Exemplo n.º 1
             * /// Attaches the given unit to the given tail, expanding the unit if necessary. If an identical unit is already
             * /// attached, then this path is folded into the existing path.
             * /// @param parent       the parent state
             * /// @param tail         the place to attach the unit to
             * /// @param units        the set of units
             * /// @param which        the index into the set of units
             * /// @param leftContext  the left context for the unit
             * /// @param rightContext the right context for the unit
             * /// @return the tail of the added unit (or null if the path was folded onto an already expanded path.
            private SentenceHMMState AttachUnit(PronunciationState parent,
                                                SentenceHMMState tail, Unit[] units, int which,
                                                UnitContext leftContext, UnitContext rightContext)
                Unit[]           lc = GetLC(leftContext, units, which);
                Unit[]           rc = GetRC(units, which, rightContext);
                UnitContext      actualRightContext = UnitContext.Get(rc);
                LeftRightContext context            = LeftRightContext.Get(lc, rc);
                Unit             cdUnit             = _parent.UnitManager.GetUnit(units[which].Name, units[which].IsFiller, context);
                UnitState        unitState          = new ExtendedUnitState(parent, which, cdUnit);
                float            logInsertionProbability;

                if (unitState.Unit.IsSilence)
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent.LogSilenceInsertionProbability;
                else if (unitState.Unit.IsFiller)
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent._logFillerInsertionProbability;
                else if (unitState.GetWhich() == 0)
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent._logWordInsertionProbability;
                    logInsertionProbability = _parent._logUnitInsertionProbability;
                // check to see if this state already exists, if so
                // branch to it and we are done, otherwise, branch to
                // the new state and expand it.
                SentenceHMMState existingState = GetExistingState(unitState);

                if (existingState != null)
                    AttachState(tail, existingState, LogOne, logInsertionProbability);
                    // T(" Folding " + existingState);
                    AttachState(tail, unitState, LogOne, logInsertionProbability);
                    // T(" Attaching " + unitState);
                    tail = ExpandUnit(unitState);
                    // if we are attaching the last state of a word, then
                    // we add it to the exitPoints table. the exit points
                    // table is indexed by a ContextPair, consisting of
                    // the exiting left context and the right context.
                    if (unitState.IsLast())
                        UnitContext nextLeftContext = GenerateNextLeftContext(leftContext, units[which]);
                        ContextPair cp = ContextPair.Get(nextLeftContext, actualRightContext);
                        // T(" Adding to exitPoints " + cp);
                        AddExitPoint(cp, tail);
         * /// Given a unit, search for the HMM associated with this unit by replacing all non-silence filler contexts with the
         * /// silence filler context
         * /// @param unit the unit of interest
         * /// @return the associated hmm or null
        private SenoneHMM GetHMMInSilenceContext(Unit unit, HMMPosition position)
            SenoneHMM hmm     = null;
            var       mgr     = Loader.HMMManager;
            var       context = unit.Context;

            if (context is LeftRightContext)
                var lrContext = (LeftRightContext)context;

                var lc = lrContext.LeftContext;
                var rc = lrContext.RightContext;

                Unit[] nlc;
                Unit[] nrc;

                if (HasNonSilenceFiller(lc))
                    nlc = ReplaceNonSilenceFillerWithSilence(lc);
                    nlc = lc;

                if (HasNonSilenceFiller(rc))
                    nrc = ReplaceNonSilenceFillerWithSilence(rc);
                    nrc = rc;

                if (nlc != lc || nrc != rc)
                    Context newContext = LeftRightContext.Get(nlc, nrc);
                    var     newUnit    = UnitManager.GetUnit(unit.Name,
                                                             unit.IsFiller, newContext);
                    hmm = (SenoneHMM)mgr.Get(position, newUnit);
                    if (hmm == null)
                        hmm = GetHMMAtAnyPosition(newUnit);
Exemplo n.º 3
         * /// Loads the sphinx3 density file, a set of density arrays are created and
         * /// placed in the given pool.
         * ///
         * /// @param useCDUnits
         * ///            if true, loads also the context dependent units
         * /// @param inputStream
         * ///            the open input stream to use
         * /// @param path
         * ///            the path to a density file
         * /// @throws FileNotFoundException
         * ///             if a file cannot be found
         * /// @throws IOException
         * ///             if an error occurs while loading the data
        protected void LoadHMMPool(Boolean useCDUnits, Stream inputStream,
                                   string path)
            var est = new ExtendedStreamTokenizer(inputStream,
                                                  '#', false);

            this.LogInfo("Loading HMM file from: " + path);


            var numBase = est.GetInt("numBase");


            var numTri = est.GetInt("numTri");


            var numStateMap = est.GetInt("numStateMap");


            var numTiedState = est.GetInt("numTiedState");


            var numContextIndependentTiedState = est


            var numTiedTransitionMatrices = est.GetInt("numTiedTransitionMatrices");


            var numStatePerHMM = numStateMap / (numTri + numBase);

            Debug.Assert(numTiedState == MixtureWeightsPool.StatesNum);
            Debug.Assert(numTiedTransitionMatrices == MatrixPool.Size);

            // Load the base phones
            for (var i = 0; i < numBase; i++)
                var name      = est.GetString();
                var left      = est.GetString();
                var right     = est.GetString();
                var position  = est.GetString();
                var attribute = est.GetString();
                var tmat      = est.GetInt("tmat");

                var stid = new int[numStatePerHMM - 1];

                for (var j = 0; j < numStatePerHMM - 1; j++)
                    stid[j] = est.GetInt("j");
                    Debug.Assert(stid[j] >= 0 && stid[j] < numContextIndependentTiedState);

                Debug.Assert(tmat < numTiedTransitionMatrices);

                var unit = _unitManager.GetUnit(name, attribute.Equals(Filler));
                ContextIndependentUnits.Put(unit.Name, unit);

                //this.LogInfo("Loaded " + unit.ToString());

                // The first filler
                if (unit.IsFiller && unit.Name.Equals(SilenceCiphone))
                    unit = UnitManager.Silence;

                var transitionMatrix = MatrixPool.Get(tmat);
                var ss = GetSenoneSequence(stid);

                IHMM hmm = new SenoneHMM(unit, ss, transitionMatrix, GetHMMPosition(position));

            if (HmmManager.Get(HMMPosition.Undefined, UnitManager.Silence) == null)
                throw new IOException("Could not find SIL unit in acoustic model");

            // Load the context dependent phones. If the useCDUnits
            // property is false, the CD phones will not be created, but
            // the values still need to be read in from the file.

            var  lastUnitName = "";
            Unit lastUnit     = null;

            int[]          lastStid           = null;
            SenoneSequence lastSenoneSequence = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < numTri; i++)
                var name      = est.GetString();
                var left      = est.GetString();
                var right     = est.GetString();
                var position  = est.GetString();
                var attribute = est.GetString();
                var tmat      = est.GetInt("tmat");

                var stid = new int[numStatePerHMM - 1];

                for (var j = 0; j < numStatePerHMM - 1; j++)
                    stid[j] = est.GetInt("j");
                    Debug.Assert(stid[j] >= numContextIndependentTiedState &&
                                 stid[j] < numTiedState);

                Debug.Assert(tmat < numTiedTransitionMatrices);

                if (useCDUnits)
                    Unit unit;
                    var  unitName = (name + ' ' + left + ' ' + right);

                    if (unitName.Equals(lastUnitName))
                        unit = lastUnit;
                        var leftContext = new Unit[1];
                        leftContext[0] = ContextIndependentUnits.Get(left);

                        var rightContext = new Unit[1];
                        rightContext[0] = ContextIndependentUnits.Get(right);

                        Context context = LeftRightContext.Get(leftContext,
                        unit = _unitManager.GetUnit(name, false, context);
                    lastUnitName = unitName;
                    lastUnit     = unit;

                    //this.LogInfo("Loaded " + unit.ToString());

                    var transitionMatrix = MatrixPool.Get(tmat);

                    var ss = lastSenoneSequence;
                    if (ss == null || !SameSenoneSequence(stid, lastStid))
                        ss = GetSenoneSequence(stid);
                    lastSenoneSequence = ss;
                    lastStid           = stid;

                    IHMM hmm = new SenoneHMM(unit, ss, transitionMatrix, GetHMMPosition(position));
