                        if (FuturaNetwork.StatusExtensions.IsLoop(status))
                            simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultUninitializedSymbol();
                        else if (FuturaNetwork.StatusExtensions.IsEnergized(status))
                            //if (smSym == null)
                            //    smSym = Global.DefaultFlowSymbol();

                            if (FuturaNetwork.StatusExtensions.BreakDown(status).Contains(FuturaNetwork.Constants.WithFlow))
                                simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultFlowSymbol(false);
                                simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultFlowSymbol(true);

                            simpleLineDecorationElement.MarkerSymbol = DefaultUninitializedSymbol();

                        simpleLineDecorationElement.PositionAsRatio = true;
                        lineDecoration = new LineDecoration();
                        lineProperties.LineDecoration = lineDecoration;

                    ISymbol featSymbol = null;

                    if (isMultiLyrSym && multiLyrSymIndex != -1)
                        IMultiLayerLineSymbol multiLyrLineSymbol = lsym as IMultiLayerLineSymbol;
                        if (multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(multiLyrSymIndex) != null && multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(multiLyrSymIndex) is ICartographicLineSymbol)
                            ILineSymbol lineSymbol = multiLyrLineSymbol.get_Layer(multiLyrSymIndex);
                            multiLyrLineSymbol.AddLayer(hashsym as ILineSymbol);
                        featSymbol = multiLyrLineSymbol as ISymbol;
                        featSymbol = hashsym as ISymbol;

                    return featSymbol;
                    return null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;
                hashsym = null;
                pcolor = null;
                lsym = null;
                //seFeat = null;
                lineProperties = null;
                aMSymbol = null;
                lineDecoration = null;
                simpleLineDecorationElement = null;
                smSym = null;
 private void ccDecorations_AddClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ICartographicStroke currentStroke = ccStrokes.SelectedStroke as ICartographicStroke;
     if (currentStroke != null)
         LineDecoration decoration = new LineDecoration();
         ccDecorations.SelectedDecoration = decoration;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 带箭头的线段
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="fillColor"></param>
        public static void TrackLine(IPoint start, IPoint end, Color fillColor)
            //将线段打断生成两条线段 以实现线段中间箭头显示
            IPoint middle = new PointClass();

            middle.PutCoords((end.X + start.X) / 2, (end.Y + start.Y) / 2);

            IActiveView        pActiveView        = Program.myMap.ActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView.GraphicsContainer;

            IPolyline pLine  = new PolylineClass();
            IPolyline pLine1 = new PolylineClass();

            pLine.FromPoint  = start;
            pLine.ToPoint    = middle;
            pLine1.FromPoint = middle;
            pLine1.ToPoint   = end;

            ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbol();

            pCartoLineSymbol.Cap = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSRound;

            ILineProperties pLineProp = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineProperties;

            pLineProp.DecorationOnTop = true;

            ILineDecoration pLineDecoration = new LineDecoration();
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement pSimpleLineDecoElem = new SimpleLineDecorationElement();

            IArrowMarkerSymbol pArrowMarkerSym = new ArrowMarkerSymbol();

            pArrowMarkerSym.Size             = 12;
            pArrowMarkerSym.Color            = GetColor(fillColor.R, fillColor.G, fillColor.B);
            pSimpleLineDecoElem.MarkerSymbol = pArrowMarkerSym as IMarkerSymbol;
            pLineDecoration.AddElement(pSimpleLineDecoElem as ILineDecorationElement);
            pLineProp.LineDecoration = pLineDecoration;

            ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineSymbol;

            pLineSymbol.Color = GetColor(fillColor.R, fillColor.G, fillColor.B);;
            pLineSymbol.Width = 2;

            ILineElement pLineElem  = new LineElementClass();
            ILineElement pLineElem1 = new LineElementClass();

            pLineElem.Symbol  = pLineSymbol;
            pLineElem1.Symbol = pLineSymbol;

            IElement pElem  = pLineElem as IElement;
            IElement pElem1 = pLineElem1 as IElement;

            pElem.Geometry  = pLine;
            pElem1.Geometry = pLine1;

            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElem, 0);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElem1, 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void  btnRender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IGeoFeatureLayer geoLayer = GetLayerByName(cboLayer.Text);

            switch (m_strOption)
            case "Simple":
                IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColor();
                rgbColor.Red   = Convert.ToInt32(cboRed.Text);
                rgbColor.Green = Convert.ToInt32(cboGreen.Text);
                rgbColor.Blue  = Convert.ToInt32(cboGreen.Text);
                //only used to Polygon Layer
                ISymbol sym = null;
                //Acording the shape type, use different sympol
                if (geoLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                {    //Polygon Feature
                    //Orginate Code
                    // ISimpleFillSymbol fillSym = new SimpleFillSymbol() ;
                    //   fillSym.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid;
                    //   fillSym.Color = rgbColor;
                    //new Code for IGradientFillSymbol by jin
                    IGradientFillSymbol fillSym = new GradientFillSymbol();
                    fillSym.Style = esriGradientFillStyle.esriGFSBuffered;
                    IRgbColor fromColor = new RgbColor();
                    fromColor.Red   = 255;
                    fromColor.Green = 0;
                    fromColor.Blue  = 0;
                    IRgbColor toColor = new RgbColor();
                    toColor.Red   = 0;
                    toColor.Green = 0;
                    toColor.Blue  = 255;
                    IAlgorithmicColorRamp ramp = new AlgorithmicColorRamp();
                    ramp.Size         = 16;
                    ramp.FromColor    = fromColor;
                    ramp.ToColor      = toColor;
                    fillSym.ColorRamp = ramp;

                    sym = fillSym as ISymbol;
                else if (geoLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                {    //Line Feature
                    // ISimpleLineSymbol lineSym = new SimpleLineSymbol();
                    // lineSym.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                    // lineSym.Color = rgbColor;
                    // sym = lineSym as ISymbol;
                    ICartographicLineSymbol cartLineSym = new CartographicLineSymbol();
                    cartLineSym.Color = rgbColor;
                    cartLineSym.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSSquare;
                    cartLineSym.Join  = esriLineJoinStyle.esriLJSMitre;

                    ISimpleLineDecorationElement pSimpleLineDecoEle = new SimpleLineDecorationElement();
                    pSimpleLineDecoEle.FlipAll   = true;
                    pSimpleLineDecoEle.FlipFirst = true;
                    ILineDecoration pLineDeco = new LineDecoration();
                    ILineProperties pLinePro = cartLineSym as ILineProperties;
                    pLinePro.LineDecoration = pLineDeco;

                    sym = cartLineSym as ISymbol;
                else if (geoLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                {                                                          //Point Feature
                    ISimpleMarkerSymbol marketSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol();
                    marketSym.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle; //;esriSMSX;cross
                    marketSym.Color = rgbColor;
                    sym             = marketSym as ISymbol;

                ApplySimple(geoLayer, sym);

            case "Unique":
                ApplyUniqueValue(geoLayer, cboUniqueVals.Text);

            case "Chart":
                ApplyBarChartValue(geoLayer, cbxProp1.Text);

            case "Breaks":
                ApplyClsssBreaks(geoLayer, cboNumericVals.Text, long.Parse(cboBreaks.Text));

Exemplo n.º 10
 private void CheckLine()
     if (_editor.SelectedItems != null && _editor.SelectedItems.Count == 1 && _editor.SelectedItems[0] is Helios.Controls.LineDecoration)
         if (!_isline)
             _topRight.Cursor = Cursors.Cross;
             _topLeft.Cursor = Cursors.Cross;
         Helios.Controls.LineDecoration line = _editor.SelectedItems[0] as Helios.Controls.LineDecoration;
         _tempLine = new Helios.Controls.LineDecoration();
         _isline = true;
         if (_isline)
             _topRight.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW;
             _topLeft.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
         _tempLine = null;
         _isline = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the randomization of the cartographic properties of this stroke.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="generator">The random class that generates the random numbers</param>
 protected override void OnRandomize(Random generator)
     DashStyle = DashStyle.Custom;
     _dashCap = generator.NextEnum<DashCap>();
     _startCap = generator.NextEnum<LineCap>();
     _endCap = generator.NextEnum<LineCap>();
     _dashButtons = generator.NextBoolArray(1, 20);
     _compoundButtons = generator.NextBoolArray(1, 5);
     _offset = generator.NextFloat(10);
     _joinType = generator.NextEnum<LineJoinTypes>();
     int len = generator.Next(0, 1);
     if (len > 0)
         LineDecoration ld = new LineDecoration();