public void Print(String ProductID, String ProductID_2, Boolean isLanded) // Product Listing Report
            String Sql = "";

            if (ProductID.Trim().Length > 0 && ProductID_2.Trim().Length > 0)
                Sql = String.Format(" And ProductID >='{0}' And ProductID<='{1}' ", ProductID, ProductID_2);

            if (ProductID.Trim().Length > 0 && ProductID_2.Trim().Length == 0)
                Sql = String.Format(" And ProductID ='{0}'", ProductID);

            frmViewReport oViewReport = new frmViewReport();

            ItemListing           oRpt   = new ItemListing();
            ItemListingLandedCost oRpt_1 = new ItemListingLandedCost();

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            if (isLanded)
                ds.Tables.Add(oMySql.GetDataTable("Select ProductID, Description, Size,VendorItem,ONPO,Commited,Sold,Received,p.UnitCost as Cost  From Product p Where CompanyID='" + CompanyID + "'" + Sql, "Product"));
                ds.Tables.Add(oMySql.GetDataTable("Select p.*,p.Cost as FinalCost  From Product p Where CompanyID='" + CompanyID + "'" + Sql, "Product"));

            //  ds.WriteXml("dataset1002.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);


            //oRpt.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 1, 100);
            if (isLanded)
                oRpt.SetParameterValue("Title", "ITEM LISTING LANDED COST");
                oViewReport.cReport.ReportSource = oRpt;
                oRpt.SetParameterValue("Title", "ITEM LISTING");
                oViewReport.cReport.ReportSource = oRpt;